French 17 FRENCH 17

2010 Number 58


ALSTEENS, STIJN AND HANS BUIJS, WITH VÉRONIQUE MATHOT. Paysages de France dessinés par Lambert Doomer et les artistes hollandais et flamands des XVIe et XVIIe siécles. Paris: Fondation Custodia,2008

Review:Erik Spaans in Burlington 1278 (2009), 623—24. Judging by the reviewer's praise, this book goes far beyond a study of landscapes by the artists mentioned in the title. It also includes a travel diary by one of the artists, translated into French, as well as historical and geographical background. In spite of the book's many qualities, Spaans does lament the omission of Bordeaux and what he views as too little attention paid to Lyon, as well as the possibility that some Dutch artists working in France may have been overlooked.

AUMÜLLER, GERHARD, KORNELIA GRUNDMANN and CHRISTINA VANJA, eds. Der Dienst am Kranken. Krankenversorgung zwischen Caritas, Medizin und Ökonomie vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Geschichte und Entwicklung der Krankenversorgung im sozioökonomischen Wandel. Marburg: Elwert, 2007

Review:O. Auge in HZ 289.3 (2009): 711—712.Based largely on contributions to a journée d'études from March 2007 in Marburg, the volume is international and transdisciplinary in scope. Organization is chronological. 17th c. scholars will especially appreciate sections on the social politics of the Renaissance hospital and on the development of the modern hospital as it related to Christian charity. Valuable overview of the subject.

BANDRY-SCUBBI, ANNE, ed.Éducation—Culture—Littérature, "Universités/ Domaine littéraore" série de l'U de Haute-Alsace, Institut de Recherches en langues et littératures européennes, Horizons. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2008

Review:G. Bosco in S Fr 159 (2009):688—689. Highly diverse examination of European literary identity offers reflexions on subjects from the education of protagonists of novels, oral interrogation, biblical imprint, tolerance, and the emblem, among others. One essay is on the 17th c. memorialist Nicolas Goulas: "Les années d'apprentissage dans les Mémoires de Nicolas Goulas," by Mariette Cuénin-Lieber.

BARBICHE, BERNARD. Bulla, Legatus, Nuntius. Études de diplomatique et de diplomatie pontificales(XIIIe-XVIIe siècle). Avec la collaboration de SÉGOLÈNE DE DAINVILLE-BARBICHE. Mémoires et documents de l'École des Chartes,85). Paris: école des Chartes, 2007

Review:M. Schnettger in HZ 288.1 (2009):159—161.This volume of 25 articles from 1962-2002 by the leading specialist of papal history spans a long time period, from the 13th to the early 18th c. Organized chronologically, the volume is highly useful for its valuable research on numerous aspects of papal diplomacy.

BEAM, SARA. Laughing Matters. Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2007

Review:K. Malettke in HZ 289.2 (2009): 473—475. Based on impressive archival research in Paris, Rouen, Dijon, Bordeaux and Toulouse as well as on secondary sources, in particular those relating to the theatre from the early 16thc.-mid 17th c. Judged original, interesting and stimulating to the general public as well as the scholar.

BEIK, WILLIAM. A social and cultural history of early modern France. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009

Review:D. Baxter in CHOICE 47 (2009),758."An excellent introduction to the period," this book addresses social groups of the era and the beliefs and practices in which they engaged. Balancing Paris and the provinces, elites and non-elites, it also avoids static description.

BERGIN, JOSEPH. Church, society and religious change in France, 1580-1730. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2009

Review: J. Harrie in CHOICE 47 (2010), 2001—2. A study of religious change in France's long 17th century."Bergin finds that the French church proved highly innovative. . .in part because it was free of the constraints that the Tridentine reform agenda placed on other parts of Europe and was energized by the ongoing problem of the French Protestants and the development of the rigorous Augustinianism of the Jansenists. The result was a religious culture that,like its political and artistic counterparts, proved attractive to Catholics in other parts of Europe and influential in reshaping religious reform beyond French borders"(2002).

BIRBERICK, A. L., ed. The Art of Instruction: Essays on Pedagogy and Literature in 17th-Century France. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008

Review: Genieys-Kirk, S. in FS 64.1 (2010), 86. This collection of essays shows the variety of ways that a broad spectrum of genres sought to realize pedagogical goals. Major themes addressed include the role played by fiction in creating a modern reading public, theater and performance as pedagogical genres, and royal pedagogy. "Reprenant ainsi une thématique importante du paysage socio-culturel et politique du dix-septième siècle, soit l'émergence des théories et pratiques pédagogiques, ce volume collectif propose de nouveaux angles d'analyse par lesquels les auteurs revisitent l'idéal horatien selon lequel toute oeuvre doit allier l'utile è l'agréable."
Review:Lise Leibacher-Ouvrard in Fr F 34.1 (2009) 113—115. Appreciative review of B.'s edited collection which demonstrates the importance and variety of instruction in the broad sense. Nine studies analyze the interaction between esthetics and pedagogical projects. Although diverse and wide-ranging in perspectives(including pedagogy as social constraint, active education of the reader, didactic strategies in theatre, marriage manuals, emblematic poetry as a "miroir du prince," among others), the essays reveal a thematic and strategic continuity.

BLANCHARD, JEAN-VINCENT. Claude-François Ménestrier and the "Querelle des Monuments". PFSCL 36.71 (2009),507—514.

Examines the controversy surrounding the Parisian monuments erected in honour of Louis XIV in the last two decades of the seventeenth century in the light of the wider context of the querelle des Anciens et des Modernes.

BLICKLE, PETER. Das Alte Europa. Vom Hochmittelalter bis zur Moderne. München: Beck, 2008

Review: W. Schmale in HZ 288.2 (2009) 409—410.Wide-ranging examination focusing on peace, order and freedom.

BÖHM, ROSWITHA; GREWE, ANDREA; ZIMMERMANN, MARGARETE. "Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain: bilan d'une rencontre." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 7—22.

