French 17 FRENCH 17

2010 Number 58


Long-time readers of French 17 will note this issue's slightly changed appearance. The typespace and layout spacing have been reduced, allowing us to conserve valuable natural resources (paper for printing, fuel for shipping.) We hope that we have been able to balance environmental concerns and reader comfort.

French 17 seeks to provide an annual survey of the work done each year in the general area of seventeenth-century French studies. It is as descriptive and complete as possible and includes summaries of articles, books, and book reviews. An item may be included in several numbers should a review of that item appear in subsequent years. French 17 lists not only works dealing with literary history and criticism, but also those which treat bibliography, linguistics and language, politics, society, the arts, philosophy, science and religion. In order to be as complete as possible, the editor warmly encourages scholars to provide information about their published research.

Stephen A. Shapiro, Editor



Part I Bibliography, Linguistics and History of the Book
Part II Artistic, Political and Social Background
Part III Philosophy, Science and Religion
Part IV Literary History and Criticism
Part V Authors and Personages
Part VI Research in Progress


The following list is internally alphabetical. Where no abbreviation is given, titles are alphabetized as if abbreviated. All abbreviations are those of the Modern Language Association.

By the good will and hard work of the contributing editors of French 17, all recent issues of journals marked with an asterisk should be covered in this issue or in a recent or forthcoming issue. Scholars who publish in journals that are not marked with an asterisk should consider sending an offprint to the editor to insure coverage.

AION-SR Annali Instituto Universitario Orientale — Sezione Romanza*
AJFS Australian Journal of French Studies*
ALM Archives des Lettres Modernes
AnBret Annales de Bretagne
  Annales de l’Est
  Annales de l’Institut de Philosophie
Annales-ESC Annales-Economie, Société-Culture
Archiv Archiv für das Studium der Neveren Sprachen und Literaruren*
ArsL Ars Lyrica
  Art in America*
AUMLA Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language and Literature Association
BB Bulletin du Bibliophile
BCLF Bulletin Critique du Livre Français*
BILEUG Bolletino dell’Instituto de Lingue Esters (Genoa)
BJA British Journal of Aesthetics
BFR Bibliothèque Française et Romane*
BHR Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance*
BRMMLA Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature
BSHPF Bulletin de la Société Historique du Protestantisme Français
  Bulletin de la Bibliothèque Nationale
  Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin
  Bulletin de la Société d’Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe
  Bulletin de la Société de l’Histoire de l’Art Français*
  Bulletin de la Société de l’Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Bulletin de la Société Scientifique et Littéraire des Alpes-de-Haute Provence
  Bulletin Historique et Scientifique de l’Auvergne
  Burlington Magazine*
CRB Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud-Jean-Louis Barrault*
  Cahiers du Chemin
  Cahiers Saint-Simon
CAEIF Cahiers de l’Association International des Etudes Françaises*
CAT Cahiers d’Analyse Textuelle
CdDS Cahiers du Dix-Septième*
CHR Catholic History Review
Chum Computers and the Humanities
CIR17 Centre International de Rencontres sur le Dix-Septième Siècle
CL Comparative Literature*
ClassQ Classical Quarterly*
CLDSS Cahiers de Littérature du Dix-Septième Siècle*
CLS Comparative Literature Studies
CM Cahiers Maynard*
CMLR Canadian Modern Language Review*
CMR17 Centre Méridional de Recherche sur le Dix-Septième Siècle
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
  Collectanea Cisterciensia
CollG Colloquia Germanica*
CompD Comparative Drama*
CQ Cambridge Quarterly
CritI Critical Inquiry*
CTH Cahiers Tristan l’Hermite*
CUP Cambridge University Press
DAI Dissertation Abstracts International*
DFS Dalhousie French Studies
DownR Downside Review*
DSS Dix-Septième Siècle*
ECL Etudes Classiques*
ECr Esprit Créateur*
ECS Eighteenth Century Studies
EF Etudes Françaises*
EFL Essays in French Literature*
ELR English Literary Renaissance*
ELWIU Essays in Literature (Western Illinois)
EMF Studies in Early Modern France*
EP Etudes Philosophiques*
  Le Fablier*
FCS French Colonial Studies*
FHS French Historical Studies*
FL Figaro Littérature
FLS French Literature Series (University of South Carolina) *
FM Le Français Moderne
FMLS Forum for Modern Language Studies*
FR French Review*
Francia Periodico di Cultura Francese
FrF French Forum*
FS French Studies*
GAR The Georgia Review
GBA Gazette des Beaux-Arts
GCFI Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana
GRM Germanisch-romanisch Monatsschrift*
  History Today
HZ Historische Zeitschrift*
IL Information Littéraire*
JAAC Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism*
JES Journal of European Studies*
JHI Journal of the History of Ideas*
  Journal de la Société des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Journal des Savants
  Kentucky Romance Quarterly ~ see Romance Quarterly
L&M Literature and Medicine
LA Linguistica Antverpiensia
LangS Language Science
  Le Point*
  Les Livres
LetN Lettres Nouvelles
LFr Langue Française*
LI Lettere Italiane*
  Library Quarterly*
  Littératures Classiques*
LR Lettres Romanes*
LWU Literature in Wissenschaft Und Unterricht
M&C Memory and Cognition*
M&T Marvels & Tales
  Magazine Littéraire
MD Modern Drama*
  Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Mémoires de la Société de l’Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Mémoires de la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Bretagne
MHRA Modern Humanities Research Association
MLJ Modern Language Journal*
MLN Modern Language Notes*
MLQ Modern Language Quarterly*
MLR Modern Language Review*
MLS Modern Language Studies*
MP Modern Philology*
MusQ Musical Quarterly
NCSRLL North Carolina Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
Neophil Neophilologus*
  New Literary Criticism*
  New Republic*
NFS Nottingham French Studies
NL Nouvelles Littéraires*
NLH New Literary History*
  Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse
NRF Nouvelle Revue Française*
NYRB New York Review of Books
NYT New York Times*
NYTSBR New York Times Sunday Book Review*
OeC Œuvres et Critiques*
OL Orbis Litterarum*
P&L Philosophy and Literature*
P&R Philosophy and Rhetoric
PFSCL Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature*
  Philosophisches Jahrbuch
PhQ Philosophical Quarterly*
PMLA Publication of the Modern Language Association of America
PQ Philological Quarterly*
PRF Publications Romaines et Françaises
PUF Presses Universitaires de France
PUG Publications de L’Université de Grenoble
QL Quinzaine Littéraire*
RBPH Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire*
RdF Rivista di Filosofia (Torino)
RDM Revue des Deux Mondes*
RdS Revue de Synthèse*
RE Revue d’Esthétique
Ren&R Renaisssance and Reformation/ Renaissance et Réforme
RenQ Renaissance Quarterly*
  Revue d’Alsace
  Revue de l’Angenais
  Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuse
  Revue du Louvre
  Revue du Nord
RevR Revue Romaine*
  Revue Savoisienne
RF Romanische Forschungen*
RFHL Revue Française d’Histoire du Livre*
RFNS Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
RG Revue Générale*
RHE Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique
RHEF Revue de l’Histoire de l’Eglise de France*
Rhist Revue Historique
RHL Revue d’Histoire Littéraire de France*
RHMC Revue d’Histoire Moderne Contemporaine
RHS Revue d’Histoire de la Spiritualité*
RHSA Revue d’Histoire des Sciences et de Leurs Applications*
RHT Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre*
RIPh Revue Internationale de Philosophie
  Rivista di Storia e Litterature Religiosa
RJ Romanistiches Jahrbuch*
RLC Revue de Littérature Comparée*
RLM Revue des Lettres Modernes*
RLR Revue des Langues Romanes*
RMM Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale*
RMS Renaissance and Modern Studies*
RomN Romance Notes*
RPac Revue de Pacifique
RPFE Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger*
RPh Romance Philology*
RQ Romance Quarterly (formerly Kentucky Romance Quarterly)*
RPL Revue Philosophique de Louvain*
RR Romanic Review*
RSH Revue des Sciences Humaines*
RSPT Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques
Saggi Saggi e Richerche di Letterature Francese
SATOR Société d’Analyse de la Topique Romanesque
SC The Seventeenth Century*
SCFS Seventeenth Century French Studies
SCN Seventeenth Century News*
SEDES Société d’Edition et d’Enseignement Supérieur
SFIS Stanford French and Italian Studies
SFr Studi Francese*
SFR Stanford French Review
SFrL Studies in French Literature*
SN Studia Neophilologica
SoAR South Atlantic Review*
SP Studies in Philology*
SPM Spicilegio Moderno: Saggi e Ricerche di Letterature e Lingue Straniere
STFM Société des Textes Français Modernes
  Studia Leibnitiana
  Studi di Litteratura Francese
SVEC Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century
SYM Symposium*
TDR TDR — The Drama Review*
TheatreS Theatre Studies*
THES [London] Times Higher Education Supplement*
ThR Theatre Research International*
ThS Theatre Survey
TJ Theatre Journal*
TL Travaux de Littérature Publiés par ADIREL*
TLS [London] Times Literary Supplement*
TM Temps Modernes*
TraLit Travaux de Littérature
TSRLL Tulane Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
UTQ University of Toronto Quarterly*
VQR Virginia Quarterly Review*
WLT World Literature Today*
YFS Yale French Studies*
  Yale Review*
YWMLS Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies*
ZFSL Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur
  Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
ZRP Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie*


ARZOUMANOV, ANNA. La Censure des libelles diffamatoires à clef. PFSCL 36.71 (2009) 395—408

Examines how the notion of defamation becomes increasingly nuanced from the end of the seventeenth century onwards, and how des lectures à clef come to play a central role in the censorship of defamatory pamphlets in the eighteenth century.

ASSAF, FRANCIS. Lexicologie de la nourriture au XVIIe siècle. PFSCL 37.72 (2010),205—226.

Analyzes diverse entries concerning food in the dictionaries of Richelet(1680), Rochefort(1685), Furetière(1690)and the Académie française(1694), using the dictionaires as a possible "miroir sociolinguistique, même átho-linguistique."

BERNARD, MATHILDE. L'histoire sous le manteau: les stratégies éditoriales des historiens protestants pendant les guerres de religion. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 409—424

Examines the different publication strategies(and their varying degrees of success) adopted by Protestant historians publishing in France and abroad(chiefly Geneva).Attention is also given to the issue of the circulation of these works in France.

BURY, EMMANUEL. "Lire les historiens italiens à l'époque de Louis XIII: La Leçon des traductions françaises". DSS 246 (2010), 55—68

"Notre propos visera à mettre en lumière certains aspects de la fortune de ces historiens d'outre-monts dans la culture française de l'époque de Louis XIII, en nous attachant tout particulièrement au travail de traduction dont ils ont pu faire l'objet durant cette période [. . .] Il s'agira donc d'essayer de comprendre pourquoi ces historiens avaient suffisamment d'actualité dans l'esprit du public français des années 1610—1640 pour mériter les éditions et rééditions de leurs versions françaises, parfois en de prestigieux in-folio, mais aussi en de maniables in-12, ce qui fait pressentir aussi des pratiques de lecture différentes."

CATTEEUW, LAURIE.Censure, raison d'état et libelles diffamatoires à l'époque de Richelieu. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 363—375

Examines the relationship between censorship and reason of state under Richelieu.

CHARTON, FABRICE. Censure(s)à l'Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres de la seconde moitié du XVIIe au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 377—394

Examines the institutionalization of censorship through the Petite Académie(founded by Cilbert in 1663), later Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, and its mechanisms of auto-censorship.

CHEREAU, OLIVIER. Le Jargon ou langage de l'argot reformé—Edition critique annotée et commentée à partir des editions lyonnaises complètes(1630, 1632, 1634). Ed. Denis Delaplace. Paris: Champion, 2008.

Review: K. Klingebiel in FR 83 (2010) 689—900. A critical edition of a 17th-century work on beggars' and thieves' jargon. Written by a merchant man of letters, Le Jargon draws heavily on Pechon de Ruby's Vie généreuse des mercelots, which likewise describes a kind of social underworld with its own language. Delaplace's edition is meticulously annotated and corrected, and tries to sort through "what Chereau is likely to have heard, as opposed to what he may have invented."(689)

CONSIDINE, JOHN. Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008

Review:I. Lancashire in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 274—276. Highly appreciative review praises C.'s "richly detailed argument" for the early modern transformation of wordbooks for clerics into "a new genre of imaginative literature that recorded and monitored the growth of both classical and vernacular languages"(274). C.'s work is found fascinating as it "narrates a . . . gossipy scholarly story of a score of Renaissance entrepreneur-heroes who used lexicons to save heritage and culture"(274). Not only does the reader of C.'s work gain a detailed understanding of the Herculean efforts of lexicographers or "thesaurographers"(274), but also a picture of their lives and their conviction "that they constructed miniature worlds."(275)

CUMMINGS, ROBERT. "Recent Studies in English Translation, c. 1590-c. 1660: Part 2: Translations from Vernacular Languages," ELR 39.3 (2009), 586—615

Important for both the theory and the practice of translation in the early modern, C.'s bibliographic essay continues and complements his previous essays in the ELR(2007 and 2009), the latter focusing on translations into English from Greek and Latin. C.'s essay here is wide-ranging, discussing entries from political and social treatises to modern articles which contain useful bibliographies. The French section includes Elizabeth Woodrough's essay of 1985(in Alain Niderst's edited Pierre Corneille)which "demonstrates the vigor of Corneille's reputation outside of France." Several references are devoted to women writers and translations such as Michel Adam's 1985 study of Katherine Philips as translator of Corneille (590). The emblematic tradition has its own section featuring later 16th and early 17th c. editions such as the 1619 polyglot edition of Georgette de Montenay, analyzed by Alison Adams in her 2003 Webs of Allusion. The section on religious prose includes several important entries on translations of François de Sales and Pierre du Moulin, among others. The section on prose fiction includes entries on Jean-Pierre Camus, Sorel and the Scudérys. C. signals for special mention the late William Roberts's account of Saint-Amant's translations in Horizons européens de la littérature français au XVIIe siècle. . . , eds. Wolfgang Leiner and Roger Duchêne(1988), complimenting Roberts's attention "to matters of form"(599). After sections on other countries and cultures, a final section resumes the state of criticism and observes that "the history of translation continues to contribute to the stylistic history of English literature, and the scholarly environment generally has become friendlier to the study of translation"(614).

CRAYON, CELINE. "Beyond Words: Nonverbal Communication, Performance, and Acculturation in the Early French-Indian Atlantic"(1500-1701). DAI 72/01 (2010).

Studies the significance of non-speech communication for mutual acculturation and colonial power dynamics across the Americas in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Wants to refine our understanding of its importance through a comparative approach, and focuses on a wide range of French explorers, missionaries, colonial officials, mariners, soldiers, and settlers.

DAHMEN, WOLFGANG, GÜNTER HOLTUS, JOHANNES KRAMER, MICHAEL METZELTIN, WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD and OTTO WINKELMANN, eds. Was kann eine vergleichende romanische Sprachwissenschaft heute(noch)leisten? Romanistisches Kolloquium XX. Tübingen: Narr, 2006.

Review:H. Stammerjohann in RF 121 (2009) 56—62. Collection of essays resulting from a June 2004 colloquium in Göttingen. Questions such as the meaning and potential of transdisciplinarity for comparative Romance Linguistics are examined. Reference is made to Alain Rey's 2007 L'Amour du français; the present volume offers several pertinent case studies. Max Pfister argues for a new REW and for lexicology as a useful field of research for comparative Romance Linguistics. Other studies point to the usefulness of cognition theory and sociolinguistics among other areas.

DÜRRENMATT, J. ed. La note d'autorité. Aperçus historiques(XVIe –XVIIe siècles). Littératures Classiques 64, printemps 2008.

Review:D. Dalla Vallein S Fr 157 (2009): 160—161 and S Fr 158 (2009): 385—386. Focusing on the paratexte and, in particular, the note, the 10 articles of LC 64 respond to a series of questions regarding authority, 17th c. specialists will find four articles of particular interest including one of religious poetry and another on history. An introduction and bibliography by the editor, essays on 16th c. and 18th c. fill out the valuable issue.

ECKERT, GEORG and GERRIT WALTHER. "Die Geschichte der Frühneuzeitforschung in der Historischen Zeitschrift 1859-2009". HZ 289.1 (2009) 149—198

Focusing on the history of Early Modern research in HZ over the years, this essay takes the reader through different emphases of the periodical and of its editors as it remained true to its a-political stance. Topics and perspectives such as the following are discussed: foreign policy and source criticism, Protestant national history, history of ideas, integrative influences, philosophy, art history, religion, society, etc. During the Cold War period, for example, articles on Sully and Richelieu were particularly pertinent(184), as were others on Louis XIV and Fénelon(185). Richly documented.

FOLLIARD, MELAINE. « Plus on presse mon mal, plus il fuit au dedans... »: L'auteur, figure de la censure dans la première réception de l'œuvre imprimée de Théophile de Viau(1619-1626). PFSCL 36.71 (2009),425—443.

Examines the question: 'L'auteur est-il une victime passive de la censure? En quoi est-il au contraire le ferment,l'acteur, voire le bénéficiaire?' Proposes two angles: an analysis of the 'rôle crucial qu'occupe la figure de l'auteur dans l'organisation de l'événement censorial des Œuvres de Théophile', and of the ways in which 'la censure de la figure auctoriale devient un principe d'écriture'.

GALL, LOTHAR. "150 Jahre Historische Zeitschrift". HZ 289.1 (2009):1—23.

This wide-ranging introductory essay offers a remarkable overview of 150 years of publication of the periodical and its various head editors.Both footnotes and text give an idea of the subjects covered and various emphases, as do the remaining articles in the issue. Richly documented.

HAFNER, JOCHEN. Ferdinand Brunot und die nationalphilologische Tradition des Sprachgeschichtsschreibung in Frankreich. Tübingen: Narr, 2006.

Review:J. Lüdtke in RF 121 (2009) 537—539. Part of the larger Munich research project on national philological traditions, H.'s volume fills an important lacuna. Wide-ranging examination from the Chanson de Roland to Colonialism and beyond, H. makes clear B.'s importance for an understanding of French national identity as for language. Unusually rich bibliography.

HAROCHE-BOUZINAC, GENEVIEVE, ed.. Editer les correspondances. Epistolaire. Revue de l'AIRE," no. 33. Paris: Champion, 2007.

Review:Bonserio, O. in S Fr 159 (2009): 685—686.. Although not specifically devoted to 17th c. correspondences, this issue would be highly useful to anyone contemplating an edition of such. Editorial techniques and methodologies are examined (non-literary as well, for example, the correspondence of musicians), electronic editions, the letter as a testimony to friendship, the epistolary film—these are only a few of the subjects undertaken in this diverse and welcome volume. Includes reviews of other works on the subject and an exhaustive bibliography of the annual publications on the theme.

JOURDE, MICHEL and MONFERRAN, JEAN-CHARLES. Le Lexique métalittéraire français(XVIe-XVIIe siècles). Geneva: Droz, 2006.

Review: Viala, A. in FS 64.2 (2010), 205.. A collection of twelve essays(and an index of 250 terms)that trace the creation of a specialized poetic and critical vocabulary in the Renaissance and Classical periods. "Un tel effort pour construire les catégories endogènes de la pensée – après un temps où, dans la vogue structuraliste, la critique a souvent privilégié l'emploi de néologismes dans l'espoir d'établir des cadres de description stables plutôt que d'envisager les variations des terminologies et donc des façons de penser, voire leurs concurrences et conflits – est une entreprise utile, nécessaire et salubre."

LEVESQUE, MATHILDE. Du manuscrit à l'édition: Formes linguistiques de l'autocorrection dans les Lettres de Cyrano de Bergerac. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 475—491.

Examines the modifications made by Cyrano to his Lettres(first published in 1654), and the context for those modifications.

MAIELLE, GISELLA, ed, with preface by SERGIO CIGADA. Il dialogo come technica linguistica e struttura letteraria. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2008

Review: G. Bosco in S Fr 157 (2009) 223—224. These acts of the November 2006 international conference of SUSLLF(Società Universitaria per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Francese), held in Salerno/Amalfi, have the dual focus expressed in the title of the volume and are organized into four sections: Premesse(studies on the dialogue as object of linguistic analysis, theoretical and practical aspects); The Literary Tradition(examinations of various examples such as narrative, romance, rewriting); Cultural Structures(studies include autobiography and vulgarization of science); Extraliterary Typologies(analyses treat film, conversation, etc.). Although not squarely in 17th c., the volume contains valuable theoretical perspectives.

MECKING, VOLKER. "Madame de Villedieu: glanures lexicales(Manlius, 1662)" In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 131—144.

Offers an overview of Villedieu's vocabulary in Manlius, deeming it on the whole conventional, refined, and typical of pre-Classical French. Also discusses archaic and rare words and Italian-inspired usage.

MESSAOUDI, ABDERHAMAN. Voltaire et la censure en France. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 445—457.

Analyzes firstly 'l'existence d'une certaine atmosphère de contrôle, de contraintes, et d'interdits' of Voltaire's time; secondly, the influence of this on the circulation of the author's ideas; and finally the ways in which Voltaire's voice was nonetheless heard.

MOLINE, ESTELLE. "'Vous savez comment j'ai résisté depuis Gand.' Scalarité et interprétation de 'comme P' argument de 'savoir'(XVIIe-XXe siècles)". LF 165 (2010), 53—68.

Traces evolution of "the interpretation of 'comme P'('how S')in argumental position related to savoir" and how this expression went from having an interrogative to an exclamatory function.

NICKLAS, THOMAS and MATTHIAS SCHNETTGER, eds. Politik und Sprache im frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Mainz: von Zabern, 2007.

Review: R. Seidel in HZ 288.1 (2009): 212—213. Collection of eleven studies on the relation of politics and language in the Early Modern includes one on the French crown. Centralizing tendencies and state building are the focus of an essay on the langue d'oc in southern France. Based on solidly researched source materials.

RIFFAUD, ALAIN. La Ponctuation du théâtre imprimé au XVIIe siècle.(Geneva: Droz, 2007)

Review: Howe, A. in FS 64.1 (2010), 85—86. Riffaud challenges the long-held belief that the original seventeenth-century punctuation of printed theatrical texts served to guide declamation and performance. His examination of numerous texts and variant editions, guided by careful attention to considerations of material bibliography and printing practices, shows that playwrights were largely indifferent to punctuation practice which was largely controlled by the printers themselves. "Clearly written and liberally illustrated by helpful facsimile extracts, this is a work which future scholars preparing 'scientific' editions of seventeenth-century plays cannot afford to ignore – even though the advice proffered in the concluding chapter, regarding the criteria by which decisions should be made about the retention, modification or modernization of the original punctuation, will make the editorial task appear more daunting."
Review: J. Dürrenmatt in DSS 247 (2010), 364—365. The author's work "constitue une passionnante contribution tant à l'histoire de la ponctuation qu'à celle du livre ou de théâtre. Il revient, dans un premier temps, sur la querelle qui oppose depuis longtemps partisans et adversaires de la modernisation de la ponctuation dans les éditions savantes des textes anciens, débat parfois enflammé qui a trouvé, depuis une vingtaine d'années, dans le théâtre du XVIIe siècle un lieu privilégié, sous l'impulsion notamment d'Eugène Green et de Georges Forestier."

SCHOLAR, RICHARD. The Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi in Early Modern Europe: Encounters with a Certain Something. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005

Review:Anon in FMLS 45.2 (2009), 232. Fascinating and rigorous word history also analyzes the expression's use in philosophical debates. Case studies range from Pascal to several poets and Dominique de Bouhours's treatise, the latter in a discussion of politesse.

STAMMERJOHANN, HARRO, ed. Lexicon grammaticorum. A Bio-Bibliographical Companion to the History of Linguistics. Tübingen: Niemeyer. Second Edition, revised and enlarged, 2009. 2 vols.

Review: F. Lebsanft in RF 121 (2009): 566—568. This authoritative and highly collaborative volume is organized into sections on biography, analyses of works and bibliography. L. is careful to point out both positives and negatives in the review; he would have appreciated a filler representation of Romance Linguistics perspectives, for example.

STEHL, THOMAS, ed. Unsichtbare Hand und Sprecherwahl. Typologie und Prozesse des Sprachwandels in der Romania. Tübingen: Narr, 2005

Review: F. S. Miret in RF 121 (2009): 568—570. Bringing together the papers of a Munster colloque, the volume is organized in sections on types of linguistic change and concrete processes of change in the Romance languages. French scholars will particularly appreciate Andreas Wesch's comparative essay on Spanish and French and Hildegard Klöden's on French prepositions from the 17th c. to today.

TEYSAANDIER, BERNARD. Gabriel Naudé: Avis pour dresser une bibliothèque. Paris: Klincksieck, 2008

Review: Fruet, R. in FS 64.3 (2010), 343—344. This volume presents a facsimile of the 1644 edition accompanied by a modern French transcription on the facing page that includes notes on syntax, vocabulary, translations from the Latin, contextual information and bibliographical citations. The introduction is wide-ranging, treating the Advis as well as Naudé's work as Mazarin's librarian. "The concise Introduction and erudite system of notes address a specialist audience."

TURNOVSKY, GEOFFREY. The Literary Market. U of Pennsylvania P, 2010

Review:D. Coward in TLS 5597 (July 9 2010) 3—4.. Work mainly on the eighteenth-century, but argues that writers in seventeenth-century France viewed patronage as a means to autonomy. Patronage "cancelled the seventeenth-century writer's status as a household servant and gave him his entrée to the exalted company of honnêtes hommes"(Coward).Social education considered more important than publishing.
Review:H. Bahri in CHOICE 47 (2010), 2107—08 In examining the evolution of authorship in 17th- and 18th-century France, Turnovsky considers how authors' "stylized images of their experiences" became more important than the content of their art, and how they used distance from their protectors, a constructed "outsider" status, and other gestures to achieve an image as honnêtes hommes de lettres. Recommended by the reviewer.

VIALA, ALAIN. De la censure comme capillarité. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 333—346.

Provides an analytical mise en perspective of early modern censorship, highlighting its diverse meanings, its multiplicity, its instability.

WILSON, PETER. The Thirty Years War: Europe's tragedy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP(Belknap),2009

Review: P. Wallace in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1558. "Wilson's monumental study captures both the complexities of the political and military transformations and the level of brutality that the endemic struggles unleashed"(1558). Addresses existing historiographical debates and convincingly argues for reassessment of several. Devotes equal space to events before and after 1635. Includes illustrations, maps, a detailed index, etc.

WOLF, HUBERT. Index. Der Vatikan und die verbotenen Bücher. München: Beck, 2008

Review:H. H. Schwedt in HZ 289.2 (2009) 396—398. Welcome, wide-ranging history of the Roman Index from the 16th c. to the end of the second Vatican Council add to other recent research such as that of V. Frajese, La Nascita dell'Indice (Brescia, 2006). Important both for practices of writing as for the history of printing and publishing.


ALSTEENS, STIJN AND HANS BUIJS, WITH VÉRONIQUE MATHOT. Paysages de France dessinés par Lambert Doomer et les artistes hollandais et flamands des XVIe et XVIIe siécles. Paris: Fondation Custodia,2008

Review:Erik Spaans in Burlington 1278 (2009), 623—24. Judging by the reviewer's praise, this book goes far beyond a study of landscapes by the artists mentioned in the title. It also includes a travel diary by one of the artists, translated into French, as well as historical and geographical background. In spite of the book's many qualities, Spaans does lament the omission of Bordeaux and what he views as too little attention paid to Lyon, as well as the possibility that some Dutch artists working in France may have been overlooked.

AUMÜLLER, GERHARD, KORNELIA GRUNDMANN and CHRISTINA VANJA, eds. Der Dienst am Kranken. Krankenversorgung zwischen Caritas, Medizin und Ökonomie vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Geschichte und Entwicklung der Krankenversorgung im sozioökonomischen Wandel. Marburg: Elwert, 2007

Review:O. Auge in HZ 289.3 (2009): 711—712.Based largely on contributions to a journée d'études from March 2007 in Marburg, the volume is international and transdisciplinary in scope. Organization is chronological. 17th c. scholars will especially appreciate sections on the social politics of the Renaissance hospital and on the development of the modern hospital as it related to Christian charity. Valuable overview of the subject.

BANDRY-SCUBBI, ANNE, ed.Éducation—Culture—Littérature, "Universités/ Domaine littéraore" série de l'U de Haute-Alsace, Institut de Recherches en langues et littératures européennes, Horizons. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2008

Review:G. Bosco in S Fr 159 (2009):688—689. Highly diverse examination of European literary identity offers reflexions on subjects from the education of protagonists of novels, oral interrogation, biblical imprint, tolerance, and the emblem, among others. One essay is on the 17th c. memorialist Nicolas Goulas: "Les années d'apprentissage dans les Mémoires de Nicolas Goulas," by Mariette Cuénin-Lieber.

BARBICHE, BERNARD. Bulla, Legatus, Nuntius. Études de diplomatique et de diplomatie pontificales(XIIIe-XVIIe siècle). Avec la collaboration de SÉGOLÈNE DE DAINVILLE-BARBICHE. Mémoires et documents de l'École des Chartes,85). Paris: école des Chartes, 2007

Review:M. Schnettger in HZ 288.1 (2009):159—161.This volume of 25 articles from 1962-2002 by the leading specialist of papal history spans a long time period, from the 13th to the early 18th c. Organized chronologically, the volume is highly useful for its valuable research on numerous aspects of papal diplomacy.

BEAM, SARA. Laughing Matters. Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2007

Review:K. Malettke in HZ 289.2 (2009): 473—475. Based on impressive archival research in Paris, Rouen, Dijon, Bordeaux and Toulouse as well as on secondary sources, in particular those relating to the theatre from the early 16thc.-mid 17th c. Judged original, interesting and stimulating to the general public as well as the scholar.

BEIK, WILLIAM. A social and cultural history of early modern France. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009

Review:D. Baxter in CHOICE 47 (2009),758."An excellent introduction to the period," this book addresses social groups of the era and the beliefs and practices in which they engaged. Balancing Paris and the provinces, elites and non-elites, it also avoids static description.

BERGIN, JOSEPH. Church, society and religious change in France, 1580-1730. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2009

Review: J. Harrie in CHOICE 47 (2010), 2001—2. A study of religious change in France's long 17th century."Bergin finds that the French church proved highly innovative. . .in part because it was free of the constraints that the Tridentine reform agenda placed on other parts of Europe and was energized by the ongoing problem of the French Protestants and the development of the rigorous Augustinianism of the Jansenists. The result was a religious culture that,like its political and artistic counterparts, proved attractive to Catholics in other parts of Europe and influential in reshaping religious reform beyond French borders"(2002).

BIRBERICK, A. L., ed. The Art of Instruction: Essays on Pedagogy and Literature in 17th-Century France. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008

Review: Genieys-Kirk, S. in FS 64.1 (2010), 86. This collection of essays shows the variety of ways that a broad spectrum of genres sought to realize pedagogical goals. Major themes addressed include the role played by fiction in creating a modern reading public, theater and performance as pedagogical genres, and royal pedagogy. "Reprenant ainsi une thématique importante du paysage socio-culturel et politique du dix-septième siècle, soit l'émergence des théories et pratiques pédagogiques, ce volume collectif propose de nouveaux angles d'analyse par lesquels les auteurs revisitent l'idéal horatien selon lequel toute oeuvre doit allier l'utile è l'agréable."
Review:Lise Leibacher-Ouvrard in Fr F 34.1 (2009) 113—115. Appreciative review of B.'s edited collection which demonstrates the importance and variety of instruction in the broad sense. Nine studies analyze the interaction between esthetics and pedagogical projects. Although diverse and wide-ranging in perspectives(including pedagogy as social constraint, active education of the reader, didactic strategies in theatre, marriage manuals, emblematic poetry as a "miroir du prince," among others), the essays reveal a thematic and strategic continuity.

