French 17 FRENCH 17

2010 Number 58


AUMÜLLER, GERHARD, KORNELIA GRUNDMANN and CHRISTINA VANJA, eds. Der Dienst am Kranken. Krankenversorgung zwischen Caritas, Medizin und Ökonomie vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Geschichte und Entwicklung der Krankenversorgung im sozioökonomischen Wandel. Marburg: Elwert, 2007

Review:O. Auge in HZ 289.3 (2009) 711—712. Based largely on contributions to a journée d'études from March 2007 in Marburg, the volume is international and transdisciplinary in scope. Organization is chronological. 17th c. scholars will especially appreciate sections on the social politics of the Renaissance hospital and on the development of the modern hospital as it related to Christian charity. Valuable overview of the subject.

BARBICHE, BERNARD. Bulla, Legatus, Nuntius. Études de diplomatique et de diplomatie pontificales (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle). Avec la collaboration de SéGOLÈNE DE DAINVILLE-BARBICHE. Mèmoires et documents de l'École des Chartes,85). Paris: école des Chartes, 2007

Review:M. Schnettger in HZ 288.1 (2009) 159—161. This volume of 25 articles from 1962-2002 by the leading specialist of papal history spans a long time period, from the 13th to the early 18th c. Organized chronologically, the volume is highly useful for its valuable research on numerous aspects of papal diplomacy.

BERGIN, JOSEPH. Church, society and religious change in France, 1580-1730. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2009

Review: J. Harrie in CHOICE 47 (2010), 2001—2. A study of religious change in France's long 17th century. "Bergin finds that the French church proved highly innovative. . .in part because it was free of the constraints that the Tridentine reform agenda placed on other parts of Europe and was energized by the ongoing problem of the French Protestants and the development of the rigorous Augustinianism of the Jansenists. The result was a religious culture that,like its political and artistic counterparts, proved attractive to Catholics in other parts of Europe and influential in reshaping religious reform beyond French borders"(2002).

BERNARD, MATHILDE. L'histoire sous le manteau: les stratégies éditoriales des historiens protestants pendant les guerres de religion. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 409—424.

Examines the different publication strategies (and their varying degrees of success) adopted by Protestant historians publishing in France and abroad(chiefly Geneva). Attention is also given to the issue of the circulation of these works in France.

BONNEY, RICHARD and D. J. B. TRIM, eds. Persecution and Pluralism. Calvinists and Religious Minorities in Early Modern Europe. 1550-1700. Bern: Lang, 2006

Review: U Niggemann in HZ 288.1 (2009): 224—226. This praiseworthy collection includes two essays on France and will be of interest to scholars of secular politics as well as to those more interested in religious conflict.

BROAD, JACQUELINE. Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002

Review:Duran, J. in Philosophy and Literature 31.1 (2007), 200—204. While this book focuses largely on England, a chapter on Elizabeth of Bohemia reconsiders the reputation of this female philosopher whose thought has traditionally been eclipsed by her correspondence with Descartes.

BROAD, JACQUELINE and KAREN GREEN. A History of Women's Political Thought in Europe, 1400-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009

Review:M. L. King in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1246—1248. Although particularly praiseworthy for its 17th c. contributions(2/3 of the whole)which include Madeleine de Scudáry analyzed in framework of the Fronde, the volume nevertheless has significant omissions given the claim of its title. The review is written by a scholar whose work is either chastised or neglected in the B. and G. monograph.

BROOK, WILLIAM and RAINER ZAISER, eds. Religion, Ethics, and History in the French Long Seventeenth Century. Oxford, New York, Frankfurt, Bern: Peter Lang, 2008

Review:L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 72.1 (2010), 134—135. Twenty papers presented at a 2006 conference on modernity at St. Catherine's at Oxford are published in this volume whose reliable scholarship "may assist specialists to understand what the difference was between early modern and French seventeenth-century modern in literature, history, and religion."

CARR, THOMAS. Voix des abbesses du Grand Siècle: La Prédication au féminin à Port-Royal. Contexte rhétorique et Dossier. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006.

Review:Grégoire, V. in FS 63.4 (2009), 461—462. Carr examines the discours of Angélique Artaud, Agnès Arnauld, and Angélique de Saint-Jean Arnauld d'Andilly who articulated a unique feminine voice in the face of royal persecution. The dossier illustrates the various forms created by these women: "discours de noviciat, de vêture, de profession, propos publics sur les Règles et Constitutions, avertissements, conferences, exhortations, remarques sur les élections internes ou sur le décès des soeurs." "Un ouvrage très bien documenté, erudite, foisonnant d'informations de premiére source et une contribution d'importance pour mieux comprendre l'attitude des religieuses de Port-Royal au 17ème siècle."