Begins with an overview of several recent films relative to 17th-century France, and then discuss the reception history of the Grand siècle in film. Explains that the contributions in the present volume focus on various films from the 1990s set in 17th-century France, and that volume's guiding question is how these cinematic representations of the are another way to think about the present. Concludes with further reflections on the French seventeenth century in film and how the films themselves come to be lieux de mémoire.

BÖHM, ROSWITHA. "Entre théâtre et film: Molière(1978)d'Ariane Mnouchkine." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009 83—101

The author provides some background on Mnouchkine, the Théâtre du Soleil, before summarizing the varied critical reactions to the film Molière. She then turns to recurring "scènes-miroir" within the film, such as the fête populaire and the fête royale before focusing on a close reading of the theatricality of the first part of the film, especially chapter 9.

BRINK, MARGOT. "Interprétations cinématographiques de la Princesse de Clèves: du 'cadavre exquis' á l'héroïne d'une nouvelle éthique" In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179 Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009 113—125.

Analyzes two different cinematic representations of Mme de Clèves' renunciation of the world, that found in Delannoy's 1961 film La Princesse de Clèves and that found in Manoel de Oliveira's 1999 film La Lettre. Finds that the former rewrites the novel's ending because it is, paradoxically, too modern in its conception of an independent space for a woman alone. De Oliveira's film, although a modernization, contains echoes of 17th-century morality in its exploration of Mme de Clèves' decision to pursue humanitarian work.

BROAD, JACQUELINE and KAREN GREEN. A History of Women's Political Thought in Europe, 1400-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009

Review:M. L. King in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1246—1248. Although particularly praiseworthy for its 17th c. contributions(2/3 of the whole)which include Madeleine de Scudáry analyzed in framework of the Fronde, the volume nevertheless has significant omissions given the claim of its title. The review is written by a scholar whose work is either chastised or neglected in the B. and G. monograph.

BROSENS, KOENRAAD. European Tapestries in the Art Institute of Chicago. New Haven: Yale UP, 2008

Review:D. Wolfthal in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 916—918.In general "thorough and convincing," this remarkable catalogue is richly illustrated with some 300 images and culminates a multi-year project of conservation and an in-house exhibition(916-917). Highly useful to students/scholars of history and art history alike, as tapestries included range from 15th to 19th c. with subjects as varied as their provenance. Stimulating study challenges the vision of tapestry design as static objects, demonstrating, for example, that designs may derive from preexisting cartoons and that strategies are entrepreneurial(917). Includes observations on tapestry production for private customers such as Colbert's establishment of the Gobelins manufactory.

BURY, EMMANUEL. "Le signe versaillais à l'épreuve du film: simple décor ou matrice pour l'imagination?" In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179 Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009 25—33.

The author reminds us how Versailles—the château and the town—have been captured on film since the earliest days of cinema. He analyzes Versailles as a cinematic sign in such films as Sacha Guitry's Si Versailles m'était conté(1953), Patrice Leconte's Ridicule(1996), Gérard Corbiau's Le Roi danse (2000), and Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette.

CARROLL, S.. Blood and Violence in Early Modern France. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006

Review:De Smet, I. in FS 63.2 (2009), 207—208.Carroll offers "a detailed analysis of various contexts(family feuds; hereditary questions; adultery, seductions and rape; religious conflict; and the exercise of authority)in which aggression and bloodshed took place, from their inception to their escalation and resolution; he studies its mechanisms and judiciary treatment, and the degrees to which violence was accepted or deemed acceptable." The author's focus on the mechanisms of vengeance distinguishes this work which has much to offer both historians and literary scholars.

COHEN, GARY B. and FRANZ A. J. SZABO, eds. Embodiments of Power. Building Baroque Cities in Europe. New York: Berghahn, 2008

Review:D. Erben in HZ 289.3 (2009): 775—777.Although the focus of this particular collection is Central and South Europe, the essays offer enlightening methodological insights valuable for the whole of European studies on city building(on aesthetics, institutions, renovations, etc.)

COHEN, SIMONA. Animals as Disguised Symbols in Renaissance Art. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 169. Brill's Studies on Art, Art History and Intellectual History 2. Leiden: Brill, 2008

Review:E. Campbell in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 912—913.Found both "fascinating" and "erudite," C.'s iconographical study is based on sources from Antiquity through the Renaissance and from bestiaries to albums of emblems and natural histories(912). The reviewer's only caveat is C.'s seeming "quest for a single, hidden meaning"(912), noting the possibility for multiple and shifting meanings depending on many variables such as social practices.

DANIELOU, CATHERINE. « Un concert des cœurs et d'esprits »: l'amitié chez Dauphine de Sartre, marquise de Robiac(1634-1685). PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 71—83.

Examines the concept of friendship in Dauphine de Sartre's Dissertation sur l'amitié and her Recueil de choses morales(both published for the first time in Nancy O'Connor's 2003 edition of Sartre's works),and analyzes its place within the humanist tradition.

DARNTON, ROBERT. The Devil in the Holy Water or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to Napoleon. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010

:ReviewA. Pasco in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1926 A study of libels and their political importance. "This study represents years of research and an enormous amount of material amassed by a superb cultural historian. Though not as well organized as most of his work, it is well written and a delightful read"(1926).

DEITZ, PAULA. Of Gardens: selected essays. U Of Pennsylvania P, 2010

Review:J. Potter in TLS 5611 (Oct 15 2010) 34. Essays drawn from three decades of visiting parks and gardens. Andre Le Nôtre is one of three figures in Deitz' "pantheon of designers."

DENZEL DE TIRADO, HEIDI. "Les biopics des femmes fortes: réécriture biographiste, idéologique ou générique?" In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siécle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 145—159.

Discusses the films Artemisia (1997)and Marquise (1997) as part of a larger genre of biopics featuring women connected to great men, as muses, mothers, lovers, or sisters. Explains how both films take liberties with history in order to portray Artemisia and Marquise not as victims of male violence, but as strong women and as artists.

