2007 Number 55
AATF. Future conventions: 2008 (Belgium); 2009 (San Jose); 2010 (Philadelphia); 2011 (Montréal). Contact Jayne Abrate, Executive Director (Southern Illinois U.) Tel. (618) 453–5731.
ASSAF, FRANCIS (Georgia). Bks: Literary biography of Antoine Houdar de La Motte (1672–1731). Crit. Eds: Joint crit. ed. of Anthoine's Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Louis XIII and of the Anthoine brothers' (sons of the precedent) Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Louis XIV. Arts: "Essai d'une térato-lexicologie du XVIIe siècle." Article on the definitions of monsters in 17th-century French dictionaries. "La Réception du Francion" (Solicited article for OEuvres & Critiques). Research Paper: "L'Hiver de 1708–1709" read at 25th Annual SE17 conference (2006), Iowa City. Bk Review: Jean-Paul Sermain & Béatrice Didier (eds.) D'une Gaïté ingénieuse: lectures de 'Gil Blas'. Leuven: Peeters (La République des Lettres), 2004. Requested by Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate. fassaf@uga.edu
ASSOCIATION. Association pour un Centre de Recherche sur les Arts du Spectacle aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Organization aims at restoring the original stage practices, in all its aspects, without competing with other groups. Among its conseil scientifique: Marie-Françoise Christout, François Moureau, Buford Norman. Is sponsoring a Colloque International "Restitution et creation dans la remise en spectacle des oeuvres des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles," at Nantes, 30–31 May, 2008 (proposed dates). Other activities. Contact: www.spectacles17e18e.org
AYRES-BENNETT, WENDY (U of Cambridge, UK). Bks., A new crit. ed. of Vaugelas's Remarques sur la langue françoise (1647), to be published by Champion. A monograph on the genre of Observations on the French language (with Magali Seijido).
BEASLEY, FAITH E. (Dartmouth). Recent: Bks., (1) Salons, History, and the Creation of Seventeenth-Century France: Mastering Memory. Ashgate, 2006. (2) Intersections, ed. with Kathleen Wine, Gunter Narr, 2005. Currently: (1) Working on "Options for Teaching 17th and 18th-Century French Women Writers" (volume for the MLA). (2) Researching the relationship between France and India in the 17th century.
BOITANO, JOHN (Chapman U.). Editor 2003–2006, Cahiers du Dix-Septième (C17) jboitano@chapman.edu.
BROOKS, WILLIAM AND ZAISER, RAINER, eds. . Religion, Ethics, and History in the French Long Seventeenth Century/ La religion, la morale et l'histoire à l'âge classique (vol.1); Theatre, Fiction, and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century/ Le Théâtre, le roman, et la poésie à l'âge classique (vol. 2, 318 pp. and Index). Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, series ed., Noel Peacock. Oxford, Bern, Frankfurt, New York, Wien: Peter Lang, 2007. Volume set contains contributions from the International Conference "Modernités/ Modernities" held at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK, 28–30 June 2006.
BURCHELL, EILEEN (Marymount C. of Fordham U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
CAHIERS DU DIX-SEPTIEME (CdDS). Journal accessible exclusively on-line at www.cahiers17.org, in HTML and PDF format, beginning with vol. VIII,1. Editor, Stephen Fleck, sfleck@csulb.edu. Associate Editor, Rose Pruiksma, rose@amskiurp.org For now, personal subscriptions ($25) & institutional ones ($50) go to SE 17 Secretary Katherine DAUGE-ROTH. Hard copies of submissions to Steve FLECK. Book Review Editor, Andrew WALLIS awallis@whittier.edu (all whom see infra). Membership in SE 17 includes individual subscription, institutional subscription.
CARLIN, CLAIRE (U. Victoria). Canadian Treasurer, NASSCFL. Bk., ed., Imagining "Contagion" in Early Modern Europe, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2005. Arts., (1) "Marc Fumaroli cornélien." numéro spécial d'Oeuvres et Critiques, dir. Roxanne Roy. Sous presse. (2) "Perfect Harmony: Love and Marriage in Early Modern Pegagogy" in The Art of Instruction: Education, Pedagogy, and Literature in 17th-Century France, dir. Anne M. Birberick, Amsterdam, Rodopi. sous presse. (3) "Jeanne de Cambry, Mystic and Marriage Counselor," in Convent Voices in Early Modern France, dir. Tom Carr. EMF/Rookwood Press, Charlottesville, VA. sous presse. Canadian Treasurer, NASSCFL. See NASSCFL DUES. ccarlin@uvic.ca
CARR, THOMAS M, Jr. (Nebraska-Lincoln). Bks., Voix des abbesses du Grand Siècle. La Prédication au féminin à Port-Royal. Contexte rhétorique et dossier. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006. Recent: Guest Ed., volume 11 of EMF: Studies in Early Modern France. The Cloister and the World: Early Modern Convent Voices. Long-term project: History of writing and publishing by Ancien Régime nuns. Co-President NASSCFL 2007 Conference. tcarr1@unlnotes.unl.edu
CIR 17. CENTRE INTRNATIONAL DE RENCONTRES. President: Cecilia Rizza. [via Lagustena 16/10, 16131 Genova, ITALY. Tel. 010 5221076]. Next (Xe) biennial Colloque, "L'Ile au XVIIe siècle: réalités et imaginaire," to be held at Ajaccio and Corte, CORSICA, April 3–5, 2008. Proposals for papers (one page) due before Sept. 30, 2007; to Christian Zonza zonzachristian@yahoo.com, limit 25 minutes (35,000 signes). The Répertoire international des dix-septiémistes is still available. Annual Membership $30 also from Treasurer; checks payable to "Volker Schröder /CIR 17," Dept. of French and Italian, 303 East Pyne, Princeton NJ 08544–5264. volkers@princeton.edu. Colleagues [still] paid up for 2005 & 2006 will receive a free copy of the Actes de Kiel: l'Art du Spectacle au XVIIe siècle. Members who will be "en règle" for both 2007 and 2008 can expect to receive a free copy of the Actes d'Ajaccio-Corti.
CIR 17. See also KIEL.
CLARK/CESAR SYMPOSIUM. "Visions de la Scène: théatre, art et représentations en France, 1600–1800." Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, September 11–13, 2008. Papers were due 10/31/07. Online CESAR image bank is source of 3500 images on Ancien Régime and Revolutionary theater, and should lead to interdisciplinary projects on art and theater. Contact: Dr. Mark Ledbury, Associate Director of the Research and Academic Program. mledbury@clarkart.edu.
CONROY, DERVAL (University College, Dublin). Contrib. Ed., French 17. Is researching methods and models used in the teaching of early modern French courses. Would appreciate advice/ pointers/ material which apply to this subject. (French & Francophone Studies, School of Languages, Literature and film, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, IRELAND).