COTTEGNIES, LINE; ANNE-MARIE MILLER-BLAISE; and GISELE LOUISE VENET, eds. Les Voix de Dieu: Littérature et prophétie en Angleterre et en France à l'âge baroque. Paris: P Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2008.

Review:F. Rigolot in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 641—642. Fills a distinct lacuna in criticism on the "art of prophesying" as it compares prophetic literature "on both sides of the English Channel"(642). The editors, specialists from the U de Paris III, have gathered informative studies which include Marjorie Garber's on the staging of the divine voice and the constraints of vraisemblance and bienséance. 17th c. figures examined in the volume include both Catholic and Protestant poets as well as sacred orators such as Bossuet and Bourdaloue. Index and bibliography.

COTTINGHAM, JOHN. Cartesian Reflections: Essays on Descartes's Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008

Review:Moriarty, M. in FS 64.1 (2010), 83—84. "Apart from an introductory chapter, this volume is a collection of previously published essays, dating from 1978 to 2007, all of which display Cottingham's profound scholarship, his philosophical acumen, and his willingness to challenge standard perceptions."

DASTON, LORRAINE and MICHAEL STOLLEIS, eds. Natural Law and Laws of Nature in Early Modern Europe: Jurisprudence, Theology, Moral and Natural Philosophy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:K. Crowther in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1240—1241. Appreciated for its "internal coherence," "useful insights," and "stimulus to further research," this edited volume examines natural law as a concept, its development and articulation. Broadly appealing to a wide range of disciplines and providing analyses extending through the mid-eighteenth century, the essays by scholars such as Ian Maclean, Jan Schröder, Fredrich Steinle and Jean-Robert Armogathe will be particularly useful to 17th c. specialists.

DESNAIN, VERONIQUE. "The Origins of la vie neutre: Nicolas Caussin's Influence on the Writings of Gabrielle Suchon". FS 63.2 (2009), 148—160.

This study analyses the influence of Caussin's work on secular celibacy (in particular, his 1643 Vie de Sainte Isabelle)on Suchon's Traité de la morale et de la politique(1693)and Du célibat volontaire(1700). Comparison of the two authors shows similarities in vocabulary, rhetoric, and theology. Suchon takes Caussin's thought in new directions and applies it to new arguments: she examines the obstacles that confront those(especially women)who pursue celibacy, assesses celibacy in light of the prevailing discourse on women's roles, and offers advice to those considering a celibate life(la vie neutre).

DUCHEYNE, STEFFEN. "The Times and Life of John Th. Desaguliers(1683-1744): Newtonian and Freemason." RBPH 87.2 (2009), 349—363.

Essay presents a detailed and balanced account of the importance of Desaguliers to the history of science and the origins of Freemasonry. In the author's view, he was neither a deistic thinker nor a deistic Newtonian.

FABBRI, NATACHA. De l'utilité de l'harmonie: Filosofia, scienza e musica in Mersenne, Descartes e Galileo. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2008

Review:P.J. Boner in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1253—1254. Significant and rich examination which explores 17th c. relations between philosophy, science and music. Judged ground-breaking in its demonstration of close connections between "harmonic conceptions of the cosmos" and "the practical and theoretical aspects of harmonic theory"(1254).

FORSHAW, PETER J. and KEVEN KILLEEN, eds. The Word and the World: Biblical Exegesis and Early Modern Science. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Review:D. Stolzenberg in Ren Q 62.3 (2009), 1000—1002. Wide-ranging and illuminating investigation treats the relationship between the study of nature(the emergence of modern science)and early modern biblical scholarship, notably in Protestantism(though several chapters treat Catholic scholars). The 13 essays include Paul Mueller's "identification of intriguing parallels between Mersenne's empirical natural science and contemporary methods for establishing authoritative texts from conflicting manuscripts[which] suggest the influence of classical as much as sacred philology"(1001).

