Calls for Papers/Contributions

Appel à communications: Échanges culturels et création: Narrations en mouvement

Guelph (Canada, 4, 5, 6 juillet 2019), avant le 15 juin 2018

Colloque international de l’Université de Guelph

La littérature et les arts sont des produits d’échanges et de dialogues entre cultures. Ils sont produits également grâce aux interactions avec les objets culturels de périodes antérieures.


IX Colloque international (Rennes, 19-21 septembre 2019)

SIERS (Sociedad Internacional para el Estudio de las Relaciones de Sucesos)

& Université Rennes 2, Université Paris 3 

CfP: L’Imaginaire médico-religieux. French Literary Perspectives

For centuries, religious perspectives have informed understandings of and approaches to health and illness. As Kathlyn Conway has written, ‘In the Western world, before modern advances in medicine, when little was available in the way of cure, the story of Christianity was often the lens through which illness was viewed. It suggested that people do not control but must accept their fate and that suffering has meaning: it was the path to redemption’ (Illness and the Limits of Expression, p. 12).

CfP: Women and Quarrels in Early Modern France / Les Femmes et Les Querelles dans la France de la première modernité

One-day conference at the University of Exeter

March 18th, 2019


Confirmed speakers: Catriona Seth (University of Oxford) and Myriam Dufour-Maître (Université de Rouen)


Appel à communications: Humanismes, anti-humanismes et littérature (XIV-XXIe s.)

Colloque international

organisé par

le Centre Interdisciplinaire des Littératures d’Aix Marseille

(CIELAM, Aix Marseille Université)


les 13-15 juin 2019

à la Maison de la Recherche, Campus Schuman, Aix en Provence

Délai de l’appel : 30 juin 218


Call for contributions: Premodern Studies Seminar

This seminar will provide a forum for new approaches to medieval and early modern studies. Scholars from a range of disciplines will share work-in-progress on the inaugural theme of “what is the premodern?” The aim is to explore how presumptions of a rupture between the past and the present have shaped scholarship across the humanities and social sciences, and to consider how the interests and characteristics of premodern cultures reflect on, or even connect to, our own. We welcome submissions on these questions from all fields of premodern studies.

Appel à communications: Digressions, dissertations, réflexions dans les récits factuels et dans les récits fictionnels de l’époque classique XVIIe-XVIIIe s.

Récit et vérité à l’époque classique V

Digressions, dissertations, réflexions dans les récits factuels et dans les récits fictionnels de l’époque classique (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)

Colloque international organisé par Catherine Ramond (EA 4195 TELEM Bordeaux Montaigne), Marc Hersant, Érik Leborgne, Nathalie Kremer (EA 174 FIRL Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3)

Lieu du colloque : Maison de la recherche de l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III (4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris).

CfP: ‘All things considered… material culture and memory’

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures Conference

University College Cork, 09-10 November 2018

Cork, Ireland



Objects have always been considered in relation to their economic value and/or purpose; if one of these two is missing they are meaningless, they are just things. Things hold no value in their markets; they are ‘obstinately solitary, superficial and self-evident’ (Lamb, The Things Things Say, 2011).

Call for articles, Thematic Issue of Terrae Incognitae: "The Explored"

Proposals for this thematic issue of our journal, presently in its 50th year in print, will examine the experience of being explored. Contributions will ideally feature the perspective of exploration through first-hand accounts and develop a critical engagement with the subject matter that also elevates typically underrepresented voices, perspectives, and experiences within the context of exploration history.

Appel à communications: Society for the Study of Early Modern Women

New York (13-16 Février 2019), avant le 18 avril 2018

The Society for the Study of Early Modern Women will sponsor one panel at the annual conference to be held in New York, 13-16 February 2019. I am soliciting proposals for a panel that explores the relationships between women, gender, and artistic or material culture during the early modern period (c. 1300-1800). Cross-cultural or transnational panels are especially welcome.

Appel à communications: Le spectacle du crime féminin sur la scène et dans le cinéma européens

Rouen (14-16 novembre 2018), avant le 30 avril 2018

Colloque international organisé par l’Université de Rouen-Normandie et le CÉRÉdI avec le soutien de CLARE (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) de l’ICD (Interactions culturelles et discursives, Université François Rabelais Tours) et de l’IRET (Institut de Recherche en Études Théâtrales de la Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Campus Mont-Saint-Aignan Maison de l’Université Salle des conférences


Call for contributions, new book series: Spatial Imageries in Historical Perspective

This new series is looking for interdisciplinary contributions that focus on the historical study of the imagined space, or of spaces and places  as sensorial, experiential or intellectual images, from the interior to the landscape, in written, visual or material sources.

CfP: Portraits and poses Representations of female intellectual authority, agency and authorship in Early Modern and Enlightenment Europe

21 -22 mars 2019

This conference seeks to address the various modes and strategies through which female intellectuals (authors, scientists, educators, and others) sought to negotiate and legitimize their authority in Early Modern and Enlightenment Europe (1600-1800).