French 17 FRENCH 17

2008 Number 56


French 17 seeks to provide an annual survey of the work done each year in the general area of seventeenth-century French studies. It is as descriptive and complete as possible and includes summaries of articles, books, and book reviews. An item may be included in several numbers should a review of that item appear in subsequent years. French 17 lists not only works dealing with literary history and criticism, but also those which treat bibliography, linguistics and language, politics, society, philosophy, science and religion.

In order to be as complete as possible, the editor warmly encourages scholars to provide her or her co-editors with information about their published research.

Stephen A. Shapiro and
Suzanne C. Toczyski



Part I Bibliography, Linguistics and History of the Book
Part II Artistic, Political and Social Background
Part III Philosophy, Science and Religion
Part IV Literary History and Criticism
Part V Authors and Personages
Part VI Research in Progress


The following list is internally alphabetical. Where no abbreviation is given, titles are alphabetized as if abbreviated. All abbreviations are those of the Modern Language Association.

By the good will and hard work of the contributing editors of French 17, all recent issues of journals marked with an asterisk should be covered in this issue or in a recent or forthcoming issue. Scholars who publish in journals that are not marked with an asterisk should consider sending an offprint to the editor to insure coverage.

AION-SR Annali Instituto Universitario Orientale — Sezione Romanza*
AJFS Australian Journal of French Studies*
ALM Archives des Lettres Modernes
AnBret Annales de Bretagne
  Annales de l'Est
  Annales de l'Institut de Philosophie
Annales-ESC Annales-Economie, Société-Culture
Archiv Archiv für das Studium der Neveren Sprachen und Literaruren*
ArsL Ars Lyrica
  Art in America*
AUMLA Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language and Literature Association
BB Bulletin du Bibliophile
BCLF Bulletin Critique du Livre Français*
BILEUG Bolletino dell'Instituto de Lingue Esters (Genoa)
BJA British Journal of Aesthetics
BFR Bibliothèque Française et Romane*
BHR Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance*
BRMMLA Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature
BSHPF Bulletin de la Société Historique du Protestantisme Français
  Bulletin de la Bibliothèque Nationale
  Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin
  Bulletin de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe
  Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français*
  Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Bulletin de la Société Scientifique et Littéraire des Alpes-de-Haute Provence
  Bulletin Historique et Scientifique de l'Auvergne
  Burlington Magazine*
CRB Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud-Jean-Louis Barrault*
  Cahiers du Chemin
  Cahiers Saint-Simon
CAEIF Cahiers de l'Association International des Etudes Françaises*
CAT Cahiers d'Analyse Textuelle
CdDS Cahiers du Dix-Septième*
CHR Catholic History Review
Chum Computers and the Humanities
CIR17 Centre International de Rencontres sur le Dix-Septième Siècle
CL Comparative Literature*
ClassQ Classical Quarterly*
CLDSS Cahiers de Littérature du Dix-Septième Siècle*
CLS Comparative Literature Studies
CM Cahiers Maynard*
CMLR Canadian Modern Language Review*
CMR17 Centre Méridional de Recherche sur le Dix-Septième Siècle
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
  Collectanea Cisterciensia
CollG Colloquia Germanica*
CompD Comparative Drama*
CQ Cambridge Quarterly
CritI Critical Inquiry*
CTH Cahiers Tristan l'Hermite*
CUP Cambridge University Press
DAI Dissertation Abstracts International*
DFS Dalhousie French Studies
DownR Downside Review*
DSS Dix-Septième Siècle*
ECL Etudes Classiques*
ECr Esprit Créateur*
ECS Eighteenth Century Studies
EF Etudes Françaises*
EFL Essays in French Literature*
ELR English Literary Renaissance*
ELWIU Essays in Literature (Western Illinois)
EMF Studies in Early Modern France*
EP Etudes Philosophiques*
  Le Fablier*
FCS French Colonial Studies*
FHS French Historical Studies*
FL Figaro Littérature
FLS French Literature Series (University of South Carolina) *
FM Le Français Moderne
FMLS Forum for Modern Language Studies*
FR French Review*
Francia Periodico di Cultura Francese
FrF French Forum*
FS French Studies*
GAR The Georgia Review
GBA Gazette des Beaux-Arts
GCFI Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana
GRM Germanisch-romanisch Monatsschrift*
  History Today
HZ Historische Zeitschrift*
IL Information Littéraire*