FUMAROLI, MARC. De Rome à Paris. Peinture et Pouvoirs aux XVIIe et XVIIe siècles. Dijon: Editions Faton, 2007

Review:V. Kapp in RF 121 (2009) 87—90. Wide-ranging and important contribution as much for theory as for concrete case studies. Themes include: "le spectateur idéal," "le connaisseur," "savants amateurs," and "intenditore d'arte." Important consideration of Richelieu's negotiations with Rome and his own taste: "Richelieu acquit assez de flair, sinon pour développer un goût de véritable amateur, du moins pour discerner les meilleurs experts, repérer les bons gisements et faire ce qu'il fallait pour prendre rang à son tour dans ce monde de leurres éclatants"(F. 195). 17th c. specialists will also appreciate essays on Jesuit apology for religious paintings and, separately, on Poussin. Impressive for its information, original interpretations and the high quality of its illustrations.

GELLÉRI, GÁBOR. Représentations du pouvoir royal dans le discours huguenot. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 61—73.

Article examines diverse Huguenot representations of royal power in the context of the English revolution and the Restoration. Focus is on the writings of Samuel de Sorbière, Henri Misson de Valbourg, Jacques Abbadie and Jean-Armand Dubourdieu.

GREGOIRE, VINCENT. Devoir d'obéissance, obligation de résistance: lorsqu'une ursuline s'oppose à l'autorité masculine au dix-septième siècle. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 102—117.

Analyzes the opposition of Marie Guyart dite de l'Incarnation to male religious authority, asking: 'En quoi consiste cette obligation de résister et, une fois mise en pratique, à quels résultats va-t-elle aboutir? Cet esprit d'opposition ne trouve-t-il pas en partie son origine dans le fait que la sœur soit une ursuline, dont la vocation est de prier et aussi d'enseigner, mais encore dans le fait qu'elle ait été veuve et indépendante très jeune, et qu'elle ait assumé des responsabilités importantes dans l'entreprise de son beau-frère avant d'entrer en religion?'

HARVEY, DAVID ALLEN. "The Noble Savage and the Savage Noble: Philosophy and Ethnography in the Voyages of the Baron de Lahontan". French Colonial Studies 11.1 (2010), 161—91.

Discusses the contributions of Lahontan to the creation of the myth of the "noble savage" and whether his views on the Native Americans, specifically the Hurons, were based in ethnographic reality or rather his own utopist views.

HEAL, BRIDGET AND OLE PETER GRELL, eds. The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy and People. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review: A. de Mézerac-Zanetti in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 586—587. The twelve essays that make up this analysis of the Reformation's impact on three areas of society seek to "disenclose" Reformation studies "by offering an approach that is European in scope, confessionally inclusive, and spans a broad timeframe"(586). Highly specialized examinations such as those on biconfessional cities and contests for control are complemented by Luise Schorn-Schütte's "synthetic presentation of the 'new clergies' in Europe"(103-124).

HENDRIX, SCOTT H. and SUSAN C. KARANT-NUNN, eds. Masculinity in the Reformation Era. Kirksville, MO: Truman UP, 2008

Review:E. Bastress-Dukehart in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 587—589. Laudatory review finds this collection "essential reading for anyone studying gender, sexuality, marriage, and family relationships in early modern Europe"(589). 17th c. French scholars will especially appreciate the essays on masculinity and the Reformed tradition in France.

HOEFER, BERNADETTE. Cartographier l'esprit: Le débat autour du mystère de la conscience. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 515—527.

In the context of current neuroscientific debate, this article examines Descartes' and Spinoza's respective understanding of 'l'interrelation entre le corps et l'esprit pour la connaissance du moi et l'entendement de la conscience'.

JAMME, ARMAND and OLIVIER PONCET, eds. Offices, écrit et papauté(XIIe-XVIIe siècle).(Collection de l'école française de Rome, 386). Rome: école française de Rome, 2007

Review:A. Karsten in HZ 288.2 (2009) 412—413. Collection of 30 studies, the result of two conferences on the administrative function and bureaucratization of the papacy(Paris, September 2003 and Avignon, October 2004). Organized in sections as follows: "Production et consommation de l'écrit," :Économie des offices et administration des finances," and "Enregistrement et usage des archives." Judged an important collectionscollection for a deeper understanding of this complex subject.

KODA, TAKESHI. "Jansénisme et gallicanisme Episcopal dans les assemblées du clergé au milieu du XVIIe siècle". DSS 248 (2010), 467—477.

"L'article se propose d'élucider les relations du jansénisme et du gallicanisme dans les assemblées du clergé de France au milieu du XVIIe siècle, en retraçant les délibérations tenues dans leur sein sur la mise en vigueur des constitutions apostoliques portent condamnation des cinq propositions de Jansénius."

