Priscilla Ferguson. Les Quinze Livres d’Athénée: French Culinary Culture in the Making. 1
Susan Read Baker. “Natutical Fare in Robert Challe’s Journal d’un voyage fait aux Indes orientales (1690-1691). 21
Jean Emelina. Le regard d’un savant sur les curiosités de la nature: plantes, jardins et eaux chez Peiresc. 33
William Roberts. Perelle's Veües des plus beaux endroits de Versailles: How the Engravings contribute. 49
Elizabeth Woodrough. Molière et la mise en scène des jardins de Versailles. 61
Dana Marie Chase. Deflowering the Garden: Le droit du seigneur and La Fontaine. 75
Perry Gethner. Ransom and Piracy in Classical French Comedy. 83
David Eick. Redefining the Culture Wars: Furetière and the Académie française. 91
Marcelle Maistre Welch. Poullain de la Barre et les Modernes. 105
Adrienne Zuerner. Narrating the Life of a Scandalous Woman: Madame de Saint-Balmon. 119
Deborah Steinberger. Profiting from Scandal: the Case of La Devineresse. 135
Ralph Albanese. Les Fables de La Fontaine et la pédagogie républicaine de la ‘francité.’ 143
Edited by John Boitano
Paige, Nicholas D. Being Interior: Autobiography and the Contradictions of Modernity in Seventeenth-Century France. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. 297 pp.
(Charles M. Natoli) 159
Norman, Buford. Touched by the Graces: The Libretti of Philippe
Quinault in the Context of French Classicism. Birmingham, AL:
Summa Publications, 2001. Pp. ix + 402. Paper.
(Perry Gethner) 165
Corum, Robert T., Jr. Reading Boileau: An Integrative Study of
the Early Satires. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 1998, 170 pp.
ISBN: 1-55753-110-2.(Roland Racevskis) 168
Letts, Janet. Legendary Lives in La Princesse de Clèves. Charlottesville, VA: Rookwood Press, 1998. Pp. xiv + 286. Hardcover.
(Suzanne Toczyski) 170
Vuillermoz, Marc. (Sous la direction de) Dictionnaire analytique des oeuvres théâtrales françaises du XVIIe siècle. Collection Dictionnaires et références 3. Paris: Champion, 1998. 864 pp. 750 F.
(Claire Carlin)< 173
Lyons, John D. The Tragedy of Origins: Pierre Corneille and Historical Perspective. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,1996. Pp. xv + 236. Cloth. $37.50. (Suzanne Toczyski) 175
Ludwin, Dawn M. Blaise Pascal’s Quest for the Ineffable.
New York: Peter Lang, 2001. (Charles M. Natoli) 178