BLANCHARD, JEAN-VINCENT. Claude-François Ménestrier and the "Querelle des Monuments". PFSCL 36.71 (2009),507—514.

Examines the controversy surrounding the Parisian monuments erected in honour of Louis XIV in the last two decades of the seventeenth century in the light of the wider context of the querelle des Anciens et des Modernes.

BLICKLE, PETER. Das Alte Europa. Vom Hochmittelalter bis zur Moderne. München: Beck, 2008

Review: W. Schmale in HZ 288.2 (2009) 409—410.Wide-ranging examination focusing on peace, order and freedom.

BÖHM, ROSWITHA; GREWE, ANDREA; ZIMMERMANN, MARGARETE. "Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain: bilan d'une rencontre." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 7—22.

Begins with an overview of several recent films relative to 17th-century France, and then discuss the reception history of the Grand siècle in film. Explains that the contributions in the present volume focus on various films from the 1990s set in 17th-century France, and that volume's guiding question is how these cinematic representations of the are another way to think about the present. Concludes with further reflections on the French seventeenth century in film and how the films themselves come to be lieux de mémoire.

BÖHM, ROSWITHA. "Entre théâtre et film: Molière(1978)d'Ariane Mnouchkine." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009 83—101

The author provides some background on Mnouchkine, the Théâtre du Soleil, before summarizing the varied critical reactions to the film Molière. She then turns to recurring "scènes-miroir" within the film, such as the fête populaire and the fête royale before focusing on a close reading of the theatricality of the first part of the film, especially chapter 9.

BRINK, MARGOT. "Interprétations cinématographiques de la Princesse de Clèves: du 'cadavre exquis' á l'héroïne d'une nouvelle éthique" In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179 Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009 113—125.

Analyzes two different cinematic representations of Mme de Clèves' renunciation of the world, that found in Delannoy's 1961 film La Princesse de Clèves and that found in Manoel de Oliveira's 1999 film La Lettre. Finds that the former rewrites the novel's ending because it is, paradoxically, too modern in its conception of an independent space for a woman alone. De Oliveira's film, although a modernization, contains echoes of 17th-century morality in its exploration of Mme de Clèves' decision to pursue humanitarian work.

BROAD, JACQUELINE and KAREN GREEN. A History of Women's Political Thought in Europe, 1400-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009

Review:M. L. King in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1246—1248. Although particularly praiseworthy for its 17th c. contributions(2/3 of the whole)which include Madeleine de Scudáry analyzed in framework of the Fronde, the volume nevertheless has significant omissions given the claim of its title. The review is written by a scholar whose work is either chastised or neglected in the B. and G. monograph.

BROSENS, KOENRAAD. European Tapestries in the Art Institute of Chicago. New Haven: Yale UP, 2008

Review:D. Wolfthal in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 916—918.In general "thorough and convincing," this remarkable catalogue is richly illustrated with some 300 images and culminates a multi-year project of conservation and an in-house exhibition(916-917). Highly useful to students/scholars of history and art history alike, as tapestries included range from 15th to 19th c. with subjects as varied as their provenance. Stimulating study challenges the vision of tapestry design as static objects, demonstrating, for example, that designs may derive from preexisting cartoons and that strategies are entrepreneurial(917). Includes observations on tapestry production for private customers such as Colbert's establishment of the Gobelins manufactory.

BURY, EMMANUEL. "Le signe versaillais à l'épreuve du film: simple décor ou matrice pour l'imagination?" In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179 Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009 25—33.

The author reminds us how Versailles—the château and the town—have been captured on film since the earliest days of cinema. He analyzes Versailles as a cinematic sign in such films as Sacha Guitry's Si Versailles m'était conté(1953), Patrice Leconte's Ridicule(1996), Gérard Corbiau's Le Roi danse (2000), and Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette.

CARROLL, S.. Blood and Violence in Early Modern France. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006

Review:De Smet, I. in FS 63.2 (2009), 207—208.Carroll offers "a detailed analysis of various contexts(family feuds; hereditary questions; adultery, seductions and rape; religious conflict; and the exercise of authority)in which aggression and bloodshed took place, from their inception to their escalation and resolution; he studies its mechanisms and judiciary treatment, and the degrees to which violence was accepted or deemed acceptable." The author's focus on the mechanisms of vengeance distinguishes this work which has much to offer both historians and literary scholars.

COHEN, GARY B. and FRANZ A. J. SZABO, eds. Embodiments of Power. Building Baroque Cities in Europe. New York: Berghahn, 2008

Review:D. Erben in HZ 289.3 (2009): 775—777.Although the focus of this particular collection is Central and South Europe, the essays offer enlightening methodological insights valuable for the whole of European studies on city building(on aesthetics, institutions, renovations, etc.)

COHEN, SIMONA. Animals as Disguised Symbols in Renaissance Art. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 169. Brill's Studies on Art, Art History and Intellectual History 2. Leiden: Brill, 2008

Review:E. Campbell in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 912—913.Found both "fascinating" and "erudite," C.'s iconographical study is based on sources from Antiquity through the Renaissance and from bestiaries to albums of emblems and natural histories(912). The reviewer's only caveat is C.'s seeming "quest for a single, hidden meaning"(912), noting the possibility for multiple and shifting meanings depending on many variables such as social practices.

DANIELOU, CATHERINE. « Un concert des cœurs et d'esprits »: l'amitié chez Dauphine de Sartre, marquise de Robiac(1634-1685). PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 71—83.

Examines the concept of friendship in Dauphine de Sartre's Dissertation sur l'amitié and her Recueil de choses morales(both published for the first time in Nancy O'Connor's 2003 edition of Sartre's works),and analyzes its place within the humanist tradition.

DARNTON, ROBERT. The Devil in the Holy Water or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to Napoleon. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010

:ReviewA. Pasco in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1926 A study of libels and their political importance. "This study represents years of research and an enormous amount of material amassed by a superb cultural historian. Though not as well organized as most of his work, it is well written and a delightful read"(1926).

DEITZ, PAULA. Of Gardens: selected essays. U Of Pennsylvania P, 2010

Review:J. Potter in TLS 5611 (Oct 15 2010) 34. Essays drawn from three decades of visiting parks and gardens. Andre Le Nôtre is one of three figures in Deitz' "pantheon of designers."

DENZEL DE TIRADO, HEIDI. "Les biopics des femmes fortes: réécriture biographiste, idéologique ou générique?" In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siécle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 145—159.

Discusses the films Artemisia (1997)and Marquise (1997) as part of a larger genre of biopics featuring women connected to great men, as muses, mothers, lovers, or sisters. Explains how both films take liberties with history in order to portray Artemisia and Marquise not as victims of male violence, but as strong women and as artists.

DERAMAIX, M., P. GALLAND-HALLYN, G. VAGENHEIM, et J. VIGNES, eds. Les Académies dans l'Europe Humaniste, Idéaux et pratiques. Genève: Droz, 2008

Review:M. Furno in BHR 72.1 (2010), 181—184."Ce livre est la matérialisation des actes d'un colloque tenu à Paris en 2003, dont l'axe voulait faire un point sur les Académies modernes, de la fin du XVe siècle au XVIIe siècle en Europe, du Sud et du Nord." Voir la contribution de M. E. Boutroue sur l'académie scientifique et botanique de Bourdelot au XVIIe siècle en France.

DONATI, CLAUDIO and BERNHARD R. KROENER, eds. Militari e società civile nell'Europa dell'età moderna(secoli XVI-XVIII). Bologna: il Mulino, 2007

Review:W. Reinhard in HZ 288.1 (2009): 226—227. Diverse and wide-ranging collection includes studies focusing on numerous countries. One article examines the 1590 siege of Paris.

ERBE, MICHAEL, Frühe Neuzeit. Grundkurs Geschichte. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2007

Review:C. Hirschi in HZ 288.3 (2009) 444—449.Wider-ranging investigation includes sections on demography, politics, culture as well as chronological examinations: the confessional age, 1500-1648/60 and the age of Absolutism and the Enlightenment,1648/59-1789.

FABBRI, NATACHA. De l'utilité de l'harmonie: Filosofia, scienza e musica in Mersenne, Descartes e Galileo. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale 2008

Review:P.J. Boner in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1253—1254. Significant and rich examination which explores 17th c. relations between philosophy, science and music. Judged ground-breaking in its demonstration of close connections between "harmonic conceptions of the cosmos" and "the practical and theoretical aspects of harmonic theory"(1254).

FARAGO, CLAIRE J., ed. Re-reading Leonardo: The Treatise on Painting across Europe, 1550-1900. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009

Review:R. Hatfield in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1263—1264.Twenty authors contribute to this highly informative volume which includes manuscript and printing histories and an "extremely useful bibliography" of printed editions of L.'s Trattato. H. points out omissions, notably on the treatment of the original Trattato, yet judges F.'s edited collection as a "monumental achievement."

FERGUSON, GARY. Queer(Re)Readings in the French Renaissance: Homosexuality, Gender, Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:C. Freccero in Ren Q 62.2 (2009) 504—506. Highly recommended as "rich, informative and lively"(506), F.'s volume is based "on original archival research, manuscript consultation, and the secondary critical work of other Renaissance and sexuality studies scholars—of some well-known and lesser-known French sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts"(504). Important introduction provides both an historical and a theoretical overview of the fields. Index, illustrations, bibliography.

FUMAROLI, MARC. De Rome à Paris. Peinture et Pouvoirs aux XVIIe et XVIIe siècles. Dijon: Editions Faton, 2007

Review:V. Kapp in RF 121 (2009): 87—90. Wide-ranging and important contribution as much for theory as for concrete case studies. Themes include: "le spectateur idéal," "le connaisseur," "savants amateurs," and "intenditore d'arte." Important consideration of Richelieu's negotiations with Rome and his own taste: "Richelieu acquit assez de flair, sinon pour développer un goût de véritable amateur, du moins pour discerner les meilleurs experts, repérer les bons gisements et faire ce qu'il fallait pour prendre rang à son tour dans ce monde de leurres éclatants"(F. 195).17th c. specialists will also appreciate essays on Jesuit apology for religious paintings and, separately, on Poussin. Impressive for its information, original interpretations and the high quality of its illustrations.

GALLUS, ALEXANDER. "'Intellectual History' mit Intellektuellen und ohne sie: Facetten neuerer geistesgeschichtlicher Forschung" HZ 288.1 (2009): 139—151.

Although not focused on 17th c. French history, G.'s essay is useful and wide-ranging from both theoretical perspectives and for the documentation of individual projects of flourishing intellectual history such as early modern politics.

GRASSELLI, MARGARET MORGAN. Renaissance to revolution: French drawings from the National Gallery of Art, 1500-1800, ed. Michelle Piriano. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2009

Review:J. Dabbs in CHOICE 47 (2010),1676. Catalogue for the National Gallery's recent exhibit of French drawings. The catalogue is strongest in 18th-century works. Textual entries are accessible; the volume also contains an introduction by Grasselli, curator of the exhibit.

GREWE, ANDREA. "La prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV(1966)de Roberto Rossellini. Une leçon d'histoire". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179 Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 35—51.

Situates Rossellini's film on Louis XIV in the context of a larger didactic project of films made for television, films that help us know the past in order to understand the present. Concludes that not only does Rossellini anticipate later films' interest in representations of spectacle and in questioning the myth of the "Grand siècle," he explores how both the 17th and 20th century must confront a crisis of values.

HAMPTON, TIMOTHY. Fictions of Embassy: Literature and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2009

Review:D. Biow in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1223—1225. Praiseworthy innovative exploration of the figure of the diplomat and the diplomatic function. Relying on New Historicism, H. examines a variety of test cases and genres. B. may not be entirely convinced by some claims but is highly appreciative of the volume's "impressive breadth and depth."

HARRIS, J. Hidden Agendas: Cross-Dressing in 17th-Century France, Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag (Biblio 17, 156), 2005

Review: Seifert, L. in FS 62.4 (2008), 474—475. Harris deftly bridges the gap between a purely literary approach and a "presentist" approach of contemporary gender theory. His study is "ambitious [. . .] wide-ranging [. . .] and comprehensive," examining theatre, fiction, and memoirs across the seventeenth century. Individual chapters focus on cross-dressing at court, on stage, and in the carnival tradition before focusing on a "transvestite poetics." Harris' conclusions allow for a more nuanced understanding of theorists Judith Butler and Marjorie Garber. An appendix offers a valuable bibliography of "transvestite texts." "An incisive and stimulating book that is now the principal study of cross-dressing in seventeenth-century France."

HASQUIN, HERVE. Louis XIV face à l'Europe du Nord. L'absolutisme vaincu par les libertés. Bruxelles: Editions Racine, 2005

Review:D. Morsa in RBPH 87.2 (2009), 427—434. "En s'abstenant d'initier une analyse systémique, H.Hasquin s'est placé dans l'impossibilité de percer les secrets de l'envoûtante alchimie qui, au XVIIe siècle, dota l'Angleterre et les Provinces-Unies de régimes de gouvernement atypiques, tandis que la France optait pour la voie absolutiste. Elucider cette énigme requérait que l'auteur s'adonne à l'examen serré des liens complexes que tissaient structures sociales, économiques et religieuses, mentalités et culture. Loin de s'atteler á la réalisation d'un tel programme, H. Hasquin s'est cantonné dans une approche factuelle, se bornant à dresser le catalogue des composantes, sans chercher à les organiser ni à démêler leurs rapports fonctionnels." M. conclut: "H. Hasquin nous a principalement proposé une synthèse richement documentée des relations internationales et des épisodes martiaux qui ont scandé l'histoire [sic] l'Europe au XVIIe siècle."

HEADLEY, JOHN M. The Europeanization of the World. On the Origins of Human Rights and Democracy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2008

Review: Stuchtey, B. in HZ 289.2 (2009): 404—405. H.'s book counters that of Dipesh Chakrabarty(2000)on the provincialization of Europe. Rich in perspectives, learned and elegantly written, H.'s volume demonstrates clearly his belief in the tradition of individualistic Anglo-Saxon liberalism.

HEAL, BRIDGET AND OLE PETER GRELL, eds. The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy and People: St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate 2008

Review:A. de Mézerac—Zanetti in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 586—587. The twelve essays that make up this analysis of the Reformation's impact on three areas of society seek to "disenclose" Reformation studies "by offering an approach that is European in scope, confessionally inclusive, and spans a broad timeframe"(586). Highly specialized examinations such as those on biconfessional cities and contests for control are complemented by Luise Schorn-Schütte's "synthetic presentation of the 'new clergies' in Europe"(103—124).

HENDRIX, SCOTT H. and SUSAN C. KARANT-NUNN, eds. Masculinity in the Reformation Era. Kirksville: Truman UP, 2008

Review: E. Bastress-Dukehart in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 587—589. Laudatory review finds this collection "essential reading for anyone studying gender, sexuality, marriage, and family relationships in early modern Europe"(589). 17th c. French scholars will especially appreciate the essays on masculinity and the Reformed tradition in France.

HENKE, ROBERT and ERIC NICHOLSON, eds. Transnational Exchange in Early Modern Theater. Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:F. Cioni in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 1018—1019. The international team Theater Without Borders has here produced "from a performative and stage-centered approach" a multi-faceted collection focusing on "the exchanges that occurred across national and regional borders that demarcated political-linguistic-cultural entities"(H. and N. 1). Includes sections on "Traveling Actors" (for example, the Commedia dell'Arte in France and elsewhere),"Transportable Units"(plot, topoi, etc.),"The Question of the Actress: Moral and Theoretical Transnationalisms" (including the relation between actresses and female theatregoers),"Performing Alterity, Doubled National Identity," and "Performing a Nation: Transregional Exchanges"(1018). Stimulating interpretations are accompanied by illustrations, a useful bibliography and index.

HOURCADE, PHILIPPE. "Mme de Villedieu et le ballet." In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 55—60.

Discusses points of contact between Villedieu and the ballet, specifically, a 1665 fête at Versailles and the writer's own Ballet de Monseigneur le Dauphin envoyé à Monseigneur le duc de Montausier.

HYDE, ELIZABETH. Cultivated Power: Flowers, Culture, and Politics in the Reign of Louis XIV. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2005

Review:Wygant, A. in FS 63.1 (2009), 85. This inter-disciplinary study shows how men appropriated the culturally-coded feminine domain of flowers to create a new "visual vocabulary of taste and refinement" in interior design, painting, and print. The archival research at the heart of this work is admirable and reveals an elaborate network of royal nurseries that responded to a growing demand for and interest in flowers.

Ï JACALL, YURIKO. "Jean Baptiste Vanmour" Burlington 1283 (2010),121—22.

A review of the exhibition "Jean Baptiste Vanmour 1671-1737, Peintre de la Sublime Porte," held at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Valenciennes in 2009. Focuses largely on works produced during the artist's lengthy stay in Constantinople. The reviewer finds that overall, that the catalog produced by Seth Gopin makes a better argument for Vanmour's relevance than the exhibition itself.

JESTAZ, BERTRAND. "Jules Hardouin-Mansart: vie et œuvre". Picard:Paris 2008

Review:Gordon Higgott in Burlington 1288 (2010), 477—79. A comprehensive work devoted to one of France's best-known architects. Explores in particular the issues surrounding the fact that there are few, if any known drawings of buildings designed by Mansart that are identified as being in his own hand. Dismisses the allegations that the work was that of an unrecognized draughtsman in favor of the theory that Mansart was a master of design who preferred to work with sketches and large-scale models. Higgott: "Lucidly written and richly illustrated, it . . . re-establishes his reputation as an 'homme de génie' whose exceptional creative and technical skills transformed the language of French classicism."

JOUHAUD, CHRISTIAN. Sauver le Grand siècle? Présence et transmission du passé. Paris: Le Seuil, 2007

Review:S. Jettot in DSS 246 (2010), 188—189. "Le dernier ouvrage de Christian Jouhaud est difficile à qualifier. Il s'apparente à une réflexion profonde des limites du discours historique et sur la difficulté de revenir sur le passé et en l'occurrence sur les traces du Grand Siècle. Cette entreprise prend la forme d'un ensemble de métaphores spatiales qui balisent les chapitres de l'ouvrage et qui paraissent être autant de points de repère pour approcher un univers obscur et hanté."

KAMPMANN, CHRISTOPH. Europa und das Reich im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Geschichte eines europäischen Konflikts. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2008

Review:M. Lanzinner in HZ 289.3 (2010): 773—774. K.'s study fills a lacune as it provides a clearly organized manual on the subject. Topics include crises of the war, confessional and government interests, battles and peace pacts and newer themes such as migration. Highly informative overview.

KETTERING, SHARON. Power and Reputation at the Court of Louis XIII: The Career of Charles d'Albert, Duc de Luynes(1578-1621). Studies in Early Modern European History. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2008

Review:C. Weiss in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 973—974. Highly appreciative review finds K.'s "balanced, fascinating and insightful portrait of L.'s life and role at court" a model of history, "exhaustively researched"(973). Successfully rehabilitates this minister whose reputation Richelieu "worked arduously to destroy"(973). Wide-ranging, from chapters focusing on descriptions of L.'s love of falconry and court ballets in which he danced to examinations of his contribution in exposing the Concinis, his relationships with Louis XIII and Marie de Medici, contemporary pamphleteers and much more. K.'s multi-faceted assessment of L. finds him "a traditional minister who did receive fiscal and personal aggrandizements, but not significantly more or less than his other predecessors or successors"(973).

KÖB, ANSGAR and PETER RIEDEL, eds. Emotion, Gewalt und Widerstand. Spannungsfelder zwischen geistlichem und weltlichem Leben in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. München: Fink, 2007

Review:J. Rogge in HZ 289.3 (2009): 709—710. Based largely on a 2003 Paderborn colloque, this collection of nine essays is wide-ranging and representative of numerous disciplines as they bear on the subject matter.

LANZA, JANINE M. From Wives to Widows in Early Modern Paris: Gender, Economy and Law. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:Genieys-Kirk, S. in FS 63.3 (2009), 335—336. This study, influenced by Gender Studies and the work of Louis Assier-Andrieu and Pierre Bourdieu, questions the longstanding clichés surrounding the figure of the widow as a "vulnérable," a "dévote," or a "veuve joyeuse." Lanza's work on the economic status of widows is of particular importance: she uncovers their active roles as entrepreneurs in spite of their exclusion from the rigid corporate bodies that controlled the professions.

LEMOINE, ANNICK. Nicolas Régnier(alias Niccolò Renieri) ca. 1588-1667. Peintre, collectionneur et marchand d'art. Paris: Arthéna, 2007

Review:Stéphane Loire in Burlington 1278 (2009), 622—23. a "remarkably complete"(Loire)catalogue of 169 works by Régnier, most of which were created in Venice, where the artist formed part of the Caravaggesque circle of artists who had emigrated from elsewhere in Europe. According to Loire, overall a quality work that sheds light on the links between Régnier's artistic and commercial enterprises and the "artistic relations between Rome and Venice in the seventeenth century." The reviewer's only bémol is that some works appear to be missing from the bibliography.
Review:Y. Rodier in DSS 246 (2010), 187—188 The author's biography of the painter depicts "la lente maturation d'une poétique picturale qui fit florès auprès de ses pairs, de ses balbutiements à l'atelier anversois d'Abraham Janssens jusqu'à son épanouissement à Rome et à Venise. Trois périodes à l'intérieur desquelles Annick Lemoine étudie avec minutie les influences du peintre."

LLOYD, HOWELL A., GLENN BURGESS and SIMON HODSON, eds. European Political Thought 1450-1700. Religion, Law and Philosophy. New Haven: Yale U P, 2007

Review:C. Hirschi in HZ 289.3 (2009): 757—759. Diverse perspectives are evident in this collection which claims to present the subject of investigation as "a dialectic between unity and diversity"(1). Studies are attentive to cultural and social aspects such as printing, correspondence, patronage, etc. Eleven studies make up the volume, with J. H. M. Salmon's essay focused on France (but no details on this are given).

LONGSTAFFE-GOWAN, TODD. "Mignard, the Marquise and Martinique: a West Indian Setting for a Masterpiece of 'Grand Epoque' portraiture". Burlington 1288 (2010), 448—51.

Focuses on the background in Pierre Mignard's "The Marquise de Seignelay and two of her sons" from 1691. The author establishes this background as Martinique's Mont Pelée, making it one of the "earliest topographical views of the former French colony." The author also explores at length how this background "complements the accepted iconography of the painting."

LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. Rome des Césars, Rome des Papes. La propagande du cardinal Mazarin. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007

Review:S. De Franceschi in DSS 247 (2010), 375—376. Aligned with a movement to unify history and literary studies, the present book is a great success. "Le récent et imposant travail d'Yvan Loskoutoff est largement tributaire d'un renouvellement aux acquis duquel il apporte une illustration décisive. Essentiellement fondées sur l'exploitation d'une littérature encomiastique trop longtemps méprisée par les historiens, et significativement les historiens de la littérature, qui lui reprochaient son insincérité, les analyses développées dans [ce livre] se placent explicitement dans la lignée des travaux de Jacques Truchet, de Françoise Bardon, de Jacques Hennequin, ou encore de Nicole Ferrier-Caverivière [. . .]"

LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. Du burlesque satirique à l'éloge plaisant: le président de Maisons et les siens vus par La Muze historique de Loret. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 173—204.

Lengthy article analyzing how the evolution in the tone and approach of Loret's Muze historique, from one of satirical burlesque to glorification of the status quo, is reflected in its treatment of René de Longueil, Président de Maisons - an erstwhile Frondeur turned monarchist - and his family.

MARCHESANO, LOUIS and CHRISTIAN MICHEL. Printing the grand manner: Charles Le Brun and monumental prints in the age of Louis XIV. Getty Research Institute, 2010

Review: Dabbs, J. in CHOICE 48 (2010), 280. The catalogue to a Getty exhibit, this work contains an essay by Marchesano on Le Brun, his career, and the relationship of his large prints to 17th-century art theory. Another introductory essay from Christian Michel explains how Le Brun's monumental prints "documented and disseminated the power of the king and the prestige of French art." The volume also contains 11 catalogue entries on specific Getty-owned prints. Praised by the reviewer.

METZLER, GUIDO. Französische Mikropolitik in Rom unter Papst Paul V. Borghese (1605-1621). With WOLFGANG REINHARD. Heidelberg: Winter 2008

Review:T. Leuker in HZ 289.3 (2009): 771—773. Highly appreciative review notes in particular the quality of the archival and library research of the study as well as its elegant narrative.

NEVILE, JENNIFER, ed. Dance, Spectacle, and the Body Politick, 1250-1750. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2008

Review:B. Ravelhofer in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 575—576. The twelve essays in N.'s edited volume explore and "elucidate the fascinating, multifarious nature of dance from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century"(575). N.'s own introduction is useful as it surveys the long period and delineates key issues. 17th c. French scholars will particularly appreciate the following essays: Margaret McGowan's on anecdotes relating to ballet, John Powell's on the "collaborative Beauchamps-Molière-Lully comédies-ballets," Julia Prest's on "political ballet at the court of Louis XIV and Benserade's allusive poetry," and Alessandro Arcangeli's on "the moral history of dancing from biblical and classical antiquity to the early modern period, including such gems as the treatment of dancing in handbooks for Catholic confessors"(575). Recommended for its erudition, passion and multidisciplinary range, R. declares that "the book should be required reading in dance studies."

NICKLAS, THOMAS and MATTHIAS SCHNETTGER, eds. Politik und Sprache im frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Mainz: von Zabern, 2007

Review: Seidel, R. in HZ 288.1 (2009): 212—213. Collection of eleven studies on the relation of politics and language in the Early Modern includes one on the French crown. Centralizing tendencies and state building are the focus of an essay on the langue d'oc in southern France. Based on solidly researched source materials.

OSTER, PATRICIA. "La sémiotique du moi caché dans les transpositions filmiques de La Princesse de Clèves." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 127—141.

The author discusses the theme of the moi caché first in the novel La Princesse de Clèves,then in three cinematic interpretations of the novel: Delannoy's 1961 film adaptation, De Oliveira's 1999 film La Lettre, and in Zulawski's 2000 film La Fidélité. Zulawski's film is analyzed at length for its modernization of the novel and how it portrays modern media's semioticization of the moi caché.

PEARSON, ANDREA G., ed. Women and Portraits in Early Modern Europe: Gender, Agency, Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:L. S. Aleci in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 234—236. If not the first work of its kind as claimed (A. reminds us of the 1987 German one on Italian portraits by Brita von Götz- Mohr), P.'s edited collection is judged "an expansive and mostly rewarding foray into the complex relationships between portraiture, identity and gender"(35). Includes essays focusing on the 15th-18th c. and several European countries including France. A. is more impressed by the individual essays than the introduction.

PECAR, ANDREAS and KAI TRAMPEDACH, eds. Die Bibel als politisches Argument. Voraussetzungen und Folgen biblizistischer Herrschaftslegitimation in der Vormoderne. München: Oldenbourg, 2007

Review:R. Smend in HZ 288.3 (2009): 669—671. Welcome collection of 16 studies, most from a journée d'études in October 2005 and, without exception, rich and competent. Wide-ranging with studies on argument drawn from the Old Testament, apologetics, theological discourse in the Middle Ages and political theory in the Renaissance, among other subjects. 17th c. French scholars will appreciate the study by Lothar Schilling on Bossuet and the one by Andreas Pietsch on Paul Boyer's 1649 pamphlet "L'image du souverain."

PEDEFLOUS, OLIVIER. La Muse muselée: Macrin, Bourbon, Dampierre devant l'Affaire des Placards(1534). PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 459—474

Analyzes how the repressive governmental measures of 1533—1534 influenced the writings of the poets Jean Salmon Macrin, Nicolas Bourbon and Jean de Dampierre.

PERAZZOLO, PAOLA. Autocensure et(Ré)écriture pendant l'époque révolutionnaire: La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 493—503.

Examines the successive rewritings of Harny de Guerville's play La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé, first performed(with great success)in 1791, as representative of the ambiguity surrounding censorship in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution.

PITTION, JEAN—PAUL, ed., avec la collab. de Stéphan Geonget. Droit et justice dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Colloque des 2—7 juillet 2001. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009

Review:M. Barbier in BHR 71.3 (2009), 603—605. Seize communications d'un colloque organisé par le Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance. Deux nouveaux domaines abordés: "d'une part, la culture juridique dans le cadre universitaire et dans la pratique judiciaire, avec la publication de nombreux ouvrages de droit; d'autre part, les rapports entre le droit et la littérature, qu'il s'agisse d'oeuvres de fiction ou d'écrits concernant la pratique judiciaire." Voir les contributions de J. Vons sur "la situation juridique des femmes dans les corporations médicales en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles" et de I. Maclean sur les procès des sorciers en Lorraine et en Franche-Comté vers 1600.

PLUMPE, WERNER. "Die Wirtschaftsgeschichte in der Historischen Zeitschrift, Ein Überblick." HZ 289.1 (2009) 223—251.

P. offers here, as the closing article to this volume of celebration, an overview of economic history in HZ. Perspectives of socio—historical scholarship and various editors are provided as examples are indicated from numerous countries, areas of research (Agriculture, for example)and methods (New Historicism). Rich footnotes.

PREST, JULIA. "In Chapel, on Stage, and in the Bedroom: French Responses to the Italian Castrato". SCFS, 32.2 (2010), 152—164.

Examines the contrasting views on the castrato of two French authors(the Abbé Raguenet and Charles Ancillon). Argues that 'within the Italian tradition, the castrato emerges as being eminently suited to the young lover who comes of age by becoming a hero thanks to his unique combination of femininity, masculinity and youthfulness. Off stage, the castrato is revealed to have a highly complex sexual identity that calls into question received ideas about the nature of sex, its relationship to procreation, and especially to female desire.'

RAMBOURG, PATRICK. "Du Vatel de Roland Joffé à la gastronomie du Grand Siècle." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 69—80.

The author discusses the historical accuracy of the way in which Roland Joffé's film Vatel portrays the role of the maître d'hôtel, the complexity and the ceremonial of entertaining the king, aspects of a luxurious seventeenth-century French dinner service, and the world of the kitchen itself.

Les relations franco— et anglaises aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: périodiques et manuscrits clandestins. "La Lettre Clandestine," n. 15. Paris: P de l'U Paris-Sorbonne 2007

Review: M. Melai in S Fr 159 (2009) 619. Heterogeneous and rich collection of studies focuses on the circulation of libertine philosophical ideas across England and France. The volume is organized into four sections: 1)an exploration of manuscripts circulating clandestinely, 2)various related questions of the 17th and 18th c,(Cyrano is included here) and 3)reviews of publications from 2006 on the theme with a catalogue of recent initiatives.

REYES, HECTOR. "After Poussin: French History Painting"(1665—1785). DAI 71/05 (2010)

This dissertation shows the artistic practice and ambition of the "painter—philosopher" and Poussin as a key figure of the ancien régime. It focuses on three core paintings: Charles Le Brun's Entrée d'Alexandre dans Babylone, Jean—Baptiste Greuze's L'empereur Sévère reproche à Caracella, son fils, d'avoir voulu l'assassiner. . . and Jean—Germain Drouais' Le Christ et la Cananáenne. Each one invokes Poussin's artistic and literary forms and emulates with his works, thereby allowing painters to propose a new theory of painting that grows out of Poussin's representational strategies.

RICCI, MARIA THERESA. Du 'cortegiano' au 'discreto': l'homme accompli chez Castiglione et Gracian. Pour une contribution de l'histoire de l'honnête homme. Paris: Champion, 2009. Libre pensée et littérature clandestine, 37

Review:M. Mastroianni in S Fr 159(1009) 614. Although R.'s focus is Spanish literature, her work is highly valuable for 17th c. French scholars since the notion is so central to both French literature and society. Particularly helpful analyses of conversation and of the concept and practice of dissimulation.

SCHERER, LUDGER. "Dom Juan au cinéma: L'adaptation de Jacques Weber(1998)". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 103—111.

Discusses Jacques Weber's film adaptation of Dom Juan. Like Molière, Weber is also an actor, director, and theater director. Analyzes Weber's re-ordering of scenes and dialogue; judges Weber's rendering of the statue scene to be convincing; finds that Weber's rational and playful use of modern cinematic techniques reinforces certain aspects of 17th-century comedy.

SCHEUTZ, MARTIN, ANDREA SOMMERLECHNER and HERWIG WEIGL, eds.. Europäisches Spitalwesen. Institutionelle Fürsorge in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Hospitals and Institutional Care in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Wien: Oldenbourg, 2008

Review:O. Auge in HZ 288.3 (2009): 671—673. This collection of essays in German and in English makes headway toward the multifaceted objective of the European hospital, its functions, structures, visibility, etc. Judged a very important publication. Index.

SCHILLING, HEINZ, ed. Konfessioneller Fundamentalismus. Religion als politischer Faktor im europäischen Mächtesystem um 1600. With ELISABETH MÜLLER-LUCKNER. München: Oldenbourg, 2007.

Review:A. Schmidt in HZ 289.2 (2009) 462—464. Collection of important essays by historians and Church historians which addresses religion as a political factor in Early Modern Europe. French specialists will appreciate in particular essays on Protestantism, the papacy and the Jesuits.

SCHOLAR, RICHARD. The Je—Ne—Sais—Quoi in Early Modern Europe: Encounters with a Certain Something. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005

Review:Anon in FMLS 45.2 (2009), 232. Fascinating and rigorous word history also analyzes the expression's use in philosophical debates. Case studies range from Pascal to several poets and Dominique de Bouhours's treatise, the latter in a discussion of politesse.

SELDERHUIS, HERMAN J. and MARKUS WRIEDT, eds. Konfession, Migration und Elitenbildung: Studien zur Theologenausbildung des 16. Jahrhunderts. Brill's Series in Church History 31. Leiden: Brill, 2007

Review:D. B. Gallagher in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 285—287. Focusing on theological education and its evolution from the 1500s through the 1700s, these 15 essays are wide-ranging, examining migration, the Evangelical vision, new modes of communication, and "patterns of cross-fertilization between theological education, religion and popular piety, as well as natural science, art and politics"(286). Index, tables.

SHOEMAKER, PETER W. Powerful Connections: the Poetics of Patronage in the Age of Louis XIII. Newark U. of Delaware Press, 2007

Review:D. Blocker in DSS 247 (2010), 373—375. With some criticism regarding length and scope, the reviewer finds this an ambitious though reasonably successful book. "Son auteur ne se propose en effet rien de moins que de décrire, en une synthèse de moins de trois cents pages, le rôle que le "patronage", en tant qu'ensemble de pratiques sociales plus ou moins codifiées, a pu jouer dans la constitution, sous Louis XIII, des lettres françaises en champ spécifique."

SPANGLER, JONATHAN. The Society of Princes: The Lorraine—Guise and the Conservation of Power and Wealth in Seventeenth—Century France. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009

Review:P. Cohen in SCN 68 (2010), 192—196. In this augmented dissertation, Spangler adds his voice to the renewed conversation on the French aristocracy. "[H]is monograph offers a carefully researched study of the Lorraine—Guise family in the long seventeenth century, which sheds new light on the structure of early modern France's elite, French state-formation, and the social history of European nobilities."

STEDMAN, GESA, AND MARGARETE ZIMMERMANN. "'Un paradigme parfait du monde actuel'? Le film Vatel(2000)de Roland Joffé." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 53—68.

Discusses Sévigné's account of Vatel's death before turning to a discussion of Joffé's film, more particularly, how various cinematic techniques used in its opening sequence neatly encapsulate the contrast between the artificial world of the court and the world of the servants hard at work behind the scenes. Analyzes the reasons for the film's mixed reviews around the world. Concludes that while Joffé perhaps goes too far in calling his film a perfect paradigm of our world, it is an excellent paradigm of the films on 17th-century France made in the late 20th century.

STEDMAN, GESA and MARGARETE ZIMMERMANN, eds. Höfe—Salons—Akademien: Kulturtransfer und Gender im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2007

Review:E. J. Benkov in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 953—955. Welcomed for its timeliness, variety and the "validity of the guiding premise: women in their various roles contributed to and indeed promoted the circulation of ideas and cultural exchange across early modern Europe"(955). Sixteen essays investigate gender and cultural exchange in 16th -18th c. Europe. Courts, salons and academies are only a few of the "sites" examined; cultural significance and exchange is studied in relation to travel, clothing, reading and translations. S. and Z. furnish a visual illustration and unifying force to the volume through their interpretive essay of the 17th c. painting attributed to Louis-Michel Dumesnil, "depict[ing] Christina of Sweden and Elisabeth of Bohemia at a table with, among others, Descartes and Pierre Chanut, the ambassador who invited Descartes to the Swedish court" (953-954).

STEIGERWALD, JÖRN. "Sujets de l'amour: formes de la représentation de soi dans la société de cour d'après Le Favori". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 171—183.

Questions the usefulness of reading Le Favor against Le Misanthrope and instead analyzes how the play stages self presentation in courtly society against the background of a certain conception of love and of subjects' status relative to the monarch.

SZANTO, MICKAEL. Le Dessin ou la couleur? Une exposition de peinture sous le règne de Louis XIV. Genève: Droz, 2008

Review:F. Buttay in DSS 248 (2010), 555—556. "Dans ce petit livre d'une érudition fine et d'une plume incisive, tire de l'oubli un événement important de l'histoire des expositions en France: la première tentative d'exposition didactique proposant une histoire de l'art à la française qui insiste sur la supériorité du dessin et le progrès des arts, des maîtres italiens du Cinquecento aux peintres français contemporains, au premier rang desquels Nicolas Poussin."

TARBIN, STEPHANIE and SUSAN M. BROOMHALL, eds. Women, Identities and Communities in Early Modern Europe. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:J. Rickman in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 581—582. This edited collection of inspiring essays was conceived to honor Patricia Crawford, herself a ground-breaking scholar of early modern women and gender. The 13 essays are wide-ranging geographically as they consider multi-faceted and nuanced concerns of the over-arching theme of the title. Sections include the following: 1)Reading Communities in History, 2)Domestic Politics, 3)Social Networks, 4)The City, 5)The Country Gentry and 6)The Court. Index, illustrations and bibliography.

TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE. "Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue in Seventeenth-Century Martinique". Gastronomica 10.1 (2010), 61—69.

This study of a Dominican missionary's focus on the culinary cuisine of Martinique shows how his "openness to the Caribbean's remarkably diverse food cultures eventually allows him to construct new social, cultural, and symbolic meanings that inform both his personal and spiritual identity." Over the course of much culinary experimentation, Labat becomes less of a "culinary tourist" and more engaged with indigenous culture. Ultimately, "Labat does not 'eat the Other,' he strives to become Other, a polysemic richness that reflects the ample diversity of Caribbean culinary culture to the present day."

VIALA, ALAIN. De la censure comme capillarité. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 333—346.

Provides an analytical mise en perspective of early modern censorship, highlighting its diverse meanings, its multiplicity, its instability.

VIENNOT, ELIANE. La France, les femmes et le pouvoir Vol 2: les résistances de la société(XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle). Paris: Perrin, 2008

Review: C. Trout in FR 83 (2009), 425—26. Volume 2 of a monumental work of women's history. Particularly concerned with the continuation of the querelle des femmes; the lack of early modern opposition to Salic law; absolute monarchs' declining support for their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters; and women's disappointment with the Enlightenment. Contains an extensive bibliography.

VON KULESSA, ROTRAUD AND DOMINIQUE PICCO. "Entre fiction et histoire: Saint Cyr(1999) de Patricia Mazuy". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 161—181.

Presents Patricia Mazuy's film Saint Cyr as a difficult film to pigeonhole: not a costume drama, not exactly a historical film, yet contains elements of both; Mazuy herself said her goal was to make a war movie, and that she was especially interested by the military aspect of girls' education. Background given on the history of Saint-Cyr and on the Yves Dangerfield novel (La Maison d'Esther)that inspired the film. The film itself is then analyzed to show how it uses elements of history and fiction as the background of an a-historical psychological drama.

WHELAN, RUTH. Turning to Gold: The Role of the Witness in French Protestant Galley Slave Narratives. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 3—18.

'The interaction between power and dissidence in representational culture is the focus of this article, which weaves together some of Pascal's reflections on power and imagination, the notion of the King's two bodies, and its representation in contemporary film, with the symbolism of the wounded body in French Protestant galley slave narratives'.

WILKIN, REBECCA M. Women, Imagination and the Search for Truth in Early Modern France. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:K. Long in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1238—1240. Praiseworthy, wide-ranging and original in many aspects, W.'s study offers "historically and intellectually important" revisions of the traditional. 17th c. scholars will appreciate W.'s "nuanced reading" of Descartes's representation of the mind and will. L. is impressed by W.'s documentation and care in the readings.

WILLIS, REBECCA GRENIER. "Between Past and Present: Exploring Religion, Science and History in the Near East, c. 1650—1790." DAI 71/11

This dissertation focuses on the writings of French and British diplomats, clergy, natural historians and leisured men/women who traveled to the western Ottoman Empire. She shows that these travelers revealed a sense of insecurity about the alleged superiority of their religion. She also argues how the travelers continued to value the natural historical and geographical knowledge of the ancient texts and recast the authority of the ancients as local knowledge.

WILSON, PETER. The Thirty Years War: Europe's tragedy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP(Belknap), 2009

Review:P. Wallace in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1558 "Wilson's monumental study captures both the complexities of the political and military transformations and the level of brutality that the endemic struggles unleashed"(1558). Addresses existing historiographical debates and convincingly argues for reassessment of several. Devotes equal space to events before and after 1635. Includes illustrations, maps, a detailed index, etc.


AUMÜLLER, GERHARD, KORNELIA GRUNDMANN and CHRISTINA VANJA, eds. Der Dienst am Kranken. Krankenversorgung zwischen Caritas, Medizin und Ökonomie vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Geschichte und Entwicklung der Krankenversorgung im sozioökonomischen Wandel. Marburg: Elwert, 2007

Review:O. Auge in HZ 289.3 (2009) 711—712. Based largely on contributions to a journée d'études from March 2007 in Marburg, the volume is international and transdisciplinary in scope. Organization is chronological. 17th c. scholars will especially appreciate sections on the social politics of the Renaissance hospital and on the development of the modern hospital as it related to Christian charity. Valuable overview of the subject.

BARBICHE, BERNARD. Bulla, Legatus, Nuntius. Études de diplomatique et de diplomatie pontificales (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle). Avec la collaboration de SéGOLÈNE DE DAINVILLE-BARBICHE. Mèmoires et documents de l'École des Chartes,85). Paris: école des Chartes, 2007

Review:M. Schnettger in HZ 288.1 (2009) 159—161. This volume of 25 articles from 1962-2002 by the leading specialist of papal history spans a long time period, from the 13th to the early 18th c. Organized chronologically, the volume is highly useful for its valuable research on numerous aspects of papal diplomacy.

BERGIN, JOSEPH. Church, society and religious change in France, 1580-1730. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2009

Review: J. Harrie in CHOICE 47 (2010), 2001—2. A study of religious change in France's long 17th century. "Bergin finds that the French church proved highly innovative. . .in part because it was free of the constraints that the Tridentine reform agenda placed on other parts of Europe and was energized by the ongoing problem of the French Protestants and the development of the rigorous Augustinianism of the Jansenists. The result was a religious culture that,like its political and artistic counterparts, proved attractive to Catholics in other parts of Europe and influential in reshaping religious reform beyond French borders"(2002).

BERNARD, MATHILDE. L'histoire sous le manteau: les stratégies éditoriales des historiens protestants pendant les guerres de religion. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 409—424.

Examines the different publication strategies (and their varying degrees of success) adopted by Protestant historians publishing in France and abroad(chiefly Geneva). Attention is also given to the issue of the circulation of these works in France.

BONNEY, RICHARD and D. J. B. TRIM, eds. Persecution and Pluralism. Calvinists and Religious Minorities in Early Modern Europe. 1550-1700. Bern: Lang, 2006

Review: U Niggemann in HZ 288.1 (2009): 224—226. This praiseworthy collection includes two essays on France and will be of interest to scholars of secular politics as well as to those more interested in religious conflict.

BROAD, JACQUELINE. Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002

Review:Duran, J. in Philosophy and Literature 31.1 (2007), 200—204. While this book focuses largely on England, a chapter on Elizabeth of Bohemia reconsiders the reputation of this female philosopher whose thought has traditionally been eclipsed by her correspondence with Descartes.

BROAD, JACQUELINE and KAREN GREEN. A History of Women's Political Thought in Europe, 1400-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009

Review:M. L. King in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1246—1248. Although particularly praiseworthy for its 17th c. contributions(2/3 of the whole)which include Madeleine de Scudáry analyzed in framework of the Fronde, the volume nevertheless has significant omissions given the claim of its title. The review is written by a scholar whose work is either chastised or neglected in the B. and G. monograph.

BROOK, WILLIAM and RAINER ZAISER, eds. Religion, Ethics, and History in the French Long Seventeenth Century. Oxford, New York, Frankfurt, Bern: Peter Lang, 2008

Review:L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 72.1 (2010), 134—135. Twenty papers presented at a 2006 conference on modernity at St. Catherine's at Oxford are published in this volume whose reliable scholarship "may assist specialists to understand what the difference was between early modern and French seventeenth-century modern in literature, history, and religion."

CARR, THOMAS. Voix des abbesses du Grand Siècle: La Prédication au féminin à Port-Royal. Contexte rhétorique et Dossier. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006.

Review:Grégoire, V. in FS 63.4 (2009), 461—462. Carr examines the discours of Angélique Artaud, Agnès Arnauld, and Angélique de Saint-Jean Arnauld d'Andilly who articulated a unique feminine voice in the face of royal persecution. The dossier illustrates the various forms created by these women: "discours de noviciat, de vêture, de profession, propos publics sur les Règles et Constitutions, avertissements, conferences, exhortations, remarques sur les élections internes ou sur le décès des soeurs." "Un ouvrage très bien documenté, erudite, foisonnant d'informations de premiére source et une contribution d'importance pour mieux comprendre l'attitude des religieuses de Port-Royal au 17ème siècle."

COTTEGNIES, LINE; ANNE-MARIE MILLER-BLAISE; and GISELE LOUISE VENET, eds. Les Voix de Dieu: Littérature et prophétie en Angleterre et en France à l'âge baroque. Paris: P Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2008.

Review:F. Rigolot in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 641—642. Fills a distinct lacuna in criticism on the "art of prophesying" as it compares prophetic literature "on both sides of the English Channel"(642). The editors, specialists from the U de Paris III, have gathered informative studies which include Marjorie Garber's on the staging of the divine voice and the constraints of vraisemblance and bienséance. 17th c. figures examined in the volume include both Catholic and Protestant poets as well as sacred orators such as Bossuet and Bourdaloue. Index and bibliography.

COTTINGHAM, JOHN. Cartesian Reflections: Essays on Descartes's Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008

Review:Moriarty, M. in FS 64.1 (2010), 83—84. "Apart from an introductory chapter, this volume is a collection of previously published essays, dating from 1978 to 2007, all of which display Cottingham's profound scholarship, his philosophical acumen, and his willingness to challenge standard perceptions."

DASTON, LORRAINE and MICHAEL STOLLEIS, eds. Natural Law and Laws of Nature in Early Modern Europe: Jurisprudence, Theology, Moral and Natural Philosophy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:K. Crowther in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1240—1241. Appreciated for its "internal coherence," "useful insights," and "stimulus to further research," this edited volume examines natural law as a concept, its development and articulation. Broadly appealing to a wide range of disciplines and providing analyses extending through the mid-eighteenth century, the essays by scholars such as Ian Maclean, Jan Schröder, Fredrich Steinle and Jean-Robert Armogathe will be particularly useful to 17th c. specialists.

DESNAIN, VERONIQUE. "The Origins of la vie neutre: Nicolas Caussin's Influence on the Writings of Gabrielle Suchon". FS 63.2 (2009), 148—160.

This study analyses the influence of Caussin's work on secular celibacy (in particular, his 1643 Vie de Sainte Isabelle)on Suchon's Traité de la morale et de la politique(1693)and Du célibat volontaire(1700). Comparison of the two authors shows similarities in vocabulary, rhetoric, and theology. Suchon takes Caussin's thought in new directions and applies it to new arguments: she examines the obstacles that confront those(especially women)who pursue celibacy, assesses celibacy in light of the prevailing discourse on women's roles, and offers advice to those considering a celibate life(la vie neutre).

DUCHEYNE, STEFFEN. "The Times and Life of John Th. Desaguliers(1683-1744): Newtonian and Freemason." RBPH 87.2 (2009), 349—363.

Essay presents a detailed and balanced account of the importance of Desaguliers to the history of science and the origins of Freemasonry. In the author's view, he was neither a deistic thinker nor a deistic Newtonian.

FABBRI, NATACHA. De l'utilité de l'harmonie: Filosofia, scienza e musica in Mersenne, Descartes e Galileo. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2008

Review:P.J. Boner in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1253—1254. Significant and rich examination which explores 17th c. relations between philosophy, science and music. Judged ground-breaking in its demonstration of close connections between "harmonic conceptions of the cosmos" and "the practical and theoretical aspects of harmonic theory"(1254).

FORSHAW, PETER J. and KEVEN KILLEEN, eds. The Word and the World: Biblical Exegesis and Early Modern Science. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Review:D. Stolzenberg in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 1000—1002. Wide-ranging and illuminating investigation treats the relationship between the study of nature(the emergence of modern science)and early modern biblical scholarship, notably in Protestantism(though several chapters treat Catholic scholars). The 13 essays include Paul Mueller's "identification of intriguing parallels between Mersenne's empirical natural science and contemporary methods for establishing authoritative texts from conflicting manuscripts[which] suggest the influence of classical as much as sacred philology"(1001).

FUMAROLI, MARC. De Rome à Paris. Peinture et Pouvoirs aux XVIIe et XVIIe siècles. Dijon: Editions Faton, 2007

Review:V. Kapp in RF 121 (2009) 87—90. Wide-ranging and important contribution as much for theory as for concrete case studies. Themes include: "le spectateur idéal," "le connaisseur," "savants amateurs," and "intenditore d'arte." Important consideration of Richelieu's negotiations with Rome and his own taste: "Richelieu acquit assez de flair, sinon pour développer un goût de véritable amateur, du moins pour discerner les meilleurs experts, repérer les bons gisements et faire ce qu'il fallait pour prendre rang à son tour dans ce monde de leurres éclatants"(F. 195). 17th c. specialists will also appreciate essays on Jesuit apology for religious paintings and, separately, on Poussin. Impressive for its information, original interpretations and the high quality of its illustrations.

GELLÉRI, GÁBOR. Représentations du pouvoir royal dans le discours huguenot. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 61—73.

Article examines diverse Huguenot representations of royal power in the context of the English revolution and the Restoration. Focus is on the writings of Samuel de Sorbière, Henri Misson de Valbourg, Jacques Abbadie and Jean-Armand Dubourdieu.

GREGOIRE, VINCENT. Devoir d'obéissance, obligation de résistance: lorsqu'une ursuline s'oppose à l'autorité masculine au dix-septième siècle. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 102—117.

Analyzes the opposition of Marie Guyart dite de l'Incarnation to male religious authority, asking: 'En quoi consiste cette obligation de résister et, une fois mise en pratique, à quels résultats va-t-elle aboutir? Cet esprit d'opposition ne trouve-t-il pas en partie son origine dans le fait que la sœur soit une ursuline, dont la vocation est de prier et aussi d'enseigner, mais encore dans le fait qu'elle ait été veuve et indépendante très jeune, et qu'elle ait assumé des responsabilités importantes dans l'entreprise de son beau-frère avant d'entrer en religion?'

HARVEY, DAVID ALLEN. "The Noble Savage and the Savage Noble: Philosophy and Ethnography in the Voyages of the Baron de Lahontan". French Colonial Studies 11.1 (2010), 161—91.

Discusses the contributions of Lahontan to the creation of the myth of the "noble savage" and whether his views on the Native Americans, specifically the Hurons, were based in ethnographic reality or rather his own utopist views.

HEAL, BRIDGET AND OLE PETER GRELL, eds. The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy and People. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review: A. de Mézerac-Zanetti in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 586—587. The twelve essays that make up this analysis of the Reformation's impact on three areas of society seek to "disenclose" Reformation studies "by offering an approach that is European in scope, confessionally inclusive, and spans a broad timeframe"(586). Highly specialized examinations such as those on biconfessional cities and contests for control are complemented by Luise Schorn-Schütte's "synthetic presentation of the 'new clergies' in Europe"(103-124).

HENDRIX, SCOTT H. and SUSAN C. KARANT-NUNN, eds. Masculinity in the Reformation Era. Kirksville, MO: Truman UP, 2008

Review:E. Bastress-Dukehart in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 587—589. Laudatory review finds this collection "essential reading for anyone studying gender, sexuality, marriage, and family relationships in early modern Europe"(589). 17th c. French scholars will especially appreciate the essays on masculinity and the Reformed tradition in France.

HOEFER, BERNADETTE. Cartographier l'esprit: Le débat autour du mystère de la conscience. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 515—527.

In the context of current neuroscientific debate, this article examines Descartes' and Spinoza's respective understanding of 'l'interrelation entre le corps et l'esprit pour la connaissance du moi et l'entendement de la conscience'.

JAMME, ARMAND and OLIVIER PONCET, eds. Offices, écrit et papauté(XIIe-XVIIe siècle).(Collection de l'école française de Rome, 386). Rome: école française de Rome, 2007

Review:A. Karsten in HZ 288.2 (2009) 412—413. Collection of 30 studies, the result of two conferences on the administrative function and bureaucratization of the papacy(Paris, September 2003 and Avignon, October 2004). Organized in sections as follows: "Production et consommation de l'écrit," :Économie des offices et administration des finances," and "Enregistrement et usage des archives." Judged an important collectionscollection for a deeper understanding of this complex subject.

KODA, TAKESHI. "Jansénisme et gallicanisme Episcopal dans les assemblées du clergé au milieu du XVIIe siècle". DSS 248 (2010), 467—477.

"L'article se propose d'élucider les relations du jansénisme et du gallicanisme dans les assemblées du clergé de France au milieu du XVIIe siècle, en retraçant les délibérations tenues dans leur sein sur la mise en vigueur des constitutions apostoliques portent condamnation des cinq propositions de Jansénius."

KOPP, ROBERT. "Molière, l'Eglise et le roi". RDM (septembre 2010) 166—169.

"Cette édifiante histoire d'un Molière victime de la'cabale des dévots' et soutenu secrètement par un roi cédant néanmoins à certaines pressions[vis-à-vis 'l'affaire Tartuffe'], que répètent à l'envi tous les manuels et toutes les éditions scolaires depuis plus d'un siècle, n'est en réalité rien d'autre qu'une légende pieuse, construite par une historiographie républicaine et anticléricale à la fin du XIXe siècle. Elle propageait ainsi l'image d'une Eglise sournoise et d'un roi sous l'influence. La situation se présente d'une façon différente, comme on le sait désormais par les travaux de François Rey(1)[Molière et le roi: l'affaire 'Tartuffe'(Seuil, 2007)] et la nouvelle édition des oeuvres de Molière dans la 'Pléiade'(2)[Oeuvres complètes(Gallimard, 2010)." Selon Kopp, il faut voir l'interdiction de Tartuffe dans le contexte de la crise du jansénisme qui préoccupait Louis XIV.

LACOSTE, JEAN-YVES, sous la dir. de. Histoire de la théologie. Paris: Seuil, 2009

Review:J.-P. Peyroulou in Esprit (juillet 2010) 244—246. ". . . une synthèse accessible à un public français de non-spécialistes, les professeurs de lettres par exemple du secondaire et de l'université. L'ouvrage dirigé par Jean-Yves Lacoste est globalement réussi de ce point de vue." Voir la quatrième partie qui traite des débats théologiques vivaces en France au 17e siècle.

LEWIS, JOHN. Galileo in France: French Reactions to the Theories and Trial of Galileo. New York: Peter Lang, 2006

Review:Hine, W. in Isis 100.2 (2009) 405—406. Introductory chapters trace Galileo's work and trial as well as the political and religious history of France at the time. He examines Galileo's contacts with French scholars at the University of Padua before focusing on Mersenne who translated, edited, and published Galileo's work in France. Lewis then turns to the efforts of de Peiresc and Gassendi to intervene on Galileo's behalf. This study concludes with an evaluation of Descartes's involvement and views of Galileo. "A significant contribution to the study of Galileo's influence in France [. . .] meticulous in its scholarship[. . .]of interest to students of both seventeenth-century French literature and the history of science."

LLOYD, HOWELL A., GLENN BURGESS and SIMON HODSON, eds. European Political Thought 1450-1700. Religion, Law and Philosophy. New Haven: Yale U P, 2007

Review:C. Hirschi in HZ 289.3 (2009): 757—759. Diverse perspectives are evident in this collection which claims to present the subject of investigation as "a dialectic between unity and diversity"(1). Studies are attentive to cultural and social aspects such as printing, correspondence, patronage, etc. Eleven studies make up the volume, with J. H. M. Salmon's essay focused on France (but no details on this are given).

LOPEZ, DENIS, CHARLES MAZOUER and ERIC SUIRE, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600-1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Tübingen: Narr, 2008

Review:Y. Krumenacker in RF 121 (2009) 546—548 Collection of essays, the result of a colloque of both literary specialists and historians. The volume is organized as follows: 1)the transmission of faith (princes, girls, rhetoric, etc.), 2)the court (connections between religious engagement and service to the government-Richelieu, the role of the king's confessors, behavior, piety with the case of the Grande Mademoiselle, liturgy, the struggle against Protestants, etc.), 3)literature and spirituality (poetry-La Ceppède, Mme Guyon, le P. Le Moyne, Pascal, Sévigné), 4)faith and society (practices of devotion, clergy, magistrates, members of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture), 5)marginal figures such as le maréchal de Bassompierre, Madame Palatine. Despite the reviewers expressed desire for fuller treatment of the libertine, protestant and Jansenist element and a "vue d'ensemble," the volume is praised for its "aperçus solides."

MARYKS, ROBERT ALEXANDER. Saint Cicero and the Jesuits: The Influence of the Liberal Arts on the Adoption of Moral Probabilism. Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Iesu 64. Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:Y. Haskell in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 595—597. Valuable for its deep and wide-ranging examination of probabilism which connects the Jesuit literary Renaissance of the late 16th c. to the turn to probabilism(596). Cicero's appeal lay not only in his style but also in his civic values. 17th c. scholars will also find useful M.'s survey of penitential literature between 1554 and 1650(597). Index, tables, bibliography.

METZLER, GUIDO. Französische Mikropolitik in Rom unter Papst Paul V. Borghese (1605-1621). With WOLFGANG REINHARD. Heidelberg: "Winter 2008

Review:T. Leuker in HZ 289.3 (2009): 771—773. Highly appreciative review notes in particular the quality of the archival and library research of the study as well as its elegant narrative.

MOCHIZUKI, YUKA. "Spiritualité de Port-Royal: grâce et pánitence." DSS 248 (2010) 479—489.

"Après une présentation préliminaire de la double version, jansénienne et janséniste, de la grâce augustinienne, nous montrerons la divergence entre La Fréquente Communion et cette première théorie, même sous sa forme jansénienne. Puis, nous mettrons en valeur une basse continue unifiant la pénitence et la grâce dans l'univers spirituel du premier Port-Royal."

MORIARTY, M. Fallen Nature, Fallen Selves: Early-Modern French Thought II. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006

Review:R. Parish in FS 62.4 (2008), 475—476. In this second volume, Descartes, Pascal, and Malebranche remain the focus of attention, with significant treatment accorded to La Bruyère, La Rochefoucauld, Nicole, François Lamy, and the Protestant Abbadie. The main areas of enquiry are ethics and psychology. "The erudition is impressive throughout[. . .]and the study begins and ends with a compelling engagement with modern critical orthodoxies."

O'BRIEN, WILLIAM P. A Pragmatic Interpretation of the 'Indwelling of Christ' in the Preaching of Claude La Colombière(1641-1682). SCFS 32.2 (2008), 165—178.

'With reference to the classical American philosophical tradition, the present article interprets the expression, 'le Christ vit en moi', as La Colombière himself uses it, not as a mystical state but as a conception of one's feelings, actions, and thoughts. In this sense, to say that Christ 'lives in' a nun is to call to mind what one can expect of her — even what she can expect of herself. By focusing on the logical structure of this expression, pragmatic method thus helps reveal how La Colombière understood nuns and how they understood themselves, as they lived within the religious institutions created for them and that they themselves sustained and developed.'

PARISH, RICHARD. "Le Père Etienne Bauny, S. J.: La Somme des péchés qui se commettent en tous états face aux Lettres Provinciales". FS 63.4 (2009), 385—398.

The author proposes a re-evaluation of Bauny's work which is largely known only through Pascal's Lettres Provinciales where it is the target of ridicule. This article focuses on expanding our understanding of Jesuit casuistry and comparing the two theological visions while asking why Pascal's distortion of it has defined it for centuries as a form of sophistry.

PECAR, ANDREAS and KAI TRAMPEDACH, eds. Die Bibel als politisches Argument. Voraussetzungen und Folgen biblizistischer Herrschaftslegitimation in der Vormoderne. München: Oldenbourg, 2007

Review:R. Smend in HZ 288.3 (2009): 669—671. Welcome collection of 16 studies, most from a journée d'études in October 2005 and, without exception, rich and competent. Wide-ranging with studies on argument drawn from the Old Testament, apologetics, theological discourse in the Middle Ages and political theory in the Renaissance, among other subjects. 17th c. French scholars will appreciate the study by Lothar Schilling on Bossuet and the one by Andreas Pietsch on Paul Boyer's 1649 pamphlet "L'image du souverain."

PERAZZOLO, PAOLA.Autocensure et(Ré)écriture pendant l'époque révolutionnaire: La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 493—503.

Examines the successive re-writings of Harny de Guerville's play La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé, first performed (with great success) in 1791, as representative of the ambiguity surrounding censorship in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution.

RAVEL, JEFFREY. "Husband-Killer, Christian Heroine, Victim: The Execution of Madame Tiquet, 1699". SCFS 32.2 (2010), 120—136.

Within the general framework of histories of torture and public execution, article analyzes diverse reactions (of male Catholic polemicists, of Anne Marguerite Petit du Noyer, and of Pierre Bayle) to the execution of Angélique-Nicole Carlier Tiquet, convicted of organizing a plot to assassinate her husband in 1699. Demonstrates how the interest of the affair lies in the fact that it "resists insertion into misleading histories of progress and civility, or ever-expanding statist surveillance of citizens."