COURTES, NOEMIE (Pembroke College of Oxford & Goldsmiths College). "Tricks and Effects in the Theatre of the Early Modern Era" (investigating special effects on the stage, before Méliès). I want especially to focus on the relations between machinery and the notion of genre, as well as on effects of a smaller scale, without infrastructure—the ones more related to conjuring tricks and props, in opposition to the machinery of the setting. The aim is to discover whether a relation exists between the possibility—or the impossibility—of effects and the way texts are written. noemie.courtes@free.fr
DAUGE-ROTH, KATHERINE (Bowdoin C.). Recent: "Textual Performance: Imprinting the Criminal Body," PSCFL; "Crossing Lines, Encouraging Ownership: Representing the Occult Early Modern," CdDS. Forthcoming: "Nuns, Demons, and Exorcists: Ventriloquism and the Voice of Authority in Provence (1609–1611)," EMF. In revision: "Impressionable Women: Demon Marks and Divine Stigmata in Early Modern France," Sixteenth Century Journal. Bk. under contract with Ashgate Press, Signing the Body in Early Modern France, an interdisciplinary examination of the body as a literally inscribed, marked, and imprinted object in the early modern period. Contrib. Ed., French 17. Secretary-Treasurer, SE17, 2005 to present. [Send CI7 journal subscriptions c/o Dept. of Romance Langs., Bowdoin C., 7800 College Station, Brunswick, ME 04011–8478]. kdauge@bowdoin.edu For information about SE17 membership please see Society website.
DE JEAN, JOAN (Pennsylvania). Director of Dissertation: Ellen Welch.
DENNIS-BAY, LAURA (Cumberland C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
DIGITAL WORKSHOP (U. Nebraska-Lincoln). 2nd annual workshop, October 5 & 6, 2007. To enable the best early career scholars in the field of digital humanities to present their work for evaluation, improvement, showcasing. Contact Katherine L. Walker, Dir., UNL Center for Digital Research, 319 Love Library, UNL, Lincoln, NE 67588–4100. http://cdrh.unl.edu
DUCHENE, ROGER (U. de Provence). In Memoriam Roger Duchêne (1930–2006), internet publication in Web17, 4/25/07. To access, (1) open http//: Web17.free.fr/; (2) On webpage, under photo, scroll down to the subject list; (3) Click on "Souvenir 2007: Hommage à Roger Duchêne." Memorial volume, on anniversary of author's death 4/25/06, is tastefully arranged. Contains c. 50 articles, listed alphabetically by title in French and English, from colleagues, friends and former students in various countries. English translations available. See also Bibliographical presentation and list of books by RD, as they are exhibited at the municipal Library of Marseille, Alcazar. Includes other pertinent docs. on aspects of the author's life and works.
DURHAM CONFERENCE. International Conference: Durham Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies. The latest in the biennial series of major interdisciplinary conferences, held in Durham Castle, was planned for 2007. For further details, contact MABER, RICHARD.
DURON, JEAN. See MUSIC, below.
EKSTEIN, NINA (Trinity U.). Corneille's Irony. Charlottesville: Rookwood Press (EMF Critiques), 2007. 267 pages. "Presents irony as a local feature and develops its broad implications for Corneille's theater as a whole, with special attention to. . . its resistance to conclusive interpretation."
ENFANCE. Regards sur l'enfance au XVIIe siècle. Acts of the Colloque CIR 17 at the U. Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux III, November 24–25, 2005. Anne Defrance/ Denis Lopez/ François-Joseph Ruggiu, eds. Biblio 17, vol. 173 (2007), 390 pp.
ESMEIN-SARRAZIN, Camille. (U. de Nice-Sophia Antipolis). Bks., (1) Ed., Mme de Lafayette, Zayde. Histoire espagnole (1670–1671), Paris, Flammarion, coll. Garnier Flammarion, 2006. (2) Ed. (with Dominique Boutet), Palimpsestes épiques. récritures et interférences génériques. Actes du colloque "Remaniements et récritures de l'Epique, de l'antiquité au XXe siècle." (Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 11–12 juin 2004). Paris, PU Paris-Sorbonne, (à paraître en octobre 2006). (3) L'Essor du roman au XVIIe siècle. Discours théorique et constitution d'un genre. Paris, Honoré Champion, coll. Lumière classique.
FAVA, ANTONO (International School of the Comic Actor). The Comic Mask in the Teatro dell'Arte. Actor Training, Improvisation, and the Poetics of Survival. Northwestern UP, 2006 (illustr.). "The first aesthetic and methodological study... to describe, in a precise and practical way, what Commedia is and what it should be. The mask-as object, symbol, character, theatrical practice, even spectacle itself-is the central metaphor around which Fava builds his discussion."
FLECK, STEPHEN (California State). Editor, CIR 17. Send hard copies for submissions to S.F. c/o Romance, German, Russian Langs & Lits, California State-Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Rd., Long Beach, CA 90840–2405. sfleck@csulb.edu. (Website: www.cahiers17.org).
FRENCH 17 ONLINE (Currently 1995–2005, with 2006 to be added soon). Now available to subscribers at http://french17.unl.edu (for information on how to subscribe). Or contact Suzanne Toczyski, Editor, Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures, Sonoma State U., Rohnert Park, CA 94928 suzanne.toczyski@sonoma.edu, or http://www.sonoma.edu.edu/users/t/toczyski.
GALLICA 2. New trial version of the Bibliothèque Nationale catalogue online permits a full text consultation of certain texts, with cross-reference links. For access, detailed list of subjects, titles, etc., see http://gallica2.bnf.fr/
GANIM, RUSSELL (Nebraska-Lincoln). President, NASSCFL 2007. [Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588–0315]. Fax: (402) 472–0327. Phone: Dept. Office (402) 472–3745. rganim@unlnotes.unl.edu
GETHNER, PERRY J. (Oklahoma State). Treasurer, NASSCFL [Dept. Foreign Langs, Oklahoma SU, Stillwater, OK 74078]. perry.gethner@okstate.edu. See NASSCFL DUES.
GILBY, EMMA (Sidney Sussex C., Cambridge, CB2 3HU, U.K.). Bks., (1) Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature (London: MHRA [Legenda], forthcoming 2006). (2 ) Pseudo-Longin, De la sublimité du discours, traduction inédite du XVIIe siècle, introduite, éditée et annotée par Emma Gilby, avec une préface de Delphine Denis (Paris: Editions Comp'Act, forthcoming 2007. (3) Space: New Dimensions in French Studies, ed. Emma Gilby and Katja Haustein. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005. Arts., (1) "'Émotions' and the Ethics of Response in Seventeenth-Century Dramatic Theory," Modern Philology (forthcoming 2007). (2) 'Œdipe, L'Anti-Œdipe et la logique des multiplicités' in Dialogue avec la critique dix-septiémiste américaine (Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, forthcoming 2007). (3) 'Les textes qui nous restent de Tallemant des Réaux: mise au point bibliographique', XVIIe siècle 231 (2006), 499–507. (4) 'Economies of Perspective in Seventeenth-Century France', Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 27 (2005), 29–38. (5) 'Sous le signe du sublime: la rencontre de Boileau et Longin', in Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature, XXXI (2004), 416–426. Reviews: Jean de la Bruyère, Dialogues posthumes sur le quiétisme (1699): Texte établi et présenté par Richard Parish (Grenoble: Editions Jérôme Million, 2005) in French Studies (forthcoming 2007). Christine Noille-Clauzade, L'Éloquence du sage. Platonisme et rhétorique dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004) in French Studies (forthcoming 2006). John J. Conley, The Suspicion of Virtue: Women Philosophers in Neoclassical France (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002), in French Studies 59.4 (2005), 544–555. Nicholas Cronk: The Classical Sublime: French Neoclassicism and the Language of Literature (Charlottesville: Rookwood Press, 2003) in The Modern Language Review 100.3 (2005), 815. Jean Garapon, La culture d'une princesse. Ecriture et autoportrait dans l'œuvre de la Grande Mademoiselle (1627–1693) (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2003), in French Studies 59.3 (2005), 241–242. Julie Boch: Les Dieux désenchantés. La fable dans la pensée française de Huet à Voltaire (1680–1760) (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2002), in French Studies 59.1 (2005), 93–94. David Wetsel and Frédéric Canovas (eds.), Pascal/New Trends in Port-Royal Studies (Tübingen: Gunther Narr Verlag, 2002), in French Studies 58.1 (2004), 101–102.
