2007 Number 55
BADIOU-MONFERRAN, FREDERIC CALAS, JULIEN PIAT, et CHRISTELLE REGGIANI, eds. La Langue, le style, le sens: études offertes à Anne-Marie Garagnon. Paris: L'Improviste, 2005.
Review: M. Seijido in MLR 102.3 (2007), 849–850: Collection of articles published in honor of Anne-Marie Garagnon by colleagues and former students. Four sections: "La langue entre histoire et système;" "Faits de langue et faits de style;" "Effets de style et effets de discours;" "Stylistique et herméneutique des formes." "In short, the volume offers insights into a wide range of perspectives which are currently being applied to the study of French language and literature. What they perhaps all have in common is the desire to reflect on 'le geste herméneutique' (p.1)."
BALDINGER, KURT. Etymologien: Untersuchungen zu FEW 21–23, Vol. 3. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2003.
Review: J. Lengert in RF 118 (2006): 248: Welcome volume supplements and corrects the FEW, links the materials to word families and new etymologies. Important bibliography and extensive indices of vols. 1–3.
BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANÇAISE (XVIe–XXe siècles). Erec Ferey, ed. Paris, PUF, for the Société d'histoire de la literature de la France,
supported by CNRS and CNL. "Année 2005" issued as RHL vol. 106 hors série, 2006. 17th c. section, pp. 81–140. Authors listed alphabetically by period. General indexes of names, titles, and subjects (by century), pp. 625–805. Formerly also published as no. 3 of RHL (with separate pagination). Now issued apart from journal, and with its own pagination only. Continues the well-known "Rancoeur Bibliography."
BURY, EMMANUEL, ed. Tous vos gens à latin: le latin, langue savante, langue mondaine (XIVe – XVIIe siècles). Genève: Droz, 2005.
Review: I. A. R. DeSmet in MLR 102.1 (2007), 183–185: "This handsome volume brings together twenty-four papers first presented at an international colloquium, held at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) in October 2000, on the relationship between Latin—the language of scholarship and sciences—and the domains of which it was the preferred medium." Many of the studies concern the "aims, methods, and tools of Latin pedagogy and—more broadly—the transmission of knowledge in Latin as opposed to the vernacular."
Review: T. Tunberg in Ren Q 59.4 (2006): 1251–53: Praiseworthy for its erudition and vast variety of material, the volume not only focuses on Latin but is also a "valuable resource for anyone interested [in its role] in the post-antique world" (1253). It also includes several comparative studies (on Latin and vernacular languages, encyclopedias, dictionaries and grammars).
CHATELAIN, JEAN-MARC. "Histoire éditoriale et tradition textuelle de la première partie de L'Astrée." DSS 235 (2007), 225–253.
Chatelain explores a multitude of editions of the first part of L'Astrée and explains the difficulties in establishing any sort of definitive edition given the elusive nature of "original" documents we have to work with, all of which have been editorially corrupted in some fashion.
COUROUAU, JEAN-FRANÇOIS. "Une langue face à l'institution: le Collège de Rhétorique de Toulouse et l'occitan (1484–1694)." TL XIX (2006): 57–73.
Fascinating essay delves into numerous aspects of the relationship between the Occitan language and the Toulouse institution which descended from the 14th c., the Consistori del gay saber. While the latter crowned poems in Occitan, the Collège de Rhétorique de Toulouse substituted French as the "langue du concours." However, Courouau demonstrates that Occitan's literary production was in force: "le Collège. . . hébergeait des auteurs de langue occitane. . . [leurs] oeuvres. . . font l'objet de mises en scènes orales" (60–61). Significant 17th c. literary figures are studied, notably Pierre Goudouli who is like the "soleil de la création locale" (65). Courouau notes "un véritable retournement" in 1651 with possible political overtones; the institution crowned an Occitan "chant royal." Courouau's article details percentages of various uses of the language and communicates the violence of the exclusion of Occitan works in the consideration of prizes of the new Académie des jeux floraux, established by Louis XIV in 1694. Quoting extensively from a pamphlet of the time, Courouau illustrates a hostility for the "langue barbare", an attitude which before those days was absent among Toulouse writers of French and Latin.
Titles of biennial printed volumes vary; last cited paper vol. was no. 24 (1997–98), compiled by Meryl Tyers. Separate 17th c. section, pp. 48–49. Alphabetic classification of projects covers all centuries, pp. 73–139. Index to Researchers, pp. 140–149.
(<sfs.ac.uk>); Internet version by Intexta Web Services. Editor: David Jones <david.h.jones@st-johns.oxford.ac.uk>. On home page click on "17th Century" section. http://www.sfs.intexta.net/crsearch.asp. Other addresses: <currentresearch@sfs.ac.uk> or Web (17th C. directly): http://solinux.brookes.ac.uk/sfs/crlist.php3?target=4. [Information as of 2006].
