French 17 FRENCH 17

1995 Number 43


ABBOTT, CARMETA (U. of Waterloo). A paraître: Ed. crit. (with Hannah Fournier), Madame de Saint Balmon, Les Jumeaux martyrs (1650), chez Droz.

ALTMAN, JANET GURKIN (Iowa). "Women's Letters in the Public Sphere," forthcoming in Bk., Going Public: Women and Publishing in Modern Times, (Cornell UP).

ASSAF, FRANCIS (Georgia). "La Violence dans la fiction narrative en prose de l'année 1715," for Actes of 9th SATOR Conference. Bks.: Topique de la fiction narrative en prose pour l'année 1715 (interim title) [narrative topoï in French fiction publ. in 1715]; Crit. ed., Antoine Houdar de la Motte's translation of The Iliad (1714). Président, SE17 (1995).

BEUGNOT, BERNARD (Montréal). Bks: Loin du monde et du bruit. Le discours de la retraite au XVIIe siècle (Paris PUF); Les muses classiques. Bibliographie de poétique et de rhétorique (Klincksieck); Ed. crit., Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugène (1671) du Père Bouhours (Champion, 1996). Arts: Présentation de "Les voies de l'invention aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles," (Colloque de Montréal), Paragraphes, 1994; "Le déshabillé et la robe de chambre," in supra; "Académie," "Fable," "Malherbe," Dictionnaire des littératures (Paris PUF); "La voix de l'autre: typologie et historiographie de la lettre," Actes du Colloque de Wolfenbüttel (Klincksieck 1995); Avant propos de M. Boissinot, Guez de Balzac et son ermitage charentais ou "les plaisirs de la vie retraitée" (Angoûlême 1995); A paraître, "1625 1650. La précellence du style moyen," Histoire de la rhétorique européenne, ed. Marc Fumaroli (Paris, PUF); "L'Otium aux rives du classicisme," Congrès de l'Association G. Budé (Dijon); "Loisir, retraite, solitude: de l'espace privée à la littérature," Décade de Cérisy: Autour de Marc Fumaroli: Les lettres: un "gai savoir" (XVIe XVIIe siècles); "La philosophie morale au Parnasse," Colloque "La morale des moralistes" (Paris IV, 1994).

BOURSIER, NICOLE (Toronto). Ed., Correspondence de Mme de Graffigny, vol. VII (Oxford Foundtion, 1998?). Présidente, SATOR. Contributions au Thesaurus: Scudéry, Villedieu, Lafayette, etc.

BURCHELL, EILEEN (Marymount College Tarrytown). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

CAMPION, EDMUND J. (Tennessee). Arts: "Scholarly Editing in Early Modern French Literature," MLA Scholarly Editing; "The Search for Spiritual 'repos' by the Princesse de Clèves," 1993 Conference on the French Novel, International Society for Interdisciplinary Studies; Bk: Crit. ed., Quinault's Pausanias (with W. Brooks, U. of Bath).

CARLIN, CLAIRE (U. of Victoria). Bks: Corneille Revisited (TWAS) [updating C. Abraham's 1972 Corneille]; Women Reading Corneille: Feminist Psychocriticism of Le Cid, (five readings).

CARTMILL, CONSTANCE (Manitoba). Art: "Pascal et la casuistique." Bk: On ou les avatars de Je: Mme de Sévigné et le sujet classique.

CHOLOKIAN, PATRICIA (Hamilton). Art: "Claiming Identity: Women and Self Representation in 17th century France."

CHOUINARD, DANIEL (U. de Guelph). Contrib. Ed., French 17

CIR 17. 3e Colloque, Fribourg, Suisse, 16 19 May 1996: "Contacts et échanges linguistiques dans la France du XVIIe siècle." Contact Prof. Yves Giraud, Séminaire de Littérature française, Criblet 13, CH 1700 FRIBOURG, Suisse (Tél. 37 21 95 50/ FAX 37 21 99 52).

DANNER, RICHARD (Ohio U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

DEBAISIEUX, MARTINE (Wisconsin Madison). Bk: Les voix de la différence: tradition littéraire et identité de l'auteur de la Renaissance au Classicisme. Arts: "Les Egarements du récit ou le récit des égarements: La Promenade de l'Ame dévote de Jean Auvray," C17; "Cruels effets du désir adultère: scénarios de la violence dans Les Angoysses douleureuses," Actes du 9e Colloque International de la SATOR; "Marie de Gournay contre la tradition: Le Proumenoir de M. de Montaigne"; "Le Roman comique ou la mise en scène du dé(voile)ment." See also SATOR.

DeJEAN, JOAN. (Pennsylvania). Bk: Quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns.