GOLDSTEIN, CLAIRE. Bk., Vaux and Versailles: The Appropriations, Erasures, and Accidents that made Modern France. UP Pennsylvania, 2007. Goldstein "discovers in the apogee of classicism the remnants of repressed cultural vision."
GOODMAN, ELISE (U. Cincinnati). Arts: "Minerva Revivified: Mademoiselle de Montpensier," Mediterranean Studies 15 (2006). "Bosse's Etchings of Women's Coteries: Print Quarterly (forthcoming). Bk., The Cultivated Woman: Portraiture in Seventeenth-Century France (submitted).
GREGOIRE, VINCENT (Berry C., GA). Arts., (1) "Une correspondance transatlantique au 17ème siècle: l'échange épistolaire entre Marie (Guyart dite) de l'Incarnation et son fils, 1640–1672." SCFS 26(2004), 71–83. (2) "Du bon usage de l'autre dans la relation mère-fils: Marie (Guyart) de l'Incarnation — Claude Martin." Actes de Portland, Biblio 17, 166 (2006), 289–302. Papers: (1) "Marie (Guyart) de l'Incarnation (1599–1672): première écrivain-femme de Nouvelle-France?" 14th Biennal Conference of the American Council for Quebec Studies, Quebec City, 12/04. (2) "La mainmise des Jésuites sur la Nouvelle-France de 1632 à 1658: une tentative d'établissement d'un régime théocratique?" 24th Annual Conference of SE 17, Bowdoin C., 10/05). (3) "Le tremblement de terre de 1663 en Nouvelle-France d'après les écrits des missionnaires." 25th Annual Conference of SE 17, U. Iowa, 10/06).
GRIMAS (Groupe de Recherche Interdiscipilinaire sur la Musique et les Arts du Spectacle). Seminars for 2007–2008, 12/7,1/19, 2/16, 3/14, 5/24, 6/13–14, at the Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris. For further information, consult www.spectacles17e18e.org.
HARRISON, HELEN (Morgan State U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
HOEFER, BERNADETTE (Harvard U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
HOFFMAN, KATHRYN (U. Hawaii-Manoa). Arts., (1) "Of Hairy Girls and a Hog-Faced Gentlewoman: Marvel in Fairy Tales, Fairgrounds, and Cabinets of Curiosities," Marvels and Tales 19:1 (2005), 67–85; (2) "Sleeping Beauties in the Fairground: The Spitzner, Pedley, and Chemisé Exhibits," Early Popular Visual Culture (in press, 2006). Essays: (1) "The Odd and the Dead: Spectacle, Curiosity, and the Making of Corporeal Knowledge in the Early Modern," in UCLA Clark Library series (Toronto UP, 2007); (2) "The West Looked up the Skirts of Venus: Myth and Social Commentary in Masami Teraoka's Art 1995–2005," in Ascending Chaos Chronicle Press, in press 2006. Bks., (1) Palatino Book on images of female body in literature, demonology, art, the fairground from the Medieval through the early modern. (2) Book on the history of anatomical museums and popular displays of the body.
HUET, MARIE-HELENE (Princeton). Director of Dissertation (Eva Madeleine Martin, defended 6/06).
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (U. of LEIDEN). "Early Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production. University of Leiden, Netherlands, 21–23 August 2008. A volume of selected papers is scheduled to appear in 2009. Contact Alicia C. Montoya. A.C.Montoya@Let.Leidenuniv.nl
JUDOVITZ, DALIA (Emory U.). Arts., "Spiritual Passion and the Betrayal of Painting in Georges de La Tour," in Representing Emotions: Evidence, Arousal Analysis, eds. Helen Hills and Penelope Gouk (London: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 109–122). "Georges de La Tour: The Enigma of the Visible," in The Beholder: The Experience of Art in Early Modern Europe, eds. Thomas Frangenberg and Robert Williams (London: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 143–163). Dissertation Dir. (Davis, L.; Coropceanu, L.; Karanjian, M.).
JUDOVITZ, DALIA (Emory U.). Arts., "Spiritual Passion and the Betrayal of Painting in Georges de La Tour," in Representing Emotions: Evidence, Arousal Analysis, eds. Helen Hills and Penelope Gouk (London: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 109–122). "Georges de La Tour: The Enigma of the Visible," in The Beholder: The Experience of Art in Early Modern Europe, eds. Thomas Frangenberg and Robert Williams (London: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 143–163). Dissertation Dir. (Davis, L.; Coropceanu, L.; Karanjian, M.).
KOCH, EREC (Tennesee-Knoxville). Arts: "Voice, Aurality, and the Natural Language of Passion in Marin Mersenne's Harmonie universelle." Seventeenth-Century French Studies. 28 (2006): 77–89. "Cartesian Corporeality and (Aesth)Ethics." PMLA. 121.2 (2006): 405–420. "Ethics, Death, and the Cartesian Body." Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature. 65 (2006): 379–88. Book Ms. submitted: "The Aesthetic Body: Sensibility, Passion, and Corporeality in Seventeenth-Century France." Dissertation Dir. (Adrien, H.M.; Ciret, Florence, at Tulane). erkoch@utk.edu
KUIZENGA, DONNA (Massachusetts-Boston. Dean, College of Liberal Arts. Donna.Kuizenga@umb.edu
LAGARDE, FRANCOIS (Texas-Austin). Auvray, Esternod, Sigogne, Régnier, poètes satiriques du début du siècle.
LALANDE, ROXANNE (Lafayette C.). See NASSCFL 08. lalander@lafayette.edu
LEIBACHER, LISE (Arizona). Dissertation Director for (1) Wendy Ring-Freeman: "Marie de Gournay: Culture Wars and the (De)Construction of a Writer's Persona (17th–20th)". (Expected completion '06). (2) Valerie Ferguson: "Surnaturel et Fantastique dans la prose narrative de l'âge classique (17ème-18ème siècles), de Montfaucon de Villars à Baculard d'Arnaud." (Expected completion 12/07. Co-Directed with Reg McGinnis).