DERAMAIX, M., P. GALLAND-HALLYN, G. VAGENHEIM, et J. VIGNES, eds. Les Académies dans l'Europe Humaniste, Idéaux et pratiques. Genève: Droz, 2008

Review:M. Furno in BHR 72.1 (2010), 181—184."Ce livre est la matérialisation des actes d'un colloque tenu à Paris en 2003, dont l'axe voulait faire un point sur les Académies modernes, de la fin du XVe siècle au XVIIe siècle en Europe, du Sud et du Nord." Voir la contribution de M. E. Boutroue sur l'académie scientifique et botanique de Bourdelot au XVIIe siècle en France.

DONATI, CLAUDIO and BERNHARD R. KROENER, eds. Militari e società civile nell'Europa dell'età moderna(secoli XVI-XVIII). Bologna: il Mulino, 2007

Review:W. Reinhard in HZ 288.1 (2009): 226—227. Diverse and wide-ranging collection includes studies focusing on numerous countries. One article examines the 1590 siege of Paris.

ERBE, MICHAEL, Frühe Neuzeit. Grundkurs Geschichte. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2007

Review:C. Hirschi in HZ 288.3 (2009) 444—449.Wider-ranging investigation includes sections on demography, politics, culture as well as chronological examinations: the confessional age, 1500-1648/60 and the age of Absolutism and the Enlightenment,1648/59-1789.

FABBRI, NATACHA. De l'utilité de l'harmonie: Filosofia, scienza e musica in Mersenne, Descartes e Galileo. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale 2008

Review:P.J. Boner in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1253—1254. Significant and rich examination which explores 17th c. relations between philosophy, science and music. Judged ground-breaking in its demonstration of close connections between "harmonic conceptions of the cosmos" and "the practical and theoretical aspects of harmonic theory"(1254).

FARAGO, CLAIRE J., ed. Re-reading Leonardo: The Treatise on Painting across Europe, 1550-1900. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009

Review:R. Hatfield in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1263—1264.Twenty authors contribute to this highly informative volume which includes manuscript and printing histories and an "extremely useful bibliography" of printed editions of L.'s Trattato. H. points out omissions, notably on the treatment of the original Trattato, yet judges F.'s edited collection as a "monumental achievement."

FERGUSON, GARY. Queer(Re)Readings in the French Renaissance: Homosexuality, Gender, Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:C. Freccero in Ren Q 62.2 (2009) 504—506. Highly recommended as "rich, informative and lively"(506), F.'s volume is based "on original archival research, manuscript consultation, and the secondary critical work of other Renaissance and sexuality studies scholars—of some well-known and lesser-known French sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts"(504). Important introduction provides both an historical and a theoretical overview of the fields. Index, illustrations, bibliography.

FUMAROLI, MARC. De Rome à Paris. Peinture et Pouvoirs aux XVIIe et XVIIe siècles. Dijon: Editions Faton, 2007

Review:V. Kapp in RF 121 (2009): 87—90. Wide-ranging and important contribution as much for theory as for concrete case studies. Themes include: "le spectateur idéal," "le connaisseur," "savants amateurs," and "intenditore d'arte." Important consideration of Richelieu's negotiations with Rome and his own taste: "Richelieu acquit assez de flair, sinon pour développer un goût de véritable amateur, du moins pour discerner les meilleurs experts, repérer les bons gisements et faire ce qu'il fallait pour prendre rang à son tour dans ce monde de leurres éclatants"(F. 195).17th c. specialists will also appreciate essays on Jesuit apology for religious paintings and, separately, on Poussin. Impressive for its information, original interpretations and the high quality of its illustrations.

GALLUS, ALEXANDER. "'Intellectual History' mit Intellektuellen und ohne sie: Facetten neuerer geistesgeschichtlicher Forschung" HZ 288.1 (2009): 139—151.

Although not focused on 17th c. French history, G.'s essay is useful and wide-ranging from both theoretical perspectives and for the documentation of individual projects of flourishing intellectual history such as early modern politics.

GRASSELLI, MARGARET MORGAN. Renaissance to revolution: French drawings from the National Gallery of Art, 1500-1800, ed. Michelle Piriano. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2009

Review:J. Dabbs in CHOICE 47 (2010),1676. Catalogue for the National Gallery's recent exhibit of French drawings. The catalogue is strongest in 18th-century works. Textual entries are accessible; the volume also contains an introduction by Grasselli, curator of the exhibit.

GREWE, ANDREA. "La prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV(1966)de Roberto Rossellini. Une leçon d'histoire". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179 Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 35—51.

Situates Rossellini's film on Louis XIV in the context of a larger didactic project of films made for television, films that help us know the past in order to understand the present. Concludes that not only does Rossellini anticipate later films' interest in representations of spectacle and in questioning the myth of the "Grand siècle," he explores how both the 17th and 20th century must confront a crisis of values.

HAMPTON, TIMOTHY. Fictions of Embassy: Literature and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2009

Review:D. Biow in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1223—1225. Praiseworthy innovative exploration of the figure of the diplomat and the diplomatic function. Relying on New Historicism, H. examines a variety of test cases and genres. B. may not be entirely convinced by some claims but is highly appreciative of the volume's "impressive breadth and depth."

HARRIS, J. Hidden Agendas: Cross-Dressing in 17th-Century France, Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag (Biblio 17, 156), 2005

Review: Seifert, L. in FS 62.4 (2008), 474—475. Harris deftly bridges the gap between a purely literary approach and a "presentist" approach of contemporary gender theory. His study is "ambitious [. . .] wide-ranging [. . .] and comprehensive," examining theatre, fiction, and memoirs across the seventeenth century. Individual chapters focus on cross-dressing at court, on stage, and in the carnival tradition before focusing on a "transvestite poetics." Harris' conclusions allow for a more nuanced understanding of theorists Judith Butler and Marjorie Garber. An appendix offers a valuable bibliography of "transvestite texts." "An incisive and stimulating book that is now the principal study of cross-dressing in seventeenth-century France."