KOPP, ROBERT. "Molière, l'Eglise et le roi". RDM (septembre 2010) 166—169.

"Cette édifiante histoire d'un Molière victime de la'cabale des dévots' et soutenu secrètement par un roi cédant néanmoins à certaines pressions[vis-à-vis 'l'affaire Tartuffe'], que répètent à l'envi tous les manuels et toutes les éditions scolaires depuis plus d'un siècle, n'est en réalité rien d'autre qu'une légende pieuse, construite par une historiographie républicaine et anticléricale à la fin du XIXe siècle. Elle propageait ainsi l'image d'une Eglise sournoise et d'un roi sous l'influence. La situation se présente d'une façon différente, comme on le sait désormais par les travaux de François Rey(1)[Molière et le roi: l'affaire 'Tartuffe'(Seuil, 2007)] et la nouvelle édition des oeuvres de Molière dans la 'Pléiade'(2)[Oeuvres complètes(Gallimard, 2010)." Selon Kopp, il faut voir l'interdiction de Tartuffe dans le contexte de la crise du jansénisme qui préoccupait Louis XIV.

LACOSTE, JEAN-YVES, sous la dir. de. Histoire de la théologie. Paris: Seuil, 2009

Review:J.-P. Peyroulou in Esprit (juillet 2010) 244—246. ". . . une synthèse accessible à un public français de non-spécialistes, les professeurs de lettres par exemple du secondaire et de l'université. L'ouvrage dirigé par Jean-Yves Lacoste est globalement réussi de ce point de vue." Voir la quatrième partie qui traite des débats théologiques vivaces en France au 17e siècle.

LEWIS, JOHN. Galileo in France: French Reactions to the Theories and Trial of Galileo. New York: Peter Lang, 2006

Review:Hine, W. in Isis 100.2 (2009) 405—406. Introductory chapters trace Galileo's work and trial as well as the political and religious history of France at the time. He examines Galileo's contacts with French scholars at the University of Padua before focusing on Mersenne who translated, edited, and published Galileo's work in France. Lewis then turns to the efforts of de Peiresc and Gassendi to intervene on Galileo's behalf. This study concludes with an evaluation of Descartes's involvement and views of Galileo. "A significant contribution to the study of Galileo's influence in France [. . .] meticulous in its scholarship[. . .]of interest to students of both seventeenth-century French literature and the history of science."

LLOYD, HOWELL A., GLENN BURGESS and SIMON HODSON, eds. European Political Thought 1450-1700. Religion, Law and Philosophy. New Haven: Yale U P, 2007

Review:C. Hirschi in HZ 289.3 (2009): 757—759. Diverse perspectives are evident in this collection which claims to present the subject of investigation as "a dialectic between unity and diversity"(1). Studies are attentive to cultural and social aspects such as printing, correspondence, patronage, etc. Eleven studies make up the volume, with J. H. M. Salmon's essay focused on France (but no details on this are given).

LOPEZ, DENIS, CHARLES MAZOUER and ERIC SUIRE, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600-1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Tübingen: Narr, 2008

Review:Y. Krumenacker in RF 121 (2009) 546—548 Collection of essays, the result of a colloque of both literary specialists and historians. The volume is organized as follows: 1)the transmission of faith (princes, girls, rhetoric, etc.), 2)the court (connections between religious engagement and service to the government-Richelieu, the role of the king's confessors, behavior, piety with the case of the Grande Mademoiselle, liturgy, the struggle against Protestants, etc.), 3)literature and spirituality (poetry-La Ceppède, Mme Guyon, le P. Le Moyne, Pascal, Sévigné), 4)faith and society (practices of devotion, clergy, magistrates, members of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture), 5)marginal figures such as le maréchal de Bassompierre, Madame Palatine. Despite the reviewers expressed desire for fuller treatment of the libertine, protestant and Jansenist element and a "vue d'ensemble," the volume is praised for its "aperçus solides."

MARYKS, ROBERT ALEXANDER. Saint Cicero and the Jesuits: The Influence of the Liberal Arts on the Adoption of Moral Probabilism. Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Iesu 64. Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:Y. Haskell in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 595—597. Valuable for its deep and wide-ranging examination of probabilism which connects the Jesuit literary Renaissance of the late 16th c. to the turn to probabilism(596). Cicero's appeal lay not only in his style but also in his civic values. 17th c. scholars will also find useful M.'s survey of penitential literature between 1554 and 1650(597). Index, tables, bibliography.