RAVEL, JEFFREY Les relations franco-anglaises aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: périodiques et manuscrits clandestins, La Lettre Clandestine, n. 15. Paris: P de l'U Paris-Sorbonne, 2007

Review:M. Melai in S Fr 159 (2009): 619. Heterogeneous and rich collection of studies focuses on the circulation of libertine philosophical ideas across England and France. The volume is organized into four sections: 1)an exploration of manuscripts circulating clandestinely, 2)various related questions of the 17th and 18th c,(Cyrano is included here)and 3)reviews of publications from 2006 on the theme with a catalogue of recent initiatives.

SCHILLING, HEINZ, ed. Konfessioneller Fundamentalismus. Religion als politischer Faktor im europäischen Mächtesystem um 1600. With ELISABETH MÜLLER-LUCKNER. München: Oldenbourg, 2007

Review:A. Schmidt in HZ 289.2 (2009) 462—464. Collection of important essays by historians and Church historians which addresses religion as a political factor in Early Modern Europe. French specialists will appreciate in particular essays on Protestantism, the papacy and the Jesuits.

SELDERHUIS, HERMAN J. and MARKUS WRIEDT, eds. Konfession, Migration und Elitenbildung: Studien zur Theologenausbildung des 16. Jahrhunderts. Brill's Series in Church History 31. Leiden: Brill, 2007

Review:D. B. Gallagher in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 285—287. Focusing on theological education and its evolution from the 1500s through the 1700s, these 15 essays are wide-ranging, examining migration, the Evangelical vision, new modes of communication, and "patterns of cross-fertilization between theological education, religion and popular piety, as well as natural science, art and politics"(286). Index, tables.

SLUHOVSKY, MOSHE. Believe Not Every Spirit. Possession, Mysticism, & Discernment in Early Modern Catholicism. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2007

Review:H. Bock in HZ 289.2 (2009) 392—393. Judged very learned, inspiring and elegantly written, S.'s volume is well-argued as it examines the subject both broadly and in detailed cases. Important contribution into Women's Studies as it examines the feminization of possession, as well as cultural and theological associations such as Quietism.

SMITH, PAMELA H. "Science on the Move: Recent Trends in the History of Early Modern Science." Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 345—375.

Extensive, perceptive review of the expansion of the history of early modern science, notably since the 1960s. S.'s invited article divides recent approaches into three "overarching strands": 1)the history of protoscience, 2)the history of the pseudosciences, such as alchemy and astrology, and 3)expanding the boundaries to all manner of technical knowledge including the indigenous. S. convincingly demonstrates the challenge for the history of science to think of "knowledge making as collective and as involving the intersection and sometime cooperation of distantly spread groups of people"(358). She argues that the broader view leads "to the greater inclusion of women in the story of science" as it inclusively examines "female patrons of science, artisans and salon participants"(359), for example. Sections on humanists, artisans and practitioners, vernacular conceptions of nature, and science on the move: breaking out of Europe all provide impetus for "a new narrative" to replace or at least expand "the triumphalist story"[of The Scientific Revolution](373). S.'s nearly 90 footnotes provide a treasure trove for scholars and students alike.

SOMMER, ANDREAS URS. Sinnstiftung durch Geschichte? Zur Entstehung spekulativ-universalisticher Geschichtsphilosophie zwischen Bayle und Kant. Basel: Schwabe, 2006

Review:S. Jordan in HZ 288.3 (2009): 761—762. Focusing on the formation of historical philosophy, S. provides a copious and detail-rich study which is organized in two sections: 1)forms of historical theological thought(French and German)and 2) forms of historical philosophical thought. Themes include: Exempla, Providence, Freedom and Progress. French scholars will particularly appreciate considerations on Bayle and Bossuet.

STIKER-MÉTRAL, CHARLES-OLIVIER. Narcisse contrarié: l'amour propre dans le discours moral en France(1650-1715). Lumière classique 74. Paris: Champion, 2007

Review: S. Bold in FR 83 (2010), 862—63. A two-part study of moralist literature in the classical age. Part One elegantly assembles the history of the term amour propre; Part Two examines the poetics of moralist discourse, examining how writers go about "speak[ing] hard truths to audiences who, likely as not, are not entirely ready to listen"(863). Striker-Métral reserves a special place for La Fontaine as a moralist writer who achieves a unique "herméneutique heureuse," a rhetorical synthesis of instruction and pleasure. Praised by the reviewer: "through its scope, detail, and intelligence. . .demands to be read by dix-septièmistes of all stripes"(863).

TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE. "Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue in Seventeenth-Century Martinique." Gastronomica 10.1 (2010) 61—69.

This study of a Dominican missionary's focus on the culinary cuisine of Martinique shows how his "openness to the Caribbean's remarkably diverse food cultures eventually allows him to construct new social, cultural, and symbolic meanings that inform both his personal and spiritual identity." Over the course of much culinary experimentation, Labat becomes less of a "culinary tourist" and more engaged with indigenous culture. Ultimately, "Labat does not 'eat the Other,' he strives to become Other, a polysemic richness that reflects the ample diversity of Caribbean culinary culture to the present day."

ULLBERG, ANNE. Au chemin de salvation. La chanson spirituelle réformée(1533-1678). Thèse de l'Université d'Uppsala. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Romanica 77, 2008

Review:S. de Reyff in BHR 71.3 (2009), 653—655. "La chanson spirituelle réformée à laquelle Anne Ullberg consacre pour la première fois une etude systémaqtique peut être envisagé à travers un triple rapport antagoniste: les recueils francophones se distinquent d'abord de la vaste production germanique issue de la Réforme luthérienne; le genre de la chanson spirituelle peut ensuite être définie par opposition à la paraphrase des psaumes que Calvin réserve exclusivement à l'usage liturgique; enfin, le répertoire né dans le sillage de la Réforme se distingue des imitations catholiques que lui vaudra son succès. Ces trois angles de vue dissent d'emblée l'intérêt que revêtent ces textes, longtemps demeurés en marge du corpus littéraire canonique, pour une saisie de l'histoire religieuse et culturelle de la modernité naissante."

VAN LIEBURG, FRED, ed. Confessionalism and Pietism. Religious Reform in Early Modern Europe. Mainz: Von Zabern, 2006.

Review:R. Dürr in HZ 289.2 (2009): 460—462. The result of the first of three internationaljournées d'études focusing on the comparative research project "Cultural History of Pietism and Revivalism, c. 1650-c. 1850." 17th c. French specialists will particularly appreciate the perspectives on Jansenism and on the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. Case studies as well as conceptual examinations of religious ideals and social realities are offered in this welcome volume.

VIENNOT, ELIANE. La France, les femmes et le pouvoir Vol 2: les résistances de la société(XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle). Paris: Perrin, 2008

Review: C. Trout in FR 83 (2009), 425—26. Volume 2 of a monumental work of women's history. Particularly concerned with the continuation of the querelle des femmes; the lack of early modern opposition to Salic law; absolute monarchs' declining support for their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters; and women's disappointment with the Enlightenment. Contains an extensive bibliography.

VOLPE, TONY. Science et théologie dans les débats savants de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle: La Genèse dans les Philosophical Transactions et le Journal des savants(1665-1710). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2008

Review:Rappaport, R. in Isis 100.4 (2009), 914—915. Chapters focus on a statistical study of the scientific content published in the English and French journals before focusing on the relationship between science and theology through an examination of the reconciliation of Chinese chronology with the Old Testament, debates about marine fossils, and "theories of the earth." One of Volpe's conclusions, namely that late seventeenth-century France was better able to separate science from theology than post-1688 "liberal" England, is singled out for special scrutiny by the reviewer.

WARKENTIN, GERMAINE. "Aristotle in New France: Louis Nicolas and the Making of the Codex canadensis". French Colonial Studies 11.1 (2009),71—106.

Describes the Codex canadensis, an impressive 17th-century manuscript that contains drawings and descriptions of North American flora and fauna in the context of the "hiérarchie de l'imaginaire des Européens de l'époque." Contains reproductions from the Codex that illustrate the article's main points.

WASSILOWSKY, GÜNTHER and HUBERT WOLF, eds. Päpstliches Zeremoniell in der Frühen Neuzeit. Das Diarium des päpstlichen Zeremonienmeisters Paolo Alaleone de Branca während des Pontifikats Gregors XV.(1621-1623). Münster: Rhema, 2007

Review:A. Karsten in HZ 288.1 (2009): 227—229. Important volume fills a lacuna in historical investigations of papal ceremony. Welcome edition of de Branca's journal of protocol. Includes an extensive glossary of terms and concise biographies of persons named in the journal.

WHELAN, RUTH. Turning to Gold: The Role of the Witness in French Protestant Galley Slave Narratives. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 3—18.

'The interaction between power and dissidence in representational culture is the focus of this article, which weaves together some of Pascal's reflections on power and imagination, the notion of the King's two bodies, and its representation in contemporary film, with the symbolism of the wounded body in French Protestant galley slave narratives'.

WILLIS, REBECCA GRENIER. "Between Past and Present: Exploring Religion, Science and History in the Near East, c. 1650-1790" DAI 71/11.

This dissertation focuses on the writings of French and British diplomats, clergy, natural historians and leisured men/women who traveled to the western Ottoman Empire. She shows that these travelers revealed a sense of insecurity about the alleged superiority of their religion. She also argues how the travelers continued to value the natural historical and geographical knowledge of the ancient texts and recast the authority of the ancients as local knowledge.

WILKIN, REBECCA M. Women, Imagination and the Search for Truth in Early Modern France. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:K. Long in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1238—1240. Praiseworthy, wide-ranging and original in many aspects, W.'s study offers "historically and intellectually important" revisions of the traditional. 17th c. scholars will appreciate W.'s "nuanced reading" of Descartes's representation of the mind and will. L. is impressed by W.'s documentation and care in the readings.

WOLF, HUBERT. Index. Der Vatikan und die verbotenen Bücher. München: Beck, 2008

Review:H. H. Schwedt in HZ 289.2 (2009): 396—398. Welcome, wide-ranging history of the Roman Index from the 16th c. to the end of the second Vatican Council add to other recent research such as that of V. Frajese, La Nascita dell'Indice(Brescia, 2006). Important both for practices of writing as for the history of printing and publishing.

YARDENI, MYRIAM. Le Refuge Huguenot. Assimilation et culture. Paris: Champion, 2002

Review:Whelan, R. in FS 63.4 (2009), 462. This volume reprints fifteen articles originally published between 1981 and 1998 touching on the psycho-social and religious adaptation of Protestant refugees in the nations that received them. The essays show great variation in the rates and strategies of assimilation. Yardeni also treats the guilt and traumatism brought on by abjuration while showing that for some Protestants temporary conversions of convenience were a necessity that provoked no self-recrimination. Finally, Yardeni's work gives us pause to reflect on the historian's craft: How can we draw general conclusions about Huguenot refugees based on materials produced by highly literate elite? A volume of "impressive breadth of reading and research."

ZACHMAN, RANDALL C., ed. John Calvin and Roman Catholicism: Critique and Engagement, Then and Now. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic and Brazos P, 2008

Review:R. Roldan-Figueroa in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 592—593. These eight essays, originally presented at the 2007 Calvin Studies Colloquium held at the University of Notre Dame, are judged "relevant beyond academic circles as most contributors address questions of interest to contemporary ecumenical dialogue"(592). 17th c. French scholars will find Irena Backus's long analysis of lives of Calvin rich as it includes four 17th c. ones and culminates in Richelieu's 1651 "confessional caricature"(593). In another essay Jill Fehleison explores the initiatives of François de Sales.

ZERON, CARLOS ALBERTO DE MOURA RIBERIRO. Ligne de foi: La Compagnie de Jésus et l'esclavage dans le processus de formation de la société coloniale en Amérique portugaise(XVIe-XVIIe siècles). Les Géographies du Monde, 10. Paris: Champion, 2009

Review:L. M. Brockey in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1309—1311. The focus of this "challenging new study" is less economics than the moral dimensions of slavery. Tactics were debated rigorously in the early modern era, but accounts subsequently silenced and eventual publications were of a "hagiographic register"(1310). Z. convincingly demonstrates through analyses of historical, legal, theological and historiographical perspectives that "Jesuits were not of one mind on the issue"(1310).

ZORZI, OLGA et ETHAN MATT KAVALER, éds. Faith and Fantasy in the Renaissance. Texts, Images, and Religious Practices. Toronto: Victoria University, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2009

Review:. Elsig in BHR 72.2 (2010), 471—472: "L'ouvrage réunit dix-neuf des cinquante-quatre contributions qui composaient le colloque international Faith and Fantasy in the Early Modern World, organisé à l'Université de Toronto en octobre 2007 . . . . Il est consacré aux relations réciproques entre la religion et l'imagination créatrice de 1300 à 1700 environ."


ALBRECHT, JÖRN. Europäischer Strukturalismus.Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick. Tübingen: Narr, 2007

Review:F. Lebsanft in RF 121 (2009): 72—73. This study offers an historical panorama of European structuralism. Of wide interest theoretically, if less so for mention of particular 17th c. research.

BANDRY-SCUBBI, ANNE, ed. Éducation—Culture—Littérature, "Universités/ Domaine littéraore" série de l'U de Haute-Alsace, Institut de Recherches en langues et littératures européennes, Horizons. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2008

Review:G. Bosco in S Fr 159 (2009):688—689 Highly diverse examination of European literary identity offers reflexions on subjects from the education of protagonists of novels, oral interrogation, biblical imprint, tolerance, and the emblem, among others. One essay is on the 17th c. memorialist Nicolas Goulas: "Les années d'apprentissage dans les Mémoires de Nicolas Goulas," by Mariette Cuénin-Lieber.

BARCHILON, JACQUES. É"Adaptations of Folktales and Motifs in Madame d'Aulnoy's Contes: A Brief Survey of Influence and Diffusion". M&Tales 23.2 (2009) 353—64.

Shows that d'Aulnoy's fairy tales contain nearly every significant type of tale and how this might explain "the universality of her appeal."

BEAM, SARA. Laughing Matters. Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France. Ithaca: Cornell UP 2007

Review:K. Malettke in HZ 289.2 (2009): 473—475. Based on impressive archival research in Paris, Rouen, Dijon, Bordeaux and Toulouse as well as on secondary sources, in particular those relating to the theatre from the early 16thc.-mid 17th c. Judged original, interesting and stimulating to the general public as well as the scholar.

BIRBERICK, A. L., ed. The Art of Instruction: Essays on Pedagogy and Literature in 17th-Century France. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008

Review:Genieys-Kirk, S. in FS 64.1 (2010), 86. This collection of essays shows the variety of ways that a broad spectrum of genres sought to realize pedagogical goals. Major themes addressed include the role played by fiction in creating a modern reading public, theater and performance as pedagogical genres, and royal pedagogy. "Reprenant ainsi une thématique importante du paysage socio-culturel et politique du dix-septième siècle, soit l'émergence des théories et pratiques pédagogiques, ce volume collectif propose de nouveaux angles d'analyse par lesquels les auteurs revisitent l'idéal horatien selon lequel toute oeuvre doit allier l'utile è l'agréable."
Review:Lise Leibacher-Ouvrard in Fr F 34.1 (2009) 113—115. Appreciative review of B.'s edited collection which demonstrates the importance and variety of instruction in the broad sense. Nine studies analyze the interaction between aesthetics and pedagogical projects. Although diverse and wide-ranging in perspectives (including pedagogy as social constraint, active education of the reader, didactic strategies in theatre, marriage manuals, emblematic poetry as a "miroir du prince," among others), the essays reveal a thematic and strategic continuity.

BIRBERICK, ANNE L., ed. Perfection. Studies in Early Modern France. Charlottesville, VA: Rockwood Press, 2008

Review:M. Meere in SCN 68 (2010), 62—65. "What is perfection? Is it attainable? Is it even desirable? How does perfection, both flawlessness and completeness, play out in early modern French literature and thought? How did writers(and their readers)come to terms with its elusiveness?" This collection of essays "is comprised of a patchwork of ten interesting and diverse studies that grapple with this complex notion in sixteenth-and(mostly)seventeenth-century France."

BLANC, ANDRE. "Les Chœurs dans la tragédie religieuse de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle" DSS 248 (2010), 499—530.

An article that looks at the form, frequency, and importance of classical chorus in religious tragedy of the early 17th c.

BRET-VITOZ, RENAUD. L'Espace et la scène: dramaturgie de la tragédie française, 1691-1759. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2008

Review:J. Harris in MLR 105.4 (2010), 1156—1157. This is an ambitious book, bringing together a wide range of material yet remaining sensitive to the specificities of individual texts. Indeed, for the most part, Bret-Vitoz handles his material very skillfully, interweaving dramatic theory and tragic practice, close readings and general reflection, modern theoretical perspectives and eighteenth-century writings. Occasionally, he could be accused of overlooking the complexities of 'classical'(that is, seventeenth-century) tragic practice, for which he reserves some of his grander, more boldly abstract and less immediately comprehensible claims—such as 'l'espace chez les classiques était toujours métaphorique de l'univers'(p. 11). Generally, though, this is a successful and intelligent work, and a helpful addition to the field."

BUTTERWORTH, EMILY. Poisoned Words: Slander and Satire in Early Modern France. Oxford: Legenda, 2006

Review:T. Chesters in FS 62.4 (2008), 469—470. After treating the legal context(definitions, penalties, etc.)and the numerous treatises written on the subject of slander between 1595-1640, the author turns her attention to the individual cases of Béroalde de Verville, Jean-Pierre Camus, and Marie de Gournay."Butterworth's study shows an admirable clarity and instinct." This volume will interest those working on "rhetoric, polemic and the fashioning(and unfashioning)of early modern reputations."
Review:Anon in FMLS 45.3 (2009), 353. Welcome study which examines satire as a "practice" rather than as a literary genre, its legal implications, as a philosophical theme, and in specific writers(Béroalde de Verville, Marie de Gournay and Jean-Pierre Camus, for example).

CARROLL, S. Blood and Violence in Early Modern France. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006

Review:De Smet, I. in FS 63.2 (2009), 207—208. Carroll offers "a detailed analysis of various contexts(family feuds; hereditary questions; adultery, seductions and rape; religious conflict; and the exercise of authority)in which aggression and bloodshed took place, from their inception to their escalation and resolution; he studies its mechanisms and judiciary treatment, and the degrees to which violence was accepted or deemed acceptable." The author's focus on the mechanisms of vengeance distinguishes this work which has much to offer both historians and literary scholars.

CHATELAIN, MARIE-CLAIRE. Ovide savant, Ovide galant:Ovide en France dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:Rollin, S. in FS 63.3 (2009),337. The author surveys the interest in Ovid's different works and his changing fortunes in the face of the emergence of a modern aesthetic. In the early seventeenth century, a humanistic approach predominates and the Metamorphoses take center stage. From 1650, allegorical readings fall from favor, and attention focuses on the expression of sentiments. The "Ovide galant" that emerges will inspire many imitators (e.g., Bussy's Maximes d'amour and Benserade's Métamorphoses d'Ovide en rondeaux, La Fontaine, and Les Lettres portugaises). "En définitive, Marie-Claire Chatelain démontre que ces auteurs subvertissent l'oeuvre d'Ovide, tout en demeurant fidèles à l'esprit qui l'anime."

CIVARDI, J.-M. La Querelle du Cid(1637-1638): Edition critique intágrale. Paris: Champion, 2004

Review:Gilby, E. in FS 63.3 (2009),336. This edition reorders, reexamines, and expands the 1898 collection of documents compiled by Armand Gastá. An extensive introduction traces the chronology, examines the notion of genre, and lays out the major themes of the querelle. Drawing on the work of Hálàne Merlin and others, Civardi looks at the social status of the author, the role of the public, and the evolution of criticism and censorship. This volume is valuable for its "magnificent editing:" Civardi offers a wide range of texts from the obscure to the well-known, complete with variants and rich, detailed footnotes. "A remarkably thorough work of scholarship, and truly a reference point in the field."

COMPARINI, LUCIE et MARC VUILLERMOZ. Montrer/Cacher. La représentation et ses ellipses dans le théâtre des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Chambéry: Editions de l'Université de Savoie, 2008

Review:C. Barbafieri in DSS 248 (2010), 561—562. The reviewer finds this edition of collected papers, "incontestablement riche et intéressant en ce qu'il apporte une pierre à la vaste réflexion sur le visible et l'invisible au théâtre conduite ces dernières années." Divided into three sections, the first part deals with the choices of the playwright, the second follows a more generic approach dealing with pastoral, comic and tragic plays of the first half of the seventeenth century. Finally, the third part deals with the practicalities of production/publication.

DEJARDIN, ISABEL. Captives en tragédie: la captivitéau féminine sur les scènes antiques et modernes. Saint-Genouph: Nizet, 2008

Review:V. Desnain in MLR 105.4 (2010), 1154—1155. "This study by Isabel Dejardin aims to establish whether 'la captive' can be considered a tragic 'type.' To do so she examines the character of the captive in ancient and modern tragedy in order to identify fixed characteristics that would point to the paradigmatic value of this character. The corpus of early modern texts is relatively small and ends in 1650, although references are made to Racine's Phèdre."
Review: B. Landry in FR 83 (2010), 1074—75. Studies the topos of the captive woman both in Greek tragedies(Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides)and in French and English 17th-century tragedy(Mairet, L'Hermite, Corneille, Dryden). Dejardin suggests that the ancient Greek theme of the captive gets recycled in early modern France and England due to political and poetical similarities between these cultures. Divided into three sections,"Traitements dramatiques de la captivité," "Ancrages de la captivité," and "La Captivité en spectacle," this study brings "une contribution remarquable"(1075)to literary and women's studies.
Review:M. Pavesio in S Fr 159 (2009): 617—618. While the subject matter is highly appealing, D.'s selection of works to be analyzed remains perplexing to P. Why, for example, does the inclusion of 17th c. French theatre have a different chronological terminus than that of the English theatre? And why is Italian theatre not included in this analysis of dramatic treatment of female captivity?

DEW, NICHOLAS. Orientalism in Louis XIV's France. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009

Review:Greenberg, M. in FS 64.3 (2010), 345—346. This study focuses on the presentation of Persia, Mughal India, and China in the work of Barthélemy d'Herbelot, Melchisédech Thévenot, and François Bernier. The study focuses on the royal interest(supported by Colbert)in acquiring, cataloging, and translating texts from the Far East as a means to construct a glorious image of the king. Dew's work is best at demonstrating how the networks of the "Republic of Letters" collaborated in the project as well as how princely courts competed to attract scholars. "While Dew is good at delineating the limits of the patronage system and at describing the even more complex organization of the 'public' academies that eventually replaced royal patrons, one would have liked a more interpretative account of the actual texts that were at the interstice of the elaborate scholarly networks — that is, the objects of the desire and of the rivalries of these pan-European scholars."
Review:A. Hamilton in TLS 5583 (April 2 2010): 23. Dew is concerned with the intellectual acquisition of the East, "not so much with the actual achievements of the French orientalists . . . as with the mainly European context in which they acquired manuscripts, tried to find publishers, created networks, and endeavoured to carry out their projects"(Hamilton). Much emphasis put on new role of semi-public academies as patrons of this scholarly research. Most of the projects Dew deals with end in frustration. Hamilton says Dew provides intriguing details, praises the thoroughness of much of the research, but finds the "somewhat disconnected chapters . . . disappointingly inconclusive."

FERGUSON, GARY. Queer(Re)Readings in the French Renaissance: Homosexuality, Gender, Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:C. Freccero in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 504—506. Highly recommended as "rich, informative and lively"(506), F.'s volume is based "on original archival research, manuscript consultation, and the secondary critical work of other Renaissance and sexuality studies scholars—of some well-known and lesser-known French sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts"(504). Important introduction provides both an historical and a theoretical overview of the fields. Index, illustrations, bibliography.

FEROS RUYS, JUANITA, ed. What Nature Does Not Teach: Didactic Literature in the Medieval and Early-Modern Periods. Turnhout: Brepols, 2008

Review:B. Correll in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1231—1232. Wide-ranging essays offer "a rich constellation of issues and questions" and are "admirably strong on issues of gender." C. would, however, have appreciated a bibliography and an index.

FIORENTINO, FRANCESCO. Il theatro francese del Seicento. Bari: Laterza, 2008. Manuali Laterza, Istituzioni di letteratura francese

Review:M. Pavesio in S Fr 157 (2009): 163 and S Fr 158 (2009): 388. Concise but rich panorama of 17th c. French theatre. This useful manual includes perspectives on both literary texts and mise en scène.

FUKASAWA, KATSUMI. "L'histoire française moderne vue du Japon: la place incertaine du XVIIe siècle" DSS 248 (2010),491—498.

An essay tracing Japanese interest in seventeenth-century French studies, with particular emphasis on history. The author finds its place tenuous, though promising, having grown mostly out of interest in economic history, but recently flourishing in other fields.

GIFFORD, PAUL and MARION SCHMID, eds. La création en acte. Devenir de la critique génétique. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007

Review:F. Pellegrini in RF 121 (2009): 373—375. Welcome collection of studies from the international colloque on the subject held in 2003 in London. Specialists of this young discipline including those from the Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes/ CNRS-ENS, Paris, bring, in the present volume, historical and theoretical perspectives of this critical approach and reflect on its potential for the future. The volume is organized in the following sections: "Les études génétiques aujourd'hui et demain," "Le chantier génétique"(examples of studies),"Hypertexte/Hypermédia" methods and diffusion),"Enjeux de l'écriture, enjeux théoriques: penser la création"(on writing itself, for example, the theory of intertextuality)and "L'oeuvre, l'écriture, la création: vocations et avenir des études génétiques"(the transcription of the debate which closed the 2003 colloque and a selected bibliography).

GILBY, EMMA. Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature. London: Legenda, 2006

Review:P. Shoemaker in FR 83 (2009), 408—09. Suggests that Longinus' ideas on the sublime were in circulation well before Boileau's translation of his work in 1674, and undertakes a rereading of Corneille and Pascal through this optic. An interesting work which, among other things, revises our sense that the sublime necessarily implies lofty, upward movement rather than horizontal 'engagement' with others. The reviewer evokes shortcomings in Gilby's prose, and suggests that "her intriguing argument would be stronger if she fleshed out the readings of her primary sources and went deeper into the problem of influence, rather than engaging in wide-ranging theoretical speculation"(409).

GRAU, DONATIEN, sous la dir. de. Tragédie(s). Paris: Editions rue d'Ulm, 2010

Review:M. Chastang in Esprit (août-septembre 2010), 273—274. "Les auteurs de Tragédie(s) soulignent alors, grâce au pluriel du titre, la diversité des usages modernes que l'on fait de ce terme, et nous invitent à ne pas ráduire la tragádie au seul genre codifiá, mais à considerer ses multiples facettes et l'ensemble de ses déclinaisons contemporaines." Voir la première partie de l'ouvrage et "les auteurs phares" du 17e siècle en France, Corneille et Racine.

GREINER, FRANK. Les Amours romanesques de la fin des guerres de religion au temps de l'Astrée(1585-1628). Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:Mounier, P. in FS 63.1 (2009), 82—83. This broad synthesis applies literary, historical, and sociological perspectives in order to illustrate the relationship between culture and reality. This study takes a thematic approach, dividing works into the categories of "(histoires) exemplaires, dévotes ou d'aventures." This taxonomy, the reviewer finds, brushes aside the important discourse on the novel found in many of the works'prefaces and elides traditional generic boundaries into the vague catch-all of "littérature romanesque."

GUERRIER, OLIVIER, ed. Moralia et Oeuvres morales à la Renaissance: Actes du Colloque International de Toulouse(19-21 mai 2005). Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance européenne 61. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:C. Bevegni in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 866—868. Appreciated volume for its demonstration of the rich, varied, deep and wide-ranging reception of Plutarch's Moralia. Successfully continues the 1965 Amyot et Plutarque by Robert Aulotte, exploring here several areas suggested by Aulotte. The 17 essays range from an examination of the Moralia's reception in a particular country to specific topics and areas from lexicography to pedagogy and in several genres. Plutarch is seen as "the founder of a moral code definable as humanitas Christiana"(868) which pervaded the long Renaissance.

GUION, BEATRICE. "Comment écrire l'histoire: l'ars historica à l'âge classique". DSS 246 (2010), 9—25.

"Par-delà l'humanisme juridique, qui avait à la fois prôné et pratiqué « un genre d'écrire nu et simple » dans l'histoire, la grande majorité des théoriciens français défend, tout au long du XVIIe siècle, l'inscription de l'histoire dans le champ des belles-lettres. Cela signifie que les modèles antiques s'imposent à l'histoire comme aux autres genres littéraires. Cela signifie encore que les mêmes principes s'appliquent à l'une comme aux autres, au premier rang desquels la bienséance et la vraisemblance: ce n'est pas le moindre paradoxe que de voir les théoriciens classiques refuser le vrai invraisemblable dans un genre dont ils avouent pourtant, à la suite des Anciens, qu'il a pour objet premier de dire la vérité. Ajoutons que, si les théoriciens revendiquent la parenté entre histoire et rhétorique, s'ils pensent l'écriture de l'histoire sur le modèle de la tragédie et/ou de l'épopée, un modèle longtemps inavoué, car inavouable, régit aussi, en pratique, l'écriture de l'histoire: c'est celui du roman."

HALLET, MARTIN AND BARBARA KARASEK. Folk and Fairy Tales, 4th ed. Buffalo, NY: Broadview Press, 2009

Review:Kristiana Willsey in M&Tales 24.2 (2010), 341—43. a broad anthology of a variety of tales of diverse origins and time periods. Includes Madame d'Aulnoy. Sections containing criticism and juxtapositions of two versions of a same tale are noted as being especially useful.

HAMMOND, PAUL. The Strangeness of Tragedy. Oxford: OUP, 2009

Review:P. Kuling in MLR 105.3 (2010),811—812. "Hammond closes his series of theatrical investigations with Racine's Phèdre, considering 'the labyrinth of Phaedra's psyche, the dangerous and intricate space created by her desire'(p. 189). This collection of short pieces on major works of tragedy reads well and effectively links these tragic worlds together through intriguing examples of Freud's unheimlich. The ultimate strangeness of tragedy may be how 'that which impels the protagonist, and seems to be a source of strength—-love, ambition, duty-—turns against him to undo him'(p. 199)."

HAMPTON, TIMOTHY. Fictions of Embassy: Literature and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2009

Review:D. Biow in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1223—1225. Praiseworthy innovative exploration of the figure of the diplomat and the diplomatic function. Relying on New Historicism, H. examines a variety of test cases and genres. B. may not be entirely convinced by some claims but is highly appreciative of the volume's "impressive breadth and depth."

HARRIGAN, MICHAEL. The Question of Female Authority in Seventeenth-Century French Depictions of Eastern Monarchies. SCFS, 32.1 (2010),74—89.

Examines treatment of Eastern queens and noblewomen, and attitudes towards women in general, in seventeenth-century travel literature.

HARRIGAN, MICHAEL. Veiled Encounters: Representing the Orient in 17th-Century French Travel Literature. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2008

Review:Welch, E. in FS 63.4 (2009), 459—460. This "ambitious, comprehensive study of more than 60 seventeenth-century French travel narratives about the Levant and East Asia represents a significant contribution to the emerging fields of early modern French Orientalism and seventeenth-century travel writing." Harrigan situates this body of literature in the context of Said's work on orientalism and cross-cultural representation in order to reveal "the tension between the concept of the Orient and what travelers actually saw." He draws a distinction between the Middle East, known for its tyrants and sensuality, and the Far East(and East Indies)which are characterized as a fertile paradise inhabited by simple or violent barbarians. This study also offers an appraisal of the formal and narrative aspects of the récit de voyage."An intriguing synthesis of of a corpus defined equally by its poetic form and by the geographical and imaginative topos it describes."