DOIRON, NORMAND (McGill). Bk: L'art de voyager. Le déplacement à l'époque classique. (Québec/Paris, Klincksieck, 1995).

DURHAM CENTRE FOR 17th C. STUDIES. Contact Dr. Richard Maber, Univ. Library, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RN, ENGLAND. (FAX 091–374–2716).

FLECK, STEPHEN H. (Calif. State Long Beach). Arts: "Enjoyment and Subversion in the Comedy Ballets," C17; Music and Poetry in Les Nuits d'Eté [Gautier/ Berlioz: infl. of linguistic sound properties of French on harmonic and rhythmic structure].

FUCALORO, LILIANE (Calif. State Polytechnic U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17

GANIM, RUSSELL (Nebraska Lincoln). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

GETHNER, PERRY J. (Oklahoma State) Crit. eds. of plays by Françoise Pascal and Catherine Durand; monograph on poetic justice in classical drama. Treasurer, NASSCFL [FL, Oklahoma SU, Stillwater, OK 74078].

GRISE, CATHERINE (Toronto). "The Optics of Relativism in the Fables of La Fontaine," in La Fontaine: A Collection of Tercentenary Essays, ed. A. Birberick, (EMF, Rookwood Press, 1995); Cognitive Space and Structures of Deceit in the Contes of La Fontaine, 1996.

HOFFMANN, KATHRYN (U. Hawaii Manoa)). Arts: "Of Innocents and Hags: The Status of the Female in the 17th C. Fairy Tale," C17; "Palimpsests of Knowledge, Feasts of Texts: Antoine Furetière's Dictionnaire universel"; "Violence of Heroism, Violence of Terror: The Paradoxical Nature of Violence in Western Myth and Culture," Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery," 1995; projects on images of women in female authored fairy tales, medicine, the imaginary. Bks: Writing in the Interstices: Literature and the Body of Power in 17th C. France; Phantasms of the Feminine.

INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EUROPEAN IDEAS (ISSEI). The fifth annual conference entitled "Memory, History, and Critique: The European Identity at the Millennium," will take place at the University for Humanist Studies in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 19 to 24 August 1996. Contact Prof. Ezra Talmor, Haifa University, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 31905, Israel.

JAYMES, DAVID (Oakland U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

KRONEGGER, MARLIES (Michigan State). Art: "Racine's Bérénice. Profane and Sacred Spaces and Places. President, International Society for Phenomenology and Literature; President, International Society of Aesthetics, Fine Arts and Phenomenology; Ed. Board, Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de langue française.

KUIZENGA, DONNA (Vermont). Forthcoming: "Mixed Media: Word and Image in Les Peintures morales," (EMF, Word and Image, ed. D. L. Rubin, Charlottesville, Rookwood Press, 1994). In press: "La Topique du secret chez Lafayette: Histoire et histoires," Actes du 5e Colloque International SATOR, Lisbon, Institut Franco Portugais; "L'Utopie dans les oeuvres de Lafayette: Topique utopique?," Actes du 6e Colloque SATOR (Edmonton, Alberta, Alta Press); "'La Lecture d'une si ennuyeuse histoire': Topoï de la lecture et du livre dans les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette Sylvie de Molière," Actes du 8e Colloque International SATOR (Leuven Paris, Eds. Peeters); Bk: On Her Own; Gender in the Writings of Mme de Villedieu. Arts: "'Fine veuve' ou 'veuve d'une haute vertu'? Portraits de la veuve chez Mme de Villedieu"; "Scénarios de violence dans l'oeuvre de Villedieu"; "Mme de Villedieu," Feminist Companion to French Literature; "Seizing the Pen: Narrative Power and Gender in Mme de Villedieu's Mémoires de la vie de Henriette Sylvie de Molière and Delarivier Manley's Adventures of Rivella; "Sens unique? Les Scudéry en Angleterre au 17e siècle."


LAUDE, PATRICK (Georgetown). La Politique et l'obscurité de l'origine [Pascal et Joseph de Maistre]; Réflexions sur Malaval et le quiétisme intellectuel; La dimension astrologique de la pensée d'Yves de Paris.

LEINER, WOLFGANG (U. Washington/ U. Tübingen). Editor, PFSCL/ Biblio 17; Editor, Oeuvres et Critiques; Editor, Collection Etudes littéraires françaises. De nombreux projects en cours.

LONGINO, MICHELE (Duke). MS. in progress: "The Staging of Exotism in 17th C. France" [examination of theatrical representations of the Orient, alongside other discourses framing and articulating Franco Ottoman relations, contributing to the formation of France's sense of identity].

