French 17 FRENCH 17

2011 Number 59


Long-time readers of French 17 will note this issue's slightly changed appearance. The typespace and layout spacing have been reduced, allowing us to conserve valuable natural resources (paper for printing, fuel for shipping.) We hope that we have been able to balance environmental concerns and reader comfort.

French 17 seeks to provide an annual survey of the work done each year in the general area of seventeenth-century French studies. It is as descriptive and complete as possible and includes summaries of articles, books, and book reviews. An item may be included in several numbers should a review of that item appear in subsequent years. French 17 lists not only works dealing with literary history and criticism, but also those which treat bibliography, linguistics and language, politics, society, the arts, philosophy, science and religion. In order to be as complete as possible, the editor warmly encourages scholars to provide information about their published research.

Stephen A. Shapiro, Editor



Part I Bibliography, Linguistics and History of the Book
Part II Artistic, Political and Social Background
Part III Philosophy, Science and Religion
Part IV Literary History and Criticism
Part V Authors and Personages
Part VI Research in Progress


The following list is internally alphabetical. Where no abbreviation is given, titles are alphabetized as if abbreviated. All abbreviations are those of the Modern Language Association.

By the good will and hard work of the contributing editors of French 17, all recent issues of journals marked with an asterisk should be covered in this issue or in a recent or forthcoming issue. Scholars who publish in journals that are not marked with an asterisk should consider sending an offprint to the editor to insure coverage.

AION-SR Annali Instituto Universitario Orientale — Sezione Romanza*
AJFS Australian Journal of French Studies*
ALM Archives des Lettres Modernes
AnBret Annales de Bretagne
  Annales de l’Est
  Annales de l’Institut de Philosophie
Annales-ESC Annales-Economie, Société-Culture
Archiv Archiv für das Studium der Neveren Sprachen und Literaruren*
ArsL Ars Lyrica
  Art in America*
AUMLA Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language and Literature Association
BB Bulletin du Bibliophile
BCLF Bulletin Critique du Livre Français*
BILEUG Bolletino dell’Instituto de Lingue Esters (Genoa)
BJA British Journal of Aesthetics
BFR Bibliothèque Française et Romane*
BHR Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance*
BRMMLA Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature
BSHPF Bulletin de la Société Historique du Protestantisme Français
  Bulletin de la Bibliothèque Nationale
  Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin
  Bulletin de la Société d’Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe
  Bulletin de la Société de l’Histoire de l’Art Français*
  Bulletin de la Société de l’Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Bulletin de la Société Scientifique et Littéraire des Alpes-de-Haute Provence
  Bulletin Historique et Scientifique de l’Auvergne
  Burlington Magazine*
CRB Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud-Jean-Louis Barrault*
  Cahiers du Chemin
  Cahiers Saint-Simon
CAEIF Cahiers de l’Association International des Etudes Françaises*
CAT Cahiers d’Analyse Textuelle
CdDS Cahiers du Dix-Septième*
CHR Catholic History Review
Chum Computers and the Humanities
CIR17 Centre International de Rencontres sur le Dix-Septième Siècle
CL Comparative Literature*
ClassQ Classical Quarterly*
CLDSS Cahiers de Littérature du Dix-Septième Siècle*
CLS Comparative Literature Studies
CM Cahiers Maynard*
CMLR Canadian Modern Language Review*
CMR17 Centre Méridional de Recherche sur le Dix-Septième Siècle
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
  Collectanea Cisterciensia
CollG Colloquia Germanica*
CompD Comparative Drama*
CQ Cambridge Quarterly
CritI Critical Inquiry*
CTH Cahiers Tristan l’Hermite*
CUP Cambridge University Press
DAI Dissertation Abstracts International*
DFS Dalhousie French Studies
DownR Downside Review*
DSS Dix-Septième Siècle*
ECL Etudes Classiques*
ECr Esprit Créateur*
ECS Eighteenth Century Studies
EF Etudes Françaises*
EFL Essays in French Literature*
ELR English Literary Renaissance*
ELWIU Essays in Literature (Western Illinois)
EMF Studies in Early Modern France*
EP Etudes Philosophiques*
  Le Fablier*
FCS French Colonial Studies*
FHS French Historical Studies*
FL Figaro Littérature
FLS French Literature Series (University of South Carolina) *
FM Le Français Moderne
FMLS Forum for Modern Language Studies*
FR French Review*
Francia Periodico di Cultura Francese
FrF French Forum*
FS French Studies*
GAR The Georgia Review
GBA Gazette des Beaux-Arts
GCFI Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana
GRM Germanisch-romanisch Monatsschrift*
  History Today
HZ Historische Zeitschrift*
IL Information Littéraire*
JAAC Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism*
JES Journal of European Studies*
JHI Journal of the History of Ideas*
  Journal de la Société des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Journal des Savants
  Kentucky Romance Quarterly ~ see Romance Quarterly
L&M Literature and Medicine
LA Linguistica Antverpiensia
LangS Language Science
  Le Point*
  Les Livres
LetN Lettres Nouvelles
LFr Langue Française*
LI Lettere Italiane*
  Library Quarterly*
  Littératures Classiques*
LR Lettres Romanes*
LWU Literature in Wissenschaft Und Unterricht
M&C Memory and Cognition*
M&T Marvels & Tales
  Magazine Littéraire
MD Modern Drama*
  Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Mémoires de la Société de l’Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Mémoires de la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Bretagne
MHRA Modern Humanities Research Association
MLJ Modern Language Journal*
MLN Modern Language Notes*
MLQ Modern Language Quarterly*
MLR Modern Language Review*
MLS Modern Language Studies*
MP Modern Philology*
MusQ Musical Quarterly
NCSRLL North Carolina Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
Neophil Neophilologus*
  New Literary Criticism*
  New Republic*
NFS Nottingham French Studies
NL Nouvelles Littéraires*
NLH New Literary History*
  Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse
NRF Nouvelle Revue Française*
NYRB New York Review of Books
NYT New York Times*
NYTSBR New York Times Sunday Book Review*
OeC Œuvres et Critiques*
OL Orbis Litterarum*
P&L Philosophy and Literature*
P&R Philosophy and Rhetoric
PFSCL Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature*
  Philosophisches Jahrbuch
PhQ Philosophical Quarterly*
PMLA Publication of the Modern Language Association of America
PQ Philological Quarterly*
PRF Publications Romaines et Françaises
PUF Presses Universitaires de France
PUG Publications de L’Université de Grenoble
QL Quinzaine Littéraire*
RBPH Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire*
RdF Rivista di Filosofia (Torino)
RDM Revue des Deux Mondes*
RdS Revue de Synthèse*
RE Revue d’Esthétique
Ren&R Renaisssance and Reformation/ Renaissance et Réforme
RenQ Renaissance Quarterly*
  Revue d’Alsace
  Revue de l’Angenais
  Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuse
  Revue du Louvre
  Revue du Nord
RevR Revue Romaine*
  Revue Savoisienne
RF Romanische Forschungen*
RFHL Revue Française d’Histoire du Livre*
RFNS Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
RG Revue Générale*
RHE Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique
RHEF Revue de l’Histoire de l’Eglise de France*
Rhist Revue Historique
RHL Revue d’Histoire Littéraire de France*
RHMC Revue d’Histoire Moderne Contemporaine
RHS Revue d’Histoire de la Spiritualité*
RHSA Revue d’Histoire des Sciences et de Leurs Applications*
RHT Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre*
RIPh Revue Internationale de Philosophie
  Rivista di Storia e Litterature Religiosa
RJ Romanistiches Jahrbuch*
RLC Revue de Littérature Comparée*
RLM Revue des Lettres Modernes*
RLR Revue des Langues Romanes*
RMM Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale*
RMS Renaissance and Modern Studies*
RomN Romance Notes*
RPac Revue de Pacifique
RPFE Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger*
RPh Romance Philology*
RQ Romance Quarterly (formerly Kentucky Romance Quarterly)*
RPL Revue Philosophique de Louvain*
RR Romanic Review*
RSH Revue des Sciences Humaines*
RSPT Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques
Saggi Saggi e Richerche di Letterature Francese
SATOR Société d’Analyse de la Topique Romanesque
SC The Seventeenth Century*
SCFS Seventeenth Century French Studies
SCN Seventeenth Century News*
SEDES Société d’Edition et d’Enseignement Supérieur
SFIS Stanford French and Italian Studies
SFr Studi Francese*
SFR Stanford French Review
SFrL Studies in French Literature*
SN Studia Neophilologica
SoAR South Atlantic Review*
SP Studies in Philology*
SPM Spicilegio Moderno: Saggi e Ricerche di Letterature e Lingue Straniere
STFM Société des Textes Français Modernes
  Studia Leibnitiana
  Studi di Litteratura Francese
SVEC Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century
SYM Symposium*
TDR TDR — The Drama Review*
TheatreS Theatre Studies*
THES [London] Times Higher Education Supplement*
ThR Theatre Research International*
ThS Theatre Survey
TJ Theatre Journal*
TL Travaux de Littérature Publiés par ADIREL*
TLS [London] Times Literary Supplement*
TM Temps Modernes*
TraLit Travaux de Littérature
TSRLL Tulane Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
UTQ University of Toronto Quarterly*
VQR Virginia Quarterly Review*
WLT World Literature Today*
YFS Yale French Studies*
  Yale Review*
YWMLS Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies*
ZFSL Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur
  Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
ZRP Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie*


BENEDETTINI, RICCARDO. Chappuys e Garzoni: note sulla traduzione del Theatro de’ vari, e diverse cervelli mondani.’ S Fr 161 (2010), 259-275.

Rich and detailed study of the 1586 translation by Chappuys (1546-1613) of Tomaso Garzoni’s Theatro. Valuable not only for its specificity relating to these two works but also for its presentation and analysis of principles of translation, along with a fine study of linguistic norms (for example, diverse types of linguistic change such as semantic simplification).

COUROUAU, JEAN-FRANÇOIS. Moun lengatge bèl: Les choix linguistiques minoritaires en France, 14901660. Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance 86. Geneva: Droz, 2008

Review: D. Trudeau in Ren Q 63 (2010), 282-283. Welcome examination of dialects in the early modern era focuses on authors, genres and texts, motivations and various publics. The study is organized into the following chapters: Les langues de France, Objets et forms, écritures et pouvoirs. Adopting a descriptive approach, C.’s study demonstrates that while French was largely used for learned and administrative purposes, the dialects served daily business and certain genres such as nols, love poetry and satire, among others. Index, illustrations, tables, maps, and bibliography.

DELAPLACE, D., ed. Le Jargon ou Langage de l’Argot reformé. Paris: Champion, 2008.

Review: L Rescia in S Fr 160 (2010), This fine critical edition takes into account the three publications of Le Jargon (1630, 1632, and 1634) and provides important information relating to philology, historical linguistics and a detailed glossary. Highly useful critical bibliography.

DE POL, ROBERTO DE ed. The First Translations of Machiavelli's Prince: From the Sixteenth to the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft 133. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010.

Review: M. A. Youssim in Ren Q 63. 4 (2010), 1350-1351. Important collection contributes to many areas including the history of the circulation of political ideas and myths (1350). Books themselves along with their translations are another important area of the study. French scholars will appreciate the essay by Nella Bianchi Bensimon which focuses on the first French translation of The Prince. The volume includes considerations of manuscripts, originals and translations, correctness, intent of editors and uses made in political, intellectual, cultural and linguistic contexts (1351).

GOMEZ-GERAUD, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Arabe et Arabie: enquête sur les récits des pèlerins à Jérusalem (1550-1615). Tr L 23 (2010), 61-71.

Focusing on Renaissance and early 17th c. texts of French pilgrims to the Near East, G.-G. provides first a lexicological study of the term arabe to determine its significance for the early modern traveler. Denotations and connotations are investigated; G.-G. discovers that these récits expound on the langue arabe primarily in two situations: conflict and the inassimilable or the religious. Attentive to early modern geography, G.-G. notes that the pilgrims distinguish three Arabies: Petrée (qui recouvrait la zone comprise entre Syrie et égypte), Déserte (l’égypte et la peninsula arabique) et Heureuse (le Yemen) (65). G.-G. distinguishes and defines altérité in her corpus, citing, notably, Jean Boucher, who gives to various stereotypes in vogue a more literary and rich formulation (68 and n.).

KELLER-RAHBE, EDWIGE. Pratiques et usages du privilège d’auteur chez Mme de Villedieu et quelques autres femmes de letters du XVIIe siècle. OeC 35.1 (2010), 69-94.

Cet examen du contrle sourcilleux, par l’écrivaine, de sa production imprimée, l’utilisation stratégique du privilège pour réorienter sa carrière, son partenariat étroit avec Claude Barbin et les manipulations éditoriales du couple auteur/libraire renouvelle l’approche des oeuvres de Mme de Villedieu.

OST, FRANÇOIS. La démocratisation de la langue. Paris: éditions Michalon, 2008.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 160 (2010), Offers a clear synthesis of the querelle between F. and the Academy. After a section on the Dictionnaire bourgeois, O. focuses on linguistic norms and rights of authors. Rather than a study for specialists, O.’s volume will be of use to students.

RIFFAUD, ALAIN. Répertoire dramatique du théâtre français imprimé (1630-1660). Genève: Droz, 2009.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 162 (2010), 548. Indispensable work reconstructs the creative activity relating to the theatre of the years indicated in the title. Other aspects reported are theatre production, re-editions and locations in French libraries. All manner of helpful materials and information is included here, for example, typographical practices and illustrations.

SIEGEL, STEFFEN. Tabula. Figuren der Ordnung um 1600. Berlin: Akademie, 2009.

Review: B. Steiner in HZ 290.2 (2010), 474-475. Mixed review of this study which is inspired by the prominence of the word and concept of tableau chez Foucault. S. continues the emphasis of several critics such as Horst Bredekamp and Gottfried Boehm on techniques of visualization knowledge, here described as Bild des Alphabets, Ikonotexte, and visuelle Strategien (102-133). Sources are lauded, but reviewer would have appreciated a more critical stance and stringent argument.

SIOUFFI, GILLES. Le Génie de la langue française: études sur les structures imaginaires de la description linguistique à l’âge classique. Paris: Honore Champion, 2010.

Review: P. Caron in FS 65.4 (2011), 528-529. Gilles Siouffi présente ses études en deux volets. Le volet plus grammatical met aux prises les grammairiens avec l’ellipse (à contenir dans ses débordements), l’organisation syntaxique (qui doit lier parfaitement les idées), l’article (lieu d’une apologétique de la claret référentielle) et l’ordre des mots (qui doit mimer l’influx naturel de la pensée) [ . . . ] la deuxième partie, surtout rhétorique, offre un paysage apparemment contradictoire: les figures, l’hybridation, l’obscurité, l’agrammaticalité élégante, comment leur faire une place au sein de cet édifice? [ . . . ] Cet ouvrage très largement informe reprend certaines thématiques connues, mais il est passionnant de les voir regroupées par delà les barrières disciplinaires, montrant une seule inspiration à l’oeuvre dans des zones disjointes de l’organisation textuelle. On peut regretter parfois des approximations: d’une part la coexistence, parfois peu glosée, de notions théoriques appartenant à des univers de pensée très différents, d’o une impression de tremble théorique (absence d’index terminologique en fin de livre). D’autre part des affirmations qui, localement, donnent l’impression de contrevérités [ . . . ] En bref, si le dessein général est fort attractif et souvent convaincant, le détail manifeste çà et là quelque confusion, à la manière d’une belle toile pointilliste qui, de près, laisse un peu perplexe.

Théories et pratiques de la traduction aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Actes de la journée d’études du Centre de recherche sur l’Europe classique. Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 22 février 2008. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009.

Review: F. Forcolin in S Fr 161 (2010), 423. Concentration of texts examined is literary and sacred. Contributions include comparative studies, specific authors, texts and problems. Introduction by Charles Mazouer and presentation by Michel Wiedemann. 17th c. scholars will appreciate studies on Scarron, Furetière, Perrault, Comenius and la poésie précieuse.

VUILLEUMIER LAURENS, FLORENCE and PIERRE LAURENS. L’âge de l'inscription: La rhétorique du monument en Europe du XVe au XVIIe siècle. Le Cabinet des Images 2. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2010.

Review: T. Lansford in Ren Q 63.4 (2010), 1259-1260. Praiseworthy for its genuine wealth of material . . . and generous breadth of coverage(1260), V.’s examination is of particular interest and value to scholars of Neo-Latin, Renaissance and Baroque Studies. Organized in chapters on the birth of modern epigraphy, its original use, its link with politics, the rise of the elogium, and the 17th c. debate on the linguistic form of inscriptions.

WARKENTIN, GERMAINE. Aristotle in New France: Louis Nicolas and the Making of the Codex canadensis. French Colonial History 11 (2010), 71-107.

Author demonstrates that the Codex canadensis is more than just a collection of drawings, but rather a complete mise en scène of the flora and fauna of New France, destined for Louis XIV. Pays particular attention to how the presentation of the Codex illustrates European concepts of hierarchy.


ARNDT, JOHANNES. Der Dreißigjährige Krieg 16181648. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2009.

Review: A. Karsten in HZ 291 (2010), 203-204. Welcome volume should be appreciated by both lay persons and students as it is well-organized and extensive. Includes perspectives of cultural media history.

ASCHE, MATTHIAS, MICHAEL HERRMANN and ULRIKE LUDWIG , eds. Krieg, Militär und Migration in der Frühen Neuzeit. (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit, Bd. 9.) Berlin/Münster: Lit, 2008.

Review: U. Niggemann in HZ 290.2 (2010), 470-471. Focus of this collection of essays is war, the military and migration in the Early Modern. Wide-ranging essays investigate numerous factors of mobility in a highly informative volume which does not neglect economics. Soldiers and their families including Huguenot officers are studied.

BACCAR, ALIA BOURNAZ. La Représentation des Arabes chez Madame de Lafayette. Tr L 23 (2010), 95-104.

Detailed demonstration of numerous aspects of le monde arabe in Zaïde, including a well-defined geographical space, a maritime omnipresence, a reconstitution of une atmosphere guerrière (both tyrannical and admirable), characters complete with their Arabic first names and their portraits, customs all developed by an author with pour son temps une bonne connaissance du monde arabe (102). B. notes Lafayette’s souci d’exactitude, sur le plan géographique, historique, ethnographique, architectural et religieux (102). B. underscores the important role of the novel for the public who did not travel: son monde arabo-musulman annonce l’Orient romanesque et galant que se plairont à peindre, avec la plume ou le pinceau, les Orientalistes quelque deux siècles plus tard (104).

BEIK, WILLIAM. A Social and Cultural History of Early Modern France. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Review: A. Quinney in DFS 91 (2010), 138-139. The reviewer praises Beik’s research and his writing style, saying that he makes 16th and 17th century France come alive. Beik focuses on life outside Paris and deals only briefly with the king and life at the court. The author also includes comments on the latest scholarship of this period.

BENHAMOU, REED. Regulating the Académie: Art, Rules and Power in Ancien Régime France. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2009.

Review: C. Chaguinian in FR 84 (2010), 397-98: A history of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. Half of Benhamou’s study charts and summarizes changes in the Academy, trying to give a sense of its institutional culture. The other half, which will primarily interest art historians, presents documentary sources pertaining to the Academy.

BENIGNO, FRANCESCO. 'Mirrors of Revolution: Conflict and Political Identity in Early Modern Europe. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010.

Review: T. Worcester in SCN 69 (2011), 160-163: The reviewer notes that much of this book was published previously in the 1990s and has now been collected and translated from Italian. Although deemed less than user-friendly due to a lack of index, etc., it is worth noting a well-researched section on the Fronde of 1648-52 in which the author considers foreign influence in prompting it as well as its legacy leading up to the French Revolution.

BERGIN, JOSEPH. Church, Society, and Religious Change in France, 1580 1730. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2009.

Review: W. Reinhard in HZ 290.3 (2010), 789-790. Welcome volume by renowned scholar of French history (earlier volumes authored on Richelieu, La Rochefoucauld, bishops and the crown). The present study examines numerous aspects of change including new orders and congregations, recruitment and other activities by bishops, sacramental practice, Jansenism and the dévots.

BERNARD, MATHILDE. Le Colloquium heptaplomeres ou l’exil de la tolérance. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 395-406.

Examines the fictional situation écartée et claustrée’ of the Colloquium heptaplomeres, the different types of isolation at play, and the ways in which any broader communication with the outside world, and the resultant spread of tolerance, are hinted at.

BERTEAU, CAMILLE ET AL. Familles et parrainages: l’exemple d’Aubervilliers entre les XVIe et XVIIe siècles. DSS 249 (2010), 597-621.

Situating the study in the longue histoire du parrainage familial, dont on ne pressent encore que les grandes lignes, nous nous proposons d’observer les choix des parents à Aubervilliers dont l’histoire particulière de la paroisse et l’état de conservation des registres font un objet d’étude intéressant. Entre XVIe et XVIIe siècles, au moment même o la normalisation du parrainage sous la direction des clercs se mettait en place, nous interrogerons la place de la parenté parmi les parrains et marraines et celle de certaines familles en tentant de distinguer l’avant et l’après de la réforme catholique.

BIRBERICK, ANNE, ed. The Art of Instruction: Essays on Pedagogy and Literature in 17th-Century France. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008.

Review: E. Welch in FR 84 (2010), 382-83: The essays in this edited volume look beyond literary texts’ trite avowals to deliver moral teachings. Rather, they broadly investigate the interplay between aesthetic forms and pedagogical agendas (382) and examine how texts transmitted cultural values. Essays cluster around questions of women’s education, the influence of pedagogical projects on literary form, and the presence of pedagogical aims in canonical texts. The essay by Anne Birberick is particularly praised by the reviewer. [A] rich, thought-provoking collection of great value (383).
Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 162 (2010), 546-547. Individual contributions to this fine volume are praised for their solid documentation and the volume itself for its definite usefulness. The nine essays are dedicated to complementary aspects of the relation between pedagogy and literature and that between aesthetics and the transmission of knowledge. The volume is organized into sections on narrative (the exemplum in particular), the relation between aesthetic and didactic value and the political dimensions of instructive or moral discourse. R.’s review is unusually ample, commenting at some length on each of the essays, generally quite appreciatively.

BISCHOFF, CORDULA and ANNE HENNINGS, eds., Goldener Drache Weißer Adler. Kunst im Dienste der Macht am Kaiserhof von China und am sächsisch-polnischen Hof (16441795). München/Dresden: Hirmer/ Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, 2008.

and EIKELMANN, RENATE, ed., Die Wittelsbacher und das Reich der Mitte. 400 Jahre China und Bayern. München: Hirmer, 2009.

Review: M. Köhler in HZ 290.2 (2010), 419-422. Reviewed together, these collections of essays examine European intersections with China, notably through the numerous Jesuit missions undertaken in the Early Modern. Focus is on Germany but analyses of the intensive cultural, political and economic relations extend to those between Versailles and Siam. The reviewer would have appreciated more attention to the got chinois as it relates to the gardens.

BITSCH, CAROLINE Vie et carrière d’Henri II de Bourbon, prince de Condé (15881646). Exemple de comportement et d’idées politiques au début du XVIIe siècle. Paris: éditions Honoré Champion, 2008.

Review: M. Wrede in HZ 291 (2010), 200-202. As the subtitle indicates, B.’s biography of the third Condé embraces 17th c. behavior and political ideas as well. W. points out numerous noteworthy qualities of B.’s richly informative study. With its abundant citations of sources. despite at times summary proofs, W. finds the study significant as it presents the chaos of the early 17th c.

BJORNSTAD, HALL. Boileau et Racine ont-ils composé les inscriptions de la Galerie des Glaces à Versailles? DSS 250 (2011), 149-156.

As the title suggests, the author undertakes a re-evaluation of the authorship of the inscriptions that accompany Le Brun’s paintings in the great gallery.

BLOCKMANS, WIM, ANDRÉ HOLENSTEIN and JON MATHIEU, eds. Empowering Interactions. Political Cultures and the Emergence of the State in Europe 13001900. In collaboration with DANIEL SCHLÄPPI. Burlington: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: C. Zwierlein in HZ 291 (2010), 454-455. This volume combines conceptual essays and case studies of state-building from below. Political communication is no longer seen as unidirectional. Essays are wide-ranging, for example, analyzing local political life as well as the power of corporations. Judged an important contribution to the historiography of the State in the 17th and 18th c.

BÖHM, R, A. GREWE and M. ZIMMERMANN, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009. Biblio 17, 179.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 162 (2010), 550. Twelve essays analyze a wide array of recent films focusing on the 17th c. Sections treat architecture, festivities and ceremony; adaptations, for example, between literature and films; and historical and biographical cinematography. Highly useful both as academic criticism and as a sophisticated pedagogical instrument.

BOURQUIN, LAURENT. La Noblesse du XVIIe siècle et ses cadets. DSS 249 (2010), 645-656.

Cet article entend proposer un état des lieux, certes, mais en s’appuyant aussi sur un corpus cohérent: les cadets de la noblesse seconde champenoise, que nous n’avions pas étudiés en tant que tels [ . . . ] Nous effectuerons tout d’abord une pesée globale, en évaluant le nombre de cadets [ . . . ] Puis, en nous appuyant sur ce bilan démographique, nous verrons quelle est la place des cadets dans leur famille, en particulier leur taux de nuptialité, leur part d’héritage et ce que nous pouvons discerner des relations qu’ils entretiennent avec leur ané. Enfin nous envisagerons leurs perspectives de carrière, en distinguant déterminisme familial et choix individuels.

BRAZEAU, BRIAN. Writing a New France, 1604-1632: Empire and Early Modern French Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: Holtz, G. in FS 65.2 (2011), 241. This study focuses on the history of the first years of colonization (in the works of Champlain, Lescarbot, Biard, and Sagard) and the question of Frenchness. It argues that New France offered a mirror for a post-War of Religion France to examine itself as well as channel energies into a colonial and missionary project shaped by the Counter Reformation. Particularly noteworthy are analyses of national genealogy, the concept of specularity, l’imaginaire agricole and the symbolism of wine, and linguistic colonization.
Review: A. Strange in FR 84 (2011), 1050-51: Brazeau uses writings from New World missionaries and traders to study the concept of New France and how it varied and transformed over time. Brazeau is interested in how travelers’ contact with new lands and their inevitable disappointment with the project led them to revise their expectations for New France. Contains subtle analysis and careful readings; intended for the specialist.
Review: A. Frisch in Ren Q 63 (2010), 903-904. Praiseworthy as a venture into the French colonial enterprise (less well examined than Spanish and English ones), the volume is organized into two sections, Land and Language, and Renewal and Religion. Identity, geography and communication are studied in the first and more abstract notions in the second as they relate to Frenchness (B. 17). F. would have appreciated more attention to rhetoric and readers, actual or intended, plus a fuller treatment of various important topics such as linguistic thought as exemplified by François de La Mothe Le Vayer. Although the reviewer cites various defects, he concludes that the study should encourage more scholars to explore the terrain (904).

BRÉTÉCHÉ, MARION. De la mise à l’écart à l’écriture sur le monde: les mécanismes de l’exil aux Provinces-Unies des historiens-informateurs (vers 1680 vers 1720). PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 379-392.

Examines the issues involved in involuntary mise à l’écart’ in the case of nine French writers, in exile in the United Provinces after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, looking particularly at issues surrounding identity and socio-economic integration.

BROSENS, KOENRAAD. Poussin and Tapestry. Burlington 1303 (2011), 693-95.

Review of one of a number of smaller exhibitions celebrating the newly refurbished Galerie des Gobelins, which celebrated its 400th anniversary back in 2007. Specifically, the exhibition includes tapestries based on paintings by Poussin and resurrects a debate begun by Colbert as to whether the painter’s work translates well into such a large format.

CALL, MICHAEL. The Poet’s Vision and the Painting’s Speech: Molière and Perrault on the Sister Arts. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 124-140.

The author picks up Molière’s 1669 poem La Gloire du Val-de-Grâce, which is an extensive theoretical commentary on art theory and which was written in response to Charles Perrault’s 1668 poem La Peinture. It presents a fundamentally opposed vision of painting’s theoretical foundations and pointedly underlines the contradictions and ignorance present in Perrault’s work. In doing so, it also outlines its own unique vision of the relationship between painting and poetry, a relationship that determines many of the poem’s stylistic characteristics. Molière suggests his radical departure from Perrault’s idea of painting as a mechanical art and insists on the intellectual aspects of painting and on artistic apprenticeship.

CALOGERO, ELENA L. Ideas and Images of Music in English and Continental Emblem Books: 15501700. Saecvla Spiritalia 39. Baden-Baden: Verlag Valentin Koerner, 2009.

Review: H. Binda in Ren Q 63 (2010), 964-966. Highly praiseworthy examination of allusions (poetic and pictorial) to music in an impressice corpus, including both familiar and lesser known authors. C.’s study is organized into sections focusing on the political resonances of music, music as a figure for love, and music and spirituality (965). Emblematic scholars will find many useful discussions including some on Cupid, the Sireons, emblems of vanitas in addition to C.’s articulation of the ideology of the human heart as itself a musical instrument (966).

CAMPBELL, JULIE D. and ANNE R. LARSEN, eds. Early Modern Women and Transnational Communities of Letters. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009.

Review: N. Tomas in Ren Q 63 (2010), 936-937. This welcome volume is judged an impressive work that develops new understandings about the transmission of early modern European women’s writings of all genres (937). The eleven contributors demonstrate a genuine involvement in literary communities as well as a wide dissemination across geographical and class boundaries. Communities includes national ones, virtual ones, and those based on shared interests, whether professional or social. The essays are organized into sections on continental epistolary communities, textual communities and use of print, and constructions of transnational literary circles (937).

CAVAZZINI, PATRIZIA. Claude Lorrain: Paris and Haarlem. Burlington 1300 (2011), 494-95.

Reviews an exhibition of drawings by France’s most successful landscape painter of the seventeenth century. Admires the way the exhibition brings out the painter’s passion for nature and the relationship between his drawings and paintings. Also praises the catalog for asking intelligent and provocative questions.

CAVAZZINI, PATRIZIA. Claude Lorrain: Oxford and Frankfurt. Burlington 1306 (2012).

Reviews the exhibition Claude Lorrain: The Enchanted Landscape and compares it favorably with the Paris-Haarlem exhibition of Lorrain's drawings. Appreciates the curators’ questions into the role of Lorrain’s many highly finished drawings and the selection of paintings that chart well Claude’s changes in style over time.

CAZES, HÉLÈNE. Histoire d’enfants. Représentations et discours de l’enfance sous l’Ancien Régime. études réunies et éditées par Hélène Cazes. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008.

Review: C. Dubeau in UTQ 79.1 (Winter 2010), 151-154. Une collection d’une vingtaine d’études interdisciplinaires portant sur des textes du Moyen âge au XVIIIe siècle avec une belle et fort utile introduction de Cazes. Le but des collaborateurs est une enquête sur les discours et les images qui fournissent une histoire des définitions de l’enfance.

CHENY, ANNE-MARIE. Humanisme, esprit scientifique et études Byzantines: la bibliothèque de Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc. DSS 249 (2010), 689-709.

While analysing Peiresc’s intention in amassing his collection, cette étude souhaite [ . . . ] souligner l’apport des bibliothèques privées dans le développement des études byzantines en France. Elle s’appuie sur l’inventaire après décès de la bibliothèque de Peiresc et sur sa correspondance [ . . . ] à 5400 volumes dont environ 130 manuscrits.

CLARK, STUART. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Review: J. Partner in Ren Q 63 (2010), 968-969. Considered an impressive and authoritative contribution to the cultural history of sight, C.’s study is based on a wide range of sources from philosophy, anatomy, and art history among others (968). C.’s visual history leads him to argue that human subjects make’ the objects they perceive, fashioning them out of the qualities that belong intrinsically to perception, not to the objects themselves (C. 4). Physical mechanisms as well as the role of the mind are examined including additionally, in keeping with his 1999 Thinking with Demons, possible interference from malign spirits.

CRUZ, ANNE J. and MIHOKO SUZUKI, eds. The Rule of Women in Early Modern Europe. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2009.

Review: E. Lehfeldt in Ren Q 63 (2010), 194-196. Praiseworthy collection of eleven essays which are wide-ranging geographically and textually. The representation of female power, shared sovereignty and literary-historical depictions are analyzed admirably. 17th c. scholars will appreciate analyses of the representations of Elizabeth I in La Princesse de Clèves by Elizabeth Kerner.

CULLINAN, NICHOLAS et al. Twombly and Poussin: Arcadian painters. London: Holberton, 2011.

Review: J. Hall in TLS 5654 (Aug 12 2011), 17-18. Catalogue of 2011 exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery. Poussin juxtaposed with twentieth-century American painter who admired him. Reviewer finds this juxtaposition counterintuitive, given Twombly’s abstract expressionism. Despite Cullinan’s discussion of themes and experiences common to both artists, the comparison remains unconvincing. The value of the exhibition, Hall finds, is that it leads us to reflect on how Poussin became an artistic ideal.

DAHLERUP, TROELS and PER INGESMAN, eds. New Approaches to the History of Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Selected Proceedings of Two International Conferences at The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in Copenhagen in 1997 and 1999. (Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser, 104.) Kbenhavn: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 2009.

Review: A. Würgler in HZ 290 (2010), 136-138. Wide-ranging volume includes several essays useful to 17th c. scholars. Trends in theory are examined as are specific investigations such as the origin of modern states, crises and threats, and gender history.

DANDREY, PATRICK. Quand Versailles était conté: la cour de Louis XIV par les écrivains de son temps. Paris: Belles Lettres, 2009.

Review: C. Daniélou in FR 84 (2011), 1311-12: A promenade littéraire qui prend pour sujet la cour de Louis XIV. Dandrey adopts an offstage, in the wings’ perspective as a stance from which to view Versailles. He draws on a wide range of authors and deciphers texts carefully. The reviewer signals the work as highly admirable but dense, and advises reading it slowly.

DARNTON, ROBERT. The Devil in the Holy Water, or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to Napoleon. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.

Review: D. Brewer in FS 66.1 (2012), 95-96. Darnton’s object of analysis is the libelle. Staple of the underground book trade, these slanderous writings — such as Le Diable dans un bénitier,’ from which the book title is drawn — were tendentious, inaccurate, and indecent, as well as hugely popular. Part I provides close readings of four interlocking libels. With insight and vast contextual knowledge, Darnton analyses the workings of these libels, decoding them in the minutest of details. Libels, he claims, allowed readers to make sense of a complex world by reducing it to a simple narrative involving famous people and the clash of powerful personalities. Part II investigates the relation between libels and politics. Slanderous writing was not seditious or crypto-revolutionary, yet it was an effective weapon in power struggles, causing considerable concern in high places. [ . . . ] Parts III and IV pursue Darnton’s analysis of the textual workings of libels. Designed to bring to light the hidden and the secret, libels encouraged readers to ferret out buried truths and invisible causality. The anecdotal was seen as possessing a certain evidentiary power, and unveiling the hidden, private life of individuals was a way of unmasking desires and self-interest, understood to be powerful motors of events.

DARWIN, JOHN, After Tamerlane. The Rise and Fall of Global Empires, 14002000. London: Penguin, 2008.

Review: D. Langewiesche in HZ 290 (2010), 145-146. Highly praiseworthy review of this wide-ranging analysis in terms both of periods and geographical areas covered. Judged brilliant, D.’s study examines global patterns of competition, collaboration and coexistence and includes investigation of economic, political and cultural forces both within and without Europe.

DASTON, LORRAINE and MICHAEL STOLLEIS, eds. Natural Law and Laws of Nature in Early Modern Europe. Jurisprudence, Theology, Moral and Natural Philosophy. Burlington: Ashgate, 2008.

Review: C. Zwierlein in HZ 291 (2010), 183-185. Praiseworthy volume includes essays focusing on antiquity through the 17th c. Case studies are found alongside observations of a certain unification of juridical concepts around 1650. Includes an essay on Malebranche and a conclusion by Jean-Robert Armogathe on Deus legislator.

DE POL, ROBERTO DE ed. The First Translations of Machiavelli's Prince: From the Sixteenth to the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft 133. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010.

Review: M. A. Youssim in Ren Q 63. 4 (2010), 1350-1351. Important collection contributes to many areas including the history of the circulation of political ideas and myths (1350). Books themselves along with their translations are another important area of the study. French scholars will appreciate the essay by Nella Bianchi Bensimon which focuses on the first French translation of The Prince. The volume includes considerations of manuscripts, originals and translations, correctness, intent of editors and uses made in political, intellectual, cultural and linguistic contexts (1351).

DICKINSON, JOHN A., L'historiographie du XVIIe siècle canadien depuis 1992. DSS 252 (2011), 533-541.

Les thématiques privilégiées par les dix-septièmistes canadiens concernent les Amérindiens, les rapports entre ceux-ci et les colonisateurs ainsi que les tentatives de conversion par des missionnaires catholiques. Près de la moitié de toutes les publications depuis 1992 touche ces problématiques. La richesse des sources ecclésiastiques (Relations des jésuites, lettres et écrits spirituels de l’ursuline Marie de l’Incarnation, récits des récollets, annales des différentes maisons religieuses, correspondance entre Saint-Sulpice de Paris et le séminaire de Montréal) y sont pour beaucoup, mais il y a aussi la fascination qu’exerce le monde autochtone sur les chercheurs et notamment sur de jeunes Français venus faire des études au Québec dans le cadre des accords France-Québec.

DIEMLING, MARIA and GIUSEPPE VELTRI, eds. The Jewish Body: Corporeality, Society, and Identity in the Renaissance and Early Modern Period, Studies in Jewish History and Culture 17. Leiden: Brill, 2009.

Review: A. Berns in Ren Q 63 (2010), 206-207. Welcome both for its contribution to Jewish studies and to early modern European history. Wide-ranging essays will be useful for scholars in a number of fields in the arts and sciences. Overarching question examined is: How did early modern Jews react to the period’s increased emphasis on and interest in corporeality? (206). Volume is organized into sections as follows: The Body in Historical and Social Context, The Halakhic Body (concerned with law), Body, Mind and Soul, and The Body in Jewish-Christian Doscourse. Excellent introductory essay by Roni Weinstein relating theology, science and art, among other disciplines, to the new dynamics.

DINGEL, IRENE and WOLF-FRIEDRICH SCHäUFELE, eds. Kommunikation und Transfer im Christentum der Frühen Neuzeit. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Abendländische Religionsgeschichte, Beih. 74.) Mainz: von Zabern, 2007.

Review: T. Töpfer in HZ 290.2 (2010), 471-472. This praiseworthy volume of essays focuses on both possibilities and boundaries of early modern communication as it examines paradigms of cultural transfer. The study is organized into sections on religious communication (preaching, autobiographical writing, letters, translations, controversial writings), theological communication as it intersects with other branches of knowledge (rhetoric, history, law, medicine) and socio-historical perspectives of communication (identities, anti-Jesuit publicity).

DOUSSET, CHRISTINE. Familles paysannes et veuvage féminin en Languedoc à la fin du XVIIe siècle. DSS 249 (2010), 583-596.

Relying heavily on demographic analysis, the author investigates the social history of widowhood in a particular village in upper Languedoc in an effort to move beyond generalised comprehension of the status of the seventeenth-century widow. In taking a microcosmic approach, the author seeks to reconstituer des trajectoires individuelles et familiales, en associant données démographiques et indications juridiques et économiques, qui permet de mieux éclairer les comportements familiaux et d’en comprendre si possible les ressorts.

DRESCHER, SEYMOUR. Abolition. A History of Slavery and Antislavery. Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 2009.

Review: C. Retzlaff in HZ 291 (2010), 122-123. Original and many-layered, D.’s volume begins with the 15th c. and includes 20th c. examples of sex slavery. France is included as part of his focus on European powers. Sensitive to legal, moral and religious perspectives, D. presents a multi-dimensional picture of Europe.

DUITS, REMBRANDT et FRANCOIS QUIVIGER, éds. Images of the Pagan Gods. Papers of a Conference in Memory of Jean Seznec. London/Turin: The Warburg Institute/Nino Aragno Editore, 2009.

Review: G. Demerson in BHR 73.1 (2011), 193-196: Actes d’un colloque d’une équipe de savants qui choisit le même champ d’étude que J. Seznec, auteur de La Survivance des dieux antiques: la réception des traditions antiques dans l’Europe moderne.