HASQUIN, HERVE. Louis XIV face à l'Europe du Nord. L'absolutisme vaincu par les libertés. Bruxelles: Editions Racine, 2005

Review:D. Morsa in RBPH 87.2 (2009), 427—434. "En s'abstenant d'initier une analyse systémique, H.Hasquin s'est placé dans l'impossibilité de percer les secrets de l'envoûtante alchimie qui, au XVIIe siècle, dota l'Angleterre et les Provinces-Unies de régimes de gouvernement atypiques, tandis que la France optait pour la voie absolutiste. Elucider cette énigme requérait que l'auteur s'adonne à l'examen serré des liens complexes que tissaient structures sociales, économiques et religieuses, mentalités et culture. Loin de s'atteler á la réalisation d'un tel programme, H. Hasquin s'est cantonné dans une approche factuelle, se bornant à dresser le catalogue des composantes, sans chercher à les organiser ni à démêler leurs rapports fonctionnels." M. conclut: "H. Hasquin nous a principalement proposé une synthèse richement documentée des relations internationales et des épisodes martiaux qui ont scandé l'histoire [sic] l'Europe au XVIIe siècle."

HEADLEY, JOHN M. The Europeanization of the World. On the Origins of Human Rights and Democracy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2008

Review: Stuchtey, B. in HZ 289.2 (2009): 404—405. H.'s book counters that of Dipesh Chakrabarty(2000)on the provincialization of Europe. Rich in perspectives, learned and elegantly written, H.'s volume demonstrates clearly his belief in the tradition of individualistic Anglo-Saxon liberalism.

HEAL, BRIDGET AND OLE PETER GRELL, eds. The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy and People: St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate 2008

Review:A. de Mézerac—Zanetti in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 586—587. The twelve essays that make up this analysis of the Reformation's impact on three areas of society seek to "disenclose" Reformation studies "by offering an approach that is European in scope, confessionally inclusive, and spans a broad timeframe"(586). Highly specialized examinations such as those on biconfessional cities and contests for control are complemented by Luise Schorn-Schütte's "synthetic presentation of the 'new clergies' in Europe"(103—124).

HENDRIX, SCOTT H. and SUSAN C. KARANT-NUNN, eds. Masculinity in the Reformation Era. Kirksville: Truman UP, 2008

Review: E. Bastress-Dukehart in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 587—589. Laudatory review finds this collection "essential reading for anyone studying gender, sexuality, marriage, and family relationships in early modern Europe"(589). 17th c. French scholars will especially appreciate the essays on masculinity and the Reformed tradition in France.

HENKE, ROBERT and ERIC NICHOLSON, eds. Transnational Exchange in Early Modern Theater. Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:F. Cioni in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 1018—1019. The international team Theater Without Borders has here produced "from a performative and stage-centered approach" a multi-faceted collection focusing on "the exchanges that occurred across national and regional borders that demarcated political-linguistic-cultural entities"(H. and N. 1). Includes sections on "Traveling Actors" (for example, the Commedia dell'Arte in France and elsewhere),"Transportable Units"(plot, topoi, etc.),"The Question of the Actress: Moral and Theoretical Transnationalisms" (including the relation between actresses and female theatregoers),"Performing Alterity, Doubled National Identity," and "Performing a Nation: Transregional Exchanges"(1018). Stimulating interpretations are accompanied by illustrations, a useful bibliography and index.

HOURCADE, PHILIPPE. "Mme de Villedieu et le ballet." In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 55—60.

Discusses points of contact between Villedieu and the ballet, specifically, a 1665 fête at Versailles and the writer's own Ballet de Monseigneur le Dauphin envoyé à Monseigneur le duc de Montausier.

HYDE, ELIZABETH. Cultivated Power: Flowers, Culture, and Politics in the Reign of Louis XIV. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2005

Review:Wygant, A. in FS 63.1 (2009), 85. This inter-disciplinary study shows how men appropriated the culturally-coded feminine domain of flowers to create a new "visual vocabulary of taste and refinement" in interior design, painting, and print. The archival research at the heart of this work is admirable and reveals an elaborate network of royal nurseries that responded to a growing demand for and interest in flowers.

Ï JACALL, YURIKO. "Jean Baptiste Vanmour" Burlington 1283 (2010),121—22.

A review of the exhibition "Jean Baptiste Vanmour 1671-1737, Peintre de la Sublime Porte," held at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Valenciennes in 2009. Focuses largely on works produced during the artist's lengthy stay in Constantinople. The reviewer finds that overall, that the catalog produced by Seth Gopin makes a better argument for Vanmour's relevance than the exhibition itself.

JESTAZ, BERTRAND. "Jules Hardouin-Mansart: vie et œuvre". Picard:Paris 2008

Review:Gordon Higgott in Burlington 1288 (2010), 477—79. A comprehensive work devoted to one of France's best-known architects. Explores in particular the issues surrounding the fact that there are few, if any known drawings of buildings designed by Mansart that are identified as being in his own hand. Dismisses the allegations that the work was that of an unrecognized draughtsman in favor of the theory that Mansart was a master of design who preferred to work with sketches and large-scale models. Higgott: "Lucidly written and richly illustrated, it . . . re-establishes his reputation as an 'homme de génie' whose exceptional creative and technical skills transformed the language of French classicism."

JOUHAUD, CHRISTIAN. Sauver le Grand siècle? Présence et transmission du passé. Paris: Le Seuil, 2007

Review:S. Jettot in DSS 246 (2010), 188—189. "Le dernier ouvrage de Christian Jouhaud est difficile à qualifier. Il s'apparente à une réflexion profonde des limites du discours historique et sur la difficulté de revenir sur le passé et en l'occurrence sur les traces du Grand Siècle. Cette entreprise prend la forme d'un ensemble de métaphores spatiales qui balisent les chapitres de l'ouvrage et qui paraissent être autant de points de repère pour approcher un univers obscur et hanté."

KAMPMANN, CHRISTOPH. Europa und das Reich im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Geschichte eines europäischen Konflikts. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2008

Review:M. Lanzinner in HZ 289.3 (2010): 773—774. K.'s study fills a lacune as it provides a clearly organized manual on the subject. Topics include crises of the war, confessional and government interests, battles and peace pacts and newer themes such as migration. Highly informative overview.