FRENCH REVIEW. "Dissertations in Progress," ed. Gisèle Loriot-Raymer. FR vol. 80, no. 2 (2006), 514–526.
17th c. entries p. 518 (in progress); p. 523 (defended 2005–2006). Is the 43rd annual listing of French and Francophone titles. Literary titles classified by century, then by subject. Cross-referenced according to a numbering system. Intended as a supplement to previous editions.
JACQUETIN-GAUDET, ALBERTE, ed. and trans. Joannes Serreius. Grammaire française (1623). Textes de la Renaissance 91. Paris: Champion, 2005.
Review: D. Gilman in Ren Q 59.3 (2006): 897–98: In spite of the absence of textual notes, Jacquetin-Gaudet's edition and translation of Serrier's grammar "represents an important contribution to our understanding of the development of the French language and of humanistic education" (898). This manual for German-speaking students by a Strasbourg physician had 11 editions and 3 versions and is characterized by both tradition and innovation. Jacquetin-Gaudet has transcribed the Latin version of 1623 and has provided a French version notable for its clarity and commentary. Includes an introduction about Serrier himself, a bibliography and 5 indices.
JONES-DAVIES, M. T., ed. Culture: collections, compilations (actes du coll. de Paris, 2001–2001). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2005.
Review: C. Chazalon in BHR 69.1 (2007), 240–243: "C'est donc bien l'étymologie qui est au centre de ces Actes. En effet, nombreuses sont les contributions qui soulèvent la connotation péjorative qu'ont pris certains mots aujourd'hui, connotation qui entache la perception d'une époque plus ancienne et les buts qui ont poussé certains hommes à mettre en place des collections d'objets ou à créer de nouveaux instruments de travail nécessaires à la compréhension du monde environnant." Plusieurs études "apportent une nouvelle perception des collections et des compilations sous l'Ancien Régime. Car c'est bien là un point fort de ces Actes qui proposent une méthodologie nécessaire à la recherche et la compréhension d'une époque révolue, méthodologie trop souvent écartée par le recherche en ce début de XXIe siècle."
KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. by Astrid Klapp-Lehrman. Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 2006 and 2007.
Band 43 "2005": 17th c. section, pp. 307–382. Band 44 "2006": 17th c. section, pp. 333–395. Begun in 1956.
MAZUET, ALIX. "Recycling the Dead : Occultation and Recovery in the Library of Things Past." PFSCL, XXXIV, 67 (2007), 347–357.
Argues that Naudé's Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque (1627) sought "to resist the loss of control over morality and order by creating a shift of values in the hierarchical order of knowledge inherited from the sixteenth-century Humanists. This shift is inscribed in the discourse of recycling, for two fundamental reasons: 1) it draws boundaries around the space of knowledge that are different from those established until that point in time, and 2) it constitutes an attempt at reestablishing the model of [a threatened] order." However, the "seventeenth-century discourse of recycling ironically performs a politics of occultation in regards to certain areas of the space of knowledge."
MELLOT, JEAN-DOMINIQUE. "Le régime des privilèges et les libraires de L'Astrée." DSS 235 (2007), 199–224.
As part of a colloquium on the vast problem of producing a modern edition of this novel, Mellot walks us through the extraordinarily complex history of granted "privilèges" and publication as each part of L'Astrée originally became available to the public.
MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL. "Doctoral Degrees Granted in Foreign Languages in the United States: 2005," ed. David P. Benseler. MLJ 90, no. 3 (Autumn 2006), 402–414;
French section, pp. 408–409. MLJ 91, no. 3 (Fall 2007), 446–461; French section, pp. 452–453. Lists dissertations first by language, next by institution, then by author and title, finally by director. All centuries intermixed. These comprehensive entries began in 1926.
ORTOLA, MARIE-SOL and MARIE ROIG MIRANDA, eds. Langues et identités culturelles dans l'Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. 2 vols. Actes du Colloque international organisé à Nancy (13, 14 et 15 novembre 2003). Nancy: Université Nancy 2, 2005.
Review: C. Skenazi in BHR 69.1 (2007), 238–40: Colloque organisé sur les rapports entre langues et identités culturelles; quarante-sept contributions "suggèrent avant tout le potentiel du thème envisagé; sept sections indiquent à cet égard des orientations générales." Voir l'étude de V. Luzel qui "démonte les jeux de subversion de l'identité nationaliste à fondement linguistique auxquels se livre Béroalde de Verville dans Le Palais des Curieux" et celle de G. Banderier "sur les fonctions linguistiques et idéologiques des traductions de Du Bartas de 1579 à 1650."
(Now Periodicals Archive Online and Perodicals Index Online). In collaboration with ARTFL, provides complete text of many important journals. Access http://pio.chadwyck.com/ or http://pao.chadwyck.com. For non-subscribers, access may require going through Library "electronic resources." For new databases, "click on one of the buttons at the bottom to continue on to the new home page." See instructions (links available). See also YEAR'S WORK (infra).