DULL, JONATHAN. The Age of the Ship of the Line: The British and French Navies, 1650-1815. Omaha: University of Nebraska Press, 2009.

Review: J. Thomas in FR 84 (2011), 834-35: The author of two award-winning histories of the French navy, Dull addresses the background, course, and results of the seven wars between the British and the French (834). The study familiarizes readers with the meaning of line warfare at sea, and is said to excel at peaking readers’ interest at the end of one chapter so that he/she will read the next (834). Praised by the reviewer as knowledgeable and engaging.

DUPRAT, ANNE. Politiques barbaresques, les états corsaires d’Afrique du Nord dans la littérature française du XVIIe siècle. Tr L 23 (2010), 83-94.

Convincing demonstration of noteworthy ambiguités in representative political utopias in the Early Modern. Attentive to the complexity of these utopias, D. finds that their idyllic descriptions are des tableaux organisés par un projet politique et moral explicite (85). The author focuses her close examination on two representative cases, Gomberville’s Polexandre and Guilleragues’s Histoire des révolutions de Tunis and demonstrates that for each it is not a question of l’emprunt d’un décor et de masques que l’on donnerait à l’expression d’une réflexion française sur l’art de gouverner, et sur le destin des nations. Bien au contraire, il met au centre du texte le principe meme d’une sortie de soi dont les enjeux sont d’autant plus philosophiques que leur mode d’expression reste romanesque (94).

EIBACH, JOACHIM and HORST, CARL, eds. Europäische Wahrnehmungen 1650 1850. Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Medienereignisse. (The Formation of Europe/Historische Formationen Europas, Bd. 3.) Hannover: Wehrhahn, 2008.

Review: W. Schmale in HZ 290.3 (2010), 729-730. Praiseworthy for its wide-ranging observations which include essays relating to social, spatial and transnational perspectives. Innovative and important contribution to the history of the formation of Europe.

ENGELS, JENS IVO, ANDREAS FAHRMEIR and ALEXANDER NÜTZENADEL,eds. Geld Geschenke Politik. Korruption im neuzeitlichen Europa. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, NF., Bd. 48.) München: Oldenbourg 2009.

Review: W. Reinhard in HZ 290 (2010), 141-143. This collection of essays focuses on gold, gifts and politics—in other words, on corruption in modern Europe. Diverse group of articles includes studies of a theoretical nature as well as case studies from the early modern and the modern eras.

GLOZIER, MATTHEW and DAVID ONNEKINK, eds. War, Religion and Service. Huguenot Soldiering, 16851713. Burlington: Ashgate, 2007.

Review: U. Niggemann in HZ 291 (2010), 207-208. Important and wide-ranging consideration of the Huguenot phenomenon as it relates to the military complements many other studies relating to artisans, manufacture and emigration. Various approaches, descriptive, narrative, biographical and case studies illuminate the international dimensions of the phenomenon.

GOULET, ANNE-MADELEINE. Le cercle de la princesse des Ursins à Rome (1675-1701), un foyer de culture française. SCFS 33.2 (2011), 60-71.

Drawing on hitherto neglected letters, this article documents the activities of the French-inspired salon of Marie-Anne de La Trémoille, princesse des Ursins, in the Orsini palace in Rome in the last decades of the seventeenth century. Goes on to analyse the Ursins salon as an example of cultural transfer.

GREEN, TONY. Poussin’s Humour. Milverton: Paravail, 2009.

Review: H. Phillips in FS 65.1 (2011), 88-89. This poorly written and constructed book seeks to correct academic interpretations of Poussin that focus too much attention on the interpretation of content by instead emphasizing the painter’s humour, wit, and intelligence.

GREINER, FRANK. Echos de la Rose-Croix: rumeurs et roman. OeC 36.1 (2011), 111-122.

Comme toutes les rumeurs, nous semble-t-il, le mouvement des Rose-Croix appartient peut -être moins à ceux qui l’ont lancé qu’à cette voix collective qui se l’est rapidement approprié pour en parachever l’histoire légendaire. C’est là l’hypothèse fondatrice de cette étude portant sur sa réception française lors de l’affaire des placards affichés à Paris en 1623 par de mystérieux Invisibles’.

GUELLOUZ, SUZANNE. Une fiction qui fait l’histoire: La Relation historique et galante de l’invasion de l’Espagne par les Arabes de Baudot de Juilly (1699). Tr L 23 (2010), 105-114.

Demonstrates the two-fold originality of B.’s nouvelle, the only one which focuses on the conquest of Spanish soil by Arabs coming from the Maghreb and the only one to have in its title the term relation and to associate historique and galante (106). Although pointing out that B. intends to be considered as an historian and that B.’s récit includes much history (allusions and detailed accounts), G.’s study reveals that la fiction . . . occupe la plus grande place dans le récit (108), love intrigues, true and false friendships, tournaments and festivals. B. notes important literary references and an abundance of maxims and reflections. G. finds that instead of a mere juxtaposition of the two directions of the nouvelle, B. mit chacune de ces deux conceptions [history, fiction] au service de l’autre (114).

GUION, BEATRICE. Du bon usage de l’histoire: histoire morale et politique à l’âge classique. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2008.

Review: in H. Phillips in FS 66.1 (2012), 90. Guion’s aim, in broad terms, is to trace the transition from historical production as adhering to the rhetorical framework of exempla to the more modern idea of history as constituting a body of verifiable knowledge anchored in an anthropological approach. [ . . . ] Guion investigates in detail the slippery epistemological status of history writing as it varies between useful versions involving the promotion of prudence’, the tensions between idealism and pragmatism in what the examples of history offer, and the emergence in the second half of the seventeenth century of a history sceptical of moral and political partisanship, where attempts to construct universal laws of one sort or another yield to the recognition of historical specificities and to a sort of historical relativism [ . . . ] Those readers seeking a strong conceptual guidance in an understanding of classical history writing will be enormously disappointed. In many respects this volume tells it as the writers of history tell it, with accompanying comment, often enlightening certainly, on similarities and differences between them. But the approach according to categories of history suffers in a sense from the porousness of those very categories, leading to a great deal of repetition across the sections and within them, since Guion never trusts two or three similar opinions to stand for the rest. In addition, when Guion recognizes the importance of profound conceptual issues, they are left hanging without further elucidation. This is a very useful book in which the reading is thankfully done for us, but it requires patience.
Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 160 (2010), 141-142. G. contests Paul Hazard’s characterization of the 17th c. as she analyzes and defines the use of history, its usefulness and connections with la morale and politics. Reflections on private history are particularly illuminating.

GRESHOFF, RAINER, GEORG KNEER, WOLFGANG LUDWIG SCHNEIDER, eds. Verstehen und Erklären. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. München: Fink, 2008. and

FRINGS, ANDREAS and JOHANNES MARX,eds. Erzählen, Erklären, Verstehen. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodologie der Historischen Kulturwissenschaften. (Beiträge zu den Historischen Kulturwissenschaften, Bd. 3.) Berlin: Akademie, 2008.

Review: S. Jordan in HZ 291 (2010), 439-440. Reviewed together, these collections are praised as important for the wide spectrum of methodologies analyzed. The volume edited by Frings and Marx presents itself as a plaidoyer for a dialogue between analytical philosophy, theory of knowledge and cultural history.

HAMMOND, NICHOLAS. Gossip, Sexuality and Scandal in France (1610-1715). New York and London: Peter Lang, 2011.

Review: J. Prest in TLS 5648 (July 1 2011), 26. Draws on many primary sources and culminates in a study of gossip in La Princesse de Clèves. Hammond argues that gossip remains mostly on the margins in seventeenth-century France and is at once devalued and privileged. One of gossip’s functions is to give taboo desires a voice and space in which to exist and act (Prest). Homosexual group la confrérie italienne given as an example of gossip’s benefits and dangers. A favorable review.

HAPGOD, PASCALE ANNICK. Le pouvoir dans les jardins. DAI (2011),

This dissertation retraces the evolution of royal power in the public gardens and Parisian spaces from the end of the 16th century to the Revolution. Hapgod argues that the concept of classical gardens starts in fact already with Henry IV and grows out of profound societal changes at the end of the 16th century, namely, the emergence of a new elite of bourgeois background. The dissertation then studies public gardens, as well as gardens built by individuals during the period of Louis XIV up to the Revolution.

HOCHMUTH, CHRISTIAN and SUSANNE RAU, eds. Machträume der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt. (Konflikte und Kultur Historische Perspektiven, Bd. 13.). Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2006.

Review: M. Schalenberg in HZ 291 (2010), 191-193. Welcome volume on areas of power in the early modern city. Articles vary, examining at times the general, at other times, the particular. Praised for its detailed notes and multi-dimensional quality of the research, including the social, religious, military, architecture and history. Useful and attractive study.

HOEFER, BERNADETTE. Enseigner le dix-septième siècle: Au-delà du dualisme. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 155-176.

The article focuses on new course designs to teach the seventeenth-century mind/body question from an interdisciplinary perspective with a particular emphasis given to literature and French canonical writers (Molière, Lafayette, Racine). Hoefer provides the instructor with a great number of sources/texts that could be incorporated and also includes in her investigation the visual arts, medical thinking, philosophical voices, and film. She shows how research in other fields can inform our teaching and provide new challenges and outcomes for our instruction in the French classroom.

HORN, CHRISTOPH and ADA NESCHKE-HENTSCHKE eds. Politischer Aristotelismus. Die Rezeption der aristotelischen Politik von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2008.

Review: A. Schmidt in HZ 290.2 (2010), 411-412. Wide-ranging collection contributes impressively to reception of criticism of Aristotle’s Politics. From political theory to contexts of monarchy and state formation, the contributing scholars provide important analyses of the Aristotelian presence at the intersection of central political debates. Indices.

IBBETT, KATHERINE. The Style of the State in French Theater, 16301660: Neoclassicism and Government. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009.

Review: H. Bilis in Ren Q 63 (2010), 576-578. Lauded for its new perspective and focus on the distinctly political significance of form (I. 21). Particular linking is demonstrated between vocabulary and practices of tragedy and the newly absolutist state (576). B. finds that the most compelling chapter is The Politics of Patience; Staging the Spectator due to its wide scope . . . mov[ing] from an analysis of martyr paintings to martyr tragedies. Although B. consistently praises I.’s complex and illuminating readings of Corneille, she would have liked I. to include discussions as to how other playwrights such as Rotrou or Tristan approached the relationship between the state and the theatre.

JEWITT, JAMES R. Weaving Together an Identity in Nicholas Poussin’s Landscape with an Anchorite Saint. Burlington 1298 (2011), 307-11.

Based on iconography and evidence found in this and other paintings, as well as the circumstances surrounding its creation, conjectures that the saint in this particular work is Saint Paul the Hermit, not Saint Jerome, as previously supposed.

KIENTZ, GUILLAUME. Philippe de Champaigne c. 1630: A Rediscovered Pentecost’ for the Carmelites in rue Saint-Jacques, Paris. Burlington 1305 (2011), 797-802.

Describes the church attached to this Carmelite convent. Asserts that it must have been one of the most important monuments of seventeenth-century Paris. Explores the fortunes of the church’s art post-Revolution, including the piece identified here as Champaigne’s Descent of the Holy Spirit.

KLESMANN, BERND. Bellum solemne. Formen und Funktionen europäischer Kriegserklärungen des 17. Jahrhunderts. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Universalgeschichte, Bd. 216.) . Mainz: von Zabern, 2007.

Review: J. Burkhardt in HZ 291 (2010), 204-206. Forms and functions of European declarations of war in the 17th c. is the focus of K.’s volume. Wide-ranging in its consideration of the decisive acts or arguments (economic, religious, political) behind these declarations, K.’s study establishes an interesting typology of arguments from formulas of tolerance to formulas of evidence and illusion. Illuminating study of key words, rituals and constraints.

LANDRY, NICOLAS. Les défis procéduriers d'un commerçant de La Rochelle en Acadie: Nicolas Denys, 16361684. French Colonial History 12 (2011), 9-30.

As the author states, this piece does not aim at a full biographical sketch, but rather strives to give him [Denys] a more appropriate place within the business historiography of colonial Acadia and New France by examining his opponents’ attacks, the trials in which he was involved, and the role played by French administrators in his bankruptcy.

LANO, FRÉDÉRIQUE AND OLIVIER LEFEUVRE. The Collection of Paintings of Abel-Jean Vignier (1639-1700), the Elusive Marquis d’Hauterive. Burlington 1298 (2011), 206-306.

Art collectors in early modern France are a relatively recent subject of inquiry. Article identifies the Marquis d’Hauterive as Abel-Jean Vignier, explores the saga of his personal life, and describes the contents of his considerable art collection which was largely conventional and included a noteworthy number of Caravaggesque paintings.

LAVOCAT, FRANÇOISE. Témoignage et récit de catastrophe. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 32-48.

Studies how witnesses describe, through first-person narration, the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in 1631, as well as the Milanese and London plagues of 1629-32 and 1665. First-person narration adopts two functions: on one hand, it provides a critical perspective of the event that goes hand in hand with an attempt to rationalize the witnesses’ perception of the incident. On the other hand, it reveals the sympathy felt by the spectators. The article then emphasizes the increasing importance of fiction in narrating catastrophe.

LE FAUCONNIER-RIPOLL, CAMILLE. Sublet de Noyers: la disgrâce d’un ministre au XVIIe siècle. Une zone d’ombre de l’histoire, une zone grise de la société. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 367-377.

Sets out firstly to examine the events surrounding Sublet de Noyers’s exile and his own attitude towards it. Secondly, examines the complexity surrounding the notion of disgrace at the time, a more complex affair than simple exile from court.

LEMAIGNAN, MARION. Des femmes dans les lieux du collectif: trajectoires déviantes et interstices sociaux au XVIIe siècle. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 319-333.

Examines the figures of two Parisian noblewomen, Madame de Vézilly and Madame de Montarbault, who do not fit into the usually accepted understanding of marginalised’. These women are not hors le monde mais dans le monde à part du non intelligible, du non pensable, du non catégorisable’. Hence, Peut-être alors faut-il plutt essayer de penser des réagencements de l’acceptable plutt que des mondes à part, en prenant en compte l’instabilité et le mobilité des frontières et en travaillant l’enjeu que représentent au XVIIe siècle les définitions des espaces, des identités et de l’acceptabilité.’

LYONS, JOHN D. and KATHLEEN WINE, eds. Chance, Literature, and Culture in Early Modern France. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: T. Chesters in FS 65.3 (2011), 386-387. Part I (Providence in Question) shows a number of early modern authors in dialogue with Augustine’s thesis, in De civitate dei, that the concept of chance is an expression of our fallen state and of our concomitant remoteness from grasping the divine plan. Part II addresses Poetics and the Aesthetics of Chance, while Part III (The Law and the Ethics of Chance) draws out the ethical and doctrinal implications of chance. [ . . . ] Finally, Part IV (Chance and its Remedies) pursues further the question of how we might think and act in the face of chance. A wide range of authors are covered: Montaigne, Rabelais, Gomberville, Racine, Malebranche, Descartes, and the Cardinal de Retz.
Review: J. Helgeson in Ren Q 63 (2010), 284-286. Welcome volume results from a colloquium held in Tours at the Centre d’études Supérieures de la Renaissance (2006) and from a panel held at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (2006). Nine essays focus on 17th c. topics providing analyses on the intersection and tensions of providence and chance from perspectives of philosophy, theology and poetics. Reviewer regrets the paucity of mention of Pascal but notes with appreciation analyses on Malebranche, Racine, Descartes, Gomberville, the sublime, and the Cardinal de Retz. Index, illustrations, and bibliography.

MALETTKE, KLAUS. Die Bourbonen. Bd. 1: Von Heinrich IV. bis zu Ludwig XIV. 15891715. Bd. 2: Von Ludwig XV. bis zu Ludwig XVI. 1715 1789/92. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2008.

MALETTKE, KLAUS. Die Bourbonen. Bd. 3: Von Ludwig XVIII. bis zu Louis Philippe 18141848. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2009.

Review: M. Wrede in HZ 290.3 (2010), 726-729. Three important volumes by M. examine French politics from 1588 to 1848. M. is renowned for his fine studies of early modern French history, including internal structure as well as external strategies. M’s panorama does not neglect the visual testimony of the Bourbons (portraits, medals, memorials).

MARCHAL, GUY P. Schweizer Gebrauchsgeschichte. Geschichtsbilder, Mythenbildung und nationale Identität. 2., unver. Aufl. Basel: Schwabe, 2007. and

HEAD, RANDOLPH C. Jenatsch’s Axe. Social Boundaries, Identity, and Myth in the Era of the Thirty Years’ War. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2008.

Review: I. Schmidt-Voges in HZ 290 (2010), 138-141. Head’s reconstruction of the almost mythical event is widely useful for the light it sheds on social, political, economic and cultural aspects of the early modern era. French scholars of Richelieu and the Duc de Rohan will find this comprehensive examination of interest. Discussion of popular perceptions and fictions along with known facts provide a fascinating and impressive study.

MARTIN, A. LYNN. Alcohol, Violence, and Disorder in Traditional Europe. Early Modern Studies 2. Kirksville: Truman State University Press, 2009.

Review: K. Albala in Ren Q 63 (2010), 628-630. M.’s examination of the European record from 1200 to 1700 investigates patterns of consumption and culture. France receives considerable attention. Violence seems to result less from the amount of alcohol consumed than from the place and its clientele. A. appreciates the many new ways to think about alcohol in literature and the arts opened up by this study.

MARTIN, MEREDITH: Dairy Queens: The Politics of Pastoral Architecture from Catherine de’ Medici to Marie-Antoinette. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2011.

Review: L. Matteson in CHOICE 48 (2011), 2084: Situates Marie-Antoinette’s dairy-hamlet at Versailles within a longer tradition of French queenship and draws out the political underpinnings of such gestures. Martin shows that dairies helped vulnerable queens ally themselves with notions of fertility, purity, and maternity. Marie Antoinette’s seemingly frivolous exercise in peasant rusticity, then, should be seen as a continuance of elitist expressions of virtuous behavior (2084).

MCCLELLAND, JOHN and BRIAN MERRILEES, eds. Sport and Culture in Early Modern Europe / Le Sport dans la Civilisation de l'Europe Pré-Moderne. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2009.

Review: A. Arcangeli in Ren Q 63.4 (2010), 1329-1330. Considered a valuable reference on the history of sport in Europe, the collection developed from a 2004 conference on the theme. The volume is bilingual in order to make more widely available the work of scholars who typically publish in other languages. Sport is widely understood from hunting to tournaments, the regulation of play, and literary and historical aspects. 17th c. French scholars will particularly appreciate Michael Flannery’s essay on rules for playing pall-mall.

MINVIELLE, STEPHANE. Marie Bonfils, une veuve accusée d’infanticide dans le Bordelais de la fin du XVIIe siècle. DSS 249 (2010), 623-643.

Looking from various perspectivs at the minute details of the criminal proceedings surrounding one particular widow accused of infanticide, the author asks us to retenir comment, à la fin du XVIIe siècle, l’infanticide était un moyen de contrle des naissances, mais également une solution à laquelle certaines femmes avaient recours pour préserver leur honneur et éviter la forte réprobation sociale attachée aux relations hors mariage.

MIROW, JÜRGEN. Weltgeschichte. München/Zürich: Piper, 2009.

Review: W. Reinhard in HZ 291.1 (2010), 117-118. Praiseworthy volume is lauded as a lot of history for little money. Recognizing the complexity of the world’s culture as an ensemble and a developmental process, M.’s achievement in writing a history of the world from its beginning to the 2009 financial crisis is as precise as it is remarkable.

NASSICHUK, JOHN ed. Vérité et fiction dans les entrées solennelles à la Renaissance et à l’âge classique. Les collections de la République des Lettres. Québec: Les Presses de L’Université Laval, 2009.

Review: N. Russell in Ren Q 63. 4 (2010), 1324-1325. Selected essays from a 2006 conference on truth and fiction in ceremonial entrées during the Early Modern is a rich body of studies which focuses on the question of truth and fiction itself as well as supplying details on several lesser known albums. Relationship of entrées to criteria of truth and verisimilitude is examined as is the various uses of the entrées, political and propagandistic, for example. Marie-Claude Canova-Green demonstrates that entries may even be invented as in the case of the 1626 supposed entry by the Duc de Rohan.

NEITZEL, SÖNKE and DANIEL HOHRATH eds. Kriegsgreuel. Die Entgrenzung der Gewalt in kriegerischen Konflikten vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. In Verb. mit dem Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte e.V. (Krieg in der Geschichte, Bd. 40.) Paderborn/München/Wien: Schöningh, 2008.

Review: D. Langewiesche in HZ 290.3 (2010), 722-723. Judged an important contribution to the history of power and the atrocities of war. Wide-ranging analyses of conflicts from the Middle Ages through the 20th c. No one definition of atrocity is given. Cultural perspectives abound as does attentiveness to the formation of European countries

NEUHAUS, HELMUT, ed. Die Frühe Neuzeit als Epoche. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, NF., Bd. 49.) München: Oldenbourg, 2009.

Review: W. Behringer in HZ 291 (2010), 513-515. Wide-ranging and attentive to international and interdisciplinary scholarship, this volume is judged a milestone in the historiography of the Early Modern. Essays treat main questions concerning the beginning and endings of periods as well as the relevance of periodization to all areas of life, culture and geographical areas. Essays examine numerous disciplines such as music, scholarship, the baroque, painting, law, theology and early modern globalization.

NOWOSADTKO, JUTTA and MATTHIAS ROGG, eds. Mars und die Musen. Das Wechselspiel von Militär, Krieg und Kunst in der Frühen Neuzeit. With SASCHA MÖBIUS. (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit, Bd. 5.). Münster: Lit, 2008.

Review: H. Thoß in HZ 291 (2010), 798-799. Praiseworthy interdisciplinary military history includes special attention to interconnections between literature, art, architecture and music, even psychological dimensions of military music in the Early Modern (the latter by Werner Friedrich Kümmel).

OIRY, GOULVEN. Entre révérence et impertinence: la cour au miroir de la ville dans la comédie des années 1629-1635. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 409-425.

Examines the ambiguous representation of the courtisan in ten plays published between 1629-1635, and the light it throws on the relationship between la cour and la ville under Louis XIII. Plays include works by Corneille, Du Peschier, Mairet, Du Ryer, Discret, and Mareschal.

O’MALLEY JOHN W., S. J. et GAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY, éds. The Jesuits and the Arts (1540-1773). Philadelphia: St. Joseph’s UP, 2005.

Review: R. Dekoninck in BHR 73.1 (2011), 232-235: Synthèse de qualité; première étude d’envergure sur l’apport des jésuites dans les divers arts à travers le monde et l’émergence d’une culture visuelle moderne.

PICCO, DOMINIQUE. La Perception de l’éducation reçue à Saint-Cyr (1686-1719). DSS 249 (2010), 729-746.

A detailed, statistical analysis of Saint-Cyr, its reputation, education, and students.

PIEJUS, ANNE, ed. Plaire et instruire: le spectacle dans les collèges de l’Ancien Régime. Rennes: PU de Rennes, 2007.

Review: J. Laroche in FR 84 (2010), 398-99: A collection of 20 essays on theater in early modern schools, collected from a conference on the subject organized by the Bibliothèque Nationale. Essays in the collection examine which kinds of plays schools tended to choose, what financial means they had available for staging theater, how theatrical productions overlapped with civic and political spectacle, and how schools’ use of theater related to Jesuit teaching methods. [L]’ouvrage brille par son écriture claire (399).
Review: M-T. Mourey in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 472-475. On ne peut que souligner les mérites de l’éditrice Anne Piéjus d’avoir exploré, avec beaucoup de constance, ce champ relativement nouveau de la pratique spectaculaire’.

PITTION, J. P. and STÉPHAN GEONGET, eds. Droit et justice dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Centre d’études Supérieures de la Renaissance 17: Le Savoir de Mantice. Paris: Champion, 2009.

Review: J. Soll in Ren Q 63 (2010), 636-637. Although S. has serious concerns about the unevenness and lack of cohesion in this collection, he does laud several very fine erudite articles. Ian MacLean’s history of the doctrine of proof in late 17th c. witch trials in Lorraine is deeply learned and extraordinarily well-documented, filling an important lacuna in scholarship.

POHLIG, MATTHIAS, UTE LOTZ-HEUMANN, VERA ISAIASZ, et al. Säkularisierungen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Methodische Probleme und empirische Fallstudien. (Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Beih. 41.). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2008.

Review: H Klueting in HZ 291 (2010), 188-189. This collective volume on secularization takes up problems of methodology as well as case studies. P. understands secularization less as a loss of religion but rather as a process of transformation in the sense of a recasting of religious content recognizable as individual objects. Wide-ranging, with ramifications for the sociology of religion, philosophy, art history and the history of knowledge, the volume has as well examinations on the sacrality of French kings in the 17th c.

POLLAK, MARTHA. Cities at War in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2010.

Review: L. Attreed in CHOICE 48 (2011), 1993: An historian of architecture, Pollak traces the connections between artillery siege warfare and the design of European cities between 1550 and 1700. This study examines spaces within the modern city, the ways in which both war and peace were expressed within urban space, and how artists and publishers developed techniques for representing urban space within military treatises and other writings. Illustrated in detail; recommended by the reviewer.

PROBES, CHRISTINE MCCALL. Controversy and Consolation: The Animal in the Royal Court, Madame and her Spaniels. SCFS 33.1 (2011), 16-23.

Article explores in the letters of Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz, Princesse Palatine, the contours of the controversy over l’animalité, the borderlines of the human, human/animal relationships, and the important role of animals, notably dogs, in her daily life. [It considers] among other points Madame’s philosophical and theological reflections concerning animals, Mignard’s lost portrait of her favourite dog, physical and affective comfort, true friendship (comparisons between the friendships of humans and that of dogs), and finally, Madame’s dogs as actors in anecdotes she relates to her correspondents.’

ROHRSCHNEIDER, MICHAEL. Reputation als Leitfaktor in den internationalen Beziehungen der Frühen Neuzeit. HZ 291 (2010), 331-352.

R.’s article adds reputation to the four forces named by Heinz Schilling in his 1991 study of international systems of the Early Modern: dynasty, confession, government interests and tradition. After a first section in which he sketches the situation of research and the terminology itself, R. delves into the importance of reputation as a factor in Richelieu’s political thought and action. Other sections treat reputation in the work of Diego Saavedra Fajardo and in the political thought of Frederic the Great (which demonstrates a continuity of the concept). Richly documented.

ROUSSILLON, MARINE. Les carrousels: configurer l’espace social de la noblesse. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 377-390.

Analyses the ways in which the spectacle of the carousel contributes to the construction of a nobiliary social space. Examines an account of a 1648 course de bague, the issues surrounding the 1662 and 1664 royal carousels, and the theatrical representation of a carousel in Thomas Corneille’s Le Triomphe des Dames (1676).

ROYE, JOCELYN. La Figure du pédant de Montaigne à Molière. (Travaux du Grand Siècle, 31). Geneva: Droz, 2008.

Review: J. Prest in FS 66.1 (2012), 88-89. This work takes a global approach: it traces the history of the pedant back to the late medieval period before focusing on a variety of literary texts (satirical poems, novels, and theatre). Excessive generalizations and problematic analyses make for a dry read. Towards the end of the book, Royé puts forward an interesting hypothesis whereby the exclusively male, university-based savant, who spoke Latin and led a solitary existence, came to be opposed, during the course of the seventeenth century, to the sometimes female mondain (based at court or in the salons), who relied on the vernacular and on a group setting.
Review: J. Serroy in DSS 249 (2010), 775-776: Il y a comme un malin plaisir à lire l’ouvrage que Jocelyn Royé consacre au personnage du pédant: celui de découvrir ledit personnage, incarnation même du savoir érudit cloué par la tradition comique au piloris du ridicule pédantesque, érigé en héros d’une étude universitaire empruntant les voies d’une érudition jamais à l’abri de devenir elle-même l’illustration des travers de son suet d’observation. This original work is near exhaustive covering près d’une centaine de personnages et d’un corpus dense d’une cinquantaine de comédies, d’une trentaine de romans et d’autant de pièces satiriques.

RUS, MARTIJN. Le Nol, miroir de la société. Du XVe au XIXe siècle. Neophil 94 (2010), 241-250.

Highly informative and agreeable to read, R.’s investigation of a little studied genre is wide-ranging and sensitive to theatrical as well as lyrical and musical dimensions. 17th c. noels often include references to classical mythology as well as Christ’s birth, although the latter is not the only subject sung (the creation, the annunciation, etc. are included). Noels can exhort Catholics to leave the so-called heresy of Calvin. Attentive to socio-economic context, R. notes specific references to cities, forests, gardens, fruits, etc. as well as to the circumstances of the people.

SARTI, RAFFAELLA. Europe at Home. Family and Material Culture 15001800. Transl. by ALLAN CAMERON. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2002.

Review: P. Münch in HZ 290.3 (2010), 779-780. Welcome translation of S.’s 1999 study under the title Vita di casa. Fascinating, sensitive and illuminating panorama of early modern European home and family life. Praised for its abundant and clear commentary.

SCHILLING, LOTHAR, ed. Absolutismus, ein unersetzliches Forschungskonzept? Eine deutsch-französische Bilanz/L’absolutisme, un concept irremplaçable? Une mise au point franco-allemande. (Pariser Historische Studien, Bd. 79.) München: Oldenbourg, 2008.

Review: M. Wrede in HZ 291 (2010), 516-517. These studies originated with a 2005 journée d’étude at the Deutschen Historische Institut in Paris which focused on the controversial concept of Absolutism and French and German perspectives on the subject. After initial essays on each perspective, however, the remaining essays are heavily focused on French perspectives. Very valuable volume includes studies by outstanding scholars of the Early Modern such as Denis Crouzet. This welcome volume is highly informative and includes a semantic metahistory by Armelle Lefebvre.

SCHLÜTER, GISELA. Discrétion/indiscrétion au XVIIe siècle: un aperçu de la sémantique historique des concepts. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 289-297.

Article sets out to provide a historical overview of the concepts of discrétion and indiscrétion and to analyse the particular rle the seventeenth century played in the modern understanding of the concepts.

SCOTT, VIRGINIA. Women on the Stage in Early Modern France: 1540-1750. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2010.

Review: F. Londré in CHOICE 48 (2011), 1299: Scott examines apparent exchanges of influence between early modern actresses and playwrights, while also attending to these women’s private lives, working conditions, and myths surrounding their existence. Attends to women such as Madeleine Béjart, Mlle Du Parc, La Champmeslé, and Mlle Molière. Recommended by the reviewer despite slight reservations about the author’s inclusion of superfluous details.
Review: M. Leon in ThR 36.2 (2011), 179-80. Scott gives actresses new voice as she penetrates the obscurity of the historical record to show the significant role of women in the growth and stabilization of French theatre. Uses legal contracts and civil records, but also plays themselves to engage in intelligent inference about the place of women. For the 1630s, for instance, Scott analyzes the roles written for actresses to speculate about their importance in the troupes. Study concludes with a chapter on biographical depictions of famous French actresses in film and on the stage

SEIFERT, LEWIS. Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Review: A. Duggan in FR 84 (2011), 807-08: Through an examination of civility manuals, salon literature, polemical texts, and narratives about cross-dressing, Seifert highlights the precariousness of the seventeenth-century masculine subject, which continually needed to be reiterated through relations to other men and to women. Moving from the production of normative masculinities to the production of marginal masculinities, Seifert demonstrates the delicate balancing act male subjects performed to maintain their normative or non-normative subject positions.Manning the Margins opens up the scope of early modern gender studies and breaks new ground (807-08).
Review: P. Zoberman in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 255-260. Volume is a very stimulating contribution both to the exploration of early-modern culture and to gender studies, supported by a vast knowledge of the scholarship in both domains’.
Review: Gary Ferguson in Ren Q 63 (2010), 574-576. Judged welcome and innovative, S.’s investigation adopts Pierre Bourdieu’s Masculine Domination as his principal theoretical framework (575). Organized in two parts, Civilizing the Margins, and Sexuality and the Body at the Margins, S.’s wide-ranging discussions include examinations of honnêteté, relationships between the masculine and the feminine, galanterie, and satirical songs, among other topics. Individual figures and authors receive important focus as well, such as Voiture, Madeleine de Scudéry, Théophile and the Abbé de Choisy.

SHUSTERMAN, NOAH. Religion and the Politics of Time: Holidays in France from Louis XIV through Napoleon. Washington, DC: Catholic UP of America, 2010.

Review: M. Sage in FR 84 (2011), 835-36: A study of holidays divided into 2 major periods, before and after the French revolution. En se basant sur la notion de Politics of Time du philosophe Peter Osborne, à savoir a politics which takes the temporal structures of social practices as the specific objects of its transformative (or preservative) intent (17), Noah Shusterman montre qu’il existe des revendications de pouvoir et d’autorité au sein de toute réglementation du temps, qu’il soit liturgiquepolitiqueou social (835). Although the reviewer expresses some uncertainty about the audience for whom this work is intended, he praises its detail, systematicity, and high scholarly quality.

SIEGEL, STEFFEN. Tabula. Figuren der Ordnung um 1600. Berlin: Akademie, 2009.

Review: B. Steiner in HZ 290.2 (2010), 474-475. Mixed review of this study which is inspired by the prominence of the word and concept of tableau chez Foucault. S. continues the emphasis of several critics such as Horst Bredekamp and Gottfried Boehm on techniques of visualization knowledge, here described as Bild des Alphabets, Ikonotexte, and visuelle Strategien (102-133). Sources are lauded, but reviewer would have appreciated a more critical stance and stringent argument.

SIGNORI, GABRIELA, ed., Das Siegel. Gebrauch und Bedeutung. Unt. Mitarb. v. GABRIEL STOUKALOV-POGODIN. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007.

Review: J. Mötsch in HZ 290.2 (2010), 415-417. Judged illuminating for the information and analyses that the volume brings to the uses and meanings of the seal. Highly diverse, the interested reader will find essays on the role of the seal as a guarantee of authenticity and as relating to image and identity. Other focuses include university seals, Jewish seals and state seals. Indices and illustrations.

SIKORA, MICHAEL. Der Adel in der Frühen Neuzeit. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2009.

Review: K. Murk in HZ 291 (2010), 802-803. Useful book focusing on the poor in the Early Modern. Perspectives addressed include social formation, employment prospects, environment, way of life and the church, among others. Highly readable.

SMITH, PAMELA H. and BENJAMIN SCHMIDT, eds. Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe: Practices, Objects, and Texts, 14001800. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2008.

Review: A. Mosley in Ren Q 63 (2010), 673-674. Welcome and diverse examination of knowledge production provides the reader with 14 essays that M. suggests are as many case studies which culmulatively convey lessons about the complexity of different epistemological practices, their interrelatedness and historical change (674). 17th c. French scholars will particularly appreciate Chandra Mukerji’s essay on Pyreneean women’s expertise which benefited the construction of the Canal du Midi (673).

SOLL, JACOB S. The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System. Cultures of Knowledge in the Early Modern World. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Review: J. Spangler in Ren Q 63 (2010), 657-659. Praised for its fine research and engaging writing, S.’s study employs both clear reasoning and an excellent grasp of wider historical content (657). Valuable for its compelling examination both of state intelligence and library science as well as for its perspectives on the Colbert-Louis XIV relationship and humanism itself.

SONKAJÄRVI, HANNA. Qu’est-ce qu’un étranger? Frontières et identifications à Strasbourg (16811789). Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2008.

Review: P. Fuchs in HZ 290.3 (2010), 798-799. Judged interesting and instructive as S.’s volume examines varying definitions and historical identifications of the foreigner in Strasbourg. Women, children, foreign students are included in the study which states: Pouvoir jouer avec les différentes notations d’étranger constitue en effet un important moyen dans les luttes sociales pour exclure des personnes ou des groupes concurrents (177).

SPERLING, JUTTA G. and SHONA KELLY WRAY, eds. Across the Religious Divide: Women, Property, and Law in the Wider Mediterranean (ca. 13001800). Routledge Research in Gender and History 11. New York: Routledge, 2010.

Review: E. Dursteler in Ren Q 63. 4 (2010), 1325-1327. Wide-ranging and praiseworthy for its contribution to a truly Mediterranean history and its examination of gender through . . . [a] Mediterranean prism (1325). France is included in this collection of 16 chapters although Italy is the most heavily represented. D. finds both individual essays and the volume as a whole successful both as a study of gender and a work of Mediterranean history and considers it a model for future Mediterranean work (1327).

SPANGLER, JONATHAN. The Society of Princes: The Lorraine-Guise and the Conservation of Power and Wealth in Seventeenth-Century France. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009.

Review: B. Sandberg in Ren Q 63 (2010), 655-657. Welcome examination of the Lorraine-Guise family after the religious wars. Based on legal records and important materials in French archives, the study demonstrates that the princes étrangers were part of the fabric of the tapestry that was the public face of the French monarchy (39-41). Includes several in-depth studies of individual family members such as Louis de Lorraine, comte d’Armagnac and Henri II de Lorraine, duc de Guise. Reviewer is especially appreciative of S.’s focus on the transnational dimension of the family (656).

STEIGERWALD, JÖRN. La cour et la ville: esquisse de la relation historique entre pratique sociale et esthétique au XVIIe siècle (1630-1680). PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 273-287.

Examines the evolution of the relationship between cour and ville from a historical perspective (commenting on four fêtes royales), from a social perspective (commenting on the evolution of concepts of urbanité and le galant homme), and in terms of the popularity of certain literary genres.

TALLETT, FRANK and DAVID J. B. TRIM, eds. European Warfare, 13501750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Review: James R Smither in Ren Q 63 (2010), 921-923. Judged an unusually coherent and comprehensive [anthology] and a valuable addition to the literature on the topic (923). The collection includes a variety of approaches from syntheses of previously published texts to analysis of primary sources; topics are similarly wide-ranging and demonstrate a remarkable connectedness between essays. France is included along with less often found geographical dimensions in this domain.

TURNOVSKY, GEOFFREY. The Literary Market: Authorship and Modernity in the Old Regime. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.

Review: J. Phillips in FS 65.3 (2011), 391-392. This well-researched and densely argued study represents an important contribution to our knowledge of the history of authorship and publishing in France. Focusing on the evolution of the writer’s status and relationship with a growing print industry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Turnovsky proposes a radically new analysis of this process. Rejecting the more simplistic view according to which writers of the period were increasingly able to wean themselves off patronage and live on income from their books, he persuasively argues that changes in the ways in which authors were perceived by the aristocrats who had hitherto supported them played an equally important role.
Review: P. Stewart in FR 84 (2011), 1025-26: Turnovsky argues that the relationship of writers with both the book industry and their reading public needs to be recast without the usual reliance on the notion of literary property. He argues that the privilège was not primarily about ownershipbut a credentialing device thatallowed them to project an image of themselves as socially integrated and enjoying the king’s favor, since it was issued in the monarch’s name (80). The reviewer expresses enthusiasm for the work but laments a lack of attention to relevant texts and scholarship, as well as to questions of early modern journalism and censorship.

UPTON-WARD, JUDI ed. The Military Orders. Vol. 4: On Land and by Sea. Editorial Committee: Malcolm Barber, Peter Edbury, Anthony Luttrell et al. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008.

Review: R. Czaja in HZ 291 (2010), 451-452. Selected presentations from a journée d’études at the London Centre for the Study of the Crusades, the Military Orders and the Latin East in St. John’s Gate. Wide-ranging volume in which essays examine both general issues and problems in the history of military orders as well as study the history of specific orders. France is among the geographical areas investigated; problems include the following: military organizations, spirituality, architecture, family relationships and receptions history. Judged a very necessary overview.

VASOLD, MANFRED. Grippe, Pest und Cholera. Eine Geschichte der Seuchen in Europa. Stuttgart: Steiner, 2008.

Review: M. Dinges in HZ 291 (2010), 738-740. Wide-ranging, voluminous overview of epidemics in Europe is welcome, especially given the recent modern examples of swine flu and in poor countries, tuberculoses and malaria. V.’s study includes both socio-historical and medical perspectives and is praiseworthy for its critical apparatus.

VIALA, ALAIN. La France galante. Essai historique sur une catégorie culturelle, de ses origines jusqu’à la Révolution. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2008.

Review: J. Lyons in DSS 249 (2010), 777-778: Recognizing the author’s extraordinary contribution to the field, the reviewer sees this new and expansive work as le fruit de ses recherches et des réflexions dans un excellent ouvrage de synthèse. [ . . . ] Encyclopedic in nature and eminently accessible, the fifteen chapters begin with an etymological analysis and merge into a study of l’émergence du galant comme phénomène littéraire et social important et dynamique dès les années 1650 [ . . . ]

VUILLEUMIER LAURENS, FLORENCE and PIERRE LAURENS. L’âge de l'inscription: La rhétorique du monument en Europe du XVe au XVIIe siècle. Le Cabinet des Images 2. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2010.

Review: T. Lansford in Ren Q 63.4 (2010), 1259-1260. Praiseworthy for its genuine wealth of material . . . and generous breadth of coverage(1260), V.’s examination is of particular interest and value to scholars of Neo-Latin, Renaissance and Baroque Studies. Organized in chapters on the birth of modern epigraphy, its original use, its link with politics, the rise of the elogium, and the 17th c. debate on the linguistic form of inscriptions.

WINKLER, HEINRICH AUGUST. Geschichte des Westens. Von den Anfängen in der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. München: Beck, 2009.

Review: W. Reinhard in HZ 291.1 (2010), 118-120. Reviewer has numerous concerns with this study including the definition of the West itself. Found stringently normative with notions of progress and modernization as well as conveying considerable American and European arrogance. Some errors of fact are noted as well.

WOLFE, MICHAEL W. Walled Towns and the Shaping of France: From the Medieval to the Early Modern Era. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Review: M. Vester in Ren Q 63 (2010), 652-654. Praised as significant and engaging, W.’s examination of the role of towns in the process of French state-building focuses on fiscal, territorial, political and cultural perspectives (652). 17th c. French scholars will be most interested in the section entitled The Walls Come Down (1600-1750). Civic pride was showcased under Sully as open squares and broad avenues were developed (653).

ZONZA, CHRISTIAN. Les Mémoires du capitaine Foucques: un témoignage-avertissement’ à l’adresse du roi. Tr L 23 (2010), 71-81.

In his close examination of this fourteen page in octavo historical account known as Foucques’s memoir, Z. underscores its interest due to 1) its quality as an example des discours des capitaines et surtout des éloges des actions des grands capitaines and to 2) its place in une littérature encomiastique liée aux valeurs de l’héroïsme in the Early Modern (74). Z.’s investigation includes a study of the structure, the justification, and the rhetoric of the memoir. Z. finds the narration théâtricalisé and the anecdotes, typically with precise sources and references, to be exempla which viennent diversifier et animer le propos du capitaine, tout en offrant la garantie de ce qui apparat bien comme la réalité contemporaine (77). Z.’s interpretation of F.’s vehement passages on the enslavement of Europeans is particularly striking as it is essentiellement le résultat d’un scandaleux commerce international (80). F. had predicted that Christianity would be destroyed unless France acts and le royaume du lys deviendra ainsi . . . une extension de la Barbarie (80).


ASCHE, MATTHIAS, MICHAEL HERRMANN and ULRIKE LUDWIG, eds. Krieg, Militär und Migration in der Frühen Neuzeit. (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit, Bd. 9.) Berlin/Münster: Lit 2008.

Review: U. Niggemann in HZ 290.2 (2010), 470-471. Focus of this collection of essays is war, the military and migration in the Early Modern. Wide-ranging essays investigate numerous factors of mobility in a highly informative volume which does not neglect economics. Soldiers and their families including Huguenot officers are studied.

BECK-CHAUVEAU, LAURENCE. La déréliction. L’esthétique de la lamentation amoureuse de la latinité profane à la modernité chrétienne, A.D.R.A. Nancy, 2009.

Review: J. Goeury in BHR 72.3 (2010), 715-716: L’intérêt principal de cette étude réside indéniablement dans cette exploration du corpus chrétien néo-latin, restraint au sous-corpus magdalénien du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle, presque exclusivement élaboré en terres catholiques dans le sillage de la Contre Réforme .

BERGIN, JOSEPH. Church, Society, and Religious Change in France, 1580 1730. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2009.

Review: W. Reinhard in HZ 290.3 (2010), 789-790. Welcome volume by renowned scholar of French history (earlier volumes authored on Richelieu, La Rochefoucauld, bishops and the crown). The present study examines numerous aspects of change including new orders and congregations, recruitment and other activities by bishops, sacramental practice, Jansenism and the dévots.

BIETENHOLZ, PETER G. Encounters with a Radical Erasmus. Erasmus’ Work as a Source of Radical Thought in Early Modern Europe. Toronto/ Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press, 2009.

Review: M. Pohlig in HZ 290.2 (2010), 477-478. Praiseworthy for a rethinking and reassessment of Erasmus’s radicality. P. asks if radicality is destructive, subversive or if it can be affirmative. The changing notion is both useful and interesting. This study by the Erasmus expert B. is judged an instructive work as it asks two central questions: To what extent does Erasmus inspire radical thought and how radical was Erasmus himself? 17th c. French scholars will appreciate the pages on libertins érudits such as Bayle. Praiseworthy rethinking of the concept in the Early Modern, even if B.’s conclusion is manchmal ja, manchmal nein (478) [often yes, often no].

BISCHOFF, CORDULA and ANNE HENNINGS, eds.,Goldener Drache Weißer Adler. Kunst im Dienste der Macht am Kaiserhof von China und am sächsisch-polnischen Hof (16441795). München/Dresden: Hirmer/ Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, 2008. and

EIKELMANN, RENATE, ed., Die Wittelsbacher und das Reich der Mitte. 400 Jahre China und Bayern. München: Hirmer, 2009.

Review: M. Köhler in HZ 290.2 (2010), 419-422. Reviewed together, these collections of essays examine European intersections with China, notably through the numerous Jesuit missions undertaken in the Early Modern. Focus is on Germany but analyses of the intensive cultural, political and economic relations extend to those between Versailles and Siam. The reviewer would have appreciated more attention to the got chinois as it relates to the gardens.

BOISSON, DIDIER et YVES KRUMENACKER, éds. La Coexistence confessionnelle à l’épreuve. Etudes sur les relations entre protestants et catholiques dans la France moderne. Lyon: Equipe Religions, Sociétés et Acculturation (RESEA), 2009.

Review: A. Dufour in BHR 73.1 (2011), 246-249: Neuf communications d’une journée d’études tenue le 30 septembre 2006 à Lyon. Ce volume est très dense et riche d’informations sur une histoire du vécu protestant-catholique du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, dans toute la France.

BRÉTÉCHÉ, MARION. De la mise à l’écart à l’écriture sur le monde: les mécanismes de l’exil aux Provinces-Unies des historiens-informateurs (vers 1680 vers 1720). PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 379-392.

Examines the issues involved in involuntary mise à l’écart’ in the case of nine French writers, in exile in the United Provinces after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, looking particularly at issues surrounding identity and socio-economic integration.

CARLINO, ANDREA and MICHEL JEANNERET, eds. Vulgariser la Médecine: Du Style Médical en France et en Italie. Cahiers d’humanisme et de Renaissance 89. Geneva: Librairie Droz S.A., 2009.

Review: D. Gentilcore in Ren Q 63 (2010), 238-239. This welcome volume of studies is the result of an international research project on the style and diffusion of knowledge during the period 1550-1700 (238). The collection is organized into sections as follows: Strategies of Seduction, Genre Games, and The Author and His Public. The volume is wide-ranging and includes, of particular interest to 17th c. French scholars, an examination of Théophraste Renaudot’s strategy. R. developed a questionnaire to be filled out by patients in rural areas and mailed to a physician, thereby rendering accessible medical knowledge and treatment. Index, illustrations, tables, and a bibliography.

CLARK, STUART. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Review: J. Partner in Ren Q 63 (2010), 968-969. Considered an impressive and authoritative contribution to the cultural history of sight, C.’s study is based on a wide range of sources from philosophy, anatomy, and art history among others (968). C.’s visual history leads him to argue that human subjects make’ the objects they perceive, fashioning them out of the qualities that belong intrinsically to perception, not to the objects themselves (C. 4). Physical mechanisms as well as the role of the mind are examined including additionally, in keeping with his 1999 Thinking with Demons, possible interference from malign spirits.

COHEN, LEONARDO. The Missionary Strategies of the Jesuits in Ethiopia (15551632). Aethiopistische Forschungen 70. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009

Review: H. Chen in Ren Q 63 (2010), 226-228. Praiseworthy study deals not only with Jesuit strategies and responses to their missions in Ethiopia but places these activities in a global picture of Jesuit missionary work. In addition to religious conversions, the volume includes perspectives on cultural transformations in their diverse expressions politics, theology, ritual, literature and art (C. 11). While the study includes a helpful index and bibliography, there is no glossary or map, apparatuses that the reviewer would have appreciated.

CONLEY, JOHN. The Suspicion of Virtue: Women Philosophers in Neoclassical France. Cornell UP, 2002.

Review: D. Picco in DSS 249 (2010), 784-787: Conley’s new work, portant sur les écrits de Mesdames de Sablé, Deshoulières, Sablière, Maintenon et de Mademoiselle de La Vallière les replace dans le contexte du discours de la Réforme catholique sur la philosophie morale et de la culture des salons parisiens o elles participèrent aux débats intellectuels du temps [ . . . ] L’un des apports essentiels de ce livre est de démontrer l’étroitesse du lien entre ces écrits féminins et la culture des salons du XVIIe siècle, monde clairement dominé, selon l’auteur, par les femmes.

COURSE, DIDIER. La Dévotion honnête du Père Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 33-42.

Etude de l’oeuvre du P. Le Moyne: une oeuvre qui porte en elle-même les signes et les formes d’une dévotion nouvelle, qui si elle a osé s’appeler aisée’, relève avant tout d’un acte exigeant de synthèse et de réforme.

DARWIN, JOHN, After Tamerlane. The Rise and Fall of Global Empires, 14002000. London: Penguin, 2008.

Review: D. Langewiesche in HZ 290 (2010), 145-146. Highly praiseworthy review of this wide-ranging analysis in terms both of periods and geographical areas covered. Judged brilliant, D.’s study examines global patterns of competition, collaboration and coexistence and includes investigation of economic, political and cultural forces both within and without Europe.

DASTON, LORRAINE and MICHAEL STOLLEIS, eds. Natural Law and Laws of Nature in Early Modern Europe. Jurisprudence, Theology, Moral and Natural Philosophy. Burlington: Ashgate, 2008.

Review: C. Zwierlein in HZ 291 (2010), 183-185. Praiseworthy volume includes essays focusing on antiquity through the 17th c. Case studies are found alongside observations of a certain unification of juridical concepts around 1650. Includes an essay on Malebranche and a conclusion by Jean-Robert Armogathe on Deus legislator.

DEKONINCK, RALPH. ’C’est la figure et non pas l’étoffe qui fait la gloire des Artisans’:

l’’iconoplastie’ jésuite à travers les Peintures morales de Pierre Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 23-31. Le Moyne parvient ainsi à instiller discrètement son art de l’alchimie spirituelle, qui consiste à transmuer les peintures morales en peintures dévotes comme les passions profanes en passions spirituelles. Pour cela, le façonnage artistique des âmes impose une stratégie efficace: agir directement sur l’imagination qui, ainsi stimulée, aura vite fait de gagner le Coeur, siège de la puissance volitive et affective et moteur des passions.

DIEMLING, MARIA and GIUSEPPE VELTRI, eds. The Jewish Body: Corporeality, Society, and Identity in the Renaissance and Early Modern Period, Studies in Jewish History and Culture 17. Leiden: Brill, 2009.

Review: A. Berns in Ren Q 63 (2010), 206-207. Welcome both for its contribution to Jewish studies and to early modern European history. Wide-ranging essays will be useful for scholars in a number of fields in the arts and sciences. Overarching question examined is: How did early modern Jews react to the period’s increased emphasis on and interest in corporeality? (206). Volume is organized into sections as follows: The Body in Historical and Social Context, The Halakhic Body (concerned with law), Body, Mind and Soul, and The Body in Jewish-Christian Doscourse. Excellent introductory essay by Roni Weinstein relating theology, science and art, among other disciplines, to the new dynamics.

DINGEL, IRENE and WOLF-FRIEDRICH SCHÄUFELE, eds. Kommunikation und Transfer im Christentum der Frühen Neuzeit. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Abendländische Religionsgeschichte, Beih. 74.) Mainz: von Zabern, 2007.

Review: T. Töpfer in HZ 290.2 (2010), 471-472. This praiseworthy volume of essays focuses on both possibilities and boundaries of early modern communication as it examines paradigms of cultural transfer. The study is organized into sections on religious communication (preaching, autobiographical writing, letters, translations, controversial writings), theological communication as it intersects with other branches of knowledge (rhetoric, history, law, medicine) and socio-historical perspectives of communication (identities, anti-Jesuit publicity).

DURU, AUDREY. Les Cantiques du Sieur de Maisonfleur, Une Anthologie Entre Deux Chaires’: Périple éditorial entre 1580 et 1621. BHR 73.1 (2011), 33-60:

. . . ce recueil crée, prescrit et suscite une expression poétique dans la lignée de la poésie nationale de cour et cependant associée à la confession réformée. Autrement dit, le recueil essaie moins d’unir les deux confessions, qu’il ne tente de concilier par la poésie le statut de sujet du roi de France et de fidèle réformée. Etude du contexte historique précis des neuf éditions connues des Cantiques.

FOISNEAU, LUC, ed. Dictionary of Seventeenth-Century French Philosophers. London and New York: Thoemmes-Continuum. 2008.

Review: A. Viala in FS 65.4 (2011), 528. Le Dictionary of Seventeenth-Century French Philosophers constitue une entreprise ambitieuse et impressionnante. Ambitieuse, parce que l’équipe éditoriale de cette entreprise a fait le choix d’inclure tous les aspects de la pensée. Il ne faut donc pas entendre ici philosophers’ comme philosophes’ au sens restreint, mais plutt selon la perspective du French Thought’ [ . . . ] Et entreprise impressionnante par l’ampleur de l’ouvrage: deux volumes de 640 et 674 pages; mais aussi par le soin apportés aux notices, copieuses, détaillées, nanties d’une excellente bibliographie des sources et d’une section Further Reading’ très bien faite. [ . . . ] Un tel livre servira donc d’ouvrage de référence en la matière. Il allie la précision de l’information et la clarté de l’exposé, qui en rend la consultation aisée.

GABRIEL, FREDERIC. Collectionner les saints: Hagiographie, identité et compilation dans les collections non-Bollandistes (XVIe-XVIIe siècles). FS 65.3 (2011), 327-336.

This article analyzes the conceptual richness of the wide variety of hagiographic compilations that pre-date the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists. The author looks at the compilations as collections that reveal une perpetuelle réécriture et réédition that creat a single corps mystique.

GERARD, AURELIE. Dom Calmet (1672-1757) et le monde arabe: une tolérance ambigu. Tr L 23 (2010), 115-127.

Precise study with numerous fascinating details reveals the paradoxical character of the Benedictine’s interest in le monde arabe. While his faith would not allow any possible dialogue with Islam, he bought un Alcoran arabe en portefeuille in 1713 (reproduction is in this article) and other Arabic books, encouraging his assistant dom Henry Faulques to learn Oriental languages and noted his progress with Arabic. G. details differences between dom Calumet’s 1703 dissertation Recherches sur les chiffres que l’on nomme arabes and the version printed in 1797 in the Mémoires de Trévoux. The second version, for example, recognized three types of numbers instead of two. G. refers to citations of dom C.’s exegetical works, notably his 23-volume Commentaire littérale sur tous les livres de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, which indicate the Benedictine’s conviction of the usefulness of the study of Arabic civilization for the understanding of the Bible.

GERMAIN-DE-FRANCESCHI, ANNE-SOPHIE. D’encre et de poussière. L’écriture du pèlerinage à l’épreuve de l’intimité du manuscrit. Récits manuscrits de pèlerinages rédigés en Français pendant la Renaissance et la Contre-Réforme (1560-1620). Paris: Honoré Champion (Les Géograhphies du Monde XIII), 2009.

Review: V. Mellinghoff-Bourgerie in BHR 72.3 (2010), 747-752: De cet ouvrage compact et ambitieux, fondé sur une somme de travail dont on ne saurait contester l’énormité, le lecteur retiendra peut-être moins la thèse générale . . . que, srement, la matrise de l’analyse textuelle, rédigée en un style à la fois savant et aisé.

GILBY, EMMA. Descartes’s Morale par provision:’ A Re-evaluation. FS 65.4 (2011), 444-458.

This article offers a critical and philological survey of the term par provision in order to better understand its use in the Discours de la méthode. She focuses particular attention on Nicolas Peiresc. Ultimately, the author concludes: Descartes’s use of the term par provision leaves open the relationship of his maxims to the future end point of his moral thinking. Further, the morale par provision grants informality itself an ethical significance. His writings, as they forge their connections with previous and anticipated arguments, are shot through with concerns about the complexity of moral conduct in the face of the unpredictability of the external world.

GLOZIER, MATTHEW and DAVID ONNEKINK, eds. War, Religion and Service. Huguenot Soldiering, 16851713. Burlington: Ashgate, 2007.

Review: U. Niggemann in HZ 291 (2010), 207-208. Important and wide-ranging consideration of the Huguenot phenomenon as it relates to the military complements many other studies relating to artisans, manufacture and emigration. Various approaches, descriptive, narrative, biographical and case studies illuminate the international dimensions of the phenomenon.

GODDING, ROBERT, BERNARD JOASSART, XAVIER LEQUEUX, et al., eds. De Rosweyde aux Acta Sanctorum. La recherche hagiographique des Bollandistes à travers quatre siècles. Actes du Colloque international (Bruxelles, 5 octobre 2007). (Subsidia hagiographica, 88.) Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes, 2009.

Review: J.Bölling in HZ 291 (2010), 466-468. This publication celebrates the 400 year Jubilee with its ambitious historical project Fasti Sanctorum quorum Vitae in Belgicis Bibliothecis manuscriptae begun by Jesuit Father Heribert Rosweyde in 1607. Excellent scholarly apparatus includes images in color. 17th c. scholars will particularly appreciate Bart op de Beeck’s detailed reconstruction of the impressive Bollandist library at the end of the Ancien régime. Especially noteworthy volume for its interdisciplinary and international quality.

GOMEZ-GERAUD, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Arabe et Arabie: enquête sur les récits des pèlerins à Jérusalem (1550-1615). Tr L 23 (2010), 61-71.

Focusing on Renaissance and early 17th c. texts of French pilgrims to the Near East, G.-G. provides first a lexicological study of the term arabe to determine its significance for the early modern traveler. Denotations and connotations are investigated; G.-G. discovers that these récits expound on the langue arabe primarily in two situations: conflict and the inassimilable or the religious. Attentive to early modern geography, G.-G. notes that the pilgrims distinguish three Arabies: Petrée (qui recouvrait la zone comprise entre Syrie et égypte), Déserte (l’égypte et la peninsula arabique) et Heureuse (le Yemen) (65). G.-G. distinguishes and defines altérité in her corpus, citing, notably, Jean Boucher, who gives to various stereotypes in vogue a more literary and rich formulation (68 and n.).

GREGOIRE, VINCENT. Le meunier, la domestique et l’hospitalière: entre magie, possession’ et obsession’ en Nouvelle France au 17ème siècle. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 69-91.

Retraces a case of witchcraft in 1660 in Quebec and the subsequent execution of the (former) protestant man accused, and the reasons for this execution. The article sheds light on the struggles between the civic and religious authorities in Quebec in the early 1660s, as well as the battles against (former) Huguenots in the Nouvelle-France. In the second part, the article gives particular attention to the obsession case of Catherine de Saint Augustin and shows a growing skepticism toward possession cases on behalf of her contemporaries.

GRESHOFF, RAINER, GEORG KNEER, WOLFGANG LUDWIG SCHNEIDER, eds. Verstehen und Erklären. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. München: Fink, 2008. and

FRINGS, ANDREAS and JOHANNES MARX, eds. Erzählen, Erklären, Verstehen. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodologie der Historischen Kulturwissenschaften. (Beiträge zu den Historischen Kulturwissenschaften, Bd. 3.) Berlin: Akademie, 2008.

Review: S. Jordan in HZ 291 (2010), 439-440. Reviewed together, these collections are praised as important for the wide spectrum of methodologies analyzed. The volume edited by Frings and Marx presents itself as a plaidoyer for a dialogue between analytical philosophy, theory of knowledge and cultural history.

HARVEY, DAVID ALLEN. The Noble Savage and the Savage Noble: Philosophy and Ethnography in the Voyages of the Baron de Lahontan. French Colonial History 11 (2010), 161-91.

Suggests that while Lahontan is often declared to be one of the founders of the noble savage myth, his writings are just as much a critique of his own society as a foundational treatise for primitivism. The Voyages (1704) reveal a man literally caught between two eras and two worlds.

HÖFER, BERNADETTE. Psychosomatic Disorders in Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: J. Campbell in FS 65.1 (2011), 96-97. Höfer focuses on the mind-body relationship. She brings psychiatry and the neurosciences to bear on the interplay between literature, philosophy, and medical science, examines the idea of psychological malaise and absolute repression, and argues that true self-understanding is grounded in the experience of the body. After an introduction that treats Descartes and Spinoza, she analyzes Jean-Joseph Surin’s Science experimentale as well as texts by Molière, Madame de Lafayette, and Racine.
Review: M. Meere in FR 84 (2011), 1024-25: This study asserts a connection between psychic distress and physiological dysfunction in 17th-century French representations of the self. Höfer makes use of contemporary medical concepts, but also situates texts within early modern debates about the mind and body. The reviewer laments the book’s lack of attention to Gassendi and its tendency to assume that modern science has achieved certain, complete knowledge about psychosomatic illness, but praises the work overall.
Review: H. Roberts in Ren Q 63 (2010), 578-579. Recommended to scholars, graduate students and advanced undergraduates alike, H.’s study is clearly written and includes a survey of philosophical and medical writing on mind-body relations in the 17th c. and later (578). Adopting both a synchronic approach (examining mind and body disorders and their representations) and a diachronic one, bringing her corpus into dialogue with present-day psychology and neuroscience (579), H. includes ambitiously examinations of Descartes, La Rochefoucauld, Pascal, Jean-joseph Surin, Molière, La Fayette, and Racine.
Review: N. Arenberg in DFS 92 (2010), 145-146. Höfer’s work is an intricate study of maladies of the body and soul, focusing on the problematic issue of constraint under the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. Somatic disorders such as melancholy, hypochondria, fever and anxiety were caused by widespread repression rooted in the overwhelming pressure to conform to the politics of absolutism. The author examines psychosomatic illness from a multidisciplinary perspective in the works of Surin, Molière, Lafayette and Racine.

HORN, CHRISTOPH and ADA NESCHKE-HENTSCHKE eds. Politischer Aristotelismus. Die Rezeption der aristotelischen Politik von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2008.

Review: A. Schmidt in HZ 290.2 (2010), 411-412. Wide-ranging collection contributes impressively to reception of criticism of Aristotle’s Politics. From political theory to contexts of monarchy and state formation, the contributing scholars provide important analyses of the Aristotelian presence at the intersection of central political debates. Indices.

HSIA, FLORENCE C. Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Review: M. Waddell in Ren Q 63 (2010), 945-946. Valuable for scholars of both European and Chinese history as well as for historians of science, the study carries us to foreign shores on the very borders of modernity, opening new and beautiful vistas for our exploration (946). Sections deal with both scientific personas and their various textual expressions, for example Guy Tachard’s Voyage de Siam (1686) which is at once a travelogue to garner support and an apologetic for the mission (946).

HÜBSCH, BRUNO. Le Ministère des Prêtres et des Pasteurs. Histoire d’une controverse entre Catholiques et Réformés français au début du XVIIe siècle. Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhne-Alpes, UMR 5190, 2010.

Review: N. Gueunier in BHR 73.1 (2011), 222: Un témoignage important sur l’histoire de l’oecuménisme ainsi qu’une recherche sur le genre et les thèmes de la controverse.

JACOBSON SCHUTTE, ANNE, SUSAN C. KARANT-NUNN, and HEINZ SCHILLING, eds. Reformation Research in Europe and North America: A Historical Assessment. Archive of Reformation History 100. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2009.

Review: G. Dipple in Ren Q 63 (2010), 948-949. Commissioned to celebrate the publication of the 100th volume of the Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, this collections of essays focuses on the Long Reformation which is here understood as reaching to the middle of the 17th c. D. finds the essay on France by Christophe Duhamelle as one of the most intriguing in the volume as it advances historical and historiographical reasons for the lack of headway of the confessionalization thesis in the study of early modern French Catholics (949).

KENNY, NEIL and WES WILLIAMS, eds. Retrospectives: Essays in Literature, Poetics and Cultural History. By Terence Cave. London: Legenda, 2009.

Review: E. Herdman in MLR 106.4 (2011), 1156-1157: Selected essays revised and translated in some instances for an Anglophone readership. In the fifth and final section of the volume, An antiperistatic resistances to influences that nevertheless define the self is traced in Pascal and Montaigne, echoing anxieties from imitation theory about individual poetic identity and intellectual property.

KETTERING, SHARON. Strategies of Power: Favorites and Women Household clients at Louis XIII’s Court. FHS 33.2 (Spring 2010), 177-200.

Shows how two minister-favorites of Louis XIII, Charles d’Albert, duc de Luynes, and his successor, Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu, used their household clients to stay in power. The author analyzes cases of fourteen to fifteen noblewomen in each household.

KOCH, EREC. The Aesthetic Body: Passion, Sensibility, and Corporeality in Seventeenth-Century France. Newark: UP of Delaware, 2008.

Review: D. Fernandez-Nurdin in FR 84 (2010), 381-82: A detailed study of changing notions of the body and their impact on French culture. Koch identifies in early modern writings a new interest in the body, rather than the mind, as the source of passions and feeling. He examines writings by Versalius and Descartes, then moves on to chapters organized around the human senses of sight, hearing, taste, and touch. Koch is particularly interested in how aesthetic experiences, such as theater and music, were understood to affect the body. Recommended by the reviewer.

LECLERC LAFAGE, VALÉRIE. Montpellier au temps des troubles de Religion: Pratiques testamentaires et confessionnalisation (15541622). Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur, 2010.

Review: A. Tulchin in Ren Q 63.4 (2010), 1322-1323. Volume is praiseworthy for its rich content and elegant writing. Scholars of religion and identity formation will find it particularly useful. Chapters focus on history, methodology, social structure, literacy, and as the title indicates, practices of wills. Including both Catholic and Protestant practice, the database features 1,556 wills. While indicating some reservations concerning statistics, L. finds the book admirable and praises L. L. for her sensitive ear and overall conclusions (1323).

LEDUC, CHRISTIAN. La recherche canadienne actuelle sur la philosophie du XVIIe siècle. DSS 252 (2011), 543-562.

A comprehensive survey of Canadian research on seventeenth-century French philosophy.

LOTZ-HEUMANN, UTE, JAN-FRIEDRICH MIßFELDER and MATTHIAS POHLIG, eds. Konversion und Konfession in der Frühen Neuzeit. (Schriften des Vereins für Reformationsgeschichte, Bd. 205.). Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2007.

Review: P. Burschel in HZ 291 (2010), 186-188. Wide-ranging investigation of conversion and confession in the Early Modern. Sixteen articles are organized into sections on religious authenticity and politics, indifference and radicality, and aesthetic and rhetorical strategies. 17th c. French scholars will appreciate the multi-dimensional examination of both Calvinist and Catholic histories in their political, spiritual and communicative aspects.

LYONS, JOHN D. and KATHLEEN WINE, eds. Chance, Literature, and Culture in Early Modern France. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: T. Chesters in FS 65.3 (2011),386-387. Part I (Providence in Question) shows a number of early modern authors in dialogue with Augustine’s thesis, in De civitate dei, that the concept of chance is an expression of our fallen state and of our concomitant remoteness from grasping the divine plan. Part II addresses Poetics and the Aesthetics of Chance, while Part III (The Law and the Ethics of Chance) draws out the ethical and doctrinal implications of chance. [ . . . ] Finally, Part IV (Chance and its Remedies) pursues further the question of how we might think and act in the face of chance. A wide range of authors are covered: Montaigne, Rabelais, Gomberville, Racine, Malebranche, Descartes, and the Cardinal de Retz.
Review: J. Helgeson in Ren Q 63 (2010), 284-286. Welcome volume results from a colloquium held in Tours at the Centre d’études Supérieures de la Renaissance (2006) and from a panel held at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (2006). Nine essays focus on 17th c. topics providing analyses on the intersection and tensions of providence and chance from perspectives of philosophy, theology and poetics. Reviewer regrets the paucity of mention of Pascal but notes with appreciation analyses on Malebranche, Racine, Descartes, Gomberville, the sublime, and the Cardinal de Retz. Index, illustrations, and bibliography.

MELISH, JACOB. Women and the Courts in the Control of Violence between Men: Evidence from a Parisian Neighborhood under Louis XIV. FHS 33.1 (Winter 2010), 1-31.

Author examines detailed court cases from a neighborhood during the time of Louis XIV to show how workingwomen routinely criticized and broke up men’s fistfights and other violent altercations.

MOSER-VERREY, MONIQUE, LUCIE DESJARDINS et CHANTAL TURBIDE. Le corps romanesque. Images et usages topiques sou l’Ancien régime. Actes du XXe colloque de la SATOR. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009.

Review: C. Roulston in UTQ 80.2 (Spring 2011), 580-586. Ce recueil impressionnant des actes du XXe colloque de la SATOR contient trente-cinq articles présentés en quatre catégories: le corps souffrant, le corps éloquent, le corps surprenant et le corps métaphorique. L’introduction de Moser-Verrey est lucide et détaillée et les textes offrent une série de perspectives inexhaustibles sur les corps de l’Ancien régime.

NOWOSADTKO, JUTTA and MATTHIAS ROGG, eds. Mars und die Musen. Das Wechselspiel von Militär, Krieg und Kunst in der Frühen Neuzeit. With SASCHA MÖBIUS. (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit, Bd. 5.). Münster: Lit, 2008.

Review: H. Thoß in HZ 291 (2010), 798-799. Praiseworthy interdisciplinary military history includes special attention to interconnections between literature, art, architecture and music, even psychological dimensions of military music in the Early Modern (the latter by Werner Friedrich Kümmel).

O’MALLEY JOHN W., S. J. et GAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY, éds. The Jesuits and the Arts (1540-1773). Philadelphia: St. Joseph’s UP, 2005.

Review: R. Dekoninck in BHR 73.1 (2011), 232-235: Synthèse de qualité; première étude d’envergure sur l’apport des jésuites dans les divers arts à travers le monde et l’émergence d’une culture visuelle moderne.

PEARSON, TIMOTHY G. Il sera important de me mander le détail de toutes choses": Knowledge and Transatlantic Communication from the Sulpician Mission in Canada, 16681680. French Colonial History 12 (2011), 45-65.

Studies the correpondence of the Saint-Sulpice mission both to examine the dissemination of knowledge in New France and to explore the connections between religious and political power and authority in the colony.

PITASSI, MARIA-CRISTINA et DANIELA SOLFAROLI CAMILLOCCI, éds. Les Modes de la Conversion confessionnelle, altérité et construction des identités religieuses. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Ed., 2010.

Review: A. Dufour in BHR 71.1 (2011), 225-229: Volume comprenant douze communications présentées à un séminaire de travail tenu à Genève les 23 et 24 novembre 2007: Spontanées ou forcées, les conversions ouvrent à l’historien des aperçus extraordinairement variés sur la façon dont les hommes et les femmes ont vécu leur religion, leurs convictions ou leur héritage spirituel.

POHLIG, MATTHIAS, UTE LOTZ-HEUMANN, VERA ISAIASZ, et al. Säkularisierungen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Methodische Probleme und empirische Fallstudien. (Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Beih. 41.). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2008.

Review: H Klueting in HZ 291 (2010), 188-189. This collective volume on secularization takes up problems of methodology as well as case studies. P. understands secularization less as a loss of religion but rather as a process of transformation in the sense of a recasting of religious content recognizable as individual objects. Wide-ranging, with ramifications for the sociology of religion, philosophy, art history and the history of knowledge, the volume has as well examinations on the sacrality of French kings in the 17th c.

REGUIG, DELPHINE. Le Mensonge de Montaigne: La Référence aux Essais dans la logique de Port-Royal. DSS 249 (2010), 711-727.

Parce que Montaigne érige la passivité du jugement en philosophie raisonnable et l’extravagance du raisonnement en exacte nature, la référence aux Essais, malgré la discordance qu’elle introduit et cultive, du point de vue à la fois formel et intellectuel, possède, au sein d’une Logique, une pertinence et un profit philosophique que la divergence dans l’usage du terme de vraisemblance manifeste puissamment.

REGUIG-NAYA, DELPHINE. Le Corps des idées. Pensées et poétiques du langage dans l’augustinisme de Port-Royal. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal, Mme de La Fayette, Racine. Paris, Champion, 2007.

Review: V. Kapp in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 252-255. Delphine Reguig-Naya combine ses connaissances théologiques et philosophiques avec une haute compétence en linguistique et un don admirable d’analyse littéraire. Elle va au centre des problématiques examinées et domine les riches matériaux à un tel point que le lecteur suit aisément ses analyses éclairantes’.

RIBARD, DINAH. Philosophies de ville au XVIIe siècle. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 299-313.

Problematises the notion of an early modern philosophie de ville’. Argues that ce qui travaille dans les élaborations d’une possible philosophie de ville au XVIIe siècle, c’est la question politique de la littérature plus encore que celle de la philosophie’. Focuses mainly on the work of Louis de Leslache.

ROHRSCHNEIDER, MICHAEL. Reputation als Leitfaktor in den internationalen Beziehungen der Frühen Neuzeit. HZ 291 (2010), 331-352.

R.’s article adds reputation to the four forces named by Heinz Schilling in his 1991 study of international systems of the Early Modern: dynasty, confession, government interests and tradition. After a first section in which he sketches the situation of research and the terminology itself, R. delves into the importance of reputation as a factor in Richelieu’s political thought and action. Other sections treat reputation in the work of Diego Saavedra Fajardo and in the political thought of Frederic the Great (which demonstrates a continuity of the concept). Richly documented.

ROUVILLOIS, FRÉDÉRIC. L’invention du progrès, 1680-1730. Paris: CNRS éd., 2010.

Review: J. M. Goulemot in QL 1049 (du 16 au 30 novembre 2011), 19. L’étude de Rouvillois a été publiée pour la première fois en 1996. Selon le critique, elle possède l’immense mérite de rappeler une genèse qui embrasse les domaines les plus divers: les Beaux-Arts, la Politique, les Sciences, le Droit L’Œuvre couvre différents domaines pour mettre au jour non seulement le pourquoi et le comment, pour tenir compte de la complexité que recouvre l’idée du progrès, mais aussi pour expliciter les conditions de possibilité d’une telle apparition, de son acceptation et du développement de ses implicites

RUS, MARTIJN. Le Nol, miroir de la société. Du XVe au XIXe siècle. Neophil 94 (2010), 241-250.

Highly informative and agreeable to read, R.’s investigation of a little studied genre is wide-ranging and sensitive to theatrical as well as lyrical and musical dimensions. 17th c. noels often include references to classical mythology as well as Christ’s birth, although the latter is not the only subject sung (the creation, the annunciation, etc. are included). Noels can exhort Catholics to leave the so-called heresy of Calvin. Attentive to socio-economic context, R. notes specific references to cities, forests, gardens, fruits, etc. as well as to the circumstances of the people.

SARTI, RAFFAELLA. Europe at Home. Family and Material Culture 15001800. Transl. by ALLAN CAMERON. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2002.

Review: P. Münch in HZ 290.3 (2010), 779-780. Welcome translation of S.’s 1999 study under the title Vita di casa. Fascinating, sensitive and illuminating panorama of early modern European home and family life. Praised for its abundant and clear commentary.

SAUZET, ROBERT. Au Grand Siècle des âmes. Guerre sainte et paix chrétienne en France au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Perrin, 2007.

Review: M. Barral-Baron in DSS 249 (2010), 788-789: Le présent ouvrage propose une traversée passionnée et passionnante du XVIIe siècle religieux envisagé sous deux aspects annoncés par le sous-titre, la guerre sainte et la paix chrétienne. In a clear and perspicacious style, the author proposes eight chapters divided into two sections: Le premier se décompose en cinq chapitres consacrés à l’idée de croisade en France au XVIe et XVIIe siècles et en un sixième qui cherche à démêler la croisade mystique et la guerre sainte dans le monde de la Nouvelle-France. Le second temps, qui se divise en trois chapitres, aborde des problématiques typiques du XVIIe siècle, celle de l’intolérance, de la coexistence confessionnelle et de la persistance de l’humanisme chrétien, notamment érasmien, dans le royaume de France.

SHUSTERMAN, NOAH. Religion and the Politics of Time: Holidays in France from Louis XIV through Napoleon. Washington, DC: Catholic UP of America, 2010.

Review: M. Sage in FR 84 (2011), 835-36: A study of holidays divided into 2 major periods, before and after the French revolution. En se basant sur la notion de Politics of Time du philosophe Peter Osborne, à savoir a politics which takes the temporal structures of social practices as the specific objects of its transformative (or preservative) intent (17), Noah Shusterman montre qu’il existe des revendications de pouvoir et d’autorité au sein de toute réglementation du temps, qu’il soit liturgiquepolitiqueou social (835). Although the reviewer expresses some uncertainty about the audience for whom this work is intended, he praises its detail, systematicity, and high scholarly quality.

SIGNORI, GABRIELA, ed., Das Siegel. Gebrauch und Bedeutung. Unt. Mitarb. v. GABRIEL STOUKALOV-POGODIN. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007.

Review: J. Mötsch in HZ 290.2 (2010), 415-417. Judged illuminating for the information and analyses that the volume brings to the uses and meanings of the seal. Highly diverse, the interested reader will find essays on the role of the seal as a guarantee of authenticity and as relating to image and identity. Other focuses include university seals, Jewish seals and state seals. Indices and illustrations.

SMITH, PAMELA H. and BENJAMIN SCHMIDT, eds. Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe: Practices, Objects, and Texts, 14001800. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2008.

Review: A. Mosley in Ren Q 63 (2010), 673-674. Welcome and diverse examination of knowledge production provides the reader with 14 essays that M. suggests are as many case studies which culmulatively convey lessons about the complexity of different epistemological practices, their interrelatedness and historical change (674). 17th c. French scholars will particularly appreciate Chandra Mukerji’s essay on Pyreneean women’s expertise which benefited the construction of the Canal du Midi (673).

SPERLING, JUTTA G. and SHONA KELLY WRAY, eds. Across the Religious Divide: Women, Property, and Law in the Wider Mediterranean (ca. 13001800). Routledge Research in Gender and History 11. New York: Routledge, 2010.

Review: E. Dursteler in Ren Q 63. 4 (2010), 1325-1327. Wide-ranging and praiseworthy for its contribution to a truly Mediterranean history and its examination of gender through . . . [a] Mediterranean prism (1325). France is included in this collection of 16 chapters although Italy is the most heavily represented. D. finds both individual essays and the volume as a whole successful both as a study of gender and a work of Mediterranean history and considers it a model for future Mediterranean work (1327).

STIKER-METRAL, CHARLES-OLIVIER. Narcisse contrarié: l’amour-propre dans le discours moral en France (1650-1715). Lumiere classique 74. Paris: Champion, 2007.

Review S. Bold in FR 83 (2010), 862-63. This study begins with a detailed and painstaking history of the term amour propre (862), an analysis which gives the book the large, sweeping feel of Paul Bénichou’s Morales du Grand Siècle. Striker-Métral then moves on to analyze the rhetoric of moralist literature, stitching together rhetorical perspectives from a range of different kinds of writers. The volume concludes with an aesthetic tour de force, an excellent piece on La Fontaine’s homage to La Rochefoucauld, L’Homme et son image. Recommended by the reviewer.