KETTERING, SHARON. Power and Reputation at the Court of Louis XIII: The Career of Charles d'Albert, Duc de Luynes(1578-1621). Studies in Early Modern European History. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2008

Review:C. Weiss in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 973—974. Highly appreciative review finds K.'s "balanced, fascinating and insightful portrait of L.'s life and role at court" a model of history, "exhaustively researched"(973). Successfully rehabilitates this minister whose reputation Richelieu "worked arduously to destroy"(973). Wide-ranging, from chapters focusing on descriptions of L.'s love of falconry and court ballets in which he danced to examinations of his contribution in exposing the Concinis, his relationships with Louis XIII and Marie de Medici, contemporary pamphleteers and much more. K.'s multi-faceted assessment of L. finds him "a traditional minister who did receive fiscal and personal aggrandizements, but not significantly more or less than his other predecessors or successors"(973).

KÖB, ANSGAR and PETER RIEDEL, eds. Emotion, Gewalt und Widerstand. Spannungsfelder zwischen geistlichem und weltlichem Leben in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. München: Fink, 2007

Review:J. Rogge in HZ 289.3 (2009): 709—710. Based largely on a 2003 Paderborn colloque, this collection of nine essays is wide-ranging and representative of numerous disciplines as they bear on the subject matter.

LANZA, JANINE M. From Wives to Widows in Early Modern Paris: Gender, Economy and Law. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:Genieys-Kirk, S. in FS 63.3 (2009), 335—336. This study, influenced by Gender Studies and the work of Louis Assier-Andrieu and Pierre Bourdieu, questions the longstanding clichés surrounding the figure of the widow as a "vulnérable," a "dévote," or a "veuve joyeuse." Lanza's work on the economic status of widows is of particular importance: she uncovers their active roles as entrepreneurs in spite of their exclusion from the rigid corporate bodies that controlled the professions.

LEMOINE, ANNICK. Nicolas Régnier(alias Niccolò Renieri) ca. 1588-1667. Peintre, collectionneur et marchand d'art. Paris: Arthéna, 2007

Review:Stéphane Loire in Burlington 1278 (2009), 622—23. a "remarkably complete"(Loire)catalogue of 169 works by Régnier, most of which were created in Venice, where the artist formed part of the Caravaggesque circle of artists who had emigrated from elsewhere in Europe. According to Loire, overall a quality work that sheds light on the links between Régnier's artistic and commercial enterprises and the "artistic relations between Rome and Venice in the seventeenth century." The reviewer's only bémol is that some works appear to be missing from the bibliography.
Review:Y. Rodier in DSS 246 (2010), 187—188 The author's biography of the painter depicts "la lente maturation d'une poétique picturale qui fit florès auprès de ses pairs, de ses balbutiements à l'atelier anversois d'Abraham Janssens jusqu'à son épanouissement à Rome et à Venise. Trois périodes à l'intérieur desquelles Annick Lemoine étudie avec minutie les influences du peintre."

LLOYD, HOWELL A., GLENN BURGESS and SIMON HODSON, eds. European Political Thought 1450-1700. Religion, Law and Philosophy. New Haven: Yale U P, 2007

Review:C. Hirschi in HZ 289.3 (2009): 757—759. Diverse perspectives are evident in this collection which claims to present the subject of investigation as "a dialectic between unity and diversity"(1). Studies are attentive to cultural and social aspects such as printing, correspondence, patronage, etc. Eleven studies make up the volume, with J. H. M. Salmon's essay focused on France (but no details on this are given).

LONGSTAFFE-GOWAN, TODD. "Mignard, the Marquise and Martinique: a West Indian Setting for a Masterpiece of 'Grand Epoque' portraiture". Burlington 1288 (2010), 448—51.

Focuses on the background in Pierre Mignard's "The Marquise de Seignelay and two of her sons" from 1691. The author establishes this background as Martinique's Mont Pelée, making it one of the "earliest topographical views of the former French colony." The author also explores at length how this background "complements the accepted iconography of the painting."

LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. Rome des Césars, Rome des Papes. La propagande du cardinal Mazarin. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007

Review:S. De Franceschi in DSS 247 (2010), 375—376. Aligned with a movement to unify history and literary studies, the present book is a great success. "Le récent et imposant travail d'Yvan Loskoutoff est largement tributaire d'un renouvellement aux acquis duquel il apporte une illustration décisive. Essentiellement fondées sur l'exploitation d'une littérature encomiastique trop longtemps méprisée par les historiens, et significativement les historiens de la littérature, qui lui reprochaient son insincérité, les analyses développées dans [ce livre] se placent explicitement dans la lignée des travaux de Jacques Truchet, de Françoise Bardon, de Jacques Hennequin, ou encore de Nicole Ferrier-Caverivière [. . .]"

LOSKOUTOFF, YVAN. Du burlesque satirique à l'éloge plaisant: le président de Maisons et les siens vus par La Muze historique de Loret. PFSCL 37.72 (2010), 173—204.

Lengthy article analyzing how the evolution in the tone and approach of Loret's Muze historique, from one of satirical burlesque to glorification of the status quo, is reflected in its treatment of René de Longueil, Président de Maisons - an erstwhile Frondeur turned monarchist - and his family.

MARCHESANO, LOUIS and CHRISTIAN MICHEL. Printing the grand manner: Charles Le Brun and monumental prints in the age of Louis XIV. Getty Research Institute, 2010

Review: Dabbs, J. in CHOICE 48 (2010), 280. The catalogue to a Getty exhibit, this work contains an essay by Marchesano on Le Brun, his career, and the relationship of his large prints to 17th-century art theory. Another introductory essay from Christian Michel explains how Le Brun's monumental prints "documented and disseminated the power of the king and the prestige of French art." The volume also contains 11 catalogue entries on specific Getty-owned prints. Praised by the reviewer.

METZLER, GUIDO. Französische Mikropolitik in Rom unter Papst Paul V. Borghese (1605-1621). With WOLFGANG REINHARD. Heidelberg: Winter 2008

Review:T. Leuker in HZ 289.3 (2009): 771—773. Highly appreciative review notes in particular the quality of the archival and library research of the study as well as its elegant narrative.