PELLAT, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE AND NELLY ANDRIEUX-REIX. "Histoire d'É, ou de la variation des usages graphiques à la différenciation réglée." Langue française 151 (2006): 7–24.
Traces the evolution of the verb ending [e] in -er verbs from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries; shows a difference in the way written and oral forms developed.
PETERS, JULIE STONE. Theatre of the Book, 1480–1880: Print, Text, and Performance in Europe. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.
Review: n.a. in FMLS 42 (2006): 97: Wide-ranging, Peters's study is judged "rich," "varied," "intelligent," and "invaluable." The 500-page exploration is organized into 15 chapters relating to "interactions of page and stage," and analyzes numerous topics such as the "significance of architectural metaphor and space."
RASMUSSEN, ANNE, ed. Livres rares: ouvrages scientifiques XVIe – XIXe siècles. Strasbourg: Université Louis Pasteur, 2006.
Review: n.a. in BCLF 685 (2006), 32–33: "La Bibliothèque de l'université Louis Pasteur à Strasbourg est constituée d'un ensemble de bibliothèques d'instituts crés après la Guerre de 1870. . . Cet ouvrage se propose de présenter un choix d'ouvrages rares de ses collections." Classés en ordre alphabétique, les 79 ouvrages "vont de l'Institution arithmetica de Boèce (Venise, 1499) à Das Mineralreich de R. D. Brauns (Stuttgart, 1903); entre les deux, il y a 19 éditions du XVIe siècle; 20 du XVIIe siècle; 30 du XVIIIe siècle et 8 du XIXe siècle."
ROBERTS, WILLIAM, ed. "Research in Progress." French 17 Bibliography, no. 54 (2006), pp. 165–177.
ROUDAULT, FRANCOIS, ed. Jean Mercier, Josias Mercier. L'Amour de la philologie à la Renaissance et au début de l'âge classique. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006.
Review: n.a. in BCLF 687 (2006), 112–113: Actes d'un colloque tenu en mars 2001 à Uzès et consacré à Jean Mercier (c. 1525–1570) et à son fils Josias Mercier (c. 1560–1626). "Ce volume important restitue tout un pan de la vie érudite française au long de deux générations, mais on ne saurait se dissimuler que, traitant d'ouvrages oubliés (et point seulement parce qu'ils sont conservés dans les grandes bibliothèques patrimoniales), cet ouvrage riche de textes latins, d'allusions à des débats qui ont perdu toute substance, est également peu accessible, compte tenu de l'effondrement des humanités, de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique, et même des spécialistes confirmés de la Renaissance rencontreront quelque difficulté à l'apprécier pleinement."
SCHOLAR, RICHARD. The Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi in Early Modern Europe: Encounters with a Certain Something. Oxford: OUP, 2005.
Review: N. Hammond in MLR 102.1 (2007), 186–187: "It is extraordinary how much the term still pervades our daily discourse and equally extraordinary how relatively little work has been done on the provenance and history of the term. This book fills the gap triumphantly, covering fields as diverse as theology, natural science, poetry, philosophy, and theatre." Work includes "a brilliantly original reading of Pascal's fragment on Cleopatra's nose."
TRETHEWAY, JOHN. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. 67 (2005). London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2005.
17th c. section, pp. 83–128. Brief summaries combined at times with short commentaries of recently published works in French studies in the 17th century. Works are organized by theme and author into five categories: General, Poetry, Drama, Prose, and Thought. Begun in 1929. Volumes from 1930 to 1994 available in full text online through Periodicals Archive Online.
VOLPILHAC-AUGER, CATHERINE, ed. D'une Antiquité l'autre. La littérature antique classique dans les bibliothèques du XVe au XIXe siècle. Lyon: ENS Editions, 2006.
Review: J.-M. Nieto Ibáñez 69.1 (2007), 245–247: Monograph includes fourteen contributions from a colloquium organized in 2003 by the Institut du Livre de Lyon that explore the presence and influence of ancient classical literature in humanist libraries, particularly in France, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries.
YEARS WORK IN MODERN LANGUAGE STUDIES. Leeds: Maney Publishing for the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA), 2007,
supra, vol. 67 "2005" [hardbound]. "French Studies: The Seventeenth Century," John Tretheway (Aberystwyth), ed., pp. 83–128. Brief summaries of books and articles on 17th C. period. Works divided into five categories: General, Poetry, Drama, Prose, and Thought. Begun in 1929.
Online full text coverage for 1929–1994, available on Internet from PCI (Periodicals Full Text, supra). Ann Arbor, MI: Bell & Howell, c2001-. Subscriber access: http://pcift.chadwyck.com. Select Browse, and double click "Literature;" then scroll down to YWMLS, and click on vol. no., up to 56 (1994), for Table of Contents. A wider Author Search, and e-mail recovery available. Some patience advised.