HARRIS, J. Hidden Agendas: Cross-Dressing in 17th-Century France, Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag (Biblio 17, 156), 2005

Review:Seifert, L. in FS 62.4 (2008), 474—475. Harris deftly bridges the gap between a purely literary approach and a "presentist" approach of contemporary gender theory. His study is "ambitious [. . .] wide-ranging [. . .] and comprehensive," examining theatre, fiction, and memoirs across the seventeenth century. Individual chapters focus on cross-dressing at court, on stage, and in the carnival tradition before focusing on a "transvestite poetics." Harris' conclusions allow for a more nuanced understanding of theorists Judith Butler and Marjorie Garber. An appendix offers a valuable bibliography of "transvestite texts." "An incisive and stimulating book that is now the principal study of cross-dressing in seventeenth-century France."

HENKE, ROBERT and ERIC NICHOLSON, eds. Transnational Exchange in Early Modern Theater. Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:F. Cioni in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 1018—1019. The international team Theater Without Borders has here produced "from a performative and stage-centered approach" a multi-faceted collection focusing on "the exchanges that occurred across national and regional borders that demarcated political-linguistic-cultural entities"(H. and N. 1). Includes sections on "Traveling Actors" (for example, the Commedia dell'Arte in France and elsewhere),"Transportable Units"(plot, topoi, etc.),"The Question of the Actress: Moral and Theoretical Transnationalisms" (including the relation between actresses and female theatregoers),"Performing Alterity, Doubled National Identity," and "Performing a Nation: Transregional Exchanges"(1018). Stimulating interpretations are accompanied by illustrations, a useful bibliography and index.

HOEFER, BERNADETTE. Psychosomatic Disorders in Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009

Review:B. Woshinsky in SCN 68 (2010), 55—59: "This wide-ranging study explores the meanings of psychosomatic illness in works drawn from four classical genres: self-writing, the novel, comedy and tragedy." The reviewer finds it a valuable work in which the author makes "three main claims: that Cartesian dualism dominated concepts of mind and body in the French seventeenth century; that dualistic views reinforced the oppressive practices of the absolute monarchy; and that, in contrast, representations of psychosomatic disorders posed a "clandestine, indeed repressed challenge to the hierarchical split of body and mind" revealing a close interrelation between the two."

HOLTZ, GREGOIRE et THIBAUT MAUS DE ROLLEY, éds.. Voyager avec le diable: voyages réels, voyages imaginaires et discours démonologiques(XVe – XVIIe siècles). Paris: PU Paris-Sorbonne, 2008

Review:A. Wygant in MLR 105.2 (2010),554—555. Sixteen contributors "accept Frank Lestringant's 'Invitation au voyage' extended in the preface: the Devil is a powerful conjuror, just as is the author. The quality of this double devilishness chosen for emphasis here is motility. Through the airs, down to hell, the Devil's travels make of him a vagabond, and the volume's first part shows, among other fascinations, that 'down' is itself a textual construction . . . ." The second part of the work deals with the "demonological discourses of colonizing projects."
Review:J. Persels in BHR 71.3 (2009) 623—625 Ouvrage collective consacré "à la représentation du diable itinérant et à ses itinéraires multiples et variés sous l'Ancien Régime." Seize contributions "réparties en cinq chapitres thématiques qui tracent chacun un parcours plutôt chronologique."

IBBETT, KATHERINE. The Style of the State in French Theater, 1630-1660: Neoclassicism and Government. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009

Review:Prest, J. in FS 64.3 (2010), 344—345. "Ibbett's aim is to set aside the canonical familiarity that is all too often brought to bear on the century, to step back, and to include alongside her reading of some very canonical works other sources, several of which are deliberately 'curious' choices. These include French schoolbooks of the Third Republic(to a large degree responsible for the particular brand of canonization that Ibbett seeks to eschew), paintings by Terbrugghen and La Tour, and Italian pamphlets of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Similarly, some of the critical approaches that are put into effect on the material are more unusual than others: [. . .] Corneille is seldom read alongside Michel Foucault and Walter Benjamin and in the context of France's colonial imperatives in the Americas. Here Ibbett does all three, and more. If the results are sometimes a bit scattered, they are always thoughtful and thought-provoking, and combine to form a book that offers many new and suggestive insights into the seventeenth century." This study focuses largely on Corneille and performs an interesting comparative reading of Théodore and Polyeucte which sheds new light on the martyr play. An examination of Corneille and Richelieu's writing on raison d'état shows an affinity with Machiavelli.

JOUHAUD, CHRISTIAN et DINAH RIBARD et NICOLAS SCHAPIRA. Histoire, Littérature, Témoignage. Ecrire les malheurs du temps. Paris: Gallimard, 2009

Review:M. Brétéché in DSS 248 (2010),566—568. "Mener de front une théorisation méthodologique et une réflexion historiographique sans négliger une analyse fine des sources, tel est le pari relevé par les auteurs de[ce livre]. Soutenu par un réel effort didactique, cet ouvrage[. . .] propose un renouvellement méthodologique très stimulant pour l'étude croisée de l'histoire et de la littérature."

JOURDE, MICHEL and MONFERRAN, JEAN-CHARLES. Le Lexique métalittéraire français(XVIe-XVIIe siècles). Geneva: Droz, 2006

Review: Viala, A. in FS 64.2 (2010), 205.. A collection of twelve essays (and an index of 250 terms) that trace the creation of a specialized poetic and critical vocabulary in the Renaissance and Classical periods. "Un tel effort pour construire les catégories endogènes de la pensée – après un temps où, dans la vogue structuraliste, la critique a souvent privilégié l'emploi de néologismes dans l'espoir d'établir des cadres de description stables plutôt que d'envisager les variations des terminologies et donc des façons de penser, voire leurs concurrences et conflits – est une entreprise utile, nécessaire et salubre."

KELLER-RAHBE, EDWIGE. "Représenter la parole historique au XVIIe siècle: stratégies de deux romanciers-historiens, Mme de Villedieu et Saint-Réal". DSS 246 (2010), 119—142.

"Mme de Villedieu se présente comme une femme romancière è la culture historique mondaine, un auteur qui endosse le masque de l'historien par effet de mode, par souci de vraisemblance et certainement par goût personnel, mais qui revendique aussi de pouvoir s'en affranchir, de pouvoir jouer avec et, surtout, de pouvoir exhiber dans le même temps, sans complexe, son travail de romancière [. . .] A l'inverse, Sait-Réal est historien de formation et sa culture est une culture érudite et savante. C'est pourquoi, devenu romancier, il endosse le masque de l'historien avec tout le sérieux possible et ne manque pas d'élaborer des stratégies pour entretenir le lecteur dans l'illusion que ce qu'il lit ressortit à la vérité de l'Histoire."

KENNY, NEIL. The Uses of Curiosity in Early Modern France and Germany. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004

Review:Anon in FMLS 45.2 (2009), 226. Judged "erudite, nuanced, and complex," K.'s study focuses on ordinary language as he builds on his 1998 Curiosity in Early Modern Europe: Word Histories. K. examines here a series of "interwoven case studies that reveal the frequently conflicting purposes to which curiosity was put"(reviewer). The very nature of curiosity is studied within institutions such as the Church and various academies in this "challenging and provocative work [which is] the most detailed and substantial study of early modern curiosity to date"(reviewer).

LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS, ed. La Comédie des Tuileries et L'Aveugle de Smyrne, écrites en collaboration par F. de Boisrobert, G. Colletet, P. Corneille, Cl. De l'Estoile, J. Rotrou, sous la direction de Richelieu avec la participation de Chapelain. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2008

Review:J.-Y. Vialleton in DSS 247 (2010), 365—367. Critical edition of the two plays mentioned in the title preceded by an important(195 pages)introduction by Lasserre.

LE MARCHAND, BERENICE. "Représentations du spectacle dans les contes de fées." EMF 13 (2010) 159—180.

Le Marchand offers an interesting investigation into metarepresentation: she examines spectacle within fairy tales as a reflection of the importance of theatre for the era. She posits its initial popularity under Louis XIV and its decline at the end of his reign. The author also discusses the conteuses' role as intermediaries between the world of the court and the world of popular theater.

LERNER, RALPH. Playing the fool. Subversive laughter, troubled times. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2009

Review:N. Smith in TLS 5611 (Oct 15 2010). An exploration of how humor is used to speak truth to power. Reviewer singles out the chapter on Pierre Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique as especially praiseworthy. The Dictionnaire is an "extreme account of these monuments of human folly through the ages" as well as an exploration of the historian's duty to tell the truth. "It is Lerner's achievement to have made his author in this account pointedly direct . . . quite unlike the dispersed authorial presence in the book itself.

LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. Rome des Césars, Rome des Papes. La propagande du cardinal Mazarin. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007

Review:S. De Franceschi in DSS 247 (2010) 375—376. Aligned with a movement to unify history and literary studies, the present book is a great success. "Le récent et imposant travail d'Yvan Loskoutoff est largement tributaire d'un renouvellement aux acquis duquel il apporte une illustration décisive. Essentiellement fondées sur l'exploitation d'une littérature encomiastique trop longtemps méprisée par les historiens, et significativement les historiens de la littérature, qui lui reprochaient son insincérité, les analyses développées dans [ce livre] se placent explicitement dans la lignée des travaux de Jacques Truchet, de Françoise Bardon, de Jacques Hennequin, ou encore de Nicole Ferrier-Caverivière [. . .]"

LOWRIE, JOYCE O. Sightings, Mirrors in texts—texts in mirrors. AmterdamAmsterdam: Rodopi, 2008

Review:F. Forcolin in S Fr 159 (2009): 684—684. Welcome volume of the "Visual Literacies " series edited by Robert Fisher and Nancy Brillias. Interrogates the function and place of the mirror over some five centuries. The myth of Narcissus and the figure of chiasmus prove highly useful in this examination which includes analyses of La Princesse de Clèves and of Andromaque as well as numerous modern and non-Francophone works.

LYONS, JOHN D. "La triple imperfection de l'histoire." DSS 246 (2010) 27—42.

"Le discours sur la poétique au XVIIe siècle – essentiellement la théorie de la tragédie – offre une certaine perspective sur l'idée que l'on se faisait de l'histoire au XVIIe siècle." Most tragédiens and theatrical theoreticians "participant au consensus que l'histoire est défectueuse sous trois aspects: en tant que réalité, c'est-à-dire la succession des événements dans le monde; en tant que source de sujets tragiques potentiels; et, enfin, en tant que représentation complète et fidèle du monde du passé[. . .] et chaque "imperfection" se rapporte différemment aux définitions de l'histoire. La première concerne l'histoire en tant que réalité, le vrai ; la seconde concerne celle-ci et en tant que registre du passé ; et la troisième ne concerne que ce registre."

MACDONALD, KATHERINE. Biography in Early Modern France 1540-1630: Forms and Functions. London: Legenda, 2007

Review:J. Davies in MLR 105.1 (2010), 241—242. ". . . five case studies in the writing of life stories, four biographies and one autobiography. The focus is firmly upon the lives of intellectuals written by fellow men of letters: Louis Le Roy's 1540 Vita of Guillaume Budé; Charles Paschals's 1584 Vita of Guy du Faur de Pibrac; Claude Binet's Vie de Ronsard, first published in 1586; Nicolas de Nancel's Vita of Ramus, which appeared in 1589; and finally Agrippa d'Aubigné's autobiography, composed in 1629 and addressed to his children." Reviewer concludes: "Elegantly written, clearly argued, and erudite, this is a rewarding and thought-provoking book and a valuable contribution to the study of early modern French humanism."
Review:O. Ranum in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 229—231. Interpretations from a "radical-individualist perspective on relations between the biographer and his subject" inform M.'s study which examines biography as it relates to rhetoric, facts of life and the biographer's own "life perspective"(229). R. usefully indicates limitations of interpretation, dimensions and analytical vocabulary. Index and bibliography.

MAINIL, JEAN, ed. Féeries: études sur le conte merveilleux, XVIIe–XIXe siècles. 5. Le Rire des conteurs. Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3: UMR Lire, 2008

Review:Harold Neeman in M & T 24.1 (2010), 163—65. Reviewer finds the articles in this volume exhibit "solid scholarship" and appreciates how it "allows for insight into various dynamics at play in composing or performing narratives with a fairy-tale setting. The authors indeed deserve great credit for exploring the humoristic, comic, ironic, and satirical potential of several tales."

MALACHY, THERESE. Le Théàtre dans la cité(Un recueil d'articles). Paris: Nizet, 2008

Review:G. Bosco in S Fr 157 (2009): 225. These republished articles focus, as the title suggests, on the scenic and are the fruit of many years of M.'s scholarship while teaching at the Hebraic University of Jerusalem. Organized in three sections, the studies examine theatrical practice, the phenomenon of rewriting, and socio-historical aspects. Molière and Racine are studied, Racine's Esther in its relation to the Old Testament, Molière and Corneille in relation to the problem of liberty, along with a variety of modern authors.

MALAS, ODILE. La Vierge au gré des jours. Les concours de poésie mariale à Caen 1527-1794. Melfi: Libria, 2000. Babele, 10

Review:F. Fassina in S Fr 157 (2009): 156. Account of the three- century long concours of poetry dedicated to Mary; presentation and analysis includes historical and cultural perspectives. Attentive to context, thematics and genre, the study includes as well numerous texts. Chronological table and rich bibliography.

MAURRAS, ELIOT. "Du classicisme". RR 100.1-2 (2009) 67—80.

The article explores the resurrection of classicism's principles and ideas for French literature at the beginning of the twentieth century (between 1891889 and 1930) and focuses mostly on the classical writers, but also briefly alludes to neoclassicism. This new direction grows out of what it perceives to be the failings of symbolism and, in an unstable period, portrays classical literature as an edenic moment of history.

MAZOUER, CHARLES, ed. Farces du Grand Siècle: De Tabarin à Molière. Farces et petites comédies du XVIIe siècle. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2008

Review:Ousselin, E. in FS 63.4 (2009), 458—459. A new edition of the anthology originally published in 1992. This collection traces the evolution of the farce chronologically; an introduction and notes accompany each play. The grouping of the plays allows for an appreciation of continuity and innovation, particularly as regards recurrent and stock characters(Turlupin, Rodomont)as well as comic strategies(quiproquo, etc.)

MAZOUER, CHARLES. "Mozart et la tragédie française." S Fr 157 (2009) 112—119.

Reflectingreflecting faitfully the two foci of its title, Mazouer's finely argued article proves as illuminating for Racinian studies as for those on Mozart. Demonstrates philosophical and aesthetic distances such as the invention of Ismene by Mozart and a God "bon, généreux qui aime les hommes et veut leur bonheur"(118)rather than a vindictive one.

MONTOYA, ALICIA. "Medievalism and Enlightenment,1647-1750: Jean Chapelain to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. RR 100.4 (2009) 493—513.

This study explores the light-dark metaphor from Jean Chapelain's La Lecture des vieux romans to Rousseau's Discours sur les sciences et les arts. While the light-dark metaphor has often been seen as an appropriation of Enlightenment, Montoya shows the process of Enlightenment's appropriations of that metaphor which challenges the very notion of Enlightenment. She argues that when the rhetoric of light and dark is reframed in its historical context, tensions within Enlightenment discourse become visible and previous definitions of "ancient" and "modern" are re-aligned.

MOUCHEL, CHRISTIAN et COLETTE NATIVEL, éds. République des lettres. République des arts. Mélanges en l'honneur de Marc Fumaroli. Genève: Droz, 2008

Review:D. Ménager in BHR 72.1 (2010), 173—176 Trente-cinq contributions (dont "la Renaissance et l'âge classique se taillent la part du lion") célèbrent Marc Fumaroli qui "a multiplié les promenades savants et sensible entre les deux territories . . . ."

MORTGAT-LONGUET, EMMANUELLE. Clio au Parnasse. Naissance de l'"histoire littéraire" aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Genève: Champion, 2006

Review:L. Fraisse in RF 121 (2009): 501—506: M.-L.offers a new perspective here in a demonstration affirming that what would later be termed literary history was present at the end of the 16th c. and developed throughout the 17th c.(501). While suggesting various points of discussion such as any early evidence of the historic environment of a work or works in question, F. appreciates the attentiveness of a network of writers established among themselves and with the entourage of Henri III as well as to the emergence of an historical perspective(503—504). Other emphases include recognition of a periodisation of literature, new methods of editing and revision of manuscripts, a "dialogue" between the Grand Siècle and the preceding one. Particular examples such as Colletet's Vies des poètes français are examined(C. is writing as an historian rather than a biographer). Praiseworthy bibliography of sources and critics, index of authors and an analytical table of subjects.

ORTOLA, MARIE-SOL and MARIE ROIG MIRANDA, eds. Mémoire-Récit-Histoire dans l'Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, Actes du colloque international organisé à Nancy, 24-26 novembre, 2005, «Europe XVI-XVII». 2 vols. n.p. and n.d.

Review:F. Fassina in S Fr 157 (2009): 159. The theme of mámoire in its rapports with history is the subject of this highly interdisciplinary 2 volume set. Highly useful for scholars in art, history, literature, philosophy, pedagogy, politics and jurisprudence. Studies in volume I connect the concept and theories of memory to various genres while those in volume II focus on memory and historical events or historical narratives.

PADDEN, SUSAN A. "Conceptions of the Function of Author in Seventeenth-Century French Epistolary Literature: The Cases of the Comte de Guilleragues and Mme de Villedieu." DAI 48/06 (2010)

This dissertation shows the author function in seventeenth-century French epistolary literature. Anonymity and pseudonymity are tools through which the authors remove themselves as individuals from their texts. Both empower the reader through re-appropriation of authorship. Yet their motivations are different.

PAPASOGLI, BENEDETTA. La mémoire du coeur au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:Campbell, J. in FS 63.3 (2009), 337—338. This collection of new and previously published material(some available in French for the first time)concentrates on the theme of memory in the work of the moralists and spiritual writers, as well as imaginative literature. Chapters treat La Bruyère, La Rochefoucauld, the representation of memory, Pascal and Shaftesbury, the genre of the mémoire, François Lamy, meditation, Fontaine and Mme Guyon, Rancé, the role of memory in prose fiction (L'Astrée, La Princesse de Clèves), tragedy (Cinna, Racine), and Fénélon.
Review:D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 159 2009: 618 Highly praiseworthy volume by one of the most renowned specialists of 17th c. moral and spiritual literature. Welcome and rich "sequel" to her 2000 Volti della memoria nel grand siecle e oltre. Rome: Bulzoni After an introduction, the volume is organized into three sections: "Litterature morale," "Litterature spirituelle," and "echos." Includes both examinations of often analyzed texts such as La Princesse de Cleves and of lesser known but important ones.

PEDEFLOUS, OLIVIER. La Muse muselée: Macrin, Bourbon, Dampierre devant l'Affaire des Placards(1534). PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 459—474.

Analyzes how the repressive governmental measures of 1533-1534 influenced the writings of the poets Jean Salmon Macrin, Nicolas Bourbon and Jean de Dampierre.

PERSELS, JEFF, ed. Spectacle. Charlottesville: Rookwood Press, 2010

Review:A. Duggan in SCN 68 (2010), 188—191. As part of the "Studies in Early Modern France" series, the editor successfully "brings together essays that focus on theater and performance from different disciplinary approaches and in a variety of contexts spanning the fifteenth to the eighteenth century."

PETTERSON, JAMES. Poetry Proscribed: Twentieth-Century(Re)Visions of the Trials of Poetry in France. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2008

Review:S. Winspur in Fr F 34.2 (2009), 158—161. Judged a "salutary refocusing" of literature on trial, P.'s study analyzes both philosophical aspects and the significance of the genre of poetry itself. The one 17th c. poet included is Théophile de Viau; his poetry is studied as a "threat to the force of law"(159). This welcome examination also includes a thought-provoking epilogue which "defines the poetic hearing of new singularities by contrasting it to ways of knowing"(160).

PIOFFET, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Espaces lointains, espaces rêvés dans la fiction Romanesque du Grand Siècle. Collection Imago Mundi. Paris: Presses Universitaires Paris-Sorbonne, 2007

Review:E. Welch in FR 83 (2009), 407—08. "[A] rich, well-documented consideration of the representation of faraway spaces in the period's prose fiction. . .Pioffet convincingly argues that novelists created hybrid landscapes which superimposed new geographical knowledge on outdated myths and tropes"(407). The reviewer regrets that more attention is not paid to how aesthetic constraints and conventions shape these depictions of foreign places, but nonetheless praises the work as "magisterial"(408).

REGIER, WILLIS Q. "Shahrazad's New Clothes". WLT 84.2 (2010), 30—34.

An essay that gives rave reviews to the new Penguin Classics 3-volume translation of The Arabian Nights and compares it with earlier versions. Extensively references the history and various versions of the Nights with a special focus on the translation by Antoine Galland.

Les relations franco-anglaises aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: périodiques et manuscrits clandestins, La Lettre Clandestine, n. 15, Paris: P de l'U Paris-Sorbonne,2007

Review:M. Melai in S Fr 159 (2009): 619. Heterogeneous and rich collection of studies focuses on the circulation of libertine philosophical ideas across England and France. The volume is organized into four sections: 1)an exploration of manuscripts circulating clandestinely, 2)various related questions of the 17th and 18th c,(Cyrano is included here) and 3)reviews of publications from 2006 on the theme with a catalogue of recent initiatives.

RIFFAUD, ALAIN. La Ponctuation du théâtre imprimé au XVIIe siècle.(Geneva: Droz, 2007)

Review:Howe, A. in FS 64.1 (2010), 85—86. Riffaud challenges the long-held belief that the original seventeenth-century punctuation of printed theatrical texts served to guide declamation and performance. His examination of numerous texts and variant editions, guided by careful attention to considerations of material bibliography and printing practices, shows that playwrights were largely indifferent to punctuation practice which was largely controlled by the printers themselves. "Clearly written and liberally illustrated by helpful facsimile extracts, this is a work which future scholars preparing 'scientific' editions of seventeenth-century plays cannot afford to ignore – even though the advice proffered in the concluding chapter, regarding the criteria by which decisions should be made about the retention, modification or modernization of the original punctuation, will make the editorial task appear more daunting."
Review:J. Durrenmatt in DSS 247 (2010), 364—365. The author's work "constitue une passionnante contribution tant à l'histoire de la ponctuation qu'à celle du livre ou de théâtre. Il revient, dans un premier temps, sur la querelle qui oppose depuis longtemps partisans et adversaires de la modernisation de la ponctuation dans les éditions savantes des textes anciens, débat parfois enflammé qui a trouvé, depuis une vingtaine d'années, dans le théâtre du XVIIe siècle un lieu privilégié, sous l'impulsion notamment d'Eugène Green et de Georges Forestier."

ROCHERE, MARTINE HENNARD DUTHEIL DE LA. "'But marriage itself is no party:' Angela Carter's Translation of Charles Perrault's 'La Belle au bois dormant;' or, Pitting the Politics of Experience against the Sleeping Beauty Myth". M & T 24.1 (2010), 131—51.

Argues that Angela Carter's translations of Charles Perrault's tales had a positive affect on her career, in part by claiming them for feminism.

ROYÉ, JOCELYN. La figure du pédant de Montaigne à Molière. Genève: Droz, 2008

Review:G. Bosco in S Fr 158 (2009): 459. Praiseworthy and wide-ranging examination includes physical, intellectual and moral/social dimensions of the pedant. R.'s history of the evolution of the figure includes diverse genres from comedy to poetic satire and the novel. The study is organized in the following three sections: "Le portrait du pédant," "Le langage pédantesque," and "Le pédantisme de la Rive Droite." Copious and erudite bibliography and indices.

SCHACHTER, MARC D. Voluntary Servitude and the Erotics of Friendship: From Classical Antiquity to Early Modern France. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:G. Ferguson in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 879—880. This "elegant study" of Montaigne and Étienne de La Boétie and Marie de Gournay is informed by Foucault's "governmentality" and "critique"(879). Although the focus is Montaigne and in particular his concept of liberté volontaire, chapters also examine Plato's Symposium, La Boétie's De la servitude voluntaire and Gournay's Promenoir de Monsieur de Montaigne. Judged "masterful," "at once erudite and innovative," S.'s study will prove highly useful to 17th c. scholars as they examine and reexamine friendship in its numerous manifestations so relevant to the Grand Siècle.

SCHOLAR, RICHARD. The Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi in Early Modern Europe: Encounters with a Certain Something. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005

Review:Anon in FMLS 45.2 (2009), 232. Fascinating and rigorous word history also analyzes the expression's use in philosophical debates. Case studies range from Pascal to several poets and Dominique de Bouhours's treatise, the latter in a discussion of politesse.

SCHOLL, DOROTHÉE, dir. Oeuvres et critiques, 32, 2, 2007. "La question du baroque."

Review:L Rescia in S Fr 157 (2009): 162—163 and S Fr 158(2009): 387—388. Finely coordinated thematic issue in which the concept that owes so much to Jean Rousset is revisited. The term's polysemy is demonstrated by J.C. Vuillemin; the concept is examined in its relation to 17th c. oratory doctrines by Volker Kapp; Cecilia Rizza reviews important contributions on the baroque which appeared in S Fr; Dorothée Scholl examines three related categories: baroque, arabesque and grotesque; Francis Assaf focuses on a particular case, Francion's narrative; A. Surgers's contribution examines the theatrical baroque, from spatial organization to emblematics while the literary text of theatre is the focus of M. Brunel's essay which treats the dramatic function of "stances théâtricales" from 1630 to 1660. Another four essays examine the baroque as a modern or post-modern concept. The reviewer singles out for special comment Rainer Zaiser's essay "Le pli: Deleuze et le baroque."

SCOTT, VIRGINIA. Women on the Stage in Early Modern France, 1540-1750. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2010

Review:J. Prest in TLS 5610 (Oct 8 2010): 21. This study aims "to review and, when appropriate, to redress the old stereotype of the actress as a whore." At the "theoretical heart" of the study, Prest sees "the dubious reliability of the anecdote, source of many prejudices against actresses." Work contains illuminating discussion of the casting choices for the two rival productions of Racine's Alexandre le Grand and useful biographies of important actresses. Prest particularly praises the discussion of secondary female characters in Corneille's comedies, but expresses surprise that female playwrights are not discussed.

SEIFERT, LEWIS C. Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2009

Review:K. J. Manna in MLN 124.4 (2009), 1014—1018.: ". . . Seifert compares early modern ideals of manliness to the notion of effeminacy in order to reveal a complex history of non-normative masculinity. Seifert's book brings to light many intricacies of the historical creation of the modern concepts of sexuality and gender and underscores the ways in which these ideas were arbitrarily shaped by writings from and about the past."
Review:Harris, J. in FS 64.1 (2010), 87 Seifert's welcome and important study intelligently explores a range of different 'masculinities' within various seventeenth-century French discourses." The first part examines the interplay between masculinity and civility which takes place largely in the settings of court and salon where honnête masculinity defined itself in relation to femininity. Seifert then focuses on homosexuality and cross-dressing, carefully weaving the early-modern and post-modern and introducing, for example, the modern notion of "transgender" to analyze the Abbé de Choisy. An important study "in itself and [for] the rich theoretical field it opens up.
Review:N. Hammond in TLS 5587 (April 30 2010): 22. A study that considers masculinity as "perpetually in crisis." First part of book explores discourses of civility and their implications for ideals of masculinity. Reviewer finds Seifert "at his best" in second section of the book, when he analyses street songs and satires from the latter part of the century that openly confront homosexual desire. The last part of the book moves back in time to consider Boisrobert and Théophile de Viau. An "excellent book" with "impressive scholarship."

SHAPIRO, NORMAN, ed. French Women Poets of Nine Centuries. Baltimore: JohnsJohn Hopkins UP, 2008

Review:L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 71.3 (2009), 582—583. Ambitious anthology includes 56 writers and 600 poems with English translations; several early 17th-century.

STEDMAN, GESA and MARGARETE ZIMMERMANN, eds. Höfe—Salons—Akademien: Kulturtransfer und Gender im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2007

Review:E. J. Benkov in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 953—955. Welcomed for its timeliness, variety and the "validity of the guiding premise: women in their various roles contributed to and indeed promoted the circulation of ideas and cultural exchange across early modern Europe"(955). Sixteen essays investigate gender and cultural exchange in 16th -18th c. Europe. Courts, salons and academies are only a few of the "sites" examined; cultural significance and exchange is studied in relation to travel, clothing, reading and translations. S. and Z. furnish a visual illustration and unifying force to the volume through their interpretive essay of the 17th c. painting attributed to Louis-Michel Dumesnil, "depict[ing]Christina of Sweden and Elisabeth of Bohemia at a table with, among others, Descartes and Pierre Chanut, the ambassador who invited Descartes to the Swedish court"(953-954).

TAYLOR, KAREN L. "The Articulation of Emotion in Eighteenth-Century Théâtre d'Education". EMF 13 (2010): 204—228.

The article starts with the importance of Racine's latter plays written for Saint-Cyr for eighteenth-century théàtre de l'éducation but also reflects on the role that non-Racinian works played, among them Boursault's Les Fables d'Esope and the undated version of L'enfant prodigue. Taylor registers the growing influence of Enlightenment's emphasis on sensibility, and notes its role for the education of aristocratic daughters.

TOURETTE, ERIC. Les Formes brèves de la description morale: Quatrains, maxims, remarques. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:Culpin, D. in FS 63.4 (2009), 460—461. This study shows that the forme brève is not merely an ornamental, rhetorical form but rather reflective of the moral discourse it conveys. The quatrain, for example, is frequently used for moralistic poetry because its brevity constitutes "le symbole permanent de la brièveté de la vie." The maxim's focus on discernment is reflective in its neutral tone and concision. The remark is typified by "la coupure, l'interruption, la relance" which communicate "la déspiritualisation de l'homme." The formes brèves marry forme and fond and make an "ideal tool for that 'art de la demystification lucide' which is the preoccupation of the moralist."
Review:M. Mastroianni in S Fr 158 (2009): 385. This doctoral thesis examines late 16th and early 17th c. formes brèves in France, specifically the development of three genres: le quatrain moral(in the manner of Pibrac), la maxime mondaine(in the manner of La Rochefoucauld)and the remarques(in the manner of La Bruyère).

TURNOVSKY, GEOFFREY. The Literary Market. U of Pennsylvania P, 2010

Review:D. Coward in TLS 5597 (July 9 2010): 3—4.. Work mainly on the eighteenth-century, but argues that writers in seventeenth-century France viewed patronage as a means to autonomy. Patronage "cancelled the seventeenth-century writer's status as a household servant and gave him his entrée to the exalted company of honnêtes hommes"(Coward). Social education considered more important than publishing.
Review:H. Bahri in CHOICE 47 (2010), 2107-08. In examining the evolution of authorship in 17th- and 18th-century France, Turnovsky considers how authors' "stylized images of their experiences" became more important than the content of their art, and how they used distance from their protectors, a constructed "outsider" status, and other gestures to achieve an image as honnêtes hommes de lettres. Recommended by the reviewer.

VAN DELFT, LOUIS. Les Moralistes. Une apologie. Paris: Gallimard, 2008. "Folio Essais Inédits."

Review:B. Papasogli in S Fr 157 (2009): 166—167 and S Fr 158 (2009): 391—392. Highly praiseworthy volume by the great specialist of the genre. Equally fruitful for scholars and "nouveaux venus," Van D. communicates the complex and fascinating world of the classical moralists(392). Organized thematically around the concept of "theatrum mundi," and incorporating analyses such as those from the Stoic, Epicurean or Augustinian perspective. Notable for its breadth and perception throughout and particularly for insights into the relation between the moralists and spirituality.

VINCENT, MONIQUE. Le Mercure Galant: Présentation de la première revue féminine d'information et de culture, 1672-1710. Paris: Champion(Sources classiques), 2005

Review:Wygant, A. in FS 63.1 (2009), 86. This volume includes an introduction to the Mercure and Donneau de Visé followed by a "Reader's Digest-style compilation" of articles. A useful guide for accessing the Mercure's wide range of subject matter; production flaws and infelicities in the accompanying index limit its utility, however.

VON STACKELBERG, JÜRGEN. Der unfertige Garten. Essays zur französischen Literatur. Bonn: Romanisticher Verlag, 2007. ___. Frankreichs große Autoren. Ein Lektürekanon in Vorträgen, Aufsätzen und Essays. Wien: Praesens, 2008. ___. Grenzüberschreitungen. Studien zu Literatur, Geschichte, Ethnologie und Ethologie. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag, 2007. ___. Figaro, Don Giovanni und Così van tutte, Da Pontes Libretti und deren Vorlagen. Wien: Praesens, 2008. ___. "Der atheistiche Kardinal". Die Geburt des Realismus aus dem Geiste des Engagements. Anmerkungen zu Pablo Neruda. Berlin: Frey, 2009.

Review:K. Schoell in RF 121 (2009): 516—519. The first two volumes are brought up to date and demonstrate anew the importance of J v. S. as a critic of Humanism, the French Grand siècle and the Enlightenment. The first 2007 collection of essays that bears the citation from Montaigne includes thirty essays on various works, genres and authors from the Odyssee to Tom Jones, from Molière to Musset, for example. The 2008 volume on France's greatest authors is a highly valuable reference work, especially for the 16th -19th c. The 17th c. specialist will particularly appreciate sections on Molière, Scarron and La Fayette. The other volumes whose titles appear above are reviewed as well, but the emphases(as the titles indicate)are on later periods, even the 21st c. –yet connections are made there as well with the Grand Siècle, especially with Molière.

WILKIN, REBECCA M. Women, Imagination and the Search for Truth in Early Modern France. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:K. Long in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1238—1240. Praiseworthy, wide-ranging and original in many aspects, W.'s study offers "historically and intellectually important" revisions of the traditional. 17th c. scholars will appreciate W.'s "nuanced reading" of Descartes's representation of the mind and will. L. is impressed by W.'s documentation and care in the readings.

WYGANT, AMY. Medea, Magic and Modernity in France. Stages and Histories (1553-1797). Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007

Review:Chesters, T. in FS 63.3 (2009), 343. A "thoughtful, well-researched, and provocative study of Medea's incarnations on the early modern stage [. . .] organized around three avatars of the ancient witch, each of whom conjures her own distinct vision of what it might mean to be 'modern'." These three figures are: the practitioner of "rejuvenative" magic (La Péruse's La Médee, 1553), the "catoptromancer" (Corneille, Médée, 1635), and the "Revolutionary" Medea (Cherubini and Diderot). In the reviewer's opinion, the author's allusions to modern and contemporary culture(e.g., Oliver Stone, group psychology, Revlon, Brecht, Osama Bin Laden)show that "as we begin to move beyond the New Historicist phase, the whole question of periodicity and of what constitutes proper context may again be up for grabs."

ZAISER, RAINER, ed. L'âge de la représentation: l'art du spectacle au XVIIe siècle. Actes du IXe Colloque du CIR 17 (Kiel 16-18 mars 2006). Tübingen: G. Narr, 2007

Review:C. Rolla in S Fr 157 (2009): 162—164 and S Fr 158 (2009): 388—389. These rich Actes of the 2006 conference of CIR 17 include two allocutions, one by President S. Oechsle of the Kiel Faculty of Letters and "Sciences Humaines" and another, on the subject of the colloque, by Cecilia Rizza. Preceded by a preface by Rainer Zaiser, editor of the collection, the volume's essays are divided into the following four sections: "Le spectaculaire sur la scène,": "Le théâtre" and "Danse, ballet, opera"; "Formes de représentation dans la comédie du XVIIe siècle" and "La théâtricalitéé dans les genres non-dramatiques."

ZANIN, ENRICA. "Les réécritures modernes d'Œdipe Roi: entre imitation et moralisation". EMF 13 (2010): 181—203.

The article centers its discussion on adaptations and transformations of the Sophoclean and Senecan tragedy of Oedipus in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France. The author reveals how playwrights subjected their scripts to the Christian doctrine. The first modern adaptations try to find an answer to the problem of evil in which God's goodness remains intact, while the latter ones try to justify the mystery of the coexistence of divine will and the existence of evil.

ZONZA, CHRISTIAN. La Nouvelle historique en France à l'âge classique(1657-1703). Paris: Champion, 2007

Review:B. Hamon-Porter in FR 84 (2010), 159—60. An exhaustive study, Zonza's book defines the genre of the nouvelle historique and then demonstrates how it benefits from 17th-century readers' discontent with both the novel and prose history. A third section considers the social commentary and advice offered by the genre as it comes to focus on tales of Valois-era nobles. Zonza's conclusion addresses the 'decline' of the genre into mere gallantry. The reviewer particularly admires the many excerpts of obscure nouvelles historiques which Zonza now makes available.



DALLA VALLE, DANIELA. "La Préface au lecteur" du Torrismon du Tasse de Charles Vion D'Alibray. Edition et présentation, "Comparitistica," Studi in onore di Enzo Caramaschi, 2006 and Studi Comparatistica 2008.

Review:M. Pavesio in S Fr 157 2009: 164 and S Fr 158 2009 389. Welcome edition, presentation and analysis (in two parts) of this very important text for the debate of tragedy and tragicomedy in France.


POUZET, REGINE, ed. Robert Arnauld d'Andilly, Mémoires, suivi de Antoine Arnauld, dit l'Abbé Arnauld, Mémoires. Avant-propos d'ANTHONY MCKENNA. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 157 (2009): 167—168 and S Fr 158 (2009): 392—393. P.'s welcome edition of the two Mémoires by father and son is of great historical value. Appreciated and complementary innovation of the publishing of the two texts in one volume despite their considerable differences. Exhaustive critical apparatus which includes philological perspectives.
Review: P. Thouvenin in DSS 248 (2010), 560—561. "Cette édition des Mémoires d'une figure majeure de Port-Royal et de son fils offre une triple nouveauté, philologique, éditoriale, historique et littéraire, magnifiquement servie par l'édition de Régine Pouzet. On ne présentera pas aux spécialistes la famille la plus profondément inscrite dans la littérature et dans l'histoire religieuse et politique du XVIIe siècle, les Arnauld."


D'ASSOUCY, CHARLES COYPEAU. Les Aventures et les prisons. Ed.Dominique Bertrand Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:B. Hamon-Porter in FR 83 (2009), 159—60. A critical edition of selected works from the musician, poet, and burlesque dramatist Dassoucy. Calomnied for his outdated style and imprisoned for his presumed homosexuality, Dassoucy wrote an evasive "apologie de la foi chrétienne" concerning the latter. Bertrand's edition joins this text, La Prison, with others written for his inquisition trial, and with his Les Avantures de Monsieur Dassoucy, which "fournissent. . .au lecteur contemporain une mine d'informations sur le context culturel et socio-politique de l'époque"(160).


BANDERIER, GILLES, ed. La Chapelle, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la vie d'Agrippa d'Aubigné. Paris: Champion, 2008. Textes de la Renaissance, 128

Review:M. Mastroianni in S Fr 157 (2009): 158. Welcome annotated edition of La C.'s biography of d'A., commissioned by Madame de Maintenon. Catholic perspective. B.'s edition reproduces faithfully ms. Paris, Bibliothèque de la Direction de l'Enseignement Militaire Supérieur de l'Armée de la Terre, K. II. 77. Variants are indicated in the appendix.

GOEURY, JULIEN. "La Muse Chrestienne",ou le larcin de Rocquigny. Contribution à l'histoire de la réception des Tragiques d'Agrippa d'Aubigné au XVIIe siècle. BHR 71.3 (2009), 489—525.

Adrian Rocquigny a publié la Muse chrestienne pour la premère fois à Londres en 1627. "Non seulement ce recueil témoigne d'un travail d'imitation des Tragiques, souvent proche du centon, ce qui en fait un exemple unique en son genre, mais illustre aussi l'actualité des Tragiques sous le règne personnel de Louis XIII. Pour un lecteur protestant de 1616, comme de la décennie à venir qui conduit en droite ligne au désastre de La Rochelle, si les Tragiques Trqgiques se présentent comme un poème 'anachronique', c'est sans doute moins parce qu'ils font resurgir le souvenir d'un passé révolu dans une langue archaïque, que parce qu'ils offrent un tableau expressif et émouvant, ainsi qu'une grille de lecture historique et théologique, des événements en train de se produire, ce qui leur confère une dimension proprement 'visionnaire'."

JUNOD, SAMUEL. Agrippa d'Aubigné ou les misères du prophète. Genéve: Droz, 2008

Review: BHR 71.3 (2009), 682—683. "Un des grands mèrites de cet ouvrage est précisément de reprendre cette évidence—la dimension 'prophétique' des Tragiques pour l'étudier véritablement, l'approfondir et la renouveler. Un vaste travail de contextualisation ressaisit les notion de prophète et de prophétie à travers les modèles répertoriés par la tradition et affichés par d'Aubigné . . . ."

SERVET, MARIE-HELENE, éd. Albineana 21: Démons, sorciers et diableries au temps d'Agrippa d'Aubigné. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009

Review:W. Monter in BHR 72.2 (2010), 510—511. Nine contributions explore the fascination with the diabolic in the context of French Protestantism during the Renaissance. M. Closson focuses on d'Aubigné's interest in the magical arts, while E. Surget deals with an instance of demonic possession in Niort in 1628.


BARCHILON, JACQUES. "Adaptations of Folktales and Motifs in Madame d'Aulnoy's Contes: A Brief Survey of Influence and Diffusion". M&T 23 (2009), 353—364.

"Nearly all the stories by Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy (1650-1705) contain identifiable tale types. This is clear upon examining her tales in conjunction with seminal works of classification such as Stith Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk Literature(1932-1936), Paul Delarue and Marie-Louise Tenèze's Conte populaire français(1957-1985), and Hans-Jörg Uther's Types of International Folk-tales(ATU; 2004). The significant presence of tale types in d'Aulnoy's oeuvre argues well for the universality of her appeal."

RAYNARD, SOPHIE. Le défi des conteuses: faire de la femme scandaleuse une héroïne de fiction. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 57—70.

Examines ways in which the fairy tales of women-writers, such as d'Aulnoy, Murat, La Force and Bernard, can be read as subversive. Attention is also given to the memoirs of d'Aulnoy and Murat.

TRINQUET, CHARLOTTE. Happily Ever After? Not so Easily! Seventeenth-Century Fairy Tales and their Unconventional Endings. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 45—54.

Analyzes how the endings of fairy tales by women (d'Aulnoy, La Force, Bernard) tend to question traditional values and social norms, and are best understood in terms of préciosité.


JEHASSE, JEAN, ed. Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac. Socrate chrestien. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:V. Kapp in RF 121 (2009): 535—537. This critical edition serves to underscore the importance of G de B.'s place in the 17th c. and provides a better understanding of the complexity of the Grand Siècle. The review indicates numerous points of interest, for example, J.'s translation from Latin into French of Descartes's praise. Numerous citations are given in this review such as those illuminating G de B.'s rhetorical ideal of mediocritas.


BOST, J. and BOST, H., eds. Pierre Bayle: Pensées diverses sur la comète. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 2007

Review:Whelan, R. in FS 62.4 (2008), 473—474. Reproduces the text that appeared in the first edition of Oeuvres diverses(1727)rather than the 1699 or 1704 editions which Bayle had revised for publication. The editors have kept Bayle's own footnotes and added notes of their own, making for "cumbersome reading." The lack of an index and pages numbers to accompany a biographical listing further undercuts this text's utility. "Aficionados will undoubtedly welcome this compact, intelligently presented text, which may provide a point of entry into the perplexing maze of Bayle's thoughts for a whole new generation of readers."

HICKSON, MICHAEL W. "The Message of Bayle's Last Title: Providence and Toleration in the Entretiens de Maxime et de Thémiste" JHI 71 (2010), 547—567.

"In this paper I uncover the identities of the interlocutors of Pierre Bayle's Entretiens de Maxime et de Thémiste, and I show the significance of these identities for a proper understanding of the Entretiens and of Bayle's thought more generally. Maxime and Thémiste represent the philosophers of late antiquity, Maximus of Tyre and Themistius. Bayle brought these philosophers into dialogue in order to suggest that the problem of evil, though insoluble by means of speculative reason, could be dissolved and thus avoided through mutual toleration. I conclude by comparing Bayle's "theodicy of toleration" with Kant's notion of authentic theodicy."

RYAN, TODD. Pierre Bayle's Cartesian Metaphysics: Rediscovering Early Modern Philosophy. Routledge, 2009

Review:S. Young in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1081. "demonstrate[s] how careful reading of Bayle's work in the philosophical context of his time should precede attempts to divine just where Bayle really stood on issues of later concern, such as his alleged skepticism, fideism, or closet atheism." Also presents where Bayle does stand with respect to a number of key concepts in Descartes, Malebranche, Locke, Leibniz, and Spinoza. Strongly recommended by the reviewer.


BERGER, ROBERT W. Pierre Du Bellocq's Poem on the Dôme des Invalides. SCFS, 32.2 (2010), 137—151.

Analysis of Pierre du Bellocq's 747-line poem L'Eglise des Invalides. Poëme(1702). Argues that 'the poem, to be sure, is a typical unrestrained panegyric to the Sun King, but it is also, and more importantly, a legendary account of the genesis, construction, and completion of the Dôme told in the form of a narrative with a strong religious and supernatural content, appropriate for a church building'. Particular attention is given to the representation(and allegorical significance) of a miracle that allowed the baldachin over the high altar to be completed.


RAYNARD, SOPHIE. Le défi des conteuses: faire de la femme scandaleuse une héroïne de fiction. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 57—70.

Examines ways in which the fairy tales of women-writers, such as d'Aulnoy, Murat, La Force and Bernard, can be read as subversive. Attention is also given to the memoirs of d'Aulnoy and Murat.

TRINQUET, CHARLOTTE. Happily Ever After? Not so Easily! Seventeenth-Century Fairy Tales and their Unconventional Endings. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 45—54.

Analyzes how the endings of fairy tales by women(d'Aulnoy, La Force, Bernard)tend to question traditional values and social norms, and are best understood in terms of préciosité.


WILSON, CORINNE F. and COLETTE H. WINN, eds. La Pucelle d'Orléans restituée par Béroalde de Verville: Sous le sujet de cette magnanime Pucelle est représenté une fille vaillante, chaste, sçavante et belle. Textes de la Renaissance 143. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:M. J. Giordano in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 891—893. Highly praiseworthy edition with "a treasure store of notes" and based on the text conserved at Harvard, originally published in 1599(892). Successfully elucidates, in contrast to B de V.'s often characterized misogyny in Le Moyen de Parvenir(1616), La Pucelle d'Orléans which is at once a rich novel for both themes and style and an apologia of the "sexe féminin"(W. and W. 7).
Review:D. Cecchetti in S Fr 158 (2009): 383. Welcome modern edition of this first French romanzo on Jeanne d'Arc. Richly annotated reassessment with helpful glossary, erudite introduction and bibliography.



FERREYROLLES, GERARD et BEATRICE GUION et JEAN-LOUIS QUANTIN et EMMANUEL BURY. Bossuet. Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2008

Review:A. Régent-Susini in DSS 247 (2010), 376—378. Part of a public course offered by the « Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle », "l'ouvrage collectif [. . .] apparaît à bien des égards. D'une part, il s'agit de la première synthèse consacréeà l'évèque de Meaux depuis le Bossuet de Jean Calvet paru en 1941. [. . .] D'autre part, mobilisant quatre chercheurs – trois littèraires et un historien – cette synthése aussi précieuse qu'ambitieuse s'enrichit ainsi de perspectives et de savoirs divers et complémentaires, tout en évitant les redites en en conservant une profonde cohérence."



ROY, ROXANNE. "De surprise en étonnement. La théâtralité dans les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 227—239.

Analyzes scenes from the Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière as scenes from the theater: comedies of cross-dressing and of love, and tragedy, highlighting those elements that contribute to the theatricality of the Mémoires.


FASSINA, FILIPPO. "Il Père Brumoy e il teatro greco. Una riflessione critica sulla tragedia classica tra la Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes e l'Illuminismo". S Fr 158 (2009): 325—333.

Succinct yet impressive reassessment of le Père B.'s body of criticism and its place in the Querelle. As F. analyzes B.'s erudite examination of parallels between the Greek theatre and that of the French 17th century, the question of goût is discussed. Particular points of consideration include vraisemblance, galanterie and amour. F. demonstrates B.'s theorizing of the concept of universality of literature and art(332-333).



ZUFFEREY, JOEL. Le discours fictionnel. Autour des nouvelles de Jean-Pierre Camus. Louvain/Paris/Dudley, MA: Editions Peeters, 2006

Review:Fauskevag, S-E. in OL 62.5 (2007) 434—436. Zufferey analyzes the nouvelles in the light of theories of fiction, drawing on sociological perspectives as well as communication and linguistic theory.


CHAPELAIN, JEAN. Opuscules critiques. Ed. Alfred C. Hunter. Intro, révision des textes et notes par Anne Duprat. Genève: Droz, 2007

Review: A. Génetiot in DSS 248 (2010),563—565. In a very useful updated edition of that published by Alfred C. Hunter in 1936, the reviewer underlines the importance of Duprat's lengthy(150 pages)introductory essay.

HUNTER, A. and DUPRAT, A., eds. Jean Chapelain: Opuscules Critiques. Geneva: Droz(Textes littéraires français), 2007

Review:Hawcroft, M. in FS 63.1(2009), 83—84. This updated edition of Hunter's text from 1936 removes some excerpts that have been published in their entirety in recent modern editions and adds new texts: Discours contre l'amour(1635)and Dialogue de la gloire(circa 1662). The new scholarly introduction is noteworthy but marred by its use of broad terms such as classicisme and baroque "as if in some explanatory way." "This valuable edition is sure to serve the scholarly community as well, and as long, as Hunter's own edition did."

LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS. Le canevas de la Diane de Rotrou, retrouvé. PFSCL 37.72(2010), 147—172.

Analysis of the plan for Rotrou's Diane as discovered(and reproduced here)by the article's author in a volume of the Recueil Conrart(manuscript no. 5414 of the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal). Author attributes this plan to Chapelain and examines what light it throws on the latter's conception of theatre.



LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS, ed. Les cinq auteurs. La Comédie des Tuileries et l'Aveugle de Smyrne. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:Desnain, V. in FS 63.2 (2009), 209—210. The editor's valuable analysis, notes, and appendices focus on the genesis of the project, the nature of collaboration, and Richelieu's assertion of power in the realm of literature and the arts. The editor devotes special attention to Pierre Corneille's participation in the project which highlighted his differences with Chapelain and allowed him to better define his own thought on dramatic theory. An "interesting, but speculative analysis" of the rapport between Corneille and Rotrou questions Henri Chardon's work in an interesting way.


AKIYAMA, NOBUKO. "Corneille et ses pièces à machines". DSS 248 (2010), 403—417.

In looking at Andromède, La Toison d'or and Psyché,the author traces the importance of music in these three "pièces à machines" the influence of which ultimately led to the creation of French opera. At the same time, the author views in these same plays, "la permanence du thème cornélien et même la dégradation de l'image du héros qui caractérise ses dernières tragedies."

ALBANESE, RALPH. Corneille à l'Ecole rápublicaine: Du mythe héroïque à l'imiginaire politique en France 1800-1950. Paris: Harmattan, 2008

Review:Ousselin, E. in FS 63.4(2009), 456—457. This "travail de bénédictin" traces the history of the reception of Corneille's work in textbooks and literary criticism. Corneille will offer Napoleon "un ideal d'action prêt à être exploité," while the Third Republic will turn to his work to repair national pride after the defeat of the Franco-Prussian War. In our own time, a waning interest in Corneille is presented as indicative of a shift away from the values of honor, elitism, and patriotism typical of his work.

ECKSTEIN, NINA. Corneille's Irony. Charlottesville: Rookwood Press, 2007

Review:J. Harris in FS 62.4(2008), 471—472. "A welcome, timely and nuanced corrective to[a]critical blind-spot" that sees Corneille as "more ironized against than ironizing." This study "amply demonstrates the range of ironic modes and devices that surface in[Corneille's]theatre" while offering a sophisticated, general critical reflection on the nature of irony in theatre, literature, and rhetoric. Eckstein, a sensitive reader who "conscientiously resists the temptation to see irony where it is not present," also shines a light on the more traditional themes of Corneille's dramaturgy: "surprise, heroism, comedy" and "other forms of double discourse(sarcasm, lies, role play)."
Review:Anon in FMLS 45.2(2009), 221. E.'s study includes sections on "Evident Irony," "Dramatic, Verbal and Situational Ironies," and "Signals of Possible Irony." The anonymous reviewer finds E.'s work speculative and would have appreciated more contextualization.

EKSTEIN, NINA. "The Conversion of Polyeucte's Félix: The Problem of Religion and Theater". Fr F 34.1 (2009), 1—17.

E.'s close treatment of C.'s play alongside R.'s Le Véritable Saint Genest reexamines the quarrel between religion and theatre. After a brief review of the ancients, notably Plato, on the subject, E. refers to certain 17th c. moderating views (Richelieu, François de Sales), but reminds us that "the voices and arguments rallied against the stage in France were strident and powerful"(2). Admittedly speaking "from outside a religious perspective," E. carefully examines Félix's conversion studying several aspects including the religious, the literary and the political. She finds that the conversion "while arguably vraisemblable from a religious perspective, is completely invraisemblable logically, psychologically, and dramatically" and that although Félix has political power, "political considerations do not provide a useful context" for the conversion(7). E. demonstrates instead the considerable "recourse to the theatrical"(8)which is a shared feature with the Rotrou play where it is central. E. convincingly engages critics of both plays before she concludes that the two share an "undecidable" conversion, which is also a function of the "profound friction between theater and religion in 17th c. France" (12).

GOSSIP, CHRISTOPHER. Héros trop magnanime: le crime d'Horace et son châtiment. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 543—555.

Examines the diverse critical reactions to Horace's murder of Camille in Corneille's play.

LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS, ed. Les cinq auteurs. La Comédie des Tuileries et l'Aveugle de Smyrne. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:Desnain, V. in FS 63.2 (2009), 209—210. The editor's valuable analysis, notes, and appendices focus on the genesis of the project, the nature of collaboration, and Richelieu's assertion of power in the realm of literature and the arts. The editor devotes special attention to Pierre Corneille's participation in the project which highlighted his differences with Chapelain and allowed him to better define his own thought on dramatic theory. An "interesting, but speculative analysis" of the rapport between Corneille and Rotrou questions Henri Chardon's work in an interesting way.

MELI, CINTHIA. "L'audace pour mot d'ordre: l'invention de l'intrigue et des caractères dans le Manlius de Marie-Catherine Desjardins". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 107—117.

Situates Manlius in the context of Corneille's and d'Aubignac's theoretical treatises on theater. Argues that Manlius reveals Villedieu to have followed Aristotle better than Corneille did, and that the play is a master stroke, misunderstood by navel-gazing critics such as Donneau de Visé.

MCCLURE, ELLEN. "Neo-Stoicism and the Spectator in Corneille's Horace". EMF 13(2010): 144—158.

The article examines Horace as a continuation of the querelle du Cid in which Corneille reacts to Scudéry's criticism and establishes his theatrical aesthetics, which rest on a critique of neo-stoicism's dispassionate stance. Instead, his artistic philosophy is based on the "lifelike qualities of theater"(156)and on the intensification of the emotional experience on stage, rather than control of the emotions.

NIDERST, ALAIN. Pierre Corneille. Paris: Fayard, 2006

Review: Hawcroft, M. in FS 63.4(2009), 456. A specialist presents a literary biography for the general reader, focusing on Corneille the playwright, poet, courtier, and family man. Of special interest to literary scholars is a chronological treatment of Corneille's life-long contact with the Jesuits, his involvement with school drama, and his interest in neo-latin poetry. Niderst paints a picture of Corneille who is "loyal to his family, always trying to increase his income [. . .], loyal to the Church and his Jesuit instructors, and above all loyal to the succession of political patrons whom he served." At times, this biography focuses too narrowly on Corneille as a political propagandist. Well-suited for general readers and students, less useful for specialists.

NIDERST, ALAIN. ed. Colloque Pierre Corneille et l'Europe. Tübingen:G. Narr, 2008

Review: J.-M. Civardi in DSS 247 (2010), 369—372: An excellent collection of essays drawn from the colloquium held on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Corneille's birth. "Il s'agissait moins pour son organisateur de réfléchir aux influences d'auteurs européens sur Corneille que d'étudier la fortune de celui-ci à l'étranger."

ROSNER, ANNA. Médée, monstruosité, maternité: symbolismes sanguins dans la Médée de Corneille. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 19—30.

'Axé sur le symbolisme du sang que verse Médée et du sang bouillant qu'elle incarne, ce travail étudie la matérialisation 'liquide' de la fureur d'une femme monstrueuse'. Examines the origins of the topos of the 'fluid' and explosive body, analyzing how it is rooted in medical, demonological and teratological discourses.

SCOTT, PAUL. "'Ma force est trop petite': Authority and Kingship in Le Cid", FMLS 45.3 (2009), 292—304.

Careful and convincing analysis of Don Fernand elucidates his "enfeebled" role, which is, however, multifaceted, demonstrating tenacity. He is "more appealing than some of C.'s other paternal creations such as the cynical, self-serving Félix in Polyeucte"(299-300). S. successfully engages relevant critical literature and theatrical conventions and props(a sword and a glove in their significant symbolism), assessing the contribution of the political situation to the play's success. Exceptionally well-documented with numerous important notes.

VALENTIN, J. M. and L. GAUTHIER, eds. Pierre Corneille et l'Allemagne. L'oeuvre dramatique de Pierre Corneille dans le monde germanique(XVIIe-XIXe siècles). Paris: Desjonquères, 2007

Review:M. Pavesio in S Fr 157 (2009): 166 and S Fr 158 (2009): 391. Welcome edition of the Acts of a seminar and convention in Paris in 2006 with the patronage of the Institut national d'histoire de l'art. Parallels of French and German dramatic aesthetics are drawn and the following essays discuss reception, translations and affiliations with 17th, 18th and 19th c. German works. Indices of names, works and plays of C. that are cited.

ZAISER, RAINER, ed. PSCFL vol. 35, n. 68. Tübingen: G. Narr, 2008

Review:C. Rolla in S Fr 157 (2009): 164—166 and S Fr 158 (2009): 390—391. Welcome publication of the Acts of the 2006 conference "Pierre Corneille et l'Europe" held in Paris and commemorating the 4th centenary of C.'s birth. After Alain Niderst's preface focusing on the circulation of books and spectacles in Europe, two sections are devoted to "L'Europe vers Corneille(Italie)." The third and fourth sections focus respectively on Spain and England. Other sections treat antiquity and modern theatre in relation to C. as well as his own reception and parallels with the opera. The last section gives evidence of "C. en notre siècle." Jean Mesnard's conclusion, "C. l'Européen," reviews the multifaceted analyses presented and affirms the contemporary public's fascination with C.


PREST, JULIA. Etat Présent: Thomas Corneille(1625-1709): Beyond the Triumvirate. FS 63.3 (2009), 323—329.

A survey of current critical questions surrounding the work of Thomas Corneille and their development in recent scholarship. A well-written and accessible introduction to the scholarly discourse on a playwright dubbed "the best of the rest."


LEVESQUE, MATHILDE. Du manuscrit à l'édition: Formes linguistiques de l'autocorrection dans les Lettres de Cyrano de Bergerac. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 475—491.

Examines the modifications made by Cyrano to his Lettres(first published in 1654), and the context for those modifications.

PREDA, ALESSANDRA. Ilarità e tristezza. Percorsi francesi del «Candelaio» di Giordano Bruno(1582-1665). Milano, LED, «Il Filarete», CCL, 2007

Review:D. Cecchetti in S Fr 157 (2009): 159—160. P. reconstructs B.'s French editions and translations, reflecting on linguistic, intellectual and philosophical interests. P.'s itinerary takes us from Théophile de Viau to Cyrano, from Molière to La Fontaine.

PUTMAN, EMILY MILLER. "Illusion, Violence and Certainty in Rotrou's 'Le Véritable Saint Genest' and Cyrano de Bergerac's 'La mort d'Agrippine". DAI 48/06(2010).

This dissertation focuses on the "récits sanglants" and "histoires tragiques" to reveal how the threat of violence is supposed to show the validity and truth of the declarations of the martyrs and the executed. The aim of the depiction of violence is to provide a feeling of certainty in the audience, as well as the characters of the plays. Links are established to other plays.



CLARKE, DESMOND M. Descartes's Theory of Mind. Oxford: Clarendon P, 2005

Review:Secada, J. in PhQ 59.235 (2009), 359—362. "Perhaps Clarke's Descartes's Theory of Mind should be charitably placed under a Hegelian light, as finding in Descartes' writings the seeds of later developments, and as reading them so as to bring those aspects into clear focus, even if in doing so it loses sight of much of their actual contents and their historical integrity. [. . .] Still, his books contain much important material. His account of Descartes on the workings of the human body and brain is intelligent and informative. His discussion of dualism is philosophically informed and suggestive. His biography is massively knowledgeable and erudite, bringing together recent discoveries and revealing many facts about Descartes' life.

HOEFER, BERNADETTE. Cartographier l'esprit: Le débat autour du mystère de la conscience. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 515—527.

In the context of current neuroscientific debate, this article examines Descartes' and Spinoza's respective understanding of 'l'interrelation entre le corps et l'esprit pour la connaissance du moi et l'entendement de la conscience'.

KAMBOUCHNER, DENIS. "Descartes: un monde sans fous? Des Méditations Métaphysiques au Traité de l'Homme". DSS 247 (2010), 213—222.

A detailed look at the origins of Derrida's and Foucault's critical exchange on "la folie" to be found in Descartes' Première Meditation.

MACHAMER, PETER and MCGUIRE, J. E. Descartes's Changing Mind. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2009

Review:Cottingham, J. in Isis 101.3 (2010), 649—650. The authors trace the "epistemic turn" of Descartes's work, when the philosopher shifts from "develop[ing] a method for revealing how things really are" to "perspectivalism" which examines the limits of human knowledge. "This is pure, heavy-duty Cartesian scholarship for its own sake, built around frequent lengthy quotation from the texts and detailed discussion of their possible interpretation." "An interesting attempt to promote the image of a much more tentative and pragmatic Descartes."
Review:R. Bonzon in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1934. Attempts to chart changes in Descartes' epistemological method and metaphysical foundations over the course of his life. Machamer and McGuire argue that Descartes "radically changes his mind about the powers and scope of the mind, arriving finally at a conception that relies heavily upon innate ideas and a limitation of humans' cognitive reach"(1934).

ONISHI, YOSHITOMO. "Du deliberatur à la cognitio(Med. 4a, AT. VII, 59.15-27) Remarques sur la genèse du doute cartésien". DSS 248 (2010), 457—466.

"Nous nous attacherons ici à dégager ce sur quoi repose le doute cartésien en analysant minutieusement un passage de la Quatrième Méditation." The author chooses the 4th rather than the 1st because "c'est le point de vue rétrospectif qu'adopte ce passage qui, dans sa compacité, permet de saisir la complexité inhérente à la genèse du doute méthodique."