NEVILE, JENNIFER, ed. Dance, Spectacle, and the Body Politick, 1250-1750. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2008

Review:B. Ravelhofer in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 575—576. The twelve essays in N.'s edited volume explore and "elucidate the fascinating, multifarious nature of dance from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century"(575). N.'s own introduction is useful as it surveys the long period and delineates key issues. 17th c. French scholars will particularly appreciate the following essays: Margaret McGowan's on anecdotes relating to ballet, John Powell's on the "collaborative Beauchamps-Molière-Lully comédies-ballets," Julia Prest's on "political ballet at the court of Louis XIV and Benserade's allusive poetry," and Alessandro Arcangeli's on "the moral history of dancing from biblical and classical antiquity to the early modern period, including such gems as the treatment of dancing in handbooks for Catholic confessors"(575). Recommended for its erudition, passion and multidisciplinary range, R. declares that "the book should be required reading in dance studies."

NICKLAS, THOMAS and MATTHIAS SCHNETTGER, eds. Politik und Sprache im frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Mainz: von Zabern, 2007

Review: Seidel, R. in HZ 288.1 (2009): 212—213. Collection of eleven studies on the relation of politics and language in the Early Modern includes one on the French crown. Centralizing tendencies and state building are the focus of an essay on the langue d'oc in southern France. Based on solidly researched source materials.

OSTER, PATRICIA. "La sémiotique du moi caché dans les transpositions filmiques de La Princesse de Clèves." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 127—141.

The author discusses the theme of the moi caché first in the novel La Princesse de Clèves,then in three cinematic interpretations of the novel: Delannoy's 1961 film adaptation, De Oliveira's 1999 film La Lettre, and in Zulawski's 2000 film La Fidélité. Zulawski's film is analyzed at length for its modernization of the novel and how it portrays modern media's semioticization of the moi caché.

PEARSON, ANDREA G., ed. Women and Portraits in Early Modern Europe: Gender, Agency, Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:L. S. Aleci in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 234—236. If not the first work of its kind as claimed (A. reminds us of the 1987 German one on Italian portraits by Brita von Götz- Mohr), P.'s edited collection is judged "an expansive and mostly rewarding foray into the complex relationships between portraiture, identity and gender"(35). Includes essays focusing on the 15th-18th c. and several European countries including France. A. is more impressed by the individual essays than the introduction.

PECAR, ANDREAS and KAI TRAMPEDACH, eds. Die Bibel als politisches Argument. Voraussetzungen und Folgen biblizistischer Herrschaftslegitimation in der Vormoderne. München: Oldenbourg, 2007

Review:R. Smend in HZ 288.3 (2009): 669—671. Welcome collection of 16 studies, most from a journée d'études in October 2005 and, without exception, rich and competent. Wide-ranging with studies on argument drawn from the Old Testament, apologetics, theological discourse in the Middle Ages and political theory in the Renaissance, among other subjects. 17th c. French scholars will appreciate the study by Lothar Schilling on Bossuet and the one by Andreas Pietsch on Paul Boyer's 1649 pamphlet "L'image du souverain."

PEDEFLOUS, OLIVIER. La Muse muselée: Macrin, Bourbon, Dampierre devant l'Affaire des Placards(1534). PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 459—474

Analyzes how the repressive governmental measures of 1533—1534 influenced the writings of the poets Jean Salmon Macrin, Nicolas Bourbon and Jean de Dampierre.

PERAZZOLO, PAOLA. Autocensure et(Ré)écriture pendant l'époque révolutionnaire: La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 493—503.

Examines the successive rewritings of Harny de Guerville's play La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé, first performed(with great success)in 1791, as representative of the ambiguity surrounding censorship in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution.

PITTION, JEAN—PAUL, ed., avec la collab. de Stéphan Geonget. Droit et justice dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Colloque des 2—7 juillet 2001. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009

Review:M. Barbier in BHR 71.3 (2009), 603—605. Seize communications d'un colloque organisé par le Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance. Deux nouveaux domaines abordés: "d'une part, la culture juridique dans le cadre universitaire et dans la pratique judiciaire, avec la publication de nombreux ouvrages de droit; d'autre part, les rapports entre le droit et la littérature, qu'il s'agisse d'oeuvres de fiction ou d'écrits concernant la pratique judiciaire." Voir les contributions de J. Vons sur "la situation juridique des femmes dans les corporations médicales en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles" et de I. Maclean sur les procès des sorciers en Lorraine et en Franche-Comté vers 1600.

PLUMPE, WERNER. "Die Wirtschaftsgeschichte in der Historischen Zeitschrift, Ein Überblick." HZ 289.1 (2009) 223—251.

P. offers here, as the closing article to this volume of celebration, an overview of economic history in HZ. Perspectives of socio—historical scholarship and various editors are provided as examples are indicated from numerous countries, areas of research (Agriculture, for example)and methods (New Historicism). Rich footnotes.

PREST, JULIA. "In Chapel, on Stage, and in the Bedroom: French Responses to the Italian Castrato". SCFS, 32.2 (2010), 152—164.

Examines the contrasting views on the castrato of two French authors(the Abbé Raguenet and Charles Ancillon). Argues that 'within the Italian tradition, the castrato emerges as being eminently suited to the young lover who comes of age by becoming a hero thanks to his unique combination of femininity, masculinity and youthfulness. Off stage, the castrato is revealed to have a highly complex sexual identity that calls into question received ideas about the nature of sex, its relationship to procreation, and especially to female desire.'

RAMBOURG, PATRICK. "Du Vatel de Roland Joffé à la gastronomie du Grand Siècle." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 69—80.

The author discusses the historical accuracy of the way in which Roland Joffé's film Vatel portrays the role of the maître d'hôtel, the complexity and the ceremonial of entertaining the king, aspects of a luxurious seventeenth-century French dinner service, and the world of the kitchen itself.