THOMSON, ANN. Bodies of Thought. Science, Religion, and the Soul in the Early Enlightenment. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Review: C. Zwierlein in HZ 290.2 (2010), 496-497. Despite the title of this study which indicates T.’s focus on the early 18th c., scholars of the Grand Siècle will find useful discussions of late 17th c. themes, for example, concerning the diffusion of English discussion in France, French thinkers and the consideration of the Huguenot Exile. Particularly useful for students of cultural transfer.

TORERO-IBAD, ALEXANDRO. Libertinage, science et philosophie dans le matérialisme de Cyrano de Bergerac. Paris: Champion, 2009.

Review: M. Levesque in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 478-484. Despite some reservations, reviewer concludes that the volume is une rigoureuse mise au point sur la place et le rle de la philosophie matérialiste dans l’Œuvre cyranienne.

UPTON-WARD, JUDI ed. The Military Orders. Vol. 4: On Land and by Sea. Editorial Committee: Malcolm Barber, Peter Edbury, Anthony Luttrell et al. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008.

Review: R. Czaja in HZ 291 (2010), 451-452. Selected presentations from a journée d’études at the London Centre for the Study of the Crusades, the Military Orders and the Latin East in St. John’s Gate. Wide-ranging volume in which essays examine both general issues and problems in the history of military orders as well as study the history of specific orders. France is among the geographical areas investigated; problems include the following: military organizations, spirituality, architecture, family relationships and receptions history. Judged a very necessary overview.

VAILLANCOURT, DANIEL. Les urbanités parisiennes au XVIIe siècle. Le livre du trottoir. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009.

Review : R. Roy in UTQ 80.2 (Spring 2011), 576-578. Une des grandes forces du livre est de convoquer un vaste échantillon de textes, comprenant des discours lexicographiques, proto-touristiques, technocratiques, les traits de civilité et les discours littéraires et philosophiques. La critique trouve les réflexions de l’auteur sur les notions de théâtre du monde et la théâtralisation de soi particulièrement intéressantes, mais elle regrette le style parfois lourd et jargonneux, ainsi que la tendance de l’auteur à se complaire dans des descriptions scatologiques et triviales.

VASOLD, MANFRED. Grippe, Pest und Cholera. Eine Geschichte der Seuchen in Europa. Stuttgart: Steiner, 2008.

Review: M. Dinges in HZ 291 (2010), 738-740. Wide-ranging, voluminous overview of epidemics in Europe is welcome, especially given the recent modern examples of swine flu and in poor countries, tuberculoses and malaria. V.’s study includes both socio-historical and medical perspectives and is praiseworthy for its critical apparatus.

VÉLEZ, KARIN. A sign that we are related to you’: The Transatlantic Gifts of the Hurons of the Jesuit Mission of Lorette, 16501750. French Colonial History 12 (2011), 3144.

Describes five specially made wampum belts, one of which is still extant, that were offered to five Catholic communities in France, and how they helped establish this Catholic Huron mission as a community on equal footing with its European French counterparts.

WEISS, ALLEN S. Le jardin à la française et la métaphysique au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Seuil, 1992.

Review: J.-M. Kantor in QL 1040 (du 16 au 30 juin 2011), 23: Weiss met en relation le système de perspective, la disproportion, expression de l’orgueil démesuré du Roi, et les questions ontologiques liées à sa personne. Le système de perspective donne un poids autoréférentiel et narcissique au champ visuel, o le spectateur est lié au point de fuite, autrement dit à l’infini. En conclusion, le critique écrit que l’argumentation de Weiss, documentée par la lecture de Panofsky sur la perspective, de Baltrusaitis sur les anamorphoses et de Merleau-Ponty sur la critique de la vision chez Descartes, est souvent convaincante, parfois conjecturale.

WOSHINSKY, BARBARA R. Imagining Women’s Conventual Spaces in France, 1600-1800: The Cloister Disclosed. Farnham, England; Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2010.

Review: T. Carr in PFSCL, 38.75 (2011), 503-506. Volume makes a major and timely contribution to early modern literary studies in general as well as to convent studies. [ . . . ] Woshinsky’s gendered spatial perspective offers readings that bring out the full complexity of the works she treats. Her book also stands as a model to scholars who deal more directly with convent writing by the nuns themselves’.


ABIVEN, KARINE. Le récit du monde: le discours narratif comme facteur de cohésion de la société mondaine. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 291-302.

Article focuses on Tallemant’s Historiettes, Voiture’s letters and Racan’s La Vie de Malherbe. L’enjeu du présent travail est, d’une part, de mettre en lumière le dispositif social formé par ces textes qui fonctionnent en système. D’autre part, si l’on admet que l’événement n’a d’existence pérenne que si l’on en fait le récit, on peut avancer que la réalité même du groupe passe par sa mise en scène dans la narration’.

AïT-TOUATI, FRÉDÉRIQUE. Contes de la lune, essai sur la fiction et la science modernes. Paris: Gallimard, 2011.

Review: J.-M. Kantor in QL 1038 (du 16 au 31 mai 2011), 24: à partir de textes souvent étonnants, l’auteur développe une analyse technique de la notion de fiction, qui repose sur de fines distinctions des formes littérales du discours fictionnel. [ . . . ] Plutt qu’un schéma de bifurcation entre discours fictionnel et discours scientifique, l’auteur privilégie l’idée de parcours parallèles dont elle met à jour les spécificités, permettant des passages fusionnels entre science et fiction, sans domination de l’une sur l’autre, avant la rupture newtonienne. Cyrano de Bergerac avec son L’Autre Monde ou les états et Empires de la Lune et Fontenelle avec son Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes trouvent leur place dans cette Œuvre.

ARTIGAS-MENANT, GENEVIEVE, ALAIN COUPRIE, AND ELISABETH PINTO-MATHIEU, eds. L’Idée et ses fables: le rle du genre. Paris: Champion, 2008.

Review: R. Runte in FR 84 (2011), 802-03. This ambitious volume addresses the literary illustration of ideas, and attempts to identify a new field of study. The volume is not restricted by period, but does include some consideration of La Fontaine. The reviewer praises it as thought-provoking.

AYRES-BENNETT, WENDY and MAGALI SEIJIDO. Les Compilations raisonnées des remarques sur la langue française. FS 65.3 (2011), 347-356.

This articles offers a series of case studies (on the compilation of the Remarques of Vaugelas, the commentaries of La Mothe Le Vayer, Scipion Dupleix and an anonymous author published by Jean Macé in 1651; L’Art de bien parler françois (1696) by La Touche; and the Principes généraux et particuliers de la langue françoise (2nd ed. 1763) by Wailly) to show that by including the remarks in a different format, the compilations were able to erase their sociolinguistic dimension. The authors conclude that, Les remarques ne représentent alors plus les observations de simples témoins’, mais plutt des jugements prescriptifs et autoritaires o la notion même d’auteur se trouve gommée et o le ton est résolument plus dogmatique.

BARCHILON, JACQUES. Adaptations of Folktales and Motifs in Madame d'Aulnoy's Contes: A Brief Survey of Influence and Diffusion. Marvels & Tales 23.2 (2009), 353-64.

Examines identifiable tale types in 20 of Madame d’Aulnoy’s fairy tales. Shows how this contributed to the popularity of d’Aulnoy’s Œuvre both in the 17th century and in more recent times.

BEAULIEU, JEAN-PHILIPPE. La gloire de nostre sexe: savantes et lectrices dans Les dames illustres (1665) de Jacquette Guillaume. Etudes Françaises 47.3 (2011), 127-42.

A study of one of the many 17th-century collections devoted to illustrious women. Explains that the work is notable for its emphasis on women’s knowledge in a vast array of fields, including the typically male-dominated domains of theology and geography.

BECK-CHAUVEAU, LAURENCE. La déréliction. L’esthétique de la lamentation amoureuse de la latinité profane à la modernité chrétienne, A.D.R.A. Nancy, 2009.

Review: J. Goeury in BHR 72.3 (2010), 715-716: L’intérêt principal de cette étude réside indéniablement dans cette exploration du corpus chrétien néo-latin, restraint au sous-corpus magdalénien du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle, presque exclusivement élaboré en terres catholiques dans le sillage de la Contre Réforme .

BEHRENS, RUDOLF. La maison en crise et les avatars du pouvoir domestique: une constellation de la comédie érudite’ italienne et ses échos chez Molière (Le Tartuffe). PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 427-440.

Examines the ways in which domestic power (in itself a metonymy for political power) is called into question in Tartuffe and the links between this and the sixteenth-century Italian commedia erudita’ tradition.

BERNARD, MATHILDE. Des escrits de tempeste’ au bouquet de printemps’: Les compilations polygraphiques de Simon Goulart. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 121-131.

Using polygraph in the sense of he who writes on several subjects’, analyses the link between l’action polygraphique’ and [le] concept d’auctorialité’ in Simon Goulart’s work.

BIET, CHRISTIAN and MARIE-MADELEINE FRAGONARD, dirs. Tragédies et récits de martyres en France (fin de XVIe-début XVIIe siècle). Paris: Classiques Garnier, Bibliothèque du XVIIe siècle), 2009.

Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 162 (2010), 545. B. and F., at the head of an international team, present here in a welcome modern edition theatrical and narrative works which relate to martyrdom. An exhaustive introduction of some 100 pages traces the development of readings and interpretations of the theme as well as giving literary and iconographical documentation of the concept. Texts are organized in the following sections: Les héros sanglants bibliques, Les martyrs chrétiens antiques et médiévaux, Les martyrs des guerres de religion, and Les martyrs catholiques au delà des frontières européennes (545).

BIRBERICK, ANNE, ed. The Art of Instruction: Essays on Pedagogy and Literature in 17th-Century France. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008.

Review: E. Welch in FR 84 (2010), 382-83: The essays in this edited volume look beyond literary texts’ trite avowals to deliver moral teachings. Rather, they broadly investigate the interplay between aesthetic forms and pedagogical agendas (382) and examine how texts transmitted cultural values. Essays cluster around questions of women’s education, the influence of pedagogical projects on literary form, and the presence of pedagogical aims in canonical texts. The essay by Anne Birberick is particularly praised by the reviewer. [A] rich, thought-provoking collection of great value (383).
Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 162 (2010), 546-547. Individual contributions to this fine volume are praised for their solid documentation and the volume itself for its definite usefulness. The nine essays are dedicated to complementary aspects of the relation between pedagogy and literature and that between aesthetics and the transmission of knowledge. The volume is organized into sections on narrative (the exemplum in particular), the relation between aesthetic and didactic value and the political dimensions of instructive or moral discourse. R.’s review is unusually ample, commenting at some length on each of the essays, generally quite appreciatively.

BIRBERICK, ANNE L., ed. Perfection. Studies in Early Modern France. Vol 12, 2008.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 161 (2010), 355-356. Praiseworthy for its quality, diverse methodologies and comparative perspectives, this volume includes ten essays focusing on the esthetic category announced in the title. This rich collection of studies is organized in sections on political and ideological discourses, moral discourses, theatrical esthetics and the rhetoric of scientific discourse.

BLOCKER, DEBORAH. Instituer un art’: politiques de théâtre dans la France du premier XVIIe siècle. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: G. Siouffi in FS 65.1 (2011), 91-92. The author seeks to show how the creation of theater as an art in the early seventeenth century was the result of political interventions by arguing that there is a link rather than a parallel between the elaboration of poetic doctrines of the period and Richelieu’s political project. The study focuses on the social and political positioning of the principal figures of this process: Chapelain, Scudéry, Sarasin, La Mesnardière, D’Aubignac, Corneille, and Richelieu.

BÖHM, R, A. GREWE and M. ZIMMERMANN, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009. Biblio 17, 179.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 162 (2010), 550. Twelve essays analyze a wide array of recent films focusing on the 17th c. Sections treat architecture, festivities and ceremony; adaptations, for example, between literature and films; and historical and biographical cinematography. Highly useful both as academic criticism and as a sophisticated pedagogical instrument.

BOULERIE, FLORENCE, MARC FAVREAU and ERIC FRANCALANZA, eds. L’Extrême-Orient dans la culture européenne des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Actes du 7e colloque du Centre de Recherches sur l’Europe classique, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 22 et 23 mai 2008. Biblio 17, no. 183. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009.

Review: G. Bosco in S Fr 161 (2010), 422-423. Wide-ranging collection features essays on philosophy and religion, languages, the literary and artistic imaginary and l’immense espace et les foisonnantes civilisations que firent connatre marchands et marins, voyageurs, missionnaires (Reviewer, 422). Contributions are organized along three axes: curiosity, alterity and identity. Essays are classed in four sections: Découverte et relations, Images, influence et rejet, Les arts and Langue, littérature et philosophie.

BRAZEAU, BRIAN. Writing a New France, 1604-1632: Empire and Early Modern French Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: Holtz, G. in FS 65.2 (2011), 241. This study focuses on the history of the first years of colonization (in the works of Champlain, Lescarbot, Biard, and Sagard) and the question of Frenchness. It argues that New France offered a mirror for a post-War of Religion France to examine itself as well as channel energies into a colonial and missionary project shaped by the Counter Reformation. Particularly noteworthy are analyses of national genealogy, the concept of specularity, l’imaginaire agricole and the symbolism of wine, and linguistic colonization.
Review: A. Strange in FR 84 (2011), 1050-51: Brazeau uses writings from New World missionaries and traders to study the concept of New France and how it varied and transformed over time. Brazeau is interested in how travelers’ contact with new lands and their inevitable disappointment with the project led them to revise their expectations for New France. Contains subtle analysis and careful readings; intended for the specialist.
Review: A. Frisch in Ren Q 63 (2010), 903-904. Praiseworthy as a venture into the French colonial enterprise (less well examined than Spanish and English ones), the volume is organized into two sections, Land and Language, and Renewal and Religion. Identity, geography and communication are studied in the first and more abstract notions in the second as they relate to Frenchness (B. 17). F. would have appreciated more attention to rhetoric and readers, actual or intended, plus a fuller treatment of various important topics such as linguistic thought as exemplified by François de La Mothe Le Vayer. Although the reviewer cites various defects, he concludes that the study should encourage more scholars to explore the terrain (904).

BRÉTÉCHÉ, MARION. De la mise à l’écart à l’écriture sur le monde: les mécanismes de l’exil aux Provinces-Unies des historiens-informateurs (vers 1680 vers 1720). PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 379-392.

Examines the issues involved in involuntary mise à l’écart’ in the case of nine French writers, in exile in the United Provinces after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, looking particularly at issues surrounding identity and socio-economic integration.

BROOKS, W. and R. KAISER, eds. Theatre, Fiction and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century/ Le Théâtre, le roman et la poésie à l’âge classique. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 160 (2010), 137-138. This highly successful volume is a publication resulting from the 2006 conference Modernités/Modernities held at St. Catherine’s College of Oxford by the following societies: the Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies, the Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle, the Centre Méridional de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, the Société d’études du XVIe siècle, the Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle and the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature. Some twenty essays include examinations of Corneille, Molière and Racine as well as lesser known playwrights, novelists and poets. Challenges to the modernity of authors are found in addition to proven legacies.

BUNG, STEPHANIE. Une Guirlande pour Julie: le manuscrit prestigieux face au salon de la marquise de Rambouillet. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 347-360.

Analysis of the Guirlande comparing it to the devises album of the duchesse de La Trémoille. Goes on to analyse the genesis of the manuscript, suggesting that the composition of the texts was conceived initially as un jeu de conversation. Aims to highlight the multiple functions of the Guirlande à l’intersection des pratiques sociales et esthétiques’.

CALL, MICHAEL. The Poet’s Vision and the Painting’s Speech: Molière and Perrault on the Sister Arts. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 124-140.

The author picks up Molière’s 1669 poem La Gloire du Val-de-Grâce, which is an extensive theoretical commentary on art theory and which was written in response to Charles Perrault’s 1668 poem La Peinture. It presents a fundamentally opposed vision of painting’s theoretical foundations and pointedly underlines the contradictions and ignorance present in Perrault’s work. In doing so, it also outlines its own unique vision of the relationship between painting and poetry, a relationship that determines many of the poem’s stylistic characteristics. Molière suggests his radical departure from Perrault’s idea of painting as a mechanical art and insists on the intellectual aspects of painting and on artistic apprenticeship.

CALOGERO, ELENA L. Ideas and Images of Music in English and Continental Emblem Books: 15501700. Saecvla Spiritalia 39. Baden-Baden: Verlag Valentin Koerner, 2009.

Review: H. Binda in Ren Q 63 (2010), 964-966. Highly praiseworthy examination of allusions (poetic and pictorial) to music in an impressice corpus, including both familiar and lesser known authors. C.’s study is organized into sections focusing on the political resonances of music, music as a figure for love, and music and spirituality (965). Emblematic scholars will find many useful discussions including some on Cupid, the Sireons, emblems of vanitas in addition to C.’s articulation of the ideology of the human heart as itself a musical instrument (966).

CAMPBELL, JULIE D. and ANNE R. LARSEN, eds. Early Modern Women and Transnational Communities of Letters. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009.

Review: N. Tomas in Ren Q 63 (2010), 936-937. This welcome volume is judged an impressive work that develops new understandings about the transmission of early modern European women’s writings of all genres (937). The eleven contributors demonstrate a genuine involvement in literary communities as well as a wide dissemination across geographical and class boundaries. Communities includes national ones, virtual ones, and those based on shared interests, whether professional or social. The essays are organized into sections on continental epistolary communities, textual communities and use of print, and constructions of transnational literary circles (937).

CARLIN, CLAIRE. Représentations du sexe: une histoire de genre. DSS 252 (2011), 511-523.

The author offers a comprehensive survey of gender studies and the French seventeenth-century putting l’accent sur la contribution canadienne de la décennie 2000-2010, tout en tentant de la situer dans le contexte des recherches internationales sur le XVIIe siècle français.

CAVE, TERENCE. Retrospectives: Essays in Literature, Petics and Cultural History. Neil Kenny and Wes Williams, eds. Oxford: Legends, 2009.

Review: J. D. Lyons in FS 65.1 (2011), 93-94. This gathering of Cave’s most influential articles from 1970-2009 also includes sections from Pré-histoires: textes troubles au seuil de la modernité (1999) that have been translated into English. The collection allows for an appreciation of Cave’s independence in a career that has witnessed a succession of critical -isms and highlights his assertion that literary culture defies the easy categorization of periodization.
Review: E. Herdman in MLR 106.4 (2011), 1156-1157: Selected essays revised and translated in some instances for an Anglophone readership. In the fifth and final section of the volume, An antiperistatic resistances to influences that nevertheless define the self is traced in Pascal and Montaigne, echoing anxieties from imitation theory about individual poetic identity and intellectual property.

CHAOUCHE, SABINE, DIR. Le Théâtral de la France d’Ancien Régime. De la représentation de soi à la représentation scénique. Paris: H. Champion, 2010.

Review: J.-M. Civardi in DSS 251 (2011), 423-425: A collection of 30 articles drawn from participants in the 2008 colloquium at Oxford on the Avatars du théâtral sous l’Ancien Régime. Half deal directly with the 17th c. and many add significantly to our understanding of the subject.

CHAPIN, CAROLE et DUMOUCHEL, SUZANNE. Conceptions et pratiques de la polygraphie dans les journaux littéraires russes et français du XVIIIe siècle. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 83-106.

A comparative analysis of the prefaces, book reviews and dissertations in Desfontaines’ and Granet’s Nouvelliste du Parnasse (1730-1732) and Tchoulkov’s Colporteur du Parnasse (1770).

CHARBONNEAU, FREDERIC. Mémoire écrite, de l'histoire aux souvenirs. DSS 252 (2011), 525-531.

L’historiographie et les Mémoires d’Ancien Régime ont longtemps été à toutes fins pratiques exclus des études littéraires et l’on doit aux thèses d’Yves Coirault, de Marie-Thérèse Hipp, d’André Bertière, et plus encore peut-être aux études séminales de Marc Fumaroli, de les y avoir définitivement réunis. Deux générations de chercheurs plus tard, les thèses qui prennent pour objet ce domaine d’étude en indiquent la durable fécondité en même temps qu’elles signalent, au Canada comme en France, l’arrivée d’une relève. Bien que le genre des Mémoires ait particulièrement bénéficié d’un tel regain d’intérêt, les autres formes de la littérature historique ne sont pourtant pas oubliées.

COMPARINI, LUCIE and MARC VUILLERMOZ, eds. Montrer/Cacher. La Représentation et ses ellipses dans le théâtre des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Chambéry: Université de Savoie, Laboratoire Langages, Littératures, Sociétés, 2008.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 160 (2010), 206-207. This collection of essays results from the 2006 international colloque held at the Université de Chambéry, 10-11 May 2006. Included are studies of individual cases, theoretical echos in modern times, comparative studies and adaptations, etudes d’ensemble such as Christian Biet’s on violence in the early 17th c., among many other valuable studies.
Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 161 (2010), 360-361. This volume of essays is constituted of selected proceedings from the May 2006 international colloque held at the Université de Chambéry. Axes of investigation include the theoretical elaboration of theatrical precepts and the relation between text and image. Rich collection includes studies on particular plays such as Corneille’s Médée as well as examinations of topoi such as la tragédie sanglante du premier XVIIe siècle (Christian Biet) and features such as gesture, declamation, and scenic treatment. Adaptations have an important place in this highly useful volume with studies by Daniela Dalla Valle, Laura Rescia and Véronique Sternberg.

CREMONA, NICOLAS. La polygraphie face à l’histoire: les histoires tragiques de Boitel au début du XVIIe siècle. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 133-43.

Examines how the career-path of Pierre Boitel de Gaubertin points to une stratégie polygraphique par excellence, qui consiste à reprendre un événement historique sous différents genres afin de satisfaire plusieurs types de public’. Focuses on the treatment of the Concini affair as an example.

CRUZ, ANNE J. and MIHOKO SUZUKI, eds. The Rule of Women in Early Modern Europe. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2009.

Review: E. Lehfeldt in Ren Q 63 (2010), 194-196. Praiseworthy collection of eleven essays which are wide-ranging geographically and textually. The representation of female power, shared sovereignty and literary-historical depictions are analyzed admirably. 17th c. scholars will appreciate analyses of the representations of Elizabeth I in La Princesse de Clèves by Elizabeth Kerner.

DANDREY, PATRICK. Quand Versailles était conté: la cour de Louis XIV par les écrivains de son temps. Paris: Belles Lettres, 2009.

Review: C. Daniélou in FR 84 (2011), 1311-12: A promenade littéraire qui prend pour sujet la cour de Louis XIV. Dandrey adopts an offstage, in the wings’ perspective as a stance from which to view Versailles. He draws on a wide range of authors and deciphers texts carefully. The reviewer signals the work as highly admirable but dense, and advises reading it slowly.

DARNTON, ROBERT. The Devil in the Holy Water, or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to Napoleon. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.

Review: D. Brewer in FS 66.1 (2012), 95-96. Darnton’s object of analysis is the libelle. Staple of the underground book trade, these slanderous writings — such as Le Diable dans un bénitier.’ from which the book title is drawn — were tendentious, inaccurate, and indecent, as well as hugely popular. Part I provides close readings of four interlocking libels. With insight and vast contextual knowledge, Darnton analyses the workings of these libels, decoding them in the minutest of details. Libels, he claims, allowed readers to make sense of a complex world by reducing it to a simple narrative involving famous people and the clash of powerful personalities. Part II investigates the relation between libels and politics. Slanderous writing was not seditious or crypto-revolutionary, yet it was an effective weapon in power struggles, causing considerable concern in high places. [ . . . ] Parts III and IV pursue Darnton’s analysis of the textual workings of libels. Designed to bring to light the hidden and the secret, libels encouraged readers to ferret out buried truths and invisible causality. The anecdotal was seen as possessing a certain evidentiary power, and unveiling the hidden, private life of individuals was a way of unmasking desires and self-interest, understood to be powerful motors of events.

DE BUZON, CHRISTINE. Amadis de Gaule en français: Continuation romanesque, collection, compilation. FS 65.3 (2011), 337-346.

The Amadis corpus in French goes beyond simple translation: it is a textual corpus that expands through the addition of parallel texts such as illustrations and translators’ notes.

DEMAROLLE, PIERRE and MARIE ROIG MIRANDA, dirs. Les Genres littéraires de la mémoire dans l’Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Europe XVI-XVII 12 (2008).

Review: M. Mastroianni in S Fr 160 (2010), 136. This issue published essays resulting from a colloque organized by the Groupe de recherche XVIe et XVIIe siècles en Europe of U de Nancy II. Welcome variety of explorations of the two concepts.

DOWD, MICHELLE M. and JULIE A. ECKERLE. Recent Studies in Early Modern English Life Writing. ELR 40.1 (2010), 132-162.

Successfully demonstrates the vibrancy of current criticism in life writing in the Early Modern. Although the focus here is England, numerous volumes and essays cited consider the several related genres through a wider lens, for example Thomas F. Mayer and D. R. Woolf’s (edited) The Rhetorics of Life-Writing in Early Modern Europe: Forms of Biography from Cassandra to Louis XIV (1995). Theories, critical approaches and debates, and individual genres (diaries, journals, etc.) are discussed often in a European context, for example in Rachel Langford and Russell West’s (edited) Marginal Voices, Marginal Forms: Diaries in European Literature and History (1999). Studies of individual topics include sections on religion and spirituality, women’s life-writing, including the reading of such in Sharon Cadman Seelig’s Autobiography and Gender in Early Modern Literature: Reading Women’s Lives, 1600-1680 (2006). Identity formation, politics, economy, body and mind, as well as sections on individual authors round out this extensive and detailed bibliographic essay.

DUGGAN, ANNE E. An Interview with Jacques Barchilon: From Free French Soldier to Fairy-Tale Pioneer. M&T 25 (2011), 207-220.

Jacques Barchilon, the founding editor of Marvels & Tales, speaks with Anne E. Duggan about his work as a fairy-tale scholar as well as his experience in World War II. Barchilon's career takes us from the early stages of the field, when little research had been carried out on the important conteurs and conteuses of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France, to the foundation of Merveilles & contes/Marvels & Tales.

DUPRAT, ANNE. Vraisemblances: poétiques et theorie de la fiction, du Cinquecento à Jean Chaplain (1500-1670). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: P. Mounier in FS 65.2 (2011), 243-244. This study focuses first on Italian poetics through 1611 and the publication of Daniel Heinsius’s Poétique in France and later develops into a comparative analysis of seventeenth-century France that highlights the work of Chapelain.

DUPRAT, ANNE. Politiques barbaresques, les états corsaires d’Afrique du Nord dans la littérature française du XVIIe siècle. Tr L 23 (2010), 83-94.

Convincing demonstration of noteworthy ambiguités in representative political utopias in the Early Modern. Attentive to the complexity of these utopias, D. finds that their idyllic descriptions are des tableaux organisés par un projet politique et moral explicite (85). The author focuses her close examination on two representative cases, Gomberville’s Polexandre and Guilleragues’s Histoire des révolutions de Tunis and demonstrates that for each it is not a question of l’emprunt d’un décor et de masques que l’on donnerait à l’expression d’une réflexion française sur l’art de gouverner, et sur le destin des nations. Bien au contraire, il met au centre du texte le principe meme d’une sortie de soi dont les enjeux sont d’autant plus philosophiques que leur mode d’expression reste romanesque (94).

DURU, AUDREY. Les Cantiques du Sieur de Maisonfleur, Une Anthologie Entre Deux Chaires’: Périple éditorial entre 1580 et 1621. BHR 73.1 (2011), 33-60:

. . . ce recueil crée, prescrit et suscite une expression poétique dans la lignée de la poésie nationale de cour et cependant associée à la confession réformée. Autrement dit, le recueil essaie moins d’unir les deux confessions, qu’il ne tente de concilier par la poésie le statut de sujet du roi de France et de fidèle réformée. Etude du contexte historique précis des neuf éditions connues des Cantiques.

ESMEIN-SARRAZIN, CAMILLE. L’Essor du roman. Discours théorique et constitution d’un genre littéraire au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2008.

Review: M.-G. Lallemand in DSS 249 (2010), 778-779: Cette étude synthétique, minutieuse et rigoureuse, s’appuie sur de nombreux travaux critiques, dont il est fait judicieusement état dans les notes. Une importante bibliographie critique complète ses notes. Esmein-Sarrazin propose de ce fait un bilan des recherches sur le roman du XVIIe siècle. Il s’agit là d’une étude d’un grand intérêt.
Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 160 (2010), 140-141. Highly useful, diverse and masterful study of this important genre. In addition to the opening section on economical and social conditions surrounding the birth of the novel, the definition of various types of narratives and their detractors, other sections include Les discours sur le roman, Héritages et généalogie des modèles, Vraisemblance et histoire, l’inventio, la disposito, l’élocution, and Statut de la fiction: acteurs, implications et enjeux. Very rich bibliography of sources and secondary cultural studies.

EVAIN, A., P. GETHNER and H. GOLDWYN, dirs. Théâtre de femmes de l’Ancien Régime, XVIIeècle. Saint-étienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-étienne, 2008.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 160 (2010), 139. Welcome second volume dedicated to plays by 17th c. women (here: Françoise Pascal, la Soeur de La Chapelle, Madame de Villedieu, Anne de La Roche-Guilhen, and Antoinette Deshouilères). The reviewer reminds us of Perry Gethner’s two volumes Femmes dramaturges en France (1650-1750) in Biblio 17 (1993 and 2002) in which some of the plays may also be found. Bibliography and glossary.

FELSKI, RITA, ed. Rethinking Tragedy. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 2008.

Review: Anon in FMLS 46 (2010), 117. Seventeen essays are collected here, ten of which first appeared in New Literary History. The reviewer finds most to be heavyweight academic contributions by very distinguished scholars, but the final essay by Terry Eagleton is judged a caustic, highly disrespectful and sometimes ad hominem review of those essays that first appeared in NLH.

FORESTIER, GEORGES, EDRIC CALDICOTT and CLAUDE BOURQUI, dirs. Le Parnasse du théâtre. Les recueils d’Oeuvres completes de théâtre au XVIIe siècle. Paris: PUPS, 2007.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 160 (2010), 139-140. Praiseworthy volume with introduction by C. Bourqui includes 14 contributions resulting from the 2005 colloque of the Centre de Recherche sur l’Histoire du Théâtre of the U de Paris-Sorbonne, directed by Forestier. Sections include: Imprimer le texte de théâtre, Imprimer les ornements, Des précurseurs aux strategies individuelles, and a Postface by Alain Viala which reconstitutes the discussions and conclusions of the colloque and provides un vero e proprio manifesto del nuovo Parnasse dramatique (140).

FOURNIER, MICHEL. Généalogie du roman. émergence d’une formation culturelle au XVIIe siècle en France. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006.

Review: C. Dubeau in UTQ 80.2 (Spring 2011). L’Œuvre se concentre sur les années 1620 à 1680, soit les années de la définition et de la régulation du genre jusqu’au passage du roman héroïque au petit roman. Dubeau loue la richesse d’un ouvrage dont l’érudition et l’extrême densité rendent à vrai dire la lecture ardue, et elle admire les synthèses, les allers-retours entre divers champs de savoir et corpus qu’opère l’auteur pour mener à bien son projet.

FRAGONARD, MARIE-MADELEINE. Une prouesse honteuse. Nous sommes tous des polygraphes. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 13-32.

Comprehensive overview of the diverse definitions and understandings of the concept of polygraphie.

GABRIEL, FREDERIC. Collectionner les saints: Hagiographie, identité et compilation dans les collections non-Bollandistes (XVIe-XVIIe siècles). FS 65.3 (2011),327-336.

This article analyzes the conceptual richness of the wide variety of hagiographic compilations that pre-date the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists. The author looks at the compilations as collections that reveal une perpetuelle réécriture et réédition that creat a single corps mystique.

GENS, JEAN-CLAUDE (dir.). La logique herméneutique du XVIIe siècle. J. C. Danhauer et J. Clauberg. Argenteuil: Le Cercle Herméneutique, 2006.

Review: E. Mehl in RPFE 4 (2009), 258-259: Cette histoire érudite et savante de la logique herméneutique’ se situe au point de (non-) rencontre entre le cartésianisme, les querelles confessionnelles de l’époque, et une philosophie scolaire soucieuse de produire des moyens formels de résoudre les conflits d’opinion.

GILBY, EMMA. Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature. Oxford: Legenda, 2006.

GILBY, EMMA, Ed. Pseudo-Longin. De la sublimité du discours. Chambéry: L’Act Mem, 2007.

Review: R. Scholar in FS 65.1 (2011), 92-93. This study and scholarly edition opens new perspectives on the reception of Longinus in seventeenth-century France by going beyond the study of Boileau to consider the importance of Longinus for Corneille, Pascal, and lesser-known authors. Gilby thus reads Boileau as the culmination of a generation of contemplation of the sublime rather than as a starting point. The edition of the previously unpublished translation of Longinus into French is filled with scholarly notes as well as a specially helpful consideration of the reception of Sappho. Gilby suggests that the author of this translation may be Tallemant des Réaux. A work of impressive erudition.

GOMEZ-GERAUD, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Arabe et Arabie: enquête sur les récits des pèlerins à Jérusalem (1550-1615). Tr L 23 (2010), 61-71.

Focusing on Renaissance and early 17th c. texts of French pilgrims to the Near East, G.-G. provides first a lexicological study of the term arabe to determine its significance for the early modern traveler. Denotations and connotations are investigated; G.-G. discovers that these récits expound on the langue arabe primarily in two situations: conflict and the inassimilable or the religious. Attentive to early modern geography, G.-G. notes that the pilgrims distinguish three Arabies: Petrée (qui recouvrait la zone comprise entre Syrie et égypte), Déserte (l’égypte et la peninsula arabique) et Heureuse (le Yemen) (65). G.-G. distinguishes and defines altérité in her corpus, citing, notably, Jean Boucher, who gives to various stereotypes in vogue a more literary and rich formulation (68 and n.).

GRESHOFF, RAINER, GEORG KNEER, WOLFGANG LUDWIG SCHNEIDER, eds. Verstehen und Erklären. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. München: Fink, 2008. and

FRINGS, ANDREAS and JOHANNES MARX, eds. Erzählen, Erklären, Verstehen. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodologie der Historischen Kulturwissenschaften. (Beiträge zu den Historischen Kulturwissenschaften, Bd. 3.) Berlin: Akademie, 2008.

Review: S. Jordan in HZ 291 (2010), 439-440. Reviewed together, these collections are praised as important for the wide spectrum of methodologies analyzed. The volume edited by Frings and Marx presents itself as a plaidoyer for a dialogue between analytical philosophy, theory of knowledge and cultural history.

GUELLOUZ, SUZANNE. Une fiction qui fait l’histoire: La Relation historique et galante de l’invasion de l’Espagne par les Arabes de Baudot de Juilly (1699). Tr L 23 (2010), 105-114.

Demonstrates the two-fold originality of B.’s nouvelle, the only one which focuses on the conquest of Spanish soil by Arabs coming from the Maghreb and the only one to have in its title the term relation and to associate historique and galante (106). Although pointing out that B. intends to be considered as an historian and that B.’s récit includes much history (allusions and detailed accounts), G.’s study reveals that la fiction . . . occupe la plus grande place dans le récit (108), love intrigues, true and false friendships, tournaments and festivals. B. notes important literary references and an abundance of maxims and reflections. G. finds that instead of a mere juxtaposition of the two directions of the nouvelle, B. mit chacune de ces deux conceptions [history, fiction] au service de l’autre (114).

GUION, BEATRICE. Du bon usage de l’histoire: histoire morale et politique à l’âge classique. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2008.

Review: in H. Phillips in FS 66.1 (2012), 90. Guion’s aim, in broad terms, is to trace the transition from historical production as adhering to the rhetorical framework of exempla to the more modern idea of history as constituting a body of verifiable knowledge anchored in an anthropological approach. [ . . . ] Guion investigates in detail the slippery epistemological status of history writing as it varies between useful versions involving the promotion of prudence’, the tensions between idealism and pragmatism in what the examples of history offer, and the emergence in the second half of the seventeenth century of a history sceptical of moral and political partisanship, where attempts to construct universal laws of one sort or another yield to the recognition of historical specificities and to a sort of historical relativism [ . . . ] Those readers seeking a strong conceptual guidance in an understanding of classical history writing will be enormously disappointed. In many respects this volume tells it as the writers of history tell it, with accompanying comment, often enlightening certainly, on similarities and differences between them. But the approach according to categories of history suffers in a sense from the porousness of those very categories, leading to a great deal of repetition across the sections and within them, since Guion never trusts two or three similar opinions to stand for the rest. In addition, when Guion recognizes the importance of profound conceptual issues, they are left hanging without further elucidation. This is a very useful book in which the reading is thankfully done for us, but it requires patience.
Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 160 (2010), 141-142. G. contests Paul Hazard’s characterization of the 17th c. as she analyzes and defines the use of history, its usefulness and connections with la morale and politics. Reflections on private history are particularly illuminating.

HAMMOND, NICHOLAS. Gossip, Sexuality and Scandal in France (1610-1715). New York and London: Peter Lang, 2011.

Review: J. Prest in TLS 5648 (July 1 2011), 26. Draws on many primary sources and culminates in a study of gossip in La Princesse de Clèves. Hammond argues that gossip remains mostly on the margins in seventeenth-century France and is at once devalued and privileged. One of gossip’s functions is to give taboo desires a voice and space in which to exist and act (Prest). Homosexual group la confrérie italienne given as an example of gossip’s benefits and dangers. A favorable review.

HAMPTON, TIMOTHY. Fictions of Embassy: Literature and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2009.

Review: H. Melehy in MLQ 72 (2011), 256-59: Hampton’s study examines the intersection between early modern literature and evolving institutions of diplomacy through the preoccupation of both with problems of representation and signification. Hampton demonstrates how political entities take shape in relation to diplomacy and fiction; the process of situating the latter two in history, with references to an imagined past and future, makes them rhetorically effective and therefore persistent in history (258). Scholars of 17th-century France will perhaps be most interested in this study’s examination of diplomatic scenes and drama’s promotion of the state in works by Corneille and Racine. Highly praised by the reviewer.

HÖFER, BERNADETTE. Psychosomatic Disorders in Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: J. Campbell in FS 65.1 (2011), 96-97. Höfer focuses on the mind-body relationship. She brings psychiatry and the neurosciences to bear on the interplay between literature, philosophy, and medical science, examines the idea of psychological malaise and absolute repression, and argues that true self-understanding is grounded in the experience of the body. After an introduction that treats Descartes and Spinoza, she analyzes Jean-Joseph Surin’s Science experimentale as well as texts by Molière, Madame de Lafayette, and Racine.
Review: M. Meere in FR 84 (2011), 1024-25: This study asserts a connection between psychic distress and physiological dysfunction in 17th-century French representations of the self. Höfer makes use of contemporary medical concepts, but also situates texts within early modern debates about the mind and body. The reviewer laments the book’s lack of attention to Gassendi and its tendency to assume that modern science has achieved certain, complete knowledge about psychosomatic illness, but praises the work overall.
Review: H. Roberts in Ren Q 63 (2010), 578-579. Recommended to scholars, graduate students and advanced undergraduates alike, H.’s study is clearly written and includes a survey of philosophical and medical writing on mind-body relations in the 17th c. and later (578). Adopting both a synchronic approach (examining mind and body disorders and their representations) and a diachronic one, bringing her corpus into dialogue with present-day psychology and neuroscience (579), H. includes ambitiously examinations of Descartes, La Rochefoucauld, Pascal, Jean-joseph Surin, Molière, La Fayette, and Racine.
Review: N. Arenberg in DFS 92 (2010), 145-146. Höfer’s work is an intricate study of maladies of the body and soul, focusing on the problematic issue of constraint under the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. Somatic disorders such as melancholy, hypochondria, fever and anxiety were caused by widespread repression rooted in the overwhelming pressure to conform to the politics of absolutism. The author examines psychosomatic illness from a multidisciplinary perspective in the works of Surin, Molière, Lafayette and Racine.

IBBETT, KATHERINE. The Style of the State in French Theater, 16301660: Neoclassicism and Government. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009.

