
Teaching La Princesse de Clèves

If you have included La Princesse de Clèves in your syllabus, consider utilizing the wonderful resources compiled by Leanna Bridge Rezvani on her website http://teachinglaprincessedecleves.com/

She explores plot, multiple forms of media, historical background, and contemporary controversy and provides some great teaching ideas!

Bonne préparation!!

Teaching Resources: 

Call to contributions

Dear colleagues, 


In order to create a useful and practical teaching resources platform on the new SE17/NASSCFL portal, we need your help! There are two ways in which you can participate and none of them should take much of your time. We are looking for examples of syllabi that you would agree to post on the website as well as samples of particularly successful lessons or sequences that you would like to share with the members of the SE17/NASSCFL portal. 


Teaching Resources: 

Le Style à la lettre: Jennifer Tamas

Ce cours vise à enseigner l'analyse et la création littéraires à des étudiants américains. Il a été enseigné à l'Institut d'études françaises d'Avignon au cours de l'été 2014.

Voici le blog contenant le syllabus, les conseils, les supports de cours (fiches grammaticales, articles, podcasts et vidéos) ainsi que les productions des étudiants:



Teaching Resources: