
In Memoriam:  Michèle Longino

In Memoriam:  Michèle Longino, who passed away on November 21, 2024

Composed by Faith E. Beasley and Ellen Welch, followed by a tribute to Michèle by Faith E. Beasley

Michèle Longino, Professor Emerita of Romance Studies at Duke University, was a cherished and admired member of the seventeenth-century French Studies community for over forty years.  We all looked forward to her interventions at both SE-17 and NASSCFL conferences, and remember the stimulating annual gathering of NASSCFL in North Carolina in 2014 which she co-organized when she was co-president with Ellen Welch.  A groundbreaking scholar, devoted mentor, generous colleague, and caring friend, Michèle profoundly influenced the field on both sides of the Atlantic.

Michèle’s research on seventeenth-century French literature developed new perspectives on gender and literary ambition, the epistolary genre, representations of the other in French drama, and writing by seventeenth-century French travelers. In her early work, Michèle changed our view...

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On This Day -- 17 Jan 1601

Having negotiated the Treaty of Lyon with Spain, France gains the territories of Bresse, Bugey, Valromey and Gex. 

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Les Contes et nouvelles en vers de La Fontaine: cerner et situer une œuvre méconnue
Posted: Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 16:36


Prix XVIIe siècle : appel à candidatures (ouvrages parus en 2024)


Lecturer in Pre-1800 French and Francophone Studies at Harvard University

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XVIIe siècle - Aide au financement d'événements scientifiques

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Conferences and Colloquia

1624-2024 « Qu’est-ce qu’un événement littéraire ? La querelle des Lettres de Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac

21-22 novembre 2024 - Université de la Sorbonne

Organisation : Delphine AMSTUTZ (Sorbonne Université), Mathilde BOMBART (Université Lyon 2, IHRIM) et Suzanne DUVAL (Université Eiffel)

Que s’est-il passé en 1624 ? pour l’histoire littéraire, c’est la date de parution du premier volume d’un auteur, Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac (Angoulême, 1597-1652) appelé à une grande postérité pour à peu près deux siècles ; c’est également le début de la polémique que ce recueil, les Lettres, allait susciter, avec une trentaine de pamphlets publiés jusqu’en 1630. Qu’est-ce que la « querelle des Lettres », selon l’expression consacrée par laquelle l’histoire littéraire la désigne ? Au-delà même des Lettres, quelles sont l’importance et les enjeux de l’œuvre de Balzac dans son ensemble...

New Publications

Revue Bossuet 2024, n° 15 : "Nouveaux éclairages sur l’exégèse de l’Apocalypse au Grand Siècle"

Member News Briefs

Congratulations to Dr. David Harrison, our next Executive Director!
Grinnell College

Congratulations to Dr. David Harrison, Professor of French at Grinnell College, who was enthusiastically elected Executive Director of the Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth-Century Studies (SE17). He will serve as Executive Director-Elect in 2025 and, at the start of 2026, will succeed Katherine Dauge-Roth, Associate Professor of Francophone Studies at Bowdoin College, who has led the Society since 2005.

An accomplished scholar of 17th-century French literature whose interests range from Saint-Simon’s Mémoires to Madame de Villedieu’s narrative fiction, David has also recently co-authored the award-winning translation and bilingual pedagogical edition of La Princesse de Clèves (Lever Press, 2022; co-authors: Hélène Bilis, Jean-Vincent Blanchard, and Hélène Visentin), for...

Post date: 2 days 5 hours ago