MARCEAU, WILLIAM C. (St. John Fisher C.). Henri Bergson et l'inspiration augustinienne; Le néoplatonisme et les auteurs français du XVIIe siècle; Descartes et les vérités révélées.

MARIN, KATHERINE (Georgia Inst, of Technology). "Les Contes de fée de la fin du 17e et la problématique de la morale," Romance Languages Annual; "Violence dans les contes de fée de Mme d'Aulnoy," Actes du 9e Colloque International SATOR (1995), U. Wisconsin.

MERSENNE, MARIN. Actes du Colloque International du 4e centenaire de la naissance de Mersenne (U. du Maine, 1995). Contact Marie Christine Bechtet, Dépt. d'Histoire, Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Ave. Olivier Messaien, B. P. 535, 72017 Le Mans CEDEX (Tél.

MURATORE, M. J. (Missouri). Bk: Expirer au féminin: Narratives of Dissolution in Neo classical French Texts [heroine's inevitable elimination metamorphizes the writer's rebellion against ideas that run counter to accepted ideology; gender polarity a literary strategy, vs. a socio political phenomenon].

NASSCFL. 28th Annual Convention, 11–13 April 1996 at U. of Texas Austin. Président, 1995–96, François Lagarde, French & Italian, U. Texas, Austin 78712–1197 Tel. (512) 471–5531/ FAX (512) 471–8492.

NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina). Bk. on Quinault's opera libretti (working title, Slight not the Songsmith. Ed. of Quinault's libretti. American Treasurer, CIR 17.

PROBES, CHRISTINE McCALL (U. South Florida). "Rhetoric and Aging," Interdisciplinary Panel on Research Initiatives at USF, televised for distance learning; "Good Counsel in the Writings of Two European Princesses: Marguerite de Navarre and Madame Palatine," Conference on Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective, USF televised and used for educational purposes; also for vol. on Literature and Aging, ed. Sara Deats. Bk. on Calvin [accepted and in final stages]; "Rhetoric in the Service of Truth: Jean Calvin's Avertissement contre l'astrologie judiciaire," [part of introduction to above volume]; "Jean Calvin et Strasbourg, leurs apports mutuels: le témoignage des lettres"; "Moi je vous dirai auff gut pfältzish: les expressions allemandes au service de Madame Palatine, épistolière française," International Colloque of CIR 17, Fribourg, Switzerland, May 1996. Secretary, NASSCFL. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern). 1996 Research in Progress/ Dissertations are being compiled now. Please send info. to W.R., Fr. & It., Northwestern U., Evanston, IL 60208. 17th C. Parisian engravers; various topics on Maynard, Saint Amant, Boisrobert; Iconography of La Fontaine's Fables; Portraits of Liselotte, Princesse Palatine; La Très Grande Bibliothèque (Tolbiac). "North American Theses on 17th C. (1995)," PFSCL; Contrib. Ed., French 17.

RUBRIDGE, BRADLEY (NYU). "Patronage and the Code of Reciprocation in Cinna" [characters employ a code that emphasizes motives like generosity and gratitude, similarly adopted by patrons and clients in the Court administration; behavior model pervades 17th c. heroic literature].

RUSSELL, DANIEL (Pittsburgh). "Le relai emblématique de l'illustration dans les fables de Corrozet (1542) et de La Fontaine," La Fontaine fabuliste 1695–1995, ed. Kees Meerhoff and Paul Smith, (CRIN, Rodopi, Amsterdam) [what these illustrations tell about authors' narrative techniques and preoccupations concerning genre of work produced].

SATOR [SOCIETE D'ANALYSE DE LA TOPIQUE ROMANESQUE]. Actes du 9e Colloque. "Scenarios de la violence dans le roman français avant 1800," U. of Wisconsin, 1995, eds., Gabrielle Verdier & Martine Debaisieux.

SEIFERT, LEWIS (Brown). Forthcoming, "Les fées modernes: Women, Fairy tales, and the Literary Field in late 17th C. France," Going Public: Women and Publishing in Early Modern France, eds. E. Goldsmith and D. Goodman, (Cornell UP); "Masculinity in La Princesse de Clèves," accepted for Approaches to Teaching La Princesse de Clèves, eds. Faith Beaseley and Kate Jensen, (MLA); "Eroticizing the Fronde: Sexual Deviance and Political Disorder in the Mazarinades," special number of ECr on eroticism in 17th C. French Literature. Bk: Nostalgic Utopias: Fairy Tales and Gender in France, 1690–1715 [study of ambivalent desires and their consequences on gender representatuions in 114 literary fairy tales publ. by 16 different authors], MS under contract with Cambridge UP. In progress, "Patronage, Authority, and Gender in Tristan l'Hermite's La Servitude"; "Man Against Man: Conflict and Masculinity in 17th C. France" [study of the rise of interpersonal rivalry as the predominant norm for the acculturation of men].