LEINER, WOLFGANG (Tübingen). (1) Témoignages publiés: Bellenger, Yvonne. "Wolfgang Leiner in memoriam," Oeuvres et Critiques, 30, no. 2 (2005), 5–6; Chauveau, Jean-Pierre. "Les Dix-Septiémistes en deuil." Cahiers Tristan L'hermite, XXVII (2005), 76–77; Kapp, Volker. "Nachruf — Wolfgang Leiner (1925–2005)," Romanische Forschungen, 117, no. 3 (2005), 352–355; Nies, Fritz. "In memoriam Wolfgang Leiner," Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte/ Cahiers d'histoire des littératures romanes, 29, 1–2 (2005), 249–250; Norman, Buford. "In Memoriam, Wolfgang Leiner." Actes de Portland, Biblio 17, 166 (2006), 13–15 [volume dedicated to W.L.]; Rizza, Cecilia. "In Memoriam. Hommage à Wolfgang Leiner," in Garapon, Jean, ed. Armées, Guerre et Société dans la France du XVIIe siècle, Biblio 17, 167 (2006), 11–12 [Entire volume dedicated to W.L.]; Ronzeaud, Pierre, "In Memoriam Wolfgang Leiner," XVIIe Siècle, vol. 57, no. 228 (2005), 387–390; Sweetser, Marie-Odile. "In memoriam Wolfgang Leiner," French 17 Bibliography, 53 (2005), iii; Tobin, Ronald W. "In Memoriam. Wolfgang Leiner (1925–2005)," Revue d'Histoire Littéraire, 2005, no. 3, p.765; Zaiser, Rainer. "Wolfgang Leiner: Une vie à la lumière de la littérature française," Le Monde, le 1er mars 2005; idem, "In memoriam Wolfgang Leiner," PFSCL, XXII, 63 (2005), 345–349. (2) Mémorial à Tübingen: Akademische Trauerfeier zum Gedenken an Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leiner, Romansiches Seminar der Universität Tübingen, 11/26/05: Alain Niderst, "La réception de l'oeuvre de Wolfgang Leiner"; Volker Kapp, "Wolfgang Leiners Wissenschaftsmethode"; Rainer Zaiser. "Wolfgang Leiner als Lehrer und Vermittler zwischen den Kulturen. (3) Journée d'hommage en Sorbonne, 7/2/05. Liste des communications: Charles Mazouer, "Avant-propos"; Sylvain Menant, "Accueil;" Marc Fumaroli, de l'Académie française, "Hommage à Wolfgang Leiner." Points de vue: Charles Mazouer, "Wolfgang Leiner vu de France"; Rainer Zaiser, "Wolfgang Leiner vu d'Allemagne"; Cecilia Rizza, "Wolfgang Leiner vu d'Italie." Littérature et société dans son oeuvre: Giovanni Dotoli, "Wolfgang Leiner ou une nouvelle façon de lire le XVIIe siècle"; Francis Assaf, "Comment Wolfgang Leiner voit Francion et son monde." Wolfgang Leiner et le roman: Pierre Ronzeaud, "L'écriture dédicatoire, geste social ou acte littéraire ? Essai sur les travaux de Wolfgang Leiner consacrés aux épîtres dédicatoires et aux relations entre les écrivains et leurs mécènes"; Alain Niderst, "La romancière et le directeur de conscience"; Rainer Zaiser, "Wolfgang Leiner et le roman: de l'histoire comique à l'histoire tragique"; Volker Kapp, "L'image de l'Allemagne dans le roman d'après les travaux de Wolfgang Leiner." La poésie et le théâtre dans son oeuvre: Dorothee Scholl, "Entre la taverne et le monastère: Wolfgang Leiner et la poésie baroque"; Charles Mazouer, "Wolfgang Leiner et le théâtre." Leiner et les études dix-septiémistes: Patrick Dandrey, "La comédie héroïque de Wolfgang Leiner"; Jean Mesnard, de l'Institut, "Un compagnonnage avec Wolfgang Leiner;" "Allocution," Jacqueline Leiner (lue par Stéphane Leiner). See also ZAISER. [Note: All the above communications to appear in the next number of PFSCL, 66 (2007).]
MABER, RICHARD G. (Durham). Publications: (1) Ed. of Pierre Le Moyne, Entretiens et lettres poétiques (1665), for Droz , Geneva, , 2007; (2) Analytical repertory of the correspondence of Gilles Ménage (1613–1692) -c. 1,600 letters — to be completed 2007; (3) Major project : complete edition of Ménage's correspondence; (4) Molière : 'La ballade de Vadius', to be published in Le Nouveau Moliériste, 2006/07; (5) Madame de La Fayette: revisions to her accepted biography in the light of newly- discovered documents. Other professional activities: General Editor of the leading interdisciplinary journal The Seventeenth Century (Manchester UP). Secretary, SCFS. http://www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/information_areas/journals/seventeenth/ seventeenth.htm . [University Library, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RN England]. R.G.Maber@durham.ac.uk See also DURHAM.
McCLURE, ELLEN (Illinois-Chicago). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
MIAMI U. Conference "Translation and Transitions," 15–16 February, 2008. To address the literary exchange between languages and nations of the Americas and Europe, across time and space. Abstracts were due by 11/15/07, to Graduate Student Conference, c/o Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures, U. of Miami, P.O. Box 248093, Coral Gables, FL 33124–2074. Consult translation.transitions@gmail.com.
MILLER, MICHELLE L. (Michigan-Ann Arbor). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
MONTOYA, ALICIA C. (U. Leiden). Bk., Marie-Anne Barbier et la tragédie post-classique, Paris, Editions Honoré Champion, 2007. Forthcoming, Arts.: Marie-Anne Barbier, Arrie et Pétus et Le Faucon, éd. crit., in A. Evain, H. Goldwyn and P. Gethner (eds.), Théâtre de femmes XVIe–XVIIIe siècle. Anthologie, Publications de l'U. de Saint-Etienne, 2008, vol. 3, pp. 265–37. "D'un Amadis à l'autre. Anciens et modernes devant la littérature médiévale, 1684–1750", in T. Coignard, P. Davis and A.C. Montoya (eds.), Lumières et histoire / Enlightenment and History (Etudes internationals du XVIIIe siècle), Paris, Editions Honoré Champion, 2008. "Contes du style des troubadours. The Memory of the Medieval in 17th-century French Fairy Tales", Studies in Medievalism XVI (2007). "A Woman Translator of Montaigne. Appreciation and Appropriation in Maria Heyns's Bloemhof der Doorluchtige Voorbeelden (1647)", in P.J. Smith (ed.), Montaigne and the Low Countries (Intersections. Yearbook for Early Modern Studies, vol. 8), Leiden, Brill, 2007, pp. 223–245. In progress: Book, provisionally entitled Literary modernity and Gallic antiquity. New readings of French medieval literature, 1675–1750 (due date mid-2010).
MUSIC. Jean Duron, ed. Bk., Regards sur la musique en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Publications du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, 4 vols., 2007. Interdisciplinary survey of the four periods Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI.
NASSCFL 06. Joint Conference, hosted by the Society for Seventeenth Century French Studies, was held at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, UK, June 28–30. Papers from Early Modern U.S., British and French Societies, Theme: "Modernités/ Modernities." President, Noel Peacock. N.Peacock@french.arts.gla.ac.uk See BROOKS, W. and ZAISER, R., eds.