KILLEY, JULIAN HAMILTON. "Desjardins' Le Favori and Molière's Tartuffe: Dissimulators and Dupes. DAI 48/05: (2010).

Focuses on the importance the question of morality adopts in the seventeenth century and the concern about dissimulation within that context. Desjardin shows how dissimulation is a necessary means to ends at court while Molière warns his public to be wary of malign dissimulation.


TAUSSIG, SYLVIE. ed. Europe, comédie héroïque attribuíe à Arnaud de Plessis, cardinal de Richelieu et Jean Desmarets, sieur de Saint-Sorlin. Turnhout: Brépols, 2006

Review:F. Hildesheimer in DSS 247 (2010), 372—373. An important edition of this obscure play, the reviewer is particularly complimentary of the lengthy introduction that "se veut à l'écart de toute critique littéraire stérile; elle passe en revue et met en relation les aspects littéraires et politiques et fourmille de notations justes et fines [. . .] mettant à contribution l'ensemble de l'historiographie pour contribuer à une èvaluation du rôle et de la signification de la pièce."



ANGEBAULT, CHRISTOPHE. « Que cest exés mesme de parole à peine nous peut exprimer »: Censure et anathème dans la controverse autour de l'Institution de l'Eucharistie de Philippe Du Plessis-Mornay(1598). PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 347—362.

Analyzes the controversy around Du Plessis-Mornay's l'Institution de l'Eucharistie, demonstrating how it resulted from 'l'affrontement de deux paradigmes contradictoires de la censure', namely 'le caractère absolu de l'anathème calviniste' and 'la censure de l'Église'.


KENNEDY, THERESA VARNEY. Tragic Irony in Catherine Durand's Comédies en proverbes. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 117—128.

Examines the extent to which, underneath their humorous and entertaining exterior, Durand's ten comedy proverbs are underpinned by a sharp awareness of the constraints imposed upon women in the patriarchal society of the time, and highlight the double standards in gender relations at play in that society.



DEMORIS, RENE, ed. Félibien: Entretiens sur les vies et les ouvrages des plus excellents peintres anciens et modernes. Livres I et 2. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007

Review:J. Morgan Zarucchi in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 231—233. Welcome re-publication of parts I and 2 of F.'s Entretiens with "lengthy and informative" introduction, useful to the understanding of the artistic and political 17th c. M. Z. would have appreciated a more even scholarly apparatus with updated bibliography, index and better reproduction of illustrations. Calls for an edition of the remaining volumes which include F.'s discussion of artists such as Poussin and Mignard.



NIDERST, ALAIN. À propos de la vieillesse de Fontenelle. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 227—236.

A biographical account of the last years of Fontenelle's life, and particularly of his association with his second cousin, François Richer d'Aube.


ASSAF, FRANCIS. Lexicologie de la nourriture au XVIIe siècle. PFSCL 37.72 (2010),205—226.

Analyzes diverse entries concerning food in the dictionaries of Richelet(1680), Rochefort(1685), Furetière(1690) and the Académie française(1694), using the dictionaires as a possible "miroir sociolinguistique, même átho-linguistique."


TAUSSIG, SYLVIE and TURNER, ANTHONY, eds. Mémoire de Gassendi: Vies et celebrations écrites avant 1700. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2008

Review:Osler, M. J. in Isis 100.4 (2009), 913—914. A collection of materials published in the forty-five years after Gassendi's death "that could serve as the starting point for a proper biography." The editors also focus on the documents' literary qualities, showing how some of the biographical writings adopt conventional literary forms."Taussig and Turner have done a great service in making these texts—problematic as they are–available."


GAY, GEOFFROY. La Simonie Tragi-comédie. Ed. Giovanna Devincenzo. Fasano: Schena Ed., 2007

Review:J.-M. Civardi in DSS 247 (2010), 367—369. Though Gay is little known and an elusive source, this is an important critical edition of the title play and the introduction proves an important font of information on this obscure priest. The reviewer, however, questions some of the editorial choices made in presenting the play itself and faults a number of errors and inaccuracies that may be due to the fact French is not the editor's first language.


TEYSSANDIER, BERNARD. La Morale par l'image. "La Doctrine des moeurs" dans la vie et l'oeuvre de Gomberville. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 159 (2009): 617. Welcome and interesting volume fills a lacune in baroque studies as it analyzes a book dedicated to the young Louis XIV. T.'s study is organized into sections on "La Carrière d'un bel esprit," "Genèse d'un projet insolite," and "La galerie morale." Useful not only for the contribution on G. but for that on the baroque era in its connection between text and image. Annexes and rich bibliography.



PATTERSON, JONATHAN. Marie de Gournay, Poetry and Gender: In Search of 'La vraye douceur'. SCFS 32.2 (2010), 206—220.

Analyzes how, 'contrary to contemporary opinion, Gournay considered douceur a matter of cultivating esprit and vigueur rather than gentleness, euphony and naïveté in French verse'; and how in turn these constituent elements of vraye douceur 'cannot be aligned a priori with 'masculinity' or 'femininity'. Instead they are equally idealized—and are equally prestigious—in either gender.'


PADDEN, SUSAN A. "Conceptions of the Function of Author in Seventeenth-Century French Epistolary Literature: The Cases of the Comte de Guilleragues and Mme de Villedieu." DAI 48/06 (2010)

This dissertation shows the author function in seventeenth-century French epistolary literature. Anonymity and pseudonymity are tools through which the authors remove themselves as individuals from their texts. Both empower the reader through re-appropriation of authorship. Yet their motivations are different.


GREGOIRE, VINCENT. Devoir d'obéissance, obligation de résistance: lorsqu'une ursuline s'oppose à l'autorité masculine au dix-septième siècle. SCFS 32.1 (2010), 102—117.

Analyzes the opposition of Marie Guyart dite de l'Incarnation to male religious authority, asking: 'En quoi consiste cette obligation de résister et, une fois mise en pratique, à quels résultats va-t-elle aboutir? Cet esprit d'opposition ne trouve-t-il pas en partie son origine dans le fait que la sœur soit une ursuline, dont la vocation est de prier et aussi d'enseigner, mais encore dans le fait qu'elle ait été veuve et indépendante très jeune, et qu'elle ait assumé des responsabilités importantes dans l'entreprise de son beau-frère avant d'entrer en religion?'


TRONC, DOMINIQUE ed. Madame Guyon. Oeuvres mystiques. With study by le P. MAX HUOT DE LONGCHAMP. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:V. Kapp in RF 121 (2009): 408—410. Praiseworthy edition by the editor of G.'s autobiography and her three-volume set of letters. Although the reviewer would have appreciated more attention to C.'s poems, he offers praise for sections on commentary of the Song of Songs and on the substantial introduction. Huot de Longchamp situates G. in the Christian tradition. K. reminds us that in 1978 Olms had brought out a facsimile edition of Poiret's 1720 edition of G.'s Les opuscules spirituels with a foreword by Jean Orcibal. It remains useful since it contains some texts that are missing in the new edition. The usefulness of T.'s colume is that it offers a representative overview of G.'s spiritual writings and a better understanding of this important woman and her influence well beyond France.


PITT, VINCENT J. Henri IV of France. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2008

Review:L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 72.2 (2010), 414 Biography in English is "rich in detail and judicious in conclusions."
Review:J. Black inJES 39 (2009): 513—514. "An interesting text ably supported by extensive footnotes . . . Pitts essentially offers a conventional account, one that is especially strong and interesting on Henry's career up to the late 1590s." Reviewer finds that Pitts overrates Henri's international achievements and "does not devote sufficient attention to the extent to which chaos after Henry's death throws doubt on his achievements."
Review:J. Harrie inCHOICE 47 (2009), 759 Emphasizing political and military events, Pitts argues that Henri IV contributed significantly to the restoration of the monarchy and helped transform it into "the core institution of the state"(xii). A comprehensive, if not especially innovate biography.
Review:C. Weiss inRen Q 62.3 (2009), 971—972. Judged highly successful, P.'s comprehensive examination features chapters focusing on Henri's early life as well as others on his diplomatic and domestic programs. P. masterfully sets the personal aspects in the context, often complex, of French history, accurately and engagingly "describ[ing] Henri's political, social, military, and religious motives"(972). Index, appendices(including genealogical tables), illustrations and bibliography.


TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE. "Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue in Seventeenth-Century Martinique". Gastronomica 10.1 (2010), 61—69.

This study of a Dominican missionary's focus on the culinary cuisine of Martinique shows how his "openness to the Caribbean's remarkably diverse food cultures eventually allows him to construct new social, cultural, and symbolic meanings that inform both his personal and spiritual identity." Over the course of much culinary experimentation, Labat becomes less of a "culinary tourist" and more engaged with indigenous culture. Ultimately, "Labat does not 'eat the Other,' he strives to become Other, a polysemic richness that reflects the ample diversity of Caribbean culinary culture to the present day."


BRILLAUD, JEROME. La Remarque ou l'art de la dissimilation chez La Bruyère et Richelet. SCFS 32.2 (2010), 179—190.

Examines the structural and formal similarities discernible between Richelet's Dictionnaire françois and La Bruyère's Caractères.


BANDERIER, GILLES, ed. La Chapelle, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la vie d'Agrippa d'Aubigné. Paris: Champion, 2008. Textes de la Renaissance, 128

Review:M. Mastroianni in S Fr 157 (2009): 158. Welcome annotated edition of La C.'s biography of d'A., commissioned by Madame de Maintenon. Catholic perspective. B.'s edition reproduces faithfully ms. Paris, Bibliothèque de la Direction de l'Enseignement Militaire Supérieur de l'Armée de la Terre, K. II. 77. Variants are indicated in the appendix.


BRINK, MARGOT. "Interprétations cinématographiques de la Princesse de Clèves: du 'cadavre exquis' á l'héroïne d'une nouvelle éthique" In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 113—125.

Analyzes two different cinematic representations of Mme de Clèves' renunciation of the world, that were found in Delannoy's 1961 film La Princesse de Clèves and that found in Manoel de Oliveira's 1999 film La Lettre. Finds that the former rewrites the novel's ending because it is, paradoxically, too modern in its conception of an independent space for a woman alone. De Oliveira's film, although a modernization, contains echoes of 17th-century morality in its exploration of Mme de Clèves' decision to pursue humanitarian work.

OSTER, PATRICIA. "La sémiotique du moi caché dans les transpositions filmiques de La Princesse de Clèves." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179.

The author discusses the theme of the moi caché first in the novel La Princesse de Clèves, then in three cinematic interpretations of the novel: Delannoy's 1961 film adaptation, De Oliveira's 1999 film La Lettre, and in Zulawski's 2000 film La Fidélité. Zulawski's film is analyzed at length for its modernization of the novel and how it portrays modern media's semioticization of the moi caché.

THEOBALD, CATHERINE J. LEWIS. The Princess and the Paradox: Irreconcilable Images in La Princesse de Clèves. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 33—44.

Analyzes Lafayette's novel, and particularly the dénouement, in terms of portraiture, 'a fundamental element of the text's language and structure', which allows the novelist to probe the relationship between representation and reality.


COLLINET, JEAN-PIERRE. "La Fontaine et ses deux faces". DSS 246 (2010), 177—185.

A marvelous look at the two faces of La Fontaine through his work and private life. "Une de ses deux différentes faces n'est en réalité qu'une façade, derrière laquelle se devine le vrai visage du poète. Vu de l'extérieur, il est pris pour un joyeux original. On se moque de sa distraction et l'on rit de son insouciance. Ce qu'il ne dit pas, c'est qu'il est un éternel malchanceux, peut-être, pour une part, de sa faute."

PENSOM, ROGER. "Sense and Rhythm in La Fontaine's Fables". FS 64.4 (2010), 395—409.

"La Fontaine's free alternation of the canonical alexandrine and decasyllable with lines of seven or eight syllables violates the principle of isosyllabic recurrence fundamental to the isosyllabist thesis. It is, however, possible to 'save the phenomenon': evidence is presented here that intraphrasal accent occurs in this verse in rule-governed form, which in turn suggests that it has a 'metrical'('measuring')role, compensating for the absence of isosyllabic equivalence. The resulting accent distribution, moreover, serves as a raw material for the creation of La Fontaine's highly personal poetic meaning. A close analysis of three texts shows how La Fontaine's 'free verse' organizes the accentual resources of his language to create his characteristic effects, exciting our awareness of the physical nature of our response to his poetry."

PREDA, ALESSANDRA. Ilarità e tristezza. Percorsi francesi del «Candelaio» di Giordano Bruno(1582-1665). Milano, LED, «Il Filarete», CCL, 2007.

Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 157 (2009): 159—160. P. reconstructs B.'s French editions and translations, reflecting on linguistic, intellectual and philosophical interests. P.'s itinerary takes us from Théophile de Viau to Cyrano, from Molière to La Fontaine.


RAYNARD, SOPHIE. Le défi des conteuses: faire de la femme scandaleuse une héroïne de fiction. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 57—70.

Examines ways in which the fairy tales of women-writers, such as d'Aulnoy, Murat, La Force and Bernard, can be read as subversive. Attention is also given to the memoirs of d'Aulnoy and Murat.

TRINQUET, CHARLOTTE. Happily Ever After? Not so Easily! Seventeenth-Century Fairy Tales and their Unconventional Endings. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 45—54.

Analyzes how the endings of fairy tales by women(d'Aulnoy, La Force, Bernard)tend to question traditional values and social norms, and are best understood in terms of préciosité.



WEISER, JUTTA. Littérature moraliste et psychanalyse: la poétique du désir chez Lacan et La Rochefoucauld" OeC 24.2 (2009), 69—95.

"Lacan s'est rendu compte du rôle central et prépondérant qu'a joué la pensée moraliste pour la psychanalyse. Après avoir regardé de plus près les premiers pas allant vers une théorie de l'inconscient au XVIIe siècle, on comprendra peut-être mieux sa proposition d'une généalogie qui commence chez les moralistes classiques et parvient à son plein épanouissement dans la théorie de Freud. Avec la 'lecture lacanienne' des Maximes de La Rochefoucauld, on n'a donc pas choisi un texte littéraire quelconque pour y appliquer la théorie psychosémiologique, mais un recueil de maximes qui marque le point de départ d'un chemin qui a préparé non seulement la psychanalyse freudienne mais aussi et surtout la sémiologie lacanienne."


DERVAL CONROY. "Des livres d'entrées? Vers une poétique de récit de voyage dans les relations d'entrées de Puget de la Serre" S Fr 157 (2009): 19—33.

Fills a lacune as it furnishes a very well-documented study on the account of Marie de Médicis's entrées and illustrates "la nature polymorphe des récits de voyage à l'époque et . . . la façon dont La S. s'approprie divers discours pour glorifier la reine"(19). C.'s approach is literary as she examines how different elements common to La S.'s three texts can be understood as "les traits d'une poétique du récit de voyage"(19). C.'s rich treatment is organized into sections as follows: "La S. voyageur," "La mise en scène de l'altérité: modalités et sujets de description," and "Le lecteur-spectateur-voyageur." C. uncovers differences between the accounts of La S. and offers certain possible explanations based to some degree on style. She ably demonstrates how the roles of traveler and "reporter" cross and how, naturally, the récits are themselves "à la croisée des genres." C. smartly concludes that the pérégrinations of Marie de Médicis "constituent donc un péri-spectacle, et sont représentées dans ce que nous pouvons nommer une péri-littérature"(33).


BAILEY, DONALD A. ed. Nicolas Lefèvre de Lezeau. La Vie de Michel de Marillac(1560-1632),Garde des sceaux de France sous Louis XIII. Laval: P U Laval, 2007

Review:M. Vester in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 217—218. Valuable, welcome edition of L de L.'s biography is based not only on Ms. Fr. 14.027 of the Bnf but also on 6 other extant copies. Although "hagiographic," the biography is highly informative for scholars of politics, religion and the law. B.'s critical apparatus "constitute(s) a research tool of major importance, providing encyclopedic knowledge of the vast array of persons, places, events, and concepts that are tied, directly or obliquely, to L.'s account"(218).


LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. Du burlesque satirique à l'éloge plaisant: le président de Maisons et les siens vus par La Muze historique de Loret. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 173—204.

Lengthy article analyzing how the evolution in the tone and approach of Loret's Muze historique, from one of satirical burlesque to glorification of the status quo, is reflected in its treatment of René de Longueil, Président de Maisons- an erstwhile Frondeur turned monarchist- and his family.


NELSON, SARAH M., ed. and trans. Hortense Mancini and Marie Mancini. Memoirs. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. Chicago: The U of Chicago P, 2008

Review:J. Couchman in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 503—504. This edition and translation of the memoirs of the nieces of Mazarin provides additionally legal documents and letters as well as a bibliography and index. N.'s introduction is useful and her translation from the best recent editions ably done as it "echoes well the style of the originals, creating lively, dramatic tales"(503). C. recommends the text for teaching as well as for scholarly research.


BARBAFIERI, CARINE. "Ah! Madame de Villedieu, vous savez faire l'amour, mais vous ne saviez pas faire une tragédie. Vraisemblance et moralité dans le théâtre sérieux de Mademoiselle Desjardins". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 75—87.

A re-evaluation of Villedieu's tragedies, based on a new understanding of their choice of subject matter and their non-Aristotelian dramaturgy. Argues that the choices Villedieu makes as a playwright stem not so much from her status as a woman but from a certain aesthetic viewpoint similar to that of Quinault and Lully. Villedieu's tragedies can also be seen as issuing from the tragi-comedy and of the novel.

CORNIC, SYLVAIN. "Madame de Villedieu librettiste?" In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 61—71.

Taking into account that material was often falsely attributed to Villedieu, the author explains his hypothesis that two librettos, Céphale et Procris and Ulysse, were likely written by her and would thus expand the corpus of her dramatic work. Because of Lully's preference for working with Quinault, Villedieu's foray into opera would have thus come to naught.



FORESTIER, GEORGES., PERRY GETHNER, JEAN-PIERRE VAN ELSLANDE and FRANÇOISE LAVOCAT, eds. Jean Mairet, Théâtre complet. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 157 (2009): 164—165 and S Fr 158 (2009): 389. Welcome and praiseworthy edition in which the three texts are modernized, annotated and analyzed. Rich and well-documented introduction with bibliography, glossary and index. The stimulating edition also offers suggestions for future research on Mairet and theatre.

LOUVAT-MOLOZAY, BENEDICTE, ed. Le Théâtre de Jean Mairet. Littératures classiques, 65, été 2008

Review:M. Pavesio in S Fr 159 (2009): 616—617. This monographic issue of LC provides several articles on the subject, the result of a journée d'études at Montpellier in 2004 and examines M.'s writing as social practice. The volume is organized into sections on 1)M.'s literary career including his role in the history of the theatre and the multiplicity of editions of his work, 2)M.'s sources, ancient and modern, 3)the practice of the theatrical genre, and 4)possible future avenues of research.


BUZON, FREDERIC DE. "Aspects de la folie chez Malebranche". DSS 247 (2010), 247—256.

The point of this article "n'est pas de savoir si, selon nos critères d'appréciation, Malebranche est fou, visionnaire ou extravagant ou rien de cela, mais ce trait ne doit pas totalement rester dans l'ombre, puisqu'il est intégré à l'apparence que Malebranche donne à son œuvre, dont on sait qu'il ne cesse de la polir et de la réviser au fil des éditions."

KAMBOUCHNER, DENIS. "La lumière sur la balance: Malebranche et la «physique» de la volonté". RPL 107 (2009), 583—605.

"L'idée d'une «physique» malebranchiste de l'âme, avancée par M. Gueroult dans son Malebranche(1955-1959), a été globalement abandonnée par la critique sans que le principe en soit suffisamment discuté. On s'attache ici à reprendre cette discussion en revenant sur le langage de Malebranche s'agissant de la volontá et de la libertá humaine. Une fois ácartáe l'hypothèse d'un indéterminisme métaphysique des actes de la volonté, il reste à statuer sur le principe d'un déterminisme psychologique, et pour cela à réexaminer la comparaison de la «balance» des plaisirs et le rôle de la «lumière» dans la détermination de la volonté. On s'oriente ainsi vers la complexification d'un modèle mécanique à la valeur objective certes limitée, mais qui contribuera àrestaurer la «physique de l'âme» dans un statut qui s'apparente à celui d'une idée régulatrice."

SCHULTHESS, DANIEL. "«S'oublier soi-même»?: Malebranche et la question de l'amour pur". RPL 107 (2009), 637—646.

"À la fin du XVIIe siècle, Nicolas Malebranche a pris position dans la «querelle du quiétisme» par son Traité de l'amour de Dieu(1697). Ce court traité présente une position anti-quiétiste appuyée sur les analyses systématiques du philosophe en matière de théologie et de psychologie des sentiments et de la volonté. On montre comment Malebranche relève le défi du quiétisme dont le noyau logique, ici restitué de façon rigoureuse, se retrouve dans d'autres philosophies morales. L'exigence d'impartialité produit un paradoxe lorsque l'agent doit à la fois définir et assumer sa propre conduite, et potentiellement s'oublier lui-même dans son exigence d'impartialité. Malebranche écarte ce paradoxe en donnant finalement une place trés importance à la notion d'ordre, par quoi il rejoint ses propres analyses sur le thème de la Providence."

SCHWARTZ, CLAIRE. "L'activité sans causalité du sujet malebranchiste". RPL 107 (2009), 607—635.

"La question de la causalité malebranchiste a largement été analysée, ainsi que la difficulté de la rendre compatible avec l'affirmation de la liberté humaine. On présuppose alors, au fondement de l'acte libre, l'existence d'une certaine activité de l'esprit. Or celle-ci mérite d'être thématisée et interrogée. Il nous apparaît tout d'abord que Malebranche la concentre dans l'acte de la volonté libre. Nous prenons alors au sérieux le modéle physique de la matière en repos ou en mouvement par lequel il pense explicitement la liberté ou parfois la volonté elle-même comme force de l'esprit. Nous examinons cette analogie jusqu'au bout pour en déterminer toutes les implications, et les limites."


NELSON, SARAH M., ed. and trans. Hortense Mancini and Marie Mancini. Memoirs. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. Chicago: The U of Chicago P, 2008

Review:J. Couchman in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 503—504. This edition and translation of the memoirs of the nieces of Mazarin provides additionally legal documents and letters as well as a bibliography and index. N.'s introduction is useful and her translation from the best recent editions ably done as it "echoes well the style of the originals, creating lively, dramatic tales"(503). C. recommends the text for teaching as well as for scholarly research.


BERTIERE, SIMONE. Mazarin, le maître du jeu. Paris: Editions de Fallois, 2007

Review:A. Blum in DSS 248 (2010), 565—566.Despite numerous previous biographies of Mazarin, the reviewer finds this to be a great success and a pleasure to read. He declares it, "vraiment un livre à mettre entre toutes les mains, du spécialiste à "l'honnête homme" désireux d'apprendre davantage de l'histoire si passionnante d'un modeste Romain devenu principal ministre du roi Louis XIV."

LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. Rome des Césars, Rome des Papes. La propagande du cardinal Mazarin. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007

Review:S. De Franceschi in DSS 247 (2010), 375—376. Aligned with a movement to unify history and literary studies, the present book is a great success. "Le récent et imposant travail d'Yvan Loskoutoff est largement tributaire d'un renouvellement aux acquis duquel il apporte une illustration décisive. Essentiellement fondées sur l'exploitation d'une littérature encomiastique trop longtemps méprisée par les historiens, et significativement les historiens de la littérature, qui lui reprochaient son insincérité, les analyses développées dans [ce livre] se placent explicitement dans la lignée des travaux de Jacques Truchet, de Françoise Bardon, de Jacques Hennequin, ou encore de Nicole Ferrier-Caverivière[. . .]"


MABER, RICHARD. Re-Gendering Intellectual Life: Gilles Ménage and his Histoire des femmes philosophes. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 45—60.

Examines Ménage's Historia mulierum philosopharum(1690)in the context of its inclusion with his monumental edition of Diogenes Laertius's Lives of the Philosophers(1692).Focuses on the Historia's role as a 'supplement and corrective' to Diogenes Laertius, by which 'women were integrated into the mainstream of the history of philosophy'.


BLANCHARD, JEAN-VINCENT. Claude-François Ménestrier and the "Querelle des Monuments". PFSCL 36.71 (2009),507—514..

Examines the controversy surrounding the Parisian monuments erected in honour of Louis XIV in the last two decades of the seventeenth century in the light of the wider context of the querelle des Anciens et des Modernes.



ZONZA, CHRISTIAN. "L'Histoire de France de Mézeray: des plaisirs du texte aux nécessités de l'histoire". DSS 246 (2010), 97—118..

In writing a history of France in the middle of the 17th century, Mézeray inspires the author of this article to demonstrate how his brand of history "fait cohabiter un souci de la vérité sans pour autant nier la nécessité d'introduire des procédés qui visent à faciliter la lecture pour les non-spécialistes et à donner le « plaisir du texte ». Comment Mézeray organise-t-il la lecture de son histoire pour guider le lecteur?"


BÖHM, ROSWITHA. "Entre théâtre et film: Molière(1978) d'Ariane Mnouchkine". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 83—101.

The author provides some background on Mnouchkine, the Théâtre du Soleil, before summarizing the varied critical reactions to the film Molière. She then turns to recurring "scènes-miroir" within the film, such as the fête populaire and the fête royale before focusing on a close reading of the theatricality of the first part of the film, especially chapter 9.

DE GUARDIA, JEAN. Poétique de Molière: comédie et répétition. Histoire des idées et critique littéraire 431. Genève: Droz, 2007

Review:D. Harrison in FR 83 (2010), 652—53. Suggests that "Molière selects material for his plays according to its ability to furnish a serial structure—a sequence of repeated tricks, comic mistakes, or recurrent character traits"(653). De Guardia then considers the difficulties this poses in terms of vraisemblance and endings, and situates Molière's penchant for repetition in opposition to Aristotle's ideas on dramatic transformation. An "exhaustive study" with a dual formalist-historicist approach; recommended for graduate students and scholars familiar with Molière's entire career.

EDMUNDS, BRUCE. Molière's Dialogism? The Curious Case of Dom Garcie. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 85—92.

Article analyzes the 'fundamental ambiguity regarding the issue of Molière's putative commitment to dialogism, with all that[that]commitment entails' and highlights how Dom Garcie 'both supports and undermines the monologic impulse'. Focuses on Molière's 'treatment of the social order, of sickness and of signs'.

EDNEY, DAVID, ed. Molière. The Lavish Lovers. A Comedy Interspersed with Music and Ballet. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2009.

Review:L Rescia in S Fr 159 (2009): 617. Welcome and highly interdisciplinary translation of M.'s Les Amants magnifiques. Impressive introduction will be of special interest to students and scholars of the history of spectacle and performance. Highly selective and specialized bibliography.

HAWCROFT, M. Molière: Reasoning with Fools. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007

Review:N. Peacock in FS 62.4 (2008), 472—473. Hawcroft focuses on close textual readings of scenes featuring the figure of the raisonneur in L'école des maris, L'école des femmes, Tartuffe, and Le Misanthrope. "In the generously formulated challenge to prevailing scholarship and analysis of the distinctive contribution of each raisonneur to some of the dramatist's most complex plays, this book is an invaluable addition to Molière's bibliography."
Review:H. Visentin in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 227—229.Focusing on the raisonneur, this volume will benefit not only scholars but also actors and directors. Includes a chapter on the various understandings of the raisonneur as a word and as a concept. Judged as "rich and persuasive" as it is "jargon-free," H.'s volume provides numerous close readings which lead to a demonstration of the development of this character type. Although this review does not mention Francis L. Lawrence's ground-breaking interpretations orof the raisonneur in the 1960s and 1970s, the approach and interpretation by H. is reminiscent of L.

HODSON, DAREN. A Would-Be Turk: Louis XIV in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 90—101.

Argues that 'Molière's comedy-ballet can be read as a pointed satire of how Hugues de Lionne, the foreign minister, and the king received the Ottoman envoy in their official audiences, and of French foreign policy with the Ottoman state itself. .... The oriental trappings of the work, especially of the Turkish ceremony, might thus be considered as a means to mirror and criticize French governmental policies and behaviour rather than as a proto-colonialist attempt imaginatively to represent the Ottoman Turk.'

KILLEY, JULIAN HAMILTON. "Desjardins' Le Favori and Molière's Tartuffe: Dissimulators and Dupes. DAI 48/05: (2010).

Focuses on the importance the question of morality adopts in the seventeenth century and the concern about dissimulation within that context. Desjardin shows how dissimulation is a necessary means to ends at court while Molière warns his public to be wary of malign dissimulation.

KOPP, ROBERT. "Molière, l'Eglise et le roi". RDM (septembre 2010) 166—169.

"Cette édifiante histoire d'un Molière victime de la'cabale des dévots' et soutenu secrètement par un roi cédant néanmoins à certaines pressions [vis-à-vis 'l'affaire Tartuffe'], que répètent à l'envi tous les manuels et toutes les éditions scolaires depuis plus d'un siècle, n'est en réalité rien d'autre qu'une légende pieuse, construite par une historiographie républicaine et anticléricale à la fin du XIXe siècle. Elle propageait ainsi l'image d'une Eglise sournoise et d'un roi sous l'influence. La situation se présente d'une façon différente, comme on le sait désormais par les travaux de François Rey(1)[Molière et le roi: l'affaire 'Tartuffe'(Seuil, 2007) et la nouvelle édition des oeuvres de Molière dans la 'Pléiade'(2)[Oeuvres complètes(Gallimard, 2010)." Selon Kopp, il faut voir l'interdiction de Tartuffe dans le contexte de la crise du jansénisme qui préoccupait Louis XIV.

LEON, MECHELE. Molière, the French Revolution, and the Theatrical Afterlife. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2009

Review:J. Prest in TLS 5595 (June 25 2010):30—31. Book examines the dilemma faced by Revolutionary France in appropriating Molière. Possible solutions included rewrites, notably of the ending of Tartuffe, and the production of pseudo-biographical plays that strove to "nuance the life of this revered but problematic playwright in keeping with republican convictions"(Prest). Attempts at addressing dilemma dilemmas of Molière were "paradoxical, contradictory and inconsistent"(Prest). A "thoughtful and interesting book."
Review:D. Smith in ThR 35 (2010): 307—308. An "engaging, well-structured study" that "merits a long scholarly life and afterlife of its own." Text draws on a wide-range of documents and shows how the removal of royal patronage opened Molière's plays for adaptation and appropriation. Smith says Leon "intervenes in debates on "authorship, reception theory, adaptation and cultural memory." "Crucially, Leon situates Molière in competing elite and popular discourses, a strategy that might provide a model for other studies of theatrical figures in national theatre studies."
Review:C. Campbell in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1072. Examines how Molière's comedies were rewritten and stripped of their royalist concepts. Substantively researched and intended for specialists, but also valuable to a more general audience.

MAZOUER, CHARLES. "Madame de Villedieu et Molière". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon (11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 43—54.

Taking into account the limited sources available, making hypotheses based on what we know about the literary field in 17th-century France and working from their published works, the author seeks to understand what might have been the relationship between Molière and Villedieu. Concludes that what is clear is that each had something to gain from their collaborations and that ultimately, the relationship was not a deep or significant one.

PEACOCK, NOEL. Etat Présent: Molière. FS 64.1 (2010), 64—72.

A survey of current critical questions and their development in scholarship since 1990. The author looks at bibliography(and the development of electronic resources), biography, editions, critical studies. A wide-ranging and useful taxonomy of major trends in Molière studies.