Review: H. Bilis in Ren Q 63 (2010), 576-578. Lauded for its new perspective and focus on the distinctly political significance of form (I. 21). Particular linking is demonstrated between vocabulary and practices of tragedy and the newly absolutist state (576). B. finds that the most compelling chapter is The Politics of Patience; Staging the Spectator due to its wide scope . . . mov[ing] from an analysis of martyr paintings to martyr tragedies. Although B. consistently praises I.’s complex and illuminating readings of Corneille, she would have liked I. to include discussions as to how other playwrights such as Rotrou or Tristan approached the relationship between the state and the theatre.

KELLER-RAHBE, EDWIGE. Pratiques et usages du privilège d’auteur chez Mme de Villedieu et quelques autres femmes de letters du XVIIe siècle. OeC 35.1 (2010), 69-94.

Cet examen du contrle sourcilleux, par l’écrivaine, de sa production imprimée, l’utilisation stratégique du privilège pour réorienter sa carrière, son partenariat étroit avec Claude Barbin et les manipulations éditoriales du couple auteur/libraire renouvelle l’approche des oeuvres de Mme de Villedieu.

KENNY, NEIL. La Collection comme mode discursive dans les relations de voyage françaises aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. FS 65.3 (2011), 357-369.

This article develops the notion of collection as a mode of discourse in the récit de voyage. Collecting is a means of producing and organizing information in these récits: it is the prism through which many authors present their travels.

KERN, MADELEINE. Corps et morale entre geste et parole: la représentation de la séduction dans la comédie humaniste française de la Renaissance. Geneva: Slatkine, 2009.

Review: K. Llewellyn in FR 85 (2011), 173-74: Although focused on the 16th century, Kern’s study of theatrical seduction extends into the early years of the Grand Siècle. It examines 26 humanist comedies which dramatize female seduction, though these plays do not place an embodied, seduced woman on the stage. The reviewer wishes that Kern’s study could have benefited from tighter editing, but recommends the book as well as the genre it examines.
Review: H.-T. Campangne in Ren Q. 63. 4 (2010), 1292-1293. K.’s work examines a corpus of 26 plays, considering various debates, disguises, rituals of marriage, law and judicial practice, the language of seduction and its rhetorical, poetical and esthetic effects (1292). Judged of use and interest to scholars both of theatre and history, K.’s study offers a valuable mise au point on key issues (1293).
Review: M. Mastroianni in S Fr 161 (2010), 354. Welcome examination from a social-historical perspective, K.’s study investigates 26 plays including some of the early 17th c. K.’s choices are based on Madeleine Lazard’s definition of comédie as une comédie à l’antique divisée en actes et comportant une intrigue amoureuse (cited by reviewer). K.s praiseworthy and original study is organized in the following sections: Définir la séduction: l’approche théorique et discursive de la séduction dans le prologue, Représenter la séduction: la dramaturgie du visible et de l’invisible et les rapports de violence, Dire la séduction: la représentation de la séduction par le langage.

KOCH, EREC. The Aesthetic Body: Passion, Sensibility, and Corporeality in Seventeenth-Century France. Newark: UP of Delaware, 2008.

Review: D. Fernandez-Nurdin in FR 84 (2010), 381-82: A detailed study of changing notions of the body and their impact on French culture. Koch identifies in early modern writings a new interest in the body, rather than the mind, as the source of passions and feeling. He examines writings by Versalius and Descartes, then moves on to chapters organized around the human senses of sight, hearing, taste, and touch. Koch is particularly interested in how aesthetic experiences, such as theater and music, were understood to affect the body. Recommended by the reviewer.

LA CHARITÉ, CLAUDE. La construction du public lecteur dans le Recueil des dames de Brantme et les dédicataires, Marguerite de Valois et François d’Alençon. Etudes Françaises 47.3 (2011), 109-26.

Emphasizes that Brantme actually published two very distinct volumes in Recueil des dames, one devoted to illustrious women, the other to gallant ladies. Corrects the tendency to misrepresent the work by focusing primarily on gallantry.

LAFOUGE, MARION. Le bestiaire des genres au XVIIe siècle. SCFS 33.2 (2011), 80-92.

Article sets out to analyse the use of, and importance of, animal and teratological paradigms in the theorization of genres in the XVIIth century.

LAVOCAT, FRANÇOISE. Témoignage et récit de catastrophe. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 32-48.

Studies how witnesses describe, through first-person narration, the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in 1631, as well as the Milanese and London plagues of 1629-32 and 1665. First-person narration adopts two functions: on one hand, it provides a critical perspective of the event that goes hand in hand with an attempt to rationalize the witnesses’ perception of the incident. On the other hand, it reveals the sympathy felt by the spectators. The article then emphasizes the increasing importance of fiction in narrating catastrophe.

LECLERC, JEAN. L’Antiquité travestie et la vogue du burlesque en France (1643-1661). Quebec: Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2008.

Review: G. Peureux in FS 65.1 (2011), 89-90. This study traces the history of burlesque from its development in an intellectual, political, and cultural milieu that favored badinage through the course aux Virgiles and the creation of new forms of the burlesque after the Fronde. The author proposes a poetics of the burlesque where he offers a new definition of the heroi-comic as a hybrid of the ancient and the modern rather than as a marginal, rebel genre.
Review: B. Hamon-Porter in FR 85 (2011), 174-75: This study examines 17th-century burlesque imitations and rewritings of classical texts. Leclerc considers the political context of such texts (such as their use in the Fronde), and details how such writings help infuse new life into classical texts. He also discusses the marginal place of these kinds of writings vis-à-vis 17th-century French literary production as a whole. The reviewer praises Leclerc’s lucid prose and use of examples.
Review: F. Assaf in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 464-468. Rather than a brief review, a full-length article would be needed to do real justice to this book, with its extensive research and masterful combination of authors, many of whom would be little-known or even unknown to all but the most committed researchers of burlesque writing. Despite the (few) perceived contradictions or unsupported assertions, there is enough first-class research in this work and enough information to make it the premier text on burlesque and travestissement poetry.’
Review: A. Génetiot in DSS 251 (2011), 432-433: En retraçant l’évolution du burlesque depuis un divertissement savant à l’usage d’un public mondain vers une écriture de la contestation politique, J. Leclerc, attentif à montrer la nature fondamentalement critique et subversive du burlesque, pointe une différence d’intensité mais non de nature entre le jeu littéraire du travestissement de l’antique et le libelle politique, dans une commune désacralisation des autorités.

LECLERC, JEAN. Trente années d'études canadiennes sur la parodie. DSS 252 (2011) 501-509.

The author looks at contributions of Canadian researchers to the study of French parody during the 17th century.

LEONARD, MONIQUE, XAVIER LEROUX, et FRANCOIS ROUDAUT, eds. Le lent brassement des livres, des rites et de la vie. Mélanges offerts à James Dauphiné. Paris: H. Champion, 2009.

Review: E. Berriot-Salvadore in BHR 72.3 (2010), 716-719: Volume d’hommage comprenant vingt nouvelles contributions sur les quarante-neuf rassemblées. Voir l’article de D. Aris sur Scarron qui peint le milieu des érudits et des libertins qui fréquentent le salon du Marais dans les années 1650.

LINTNER, DOROTHEE. Polygraphie comique chez Rabelais et Furetière. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 107-120.

While allowing for the considerable differences between the work of Rabelais and Furetière, analyses the extent to which the two authors agree in their understanding of polygraphy, and how, therefore, malgré l’écart temporel, ils mettent en tension la pratique polygraphique et l’écriture comique d’une façon assez semblable’.

LOCHERT, VERONIQUE. L’Ecriture du spectacle: les didascalies dans le théâtre européen aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Geneva: Droz, 2009.

Review: M. Hawcroft in FS 65.2 (2011), 244. This richly documented, interdisciplinary, multi-dimensional work of vast proportions is valuable not only for its focus on English, French, Spanish, and Italian drama, but also for how it broadens our thinking about important critical questions in the study of theatre. Lochert offers a historical and theoretical survey, followed by analysis of stage directions’ effects on actors and readers, typography, and the use of implicit and explicit directions.
Review: J.-Y. Vialleton in DSS 249 (2010), 783-784: In very favourable terms, the reviewer points out that, ce livre ne porte pas sur les seules indications scéniques, mais sur l’ensemble des procédés de présentation du texte dramatique [ . . . ] on n’a pas affaire ici à une longue monographie portant sur un objet mineur, mais à une étude fondamentale, puisqu’elle rend compte de rien de moins que de l’invention du texte de théâtre occidental.

LYONS, JOHN D. French Literature. A very short introduction. New York: Oxford UP, 2010.

Review: O. Bonserio in S Fr 162 (2010), 610. This is a welcome addition to Oxford UP’s publication of over 299 titles of this nature since 1995 on historical, philosophical, literary, religious (etc.), themes. By an extremely well qualified expert, the volume benefits from his organization by protagonists and their relation to society. Careful to draw the historical, literary, political and social context of the various periods, L’s presentations of protagonists furnish una sorta di archetipi dell’umanità (610).

LYONS, JOHN D. From Fortune to Randomness in Seventeenth-Century French Literature. FS 65.2 (2011), 156-173.

After briefly surveying the evolution of the concept of fortune, the author shows how it began to be associated with randomness (hasard). He examines Molière’s L’Ecole des femmes and Lafayette’s Zayde and La Princesse de Clèves to show how questions of chance allow for the development of a wide variety of poetic and philosophical themes. In conclusion, he notes that this study shows us the way people [ . . . ] must rework [their] image of the world when something happens to invalidate the earlier image, the growing importance of suspense as a feature of dramatic and narrative plotting, and the increased awareness of identification’ as part of the literary and dramatic experience.

LYONS, JOHN D. and KATHLEEN WINE, eds. Chance, Literature, and Culture in Early Modern France. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.

Review: T. Chesters in FS 65.3 (2011), 386-387. Part I (Providence in Question) shows a number of early modern authors in dialogue with Augustine’s thesis, in De civitate dei, that the concept of chance is an expression of our fallen state and of our concomitant remoteness from grasping the divine plan. Part II addresses Poetics and the Aesthetics of Chance, while Part III (The Law and the Ethics of Chance) draws out the ethical and doctrinal implications of chance. [ . . . ] Finally, Part IV (Chance and its Remedies) pursues further the question of how we might think and act in the face of chance. A wide range of authors are covered: Montaigne, Rabelais, Gomberville, Racine, Malebranche, Descartes, and the Cardinal de Retz.
Review: J. Helgeson in Ren Q 63 (2010), 284-286. Welcome volume results from a colloquium held in Tours at the Centre d’études Supérieures de la Renaissance (2006) and from a panel held at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (2006). Nine essays focus on 17th c. topics providing analyses on the intersection and tensions of providence and chance from perspectives of philosophy, theology and poetics. Reviewer regrets the paucity of mention of Pascal but notes with appreciation analyses on Malebranche, Racine, Descartes, Gomberville, the sublime, and the Cardinal de Retz. Index, illustrations, and bibliography.

MAINIL, JEAN, ed. Féeries: études sur le conte merveilleux XVIIeXIXe siècle. Le Rire des conteurs. Grenoble: UMR Lire, 2008.

Review: Harold Neeman in Marvels & Tales, 24.1 (2010), 163-66: A collection of papers which address the use of irony, humor, comic devices, parody, satire, and more in a wide selection of tales. These include Madame d’Aulnoy’s L’le de la félicité, which receives special attention for the ways in which she makes use of Cervantes’s Don Quixote, a text that itself has ironic and parodic elements. Reviewer praises both the solid scholarship evident in the collection and the avenues these essays open for further research.

MARCHAL-WEYL, CATHERINE. Le Tailleur et le fripier. Transformations des personnages de la comedia sur la scène française (1630-1660). Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 160 (2010), 138-139. Rotrou, Boisrobert, Scarron and their transformation of characters of the comedia of the Siglo de Oro are the focus of this welcome comparatist study which fills a lacune in French studies. Praiseworthy and ambitious, the volume includes a table of correspondencies between the Spanish comedias and the French plays as well as a bibliography and index.

MAURI, DANIELA. Il mito cristianizzato di Daniela Dalle Valle all’interno dei nuovi studi sul mito. S Fr 162 (2010), 491-496.

After drawing our attention to several recent examinations relating to various myths (Antigone, Psyché, Médée, Artemis, for example), M. focuses on Dalla Valle’s Il mito cristianizzato Fedra/Ippolito e Edipo nel teatro francese del Seicento, Berne: Peter Lang, 2006. M.’s article is a detailed review of this rich and highly valuable panorama of the fortunes of the two key myths of its title. Sections include: authors before Racine some of whom have received insufficient critical attention, variations of the myths such as Jean Auvray’s 1609 Innocence descouverte, transformations and adaptations of myths (D.V. focuses here on three elements: ombre, vanitas, and the transformation of classical myth in a story piu facilmente adattabile alla dimensione cristiana (D. V. 62), Racine’s Phèdre, works before Corneille focusing on Oedipe such as that of Jean Prévost (1614), variations of the myth such as Boisrobert’s 1639 Les Rivaux amis, Oedipe after Corneille (Tallemant de Réaux), and the novella of Jean-Pierre Camus, particularly interesting as la lettura del mito di Edipo si sovrappone all’interpretazione del mito di Ippolito (D. V. 212). D. V.’s seminal work impresses by its pertinent analyses and wide-ranging quality, often examining neglected but important texts. Appendix of relevant texts and rich up-to-date bibliography.

MAZOUER, CHARLES. Le Théâtre français de l’âge classique. II. L’apogée du classicisme. Paris: Champion, 2010.

Review: H. Baby in PFSCL, 38.75 (2011), 496-500. Very positive review of cet ouvrage dont la lecture est absolument nécessaire à qui voudrait comprendre et aimer le théâtre du XVIIe siècle’. Among other favourable aspects, the reviewer particularly appreciates the way in which Corneille, Racine and Molière are not isolated in separate sections but integrated into the main narrative.

MAZOUER, CHARLES, ed. Farces du Grand Siècle. De Tabarin à Molière. Farces et petites comedies du XVIIe siècle. Bordeaux: Presses de l’Université de Bordeaux, 2008.

Review: D. DallaValle in S Fr 160 (2010), 137. Very welcome re-publication of the 1992 out-of-print volume. Important additions and up-to-date bibliography.

MIOTTI, MARIANGELI. Il personaggio di Ester nella drammaturgia francese da Rivaudeau a Racine. Fasano: Schena Editore, 2009.

Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 160 (2010), 136-137. Welcome volume by M. who has edited a number of Renaissance plays and who is a member of the team which published the Théàtre français de la Renaissance founded by E. Balmas and M. Dassonville. Among the 17th c. plays included in the volume reviewed are Antoine de Montchrestien’s Aman, Pierre Mainfray’s La Belle Hesther, the anonymous Tragédie nouvelle de la perfidie d’Aman, Du Ryer’s Esther and Racine’s Esther. Sermons (Pierre Merlin’s from 1594) and poems (Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin’s) round out the volume. Illuminates in several sections the personage of Esther as one important explanation for the remarkable fortune of the subject both in the Renaissance and in the 17th c. Rich and highly useful bibliography.

MOREAU, ISABELLE. Voyage et dépaysement: Les récits de voyage à l’épreuve du libertinage. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 49-67.

The article shows how travelers described the new by relying on something already known to them. La Mothe Le Vayer’s travel narration is not different from that principle but his primary focus is to adopt a position of skepticism and to express his particular judgment. Le Vayer is less preoccupied with veracity but with revealing his skeptical philosophy. He chooses whatever topic interests him to demolish dogmatic views. The principal preoccupation and primary motivation behind his travel narratives thereby prefigures 18th-century travel narratives.

MOREAU, ISABELLE. Guérir du sot. Les strategies d’écriture des libertins à l’âge classique. Paris: Champion, 2007.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 161 (2010), 358-359. Rich and important volume is also of significant current scholarly interest. Proposes meaningful revisions to classical (A. Adam and others) and more recent studies (J.-P. Cavaillé, for example). Based on a corpus of some 250 works and focuses on La Mothe le Vayer, Gabriel Naudé, Charles Sorel and Cyrano de Bergerac. Sections examine the concept of libertinage, the problem of censure, philosophical and pragmatic concerns such as epistemological consequences of ambiguity, esthetic dimensions and the role of language, historical prise and récits de voyage, Naudé’s esthetics and theatrical vraisemblance, libertine pedagogy and an esthetic of la dissonance (358-359). Excellently documented and with extensive bibliography.

MASTROIANNI, MICHELE. Lungo I sentieri del tragic. La rielaborazione teatrale in Francia dal Rinascimento al Barocco. Vercelli: Edizioni Mercurio, 2009.

Review: M. M. Dogli in S Fr 161 (2010), 353-354. Seminal work is rich and wide-ranging as it offers un illuminante prospettiva del panorama letterario della drammaturgia francese classica e barocca (354). Includes investigations on interpretations and translations, contemporary history, classical and biblical references, the grotto as topos (Tristan’s Le Promenoir des deux amants and Corneille’s Illusion comique, for example).

NASSICHUK, JOHN ed. Vérité et fiction dans les entrées solennelles à la Renaissance et à l’âge classique. Les collections de la République des Lettres. Québec: Les Presses de L’Université Laval, 2009.

Review: N. Russell in Ren Q 63. 4 (2010), 1324-1325. Selected essays from a 2006 conference on truth and fiction in ceremonial entrées during the Early Modern is a rich body of studies which focuses on the question of truth and fiction itself as well as supplying details on several lesser known albums. Relationship of entrées to criteria of truth and verisimilitude is examined as is the various uses of the entrées, political and propagandistic, for example. Marie-Claude Canova-Green demonstrates that entries may even be invented as in the case of the 1626 supposed entry by the Duc de Rohan.

NELTING, DAVID. Autorisation poétique et poésie lyrique française dans le contexte de la cour et de la ville (Malherbe, Saint-Amant). PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 361-376.

Analysis of lyric poetry focussing particularly on Malherbe and Saint-Amant. Concludes: ou la poésie lyrique au dix-septième siècle s’approche de l’honnête désindividualisation de la cour et de la ville, renonçant ainsi à l’autorisation poiétique’ basée sur une forte individualitè du poète, ou elle actualise ce dispositif d’autorisation, s’opposant ainsi aux bienséances culturelles’.

NEUHAUS, HELMUT, ed. Die Frühe Neuzeit als Epoche. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, NF., Bd. 49.) München: Oldenbourg, 2009.

Review: W. Behringer in HZ 291 (2010), 513-515. Wide-ranging and attentive to international and interdisciplinary scholarship, this volume is judged a milestone in the historiography of the Early Modern. Essays treat main questions concerning the beginning and endings of periods as well as the relevance of periodization to all areas of life, culture and geographical areas. Essays examine numerous disciplines such as music, scholarship, the baroque, painting, law, theology and early modern globalization.

NOWOSADTKO, JUTTA and MATTHIAS ROGG, eds. Mars und die Musen. Das Wechselspiel von Militär, Krieg und Kunst in der Frühen Neuzeit. With SASCHA MÖBIUS. (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit, Bd. 5.). Münster: Lit, 2008.

Review: H. Thoß in HZ 291 (2010), 798-799. Praiseworthy interdisciplinary military history includes special attention to interconnections between literature, art, architecture and music, even psychological dimensions of military music in the Early Modern (the latter by Werner Friedrich Kümmel).

ODDO, NANCY. Logique polygraphique et politesse mondaine. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 47-61.

Examines the polygraphic genre of narrative fiction, through an analysis of des écrits de vulgarisation scientifique et spirituelle qui participent à l’élaboration d’une civilité entre la fin du XVIe et le début du XVIIe siècle’.

OIRY, GOULVEN. Entre révérence et impertinence: la cour au miroir de la ville dans la comédie des années 1629-1635. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 409-425.

Examines the ambiguous representation of the courtisan in ten plays published between 1629-1635, and the light it throws on the relationship between la cour and la ville under Louis XIII. Plays include works by Corneille, Du Peschier, Mairet, Du Ryer, Discret, and Mareschal.

PAINE, SKYE LANDELL. Rupture: The Fear of Discontinuity in Seventeenth Century France. DAI 3428948 (2011).

Paine analyzes the forces of rupture that undermine the mechanism of order inherent in seventeenth-century absolutist centralization. He examines works by Corneille (Rodogune), Molière (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme) to study political rupture in different genres (tragedy, comedy) and separate political eras (the interregnum and Louis XIV’s reign). Familial and political ruptures are closely intertwined, and questions of monarchy and patriarchy are raised. The dissertation then turns to a close reading of Les Remarques, by Vaugelas before concluding with Racine’s Andromaque and Pascal’s Pensées.

PARSONS, JOTHAM. Etat Présent: Socio-Economic Approaches to French Literature, c. 1540-1630. FS 65.1 (2011), 74-81.

A survey of recent work in socio-economic criticism of Renaissance literature. Dix-septièmistes will appreciate the attention focused on préciosité, Corneille, and Sorel’s Francion.

PENSOM, ROGER, Rhythme et sens: De La Fontaine à la Séquence de Sainte Eulalie. Poétique 165 (2011), 53-72.

An exploration of how French verse might contain more meaningful variation in rhythm than has been acknowledged. Downplaying the question of syllables, their number and division, Pensom examines variations in accent and shows how early poets appear to have used changes in accent patterns to create particular effects. Pensom works backward in time toward medieval texts but begins with a close reading of La Fontaine’s Le Lion et le chasseur.

PETEY-GIRARD, BRUNO. Henri IV Padre delle buone lettere’? S Fr 162 (2010), 442-455.

Masterful, extremely rich and well-documented examination answers the question announced in the title with a resounding yes. P.-G. points first to the silence on the patronage aspect as generally found in texts of praise of Henri. Celebrated principally as a valiant warrior who brought peace to the realm, H. may receive a general type of praise for his support of collèges, des arts et du commerce (Jérme de Bénévent, cited on 442). P.-G. places H.’s actions and image in the context of events of the late 16th and early 17th c., then discovers praises of H. and texts which demonstrate that le roi demeure celui vers qui nombre de lettrés tournent leur regard (444). H.’s portrait is traced, Nicolas Rapin submits to H. his project of restoration of la poésie mesurée (445) and Henri d’Urfé resumes the sentiment of the day: Recevez la [l’Astrée] donc (SIRE) non comme une simple Bergere: mais comme une oeuvre de vos mains, car veritablement on vous en peut dire l’Autheur: puisque c’est un enfant que la paix a fait naistre, et que c’est à vostre Majesté à qui toute l’Europe doit son repos, et sa tranquillité (dédicace, cited by P.-G. on 446). P.-G. discovers the contribution of frontispieces such as that of Blaise de Vigenère’s translation of Philostrate (with engraving by Jasper Isac), the ornamentation of royal palaces (and their theoretical formulations), and images of the queen in allegorical portraits emphasizing cultural renewal made possible by peace. P.-G.’s essay brings a rich array of texts and descriptions of images to bear on his argument, convincing us that le règne d’Henri IV . . . marque en fait une étape majeure dans l’image royale de protection des Lettres et dans les conditions même d’existence des Lettres à proximité du trne (454).

PIEJUS, ANNE, ed. Plaire et instruire: le spectacle dans les collèges de l’Ancien Régime. Rennes: PU de Rennes, 2007.

Review: J. Laroche in FR 84 (2010), 398-99: A collection of 20 essays on theater in early modern schools, collected from a conference on the subject organized by the Bibliothèque Nationale. Essays in the collection examine which kinds of plays schools tended to choose, what financial means they had available for staging theater, how theatrical productions overlapped with civic and political spectacle, and how schools’ use of theater related to Jesuit teaching methods. [L]’ouvrage brille par son écriture claire (399).
Review: M-T. Mourey in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 472-475. On ne peut que souligner les mérites de l’éditrice Anne Piéjus d’avoir exploré, avec beaucoup de constance, ce champ relativement nouveau de la pratique spectaculaire’.

PINSON, GUILLAUME et MAXIME PRÉVOST, éds. Penser la littérature par la presse. études littéraires. 40.3 (Automne 2009).

Review: V. Frigerio in DFS 90 (Spring 2010), Ce numéro d’études littéraires se propose d’aborder les rapports entre la littérature et [ . . . ] la presse, dont l’émergence graduelle nourrit bien des débats, du XVIIe au XXe siècle. Le seul article o il s’agit du XVIIe siècle est celui de Annie Cloutier qui écrit d’un polygraphe du XVIIe siècle, Louis Sébastien Mercier.

REGUIG, DELPHINE. Le Mensonge de Montaigne: La Référence aux Essais dans la logique de Port-Royal. DSS 249 (2010), 711-727.

Parce que Montaigne érige la passivité du jugement en philosophie raisonnable et l’extravagance du raisonnement en exacte nature, la référence aux Essais, malgré la discordance qu’elle introduit et cultive, du point de vue à la fois formel et intellectuel, possède, au sein d’une Logique, une pertinence et un profit philosophique que la divergence dans l’usage du terme de vraisemblance manifeste puissamment.

REQUEMORA-GROS, SYLVIE. La Circulation des genres dans l’écriture viatique: la littérature’ des voyages du nomadisme générique, le cas de Marc Lescarbot. OeC 36.1 (2011), 67-74.

Une etude de la circulation des genres du voyage entre 1492 et 1615 correspond au désir d’appréhender cette voie qu’emprunte la littérature française vers la modernité en liant les recherches actuelles sur les voyages à celles sur l’hybridité des genres.

RIFFAUD, ALAIN. Répertoire dramatique du théâtre français imprimé (1630-1660). Genève: Droz, 2009.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 162 (2010), 548. Indispensable work reconstructs the creative activity relating to the theatre of the years indicated in the title. Other aspects reported are theatre production, re-editions and locations in French libraries. All manner of helpful materials and information is included here, for example, typographical practices and illustrations.

RIZZONI, NATHALIE, JULIE BOCH, et NADINE JASMIN, eds. L'âge d'or du conte de fées: De la comédie à la critique (1690-1709). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007.

Review: R. Bottigheimer in M&T 25 (2011), 371-374: A volume of criticism and three staged fairytales by Charles Rivière Dufresny and Claude-Ignace Brugière de Barente (Les Fées, ou Les Contes de ma Mère l'Oie), Florent Carton Dancourt (Les Fées), and Le Mariage du Prince Diamant et de la Princesse Perle whose author is unknown.

ROSSET, FRANÇOIS, Le langage du fantastique: Stratégies et fatalité du réemploi. Poétique 166 (2011), 203-14.

Briefly situates Charles Sorel, Jean-Pierre Camus, and poets such as Saint-Amant within a larger discussion of the fantastic as a genre. Rosset particularly mentions these writers’ work of collecting and assembling fantastic material.

ROYE, JOCELYN. La Figure du pédant de Montaigne à Molière. (Travaux du Grand Siècle, 31). Geneva: Droz, 2008.

Review: J. Prest in FS 66.1 (2012), 88-89. This work takes a global approach: it traces the history of the pedant back to the late medieval period before focusing on a variety of literary texts (satirical poems, novels, and theatre). Excessive generalizations and problematic analyses make for a dry read. [ . . . ] Towards the end of the book, Royé puts forward an interesting hypothesis whereby the exclusively male, university-based savant, who spoke Latin and led a solitary existence, came to be opposed, during the course of the seventeenth century, to the sometimes female mondain (based at court or in the salons), who relied on the vernacular and on a group setting.
Review: J. Serroy in DSS 249 (2010), 775-776: Il y a comme un malin plaisir à lire l’ouvrage que Jocelyn Royé consacre au personnage du pédant: celui de découvrir ledit personnage, incarnation même du savoir érudit cloué par la tradition comique au piloris du ridicule pédantesque, érigé en héros d’une étude universitaire empruntant les voies d’une érudition jamais à l’abri de devenir elle-même l’illustration des travers de son suet d’observation. This original work is near exhaustive covering près d’une centaine de personnages et d’un corpus dense d’une cinquantaine de comédies, d’une trentaine de romans et d’autant de pièces satiriques.

SAFTY, ESSAM. L’autre figure d’Héraclès dans la tragédie baroque: dramaturgie, éthique et idéologie dans l’épisode de la démence meurtrière. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 219-235.

Provides an overview of critical interpretations of Hercules’ madness in Baroque tragedy before proposing his own, according to which: [L’épisode de la folie criminelle] dit en somme le tragique de la condition des mortels, dont l’action est sujette à de terribles actes de représailles de la part des divinités: la force contraignante d’un destin aveugle et implacable traduit en l’occurrence la démission de la volonté humaine face aux arrêts du sort; en même temps, devenu de ce fait instrument commis à l’exécution de la volonté divine, le héros se vit investi d’une fureur démoniaque qui le porta nécessairement à agir dans l’inconscience’.

SCHAPIRA, NICOLAS. Le salon écrit par les professionnels des lettres (France-XVIIe siècle). PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 315-327.

Contribution to the historiography of salons. Examines the representation of the salon as it is constructed in the anecdotes, correspondence and memoirs of contemporary men of letters, and the light it throws on the relationship between cour and ville. Particular attention is given to Faret’s Honneste homme and to Tallemant’s Historiettes.

SCOTT, VIRGINIA. Women on the Stage in Early Modern France: 1540-1750. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2010.

Review: F. Londré in CHOICE 48 (2011), 1299: Scott examines apparent exchanges of influence between early modern actresses and playwrights, while also attending to these women’s private lives, working conditions, and myths surrounding their existence. Attends to women such as Madeleine Béjart, Mlle Du Parc, La Champmeslé, and Mlle Molière. Recommended by the reviewer despite slight reservations about the author’s inclusion of superfluous details.
Review: M. Leon in ThR 36.2 (2011), 179-80. Scott gives actresses new voice as she penetrates the obscurity of the historical record to show the significant role of women in the growth and stabilization of French theatre. Uses legal contracts and civil records, but also plays themselves to engage in intelligent inference about the place of women. For the 1630s, for instance, Scott analyzes the roles written for actresses to speculate about their importance in the troupes. Study concludes with a chapter on biographical depictions of famous French actresses in film and on the stage

SEIFERT, LEWIS and DOMNA STANTON, eds. and trans. Enchanted Eloquence: Fairy Tales by Seventeenth-Century French Women Writers. Toronto: Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2011.

Review: C. Kerr for CHOICE 48 (2011), 2101: A collection in English of tales from the major conteuses of the 17th century. Well selected, the tales vary in length and tone, and are fleshed out through scholarly notes, illustrations, and a concise, engrossing introduction (2101). Recommended by the reviewer for all readers; this book is a joy (2101).

SEIFERT, LEWIS. Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Review: A. Duggan in FR 84 (2011), 807-08: Through an examination of civility manuals, salon literature, polemical texts, and narratives about cross-dressing, Seifert highlights the precariousness of the seventeenth-century masculine subject, which continually needed to be reiterated through relations to other men and to women. Moving from the production of normative masculinities to the production of marginal masculinities, Seifert demonstrates the delicate balancing act male subjects performed to maintain their normative or non-normative subject positions.Manning the Margins opens up the scope of early modern gender studies and breaks new ground (807-08).
Review: P. Zoberman in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 255-260. Volume is a very stimulating contribution both to the exploration of early-modern culture and to gender studies, supported by a vast knowledge of the scholarship in both domains’.
Review: Gary Ferguson in Ren Q 63 (2010), 574-576. Judged welcome and innovative, S.’s investigation adopts Pierre Bourdieu’s Masculine Domination as his principal theoretical framework (575). Organized in two parts, Civilizing the Margins, and Sexuality and the Body at the Margins, S.’s wide-ranging discussions include examinations of honnêteté, relationships between the masculine and the feminine, galanterie, and satirical songs, among other topics. Individual figures and authors receive important focus as well, such as Voiture, Madeleine de Scudéry, Théophile and the Abbé de Choisy.

SHAPIRO, NORMAN R. French Women Poets of Nine Centuries. The Distaff & the Pen. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2008.

Review: M. Bishop in DFS 89 (Winter 2009), In spite of being disappointed with the absence of a number of twentieth-century poets, the reviewer is grateful for Shapiro’s fine work of translation. A number of women poets from the seventeenth century are present in this volume, including Madeleine de Scudéry, Henriette de Coligny de la Suze, Antoinette Deshoulières, and Marie-Catherine Desjardins de Villedieu. The reviewer writes that it is impossible to do justice to such immensities and sensibilities, such intelligences and graces, as this cornucopia lays before us.

SHOEMAKER, PETER. Powerful Connections: The Poetics of Patronage in the Age of Louis XIII. Newark: UP of Delaware, 2007.

Review: B. Hamon-Porter in FR 84 (2010), 380-81: This well-written and highly readable study offers a useful complement to past works on the subject of patronage. It is best at showing the shifting position occupied by patronage and how it created dynamic communities, promoting creativity rather than limiting it (381). Examines writers such as Guez de Balzac, Malherbe, Théophile de Viau, Corneille, and Mairet.

SIGNORI, GABRIELA, ed., Das Siegel. Gebrauch und Bedeutung. Unt. Mitarb. v. GABRIEL STOUKALOV-POGODIN. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007.

Review: J. Mötsch in HZ 290.2 (2010), 415-417. Judged illuminating for the information and analyses that the volume brings to the uses and meanings of the seal. Highly diverse, the interested reader will find essays on the role of the seal as a guarantee of authenticity and as relating to image and identity. Other focuses include university seals, Jewish seals and state seals. Indices and illustrations.

STIKER-METRAL, CHARLES-OLIVIER. Narcisse contrarié: l’amour-propre dans le discours moral en France (1650-1715). Lumiere classique 74. Paris: Champion, 2007.

Review S. Bold in FR 83 (2010), 862-63. This study begins with a detailed and painstaking history of the term amour propre (862), an analysis which gives the book the large, sweeping feel of Paul Bénichou’s Morales du Grand Siècle. Striker-Métral then moves on to analyze the rhetoric of moralist literature, stitching together rhetorical perspectives from a range of different kinds of writers. The volume concludes with an aesthetic tour de force, an excellent piece on La Fontaine’s homage to La Rochefoucauld, L’Homme et son image. Recommended by the reviewer.

SURGERS, ANNE AND FABIEN CAVAILLE. La scénographie du théâtre baroque en France: quand le comédien n’était pas enfermé dans une cage. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 92-123.

This article turns to theatrical space in baroque theater. It first addresses in detail the scenographic conditions of an emblem-theater throughout Europe. It then turns to the comedian and his relationship to his theatrical space. Il s’agit . . . d’examiner le rapport entre le comédien et la scène, la façon dont il occupe le plateau en se demandant si le jeu du comédien dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle obéit lui aussi à certaines conventions spatiales, voire à des lieux de mémoire.

Théories et pratiques de la traduction aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Actes de la journée d’études du Centre de recherche sur l’Europe classique. Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 22 février 2008. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009.

Review: F. Forcolin in S Fr 161 (2010), 423. Concentration of texts examined is literary and sacred. Contributions include comparative studies, specific authors, texts and problems. Introduction by Charles Mazouer and presentation by Michel Wiedemann. 17th c. scholars will appreciate studies on Scarron, Furetière, Perrault, Comenius and la poésie précieuse.

TRICOCHE-RAULINE, LAURENCE. Identité(s) libertine(s), l’écriture personnelle ou la creation de soi. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: R. Ganim in FS 65.1 (2011), 95-96. Tricoche-Rauline presents the libertins as heirs to Montaigne who value self-inquiry, experience, and epistemological questions: they privilege an écriture personnelle that challenges cultural norms in the pursuit of personal truth. Authors studied include Théophile de Viau, Tristan L’Hermite, Cyrano de Bergerac, Dassoucy, and La Fontaine.
Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 161 (2010), 359. First person poetry and narrative is the focus of this examination of 17th c. libertine strategies. Includes investigations of texts of Théophile de Viau, La Fontaine, Tristan l’Hérmite, Charles Sorel, Cyrano de Bergerac and Charles Dassoucy. T.-R.’s study is organized into sections on identité (public and private spheres, publications, esthetic and linguistic innovations, rehabilitation of amour-propre, the libertine confession or manifesto (rhetorical features, sensualities, dissimulation, etc.) and relations of literary practice and philosophical thought (ideological bases, doubt, vraisemblance, political consequences, etc.).

TURNOVSKY, GEOFFREY. The Literary Market: Authorship and Modernity in the Old Regime. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.

Review: J. Phillips in FS 65.3 (2011), 391-392. This well-researched and densely argued study represents an important contribution to our knowledge of the history of authorship and publishing in France. Focusing on the evolution of the writer’s status and relationship with a growing print industry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Turnovsky proposes a radically new analysis of this process. Rejecting the more simplistic view according to which writers of the period were increasingly able to wean themselves off patronage and live on income from their books, he persuasively argues that changes in the ways in which authors were perceived by the aristocrats who had hitherto supported them played an equally important role.
Review: P. Stewart in FR 84 (2011), 1025-26: Turnovsky argues that the relationship of writers with both the book industry and their reading public needs to be recast without the usual reliance on the notion of literary property. He argues that the privilège was not primarily about ownershipbut a credentialing device thatallowed them to project an image of themselves as socially integrated and enjoying the king’s favor, since it was issued in the monarch’s name (80). The reviewer expresses enthusiasm for the work but laments a lack of attention to relevant texts and scholarship, as well as to questions of early modern journalism and censorship.

VASILIEVA, EKATERINA. Antoich Kantemir: la polygraphie au service d’un écrivain-diplomate. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 63-81.

Analyses the use of polygraphy as a deliberate strategy on the part of the Russian writer-diplomat Antoich Kantemir to attract the widest possible audience.

VIALA, ALAIN. La France galante. Essai historique sur une catégorie culturelle, de ses origines jusqu’à la Révolution. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2008.

Review: J. Lyons in DSS 249 (2010), 777-778: Recognizing the author’s extraordinary contribution to the field, the reviewer sees this new and expansive work as le fruit de ses recherches et des réflexions dans un excellent ouvrage de synthèse. [ . . . ] Encyclopedic in nature and eminently accessible, the fifteen chapters begin with an etymological analysis and merge into a study of l’émergence du galant comme phénomène littéraire et social important et dynamique dès les années 1650 [ . . . ]

VUILLEUMIER LAURENS, FLORENCE and PIERRE LAURENS. L’âge de l'inscription: La rhétorique du monument en Europe du XVe au XVIIe siècle. Le Cabinet des Images 2. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2010.

Review: T. Lansford in Ren Q 63.4 (2010), 1259-1260. Praiseworthy for its genuine wealth of material . . . and generous breadth of coverage(1260), V.’s examination is of particular interest and value to scholars of Neo-Latin, Renaissance and Baroque Studies. Organized in chapters on the birth of modern epigraphy, its original use, its link with politics, the rise of the elogium, and the 17th c. debate on the linguistic form of inscriptions.

WELCH, ELLEN. A Taste for the Foreign: Worldly Knowledge and Literary Pleasure in Early Modern French Fiction. Newark: UP Delaware, 2011.

Review: C. Campbell in CHOICE 49 (2011), 510: Welch examines how the fashion for (artificial) foreignness manifested itself in the production of prose fictionand how it inspired formal innovations as well as new settings for fictional content (510). This study of French literary exotisme tackles a range of genres, including the roman héroïque, city guides, secret memoirs, and novels centered in both Paris and lands abroad. Recommended by the reviewer.

ZAISER, RAINER. Introduction. Le XVIIe siècle: l’âge de l’écrivaine. OeC 35.1 (2010), 3-8.

Article introductoire au numéro des Oeuvres & Critiques consacré aux Ecrivaines du XVIIe siècle. Selon Z., . . . les résultats obtenus par les études féminines imposent la tâche de créer a new literary landscape’ ou une nouvelle cartographie’ de la littérature française du XVIIe siècle, cartographie mettant en relief la richesse de la création littéraire féminine de l’époque. Les onze contributions [voir les articles de Carr, Divincenzo, Longino, Lallemand, Grande, Keller-Rabbé, Vos-Camy, Sanz, Gethner, Böhm, et Trinquet] visent à faire natre une image représentative de cette diversité qui est propre à la plume féminine de l’âge classique.

ZONZA, CHRISTIAN. Les Mémoires du capitaine Foucques: un témoignage-avertissement’ à l’adresse du roi. Tr L 23 (2010), 71-81.