SE17. 14th Annual Conference, October, 1996, Georgetown U. Contact Guy Spielmann, Président. [French Dept., Georgetown U., Washington, D.C. 20057. Tel. (202) 687–5852/ FAX (202) 687–5712].

SEVIGNE, MME DE. CMR 17 Colloque International du Tricentenaire de sa mort, Château de Grignan, 29 May 2 June 1996. Papers on life, milieu, works. Contact Roger Duchêne, Président du Comité d'organisation des "Années Sévigné," Château de Grignan, 26230 Grignan, France Tel. 7546–5156/ FAX 7546–9405.

SOARE, ANTOINE (Montréal). "Le Théâtre des "belles mortes"; "Cadavres exquis du théâtre baroque"; "Lasse! cigale hélas! fourmi: chant et cri dans la première fable de La Fontaine," all for Biblio 17. Président, NASSCFL.1995.

SPIELMANN, GUY (Georgetown). Président, SE 17, 1995–96.

SWEETSER, MARIE ODILE (Illinois Chicago). "La modernité de La Fontaine," Refiguring La Fontaine: Tercentenary Essays, ed. Anne L. Birberick, (Rookwood Press, EMF Monographs, 1995); "Refus de la culpabilité: Médée et Corneille," Travaux de Littérature, ed. E. Guitton, (1995); "Naissance fortuite et fortunée d'un nouveau genre: Les Fâcheux," in Mélanges Claude Abraham, ed. F. Assaf, (1995/ 96); "Le monde comique cornélien: conventions, mentalités, mise en question," in Mélanges Cecilia Rizza, ed. Rosa Galli Pellegrini et al., U. di Genova, (1995/ 96); "Conseils d'un chat à une jeune souris: les leçons du livre XII," Actes de Londres, ed. Maya Slater, PFSCL, (1995); "Visions de l'autre dans la tragédie classique: le Romain et l'Oriental," FLS, (1996).

SZOGYI, ALEX. (Hunter C./ CUNY). Charmant La Fontaine [une analyse esthétique de son art], to be publ. in France.

TOBIN, RONALD W. (Calif. Santa Barbara). Bk: Jean Racine Revisited, (Simon & Schuster); Arts: "Pascal and the Jews," Abraham Festschrift; "Authority and Censorship in Tartuffe," Approaches to Teaching Molière (MLA); "Molière entre le cru et le cuit," Proceedings on "Littérature, gastronomie et plaisirs de la table," Centre Culturel de Palerme, May 1995.

TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE (U. Washington/ Pacific Lutheran U.). "Chimène, or the Scandal of the Feminine Word," PFSCL [the performative elements of her demand for justice threaten the integrity of her speech act and render it scandalous to other characters and to the 17th C. audience].

TOPOSATOR. Logiciel avec base de données (et mode d'emploi) conçu et réalisé par une équipe interdisciplinaire, publié par SATOR (voir supra). Contenu de la base de données: topos narratifs avec occurrences (plus de mille à ce jour). Contact Michèle Weil, U. de Montpellier 3, Route de Mende, 34032 Montpellier, France.

VEDVIK, J. D. (Colorado State). Editor, French 17; Computerized Index to 42 volumes of French 17(1953 94).

VERDIER, GABRIELLE (Wisconsin Milwaukee). See SATOR.

WEIL, MICHELE (U. Paul Valéry, Montpellier). See TOPOSATOR.

WESTERN SOCIETY FOR FRENCH HISTORY. Contact Francis J. Murphy, Dept. of History, Boston C., Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 [Tel. (617) 552–3811/ FAX (617) 552–2478].

WILLIAMS, CHARLES G. S. (Ohio State). "'Pen and Sword': Aristocratic Men's Writing, 1602–1666"; "The Collected Poems of Mme de la Suze; Mme de Motteville, Friendship and Death." Contrib. Ed., French 17.

WIMMERS, INGE. (Brown). "Conflicting Emotions: Personal and Cultural Vraisemblance in La Princesse de Clèves," Approaches to Teaching Lafayette (MLA).

WYGANT, AMY (Johns Hopkins). Art: "Boileau and the Sound of Satire," FMLS (1995).

ZARUCCHI, JEANNE MORGAN (Missouri St. Louis). Bks: Ludovicus Heroicus: The Visual and Verbal Iconography of the Medal, (EMF: Studies in Early Modern France); Reading the Royal Image: The Medals of Louis XIV; Crit. ed., La Querelle d'Alceste: Textes de Quinault, Perrault, Racine (with W. S. Brooks and B. Norman).

William Roberts

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