POMMIER, RENE. Etudes sur 'Dom Juan' de Molière. Paris: Euroédit, 2008

Review:Wolfe, K. W. in FS 63.2 (2009), 208—209."Pommier uses simple, elegant prose [. . .] to cut through the undergrowth of divergent interpretations that has attached itself most recently to the most studied and ambiguous of Molière's plays." Pommier refutes the notion that the play is a critique of comic reason(Dandrey), discounts the claim that Dom Juan is a "libertine worthy of a seventeenth-century Christian apologist's description"(McKenna), and rejects parallels drawn between Dom Juan's actions and "typically molièresque comic behaviour"(Forrestier). Pommier's argument rests on his reading of Dom Juan as a rationalist: "He recognizes that the Don Juan legend was not an ideal vehicle for giving theatrical voice to Molière's grievances, however powerfully subversive many scenes may be, since there was no way of avoiding the anti-rationalist encounter with the statue, which he views as carrying the final act into the realms of the 'parfaitement invraisemblable.'"
Review: R. Racevskis in FR 83 (2010), 861—62. An aggressive and overblown attack on recent readings of Dom Juan by Georges Forestier, Patrick Dandrey, and Antony McKenna. Also offers a useful new analysis of the encounter between Molière's title character and the beggar. Suggesting that Dom Juan here appears less mean-spirited than as a Socratic pedagogue, Pommier offers "a useful alternative to received ideas about the character"(862). The reviewer also praises his attention to the haste in which the play was probably composed, but generally laments his repetitive, angry style and the volume's lack of editorial vigilance.

PREDA, ALESSANDRA. Ilarità e tristezza. Percorsi francesi del «Candelaio» di Giordano Bruno(1582-1665). Milano, LED, «Il Filarete», CCL, 2007

Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 157 (2009): 159—160. P. reconstructs B.'s French editions and translations, reflecting on linguistic, intellectual and philosophical interests. P.'s itinerary takes us from Théophile de Viau to Cyrano, from Molière to La Fontaine.

SCHERER, LUDGER. "Dom Juan au cinéma: L'adaptation de Jacques Weber(1998)". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 103—111.

Discusses Jacques Weber's film adaptation of Dom Juan. Like Molière, Weber is also an actor, director, and theater director. Analyzes Weber's re-ordering of scenes and dialogue; judges Weber's rendering of the statue scene to be convincing; finds that Weber's rational and playful use of modern cinematic techniques reinforces certain aspects of 17th-century comedy.

SCOTT, PAUL. Comic and Marital Frustration in Molière's George Dandin. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 13—24.

Examines how Molière's play flouts comic norms in the repeated frustration of both characters and audience expectations. Attention is given to the 'intricate meta-joke' whereby the play's dénouement is in fact substituted by the dénouement of the protagonists' marriage.

WELCH, ELLEN. National Characters: Playing Against Type in the Ballet des Muses(1666-67), SCFS 32.2 (2010), 191—205.

Argues 'that the ballets' seemingly grotesque citations of preconceptions about other countries were often informed by a subtle understanding of the discursive force of national tropes. .... By enacting well-known stereotypes in ways that divorce them from any notion of original identity, the ballet's performers made space for a critique of more essentialist interpretations of nationality, including those used to underpin French claims to superiority.' Focuses on Benserade, Lully, and Molière's Ballet des Muses(1666-67).

WOLFE, KATHYRN WILLS. The CarivalCarnival Logic of Molière's Amphitryon. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 93—115.

In the light of received interpretations of Amphitryon as atypical, examines how it can be read as a Carnival masquerade, 'complete with a King of Carnival who reigns over a world of alternative views'.

WOSHINSKY, BARBARA R. Is the Ending to your Taste? Dissonant Dénouements and Audience Reception in Molière's Tartuffe. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 25—32.

Examines how Tartuffe's ending, frequently viewed as problematic today, was less problematic for seventeenth-century audiences. Tartuffe's dénouement, it is argued, licenses the audience 'not to think—rather, to accept a solution sanctioned by their ideological framework.'


RAYNARD, SOPHIE. Le défi des conteuses: faire de la femme scandaleuse une héroïne de fiction. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 57—70.

Examines ways in which the fairy tales of women-writers, such as d'Aulnoy, Murat, La Force and Bernard, can be read as subversive. Attention is also given to the memoirs of d'Aulnoy and Murat.


TEYSAANDIER, BERNARD. Gabriel Naudé: Avis pour dresser une bibliothèque. Paris: Klincksieck, 2008

Review:Fruet, R. in FS 64.3 (2010), 343—344. This volume presents a facsimile of the 1644 edition accompanied by a modern French transcription on the facing page that includes notes on syntax, vocabulary, translations from the Latin, contextual information and bibliographical citations. The introduction is wide-ranging, treating the Advis as well as Naudé's work as Mazarin's librarian. "The concise Introduction and erudite system of notes address a specialist audience."


ENTHOVEN, RAPHAËL, et al. Pascal ou les intermittances de la raison. Paris: Perrin, 2009

Review: E. Ousselin in FR 83 (2010), 1350—51. A transcription of Enthoven's 2008 Radio France interviews with five specialists on Pascal. "La double ambition d'Enthoven et de ses interlocuteurs est donc d'inciter les lecteurs à se plonger dans des textes ardus mais passionnants. . .et de dépasser les images acquises de l'enfant prodigue mathematician et du mystique porté vers une religiosité morbide"(1351). The dialogues address Pascal's paradoxical status as a Christian apologist who is now often read as a precursor of existentialism. It also offers a useful chapter on Pascal's wager, and situates Pascal vis-à-vis(in opposition to)Descartes. An inexpensive and engaging book for the general public.

MCCALL PROBES, CHRISTINE. In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Pascal's Lettres Provinciales: 'L'Amour de Dieu', Rhetorical Strategies of the Controversy. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 529—540.

'The present study explores rhetorical strategies employed by Pascal and briefly evokes those of Boileau and Bossuet, in defense of the contritionnaires who insisted that love for God and not mere fear was necessary for salvation.'

PEROUSE, MARIE. L'Invention des 'Pensées' de Pascal: les editions de Port-Royal. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009

Review:Parish, R. in FS 64.4 (2010), 483. In this "detailed and penetrating monograph" Perouse examines the work of the editorial committee(composed of Pascal's friends and family)responsible for the "Edition de Port-Royal." "She begins by charting the earliest stages of the work's evolution[. . .] [later]looking at the governing principles discerned behind the structures adopted, with due attention given to the vexed question as to whether a readership of sceptics or believers was primarily intended.[. . .]The final section shows most clearly the specificity of this version of Pascal's text, foregrounding lexical, syntactic, and theological adaptations, and demonstrating in conclusion the tendency of Pierre Nicole, by virtue of his imposition of homogeneity, to make of the three chapters devoted to human corruption a kind of prolegomenon to his own Essais de morale."

SOLLERS, PHILIPPE. "L'Infini de Pascal". L'Infini 110 (2010), 6—8.

Some short remarks from Sollers suggesting Pascal's relevance for modern readers, particularly as concerns his interest in smallness and the mystery of the "point." Sollers cites the Pensées:"Qui aurait trouvé le secret de se réjouir du bien sans se fâcher du mal contraire aurait trouvé le point. C'est le mouvement perpétuel." Also includes an eerie photo of Pascal's mortuary mask.

SUSINI, LAURENT. L'Écriture de Pascal: la Lumière et le feu; la "vraie eloquence" à l'œuvre dans les Pensées. Lumière Classique 72. Paris: Champion, 2008

Review:S. Natan in FR 83 (2010), 1075—76. An attempt to offer "une lecture stylistique globale et unifiante des Pensées." Susini examines Pascal's use of a rhetoric which is concrete, grounded in reality, and which nonetheless attempts to engage an 'eloquence of the heart' such as one might find in the Bible. The reviewer notes that Susini does not always approach existing Pascal criticism in an ideal manner, subjecting certain works to an inappropriate degree of scrutiny, or presuming that their scope extends beyond what these authors imply. Nonetheless, the reviewer stresses "l'honnêteté du travail de recherché entrepris par Susini," and the "vraies pistes d'analyse" with which he leaves us(1076).



GROSPERRIN, J-PH., ed. F. Paulin, S .J. Idoménée, tragédie(1700). Toulouse: Société de Littérature Classiques, 2008.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 159 (2009): 618—619. Welcome re-edition of this play by P., professor of Rhetoric. Performed at a Jesuit college and preserved in manuscript at the Bibliothèque municipale de Grenoble, the play is also important for its ceremonial role in the college. Interesting introduction, rich bibliography and appendices


ROCHERE, MARTINE HENNARD DUTHEIL. "But marriage itself is no party": Angela Carter's Translation of Charles Perrault's "La Belle au bois dormant"; or, Pitting the Politics of Experience against the Sleeping Beauty Myth". M&T 24 (2010), 131—151.

"This article demonstrates the importance of Angela Carter's translations of Charles Perrault's contes into English and argues for their profound influence on her subsequent literary career. Against feminist critics who rejected fairy tales as conservative and informed by patriarchal structures and values, Carter reclaimed Perrault for feminism by recovering the critical edge and emancipating potential of his Histoires ou contes du temps passé, Avec des Moralités. This essay shows, through a comparative reading of "La Belle au bois dormant" and "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood," that Carter opposed the worldly "politics of experience" that she found in Perrault to the Disneyfied imagery of the Sleeping Beauty myth and modernized the critique of early marriages already contained in Perrault's Moralités. The subversive power of Carter's work,therefore, is not directed against Perrault but rather toward cultural and commercial appropriations of the fairy tale, which promote a naïve view of marriage."


BARBAFIERI, CARINE. "Ah! Madame de Villedieu, vous savez faire l'amour, mais vous ne saviez pas faire une tragédie. Vraisemblance et moralité dans le théâtre sérieux de Mademoiselle Desjardins". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 75—87.

A re-evaluation of Villedieu's tragedies, based on a new understanding of their choice of subject matter and their non-Aristotelian dramaturgy. Argues that the choices Villedieu makes as a playwright stem not so much from her status as a woman but from a certain aesthetic viewpoint similar to that of Quinault and Lully. Villedieu's tragedies can also be seen as issuing from the tragi-comedy and of the novel.

CORNIC, SYLVAIN. "Madame de Villedieu librettiste?" In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 61—71.

Taking into account that material was often falsely attributed to Villedieu, the author explains his hypothesis that two librettos, Céphale et Procris and Ulysse, were likely written by her and would thus expand the corpus of her dramatic work. Because of Lully's preference for working with Quinault, Villedieu's foray into opera would have thus come to naught.

ROY, ROXANNE. "De surprise en étonnement. La théâtralité dans les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière" In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 227—239.

Analyzes scenes from the Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière as scenes from the theater: comedies of cross-dressing and of love, and tragedy, highlighting those elements that contribute to the theatricality of the Mémoires.


NAGAMORI, KATSUYA. "Racine et Sénèque. L'échec d'un idéal stoïcien dans la tragédie racinienne". DSS 248 (2010), 430—441.

"Tout en examinant l'usage critique que fait Racine du théâtre stoïcien, on s'intéressera à la manière dont la tragédie racinienne reflète la dépréciation de la philosophie du Portique[. . .] On examinera ensuite de près les procédés de transposition du texte sénéquien par Racine, transposition motivée par une intention ironique et démystificatrice à l'égard du sage stoïcien."

OGURA, HIROTAKA. "Séjour de Racine à Uzès, naissance de l'auteur dramatique". DSS 248 (2010), 418—429.

Racine spent about a year at Uzès and the author identifies it as a particularly formative one. Concentrating on 24 letters and technical correspondence with his tutors, the author presents a fascinating view of Racine at the dawn of his existence as a poet and playwright, undergoing a transformation from the child of Port Royal as he prepares for a return to Paris and to fulfill his vocation to the theatre.



STEFANOVSKA, MALINA. La Politique du cardinal de Retz: Passions et factions. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008.

Review: Parish, R. in FS 63.4 (2009), 457—458. An "attractive and timely reappraisal" that views Retz as "un homme d'action et non un théoricien." Stefanovska begins with La Conjuration de Fiesque where she analyzes the concept of faction. In analyzing the Mémoires, she develops Retz's portrayal of others as a strategy for self-reflection and returns to the mechanics of the faction and "l'art du lien," the creation of an intricate network of alliances that made up the Parisian political geography during the Fronde. Her study closes by examining Retz's Church career and the "fronde ecclésiastique" recounted in the closing pages of the Mémoires. The use of certain key terms that are not treated at length("faction," "pacte," "baroque")proves problematic at times.


TAUSSIG, SYLVIE, ed. Europe, comédie héroïque attribuíe à Arnaud de Plessis, cardinal de Richelieu et Jean Desmarets, sieur de Saint-Sorlin. Turnhout: Brépols, 2006.

Review: F. Hildesheimer in DSS 247 (2010), 372—373. An important edition of this obscure play, the reviewer is particularly complimentary of the lengthy introduction that "se veut à l'écart de toute critique littéraire stérile; elle passe en revue et met en relation les aspects littéraires et politiques et fourmille de notations justes et fines [. . .] mettant à contribution l'ensemble de l'historiographie pour contribuer à une èvaluation du rôle et de la signification de la pièce."


ASSAF, FRANCIS. Lexicologie de la nourriture au XVIIe siècle. PFSCL 37.72 (2010),205—226.

Analyzes diverse entries concerning food in the dictionaries of Richelet(1680), Rochefort(1685), Furetière(1690)and the Académie française(1694), using the dictionaires as a possible "miroir sociolinguistique, même átho-linguistique."

BRILLAUD, JEROME. La Remarque ou l'art de la dissimilation chez La Bruyère et Richelet. SCFS 32.2 (2010), 179—190.

Examines the structural and formal similarities discernible between Richelet's Dictionnaire françois and La Bruyère's Caractères.


ASSAF, FRANCIS. Lexicologie de la nourriture au XVIIe siècle. PFSCL 37.72 (2010),205—226.

Analyzes diverse entries concerning food in the dictionaries of Richelet(1680), Rochefort(1685), Furetière(1690)and the Académie française(1694), using the dictionaires as a possible "miroir sociolinguistique, même átho-linguistique."


DELPORTE, MARION. "Des noces de Polybe et de Melpomène: les Histoires tragiques de François de Rosset". DSS 246 (2010), 43—54.

A close reading of this important early seventeenth-century work concentrating on the ancient influence of Polybe.


EKSTEIN, NINA. "The Conversion of Polyeucte's Félix: The Problem of Religion and Theater". Fr F 34.1 (2009), 1—17.

E.'s close treatment of C.'s play alongside R.'s Le Véritable Saint Genest reexamines the quarrel between religion and theatre. After a brief review of the ancients, notably Plato, on the subject, E. refers to certain 17th c. moderating views (Richelieu, François de Sales), but reminds us that "the voices and arguments rallied against the stage in France were strident and powerful"(2). Admittedly speaking "from outside a religious perspective," E. carefully examines Félix's conversion studying several aspects including the religious, the literary and the political. She finds that the conversion "while arguably vraisemblable from a religious perspective, is completely invraisemblable logically, psychologically, and dramatically" and that although Félix has political power, "political considerations do not provide a useful context" for the conversion(7). E. demonstrates instead the considerable "recourse to the theatrical"(8)which is a shared feature with the Rotrou play where it is central. E. convincingly engages critics of both plays before she concludes that the two share an "undecidable" conversion, which is also a function of the "profound friction between theater and religion in 17th c. France"(12).

LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS, ed. Les cinq auteurs. La Comédie des Tuileries et l'Aveugle de Smyrne. Paris: Champion, 2008.

Review: Desnain, V. in FS 63.2 (2009), 209—210. The editor's valuable analysis, notes, and appendices focus on the genesis of the project, the nature of collaboration, and Richelieu's assertion of power in the realm of literature and the arts. The editor devotes special attention to Pierre Corneille's participation in the project which highlighted his differences with Chapelain and allowed him to better define his own thought on dramatic theory. An "interesting, but speculative analysis" of the rapport between Corneille and Rotrou questions Henri Chardon's work in an interesting way.

PUTMAN, EMILY MILLER. "Illusion, Violence and Certainty in Rotrou's 'Le Véritable Saint Genest' and Cyrano de Bergerac's 'La mort d'Agrippine". DAI 48/06 (2010).

This dissertation focuses on the "récits sanglants" and "histoires tragiques" to reveal how the threat of violence is supposed to show the validity and truth of the declarations of the martyrs and the executed. The aim of the depiction of violence is to provide a feeling of certainty in the audience, as well as the characters of the plays. Links are established to other plays.

VIALLETON, J.-Y. and MACE, S. Rotrou, dramaturge de l'ingéniosité. Paris: PUF-CNED, 2007.

Review: Courtes, N. in FS 63.1(2009), 84. This guide for the 2008 agrégation sketches a panorama of Rotrou's work and the theatre of his time before focusing on Antigone, Le Véritable Saint Genest, and Venceslas. Especially useful is the explanation of the plays' relationship with seventeenth-century theoreticians as well as Aristotle. "En dépit de sa visee volontairement limitée, ce livre fait preuve d'une hauteur de vue et d'une érudition remarquables" particularly in its treatment of the notion of the baroque, the conditions of the theatre of the time, and prevailing rhetoric models.



PARKER, THOMAS. "Saint-Évremond and the Case of Champagne d'Ay: Early Modern French Aesthetic Theory Viewed through the Optic of Terroir". PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 129—146.

Analysis of the term terroir in seventeenth-century France. Argues that: "More than just a culinary term, terroir's early modern evolution is emblematic of a philosophical battle and the transformation of aesthetic theory in France. Specifically, Saint-Évremond's commentary on terroir and origins in agriculture, cuisine, and the theater testifies to a monist materialistic vision that persisted in the second half of the seventeenth century despite being partially subverted by Cartesian rationalism and dualist thought."



VAN MIERT, DIRK. "Language and Communication in the Republic of Letters: The Uses of Latin and French in the Correspondence of Joseph Scaliger". BHR 72.1 (2010), 7—34.

Article reviews "the circumstances and considerations influencing the choice between Latin or French in early modern letter-writing." Taking a sociolinguistic and rhetorical approach, the author breaks down the social status of authors/recipients into


SOMMOVIGO, BARBARA, ed. Paul Scarron. Théâtre complet. n.p.: Felici, 2007.

Review: C. Rolla in S Fr 157 (2009): 165 and S Fr 158 (2009): 390. Rich and well-documented edition demonstrates S.'s sources, its predominant characteristics and analyzes the presence of the baroque. Useful introduction, glossary and notes.
Review: J.-M. Civardi in DSS 248(2010), 562—563. The reviewer finds this a welcome and reasonably complete edition of Scarron's work, though he faults the annotation as being somewhat lacking given the rich linguistic creation and variety to be found when reading Scarron.


ESMEIN-SARRAZIN, CAMILLE. "Etat présent des études sur Madeleine de Scudéry(2002-2008)". DSS 248 (2010), 531—546.

As the title suggests, the author provides a comprehensive overview of the state of scholarship on Madeleine de Scudéry during six particularly productive years.


GUTWIRTH, MARCEL. Madame de SÉvignÉ, classique à son insu.. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2004.

Review: Perkins, W. in FS 64.1 (2010), 84—85. Gutwirth seeks to show the affinity between Sévigné's letters and works whose "identité classique" is widely recognized. He examines seven themes (including "Plaire," "Santé," "La Cour," "Naturel") in order to trace the parallels between Sévigné and major classical authors. "The book might most usefully serve as an introduction for those approaching Sévigné for the first time; it causes readers to focus on the significance of the notion of 'classicisme', and why we cannot and indeed need not use it. It is a form of literary history in the Humanist tradition, ranging over many authors, from the seventeenth century looking forward to Romanticism and Proust, including reflections on and examples from Shakespeare and Goethe, among others."


DALLA VALLE, DANIELLA, ed. Charles Sorel: Les Nouvelles choisies: Où se trouvent divers incidents d'Amour et de Fortune. Paris: H. Champion, 2005.

Review: D. Denis in FS 62.4 (2008), 470—471. This edition is notable for retaining the second version of Sorel's collection of nouvelles and focusing on its structural and linguistic changes. A detailed study by Laura Rescia on Sorel's style and language accompanies a rich critical apparatus, biographical notice, bibliography, glossary, and eight engravings.

HUBBLE, ELIZABETH. "Language, Sex, and Excrement: Charles Sorel Rewrites the Fabliaux". SCFS 32.1(2010), 31—44.

"This article examines three scenes in Charles Sorel's 1623 L'Histoire Comique de Francion as analogues to three medieval fabliaux, 'Le Vilain de Bailleul,' 'De Jouglet,' and 'La Demoiselle qui ne pouvait entendre parler de foutre.' Sorel's .... reworking of fabliaux stories provides insight into the shifting ideologies and rhetorics of the representation of gendered bodies, gendered voices, and sexuality across the pre-modern and early modern periods. Ultimately, however, Sorel gives voice to the complex posterity of folk culture at the same time as he attempts, and perhaps fails to master these fabliaux and their messages."

ROSELLINI, MICHELE. "Ecrire l'histoire de France au service de la patrie: le projet singulier de Charles Sorel". DSS 246 (2010), 69—95.

A detailed look at Sorel's preoccupation with writing history (particularly that of the monarchy), while analyzing his methodology and intention.


GOUJON, PATRICK. Prendre part à l'intransmissible. La communication spirituelle à travers la correspondance de Jean-Joseph Surin. Grenoble: Editions Jérôme Million, 2008.

Review: S. Houdard in DSS 248 (2010), 558—559. The value of the correspondence of the Jesuit Surin is inestimable to our understanding of spirituality of the seventeenth century. "En ne séparant jamais le triple questionnement théologique, littéraire et historique, ce livre confronte des rationalités différentes qui reconnaissent des sens divers au mot « Dieu » et à sa « communication »: quelle société se met alors en place autour de ce mot? Quels discours se tissent et s'élaborent en référence à « Dieu »? Quelle expérience scripturaire, sociale et spirituelle fait-elle naître au XVIIe siècle?"


TEISSIER-ENSMINGER, A., ed. Jacques-Auguste de Thou: La Vie de Jacques-Auguste de Thou. I. Aug. Thuani Vita. Paris: Honoré Champion(Textes de la Renaissance), 2007.

Review: Herdman, E. in FS 63.1 (2009), 80—81. This "highly scholarly and laudable edition" relies on the editio princeps of 1621 in conjuction with the manuscripts, offering "the first authoritative edition(and hence translation)to give a clear indication of all the variants and to reveal the successive states of De Thou's text." The introduction, notes, and commentary make this a very valuable and accessible edition.



FOLLIARD, MELAINE. « Plus on presse mon mal, plus il fuit au dedans... »: L'auteur, figure de la censure dans la première réception de l'œuvre imprimée de Théophile de Viau(1619-1626). PFSCL 36.71 (2009),425—443.

Examines the question: 'L'auteur est-il une victime passive de la censure? En quoi est-il au contraire le ferment,l'acteur, voire le bénéficiaire?' Proposes two angles: an analysis of the 'rôle crucial qu'occupe la figure de l'auteur dans l'organisation de l'événement censorial des Œuvres de Théophile', and of the ways in which 'la censure de la figure auctoriale devient un principe d'écriture'.

FOLLIARD, MELAINE. "'Si j'avais la vigueur de ces fameux latins . . .': Idéal et nostalgie du latin chez Théophile de Viau". S Fr 159 (2009): 481—505.

Illuminating and well-documented, F.'s investigation demonstrates le fait latin chez V. in all its dimensions: the diversity of V.'s writing(editorial, reading public, generic variety, esthetics and linguistics),the author's heritage, protestantProtestant ethos, rhetoric postures between imitatio and inventio, among others. Examples of le fait latin such as in Larissa and in Theophilus in carcere contribute to our understanding of T,'s latinité and his imagination itself as they illustrate T.'s "dialogue fructueux entre l'ancien et le moderne"(505).

PREDA, ALESSANDRA. Ilarità e tristezza. Percorsi francesi del «Candelaio» di Giordano Bruno(1582-1665). Milano, LED, «Il Filarete», CCL, 2007.

Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 157 (2009): 159—160. P. reconstructs B.'s French editions and translations, reflecting on linguistic, intellectual and philosophical interests. P.'s itinerary takes us from Théophile de Viau to Cyrano, from Molière to La Fontaine.


AKIYAMA, NOBUKO. "Esthétique théâtrale des Annales galantes: le cas de Dom Sébastien." In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 213—225.

A comparative analysis of Boyer's Oropaste and Quinault's Agrippa Roi d'Albe, as representative of a fascination with questions of identity in the 1660s, in order to better understand the theatrical aesthetics of Villedieu's story Dom Sébastien, in which identity is also a key theme.

BARBAFIERI, CARINE. "Ah! Madame de Villedieu, vous savez faire l'amour, mais vous ne saviez pas faire une tragédie. Vraisemblance et moralité dans le théâtre sérieux de Mademoiselle Desjardins". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 75—87.

A re-evaluation of Villedieu's tragedies, based on a new understanding of their choice of subject matter and their non-Aristotelian dramaturgy. Argues that the choices Villedieu makes as a playwright stem not so much from her status as a woman but from a certain aesthetic viewpoint similar to that of Quinault and Lully. Villedieu's tragedies can also be seen as issuing from the tragi-comedy and of the novel.

CORNIC, SYLVAIN. "Madame de Villedieu librettiste?" In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 61—71.

Taking into account that material was often falsely attributed to Villedieu, the author explains his hypothesis that two librettos, Céphale et Procris and Ulysse, were likely written by her and would thus expand the corpus of her dramatic work. Because of Lully's preference for working with Quinault, Villedieu's foray into opera would have thus come to naught.

EVAIN, AURORE. "Performance du Favori de Mme de Villedieu". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 147—159.

Seeks to understand Le Favori as spectacle and not as text, by discussing the actual performance, performance as a theme of the play itself, and Villedieu's theatrical writing as an act of performance.

GENIEYS-KIRK, SÉVERINE. "La théâtralité de l'écriture pastorale et de l'esthétique villedieusiennes: du roman conventionnel au roman subversif". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 201—211.

A study of the dramaturgical aspects of two of Villedieu's more conventional novels, Alcidamie and Carment, compared to the Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière.

GETHNER, PERRY. "L'intériorité dans le théâtre de Villedieu: monologues, réflexions, auto-analyse". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 119—130.

Analyzes how Villedieu deploys the dramatic techniques of the monologue, the aside, the sentence, dialogue with confidantes, and spontaneous gestures, in order to better understand how her plays depict characters'inner life.

GOLDWYN, HENRIETTE. "Les stratégies de pouvoir dans le paratexte de l'écriture théâtrale de Mme de Villedieu". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 29—41.

Observes that Villedieu's dedicatory epistles demonstrate not only the financial relationship linking patron and artist, but also various strategies by which the playwright stakes a claim to an authorial identity and autonomy. Analyzes how Villedieu's paratexts, from Manlius and Nitétis to Le Favori, progressively valorize not only the author's work but also the King as the supreme patron in an increasingly state-controlled patronage system.

HOURCADE, PHILIPPE. "Mme de Villedieu et le ballet." In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 55—60.

Discusses points of contact between Villedieu and the ballet, specifically, a 1665 fête at Versailles and the writer's own Ballet de Monseigneur le Dauphin envoyé à Monseigneur le duc de Montausier.

MAZOUER, CHARLES. "Madame de Villedieu et Molière". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 43—54.

Taking into account the limited sources available, making hypotheses based on what we know about the literary field in 17th-century France and working from their published works, the author seeks to understand what might have been the relationship between Molière and Villedieu. Concludes that what is clear is that each had something to gain from their collaborations and that ultimately, the relationship was not a deep or significant one.

MECKING, VOLKER. "Madame de Villedieu: glanures lexicales (Manlius, 1662)". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 131—144.

Offers an overview of Villedieu's vocabulary in Manlius, deeming it on the whole conventional, refined, and typical of pre-Classical French. Also discusses archaic and rare words and Italian-inspired usage.

MELI, CINTHIA. "L'audace pour mot d'ordre: l'invention de l'intrigue et des caractères dans le Manlius de Marie-Catherine Desjardins". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 107—117.

Situates Manlius in the context of Corneille's and d'Aubignac's theoretical treatises on theater. Argues that Manlius reveals Villedieu to have followed Aristotle better than Corneille did, and that the play is a master stroke, misunderstood by navel-gazing critics such as Donneau de Visé.

PADDEN, SUSAN A. "Conceptions of the Function of Author in Seventeenth-Century French Epistolary Literature: The Cases of the Comte de Guilleragues and Mme de Villedieu." DAI 48/06 (2010)

This dissertation shows the author function in seventeenth-century French epistolary literature. Anonymity and pseudonymity are tools through which the authors remove themselves as individuals from their texts. Both empower the reader through re-appropriation of authorship. Yet their motivations are different.

ROY, ROXANNE. "De surprise en étonnement. La théâtralité dans les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 227—239.

Analyzes scenes from the Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière as scenes from the theater: comedies of cross-dressing and of love, and tragedy, highlighting those elements that contribute to the theatricality of the Memoires.

ROYÉ, JOCELYN. "Le Favori ou la politique du cour au cœur du politique". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 161—170.

Analyzes the interplay between the personal and the political in Le Favori, arguing that the play is more than a simple warning against ambitious and hypocritical behavior at court; it in fact offers a surprisingly modern understanding of the relationship between love or personal happiness, and politics.

SANZ, AMELIA. "Villedieu, vous avez dit classique?". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 89—105.

Interrogates the terms classic and baroque from a comparatist, pan-European perspective, analyzing the similarities and differences between Villedieu's work and that of Spanish Golden Age writers.

SIMONIN, CHARLOTTE. "Madame de Villedieu dramaturge versus Madame de Villedieu romancière. Enquête sur une dualité". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 13—27.

Shows how Villedieu the dramatist can be understood in the context of Villedieu the novelist, as demonstrated through an analysis of paratextual material, the remarks of 17th and 18th century literary critics, comparison with other early modern women writers, and 18th century theatrical adaptations of Villedieu's novels. Points out that whereas Villedieu's and Graffigny's novels are praised, their dramatic work is consistently overlooked, such that literary criticism tended to see women writers as minor writers, capable of excelling only in minor genres such as the novel.

STEIGERWALD, JÖRN. "Sujets de l'amour: formes de la représentation de soi dans la société de cour d'après Le Favori". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 171—183.

Questions the usefulness of reading Le Favori against Le Misanthrope and instead analyzes how the play stages self-presentation in courtly society against the background of a certain conception of love and of subjects' status relative to the monarch.

STERNBERG-GREINER, VÉRONIQUE. "Si c'est ce qu'on appelle à présent des coquettes,/Il est vrai, je la suis. Elvire et ses modèles dans Le Favori de Madame de Villedieu". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé,eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théàtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 185—197.

Focuses on the complexity of the character of Elvire: philosophical, psychological, satirical, moralistic, comical.


ROLLIN, SOPHIE. "Les Lettres de Vincent Voiture: du discours familier au texte littéraire". S Fr 158 (2009) 251—264.

Important study focuses on the diffusion and reception of V.'s letters, their success, their place in the established epistolary tradition, and consequences of a form which may contain and transform a literary intertext.(251-252) Demonstrates V.'s role as the "modèle exemplaire du galant homme"(257-258). Particular attention is paid to V.'s ample and varied use of pastiche; allusions and analogies between works in vogue in the salons (such as le Roland furieux)and V.'s addressees, thus underscoring "la littérarité du discours"(259).

An Annual Descriptive Bibliography


In anticipation of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature's naming of a new bibliographer to replace long-time contributor William Roberts, the Editor requests that scholars in the field address news of research in progress directly to

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