In his close examination of this fourteen page in octavo historical account known as Foucques’s memoir, Z. underscores its interest due to 1) its quality as an example des discours des capitaines et surtout des éloges des actions des grands capitaines and to 2) its place in une littérature encomiastique liée aux valeurs de l’héroïsme in the Early Modern (74). Z.’s investigation includes a study of the structure, the justification, and the rhetoric of the memoir. Z. finds the narration théâtricalisé and the anecdotes, typically with precise sources and references, to be exempla which viennent diversifier et animer le propos du capitaine, tout en offrant la garantie de ce qui apparat bien comme la réalité contemporaine (77). Z.’s interpretation of F.’s vehement passages on the enslavement of Europeans is particularly striking as it is essentiellement le résultat d’un scandaleux commerce international (80). F. had predicted that Christianity would be destroyed unless France acts and le royaume du lys deviendra ainsi . . . une extension de la Barbarie (80).



GIPPER, ANDREAS. Urbanité et honnêteté: de la traduction d’un idéal culturel chez Guez de Balzac et Perrot d’Ablancourt. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 329-345.

Examines la perméabilité entre l’héritage littéraire classique et les formes nouvelles de l’interaction des élites caractérisant le cercle de Conrant et de Balzac’ by focusing on two lines of enquiry. D’un cté, par une explication du concept balzacien d’urbanité, c’est-à-dire d’une forme de politesse se référant directement aux traditions rhétoriques de l’Antiquité et d’un autre cté, par une réflexion sur la tentative du cercle de Conrant de transformer le concept balzacien d’urbanité au travers d’une certaine politique de la traduction en pratique sociale vivante’.


MATHIS, RÉMI. Une trop bruyante solitude.’ Robert Arnauld d’Andilly, solitaire de Port-Royal, et le pouvoir royal (1643-1674). PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 337-352.

Examines the ambiguity of the ideas of solitude and retrait in the case of Arnauld d’Andilly, and his development of what could be called [une] politique de la solitude.


PASCAL, BLAISE, ANTOINE ARNAULD and FRANÇOIS DE NONANCOURT. Géométries de Port-Royal. Ed. Dominique Descotes. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: R. Garrod in FS 65.1 (2011), 90-91. This edition emerges from the rivalry between Pascal and Arnauld over the creation of a geometry textbook. It includes Pascal’s Introduction à la Géométrie, Arnauld’s Nouveaux élélements de géométrie, and Nonancourt’s Euclidus Logisticus (in French and Latin) along with numerous textual variants. A full scholarly apparatus provides ample contextual background. Descotes’s magisterial edition [ . . . ] should appeal to the intellectual historian and the Pascal scholar alike.

REGUIG-NAYA, DELPHINE. Le Corps des idées. Pensées et poétiques du langage dans l’augustinisme de Port-Royal. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal, Mme de La Fayette, Racine. Paris, Champion, 2007.

Review: V. Kapp in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 252-255. Delphine Reguig-Naya combine ses connaissances théologiques et philosophiques avec une haute compétence en linguistique et un don admirable d’analyse littéraire. Elle va au centre des problématiques examinées et domine les riches matériaux à un tel point que le lecteur suit aisément ses analyses éclairantes’.


BOURQUE, B. J. Les formes de l’acte et de la scène: théorie et pratique chez d’Aubignac. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 173-184.

Examines d’Aubignac’s three tragedies, La Pucelle d’Orléans (1642), La Cyminde (1642) and Zénobie (1647) in the light of his theories on acts and scenes in drama, and demonstrates how his practice is not always consistent with his theory.

BOURQUE, B. J. L’emploi de la prose chez d’Aubignac. S Fr 161 (2010), 213-221.

Welcome and particularly well-documented examination of plays of d’A. who is well known and studied for his theoretical works. B. reminds us that A. is the author of three prose tragedies published from 1642 to 1647; B. begins with a study of the plays. The section Les Pièces d’Aubignac recounts criticism of his plays, their composition, adaptations in verse of two of them at the insistence of Richelieu and their history of representation. In the section La Prose, B. takes up the question of why A. decided to write in prose when verse was the overwhelmingly popular form for the theatre. The reader will expect the defense of la vraisemblance, but B. brings us to some fascinating excerpts of d’A. where he writes defending against Corneille, for example, his experience with poetry: j’ai quelque connaissance de la posie, et . . . quand il me plait, je fais des vers qui ne déplairaient pas au Théâtre (cited by B., 219).


BARCHILON, JACQUES. Adaptations of Folktales and Motifs in Madame d'Aulnoy's Contes: A Brief Survey of Influence and Diffusion. Marvels & Tales 23.2 (2009), 353-64.

Examines identifiable tale types in 20 of Madame d’Aulnoy’s fairy tales. Shows how this contributed to the popularity of d’Aulnoy’s Œuvre both in the 17th century and in more recent times.

BIRBERICK, ANNE L. Gendering Metamorphosis in d’Aulnoy’s Babiole’. SCFS 33.2 (2011), 93-102.

This article explores how Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy uses the fairy-tale trope of metamorphosis not only to blur the distinction between human and animal but also to comment upon notions of femininity and masculinity.’ The focus is on two tales, Babiole’ and Le Prince Marcassin’.

BOHM, ROSWITHA Femme de lettres--femme d’aventures: Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy et la réception de son oeuvre. OeC 35.1 (2010), 135-146.

C’est cet équilibre subtil entre l’affirmation de la forme et du contenu et leur remise en question simultanée et parodique qui fait le charme spécifique des contes de fées de Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy. C’est également l’une des raisons de la réception ambivalente de son oeuvre oscillant entre mémoire et oubli.

SEIFERT, LEWIS C. Animal-Human Hybridity in d'Aulnoy's Babiole’ and Prince Wild Boar.’ Marvels & Tales 25.2 (2011), 244-60.

Suggests that animals in Madame d’Aulnoy’s tales are more than allegorical beings or metaphors for aspects of being human. Instead, they are hybrid, blurring the lines between the human and the animal, and even forcing the reader to wrestle with the question of what it means to be human.


MOMBELLO, GIANNI, ed. La correspondance d’Albert Bailly, vol. 9. Années 1673-1676. Introduction, transcription, commentaire philologique et historique by ANTONELLA AMATUZZU. Aoste: Académie Saint-Anselm, 2009. Écrits d’histoire, de littérature et d’art 10.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 162 (2010), 549. Praiseworthy edition of the 9th and penultimate volume of B.’s letters, celebrated for its philological rigor, ample historical and linguistic annotations and rich bibliographical references. Religious and temporal matters are the focus of these letters which impress by their rhetoric and B.’s gifts for poetry. We learn that not only did he write literary portraits but he also sketched artistic ones (of Marie-Jeanne-Baptiste, duchesse de Savoie and the duc Charles-Emmanuel II) and a medal of the city of Turin.


GIPPER, ANDREAS. Urbanité et honnêteté: de la traduction d’un idéal culturel chez Guez de Balzac et Perrot d’Ablancourt. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 329-345.

Examines la perméabilité entre l’héritage littéraire classique et les formes nouvelles de l’interaction des élites caractérisant le cercle de Conrant et de Balzac’ by focusing on two lines of enquiry. D’un cté, par une explication du concept balzacien d’urbanité, c’est-à-dire d’une forme de politesse se référant directement aux traditions rhétoriques de l’Antiquité et d’un autre cté, par une réflexion sur la tentative du cercle de Conrant de transformer le concept balzacien d’urbanité au travers d’une certaine politique de la traduction en pratique sociale vivante’.


GUELLOUZ, SUZANNE. Une fiction qui fait l’histoire: La Relation historique et galante de l’invasion de l’Espagne par les Arabes de Baudot de Juilly (1699). Tr L 23 (2010), 105-114.

Demonstrates the two-fold originality of B.’s nouvelle, the only one which focuses on the conquest of Spanish soil by Arabs coming from the Maghreb and the only one to have in its title the term relation and to associate historique and galante (106). Although pointing out that B. intends to be considered as an historian and that B.’s récit includes much history (allusions and detailed accounts), G.’s study reveals that la fiction . . . occupe la plus grande place dans le récit (108), love intrigues, true and false friendships, tournaments and festivals. B. notes important literary references and an abundance of maxims and reflections. G. finds that instead of a mere juxtaposition of the two directions of the nouvelle, B. mit chacune de ces deux conceptions [history, fiction] au service de l’autre (114).


ARGAUD, ÉLODIE. Bayle, historien du libertinage? Propositions pour la lecture des Pensées diverses sur la comète. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 421-435.

Examines Bayle’s position in the historiography of libertinage, focussing on the Pensées diverses sur la comète and the conceptualisation of the athée vertueux.

BAYLE, PIERRE. Correspondance de Pierre Bayle. Elisabeth Labrousse et al, éd. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1999-. t. V, aot 1684-fin juillet 1685, lettres 309-450 (2007); t. VI, aot 1685-fin juin 1686, lettres 451-587 (2008); t. VII, juillet 1686-décembre 1688, lettres 588-719 (2009).

Review: J.-P. Cavaillé in RPFE n2/2010, 263-64: The reveiwer is impressed with how quickly the daunting project of the publication of Bayle’s correspondence is advancing: trois considérables volumes en trois ans. He adds, il nous faut répéter ce que nous avions dit au sujet des volumes précédents: l’appareil de notes est remarquablement réalisé, l’appareil bibliographique, les tables de correspondance, les divers index atteignent la perfection.

BOST, HUBERT and ANTONY MCKENNA, eds. Les Eclaircissements de Pierre Bayle: édition des Eclaircissements du Dictionnaire historique et critique et études. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2010.

Review: I. Moreau in FS 66.1 (2012), 89-90. This study emerged from a 2006 colloquium. Most notably, this edition contains the first modern edition of Bayle’s Eclaircissments which is followed by the acta of the conference sans la synthèse forcée d’une mise en recueil. According to the reviewer, Un tel parti pris explique les disparités de norme entre articles (seuls quelques auteurs proposent une bibliographie; le style reflète parfois la prise de parole originelle). Il témoigne également des difficultés de la critique actuelle à présenter une image univoque de Bayle.

BOST, HUBERT. Pierre Bayle. Paris: Fayard, 2006.

Review: R. Whelan in FS 65.4 (2011), 527. This very well-informed biography is aimed at an educated but non-specialist readership; for that reason, apparently, it is overly dependent on lengthy quotations in order to donner à entendre sa [i.e. Bayle’s] musique singulière’. However, it is difficult not to wish for more synthesis and analysis, particularly in the chapter devoted to the Dictionnaire historique et critique, for example, where twenty-five out of forty-one pages are filled with quotations loosely organized around key themes that are not actually investigated. Biographies are interesting only if, in addition to telling a life story, they are also arguing a case. Bost’s case is persuasive but not innovative. He accepts that Bayle’s work resists systematic interpretation and that certain questions are undecidable, such as the sincerity of Bayle’s expressions of faith. Yet, like Elisabeth Labrousse before him, Bost is committed to situating Bayle in the context of the French Reformed tradition that shaped him, and to explaining his work in terms of his Protestant background, education, and experience[ . . . ]Yet Bost also reads between the lines, penning a portrait of a philosophe chrétien’ (Bayle’s last description of himself) whose intellectual evolution is explained in terms of a desire to establish an unassailable basis for toleration. A persuasive argument, but can it be the last word on this most enigmatic, and indeed provocative, of authors?

MCKENNA, ANTONY and GIANNI PAGANINI, Eds. Pierre Bayle dans la République des Lettres: philosophie, religion, critique. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.

Review: R. Whelan in FS 65.4 (2011), 526-527.Twenty-five chapters in this collection revisit topics such as Bayle and the Republic of Letters; his social and intellectual networks; activity as a journalist; religious preoccupations (the Reformation and the Jews, his critique of Stratonism, Socinianism, millenarianism, and rationalism); philosophical contexts’ (his representation of the Middle Ages; textual dialogues with La Mothe Le Vayer, Naudé, Cudworth, and Newton); themes such as his representation of women, anthropology, political thought, dialogue with atheism, and defence of toleration; and some of the ways in which subsequent thinkers interacted with Bayle — namely Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu, Mandeville, Vico, and Hume — or read his work in Germany and England. According to the editors, this volume is not intended to promote une lecture d’ensemble’ of Bayle’s work but rather to offer a mosaic of different interpretations.


VOS-CAMY, JOLENE. Les Oeuvres narratives de Catherine Bernard: les femmes face à l’amour. OeC 35.1 (2010), 95-104.

Analyse de la progression dans la perspective de Catherine Bernard sur la nature de la relation entre les femmes et l’amour.


TINGUELY, FREDERIC, ADRIEN PASCHOUD ET CHARLES-ANTOINE CHAMAY. Un libertin dans l’Inde moghole. Les voyages de François Bernier (1656-1669). Paris: Editions Chandeigne, 2008.

Review: I. Moreau in DSS 250 (2011), 171-173: L’ouvrage comporte une introduction très documentée de Frédéric Tinguely, suivie d’une note sur le texte. Viennent ensuite les textes de François Bernier accompagnés d’illustrations en noir et en couleur, et suivis de tout un apparat critique. The reviewer finds this an exceptionally valuable edition that has been rigourously researched and commented.



CANOVA-GREEN, MARIE-CLAUDE. Du Cabinet au livre d’histoire: les deux éditions de la France Métallique de Jacques de Bie. DSS 250 (2011), 157-170.

Looking at the two editions of de Bie’s work, the author suggests that we ought to appreciate à sa juste valeur la tentative de Jacques de Bie qui, sans être ni historien ni érudit, et malgré toutes les inexactitudes et approximations qui se sont glissées dans son oeuvre, ne s’en efforce pas moins de développer une nouvelle méthode d’écrire l’Histoire de France. Une méthode qui cherche à appliquer, en un sens, les principes de l’histoire érudite, tout en promouvant un usage de l’histoire fondé sur la recherche de l’adhésion, comme plus sr moyen de glorification du régime.


BJORNSTAD, HALL. Boileau et Racine ont-ils composé les inscriptions de la Galerie des Glaces à Versailles? DSS 250 (2011), 149-156.

As the title suggests, the author undertakes a re-evaluation of the authorship of the inscriptions that accompany Le Brun’s paintings in the great gallery.



Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 160 (2010), 142. Praiseworthy as a harmonious project che permette di fare il giro di una personalità complessa. Its great value is the assessment of B. according to precise historicalcritical norms. Includes sections on Bossuet et son temps, B. as author of the Discours sur l’Histoire universelle, B.’s political thought and his great oratory.


GERARD, AURELIE. Dom Calmet (1672-1757) et le monde arabe: une tolérance ambigu. Tr L 23 (2010), 115-127.

Precise study with numerous fascinating details reveals the paradoxical character of the Benedictine’s interest in le monde arabe. While his faith would not allow any possible dialogue with Islam, he bought un Alcoran arabe en portefeuille in 1713 (reproduction is in this article) and other Arabic books, encouraging his assistant dom Henry Faulques to learn Oriental languages and noted his progress with Arabic. G. details differences between dom Calumet’s 1703 dissertation Recherches sur les chiffres que l’on nomme arabes and the version printed in 1797 in the Mémoires de Trévoux. The second version, for example, recognized three types of numbers instead of two. G. refers to citations of dom C.’s exegetical works, notably his 23-volume Commentaire littérale sur tous les livres de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, which indicate the Benedictine’s conviction of the usefulness of the study of Arabic civilization for the understanding of the Bible.


BURY, EMMANUEL. Conclusions: Jean-Pierre Camus, un représentant de la première modernité. DSS 251 (2011), 305-307.

The author briefly summarizes the papers published in vol. 251 of DSS arising from the colloquium celebrating Camus that was held in Bellay in September 2009.

DE LA ROSA, JOSE REYES. Les Rencontres funestes: séduction et efficacité morale du récit minimaliste. DSS 251 (2011), 213-220.

Les Rencontres funestes représentent l’ultime jalon de l’évolution esthétique de Camus marquée par un allégement progressif de son écriture, allant de l’étendue, parfois démesurée de ses romans, jusqu’à la brièveté extrême de ses nouvelles. Le recueil sait nous montrer, grâce à ce style minimaliste adopté par l’évêque, les agréments d’une rhétorique de la cruauté, tributaire de l’esthétique baroque, qui nous invite à faire une lecture moderne le rapprochant des microfictions à succès de notre époque actuelle.

DUGGAN, ANNE E. Damaris et Aloph, ou textes en miroir. DSS 251 (2011), 197-203.

The author looks at how Camus’ Damaris, ou l’implacable marastre (1626), et Aloph, ou le parastre malheureux function as textes en miroir.

FERRARI, STEPHAN. Camus comique. L'ivresse d'écrire et de raconter dans L'Amphithéâtre sanglant. DSS 251 (2011), 189-196.

Camus comique? Dans L’Amphithéâtre sanglant, son premier recueil d’histoires tragiques, l’évêque de Belley, le défenseur zélé des principes de la Contre-Réforme, si soucieux de la réformation des moeurs, chercherait donc à nous faire rire ? Pour qui connat un peu les caractéristiques thématiques et formelles ainsi que les visées du genre de l’histoire tragique, pour qui connat même les intentions de Camus quand il prend la plume, pour qui enfin connat le contexte biographique dans lequel est rédigé L’Amphithéâtre, l’affirmation a de quoi surprendre.

GOMEZ-GERAUD, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Au bon plaisir de la dévotion: Le Voyageur inconnu (1630) de Jean-Pierre Camus. DSS 251 (2011), 205-211.

The author wonders if in Camus’ Le Voyageur inconnu, trouve-t-il [ . . . ] de quoi alimenter son got des aventures et sa passion des énigmes? Peut-être, à condition de revoir le roman sous un autre angle. C’est l’expérience tentée ici par l’examen de ce qui reste d’un voyage dans le Voyageur inconnu. Encouragé par cette première approche, on tentera de définir la nature de l’ultime énigme à laquelle Camus soumet son lecteur: le sens d’une stratégie discursive.

VERNET, MAX, ed. Jean-Pierre Camus, Les Evenements singuliers. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2010.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 162 (2010), 547. V.’s edition, in Garnier’s Textes de la Renaissance, is based on the Lyon edition of 1628 republished in Paris in 1660. V. precedes the edition with a 50-page presentation focusing on author and work, including observations on language and sources. Complementing the edition is a bibliography, indices and a glossary-concordance, referring as necessary to Simon Gulart’s Thesor d’histoires admirables.


KIENTZ, GUILLAUME. Philippe de Champaigne c. 1630: A Rediscovered Pentecost’ for the Carmelites in rue Saint-Jacques, Paris. Burlington 1305 (2011), 797-802.

Describes the church attached to this Carmelite convent. Asserts that it must have been one of the most important monuments of seventeenth-century Paris. Explores the fortunes of the church’s art post-Revolution, including the piece identified here as Champaigne’s Descent of the Holy Spirit.


CARR, JR., THOMAS M. Les Eptres spirituelles de Jeanne de Chantal et le commerce épistolaire conventuel: un secrétaire spirituel au féminin. OeC 35.1 (2010).

Si l’épistolaire est un genre féminin, on peut se demander s’il est également conventuel. Il y a là un vrai paradoxe. Les qualités que loue l’auteur de Des ouvrages de l’esprit’ dans les letters écrites par des femmes—la spontanéité, la nouveauté, le sentiment, la délicatesse et le naturel—sont précisément celles dont la bonne religieuse doit se méfier. Mon propos est d’examiner les Eptres de Jeanne De Chantal à la lumière de ce paradoxe, par ailleurs inscrit dans les textes liminaires de ce recueil.


DUPRAT, ANNE. Vraisemblances: poétiques et theorie de la fiction, du Cinquecento à Jean Chaplain (1500-1670). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: P. Mounier in FS 65.2 (2011), 243-244. This study focuses first on Italian poetics through 1611 and the publication of Daniel Heinsius’s Poétique in France and later develops into a comparative analysis of seventeenth-century France that highlights the work of Chapelain.


BENEDETTINI, RICCARDO. Chappuys e Garzoni: note sulla traduzione del Theatro de’ vari, e diverse cervelli mondani.’ S Fr 161 (2010), 259-275.

Rich and detailed study of the 1586 translation by Chappuys (1546-1613) of Tomaso Garzoni’s Theatro. Valuable not only for its specificity relating to these two works but also for its presentation and analysis of principles of translation, along with a fine study of linguistic norms (for example, diverse types of linguistic change such as semantic simplification).


GOSSIP, C. J., ed. Samuel Chappuzeau. Le Théâtre françois. Biblio 17, n. 178. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 161 (2010), 359-360. Welcome critical edition of highly valuable document based on an autograph and unpubliched manuscript of C. composed in 1673 and dedicated to the new troupe of the Htel de Guénégaud. A long introduction, a chronology of the author’s life, a presentation of the criteria of the edition, a bibliography and over 500 annotations accompany this edition. C.’s work focused on the daily life of actors, playwrights and spectators as well as on the organization of Parisian troupes of the 17th c.


DELAPLACE, D., ed. Le Jargon ou Langage de l’Argot reformé. Paris: Champion, 2008.

Review: L Rescia in S Fr 160 (2010), This fine critical edition takes into account the three publications of Le Jargon (1630, 1632, and 1634) and provides important information relating to philology, historical linguistics and a detailed glossary. Highly useful critical bibliography.


SOLL, JACOB S. The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System. Cultures of Knowledge in the Early Modern World. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Review: J. Spangler in Ren Q 63 (2010), 657-659. Praised for its fine research and engaging writing, S.’s study employs both clear reasoning and an excellent grasp of wider historical content (657). Valuable for its compelling examination both of state intelligence and library science as well as for its perspectives on the Colbert-Louis XIV relationship and humanism itself.


ALBANESE, RALPH. Corneille à l’école républicaine: du mythe héroïque à l’imaginaire politique en France, 1800-1950. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2008.

Review: S. Bold in FR 85 (2011), 162-63: Following on the heels of reception studies of Molière and La Fontaine, Albanese here addresses the role of Corneille in promoting national glory to French schoolchildren. Albanese pays particular attention to the years between 1870 and 1914, and notes the recourse made to Corneille by both Nazi sympathizers like Brasillach, and resistance leaders like De Gaulle. The reviewer notes that [t]he matter of greatness seems to have extended this book’s ambitions. At twice the length of his Molière, Corneille seems almost to have outgrown the original model. Only about half of the discussion is focused on Corneille in schools. The book’s larger vision is a political and intellectual history of post-revolutionary France through a Cornelian prism (163). The reviewer praises the value of this study and its extensive archival research.
Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 162 (2010), 550. Valuable continued inquiry into the French political imaginary from 1800 to 1950 by A. who is well known for his volumes from this angle dedicated to Molière and to La Fontaine. School and university manuals reveal for A., who examines their critical exegesis of C., the qualities which rendered C. an ideal che si inscrive nell’idealismo repubblicano (550). Rich bibliography.

ALBANESE, RALPH. Enjeux idéologiques et socio-culturels d’un grand’ Corneille dé-canonisé. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 1-16.

The focus is on the difficulty of studying Corneille in French schools in a changing society of post-1968, in which Corneille’s values of patriotism and heroic combat are no longer endorsed. Corneille’s patriotic ideal becomes problematic, even suspicious, in the French Republic. Albanese analyses the reasons (political, economic, racial, religious, etc.) for this radical change in thought. He concludes that France today is in need to find, at least in its history, an ideal of grandeur’, that answers the Cornelian myth of a national hero.

BILLIS, HELENE E. Oedipe and the Politics of Seventeenth-Century Royal Succession. MLN 125.4 (2010), 873-894.

B. has sought to show that Corneille transforms the ancient Oedipus plot so that it reflects seventeenth-century debates on succession and the royal body. When we consider the evolution of the hero in light of the playwright’s differing representations of aristocratic versus royal bodies, we begin to challenge long-held assumptions about Cornelian heroism. When we take Oedipe as a point of reference, our understanding of Cornelian heroism broadens as we must account for heroes who are divided, who hesitate, and who fail.

DUPAS, MATTHIEU. Polygraphie et hybridation des genres dans la dramaturgie cornélienne. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 145-158.

Examines the extent to which Cornelian dramaturgy can be seen as polygraphic. Focuses particularly on the ways in which the introduction of love into his theatre, perceived by the dramatist himself as a novelty, blurs certain distinctions between the genres of tragedy and comedy.

EKSTEIN, NINA. Corneille’s Irony. Charlottesville: Rookwood, 2007.

Review: J. D. Lyons in MP 108.3 (February 2011), 174-176: The reviewer finds that Ekstein convincingly and thoroughly demonstrates how Corneille’s major characters are persistently ironic. Though the reviewer already saw Corneille as highly ironic, especially in his critical and theoretical writings, he finds that Ekstein’s book shows new vistas within the ironies of his dramatic creations. This book is highly recommended for those interested specifically in seventeenth-century French tragedy, as well as anyone seeking a deeper understanding of irony on the stage.

GILBY, EMMA. Émotions and the Ethics of Response in Seventeenth-Century French Dramatic Theory. MP 107.1 (Aug. 2009), 52-71.

The author examines d’Aubignac’s writings with those of Pierre Corneille’s to show that to show that Corneille, unlike d’Aubignac, is able to equate humanly accessible vérités’ and grandes et fortes émotions.’

HARRIS, JOSEPH. ’Ce qu’on expose à la vue’: vision, illusion and interest in Le Cid. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 141-154.

Harris turns to the complex relationship between a theory of vision and spectatorship in seventeenth-century theater. He starts out by outlining the role of vision(s) in seventeenth-century theater before turning to Corneille’s model, which stands at a crossroad between an earlier seventeenth-century model concerned with dramatic illusion or belief and a later model focusing on the spectator’s emotional engagement with the onstage characters. Corneille understands how vision can shape and be shaped by our emotional responses to the characters on stage. Le Cid thus forms a bridge between these two models.

HAWCROFT, MICHAEL. The Death of Camille in Corneille’s Horace: Performance, Print, Theory. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 443-464.

Analysis of the first paragraph of Corneille’s Examen’ of Horace (1660), focussing on issues of performance, material bibliography and intertext.

HAWCROFT, MICHAEL. The Bienséances and their Irrelevance to the Death of Camille in Corneille’s Horace. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 465-479.

Analysis of the concept of bienséance and the bienséances, arguing that for writers in the mid-seventeenth century it does not concern violence on stage, and suggesting that its use in critical interpretations of Camille’s death in Horace does not do justice to Corneille’s own discussion of the play in his Examen’.

POULET, FRANÇOISE. Comptes-tu mon esprit entre les ordinaires?’ Alidor (La Place Royale) et Alceste (Le Misanthrope) ou l’extravagante mise à l’écart du moi’. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 303-317.

Article analyses how these plays by Corneille and Molière interrogent toutes deux avec acuité les conditions de l’émergence de l’individualité’.

MINEL, EMMANUEL. Pierre Corneille, le Héros et le Roi. Stratégies d’héroïsation dans le théâtre cornélien. Paris: Eurédit, 2010.

Review: F. Lasserre in PFSCL, 38.75 (2011), 500-503. Reviewer applauds the author’s analysis in Corneille of les multiples échos d’une conscience politique méditative, qu’on ne pourra plus réduire à des images simplificatrices, d’héroïsme insatisfait, ou de placide acquiescement’.


ROUSSILLON, MARINE. Les carrousels: configurer l’espace social de la noblesse. PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 377-390.

Analyses the ways in which the spectacle of the carousel contributes to the construction of a nobiliary social space. Examines an account of a 1648 course de bague, the issues surrounding the 1662 and 1664 royal carousels, and the theatrical representation of a carousel in Thomas Corneille’s Le Triomphe des Dames (1676).


LEVESQUE, MATHILDE. Les mondes à part de l’énonciation: la parole dissociée dans l’Œuvre de Cyrano de Bergerac. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 407-419.

Aims to examine les formes d’une énonciation dédoublée, en marge de l’énoncé encadrant, et qui permet le surgissement de la voix auctoriale dans un ailleurs de la parole’. Focuses particularly on the use of parenthesis.

PRÉVOT, JACQUES. Cyrano de Bergerac, l’écrivain de la crise. Paris: Ellipses, 2011.

Review: M. Mourier in QL 1048 (du 1er au 15 novembre 2011), 13. Une biographie à la fois factuelle et intellectuelle qui réussit la gageure d’être exacte sans lourdeur, empathique mais retenue, et de restituer la saveur unique d’un homme d’une complexité et d’une richesse rares, dans une époque o la société française se transforme radicalement, juste avant la glaciation opérée par un siècle et demi de monarchie absolue.

TORERO-IBAD, ALEXANDRO. Libertinage, science et philosophie dans le matérialisme de Cyrano de Bergerac. Paris: Champion, 2009.

Review: M. Levesque in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 478-484. Despite some reservations, reviewer concludes that the volume is une rigoureuse mise au point sur la place et le rle de la philosophie matérialiste dans l’Œuvre cyranienne.


BARBERO, ODETTE. Descartes. Le pari de l’expérience. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009.

Review: P. Dumont in RPFE n4/2011, 577-578. Issu d’un travail de thèse, l’ouvrage limite le champ d’étude à l’expérience intellectuelle, c’est-à-dire, l’expérience de la pensée. Dans les deux premières parties il s’agit de l’épreuve réflexive de soi dans les divers modes de la pensée. Les parties suivantes explorent les trois objets privilégiés de cette expérience de la pensée: le cogito, la liberté, et l’union de l’âme et du corps.

COTTINGHAM, JOHN. Cartesian Reflections. Essays on Descartes’s Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford UP. 2008.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 161 (2010), 358. Collection of studies by C. published elsewhere also includes a new chapter on direction of D. research. The 14 essays are organized in sections on D. and the history of philosophy, the mind and the world, ethics and religion. Highly selective bibliography.

DESCARTES, RENÉ. Méditations métaphysiques. Présentation et notes par Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin. Paris: Flammarion, 2009.

Review: P. Dumont in RPFE n4/2011, 575. Cette édition reprend la traduction française adaptée par J.-M. et M. Beyssade, déjà publiée dans la même collection, mais, cette fois, sans le texte latin ni les Objections et réponses. Les notes claires et précises destinent cette édition à s’imposer chez les étudiants et les jeunes professeurs de philosophie.

DESCARTES, RENÉ. Œuvres complètes, III: Discours de la méthode et essais. Paris: Gallimard, 2009.

Review: M.-F. Pellegrin in RPFE n4/2011, 576-577. Une édition complète des Œuvres de Descartes sous la direction générale de J.-M. Beyssade et D. Kambouchner et annotée et préfacée par les meilleurs spécialistes. Selon la critique, ceci est la première édition de cette qualité à un prix accessible.

GILBY, EMMA. Descartes’s Morale par provision:’ A Re-evaluation. FS 65.4 (2011), 444-458.

This article offers a critical and philological survey of the term par provision in order to better understand its use in the Discours de la méthode. She focuses particular attention on Nicolas Peiresc. Ultimately, the author concludes: Descartes’s use of the term par provision leaves open the relationship of his maxims to the future end point of his moral thinking. Further, the morale par provision grants informality itself an ethical significance. His writings, as they forge their connections with previous and anticipated arguments, are shot through with concerns about the complexity of moral conduct in the face of the unpredictability of the external world.

GOMBAY, ANDRÉ. Descartes. Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.

Review: G. Bradford in UTQ 79.1 (Winter 2010), 393-395. Gombay makes Descartes accessible and interesting, as well as gripping and amusing. Each chapter corresponds to one of Descartes’ six meditations from his Meditations and then explores themes bringing in other of Descartes’ works. One of Gombay’s goals seems to be to ameliorate the conception of Descartes as a hyper-rational intellectual (in the derogatory sense) by bringing out the more human and well-rounded side of the philosopher.

GORI, GIAMBATTISTA, Éd.. René Descartes, Discorso del metodo, trad. M. Barsi e A. Preda. Milano: Rizzoli, 2010.

Review: V. De Santis in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 243-248. Favourable review where the reviewer praises both the critical apparatus of notes and commentaries, useful for both students and more experienced scholars, and the (rare) inclusion of the French text alongside the Italian translation.

GUENANCIA, PIERRE. Descartes, chemin faisant. Paris: Belles Lettres, 2010.

Review: M.-F. Pellegrin in RPFE n4/2011, 576-577. Un recueil de douze études sur Descartes qui mêle des articles inédits et publiés. L’auteur privilégie une philosophie qui chemine et se construit au fil des rencontres, une philosophie pratique plus qu’un système fermé et définitivement scellé par la métaphysique. Il confronte Descartes à d’autres penseurs et montre son évolution d’une critique de la philosophie comme sagesse au profit de la science à sa réhabilitation.

KAMBOUCHNER, DENIS. Descartes et la philosophie morale. Paris: Hermann, 2008.

Review: M.-F. Pellegrin in RPFE n4/2011, 576-577. Un recueil de onze articles, dont trois inédits. Selon l’auteur, la question n’est dès lors pas de savoir si Descartes réussit à construire une morale, question non pertinente et anachronique, mais de se demander ce que Descartes pense que la philosophie peut construire en matière morale.

KOLESNIK-ANTOINE, DELPHINE. L’Homme cartésien: La force qu’a l’âme de mouvoir le corps: Descartes, Malebranche. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.

Review: M.-F. Pellegrin in RPFE n4/2011, 576-577. Cette étude, tirée du travail de doctorat de l’auteur, confronte Descartes à son grand disciple, Nicolas Malebranche. Selon la critique,l’auteur montre bien à quel point c’est l’analyse de l’expérience intérieure même de l’effort qui aboutit curieusement à des thèses si divergentes chez les deux auteurs.

MACHAMER, PETER and J. E. MCGUIRE. Descartes's Changing Mind. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.

Review: J. Schuster in Ren Q 63 (2010), 579-581. Chronological examination by two renowned scholars focuses on D.’s metaphysics. The volume is organized into sections dedicated to D.’s reconstruction of the doctrine of causa secundum esse, material bodies and the substantial union of each human mind and its unique body in the realms of sensation, emotion, the passions, and their tending (580). Although admiring M. and Mc.’s study as an ingenious model of the mature D., S. wonders about its historical point and is concerned about the non-inclusion of certain underlying continuities central to D.’s corpuscular mechanical natural philosophy (580).

MEHL, ÉDOUARD. Descartes et la visibilité du monde. Paris: P.U.F., 2009.

Review: G. Brykman in RPFE n4/2011, 578-579. L’ouvrage se présente comme une suite de cours portant sur la succession des parties et articles des Principes. Un remarquable travail de synthèse sur Les Principes de la philosophie de Descartes. [ . . . ] La précision des références, la richesse et la pertinence de l’appareil critique, l’excellente connaissance des études cartésiennes comme de l’histoire des sciences font de ce livre un instrument de travail de grande qualité.

SPALLANZANI, MARIAFRANCA. L’arbre et le labyrinthe. Descartes selon l’ordre des Lumières. Paris: Champion, 2009.

Review: P. Balazs in S Fr 162 (2010), 552-553. S.’s monumental work focuses on D.’s posterity, different manifestations of his work, for example, in the Encyclopédie and elsewhere. Organized in sections as follows: Descartes philosophe, Descartes, les sciences et le système du monde, Descartes, la philosophie et la métaphysique, Descartes, l’ordre et la sagesse, L’Encyclopédie et les systèmes de l’ordre, L’Encyclopédie et les variation de l’ordre. Illustrations and a very useful bibliography.

VAQUERO, STEPHAN. L’unité de la philosophie chez Descartes: Métaphysique et topologie morale. RPFE n4/2009, 471-484.

L’auteur considère la figure de l’arbre de la philosophie pour montrer que si l’ontologie est en effet absente de la métaphysique cartésienne, c’est parce que Descartes y substitue une topologie morale, qui rend possible le non-lieu métaphysique du premier principe.


GUILLOT, CATHERINE et COLETTE SCHERER, eds. Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, Mirame, Tragi-comédie. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2010.

Review: G. Oiry in PFSCL, 38.75 (2011), 494-496. Reviewer lauds the série d’informations précieuses’ which the introduction furnishes. Points to a similarity between the analysis of the engravings and the analysis produced in the dossier iconographique of the Champion 2005 edition, also compiled by C. Guillot.


CRON, ADELAIDE. Polygraphie ou mémoires éclatés ? L’Œuvre de Mme Dunoyer, entre journalisme et autobiographie. PFSCL38.74 (2011), 159-170.

Reads Du Noyer’s Lettres and Mémoires in parallel, and examines the dynamic between polygraphy and autobiography both in their creation and in their reception.


CHARLOTTE DUPLESSIS-MORNAY, CHARLOTTE. Les Mémoires de Madame de Mornay. NADINE KUPERTY-TSUR, ed. Textes littéraires de la Renaissance 2. Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur, 2010.

Review: A. Larsen in Ren Q 63.4 (2010), 1320-1322. Welcome critical edition contributes to the recovery of the writings of early modern women writers (1320). First published in 1624-25, the memoirs were written from 1584-1606. K.-T. has discovered an additional manuscript as well. Praiseworthy for their use of exemplarity and . . . historical specificity (1322), the memoirs were intended as a spiritual guide for D.-M.’s son. L. would have appreciated a more complete bibliography (she indicates some important omissions) and appendix containing A.’s testament and confession of faith.



TRÉMOLIÈRES, FRANÇOIS. Fénelon et le sublime. Littérature, anthropologie, spiritualité. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: M. Vetö in RPFE n4/2011, 579-580. L’auteur organise son étude selon le thème du sublime, thème qui a des acceptions en philosophie, en spiritualité, en rhétorique. Selon le critique, l’auteur ne laisse dans l’ombre aucun aspect, aucune théorie, aucun moment important de l’Œuvre monumentale de Fénelon. Le critique trouve que l’auteur matrise tout l’opus de Fénelon, et il admire l’ampleur et la pénétration de ses analyses des textes secondaires.


MOREAU, ISABELLE. Hommes, bêtes et Fondins’ chez Gabriel de Foigny. SCFS 33.1 (2011), 49-58.

Analyses the implications of the blurring of boundaries between animal and human species in Foigny’s La Terre australe connue (1676), and the resultant questioning of human ontological superiority. Nous verrons que le rejet de l’animalité, en terre australe, est la conséquence d’une conception profondément hétérodoxe de l’âme humaine. [ . . . ] Gabriel de Foigny hérite ici de tout un argumentaire impie qui, de Vanini à Cyrano, en passant par La Mothe Le Vayer, s’est attaqué aux principaux dogmes chrétiens, au point de mettre en péril la notion même d’espèce humaine’.


PARISH, RICHARD. Beasts in the Devout Life: Animals in the Writing of St François de Sales. SCFS 33.1 (2011), 3-15.

Examines the spiritual exploitation of zoology’ in both the Introduction à la vie dévote and the Traité de l’amour de Dieu, demonstrating how If François represents an early modern variant on the medieval Christian bestiary, he nonetheless brings it into consonance with the intensely pragmatic focus of Christian humanism, and indeed with the theology of the Catholic Reformation.’


LINTNER, DOROTHEE. Polygraphie comique chez Rabelais et Furetière. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 107-120.

While allowing for the considerable differences between the work of Rabelais and Furetière, analyses the extent to which the two authors agree in their understanding of polygraphy, and how, therefore, malgré l’écart temporel, ils mettent en tension la pratique polygraphique et l’écriture comique d’une façon assez semblable’.

OST, FRANÇOIS. La démocratisation de la langue. Paris: éditions Michalon, 2008.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 160 (2010), Offers a clear synthesis of the querelle between F. and the Academy. After a section on the Dictionnaire bourgeois, O. focuses on linguistic norms and rights of authors. Rather than a study for specialists, O.’s volume will be of use to students.


DUPRAT, ANNE. Politiques barbaresques, les états corsaires d’Afrique du Nord dans la littérature française du XVIIe siècle. Tr L 23 (2010), 83-94.

Convincing demonstration of noteworthy ambiguités in representative political utopias in the Early Modern. Attentive to the complexity of these utopias, D. finds that their idyllic descriptions are des tableaux organisés par un projet politique et moral explicite (85). The author focuses her close examination on two representative cases, Gomberville’s Polexandre and Guilleragues’s Histoire des révolutions de Tunis and demonstrates that for each it is not a question of l’emprunt d’un décor et de masques que l’on donnerait à l’expression d’une réflexion française sur l’art de gouverner, et sur le destin des nations. Bien au contraire, il met au centre du texte le principe meme d’une sortie de soi dont les enjeux sont d’autant plus philosophiques que leur mode d’expression reste romanesque (94).


DEVINCENZO, GIOVANNA. Marie de Gournay: portrait d’une femme héroïque. OeC 35.1 (2010), 21-27.