METZLER, GUIDO. Französische Mikropolitik in Rom unter Papst Paul V. Borghese (1605-1621). With WOLFGANG REINHARD. Heidelberg: "Winter 2008

Review:T. Leuker in HZ 289.3 (2009): 771—773. Highly appreciative review notes in particular the quality of the archival and library research of the study as well as its elegant narrative.

MOCHIZUKI, YUKA. "Spiritualité de Port-Royal: grâce et pánitence." DSS 248 (2010) 479—489.

"Après une présentation préliminaire de la double version, jansénienne et janséniste, de la grâce augustinienne, nous montrerons la divergence entre La Fréquente Communion et cette première théorie, même sous sa forme jansénienne. Puis, nous mettrons en valeur une basse continue unifiant la pénitence et la grâce dans l'univers spirituel du premier Port-Royal."

MORIARTY, M. Fallen Nature, Fallen Selves: Early-Modern French Thought II. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006

Review:R. Parish in FS 62.4 (2008), 475—476. In this second volume, Descartes, Pascal, and Malebranche remain the focus of attention, with significant treatment accorded to La Bruyère, La Rochefoucauld, Nicole, François Lamy, and the Protestant Abbadie. The main areas of enquiry are ethics and psychology. "The erudition is impressive throughout[. . .]and the study begins and ends with a compelling engagement with modern critical orthodoxies."

O'BRIEN, WILLIAM P. A Pragmatic Interpretation of the 'Indwelling of Christ' in the Preaching of Claude La Colombière(1641-1682). SCFS 32.2 (2008), 165—178.

'With reference to the classical American philosophical tradition, the present article interprets the expression, 'le Christ vit en moi', as La Colombière himself uses it, not as a mystical state but as a conception of one's feelings, actions, and thoughts. In this sense, to say that Christ 'lives in' a nun is to call to mind what one can expect of her — even what she can expect of herself. By focusing on the logical structure of this expression, pragmatic method thus helps reveal how La Colombière understood nuns and how they understood themselves, as they lived within the religious institutions created for them and that they themselves sustained and developed.'

PARISH, RICHARD. "Le Père Etienne Bauny, S. J.: La Somme des péchés qui se commettent en tous états face aux Lettres Provinciales". FS 63.4 (2009), 385—398.

The author proposes a re-evaluation of Bauny's work which is largely known only through Pascal's Lettres Provinciales where it is the target of ridicule. This article focuses on expanding our understanding of Jesuit casuistry and comparing the two theological visions while asking why Pascal's distortion of it has defined it for centuries as a form of sophistry.

PECAR, ANDREAS and KAI TRAMPEDACH, eds. Die Bibel als politisches Argument. Voraussetzungen und Folgen biblizistischer Herrschaftslegitimation in der Vormoderne. München: Oldenbourg, 2007

Review:R. Smend in HZ 288.3 (2009): 669—671. Welcome collection of 16 studies, most from a journée d'études in October 2005 and, without exception, rich and competent. Wide-ranging with studies on argument drawn from the Old Testament, apologetics, theological discourse in the Middle Ages and political theory in the Renaissance, among other subjects. 17th c. French scholars will appreciate the study by Lothar Schilling on Bossuet and the one by Andreas Pietsch on Paul Boyer's 1649 pamphlet "L'image du souverain."

PERAZZOLO, PAOLA.Autocensure et(Ré)écriture pendant l'époque révolutionnaire: La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé. PFSCL 36.71 (2009), 493—503.

Examines the successive re-writings of Harny de Guerville's play La Liberté conquise ou le Despotisme renversé, first performed (with great success) in 1791, as representative of the ambiguity surrounding censorship in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution.

RAVEL, JEFFREY. "Husband-Killer, Christian Heroine, Victim: The Execution of Madame Tiquet, 1699". SCFS 32.2 (2010), 120—136.

Within the general framework of histories of torture and public execution, article analyzes diverse reactions (of male Catholic polemicists, of Anne Marguerite Petit du Noyer, and of Pierre Bayle) to the execution of Angélique-Nicole Carlier Tiquet, convicted of organizing a plot to assassinate her husband in 1699. Demonstrates how the interest of the affair lies in the fact that it "resists insertion into misleading histories of progress and civility, or ever-expanding statist surveillance of citizens."