Les relations franco— et anglaises aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: périodiques et manuscrits clandestins. "La Lettre Clandestine," n. 15. Paris: P de l'U Paris-Sorbonne 2007

Review: M. Melai in S Fr 159 (2009) 619. Heterogeneous and rich collection of studies focuses on the circulation of libertine philosophical ideas across England and France. The volume is organized into four sections: 1)an exploration of manuscripts circulating clandestinely, 2)various related questions of the 17th and 18th c,(Cyrano is included here) and 3)reviews of publications from 2006 on the theme with a catalogue of recent initiatives.

REYES, HECTOR. "After Poussin: French History Painting"(1665—1785). DAI 71/05 (2010)

This dissertation shows the artistic practice and ambition of the "painter—philosopher" and Poussin as a key figure of the ancien régime. It focuses on three core paintings: Charles Le Brun's Entrée d'Alexandre dans Babylone, Jean—Baptiste Greuze's L'empereur Sévère reproche à Caracella, son fils, d'avoir voulu l'assassiner. . . and Jean—Germain Drouais' Le Christ et la Cananáenne. Each one invokes Poussin's artistic and literary forms and emulates with his works, thereby allowing painters to propose a new theory of painting that grows out of Poussin's representational strategies.

RICCI, MARIA THERESA. Du 'cortegiano' au 'discreto': l'homme accompli chez Castiglione et Gracian. Pour une contribution de l'histoire de l'honnête homme. Paris: Champion, 2009. Libre pensée et littérature clandestine, 37

Review:M. Mastroianni in S Fr 159(1009) 614. Although R.'s focus is Spanish literature, her work is highly valuable for 17th c. French scholars since the notion is so central to both French literature and society. Particularly helpful analyses of conversation and of the concept and practice of dissimulation.

SCHERER, LUDGER. "Dom Juan au cinéma: L'adaptation de Jacques Weber(1998)". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 103—111.

Discusses Jacques Weber's film adaptation of Dom Juan. Like Molière, Weber is also an actor, director, and theater director. Analyzes Weber's re-ordering of scenes and dialogue; judges Weber's rendering of the statue scene to be convincing; finds that Weber's rational and playful use of modern cinematic techniques reinforces certain aspects of 17th-century comedy.

SCHEUTZ, MARTIN, ANDREA SOMMERLECHNER and HERWIG WEIGL, eds.. Europäisches Spitalwesen. Institutionelle Fürsorge in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Hospitals and Institutional Care in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Wien: Oldenbourg, 2008

Review:O. Auge in HZ 288.3 (2009): 671—673. This collection of essays in German and in English makes headway toward the multifaceted objective of the European hospital, its functions, structures, visibility, etc. Judged a very important publication. Index.

SCHILLING, HEINZ, ed. Konfessioneller Fundamentalismus. Religion als politischer Faktor im europäischen Mächtesystem um 1600. With ELISABETH MÜLLER-LUCKNER. München: Oldenbourg, 2007.

Review:A. Schmidt in HZ 289.2 (2009) 462—464. Collection of important essays by historians and Church historians which addresses religion as a political factor in Early Modern Europe. French specialists will appreciate in particular essays on Protestantism, the papacy and the Jesuits.

SCHOLAR, RICHARD. The Je—Ne—Sais—Quoi in Early Modern Europe: Encounters with a Certain Something. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005

Review:Anon in FMLS 45.2 (2009), 232. Fascinating and rigorous word history also analyzes the expression's use in philosophical debates. Case studies range from Pascal to several poets and Dominique de Bouhours's treatise, the latter in a discussion of politesse.

SELDERHUIS, HERMAN J. and MARKUS WRIEDT, eds. Konfession, Migration und Elitenbildung: Studien zur Theologenausbildung des 16. Jahrhunderts. Brill's Series in Church History 31. Leiden: Brill, 2007

Review:D. B. Gallagher in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 285—287. Focusing on theological education and its evolution from the 1500s through the 1700s, these 15 essays are wide-ranging, examining migration, the Evangelical vision, new modes of communication, and "patterns of cross-fertilization between theological education, religion and popular piety, as well as natural science, art and politics"(286). Index, tables.

SHOEMAKER, PETER W. Powerful Connections: the Poetics of Patronage in the Age of Louis XIII. Newark U. of Delaware Press, 2007

Review:D. Blocker in DSS 247 (2010), 373—375. With some criticism regarding length and scope, the reviewer finds this an ambitious though reasonably successful book. "Son auteur ne se propose en effet rien de moins que de décrire, en une synthèse de moins de trois cents pages, le rôle que le "patronage", en tant qu'ensemble de pratiques sociales plus ou moins codifiées, a pu jouer dans la constitution, sous Louis XIII, des lettres françaises en champ spécifique."

SPANGLER, JONATHAN. The Society of Princes: The Lorraine—Guise and the Conservation of Power and Wealth in Seventeenth—Century France. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009

Review:P. Cohen in SCN 68 (2010), 192—196. In this augmented dissertation, Spangler adds his voice to the renewed conversation on the French aristocracy. "[H]is monograph offers a carefully researched study of the Lorraine—Guise family in the long seventeenth century, which sheds new light on the structure of early modern France's elite, French state-formation, and the social history of European nobilities."

STEDMAN, GESA, AND MARGARETE ZIMMERMANN. "'Un paradigme parfait du monde actuel'? Le film Vatel(2000)de Roland Joffé." In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 53—68.

Discusses Sévigné's account of Vatel's death before turning to a discussion of Joffé's film, more particularly, how various cinematic techniques used in its opening sequence neatly encapsulate the contrast between the artificial world of the court and the world of the servants hard at work behind the scenes. Analyzes the reasons for the film's mixed reviews around the world. Concludes that while Joffé perhaps goes too far in calling his film a perfect paradigm of our world, it is an excellent paradigm of the films on 17th-century France made in the late 20th century.