NASSCFL 07. 39th Annual Conference, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 10–12, 2007. Sessions on Natural Science/ History, Libraries & Scholarship, Journalism, Salons, Descartes/ Cartesians, Farce, Journalism, Moralists & Artists, Maintenant Now, Royal Images, Technology: Research & Pedagogy. Round Tables. Museum receptions. New Business. See GANIM, Russ and CARR, Tom. http://www.unl.edu.edu/modlang/nasscfl
NASSCFL 08. 40th Annual Conference, Lafayette College, April 24–26, 2008. Roxanne Lalande, Présidente; Jorge Torres, Co-Organizer (torresg@lafayette.edu). Guest Speakers: Faith Beasley, Erec Koch, Ronald Tobin. Sessions on: Le goût; Nourriture et médicine; L'Art culinaire; Poisons, drogues et aphrodisiaques; Festins et famine; Appétits et désirs; L'Art de la table (la nature morte); Nourritures célestes; L'imaginaire du vin; La Fayette à Lafayette; Cannibalisme; Nature — nourriture — maternité. Registration due by March 31 to avoid late fee (form is forthcoming). See NASSCFL DUES./ Calls for Papers, for Research/ Dissertations in Progress, and for Nominations to NASSCFL Editorial Board. Airport is Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton (ABE), and is c. 20 miles from campus. For further information, contact RL, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Pardee Hall 409, Lafayette C., Easton, PA 18042. lalander@lafayette.edu. Phone (610) 330–5252, Fax: 610 330 5656.
NASSCFL 09. 41st Annual Conference, New York University, NYC. Hosted by Henriette Goldwyn and Benoît Bolduc.
NASSCFL DUES. The United States and Canadian dues are now $20 for tenured faculty and $10 for untenured faculty, emeriti, part-time, and graduate students. Membership required for those presenting papers. Make checks payable to NASSCFL, and send them, as appropriate (USD/ CAD), to Perry GETHNER, Dept. of Foreign Languages, 309 Gunderson, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078–1054. Phone: 405–744–9535 perry.gethner@okstate.edu, OR to his Canadian counterpart, Claire CARLIN, Office of the Dean of Humanities, University of Victoria, PO Box 3045 STN CSC, Victoria, BC V8W 3P4, CANADA. ccarlin@uvic.ca.
NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina, Emeritus/ Paris). Bk., Racine et la musique. [Opera performances in Paris and at court, 1659–1715: an annotated chronology. Database managed by the Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. Work continues on the period 1687–1715]. Arts., (l)"Les sons des coulisses: Esther et Athalie" (to appear in the proceedings of "La scène et la coulisse", 2007). (2) "Les Songes et les charmes: la représention du merveilleux dans Esther et Athalie" (to appear in the proceedings of Le Neuvième Colloque International du CIR-17, 2007). (3) Quinault's Proserpine for Glossa records; (4) Quinault up through 1673 (Cadmus et Hermione), for Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. (5) Three entries for the Cambridge UP Handel Encyclopedia.
OXFORD, Acts of. See BROOKS, W. & ZAISER, R.
PAIGE, NICOLAS (Calif.-Berkeley). MLA Executive Committee of the Division for 17th C. French Literature is seeking title proposals for a pre-constituted panel, similar to the Special Sessions. Deadline 12/17/07. Contact: npaige@berkeley.edu
PARKIN, JOHN (Bristol U.) & PHILLIPS, JOHN (London Metropolitan U.), eds. Bk., Laughter and Power. Oxford, etc: Peter Lang, 2007. For further information, consult e-mail: info@peterlang.com or website: www.peterlang.com.
PERLMUTTER, JENNIFER R. (Portland State). Bk., Ed., Relations & Relationships in Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Actes du 36e congrès annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Portland State University, 6–8 mai 2004. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, Biblio 17, 166 (2006). Arts., (1) "Sociopolitical Education and the 'Nouvelles' of Le Mercure galant," to appear in Anne E. Birberick's The Art of Instruction: Education and Pedagogy in Seventeenth-Century France. Amsterdam, Eds. Rodopi B.V., 2007. (2) "Ana and Commemorative Truth," projected publication 2007. (3) "Traces of Women in the Ana,"(tentative title) in progress.
PHENOMENOLOGY AND LITERATURE, International Society. 32nd Annual Conference, May 5–6, 2008, Radcliffe Gymnasium, Cambridge, MA. Theme: "Human Destiny in Literature." (See below).
PHENOMENOLOGY, FINE ARTS AND AESTHETICS. International Society. 13th Annual Conference, May 7–8, 2008, Radcliffe Gymnasium, Cambridge, MA. Theme: "The Artist and the Message — Creativity and Communication." Contact: Patricia Trutty-Coohill, Secretary General, ptrutty@siena.edu. For both above conferences, Abstracts due 1/1/08; Full papers 3/1/08; Registration $150, entitling access to both conferences. Send abstracts and papers to Prof. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Program Coordinator, World Phenomenology Institute, 1 Ivy Pointe Way, Hanover, NH 03755. Phone (802) 295–5963; Fax (802) 295–5963. Website: http://www.phenomenology.org.
PHENOMENOLOGY, 4th World Congress. Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland, August 17–20, 2008. Theme: "The Phenomenology and Existentialism of the 20th Century. Abstracts due 1/1/08; Full papers 3/1/08. Registration fee: before June I, 2008, US $150; after June 1, US $250. Contact: Prof. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (address above). Website: http://www.phenomenology.org.