RAVEL, JEFFREY Les relations franco-anglaises aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: périodiques et manuscrits clandestins, La Lettre Clandestine, n. 15. Paris: P de l'U Paris-Sorbonne, 2007

Review:M. Melai in S Fr 159 (2009): 619. Heterogeneous and rich collection of studies focuses on the circulation of libertine philosophical ideas across England and France. The volume is organized into four sections: 1)an exploration of manuscripts circulating clandestinely, 2)various related questions of the 17th and 18th c,(Cyrano is included here)and 3)reviews of publications from 2006 on the theme with a catalogue of recent initiatives.

SCHILLING, HEINZ, ed. Konfessioneller Fundamentalismus. Religion als politischer Faktor im europäischen Mächtesystem um 1600. With ELISABETH MÜLLER-LUCKNER. München: Oldenbourg, 2007

Review:A. Schmidt in HZ 289.2 (2009) 462—464. Collection of important essays by historians and Church historians which addresses religion as a political factor in Early Modern Europe. French specialists will appreciate in particular essays on Protestantism, the papacy and the Jesuits.

SELDERHUIS, HERMAN J. and MARKUS WRIEDT, eds. Konfession, Migration und Elitenbildung: Studien zur Theologenausbildung des 16. Jahrhunderts. Brill's Series in Church History 31. Leiden: Brill, 2007

Review:D. B. Gallagher in Ren Q 62.1 (2009), 285—287. Focusing on theological education and its evolution from the 1500s through the 1700s, these 15 essays are wide-ranging, examining migration, the Evangelical vision, new modes of communication, and "patterns of cross-fertilization between theological education, religion and popular piety, as well as natural science, art and politics"(286). Index, tables.

SLUHOVSKY, MOSHE. Believe Not Every Spirit. Possession, Mysticism, & Discernment in Early Modern Catholicism. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2007

Review:H. Bock in HZ 289.2 (2009) 392—393. Judged very learned, inspiring and elegantly written, S.'s volume is well-argued as it examines the subject both broadly and in detailed cases. Important contribution into Women's Studies as it examines the feminization of possession, as well as cultural and theological associations such as Quietism.

SMITH, PAMELA H. "Science on the Move: Recent Trends in the History of Early Modern Science." Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 345—375.

Extensive, perceptive review of the expansion of the history of early modern science, notably since the 1960s. S.'s invited article divides recent approaches into three "overarching strands": 1)the history of protoscience, 2)the history of the pseudosciences, such as alchemy and astrology, and 3)expanding the boundaries to all manner of technical knowledge including the indigenous. S. convincingly demonstrates the challenge for the history of science to think of "knowledge making as collective and as involving the intersection and sometime cooperation of distantly spread groups of people"(358). She argues that the broader view leads "to the greater inclusion of women in the story of science" as it inclusively examines "female patrons of science, artisans and salon participants"(359), for example. Sections on humanists, artisans and practitioners, vernacular conceptions of nature, and science on the move: breaking out of Europe all provide impetus for "a new narrative" to replace or at least expand "the triumphalist story"[of The Scientific Revolution](373). S.'s nearly 90 footnotes provide a treasure trove for scholars and students alike.

SOMMER, ANDREAS URS. Sinnstiftung durch Geschichte? Zur Entstehung spekulativ-universalisticher Geschichtsphilosophie zwischen Bayle und Kant. Basel: Schwabe, 2006

Review:S. Jordan in HZ 288.3 (2009): 761—762. Focusing on the formation of historical philosophy, S. provides a copious and detail-rich study which is organized in two sections: 1)forms of historical theological thought(French and German)and 2) forms of historical philosophical thought. Themes include: Exempla, Providence, Freedom and Progress. French scholars will particularly appreciate considerations on Bayle and Bossuet.

STIKER-MÉTRAL, CHARLES-OLIVIER. Narcisse contrarié: l'amour propre dans le discours moral en France(1650-1715). Lumière classique 74. Paris: Champion, 2007

Review: S. Bold in FR 83 (2010), 862—63. A two-part study of moralist literature in the classical age. Part One elegantly assembles the history of the term amour propre; Part Two examines the poetics of moralist discourse, examining how writers go about "speak[ing] hard truths to audiences who, likely as not, are not entirely ready to listen"(863). Striker-Métral reserves a special place for La Fontaine as a moralist writer who achieves a unique "herméneutique heureuse," a rhetorical synthesis of instruction and pleasure. Praised by the reviewer: "through its scope, detail, and intelligence. . .demands to be read by dix-septièmistes of all stripes"(863).

TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE. "Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue in Seventeenth-Century Martinique." Gastronomica 10.1 (2010) 61—69.

This study of a Dominican missionary's focus on the culinary cuisine of Martinique shows how his "openness to the Caribbean's remarkably diverse food cultures eventually allows him to construct new social, cultural, and symbolic meanings that inform both his personal and spiritual identity." Over the course of much culinary experimentation, Labat becomes less of a "culinary tourist" and more engaged with indigenous culture. Ultimately, "Labat does not 'eat the Other,' he strives to become Other, a polysemic richness that reflects the ample diversity of Caribbean culinary culture to the present day."

ULLBERG, ANNE. Au chemin de salvation. La chanson spirituelle réformée(1533-1678). Thèse de l'Université d'Uppsala. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Romanica 77, 2008

Review:S. de Reyff in BHR 71.3 (2009), 653—655. "La chanson spirituelle réformée à laquelle Anne Ullberg consacre pour la première fois une etude systémaqtique peut être envisagé à travers un triple rapport antagoniste: les recueils francophones se distinquent d'abord de la vaste production germanique issue de la Réforme luthérienne; le genre de la chanson spirituelle peut ensuite être définie par opposition à la paraphrase des psaumes que Calvin réserve exclusivement à l'usage liturgique; enfin, le répertoire né dans le sillage de la Réforme se distingue des imitations catholiques que lui vaudra son succès. Ces trois angles de vue dissent d'emblée l'intérêt que revêtent ces textes, longtemps demeurés en marge du corpus littéraire canonique, pour une saisie de l'histoire religieuse et culturelle de la modernité naissante."

VAN LIEBURG, FRED, ed. Confessionalism and Pietism. Religious Reform in Early Modern Europe. Mainz: Von Zabern, 2006.

Review:R. Dürr in HZ 289.2 (2009): 460—462. The result of the first of three internationaljournées d'études focusing on the comparative research project "Cultural History of Pietism and Revivalism, c. 1650-c. 1850." 17th c. French specialists will particularly appreciate the perspectives on Jansenism and on the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. Case studies as well as conceptual examinations of religious ideals and social realities are offered in this welcome volume.

VIENNOT, ELIANE. La France, les femmes et le pouvoir Vol 2: les résistances de la société(XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle). Paris: Perrin, 2008

Review: C. Trout in FR 83 (2009), 425—26. Volume 2 of a monumental work of women's history. Particularly concerned with the continuation of the querelle des femmes; the lack of early modern opposition to Salic law; absolute monarchs' declining support for their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters; and women's disappointment with the Enlightenment. Contains an extensive bibliography.

VOLPE, TONY. Science et théologie dans les débats savants de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle: La Genèse dans les Philosophical Transactions et le Journal des savants(1665-1710). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2008

Review:Rappaport, R. in Isis 100.4 (2009), 914—915. Chapters focus on a statistical study of the scientific content published in the English and French journals before focusing on the relationship between science and theology through an examination of the reconciliation of Chinese chronology with the Old Testament, debates about marine fossils, and "theories of the earth." One of Volpe's conclusions, namely that late seventeenth-century France was better able to separate science from theology than post-1688 "liberal" England, is singled out for special scrutiny by the reviewer.

WARKENTIN, GERMAINE. "Aristotle in New France: Louis Nicolas and the Making of the Codex canadensis". French Colonial Studies 11.1 (2009),71—106.

Describes the Codex canadensis, an impressive 17th-century manuscript that contains drawings and descriptions of North American flora and fauna in the context of the "hiérarchie de l'imaginaire des Européens de l'époque." Contains reproductions from the Codex that illustrate the article's main points.

WASSILOWSKY, GÜNTHER and HUBERT WOLF, eds. Päpstliches Zeremoniell in der Frühen Neuzeit. Das Diarium des päpstlichen Zeremonienmeisters Paolo Alaleone de Branca während des Pontifikats Gregors XV.(1621-1623). Münster: Rhema, 2007

Review:A. Karsten in HZ 288.1 (2009): 227—229. Important volume fills a lacuna in historical investigations of papal ceremony. Welcome edition of de Branca's journal of protocol. Includes an extensive glossary of terms and concise biographies of persons named in the journal.