STEDMAN, GESA and MARGARETE ZIMMERMANN, eds. Höfe—Salons—Akademien: Kulturtransfer und Gender im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2007

Review:E. J. Benkov in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 953—955. Welcomed for its timeliness, variety and the "validity of the guiding premise: women in their various roles contributed to and indeed promoted the circulation of ideas and cultural exchange across early modern Europe"(955). Sixteen essays investigate gender and cultural exchange in 16th -18th c. Europe. Courts, salons and academies are only a few of the "sites" examined; cultural significance and exchange is studied in relation to travel, clothing, reading and translations. S. and Z. furnish a visual illustration and unifying force to the volume through their interpretive essay of the 17th c. painting attributed to Louis-Michel Dumesnil, "depict[ing] Christina of Sweden and Elisabeth of Bohemia at a table with, among others, Descartes and Pierre Chanut, the ambassador who invited Descartes to the Swedish court" (953-954).

STEIGERWALD, JÖRN. "Sujets de l'amour: formes de la représentation de soi dans la société de cour d'après Le Favori". In Grande, Nathalie and Edwige Keller-Rahbé, eds. Madame de Villedieu et le théâtre. Actes du colloque de Lyon(11 et 12 septembre 2008). Biblio 17, Volume 184. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 171—183.

Questions the usefulness of reading Le Favor against Le Misanthrope and instead analyzes how the play stages self presentation in courtly society against the background of a certain conception of love and of subjects' status relative to the monarch.

SZANTO, MICKAEL. Le Dessin ou la couleur? Une exposition de peinture sous le règne de Louis XIV. Genève: Droz, 2008

Review:F. Buttay in DSS 248 (2010), 555—556. "Dans ce petit livre d'une érudition fine et d'une plume incisive, tire de l'oubli un événement important de l'histoire des expositions en France: la première tentative d'exposition didactique proposant une histoire de l'art à la française qui insiste sur la supériorité du dessin et le progrès des arts, des maîtres italiens du Cinquecento aux peintres français contemporains, au premier rang desquels Nicolas Poussin."

TARBIN, STEPHANIE and SUSAN M. BROOMHALL, eds. Women, Identities and Communities in Early Modern Europe. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:J. Rickman in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 581—582. This edited collection of inspiring essays was conceived to honor Patricia Crawford, herself a ground-breaking scholar of early modern women and gender. The 13 essays are wide-ranging geographically as they consider multi-faceted and nuanced concerns of the over-arching theme of the title. Sections include the following: 1)Reading Communities in History, 2)Domestic Politics, 3)Social Networks, 4)The City, 5)The Country Gentry and 6)The Court. Index, illustrations and bibliography.

TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE. "Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue in Seventeenth-Century Martinique". Gastronomica 10.1 (2010), 61—69.

This study of a Dominican missionary's focus on the culinary cuisine of Martinique shows how his "openness to the Caribbean's remarkably diverse food cultures eventually allows him to construct new social, cultural, and symbolic meanings that inform both his personal and spiritual identity." Over the course of much culinary experimentation, Labat becomes less of a "culinary tourist" and more engaged with indigenous culture. Ultimately, "Labat does not 'eat the Other,' he strives to become Other, a polysemic richness that reflects the ample diversity of Caribbean culinary culture to the present day."

VIALA, ALAIN. De la censure comme capillarité. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 333—346.

Provides an analytical mise en perspective of early modern censorship, highlighting its diverse meanings, its multiplicity, its instability.

VIENNOT, ELIANE. La France, les femmes et le pouvoir Vol 2: les résistances de la société(XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle). Paris: Perrin, 2008

Review: C. Trout in FR 83 (2009), 425—26. Volume 2 of a monumental work of women's history. Particularly concerned with the continuation of the querelle des femmes; the lack of early modern opposition to Salic law; absolute monarchs' declining support for their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters; and women's disappointment with the Enlightenment. Contains an extensive bibliography.

VON KULESSA, ROTRAUD AND DOMINIQUE PICCO. "Entre fiction et histoire: Saint Cyr(1999) de Patricia Mazuy". In Böhm, Roswitha, Andrea Grewe, and Margarete Zimmermann, eds. Siècle classique et cinéma contemporain. Actes de la section 5 du Ve congrès de l'Association des Francoromanistes allemands. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 26 au 29 septembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 179. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009. 161—181.

Presents Patricia Mazuy's film Saint Cyr as a difficult film to pigeonhole: not a costume drama, not exactly a historical film, yet contains elements of both; Mazuy herself said her goal was to make a war movie, and that she was especially interested by the military aspect of girls' education. Background given on the history of Saint-Cyr and on the Yves Dangerfield novel (La Maison d'Esther)that inspired the film. The film itself is then analyzed to show how it uses elements of history and fiction as the background of an a-historical psychological drama.

WHELAN, RUTH. Turning to Gold: The Role of the Witness in French Protestant Galley Slave Narratives. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 3—18.

'The interaction between power and dissidence in representational culture is the focus of this article, which weaves together some of Pascal's reflections on power and imagination, the notion of the King's two bodies, and its representation in contemporary film, with the symbolism of the wounded body in French Protestant galley slave narratives'.

WILKIN, REBECCA M. Women, Imagination and the Search for Truth in Early Modern France. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:K. Long in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1238—1240. Praiseworthy, wide-ranging and original in many aspects, W.'s study offers "historically and intellectually important" revisions of the traditional. 17th c. scholars will appreciate W.'s "nuanced reading" of Descartes's representation of the mind and will. L. is impressed by W.'s documentation and care in the readings.

WILLIS, REBECCA GRENIER. "Between Past and Present: Exploring Religion, Science and History in the Near East, c. 1650—1790." DAI 71/11

This dissertation focuses on the writings of French and British diplomats, clergy, natural historians and leisured men/women who traveled to the western Ottoman Empire. She shows that these travelers revealed a sense of insecurity about the alleged superiority of their religion. She also argues how the travelers continued to value the natural historical and geographical knowledge of the ancient texts and recast the authority of the ancients as local knowledge.

WILSON, PETER. The Thirty Years War: Europe's tragedy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP(Belknap), 2009

Review:P. Wallace in CHOICE 47 (2010), 1558 "Wilson's monumental study captures both the complexities of the political and military transformations and the level of brutality that the endemic struggles unleashed"(1558). Addresses existing historiographical debates and convincingly argues for reassessment of several. Devotes equal space to events before and after 1635. Includes illustrations, maps, a detailed index, etc.

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