PIOFFET, MARIE CHRISTINE (York U., Canada). Livres, (1) rédition critique des livres IV et VI de l'Histoire de la Nouvelle-France de Marc Lescarbot. Le manuscrit intitulé Voyages en Acadie (1604–1607) suivis de la description des mœurs souriquoises comparées à celles d'autres peuples sera coédité aux Presses de l'Université Laval et aux Presses de Paris-Sorbonne (lancement prévu pour 12/06) (585 pages). Obtention en juin 2005 d'une subvention du Programme d'aide à l'édition savante du CRSHC. (2) Espaces lointains, espaces rêvés dans la fiction narrative du Grand Siècle, ouvrage à paraître 4/07 aux PU de Paris-Sorbonne, 320 pages. Collectifs en preparation, (1) Rédaction d'un ouvrage ayant pour titre Dictionnaire analytique des toponymes imaginaires dans la prose narrative de 1605 à 1712, en collaboration avec Daniel Maher, professeur à l'Université de Calgary. Subvention ordinaire de recherche de 91 181,00 $ obtenue du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSHC) et subvention du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSHC) de 17 000,00 $. (2) Publication des actes du colloque international 《 Écrire des récits de voyage (XVIe–XVIIIe siècles): esquisse d'une poétique en gestation 》, en collaboration avec Andreas Motsch ; ouvrage accepté pour publication par les Presses de l'U. Laval (publication prévue pour 9/07). Organisation d'un colloque international: Principale organisatrice du XXIIe colloque international de la Société d'analyse de la topique romanesque intitulé 《 Geographiae imaginariae : dresser le cadastre des mondes inconnus dans la fiction narrative de l'Ancien Régime 》, qui se tiendra à l'Université York les 24, 25 et 26 septembre 2008. Articles récents : (1)《 Charles Sorel et la topographie allégorique 》, Actes du Colloque 《 Charles Sorel, polygraphe 》, PU Laval dans Les Collections de la République des Lettres, sous la direction d'Emmanuel Bury et d'Éric Van der Schueren, septembre 2006, p. 399–419. (2)《 La rencontre du Noir dans quelques romans du Grand Siècle 》, PU Laval dans Les collections de la République des Lettres, sous la direction de Max Vernet, 6/06, p. 157–172. (3)《 La forêt dans l'imaginaire baroque 》, Locus in fabula, Nathalie Ferrand, éd., Éditions Peeters (Louvain/Paris), 2005, p. 373–386. (4)《 L'Empire du Milieu dans la fiction narrative du Grand Siècle 》, Intersections. Actes du 35e Congrès annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, Faith. E. Beasley et Kathleen Wine (éd.), Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, Biblio 17, 161(2005), 219–228. (5) 《 Le rêve colonial français de La Popelinière à Marc Lescarbot 》, Francophonie en Amérique. Quatre siècles d'échanges Europe-Afrique-Amérique, textes sélectionnés et réunis par Justin K. Bisanswa et Michel Tétu, Cidef-AFI, vol. XV, no 1, 2005, p. 71–79. (6)《 Le mythe des îles bienheureuses et quelques-uns de ses avatars romanesques au XVIIe siècle 》, dans Les Écritures poétiques de l'insularité, Mustapha Trabelsi (dir.), Clermont-Ferrand, Cahiers de recherches du CRLMC, PU Blaise-Pascal, 2005, p. 159–176. Activités professionnelles: Depuis 7/06, membre du comité éditorial de la revue Eighteenth-Century Fiction. Depuis 6/06, vice-présidente de la SATOR (Société d'analyse de la topique romanesque).
PREST, JULIA (Yale). President, SE 17 (07). Director of Dissertations: (1) Michael Call (Yale), "The Poet, the Playwright, and the Pirate: Molière and Authorship in Seventeenth-Century France" (submitted 9/06/06, soon to be approved). (2) Rachael Sterner (Yale). "Broken Walls: Saints Jeanne de Chantal and Louise de Marillac. Writing Faith and Independence outside the Cloister" (in progress; title tentative). julia.prest@yale.edu
PROBES, CHRISTINE (U. South Florida). Grant: pending, "Taste, Literature and the Arts," applied to the France Florida Foundation for the Arts. Speakers' award applied for at request from the Miami Consulate, Presentations: (1) "La Représentation emblématique de la femme à l'entrecroisement de l'art et de la poésie: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc-comtois" for the IXe Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, March 16–18, 2006 at Kiel, Germany. In press for CIR 17 volume, editor Rainer Zaiser. (2) "Modernisation des Écritures: Becoming Global in the Early Modern, A Case of Modernity in French Emblematics" for the international conference on "Modernités" held June 28–30, 2006 at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, organized by the following five international societies: The British Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies, La Société d'Études du XVIIe Siècle, CMR, La Société d'Étude du XVIe Siècle (France), NASSCFL (US and Canada). In press for volume edited by William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser. (3) "Devotional Poetry as a 'miroir du prince'" at the annual MLA Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 27–30, 2006. (4) "Session of four speakers organized at the annual MLA Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 27–30, 2006: "Le Grand Siècle: Le divin, le moderne, le subversif et l'ambigu." (5) "The Emblematic Power and diversity of the 'Incidental' Woman: The Sonnets franc-comtois", for the annual convention of the Renaissance Society of America, Miami, FL, March 22–24, 2007. (6) Organizing session with William Brooks for the conference of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, May 10–12, 2007, at Lincoln, Nebraska: "Madame Palatine and Louis XIV: From Innocence and Happiness to Eavesdropping and Embarrassment: Portrait of Madame Palatine by Mignard, 1680–1681 and letter to Louis XIV of May 24, 1685. (7) "In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Pascal's Lettres Provinciales: 'l'Amour de Dieu', Rhetorical Strategies of the Controversy" for 2007 MLA, session chair Erec Koch. Conference: organizing with Humanities Institute and Philosophy Department, USF, conference in Fall 2007 on "Pascal, His Times and Influence: In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of the Lettres Provinciales." Publications: (1) Contributing Editor. French 17: Annotated Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 54, 2006 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). (2) Contributing Editor. French 17: Annotated Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 55, 2007 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). In progress. (3) PFSCL, XXXIIII (2007): "Le Grand Siècle: le divin, le moderne, le subversif et l'ambigu". MLA session of 4 papers I organized and am presently refereeing it with a committee. Expected date of publication is Fall 2007. Arts., (4) "Rhetorical Strategies for a locus terribilis: Senses, Signs, Symbols and Theological Allusion in Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris," accepted for refereed volume edited by Robert Logan and Sara Deats, in press with Ashgate for 2007. (5) "The Prince and the Subject at the Intersection of Emblematic Poetry and Art: Moral and Pragmatic Reflections," accepted for refereed volume, edited by Anne Birberick, The Art of Instruction: Education, Pedagogy and Literature in Seventeenth-Century France, in press with Rodopi for 2007. (6) "Bossuet, poète lyrique? Deux lectures," with Mary Rowan, for refereed volume, editor Buford Norman, Formes et formations au dix-septième siècle, Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2006, 210–223. (7) "La Mémoire et l'identité transmises par la femme antillaise: stratégies littéraires cinématographiques" accepted for refereed volume edited by Kanaté Dahouda, in press for 2007. (8) "Engraving, Sonnet, Devise: Harmony or Disharmony at the Intersection of Emblematic Art in the Sonnets franc-comtois", accepted for Emblematica vol. 16 for 2007, Mara Wade, editor. (9) "Becoming Global in the Early Modern: A Case of Modernity in French Emblematics," accepted and in press at Oxford, England, for refereed volume edited by William Brooks, for 2007. (10) "La Représentation emblématique de la femme à l'entrecroisement de l'art et de la poésie: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc-comtois," accepted for publication in refereed volume, Rainer Zaiser, editor, for 2007. (11) "La Perception de Dieu créateur et protecteur chez Jean Racine: des continuités d'un lyrisme à travers des genres," accepted for 2007 refereed volume of Travaux de Littérature, editor Olivier Millet. Associate Director, Humanites Institute, USF; Secretary, NASSCFL.
PRUIKSMA, ROSE. Associate Editor, Cahiers du dix-septième.