Notre réflexion touchera d’abord l’audace dont Marie De Gournay fait preuve dans sa vie personnelle: entreprendre le chemin des lettres et vivre de ce métier à une époque qui ne réservait que des calomnies aux femmes auteurs. Ensuite, l’assurance de ses propositions dans les domaines littéraires et linguistiques sera l’objet de notre analyse.


TURCOT, LAURENT. Les plaisirs des Dames (1641) de François de Grenaille: du Cours à la promenade. Etudes Françaises 47.2 (2011), 165-81.

Describes the importance of two kinds of walking (la promenade), to see and be seen, and to take time for reflection and introspection. Demonstrates how Grenaille’s work may be partly responsible for the social codification of these practices in the second half of the 17th century.


DUPRAT, ANNE. Politiques barbaresques, les états corsaires d’Afrique du Nord dans la littérature française du XVIIe siècle. Tr L 23 (2010), 83-94.

Convincing demonstration of noteworthy ambiguités in representative political utopias in the Early Modern. Attentive to the complexity of these utopias, D. finds that their idyllic descriptions are des tableaux organisés par un projet politique et moral explicite (85). The author focuses her close examination on two representative cases, Gomberville’s Polexandre and Guilleragues’s Histoire des révolutions de Tunis and demonstrates that for each it is not a question of l’emprunt d’un décor et de masques que l’on donnerait à l’expression d’une réflexion française sur l’art de gouverner, et sur le destin des nations. Bien au contraire, il met au centre du texte le principe meme d’une sortie de soi dont les enjeux sont d’autant plus philosophiques que leur mode d’expression reste romanesque (94).


BITSCH, CAROLINE Vie et carrière d’Henri II de Bourbon, prince de Condé (15881646). Exemple de comportement et d’idées politiques au début du XVIIe siècle. (Bibliothèque d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, No. 27.). Paris: éditions Honoré Champion, 2008.

Review: M. Wrede in HZ 291 (2010), 200-202. As the subtitle indicates, B.’s biography of the third Condé embraces 17th c. behavior and political ideas as well. W. points out numerous noteworthy qualities of B.’s richly informative study. With its abundant citations of sources, despite at times summary proofs, W. finds the study significant as it presents the chaos of the early 17th c.


PETEY-GIRARD, BRUNO. Henri IV Padre delle buone lettere’? S Fr 162 (2010), 442-455.

Masterful, extremely rich and well-documented examination answers the question announced in the title with a resounding yes. P.-G. points first to the silence on the patronage aspect as generally found in texts of praise of Henri. Celebrated principally as a valiant warrior who brought peace to the realm, H. may receive a general type of praise for his support of collèges, des arts et du commerce (Jérme de Bénévent, cited on 442). P.-G. places H.’s actions and image in the context of events of the late 16th and early 17th c., then discovers praises of H. and texts which demonstrate that le roi demeure celui vers qui nombre de lettrés tournent leur regard (444). H.’s portrait is traced, Nicolas Rapin submits to H. his project of restoration of la poésie mesurée (445) and Henri d’Urfé resumes the sentiment of the day: Recevez la [l’Astrée] donc (SIRE) non comme une simple Bergere: mais comme une oeuvre de vos mains, car veritablement on vous en peut dire l’Autheur: puisque c’est un enfant que la paix a fait naistre, et que c’est à vostre Majesté à qui toute l’Europe doit son repos, et sa tranquillité (dédicace, cited by P.-G. on 446). P.-G. discovers the contribution of frontispieces such as that of Blaise de Vigenère’s translation of Philostrate (with engraving by Jasper Isac), the ornamentation of royal palaces (and their theoretical formulations), and images of the queen in allegorical portraits emphasizing cultural renewal made possible by peace. P.-G.’s essay brings a rich array of texts and descriptions of images to bear on his argument, convincing us that le règne d’Henri IV . . . marque en fait une étape majeure dans l’image royale de protection des Lettres et dans les conditions même d’existence des Lettres à proximité du trne (454).


KAZANJIAN, MICHAEL H. Portraiture as frame and portal in La Bruyère. DAI 2010.

Argues that La Bruyère develops a theory and a practice of portraiture in order to effectuate individual change through the moralist critique of his text. The way La Bruyère uses portraits to retain the reader’s attention permits certain portraits to serve as portals upon self and society. Foremost we find a description of a certain malaise within society and a questioning of the notion of continuity essential for both the intelligibility of the self as well as for the legitimacy of the monarchy.

MORIARTY, MICHAEL. La Bruyère: the Moralist in Space. SCFS 33.2 (2011), 127-135.

Following Barthes’ description of Les Caractères as [une] remarquable collection de substances, de lieux, d’usages, d’attitudes’, the article analyses the relationships La Bruyère establishes between places, usages, and attitudes, and the ways in which this contributes to his moraliste project.

NGUYEN, LAM-THAO. The Staging of the World in La Bruyère’s Character.’ DAI 2010.

The dissertation examines the relationship between La Bruyère’s Les Caractères and theater in order to argue that the characters become in fact actors. The author reveals the portraits’ relationship with stage directions, facial features, physical attributes, and costumes. The second chapter focuses on the style of writing to show that the high number of juxtapositions in the text allow the portraits to be read aloud. Finally, the topic of comedic technique and devices is broached through the question of laughter and unmasking in La Bruyère.


BACCAR, ALIA BOURNAZ. La Représentation des Arabes chez Madame de Lafayette. Tr L 23 (2010), 95-104.

Detailed demonstration of numerous aspects of le monde arabe in Zaïde, including a well-defined geographical space, a maritime omnipresence, a reconstitution of une atmosphere guerrière (both tyrannical and admirable), characters complete with their Arabic first names and their portraits, customs all developed by an author with pour son temps une bonne connaissance du monde arabe (102). B. notes Lafayette’s souci d’exactitude, sur le plan géographique, historique, ethnographique, architectural et religieux (102). B. underscores the important role of the novel for the public who did not travel: son monde arabo-musulman annonce l’Orient romanesque et galant que se plairont à peindre, avec la plume ou le pinceau, les Orientalistes quelque deux siècles plus tard (104).

CAMPBELL, JOHN. Etat Présent: Madame de Lafayette. FS 65.2 (2011), 225-232.

A valuable survey of recent work (post-1995) and trends in research on Madame de Lafayette. Particular attention is paid to the debate over Lafayette’s authorship of the various works attributed to her.

GRANDE, NATHALIE. Une Princesse par temps de crise: actualité de Madame de Lafayette. OeC 35.1 (2010), 61-68.

La Princesse de Clèves vient de signaler bruyamment dans l’actualité universitaire et politique française son obstiné refus de mourir de sa belle mort. Je voudrais montrer ici comment celle que l’on pourrait facilement croire une belle au bois dormant n’a en fait cessé ces dernières années de susciter une activité polymorphe. C’est d’abord en irradiant autour d’elle, au cinéma et sur la scène politique, que sa vive vitalité s’est manifestée, signe et prévue d’une oeuvre toujours vivante.

REGUIG-NAYA, DELPHINE. Le Corps des idées. Pensées et poétiques du langage dans l’augustinisme de Port-Royal. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal, Mme de La Fayette, Racine. Paris, Champion, 2007.

Review: V. Kapp in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 252-255. Delphine Reguig-Naya combine ses connaissances théologiques et philosophiques avec une haute compétence en linguistique et un don admirable d’analyse littéraire. Elle va au centre des problématiques examinées et domine les riches matériaux à un tel point que le lecteur suit aisément ses analyses éclairantes’.

REZVANI, LEANNA BRIDGE. Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron: The Inspiration Behind La Princesse de Clèves. DFS 92 (2010), 3-9.

By demonstrating thematic and structural parallels between the Heptaméron and Lafayette’s La Princesse de Clèves, the author argues that the first had a substantial influence on the second.


CORRADI, FEDERICO. Immagini dell’autore nell’opera de La Fontaine. Pisa: Pacini, 2009.

Review: V. De Santis in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 239-243. Le travail de Federico Corradi, qui se signale avant tout par l’ampleur et la finesse des analyses textuelles, utilise des instruments méthodologiques solides, grâce auxquels l’auteur nous propose non seulement une étude méticuleuse de l’image de La Fontaine telle qu’elle se reflète dans son Œuvre, mais aussi une lecture pénétrante et convaincante du macrotexte lafontainien dans son ensemble’.

GRISé, CATHERINE. Jean de La Fontaine. Tromperie et illusions. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2010 (Biblio 17, 187).

Review: F. Assaf in PFSCL, 38.75 (2011), 489-494. The book is one that unites first-rate scholarship with a comprehensive reading of La Fontaine from the point of view of deceit, misperception, and illusion and does so in elegant, easy-to-read prose, remarkably free of jargon’.

PENSOM, ROGER, Rhythme et sens: De La Fontaine à la Séquence de Sainte Eulalie. Poétique 165 (2011), 53-72.

An exploration of how French verse might contain more meaningful variation in rhythm than has been acknowledged. Downplaying the question of syllables, their number and division, Pensom examines variations in accent and shows how early poets appear to have used changes in accent patterns to create particular effects. Pensom works backward in time toward medieval texts but begins with a close reading of La Fontaine’s Le Lion et le chasseur.


TRINQUET, CHARLOTTE. ’Mademoiselle de La Force, une princesse de la République des Lettres. OeC 35.1 (2010), 147-157.

Dans cet article, il s’agira d’une part de présenter les faits de sa vie qui semblent les plus réels, en laissant de cté les légendes. Ensuite, nous examinerons sa production littéraire en fonction de l’opinion de ses contemporains et éditeurs. Enfin, il sera question de cerner l’apport de Mlle de La Force dans l’écriture féminine du XVIIe siècle, tel qu’il est analysé par la critique moderne.



MOREAU, ISABELLE. Voyage et dépaysement: Les récits de voyage à l’épreuve du libertinage. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 49-67.

The article shows how travelers described the new by relying on something already known to them. La Mothe Le Vayer’s travel narration is not different from that principle but his primary focus is to adopt a position of skepticism and to express his particular judgment. Le Vayer is less preoccupied with veracity but with revealing his skeptical philosophy. He chooses whatever topic interests him to demolish dogmatic views. The principal preoccupation and primary motivation behind his travel narratives thereby prefigures 18th-century travel narratives.



SANZ, AMELIA. Les Nations d’Anne de la Roche-Guilhem. OeC 35.1 (2010), 105-124.

. . . tout en évitant autant les écueils du multicultural que le brouillage des chorales polyphoniques, l’étude des littératures dites françaises’du XVIIe siècle devrait s’ouvrir, dans l’enseignement et dans la leclture savante, à des appartenances diverses (féminines), liées à d’autres nations (imaginaires), à des réseaux plus larges (européens). C’est là la démarche que nous allons suivre ici: l’étude d’un cas particulier (l’auteur appelé Anne de La Roche), les questions d’une grande ampleur sociale étant inscrites dans les questions analytiques à petite échelle.


COURSE, DIDIER. La Dévotion honnête du Père Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 33-42.

Etude de l’oeuvre du P. Le Moyne: une oeuvre qui porte en elle-même les signes et les formes d’une dévotion nouvelle, qui si elle a osé s’appeler aisée’, relève avant tout d’un acte exigeant de synthèse et de réforme.

DEKONINCK, RALPH. ’C’est la figure et non pas l’étoffe qui fait la gloire des Artisans’: l’’iconoplastie’ jésuite à travers les Peintures morales de Pierre Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 23-31.

Le Moyne parvient ainsi à instiller discrètement son art de l’alchimie spirituelle, qui consiste à transmuer les peintures morales en peintures dévotes comme les passions profanes en passions spirituelles. Pour cela, le façonnage artistique des âmes impose une stratégie efficace: agir directement sur l’imagination qui, ainsi stimulée, aura vite fait de gagner le Coeur, siège de la puissance volitive et affective et moteur des passions.

GUION, BEATRICE. ne Narration continue de choses vraies, grandes, et publiques’: l’histoire selon le Père Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 91-102.

Le Moyne publie en 1670 un traité De l’histoire, qui s’inscrit dans la tradition humaniste ars historica. Plus précisément, il illustre la conception rhétorique que les jésuites ont toujours défendue; en témoignent tant les dettes envers les textes théoriques de Strada et de Mascardi que l’éloge des Histoires de notre Maffée’, notre Strada’, et notre Mariana’.

KAPP, VOLKER. L’Eloge de la nature chez Pierre Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 43-53.

K. soutient que l’éloge de la nature chez notre jésuite cherche à interpreter le monde pastoral prisé dans la littérature galante à la lumière d’une spiritualité de la bucolique.

LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. L’anti-italianisme dans De l’art des devises (1666). OeC 35.2 (2010), 11-21.

En 1665 le P. Le Moyne dédia à Louis XIV un recueil d’emblématique solaire, De l’art de régner, et l’année suivante De l’art des devises au cardinal Antoine Barberini. Arrivant après une longue tradition italienne, ce traité la révoque et revendique le genre pour la France. . . . La trouvaille du jésuite fut de l’appliquer [l’anti-italianisme] à un domaine o la suprématie des Italiens, en France même, était incontestée. Il s’accordait ainsi au dessein politique et culturel de Louis XIV, qui sortait alors vainqueur d’un conflit avec Rome.

MABER, RICHARD. Les Entretiens et lettres poétiques, point culminant de l’évolution poétique du Père Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 55-68.

Nous nous proposons donc de donner une vue d’ensemble de l’oeuvre et d’en identifier les traits les plus marquants, ses rapports avec les poésies antérieures de Le Moyne et surtout avec sa théorie poétique, avant d’aborder les autres aspects distnictifs de cette dernière phase de son évolution poétique.

MACE, STEPHANE. La Muse polygraphe: le mélange des genres dans Les Triomphes de Louis le Juste du Père Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 69-76.

Sorte d’oeuvre totale qui résume toutes les potentialités de veine encomiastique, son premier ourvrage d’envergure témoigne déjà d’une maturité esthétique et d’une inventivité que les productions ultérieures du P. Le Moyne ne feront que confirmer.

MANTERO, ANNE. Saint Louys et l’art de régner’. OeC 35.2 (2010), 77-90.

Deux perspectives de lecture: Pour l’une, l’épopée apparat comme le terme et le sommet d’une production poétique de grande ambition . . . . Mais le poème est aussi situé à un seuil, ouvrant une dernière période de travail consacrée à la definition et l’illustration d’une politique chrétienne sous régime monarchique.

SPICA, ANNE-ELISABETH. Pierre Le Moyne (1602-1671), essai de bibliographie critique. OeC 35.2 (2010), 103-112.

Deux parties: La partie Sources’ [ . . . ] récapitule les écrits imprimés du jésuite dans leur ordre chronologique et signale uniquement les premières éditions. La deuxième partie, ’Bibliographie critique’ signale les réfeérences exploitées dans les articles de ce numéro [ . . . ] S’y ajoutent les mentions d’autres études consacrées même partiellement à Le Moyne, de manière à completer l’information.

SPICA, ANNE-ELISABETH. Actualité de Pierre Le Moyne. OeC 35.2 (2010), 3-10.

Brief overview of contemporary research on Le Moyne points to the need for broader synthesis and continuing reevaluation of his work. Introductory article to issue of Oeuvres & critiques devoted to Le Moyne, which includes eight additional contributions and critical bibliographical essay.



CAVAZZINI, PATRIZIA. Claude Lorrain: Paris and Haarlem. Burlington 1300 (2011), 494-95.

Reviews an exhibition of drawings by France’s most successful landscape painter of the seventeenth century. Admires the way the exhibition brings out the painter’s passion for nature and the relationship between his drawings and paintings. Also praises the catalog for asking intelligent and provocative questions.

CAVAZZINI, PATRIZIA. Claude Lorrain: Oxford and Frankfurt. Burlington 1306 (2012).

Reviews the exhibition Claude Lorrain: The Enchanted Landscape and compares it favorably with the Paris-Haarlem exhibition of Lorrain's drawings. Appreciates the curators’ questions into the role of Lorrain’s many highly finished drawings and the selection of paintings that chart well Claude’s changes in style over time.


CALHOUN, ALISON. The Architecture of Arcadia: Quinault, Lully, and the Complicit Spectator of the Tragédie en Musique. SCFS 33.2 (2011), 114-126.

Analysis of the use of the pastoral space in Quinault and Lully. Argues: For Philippe Quinault and Jean-Baptiste Lully, the pastoral space was key to harmonizing not only the singing, but also the ever-increasing use of machines and spectacular scene changes of early musical tragedy. Thanks to its familiar topoi, the pastoral setting (evident in didascalies, iconography, and within the verses of Quinault’s libretti) created visual cues that helped forge a complicit spectator for this new form of tragedy, promoting credibility, and inciting specific emotions. Most importantly to the history of theatrical reception, the balance between the familiarity of pastoral and the strangeness of mythology encouraged the spectator to redefine the limits of aesthetic distance to include greater degrees of artificiality and fiction’.



BOTS, HANS and EUGÉNIE BOTS-ESTOURGIE, eds. with preface by MARC FUMAROLI and introduction by HANS BOTS and CHRISTINE MONGENOT. Madame de Maintenon, Lettres. Vol. I (1650-1689). Paris: Champion, 2009.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 161 (2010), 360. This welcome first volume of seven includes an introduction in two parts: historical by H. B. and literary by C. M, as well as a fine preface by M. F., the latter focusing on the pictorial representation of M. by Pierre Mignard. The eventual publication of all planned volumes is important given M.’s life, relation to the revendication of the Edict of Nantes, her observations on court life and pedagogical enterprise, among other significant topics.



PELLEGRIN, MARIE-FRÉDÉRIQUE. Le système de la loi de Nicolas Malebranche. Paris: Vrin, 2006.

Review: D. Kolesnik in RPFE 4 (2009), 527-528: L’approche de Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin dans cet ouvrage est originale et pertinente à un double titre: 1/ elle éclaire de façon systématique l’Œuvre de l’Oratorien en en soulignant l’extrême cohérence; et 2/ elle en exhibe les enjeux plus généraux par une confrontation utile et précise avec les réflexions que ces développements inspirent aux lecteurs de son époque. On comprend, du même coup, à la fois l’importance nodale de la légalité dans l’édifice malebranchiste et le rle décisif de cette dernière dans l’édification du légalisme rationaliste caractéristique de sa postérité immédiate.



BEHRENS, RUDOLF. La maison en crise et les avatars du pouvoir domestique: une constellation de la comédie érudite’ italienne et ses échos chez Molière (Le Tartuffe). PFSCL 38.75 (2011), 427-440.

Examines the ways in which domestic power (in itself a metonymy for political power) is called into question in Tartuffe and the links between this and the sixteenth-century Italian commedia erudita’ tradition.

CALL, MICHAEL. The Poet’s Vision and the Painting’s Speech: Molière and Perrault on the Sister Arts. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 124-140.

The author picks up Molière’s 1669 poem La Gloire du Val-de-Grâce, which is an extensive theoretical commentary on art theory and which was written in response to Charles Perrault’s 1668 poem La Peinture. It presents a fundamentally opposed vision of painting’s theoretical foundations and pointedly underlines the contradictions and ignorance present in Perrault’s work. In doing so, it also outlines its own unique vision of the relationship between painting and poetry, a relationship that determines many of the poem’s stylistic characteristics. Molière suggests his radical departure from Perrault’s idea of painting as a mechanical art and insists on the intellectual aspects of painting and on artistic apprenticeship.

GAINES, JAMES F. Molière and Paradox. Skepticism and Theater in the Early Modern Age. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2010 (Biblio 17, 189).

Review: S. Fleck in PFSCL, 38.75 (2011), 486-488. Despite some minor reservations, reviewer suggests that Gaines’s slim volume offers a very knowledgeable and useful, often thought-provoking successor to [Robert] McBride’s study’.

MOLIÈRE. Oeuvres complètes. Georges Forestier, Claude Bourqui et al., eds. Paris: Gallimard, 2010. 2 vols.

Review: J. Prest in TLS 5639 (April 29 2011). New edition reflects a number of bold decisions. Editors have chosen to use first published edition of each play. Plays presented in order of publication, not of performance. Reviewer sees some drawbacks to this decision, which separates Tartuffe and Dom Juan. Has high praise for new Dom Juan, now appearing under its original title of Le Festin de Pierre. Editors have used the Amsterdam edition of 1683 to create the closest we have yet to the ur-text of this work. Also a welcome attempt to give the comedies-ballets their due, though reviewer still finds editors too ready to privilege the written word. Prest expresses some reservations about the editors’ insistence on portraying Molière as a galant and regrets their negligence of non-French scholarship.

MOLIÈRE. Les Femmes savants. Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier, du 23 septembre au 7 novembre 2010. Mise en scène de Bruno Bayen.

Review: M. Le Roux in QL 1023 (du 1er au 15 octobre 2010), 25: La critique note le décalage entre les costumes Renata Siqueira Bueno et le décor presque contemporain de Michel Millecamps. La distribution est particulièrement bien choisie. La critique trouve que Bayen met en lumière une situation moderne, les déchirements d’un couple encore aimant, mais désaccordé par l’évolution récente de la femme.

MOLIÈRE. Dom Juan,d’après Molière. Mise en scène de Marc Sussi. Théâtre de la Bastille, du 17 septembre au 22 octobre 2010; Tournée nationale jusqu’en décembre 2010.

Review: M. Le Roux in QL 1023 (du 1er au 15 octobre 2010), 25: Cette représentation fait partie de la tendance des écrivains de plateau o la lecture personnelle du metteur en scène domine. La critique trouve le choix des cinq interprètes heureux.

MOLIÈRE. Tartuffe. Mise en scène d’éric Lacascade. Les Gémeaux-Sceaux (région Parisienne) en octobre 2011, puis en tournée nationale jusqu’en mai 2012.

Review: M. Le Roux in QL 1047 (du 16 au 31 octobre 2011), 26. Selon la critique, Lacascade réussit un beau travail d’équipe avec ses fidèles. Lui-même fait un impressionnant Tartuffe et la mise en scène se situe d’entrée dans une tradition farcesque, toujours compatible avec les enjeux de la grande comédie.

POULET, FRANÇOISE. Comptes-tu mon esprit entre les ordinaires?’ Alidor (La Place Royale) et Alceste (Le Misanthrope) ou l’extravagante mise à l’écart du moi’. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 303-317.

Article analyses how these plays by Corneille and Molière interrogent toutes deux avec acuité les conditions de l’émergence de l’individualité’.

SOLLERS, PHILIPPE. Molière. L’INFINI 112 (2011), 8-10. A short reflection by Sollers on essential themes and functions of Molière’s theater.

Sollers suggests that Molière was le vrai roi soleil de Versailleset Louis XIV le savait bien (8). He highlights spontaneous love as the sole untainted, healing, positive force that drives the plays, and concludes by speculating about the kind of social satires Molière might write if he were alive today.


HUMMEL, PASCALE, ed. and trans. Gabriel Naudé, Oeuvres complètes, publiées sous la coordination de F. GABRIEL. vol. 5: Traité sur l’éducation humaniste (1632-1633). Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2009.

Review: L Rescia in S Fr 162 (2010), 547-548. Welcome publication of the fifth volume of the series brings us this integral critical edition of N.’s works and fills a lacuna in the area of erudite libertinage. H.’s essay which accompanies the edition traces N.’s biography and thought and underscores his works’ value on several levels, emphasizing his dedication to the full development of intelligence and his foresight, especially as concerns the formation of the concept of the honnête homme. Useful index nominum.


PASCAL, BLAISE, ANTOINE ARNAULD and FRANÇOIS DE NONANCOURT. Géométries de Port-Royal. Ed. Dominique Descotes. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: R. Garrod in FS 65.1 (2011), 90-91. This edition emerges from the rivalry between Pascal and Arnauld over the creation of a geometry textbook. It includes Pascal’s Introduction à la Géométrie, Arnauld’s Nouveaux élélements de géométrie, and Nonancourt’s Euclidus Logisticus (in French and Latin) along with numerous textual variants. A full scholarly apparatus provides ample contextual background. Descotes’s magisterial edition [ . . . ] should appeal to the intellectual historian and the Pascal scholar alike.


PROBES, CHRISTINE MCCALL. Controversy and Consolation: The Animal in the Royal Court, Madame and her Spaniels. SCFS 33.1 (2011), 16-23.

Article explores in the letters of Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz, Princesse Palatine, the contours of the controversy over l’animalité, the borderlines of the human, human/animal relationships, and the important role of animals, notably dogs, in her daily life. [It considers] among other points Madame’s philosophical and theological reflections concerning animals, Mignard’s lost portrait of her favourite dog, physical and affective comfort, true friendship (comparisons between the friendships of humans and that of dogs), and finally, Madame’s dogs as actors in anecdotes she relates to her correspondents.’


BJORNSTAD, HALL. Fail Better’: Pascal and the Good Uses of Failure. SCFS 33.2 (2011), 72-79.

This article proposes a new approach to the Pensées of Blaise Pascal by focusing on the notion of failure. [It] identifies two models of secular failure in the Pensées, arguing for their importance for readers of Pascal today, and especially for answering the thorny question of what it would mean for a secular reader to take Pascal seriously when he speaks of la misère de l’homme sans Dieu.’

BOURGEOIS, MURIEL, ed. Pascal: a-t-il ecrit les Pensées? Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2007.

Review: S. Melzer in FS 65.4 (2011), 524-525. This volume questions the notion of Pascal as author’, since there is little evidence to suggest that Pascal himself sought to construct a text as a singular and unified object. The Pensées’ unfinished state puts in question some of our oldest assumptions about literary studies. To be sure, Pascal was the author of the notes found on his desk. But what status do those notes have? Was he the author of the reconstituted text known as the Pensées? This volume reconfigures the standard l’homme et l’oeuvre literary approach, exploring the boundaries between these concepts [ . . . ] This volume raises a fascinating theoretical question about the nature of authorial authority, an issue Pascal himself directly raises. The contributors address it through very detailed textual and extra-textual analyses. The level of careful detail means that this book is solidly argued, but also that it will probably appeal more to the Pascal specialist than to the generalist.

CARENA, CARLO, ed. Blaise Pascal, Le Provinciali. Torino: Einaudi, 2008.

Review: F. Corradi in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 462-464. Une remarquable édition des Provinciales, qui permet aux lecteurs de s’orienter dans les problèmes complexes de critique textuelle que pose ce classique par excellence de la prose française du Grand Siècle’.

PASCAL, BLAISE, ANTOINE ARNAULD and FRANÇOIS DE NONANCOURT. Géométries de Port-Royal. Ed. Dominique Descotes. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: R. Garrod in FS 65.1 (2011), 90-91. This edition emerges from the rivalry between Pascal and Arnauld over the creation of a geometry textbook. It includes Pascal’s Introduction à la Géométrie, Arnauld’s Nouveaux élélements de géométrie, and Nonancourt’s Euclidus Logisticus (in French and Latin) along with numerous textual variants. A full scholarly apparatus provides ample contextual background. Descotes’s magisterial edition [ . . . ] should appeal to the intellectual historian and the Pascal scholar alike.

PERATONER, ALBERTO. Blaise Pascal. Ragione, Rivelazione e Fondazione dell’Etica, Il Percorso dell’ Apologie. Venise: Cafoscarina, 2002. 2 vol.

Review: T. M. Harrington in RPFE 4 (2009), 528-529: The reviewer gives much praise to this work in two volumes published in Italian. The first volume is divided into five parts, each of which examines historical, structural, and thematic aspects of Pascal’s Pensées and the Apologie. The second volume contains appendices, including different catalogs of Pascal’s writings, chronological lists of editions, a history of different plans and proposals for reconstruction of Pascal’s Pensées, and a large critical bibliography. The reviewer states that il convient de saluer l’érudition et le dévouement de [Peratoner], qui vient de rendre un service inestimable aux études pascaliennes.

REGUIG-NAYA, DELPHINE. Le Corps des idées. Pensées et poétiques du langage dans l’augustinisme de Port-Royal. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal, Mme de La Fayette, Racine. Paris, Champion, 2007.

Review: V. Kapp in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 252-255. Delphine Reguig-Naya combine ses connaissances théologiques et philosophiques avec une haute compétence en linguistique et un don admirable d’analyse littéraire. Elle va au centre des problématiques examinées et domine les riches matériaux à un tel point que le lecteur suit aisément ses analyses éclairantes’.


ANDRÉ BORD. Jacqueline Pascal, fille spirituelle de Blaise. Perpignan, Tempora, et Paris: Éd. du Jubilé, 2009.

Review: J.-M. Gabaude in RPFE 4 (2009), 259-260: Le critique trouve que cette biographie intellectuelle est un passionnant ouvrage de référence. La première biographie instructive et objective de Jacqueline Pascal, elle est centrée sur l’historique et l’analyse des liens entre Blaise et Jacqueline. Le critique note que l’auteur, reconnu depuis trois décennies comme spécialiste de Pascal, est un fervent catholique fidèle à l’église et épris de mystique. Ainsi, il a compris de l’intérieur le sens de leur vie.

GETHNER, PERRY. Les Jeunes Premiers de Françoise Pascal: un héroïsme de la passivité. OeC 35.1 (2010), 125-134.

En somme, le monde pleinement héroïque des tragic-comédies typiques, et à plus forte raison le code généreux qui caractérise les héros de Corneille, ne l’intéressent guère. Elle semble préférer suivre les aventures de jeunes gens de bon coeur mais relativement ordinaires. Ses protagonistes doivent avoir assez de vertu et de courage pour pouvoir subir des épreuves passionnantes, mais juste le minimum pour se conformer aux lois du genre tragic-comique sans nous éblouir.


Peiresc et l’Italie. Actes du Colloque international (Naples 23-24 juin 2006). Paris: Alain Baudry, 2009.

Review: C. Rolla in S Fr 161 (2010), 356-357. Due to this welcome collection of studies (evidently edited by a team, although the presidence of the colloque itself is indicated to be that of Cecilia Rizza), P. re-emerges in all his complexity and interest (356). Although quite expectedly, given the theme of the colloque and volume, the focus is on P. and numerous important relations with Italy, French scholars will not be disappointed in the wide range of analyses undertaken: on painting, architecture, science, among others. The concluding essays of P. N. Miller examines P. and The Lost History of the French Mediterranean (279-91).

CHENY, ANNE-MARIE. Humanisme, esprit scientifique et Études Byzantines: la bibliothèque de Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc. DSS 249 (2010), 689-709.

While analysing Peiresc’s intention in amassing his collection, cette étude souhaite [ . . . ] souligner l’apport des bibliothèques privées dans le développement des études byzantines en France. Elle s’appuie sur l’inventaire après décès de la bibliothèque de Peiresc et sur sa correspondance [ . . . ] à 5400 volumes dont environ 130 manuscrits.

GILBY, EMMA. Descartes’s Morale par provision:’ A Re-evaluation. FS 65.4 (2011), 444-458.

This article offers a critical and philological survey of the term par provision in order to better understand its use in the Discours de la méthode. She focuses particular attention on Nicolas Peiresc. Ultimately, the author concludes: Descartes’s use of the term par provision leaves open the relationship of his maxims to the future end point of his moral thinking. Further, the morale par provision grants informality itself an ethical significance. His writings, as they forge their connections with previous and anticipated arguments, are shot through with concerns about the complexity of moral conduct in the face of the unpredictability of the external world.


CALL, MICHAEL. The Poet’s Vision and the Painting’s Speech: Molière and Perrault on the Sister Arts. CdDS 13.1 (2010), 124-140.

The author picks up Molière’s 1669 poem La Gloire du Val-de-Grâce, which is an extensive theoretical commentary on art theory and which was written in response to Charles Perrault’s 1668 poem La Peinture. It presents a fundamentally opposed vision of painting’s theoretical foundations and pointedly underlines the contradictions and ignorance present in Perrault’s work. In doing so, it also outlines its own unique vision of the relationship between painting and poetry, a relationship that determines many of the poem’s stylistic characteristics. Molière suggests his radical departure from Perrault’s idea of painting as a mechanical art and insists on the intellectual aspects of painting and on artistic apprenticeship.

DE LA ROCHÈRE, MARTINE HENNARD DUTHEIL. "But marriage itself is no party’: Angela Carter's Translation of Charles Perrault's La Belle au bois dormant’; or, Pitting the Politics of Experience against the Sleeping Beauty Myth. Marvels & Tales 24.1 (2010), 131-51.

Compares Perrault’s tale with Carter’s translation. Demonstrates how Carter opposed the Disneyfied imagery of the Sleeping Beauty myth and modernized the critique of early marriages already contained in Perrault's Moralités.

GELINAS, GERARD. Un regard autre sur les contes des Perrault. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 185-217.

Posits the hypothesis that the prose contes of the Contes de ma mère d’Oye were written by Perrault’s youngest son, Pierre Darmancour, and that the 1695 manuscript is authentic.


BROTTIER, BÉATRICE. Du Perron: la diversité des écritures au risque de l’incertitude du statut d’homme de lettres. PFSCL 38.74 (2011), 33-46.

Analyses Cardinal Du Perron’s dual career as politician and homme de lettres in light of the diversity of his writings and the diverse uses to which they were put.


BROSENS, KOENRAAD. Poussin and Tapestry. Burlington 1303 (2011), 693-95.

Review of one of a number of smaller exhibitions celebrating the newly refurbished Galerie des Gobelins, which celebrated its 400th anniversary back in 2007. Specifically, the exhibition includes tapestries based on paintings by Poussin and resurrects a debate begun by Colbert as to whether the painter’s work translates well into such a large format.

CULLINAN, NICHOLAS et al. Twombly and Poussin: Arcadian Painters. London: Holberton, 2011.

Review: J. Hall in TLS 5654 (Aug 12 2011), 17-18. Catalogue of 2011 exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery. Poussin juxtaposed with twentieth-century American painter who admired him. Reviewer finds this juxtaposition counterintuitive, given Twombly’s abstract expressionism. Despite Cullinan’s discussion of themes and experiences common to both artists, the comparison remains unconvincing. The value of the exhibition, Hall finds, is that it leads us to reflect on how Poussin became an artistic ideal.

GREEN, TONY. Poussin’s Humour. Milverton: Paravail, 2009.

Review: H. Phillips in FS 65.1 (2011), 88-89. This poorly written and constructed book seeks to correct academic interpretations of Poussin that focus too much attention on the interpretation of content by instead emphasizing the painter’s humour, wit, and intelligence.

HAMMOND, NICHOLAS. Hippolyte’s Coursiers oisifs: Poussin, Racine and Animals Untamed. SCFS 33.1 (2011), 39-48.

Examines the interaction between animals and humans in Poussin’s Paysage avec un homme tué par un serpent’ (1648) and Racine’s Phèdre (1677). Focuses firstly on the unsettling effect that untamed animals have on the ordered human world as depicted in the seventeenth century’, secondly upon the way in which both painter and playwright force us to view such destabilising spectacles through the multi-layered response of others’, and finally on the idea that the perilous interplay between man and beast reveals a world of ambiguity and uncertainty’.

JEWITT, JAMES R. Weaving Together an Identity in Nicholas Poussin’s Landscape with an Anchorite Saint. Burlington 1298 (2011), 307-11.

Based on iconography and evidence found in this and other paintings, as well as the circumstances surrounding its creation, conjectures that the saint in this particular work is Saint Paul the Hermit, not Saint Jerome, as previously supposed.


ROY, ROXANNE. De la fausse identité à la fausse mort: le fantme de Samuel dans L’Illustre Parisienne. OeC 36.1, 53-66.

. . . nous tâcherons de voir plus précisément quels sont les usages et les fonctions de la fausse mort dans cette nouvelle en soulignant la théâtralité qu’elle confère aux texte littéraire.


PURE, MICHEL DE. La Précieuse ou Le Mystère de la ruelle. Myriam Dufour-Matre, ed. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2010.

Review: N. Hammond in FS 65.3 (2011),388-389. Dufour-Matre’s central premise is that the novel mérite de figurer parmi les romans du XVIIe siècle les plus novateurs que nous ayons à découvrir. The reviewer notes: It is unfortunate, therefore, that an edition costing 130 is hardly going to reach the widest of readerships. Yet, for all the novel’s obscurity and occasional longueurs, Dufour-Matre’s proselytizing zeal is infectious and the quality of her analysis is high. Rather than becoming bogged down in attempts to decipher all the names of the précieuses (an often futile task that has preoccupied previous scholars), she concentrates on the many fascinating structural, narrative, linguistic, theoretical, intertextual, and gender-related elements of the book [ . . . ] Dufour-Matre includes useful accompanying material as appendices, which helps to elucidate de Pure’s and others’ conception of préciosité and galanterie. The Index is divided between Notions’ and Personnages’, and in the text itself her notes are learned but never intrusive.


BROOKS, WILLIAM. Philippe Quinault, Dramatist. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Vienna: Peter Lang, 2009.

Review: P. Gethner in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 460-462. Volume is a remarkable life and works study’ which offers a wealth of factual information and solid critical analysis’. Reviewer particularly commends Brooks’s determination to rebut charges brought against Quinault by critics from his own day to the present’.

CALHOUN, ALISON. The Architecture of Arcadia: Quinault, Lully, and the Complicit Spectator of the Tragédie en Musique. SCFS 33.2 (2011), 114-126.

Analysis of the use of the pastoral space in Quinault and Lully. Argues: For Philippe Quinault and Jean-Baptiste Lully, the pastoral space was key to harmonizing not only the singing, but also the ever-increasing use of machines and spectacular scene changes of early musical tragedy. Thanks to its familiar topoi, the pastoral setting (evident in didascalies, iconography, and within the verses of Quinault’s libretti) created visual cues that helped forge a complicit spectator for this new form of tragedy, promoting credibility, and inciting specific emotions. Most importantly to the history of theatrical reception, the balance between the familiarity of pastoral and the strangeness of mythology encouraged the spectator to redefine the limits of aesthetic distance to include greater degrees of artificiality and fiction’.

NORMAN, BUFORD. Quinault, librettiste de Lully. Le poète des Grâces. Wavre: Mardaga (centre Baroque de Versailles), 2009.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in s Fr 161 (2010), 360. Welcome translation into French of N.’s 2001 volume Touched by the Graces, the study is augmented and will contribute importantly to the diffusion of knowledge on the second half of the Grand Siècle. An introduction presents lyric tragedy, locating it in relation to classical theatre. Analysis of individual works follow, highlighting the fruitful collaboration of Q. and L. Very useful annexes provide libretti of Q. set to music and modified, biographical note on Q., a catalogue of his works, a rich bibliography and indices.


ABIVEN, KARINE. Le récit du monde: le discours narratif comme facteur de cohésion de la société mondaine. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 291-302.

Article focuses on Tallemant’s Historiettes, Voiture’s letters and Racan’s La Vie de Malherbe. L’enjeu du présent travail est, d’une part, de mettre en lumière le dispositif social formé par ces textes qui fonctionnent en système. D’autre part, si l’on admet que l’événement n’a d’existence pérenne que si l’on en fait le récit, on peut avancer que la réalité même du groupe passe par sa mise en scène dans la narration’.

MACÉ, STÉPHANE, Éd. Racan. Œuvres complètes. Paris: Champion, 2009.

Review: V. Kapp in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 469-472. Cette édition critique des Œuvres complètes de Racan fera date dans l’histoire de la reception du poète et, s’il fallait la justifier, on peut souligner qu’elle montre la cohérence interne des différentes facettes de sa production littéraire.’
Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 161 (2010), 357. Welcome edition is praised for its accuracy and completeness. R.’s entire production plus two apocryphal texts are found in this volume of over 1000 pages. Introduction, historical and linguistic annotations, glossary, bibliography and tables.


BERETTA ANGUISSOLA, ALBERTO. Racine. Teatro. Milano: Mondadori, 2009.

Review: V. de Santis in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 457-460. Favourable review of this first Italian translation of Racine’s complete theatre. The essay by René Girard published with the translation provides une analyse de la simplicité mystérieuse de la poésie racinienne’ and the introduction by Anguissola sketches un parcours historique et critique’ of Racine’s theatre.

BJORNSTAD, HALL. Boileau et Racine ont-ils composé les inscriptions de la Galerie des Glaces à Versailles? DSS 250 (2011), 149-156.

As the title suggests, the author undertakes a re-evaluation of the authorship of the inscriptions that accompany Le Brun’s paintings in the great gallery.