WHELAN, RUTH. Turning to Gold: The Role of the Witness in French Protestant Galley Slave Narratives. SCFS, 32.1 (2010), 3—18.

'The interaction between power and dissidence in representational culture is the focus of this article, which weaves together some of Pascal's reflections on power and imagination, the notion of the King's two bodies, and its representation in contemporary film, with the symbolism of the wounded body in French Protestant galley slave narratives'.

WILLIS, REBECCA GRENIER. "Between Past and Present: Exploring Religion, Science and History in the Near East, c. 1650-1790" DAI 71/11.

This dissertation focuses on the writings of French and British diplomats, clergy, natural historians and leisured men/women who traveled to the western Ottoman Empire. She shows that these travelers revealed a sense of insecurity about the alleged superiority of their religion. She also argues how the travelers continued to value the natural historical and geographical knowledge of the ancient texts and recast the authority of the ancients as local knowledge.

WILKIN, REBECCA M. Women, Imagination and the Search for Truth in Early Modern France. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008

Review:K. Long in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1238—1240. Praiseworthy, wide-ranging and original in many aspects, W.'s study offers "historically and intellectually important" revisions of the traditional. 17th c. scholars will appreciate W.'s "nuanced reading" of Descartes's representation of the mind and will. L. is impressed by W.'s documentation and care in the readings.

WOLF, HUBERT. Index. Der Vatikan und die verbotenen Bücher. München: Beck, 2008

Review:H. H. Schwedt in HZ 289.2 (2009): 396—398. Welcome, wide-ranging history of the Roman Index from the 16th c. to the end of the second Vatican Council add to other recent research such as that of V. Frajese, La Nascita dell'Indice(Brescia, 2006). Important both for practices of writing as for the history of printing and publishing.

YARDENI, MYRIAM. Le Refuge Huguenot. Assimilation et culture. Paris: Champion, 2002

Review:Whelan, R. in FS 63.4 (2009), 462. This volume reprints fifteen articles originally published between 1981 and 1998 touching on the psycho-social and religious adaptation of Protestant refugees in the nations that received them. The essays show great variation in the rates and strategies of assimilation. Yardeni also treats the guilt and traumatism brought on by abjuration while showing that for some Protestants temporary conversions of convenience were a necessity that provoked no self-recrimination. Finally, Yardeni's work gives us pause to reflect on the historian's craft: How can we draw general conclusions about Huguenot refugees based on materials produced by highly literate elite? A volume of "impressive breadth of reading and research."

ZACHMAN, RANDALL C., ed. John Calvin and Roman Catholicism: Critique and Engagement, Then and Now. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic and Brazos P, 2008

Review:R. Roldan-Figueroa in Ren Q 62.2 (2009), 592—593. These eight essays, originally presented at the 2007 Calvin Studies Colloquium held at the University of Notre Dame, are judged "relevant beyond academic circles as most contributors address questions of interest to contemporary ecumenical dialogue"(592). 17th c. French scholars will find Irena Backus's long analysis of lives of Calvin rich as it includes four 17th c. ones and culminates in Richelieu's 1651 "confessional caricature"(593). In another essay Jill Fehleison explores the initiatives of François de Sales.

ZERON, CARLOS ALBERTO DE MOURA RIBERIRO. Ligne de foi: La Compagnie de Jésus et l'esclavage dans le processus de formation de la société coloniale en Amérique portugaise(XVIe-XVIIe siècles). Les Géographies du Monde, 10. Paris: Champion, 2009

Review:L. M. Brockey in Ren Q 62.4 (2009), 1309—1311. The focus of this "challenging new study" is less economics than the moral dimensions of slavery. Tactics were debated rigorously in the early modern era, but accounts subsequently silenced and eventual publications were of a "hagiographic register"(1310). Z. convincingly demonstrates through analyses of historical, legal, theological and historiographical perspectives that "Jesuits were not of one mind on the issue"(1310).

ZORZI, OLGA et ETHAN MATT KAVALER, éds. Faith and Fantasy in the Renaissance. Texts, Images, and Religious Practices. Toronto: Victoria University, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2009

Review:. Elsig in BHR 72.2 (2010), 471—472: "L'ouvrage réunit dix-neuf des cinquante-quatre contributions qui composaient le colloque international Faith and Fantasy in the Early Modern World, organisé à l'Université de Toronto en octobre 2007 . . . . Il est consacré aux relations réciproques entre la religion et l'imagination créatrice de 1300 à 1700 environ."

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