RACEVSKIS, ROLAND (Iowa). Bk., Tragic Passages: Jean Racine's Art of the Threshold (for Bucknell UP, forthcoming in 2008). Presents a new, theoretically informed reading of Racine's nine secular tragedies, from La Thébaïde (1664) to Phèdre (1677). This detailed study focuses on literary/ theatrical constructions of space, time, and identity. The central hypothesis holds that in a number of his tragedies, Racine places his characters in a position of limbo, between the self and the other, between what is onstage and what is offstage, between life and death, the transcendent and the terrestrial, the personal and the public. Racine's secular tragedies thus highlight the paradoxical human predicament of being caught in in-between states of being, and develop an esthetics of the threshold. Exploring multiple intermediary spaces of experience, from the personal to the eschatological, Racine's tragedies undertake a sustained inquiry into philosophical questions of world limits and of the boundaries of human experience, questions that have become urgent in the present day. President and Organizer, SE 17 2006. roland.racevskis@uiowa.edu
ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern). Arts.: (1) "Further Manuscripts of Saint-Amant, in Souvenir 2007. Hommage à Roger Duchêne. Internet publication: http://web17.free.fr/RD03/1300.htm. (2) "Saint-Amant and the Caroline Monarchs: Unknown Manuscripts," in Theatre, Fiction, and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century, William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser, eds.. Oxford et al.: Peter Lang, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 267–285. (3) "Research in Progress 2006," French 17, vol. 54 (2006), Part VI, pp.165–177. (4) In press: "Political Symbolism in the Porte St. Antoine," Analecta Husserliana, 2007/08, vol. 97. (5) Bibliographer, NASSCFL; Directeur, CM; Contrib. Ed., French 17.
RUBIN, DAVID LEE (Virginia, Emeritus). Publisher, Rookwood Press (EMF: Studies in Early Modern France, EMF Critiques, Rookwood Texts, Rookwood Reprints). Postal address: 520 Rookwood Place, Charlottesville VA 22903–4734. E-mail: dlr@rookwoodpress.com.
SATOR. XXIIe Colloque International. "Geographiae imaginariae: dresser le cadastre des mondes inconnus dans la fiction narrative de l'Ancien Régime," York University, Canada, 24–26 September, 2008. See PIOFFET.
SCFS. See Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies.
SCHRÖDER, VOLKER (Princeton). North American Treasurer, CIR 17. See CIR 17. volkers@princeton.edu
SE17 2006. Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth Century French Studies/ Société d'Etudes Pluridisciplinaires du XVIIe Siècle. 25th Annual Conference took place at U. of Iowa, 12–14 October 2006. President and Organizer, Ronald Racevskis. (French & Italian, U.of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242–1409). roland-racevskis@uiowa.edu See also C17: DAUGE-ROTH, Secetary-Treasurer.
SE17 2007. Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth Century French Studies/ Société d'Etudes Pluridisciplinaires du XVIIe Siècle. 26th Annual Conference took place at Beinecke Library, Yale, 8–10 November, 2007. Session topics: Voyage et dépaysement, La vision: voir et savoir, Des salons et des hommes, Témoins et témoignages, Performing the XVIIe; Sorciers/sorcières, magiciens/magiciennes, et possédé(e)s; Enseigner le XVIIe. Contact: SE17 President, Julia Prest julia.prest@yale.edu. See also C17: DAUGE-ROTH, Secetary-Treasurer.
SEGRAIS. Jean Regnault de Segrais. Actes du colloque de Caen (9–10 March, 2006). Suzanne Guellouz and Marie-Gabrielle Lallemand, eds. Biblio 17, vol. 173, 2007. First colloque dedicated to this author and to all aspects of his work.
SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, THE. Editor, Richard Maber. Journal covers all aspects of the 17th c. Encourages period study so as to transcend national and disciplinary boundaries. Vol. XVIII, 1 (April 2003). Also accessible online; two issues per year. Website: http://mupmcc.ac.uk. See also SFS. See SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES. MABER (supra).
SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY FRENCH STUDIES. Seventeenth-Century French Studies, published by Maney Publishing as of 2007, offers a world-class forum for solid and cutting-edge research on early modern France in all of its diversity, from its visual images to its textual monuments, from gossip to ghosts, from court society to popular culture. Welcoming contributions in English or in French on the long seventeenth century, the journal will enter its 30th year in 2008. For more information, to subscribe online or to recommend this journal to your library, please visit www.maney.co.uk/journals/c17. To view free sample content, please visit www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney
SHAPIRO, STEPHEN (Holy Cross). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
SHOEMAKER, PETER (Catholic U.). Bk., Powerful Connections: The Poetics of Patronage in the Age of Louis XIII. UP Delaware, 2007. Reappraisal of literary culture cites texts by contemporary writers, in broad interdisciplinary context, including visual arts and dance. shoemaker@cua.edu
SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.). 48th Annual Conference, U. of Birmingham, was held on 2–4 July 2007. SFS Home page: http://www.sfs.ac.uk. Society's journal: French Studies.
SOCIETY FOR SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.). 13th Annual Conference, U. of Liverpool, took place on 6–8 September 2007. Theme: "Voyages in Early Modern France." Secretary: Richard Maber (Durham). r.g.maber@durham.ac.uk Website: http://www.c17.org.uk. Society's journal: Seventeenth-Century French Studies (SCFS).
SPAGNOLO SADR, TABITHA (U-Mass. Boston). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE (Illinois-Chicago). Arts.: "'Les amours de Psyché et de Cupidon': vision et esthétique nouvelles," in De l'éventail à la plume. Mélanges offerts à Roger Marchal, PUF de Nancy, 2007, pp.369–387. In press: "Marc Fumaroli, interprète de Corneille, dramaturge et poète de l'humanisme chrétien," for Oeuvres et Critiques, 2008. "'Les Amours de Psyché de Cupidon:' un conte subversif?," for PFSCL, 2008.
THEATER. Bk., Art et usages du costume de scène, Anne Verdier and Didier Doumergue, eds. Beaulieu: Lampsaque, 2007, 520 pp. (16 pp. in color). Preface by Daniel Roche; Introduction by Christian Biet. Papers from International Colloque at U. Nancy-Metz in March 2006; numerous authors represent litertaure, history, art and theater.
THEATER. Call for Papers for Conference "Avatars du 'Théâtral' en France sous l'Ancien Régime." Oxford, U.K., Maison Française, June 27–28, 2008. Scientific Committee is comprised of Mark Bannister, Sabine Chaouche, Alexis Tadié, Alain Viala, Valerie Worth-Stylianou. E-mail proposals due by January 18, 2008, to mhbannister@brookes.ac.uk Various viewpoints welcome, exploring spaces outside the stage, in literature, art, and other loci.