GREENBERG, MITCHELL. Racine: From Ancient Myth to Tragic Modernity. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, 2010.

Review: R. Tobin in FS 65.2 (2011), 242-243. Greenberg argues that Racine’s oeuvre constitutes a reinscription of the Oedipus story within the confines of the ideology of absolutism. The insights presented on several plays are novel and interesting; some are less useful than others. Missing are pieces of the critical discourse on Racine since 1990 (dismissed by Greenberg as sociological or biographical) as well as a deeper consideration of the relevance of psychoanalytic theory for the study of literature today.
Review: M. Call in ThR 36.2 (2011), 177-78. Continues rich tradition of psychoanalytic approaches to Racine. Sees Racine as adapting two myths of Oedipus and Agamemnon to create tragedies of and for emerging state. Greenberg collapses the distance between Racine’s family romance and the reign of Louis XIV. Racine’s subjects’ ambivalence towards self and others treated as symptomatic of an entire society’s ambivalence towards new social structures (Greenberg 234). Reviewer finds this a useful and persuasive corrective to view of Racine’s tragedies as apologies for absolutism. Chapters largely correspond to plays, though Alexandre le Grand is not treated. Reviewer particularly praises the treatment of La Thébaïde.
Review: S. Calderon-Bentin in TDR 55.4 (2011), 175. An invaluable addition to scholarship as well as to the relationship of 17th-century French theatre to the politics of the period. Greenberg sees Racine as using Oedipus myth to mobilize ideas about society and order that bear on the establishment of the absolutist state. Also focuses on the body in Racine’s work and on the affective theatrical techniques that move audiences to tears.

HAMMOND, NICHOLAS. Hippolyte’s Coursiers oisifs: Poussin, Racine and Animals Untamed. SCFS 33.1 (2011), 39-48.

Examines the interaction between animals and humans in Poussin’s Paysage avec un homme tué par un serpent’ (1648) and Racine’s Phèdre (1677). Focuses firstly on the unsettling effect that untamed animals have on the ordered human world as depicted in the seventeenth century’, secondly upon the way in which both painter and playwright force us to view such destabilising spectacles through the multi-layered response of others’, and finally on the idea that the perilous interplay between man and beast reveals a world of ambiguity and uncertainty’.

MIOTTI, MARIANGELI. Il personaggio di Ester nella drammaturgia francese da Rivaudeau a Racine. Fasano: Schena Editore, 2009.

Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 160 (2010), 136-137. Welcome volume by M. who has edited a number of Renaissance plays and who is a member of the team which published the Théàtre français de la Renaissance founded by E. Balmas and M. Dassonville. Among the 17th c. plays included in the volume reviewed are Antoine de Montchrestien’s Aman, Pierre Mainfray’s La Belle Hesther, the anonymous Tragédie nouvelle de la perfidie d’Aman, Du Ryer’s Esther and Racine’s Esther. Sermons (Pierre Merlin’s from 1594) and poems (Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin’s) round out the volume. Illuminates in several sections the personage of Esther as one important explanation for the remarkable fortune of the subject both in the Renaissance and in the 17th c. Rich and highly useful bibliography.

REGUIG-NAYA, DELPHINE. Le Corps des idées. Pensées et poétiques du langage dans l’augustinisme de Port-Royal. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal, Mme de La Fayette, Racine. Paris, Champion, 2007.

Review: V. Kapp in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 252-255. Delphine Reguig-Naya combine ses connaissances théologiques et philosophiques avec une haute compétence en linguistique et un don admirable d’analyse littéraire. Elle va au centre des problématiques examinées et domine les riches matériaux à un tel point que le lecteur suit aisément ses analyses éclairantes’.

VANHAESEBROUCK, KAREL. Le mythe de l’authenticité: Lectures, interpretations, dramaturgies de Britannicus de Jean Racine en France (1669-2004). New York and Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009.

Review: K. Kein in ThR 36.2 (2011), 178-79. Analysis of the production history of Britannicus, based on eight mises en scenes between 1669 and 2004. Author points out how Racine’s dramaturgy oscillates between the pole of sociopolitical ritualization and aesthetic transgression. Study explores how epoch-making productions resurrect and update the French cultural heritage as they attempt to construct, deconstruct or reconstruct the so-called authenticity of the play’. Each epoch produces its own Britannicus. Reviewer finds author’s terminology somewhat misleading since authenticity used as a category to designate the audience’s aesthetic experience.


LOUIS, GÉRALDINE. La rédaction des Mémoires du cardinal de Retz: condition et résultat de la conversion d’une disgrâce en retraite. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 353-365.

Nous nous proposons d’étudier dans quelle mesure la rédaction de La Vie du cardinal de Rais est à la fois résultat et condition d’une conversion de sa disgrâce en retraite. Condition, dès lors que la rédaction des Mémoires à cette époque de sa vie opère un changement de ses valeurs de référence, par l’éloignement de la cour corrélatif du retour sur soi. Résultat, en ce que le texte tardif des Mémoires projette rétrospectivement sur ses actions des années 1636-1656 des perspectives de retraite destinées à conjurer la disgrâce subie par la suite’.



EKSTEIN, NINA. Rotrou’s Bélisaire: Hierarchy and Meaning. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 439-453.

Through the organizing principle of hierarchy’, sets out to examine the questions Is Bélisaire a victim, or does he bring his own destruction upon himself? Is he a Christian martyr? Is this a tragedy or a tragicomedy?’ as well as certain notable features of the play such as the use of the discourse of identity, the frequent presence of asides, and the recurrence of the number three’.



BLANQUIE, CHRISTOPHE. Les Masques Épistolaires de Saint-Simon. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: M.-P. de Weerdt-Pilorge in DSS 251 (2011), 429-432: The reviewer finds the author’s ambitions admirably fulfilled as he attempts to mieux cerner l’épistolaire chez Saint-Simon en croisant les récentes découvertes sur cette matière et celles amassées ces dernières années sur Saint-Simon lui-même. C’est dans une perspective historique que le critique se propose d’étudier un corpus hétérogène [ . . . ] au travers de pièces nouvellement découvertes. Considérer les usages épistolaires de Saint-Simon en redéfinissant absolument les catégories qui sont assignées aux lettres permettra de faire tomber les masques’.

HERSANT, MARC. Le Discours de vérité dans les mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: R. Parish in FS 65.4 (2011), 530-531. Marc Hersant’s dauntingly comprehensive doctoral thesis achieves a good many things, and many good things, over its considerable length, not least the emergence of an etat present, as a result of which several fruitful areas of future enquiry are generously flagged up. But his primary purpose is to bring out the status of the Mémoires as history, rather than as autobiography, fiction, or rhetoric. For Hersant, Saint-Simon’s massive undertaking constitutes the well-nigh complete account of a closed world, either as recorded over the span of the writer’s own lifetime, or as conveyed through the secondary sources available to him. The book’s argumentational manner is often combative, and erects on occasion a dichotomous interpretation in which the dismissal of one reading is apparently required in order to promote the virtues of another. This is most persistently the case in the domain of stylistics, where a protracted assault on the analyses of Leo Spitzer does nothing to reduce the possibility that the approaches of both critics are tenable, even if a concession is glimpsed in Hersant’s more irenic summary, whereby la grandeur de l’oeuvre [. . .] tient à un projet de verité, et [. . .] les miracles de l’écriture qui y abondent sont les enfants de la vérité [ . . . ] Is it really desirable to put the (anti)theoretical prolegomenon, the interminable exemplification (often prefaced by an apology), and the exhaustive annotation of the thesis mode between hard covers? Could not this compelling and groundbreaking research have yielded a more streamlined book? It might have made more converts to the masterpiece with which it deals if some elements of that transformation had occurred.
Review: M. Stefanovska in PFSCL, 38.74 (2011), 248-251. à tout seigneur tout honneur: Saint-Simon a enfin trouvé un lecteur à sa taille. Dans sa monumentale étude sur cet auteur (938 pages, avec les notes), Marc Hersant lit son Œuvre avec une ténacité, un esprit et une ampleur tout saint-simoniens. Qui plus est, il replace le mémorialiste dans son milieu naturel, l’historiographie, admirant chez lui cela même pour quoi il aurait voulu l’être: son amour passionné de la vérité’.
Review: S. Carli in S Fr 160 (2010), 149-150. Vast (over 900 pages), interesting and thorough examination of authenticity chez Saint-Simon. Organized in three sections: La folie de la vérité, La raison de la vérité and Les styles de la vérité. Within these sections are found numerous avenues of investigation, analyses of themes, critiques and stylistic variations.

SOLLERS, PHILIPPE. Le Tueur de Versailles. L’INFINI 116 (2011), 6-7.

A short meditation by Sollers on Saint-Simon. Peppered with choice passages (mostly descriptions of absorbing individuals), Sollers displays a keen understanding of Saint-Simon’s project, its texture, and its interest. Situating Saint-Simon as un sniper précis (6) who fully understands that his descriptions of court persons will constitute a definitive judgment of them for generations to come, Sollers sees the Mémoires as a deadly and deeply presumptuous text. He also situates Voltaire, Balzac, Stendhal, Proust, Céline as Saint-Simon’s descendants in the French canon.



SCARRON, PAUL. Théâtre Complet. Véronique Sternberg, ed. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Review: M. Hawcroft in FS 65.2 (2011), 241-242. This excellent new edition offers all nine plays along with Les Boutades de Matamore and some comic fragments. The editor has modernized spelling, included variants, and provided notes to clarify lexical or grammatical points. In addition to helpful appendices, a glossary, bibliography, and indexes, Sternberg’s introductions constitute a major new assessment of Scarron the comic dramatist.
Review: V. Kapp in PFSCL, 37.73 (2010), 475-478. Favourable review of this new edition which presents material hitherto available only to specialists, and which is likely to encourage re-evaluation of Scarron.
Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 161 (2010), 357-358: Enthusiastically welcomed, this edition of S.’s theatre represents una tappa importante dell’evoluzione della commedia del XVII secolo (358). V. S.’s introduction focuses on characteristics of S.’s theatre and his ties with the literary world of his time, his burlesque qualities and originality (358). Modernized spelling, notes on variants, presentations on each play, sources, mise en scène, and reception characterize this edition which also contains a grammatical annex with exhaustive glossary and bibliography. P. completes the bibliography with a reference to the 2007 edition of S.’s theatre in Italy by Barabara Sommovigo.




DUCHARME, ISABELLE. Observer le silence chez Madeleine de Scudéry ou du regard parler de soi. DFS 88 (Fall 2009), 11-25.

The author analyzes different types of exchanges among characters in Le Grand Cyrus in order to bring out the importance of the regard and silence in Scudéry’s narrative. The author argues that Scudéry unveils the secrets of the soul through the extériorisation du silence.

MARIE-GABRIELLE LALLEMAND. Factuel et fictionnel dans Artamène et Clélie: une pratique singulière de Mlle de Scudéry. C’est à ces insertions dans la fiction d’éléments factuels contemporains de la romancière [des portraits et des descriptions à clé] que cette étude se propose de se consacrer.


FREIDEL, NATHALIE. La Conquête de l’intime. Public et privé dans la Correspondance de Madame de Sévigné. Paris: Champion, 2009.

Review: P. Placella Sommella in PFSCL, 38.75 (2011), 483-486. [Freidel] insère le discours épistolaire de Mme de Sévigné dans le cadre politique, social, mondain, littéraire et religieux de son époque’. Reviewer commends the solide connaissance des essais critiques’ which the author draws on. A third of the review is devoted to Sévigné’s interest in sartorial matters and fashion which the reviewer feels could have been more developed.
Review: C. Lignereux in DSS 251 (2011), 426: Freidel, partant du constat que Mme de Sévigné écrit à une époque o les notions de public et de privé sont en pleine mutation, se propose de relire la correspondance de la marquise dans une perspective socio littéraire perspective qui présente l’avantage de resituer la correspondance dans son vaste contexte anthropologique et culturel.

LONGINO, MICHELE. L’apprentissage épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné. OeC 35.1 (2010), 29-49.

Certains moments de la relation épistolaire Sévigné-Bussy[-Rabutin] sont frappants par leur capacité à reveler la teneur et le fonctionnement du rapport entre les deux cousins. Les regarder de près nous renseigne non seulement sur l’écriture de Sévigné et son rapport à l’écriture, mais aussi sur la façon dont s’est forgée sa relation épistolaire avec sa fille.


DANDREY, PATRICK and CÉCILE TOUBLET, eds. Charles Sorel. Polyandre. Histoire comique. Paris: Klincksieck, 2010.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 162 (2010), 548-549. Welcome edition in a format which is useful both in academia and for a wider public, although the selective bibliography seems designated primarily for the latter. Highly readable introduction by D. is wide-ranging as it discusses not only this work but others of S., his characters, aesthetic principles (in particular la vraisemblance), the intellectual and psychic climate of which Polyandre is the fruit (549), as well as literary and linguistic history surrounding the play.



HSIA, FLORENCE C. Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Review: M. Waddell in Ren Q 63 (2010), 945-946. Valuable for scholars of both European and Chinese history as well as for historians of science, the study carries us to foreign shores on the very borders of modernity, opening new and beautiful vistas for our exploration (946). Sections deal with both scientific personas and their various textual expressions, for example Guy Tachard’s Voyage de Siam (1686) which is at once a travelogue to garner support and an apologetic for the mission (946).


ABIVEN, KARINE. Le récit du monde: le discours narratif comme facteur de cohésion de la société mondaine. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 291-302.

Article focuses on Tallemant’s Historiettes, Voiture’s letters and Racan’s La Vie de Malherbe. L’enjeu du présent travail est, d’une part, de mettre en lumière le dispositif social formé par ces textes qui fonctionnent en système. D’autre part, si l’on admet que l’événement n’a d’existence pérenne que si l’on en fait le récit, on peut avancer que la réalité même du groupe passe par sa mise en scène dans la narration’.

GILBY, EMMA. Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature. Oxford: Legenda, 2006.

GILBY, EMMA, Ed. Pseudo-Longin. De la sublimité du discours. Chambéry: L’Act Mem, 2007.

Review: R. Scholar in FS 65.1 (2011), 92-93. This study and scholarly edition opens new perspectives on the reception of Longinus in seventeenth-century France by going beyond the study of Boileau to consider the importance of Longinus for Corneille, Pascal, and lesser-known authors. Gilby thus reads Boileau as the culmination of a generation of contemplation of the sublime rather than as a starting point. The edition of the previously unpublished translation of Longinus into French is filled with scholarly notes as well as a specially helpful consideration of the reception of Sappho. Gilby suggests that the author of this translation may be Tallemant des Réaux. A work of impressive erudition.


VALENCE, FRANÇOISE DE, ed. Jean de Thévenot, Les Voyages aux Indes Orientales. Paris: Champion, 2008.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 160 (2010), 142. Welcome reproduction of the 5th volume of T.’s 1689 edition. Useful for T.’s openness to distant cultures and civilizations and his precise documentation. Praiseworthy edition for its annotations and impressive scholarly apparatus including itineraries of voyages, bibliography and indices.


DENIS, DELPHINE, ed. Lire L’Astrée. Paris: Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2008.

Review: D. Mauri in FS 65.3 (2011), 385-386. A solid collection of 24 essays on a wide variety of questions. A selection of images and an abundant bibliography are included.
Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 160 (2010), 140. Welcome volume results from the 2007 international colloque and is rich and varied. The studies are organized into sections as follows: La fabrique de l’oeuvre, Savoirs et usages du roman, and Lecteurs et lectures de l’Astrée. The latter sections includes studies of 17th century readers, theatre goers and theatrical representations of the novel, and modern literary theory.

DUCIMETIERE, NICOLAS. La bibliothèque d'Honoré d'Urfé: histoire de sa formation et de sa dispersion à travers quelques exemplaires retrouvés. DSS 249 (2010), 747-773.

The author studies the catalogue and history of d’Urfé’s personal library - La connaissance de cette dernière s’avère pourtant fondamentale pour la reconstitution précise du panorama culturel et intellectuel du romancier, un univers mental qui n’est appréhendé, le plus souvent, que par des rapprochements intertextuels.

MEDING, TWYLA. Kronos as Crone: Inversions of Beauty and Gender through Translation in L’Astrée. SCFS 33.1 (2011), 24-38.

Article examines issues of translation and ekphrasis and their relationship to the representation of gender in the First Part of Honoré d’Urfé’s pastoral romance, L’Astrée.’ Focus is particularly on the topos of enargeia.

URFÉ, HONORÉ D’. L’Astrée. Première Partie. Delphine Denis, éd. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2011.

Review: C. Mouze in QL 1048 (du 1er au 15 novembre 2011), 11-12. Une nouvelle édition critique établie sous la direction de Delphine Denis. Selon le critique, L’Astrée est à la littérature du XVIIe siècle ce que Proust a été pour la littérature du XXe siècle. Le critique fait l’éloge du roman mais ne commente pas la qualité de l’édition critique.


LANAVÈRE, ALAIN. Théophile de Viau, imitateur des anciens. DSS 251 (2011), 397-422.

C’est à dessein que nous avons dépourvu notre titre de point d’interrogation. Car, après avoir analysé la poésie de Théophile d’un peu près, il nous a paru patent que ce soi-disant ennemi de la sotte antiquité, que ce prétendu moderne, que cet écrivain réputé par tant de critiques pour la spontanéité de son regard sur le réel, pour la fracheur inédite de ses vers, pour l’originalité de ses sentiments ou idées, devait aux anciens mille, voire mille et un, traits de sa poésie.

VIAU, THÉOPHILE DE. Les Amours tragiques de Pyrame et Thisbé. Mise en scène de Benjamin Lazar. Du 8 au 10 novembre 2011 au Théâtre Grammont à Montpellier, du 18 au 19 novembre au théâtre de Sartrouville, le 22 novembre au Carré-Scène nationale de Château-Gontier, le 25 novembre au Théâtre de Chelles, le 28 novembre au Théâtre de Beauvaisis et du 7 au 11 puis du 14 au 18 février 2012 au TNP de Villeurbanne.

Review: A. LeBrun in QL 1044 (du 1er au 15 septembre 2011), 4-5. La critique a été surprise par le choix d’une diction qui mettait en relief les diphtongues comme les finales et roulait les r, mais elle a été enchantée par la poésie du théâtre, là o les mots s’élancent au-devant de leur ombre pour transfigurer les corps et les lieux. Lazar, le metteur en scène, joue aussi le rle Pyrame, et Louise Moaty réussit le rle de Thisbé.


BERREGARD, S. ed. Tristan l’Hermite et le théâtre de son temps. Actes de la journée d’étude du samedi 26 janvier 2008. Cahiers Tristan l’Hermite 30 (2008).

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 160 (2010), 130. Small but rich collection of essays includes examinations of sources and affinities, motifs, and T.’s publishers. Useful bibliography.


VAUGELAS, CLAUDE FAVRE DE. Remarques sur la langue françoise. Ed. critique avec introduction et notes, par Zygmunt Marzys. Genève: Droz, 2009.

Review: G. Siouffi in DSS 251 (2011), 427-429: This monumental edition of Vaugelas’ Remarques is richement annoté [et] témoigne d’une mise en place complexe.


GRANDE, NATHALIE and EDWIGE KELLER-RAHBÉ, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon (11 et 12 septembre 2008). Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009. Biblio 17.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 162 (2010), 549-550. Welcome selection of essays examines V.’s theatre. Volume is organized in sections focusing on Mme de Villedieu dramaturge: positionnements, acquis, incertitudes, Esthétique et écriture de Mme de Villedieu dramaturge, La tragi-comédie Le favori, Esthétique théâtrale de Mme de Villedieu romancière. Noteworthy for its vast panorama, precise and pertinent arguments and bibliography.

KELLER-RAHBE, EDWIGE. Pratiques et usages du privilège d’auteur chez Mme de Villedieu et quelques autres femmes de letters du XVIIe siècle. OeC 35.1 (2010), 69-94.

Cet examen du contrle sourcilleux, par l’écrivaine, de sa production imprimée, l’utilisation stratégique du privilège pour réorienter sa carrière, son partenariat étroit avec Claude Barbin et les manipulations éditoriales du couple auteur/libraire renouvelle l’approche des oeuvres de Mme de Villedieu.


ABIVEN, KARINE. Le récit du monde: le discours narratif comme facteur de cohésion de la société mondaine. PFSCL 37.73 (2010), 291-302.

Article focuses on Tallemant’s Historiettes, Voiture’s letters and Racan’s La Vie de Malherbe. L’enjeu du présent travail est, d’une part, de mettre en lumière le dispositif social formé par ces textes qui fonctionnent en système. D’autre part, si l’on admet que l’événement n’a d’existence pérenne que si l’on en fait le récit, on peut avancer que la réalité même du groupe passe par sa mise en scène dans la narration’.

TAORMINA, MICHAEL. Ribald Wit in Voiture’s Poésie Galante.’ CdDS 13.1 (2010), 17-31.

This article shows how Voiture fashions a nobiliary ethos in his poetry. In the mixed-gender space of the salon, where polite conversation reigned, Voiture’s dirty jokes (what the author calls his ribald wit) have a specific function: they aim to suggest that the gallant speaker of the poem is polite and refined but not effeminate. Such charges were often laid at the feet of gallants. The ribald wit portrays the speaker as noble, gallant, and a dominant masculine type. Taormina examines it specifically through the use of Voiture's figurative language.


Works from present and past members of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature

Abiven, Karine

L'Anecdote ou la fabrique du petit fait vrai. Un genre miniature de Tallemant de Réaux à Voltaire (1650-1756). PhD, Paris-Sorbonne, 2012.

Ed. avec Laure Depretto: Ecritures de l'actualité sous l'Ancien Régime. Littératures classiques (Forthcoming 2012).

Beasley, Faith

Ed. Teaching Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century French Women Writers. New York: Modern Language Association, 2011

Bjornstad, Hall

Créature sans créateur. Pour une anthropologie baroque dans les Pensées de Pascal. Scholarly monograph. Saint-Nicolas, Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval (Collections de la République des Lettres), 2010.

Borrowed Feathers: Plagiarism and the Limits of Imitation in Early Modern Europe. Editor and author of the critical introduction (13 p.). Oslo: Unipub, 2008.

The Marginalization of the Mémoires of Louis XIV. The European Legacy. (Forthcoming)

’Fail Better’: Pascal and the Good Uses of Failure. Seventeenth-Century French Studies 33.2 (2011), 72-79.

Boileau et Racine ont-ils composé les inscriptions de la galerie des Glaces à Versailles? XVIIème siècle 63.1 (2011), 149-156.

Vous m’avez fait voir des choses que j’ai ressenties’: Le roi, son peintre et la question des émotions publiques. Littératures classiques 68 (2009): 43-56.

Le savoir d’un conte moins conte que les autres: le Sans Parangon’ de Préchac et les limites de l’absolutisme. Féerie 6 (2009): 163-178.

Plus d’éclaircissement touchant la grande galerie de Versailles’. Du nouveau sur les premières inscriptions. XVIIème siècle 61.2 (2009), 321-343.

*Work in progress: Study on royal exemplarity, on royal glory, and on Pascal and failure.

Blocker, Deborah

Instituer un art’: politiques du théâtre dans la France du premier XVIIe siècle. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009.

Ordres et recompositions dans le Recueil de lettres nouvelles de Nicolas Faret (1627) ou de la négligence comme tactique. Politique de l’épistolaire au XVIIe siècle: autour du Recueil Faret. Ed. Mathilde Bombart et Eric Mechoulan. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2011, 79-96.

Bolduc, Benot

Ed. avec Henriette Goldwyn: Concordia Discors. Choix de communications présentées lors du 41ème colloque annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature. 2 vols. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2011.

Un corps équivoque: le berger dansant dans le ballet de cour, la comédie-ballet et la tragédie en musique. Corps dansant, corps glorieux. Musique et danse en Europe au temps d’Henri IV et Louis XIII. Ed. M.-B. Dufourcet et A. Surgers. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 193-215.

Collation, manducation et destruction dans les fêtes de Versailles, Actes d'Easton: Nourritures. Ed. Roxanne Lalande et Bertrand Landry. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2010, 31-42.

Mirame, fête théâtrale dans un fauteuil, Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre, 245-246 (2010): 159-172.

Stefano della Bella, graveur des Nozze degli dei (1637) et de Mirame (1641), Rome-Paris, 1640. Transferts culturels et renaissance d’une école artistique. Ed. M. Bayard. Rome: Académie de France à Rome, 2010, 481-507.

Braider, Christopher

The Matter of Mind: Reason and Experience in the Age of Descartes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.

Carr Jr., Thomas

Angélique Arnauld et la génération 1591 (Louise de Marillac, Françoise de Nérestang, Antoinette Micolon). Chroniques de Port-Royal 60 (2010), 49-64.

Les éptres spirituelles de Jeanne de Chantal et le commerce épistolaire conventuel: un secrétaire spirituel au féminin. Œuvres et critiques 35 (2010), 9-20.

The Quebec Hospitalière and the Closeted Jansenist: The Duplessis-Hecquet Correspondence, with an Unpublished Letter by Hecquet. Lumen: Select Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 29 (2010), 91-106.

*Work in progress: Biographies of Marie-André Duplessis and Marie-Catherine Homassel Hecquet, and an edition of their correspondence.

Course, Didier

"La dévotion honnête du Père Le Moyne" Œuvres et Critiques. Ed. Anne-Elisabeth Spica. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2010, 33-42.

*Work in progress: Rédaction d’un articleintitulé "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: Painful Delights in Jesuit Writings" pour un volume collectif (dont il est l’éditeur et le coordinateur) sur les concepts de peine et de souffrance dans l’Europe chrétienne du Moyen Age aux débuts de la période moderne.

Gaines, James

Moliere and Paradox: Skepticism and Theater in the Early Modern Age. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2010.

Ganim, Russell

The Destruction and Re-Creation of Obscenity in Seventeenth-Century Pornographic Prints. Obscénités renaissantes. Ed. Hugh Roberts, Guillaume Peureux and Lise Wajeman. Genève: Droz, 2011, 423-438.

Gethner, Perry

Ed. and trans. with Allison Stedman. A Trip to the Country, by Henriette-Julie de Castelnau, Comtesse de Murat. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2011.

*Work in progress: Critical editions of Rotrou’s L’Heureux naufrage and Dom Lope de Cardone, Thomas Corneille’s Laodice and La Mort d’Annibal, and Murat’s Voyage de campagne. - Volume II of an anthology of French women playwrights in English translation (1650-1700). - Volume III of an anthology of French women playwrights for which professor Gethner is going to edit works by Sainctonge and Durand.

Goldsmith, Elizabeth

The Kings Mistresses: The Liberated Lives of Marie Mancini, Princess Colonna and her Sister Hortense, Duchess Mazarin. New York: Public Affairs, 2012.

Letters and the Epistolary Novel. Teaching Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century French Women Writers. Ed. Faith Beasley. New York: Modern Language Association, 2011.

Seventeenth-Century Women Writers. The Cambridge History of French Literature, Ed. William Burgwinkle, Nicholas Hammond, Emma Wilson. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011.

*Work in progress: Translation of Catherine Bédacier Durand's novel La Comtesse de Mortane.

Grégoire, Vincent

Devoir d’obéissance, obligation de résistance: lorsqu’une ursuline s’oppose à l’autorité masculine au 17ème siècle en Nouvelle-France. Seventeenth-Century French Studies 32.1 (2010), 102-117

Réflexion sur le refus des missionnaires, dans les Relations des jésuites, de comprendre le cannibalisme amérindien Actes d'Easton: Nourritures. Ed. Roxanne Lalande et Bertrand Landry. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2010. 79-92.

Harrigan, Michael

The Question of Female Authority in Seventeenth-Century French Depictions of Eastern Monarchies. Seventeenth-Century French Studies 32.1 (2010), 74-89.

Méchant Chretien ne sera jamais bon Turc. Essays in French Literature, Thought and Visual Culture. Ed. A Kay and G. Adams. Oxford, NY: Peter Lang, 2012, 9-28.

France Antarctique and France Equinoctiale: Early French Representations of a Colonial Future in Brazil, in The Uses of the Future in Early Modern Europe. Ed. E. Butterworth and A. Brady. London, NY: Routledge, 2009, 110-125.

*Work in progress: Extensive study on the historiography of the early modern period, focusing on the function and reception of short narratives.

Ibbett, Katherine

Reconfiguring Martyrdom in the Colonial Context: Marie de l'Incarnation. Empires of God: Religious Encounters in the Early Modern Atlantic. Ed. Linda Gregerson and Susan Juster. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010, 175-190.

Jensen, Katharine A.

Uneasy Possessions: The Mother-Daughter Dilemma in French Women’s Writings, 1671-1928. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2011.

Kennedy, Theresa.

Daring female playwrights and their filles rebelles’ in 17th century France. Forthcoming in Rebelles, vilaines et criminelles chez les écrivaines d’expression française ou la déviance au féminin. Ed. Colette Trout et al. Faux Titre, Atlanta/Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi.

Madame de Maintenon’s Proverbes inédits’: Words to Live by. Women in French Studies Journal 18 (2010), 29-42.

Metatheatricality and Subversion in the Comtesse de Murat’s Voyage de campagne. Neophilologus 94.4 (2010), 557-567.

Tragic irony in Catherine Durand’s comédies en proverbes. Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature XXXVII, 72 (2010), 117-128.

Landry, Bertrand.

Services, sociabilité et maternité: les amies de Madame de Sévigné, Cahiers du Dix-Septième: An Interdisciplinary Journal 12. 2 (2009), 43-59.

Courtisane libertine et honnête homme’: Ninon de Lenclos, Libertinism and Literature in Seventeenth-Century France. Richard Hodgson. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009. 273-286.

Leibacher, Lise

Imaginaire anatomique, débordements tribadiques et excisions: le Discours sur les hermaphrodites (1614) de Jean Riolan fils. Forthcoming in L’Hermaphrodite, de la Renaissance aux Lumières. Ed. Marianne Closson. Paris: Garnier, 2013.

*Work in progress: Littératures du leurre et MŒurs galantes aux colonies.’ Le Zombi du Grand Pérou (1697) entre Blessebois, Nodier et Montifaud. - "Le Portrait de l'Equivoque (Michelet), Maintenon et les enjeux de la différence (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles). - Book monograph on P.C. Blessebois.

Longino, Michèle

*Work in progress: Travel, or the Benefits of Discontent: Marseilles - Constantinople (1650-1700).

Lyons, John D.

From Fortune to Randomness in Seventeenth-Century Literature. French Studies 65. 2 (2011), 188-199.

Les Rêveries de Rousseau et l’éveil de la sensibilité. éveils.études en l’honneur de Jean-Yves Pouilloux. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2010, 165-176.

Tragedy: Early to Mid Seventeenth Century. The Cambridge History of French Literature. Ed. W. Burgwinkle, et al. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 253-261.

The Phantom of Chance: From Fortune to Randomness in Seventeenth-Century French Literature, to appear in Edinburgh Critical Studies in Renaissance Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011.

Book review: Terence Cave, Retrospectives, in French Studies, 65.1 (January 2011), 93-94.

Mathieu, Francis

Early Modern Women Writers in a History of Ideas Survey Course. Teaching Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century French Women Writers. Ed. Faith Beasley. New York: Modern Language Association, 2011.

Panégyrique, sacré et exemplarité dans Bérénice de Racine. French Review 82, 4 (2009), 788-799.

Work in progress: Near completion of a book entitled L’Art d’esthétiser le précepte. L’Exemplarité rhétorique dans la poétique du roman d’Ancien Régime. This study focuses on the rhetorical deployment of exemplarity in early modern novels.

Norman, Buford

Racine déraciné: l’utilisation de vers d’Andromaque dans le livret de Pitra. Regards sur la musique Grétry en société. Ed. Jean Duron. Wavre: Mardaga, 2009, 165-189.

’Une si terrible tâche’: Andromaque de Racine changé autant que l’exige la marche d’un Opéra’. Un collectif autour de l’opéra Andromaque. Ed. Benot Dratwicki. San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Glossa Music, 2010, 29-45.

Quinault et l’invention du livret d’opéra français: les styles’ de Cadmus et d’Alceste. L’Invention des genres lyriques français et leur redécouverte au XIXe siècle. Ed. Agnès Terrier et Alexandre Dratwicki. Lyon: Symétrie, 2010, 67-78.

*Work in progress: Website devoted to the works and life of Philippe Quinault:

Paine, Skye

*Work in progress: Réflexion sur le thème de la centralisation. Réflexion aussi, en matière pédagogique, sur la façon de contextualiser le 17ème siècle.

Perlmutter, Jennifer

Anne de La Roche-Guilhen's Power-HungryHeroines. Actes d'Easton: Nourritures. Ed. Roxanne Lalande et Bertrand Landry. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2010, 241-51.

Journalistic Intimacy and Le Mercure galant.Origines. Ed. Russell Ganim and Thomas Carr, Jr. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2009, 223-231.

Probes, Christine

Nourishing Friendship: Taste, Mind and Soul chez Madame de La Fayette and her Descendant, the General of the American Revolution. Actes d'Easton: Nourritures. Ed. Roxanne Lalande et Bertrand Landry. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2010, 173-189.

Mundus imago Dei est: The Spirituality of the Emblematist of the French Renaissance. Reformation and Renaissance Review 11.2 (2010), 165-180.

Controversy and Consolation: The Animal in the Royal Court, Madame and her Spaniels. Seventeenth Century French Studies 33.1 (2011), 16-23.

Le Got de la violence: l’allusion biblique et théologique au service de la dramatisation de l’histoire dans deux pièces de la Renaissance, la Guisiade de Pierre Matthieu et The Massacre at Paris de Christopher Marlowe. In Champs du Signe (Forthcoming).

Boileau et Bossuet: le poète-satiriste et le pasteur d’âmes: leurs rles et leurs armes dans la controverse sur l’amour de Dieu. Concordia Discors. Choix de communications présentées lors du 41e colloque annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Ed. Henriette Goldwyn and Benot Bolduc. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2011.

*Work in progress: Designated co-editor with Bill Brooks and Rainer Zaiser of Lieux de cultures by the Executive Councils of two international societies, the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature and the British Seventeenth Century Studies Society.

Racevskis, Roland

The Place of the Nonhuman in Madame de Sévigné's Letters: Toward a Transnational Early Modern Ecocriticism. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (Forthcoming).

Abundance and Waste in Scarron's Le Roman comique: Early Modern Environments and Terrocentric Identity. French Review 86.2 (Forthcoming, December 2012).

Ravel, Jeffrey

Husband-Killer, Christian Heroine, Victim: The Execution of Madame Tiquet, 1699. Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 32 (2010), 120-136.

Rubin, David

*Work in progress: EMF critique to appear in Changing Perspectives: Studies in Honor of John Campbell (Forthcoming 2012).

Stedman, Allison

Rococo Fiction in the Age of Louis XIV (1650-1715), Seditious Frivolity. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press (Forthcoming 2012).

Intro., Ed. and Trans. with Perry Gethner. A Trip to the Country, by Henriette-Julie de Castelnau, Comtesse de Murat. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2011.

Trans. ’The Savage’ by Henriette-Julie de Castelnau, Comtesse de Murat. Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Fairy Tales and New Critical Perspectives. Ed. Christine Jones and Jennifer Shaker. Ontario: Broadview (Forthcoming 2012).

Jean Racine, Marie-Jeanne Lhéritier de Villandon, and Charles Perrault: A Revised Triumvirate. Teaching Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century French Women Writers. New York: Modern Language Association, 2011.

Theobald, Catherine

The Princess and the Paradox: Irreconciliable Images in La Princesse de Clèves. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, XXXVII, 72 (2010), 33-44.

Tobin, Ronald

Co-editor with Angus Kennedy: Changing Perspectives: Studies on Racine in Honor of John Campbell. Volume of articles all devoted to Racine. Charlottesville: Rookwood Press (Forthcoming 2012).

*Work in progress: Stage and Off-Stage in Racine's Theater - Hospitality in French Literature of the Seventeenth-Century. - Updated entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica on Jean Racine.

Toczyski, Suzanne

"Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue: Documenting the Culinary in 17th-Century Martinique." Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture 10.1 (Winter 2010), 60-69.

True, Micah

Travel Writing, Ethnography, and the Colony-Centric Voyage of the Jesuit Relations from New France. American Review of Canadian Studies. (Forthcoming 2012).

’Une Hierusalem Bénite de Dieu’: Utopia and Travel in the Jesuit Relations from New France. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature. (Forthcoming 2012).

Work in progress: -Maistre et Escolier: Mission Ethnography and the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Relations from New France. -’Nous Avons Experimenté’: Jacques Cartier and Travel Writing.

Tucker, Holly

Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution. New York: W.W Norton, 2011.

Vuillemin, Jean-Claude

Notes sur l’épistémè foucaldienne, Cahiers Philosophiques. (Forthcoming).

Réflexions sur la réflexivité théâtrale. L’Annuaire théâtral, 45 (2010), 119-35.

Theatrum mundi: l’usage des mirages. Le Magazine Littéraire, 499 (2010), 66-8.

Theatrum mundi: désenchantement et appropriation. Poétique, 158 (2009), 171-96.

Jean de Rotrou,Abraham Bosse, Jean Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin,Jean Racine.In Dictionnaire des philosophes français du XVIIe siècle. Ed. Luc Foisneau. Paris: Classiques Garnier (Forthcoming).

*Work in progress: Epistémè baroque: le mot et la chose.

Welch, Ellen

A Taste for the Foreign: Worldly Knowledge and Literary Pleasure in Early Modern French Fiction. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2011.

Performing a New France, Making Colonial History in Marc Lescarbot’s Théâtre de Neptune (1606). Modern Language Quarterly 72.4 (Forthcoming, December 2011).

Adapting The Liberal Lover’: Mediterranean Commerce, Political Economy, and Theatrical Form under Richelieu. Comparative Drama. Fall 2011.

*Work in progress: Court entertainments as they relate to diplomatic culture and ideas of Europe.

Wilkenstrom, Toby

Law, Conquest and Slavery on the French Stage, 1598-1685. PhD, Columbia University, 2010.

*Work in progress: Law and cross-cultural contact (conquest, slavery) in theatre; early Modern orientalism in theater and captivity narratives.

Woshinsky, Barbara

Imagining Women’s Conventual Spaces in France, 1600-1800. The Cloister Disclosed. Farnham, Surrey and Burlington, Vermont:Ashgate Publishers, 2010.

Is the Ending to your Taste? Dissonant Dénouements and Audience Reception in Molière’s Tartuffe. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, XXXVII, 72 (2010), 27-36.

Tropes at Play: Rhetoric and Concupiscence in Pascal’s Pensées. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature (Forthcoming 2012).

Zaiser, Rainer

Le métarécit dans Le Roman comique de Scarron: l’écriture postmoderne à l’épreuve de l’âge classique. Cahiers de l’Association Internationale des Etudes Françaises 63 (2011), 229-242.

Alexandre le Grand relu à la lumière de Cinna ou la clémence d’Auguste: la question de la magnanimité du souverain chez Racine et Corneille. Changing Perspectives: Studies on Racine in Honor of John Campbell. Ed. Ronald W. Tobin and Angus Kennedy. Charlottesville: Rookwood Press (Forthcoming 2012).

La rhétorique de l’harmonie discordante: La théorie de la pointe dans les traités poétiques du XVIIe siècle. Concordia Discors. Choix de communications présentées lors du 41ème colloque annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Ed. Benot Bolduc et Henriette Goldwyn. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2011. Vol. 2, 45-53.

Die Diskursivierung der Ethik der Selbstsorge im Theater der französischen Klassik: Racines Bérénice und Corneilles Tite et Bérénice. Politik Ethik Poetik. Diskurse und Medien frühneuzeitlichen Wissens. Ed. Thorsten Burkard, Markus Hundt, Steffen Martus, Claus-Michael Ort. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011: 43-55.

Autour de quelques méthodes de la recherche dix-septièmiste en Allemagne: le style de Spitzer, la mimésis d’Auerbach et l’anthropologie négative de Stierle. XVIIème siècle (Forthcoming 2012).

Ed. Nicolas Boileau (1636-1711), diversité et rayonnement de son Œuvre. Papers on French Seventeenth-Century French Literature, Biblio 17. Œuvres et Critiques, XXXVII, 1 (2012).

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