TOCZYSKI. SUZANNE C., (Sonoma State U.). Arts.: (1) "Navigating the Seas of Alterity: Jean-Baptiste Labat's Voyage aux Iles," in PFSCL XXXIV, 67 (2007); (2) "Chimène, or the Scandal of the Feminine Word," reprinted in Literature Criticism, 1400–1800 (v.135) of Literature Criticism, ed. Larry Trudeau, Thomson Gale, May 2007. (3) "Rodrigue's Balancing Act," under revision for the Actes de Lincoln. Paper (in preparation for NASSCFL '08): "《 Voilà bien des documents de cuisine pour un missionnaire apostolique 》: Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue." Editor, French 17. [Dept. of Modern Langs & Lits, SSU, 1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park, CA 94928]. Tel: (707) 664–4177; Fax: (707) 664–2363. Contact: suzanne.toczyski@sonoma.edu or http://www.sonoma.edu.edu/users/t/toczyski
TONOLO, SOPHIE (Paris). Rattachée à l'équipe ESR Moyen Âge — Temps modernes, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. Poste actuel: rédacteur au Service du Dictionnaire de l'Académie française. Académie française, 23 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris Tél : +33 (0)1–44–41–44–41. Projet: Éd. Crit. des œuvres poétiques d'Antoinette Deshoulières à la S.t.f.m. Intervention 《 Rhétorique du cœur et écriture intime: l'art épistolaire d'Antoinette Deshoulières《 , Colloque international 《 Femmes, rhétorique et éloquence sous l'Ancien Régime 《 , U. du Québec à Rimouski, 13–15 septembre 2007. 《 Voyage en Languedoc de Chapelle et Bachaumont et Relation d'un Voyage en Limousin de La Fontaine: deux modèles de récit de voyage 》, Colloque de Toronto, mai 2006, 《 Écrire des récits de voyage : esquisse d'une poétique en gestation. 》 Publication automne 2007. 《 Le tissage du vers et de la prose dans l'épître galante 》, Revue de l'Aire, n° 31, déc. 2005, sous la direction de Geneviève Haroche-Bouzinac, Nicole Masson et Sylvain Menant. Thèse: Divertissement et profondeur. L'épître en vers et la société mondaine en France de Tristan à Boileau. Paris, H. Champion, 2005 (soutenue en décembre 2002). 《 De la froideur de Diane au Palais de la Volupté: quelques aspects de la chasse dans la poésie mondaine au XVIIe siècle 》, XVIIe siècle, n° 226, janvier 2005, sous la direction de J.-M. Bercé. 《 L'épître chez Tristan: une forme poétique vigoureuse et révélatrice 》 et 《 La métaphore du nourrisson à l'époque mondaine. Autour de quatre épîtres 》, Cahiers Tristan L'Hermite, XXVI, 2004. 《 Boileau, praticien de l'épître en vers 》, Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, n° 61, 2004, sous la direction de V. Kapp.
TORRES, JORGE (Lafayette U.) Co-Organizer, NASSCFL 2008 Conference.
TRISTAN. "Amis de Tristan L'Hermite" have created an Internet site dedicated to this author "encore trop peu connu du public savant et lettré." Click on address: http://www.lesamisdetristan.org, then on the "image" for the Nouveautés 2007. Sorbonne workshop 2/3/07, Cahiers, the Association. Contributions from colleagues (or their students) welcomed.
TRISTAN. "Tristan L'Hermite et le théâtre de son temps." One day conference at U. de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 26 January 2008. Program combines papers, discussions, readings; organized by Sandrine Berrégard; sponsored by l'Association des Amis de Tristan L'Hermite. URL: http://www.lesamisdeTristan.org/. Address of Sandrine Berrégard, Secretary of the Association, U. Marc Bloch, U.F.R. des Letres, 14 rue Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg cedex.
VAN DELFT, LOUIS (Laval). Bk., Les Spectateurs de la vie. Généalogie du regard moraliste. Montréal, PU de Laval, 2005. For further recent publications please consult his website: http://www.louisvandelft.com or lvandelftfr@hotmail.com.
VEDVIK, JERRY V. (Colorado State). Editor Emeritus, French 17.
VOS-CAMY, Jolene (Calvin C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
WALLIS, ANDREW (Whittier C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
WILKIN, REBECCA (Indiana-Bloomington). Arts.: "Renaissance Historiography and Novel Anthropology in Pierre-Daniel Huet's De l'Origine des romans," Forthcoming in Studi Francesi; "Descartes, Individualism, and the Fetal Subject," forthcoming in differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies.
WYGANT, AMY. Bk., Medea, Magic, and Modernity in France: Stages and Histories, 1553–1797. Ashgate Publishing (http://www.ashgate.com), 217 pp., 2007. Shows how the glamour of the historical witch developed through 300 years and into theater and music. Analyses 17th c. demonology treatises, treats Diderot and theater of the Revolution.
ZAISER, RAINER (U. Kiel). Arts.: 2006: (1) "La mise en abyme: Mode d'emploi de la modernité dans la littérature et l'art du XVIIe siècle. Le cas de Don Quichotte de Cervantès et des Ménines de Vélasquez", in F. Claudon, S. Elias, S. Jouanny, N. Parola-Leconte, J. Thélot (éds.), La modernité mode d'emploi. Paris: Edition Kimé, 2006, pp. 125–131. (2) "Récit spéculaire et métanarration dans les romans de Sorel, de Scarron et de Furetière", in Formes et formations au dix-septième siècle. Actes du 37e congrès annuel de la NASSCFL, U. of South Carolina, Columbia, 14–16 April 2005. Ed. par Buford Norman. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006 (Biblio 17, 168), pp.163–171. (3) "Gefährliche Leidenschaften: Vom Wandel des amour galant zum amour passion im Roman der französischen Klassik: La Princesse de Clèves und Les Lettres portugaises," in Kirsten Dickhaut, Dietmar Rieger (Hg.), Liebe und Emergenz. Neue Modelle des Affektbegreifens im französischen Kulturgedächtnis um 1700. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2006. Recent papers: (1)"Corneille héritier de Trissino: Sophonisbe et la naissance de la tragédie moderne", communication tenue au colloque international "Pierre Corneille et l'Europe," organisé par la Société Internationale d'Histoire Comparée du Théâtre, de l'Opéra et du Ballet avec le concours du Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, 1er–5 septembre 2006, Paris, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art. (2) "La modernité de Saint-Amant : Une lecture métapoétique de l'ode La Solitude", communication tenue au congrès de la MLA, 27–30 décembre 2006, à Philadelphie. Arts. 2007: "Wolfgang Leiner vu d'Allemagne", in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Vol. XXXIV, No. 66 (2007): 19–21; "Wolfgang Leiner et le roman: de l'histoire comique à l'histoire tragique", in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Vol. XXXIV, No. 66 (2007): 57–61; In press: Arts., "Le pli: Deleuze et le baroque", in Œuvres et Critiques, XXXII, 2 (2007), La question du baroque. Coordonnatrice Dorothea Scholl; Ed. Bks., Theatre, Fiction, and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century/Le théâtre, le roman et la poésie à l'âge classique. Ed., William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser. Oxford: Peter Lang; Religion, Ethics, and History in the French Long Seventeenth Century/ La religion, la morale et l'histoire à l'âge classique. Ed. by William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser; L'âge de la représentation: L'art du spectacle au XVIIe siècle. Actes du IXe Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle. Édités par Rainer Zaiser. Tübingen: Narr (Biblio 17); Editor, (1) Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Biblio 17, Œuvres et Critiques, Etudes littéraires françaises. (2) L'âge de la représentation: L'art du spectacle au XVIIe siècle. Actes du IXe colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, Université de Kiel, 3. rzaiser@gmx.de (Romanisches Seminar der Universität Kiel, Leibnitzstr. 10, D-24098 Kiel, GERMANY). <rainer.zaiser@romanistik.uni-kiel.de>. ] See also BROOKS, W. and ZAISER, R. Eds. SFS. See SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES.
William Roberts