JAAC Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism*
JES Journal of European Studies*
JHI Journal of the History of Ideas*
  Journal de la Société des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Journal des Savants
  Kentucky Romance Quarterly ~ see Romance Quarterly
L&M Literature and Medicine
LA Linguistica Antverpiensia
LangS Language Science
  Le Point*
  Les Livres
LetN Lettres Nouvelles
LFr Langue Française*
LI Lettere Italiane*
  Library Quarterly*
  Littératures Classiques*
LR Lettres Romanes*
LWU Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht
M&C Memory and Cognition*
M&T Marvels & Tales
  Magazine Littéraire
MD Modern Drama*
  Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Mémoires de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Bretagne
MHRA Modern Humanities Research Association
MLJ Modern Language Journal*
MLN Modern Language Notes*
MLQ Modern Language Quarterly*
MLR Modern Language Review*
MLS Modern Language Studies*
MP Modern Philology*
MusQ Musical Quarterly
NCSRLL North Carolina Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
Neophil Neophilologus*
  New Literary Criticism*
  New Republic*
NFS Nottingham French Studies
NL Nouvelles Littéraires*
NLH New Literary History*
  Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse
NRF Nouvelle Revue Française*
NYRB New York Review of Books
NYT New York Times*
NYTSBR New York Times Sunday Book Review*
OeC Œuvres et Critiques*
OL Orbis Litterarum*
P&L Philosophy and Literature*
P&R Philosophy and Rhetoric
PFSCL Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature*
  Philosophisches Jahrbuch
PhQ Philosophical Quarterly*
PMLA Publication of the Modern Language Association of America
PQ Philological Quarterly*
PRF Publications Romaines et Franaises
PUF Presses Universitaires de France
PUG Publications de L'Université de Grenoble
QL Quinzaine Littéraire*
RBPH Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire*
RdF Rivista di Filosofia (Torino)
RDM Revue des Deux Mondes*
RdS Revue de Synthèse*
RE Revue d'Esthétique
Ren&R Renaisssance and Reformation/ Renaissance et Réforme
RenQ Renaissance Quarterly*
  Revue d'Alsace
  Revue de l'Angenais
  Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuse
  Revue du Louvre
  Revue du Nord
RevR Revue Romaine*
  Revue Savoisienne
RF Romanische Forschungen*
RFHL Revue Française d'Histoire du Livre*
RFNS Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
RG Revue Générale*
RHE Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique
RHEF Revue de l'Histoire de l'Eglise de France*
Rhist Revue Historique
RHL Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France*
RHMC Revue d'Histoire Moderne Contemporaine
RHS Revue d'Histoire de la Spiritualité*
RHSA Revue d'Histoire des Sciences et de Leurs Applications*
RHT Revue d'Histoire du Théâtre*
RIPh Revue Internationale de Philosophie
  Rivista di Storia e Litteratura Religiosa
RJ Romanistiches Jahrbuch*
RLC Revue de Littérature Comparée*
RLM Revue des Lettres Modernes*
RLR Revue des Langues Romanes*
RMM Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale*
RMS Renaissance and Modern Studies*
RomN Romance Notes*
RPac Revue de Pacifique
RPFE Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger*
RPh Romance Philology*
RQ Romance Quarterly (formerly Kentucky Romance Quarterly)*
RPL Revue Philosophique de Louvain*
RR Romanic Review*
RSH Revue des Sciences Humaines*
RSPT Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques
Saggi Saggi e Richerche di Letteratura Francese
SATOR Société d'Analyse de la Topique Romanesque
SC The Seventeenth Century*
SCFS Seventeenth Century French Studies
SCN Seventeenth Century News*
SEDES Société d'Edition et d'Enseignement Supérieur
SFIS Stanford French and Italian Studies
SFr Studi Francese*
SFR Stanford French Review
SFrL Studies in French Literature*
SN Studia Neophilologica
SoAR South Atlantic Review*
SP Studies in Philology*
SPM Spicilegio Moderno: Saggi e Ricerche di Letterature e Lingue Straniere
STFM Société des Textes Français Modernes
  Studia Leibnitiana
  Studi di Litteratura Francese
SVEC Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century
SYM Symposium*
TDR TDR — The Drama Review*
TheatreS Theatre Studies*
THES [London] Times Higher Education Supplement*
ThR Theatre Research International*
ThS Theatre Survey
TJ Theatre Journal*
TL Travaux de Littérature Publiés par ADIREL*
TLS [London] Times Literary Supplement*
TM Temps Modernes*
TraLit Travaux de Littérature
TSRLL Tulane Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
UTQ University of Toronto Quarterly*
VQR Virginia Quarterly Review*
WLT World Literature Today*
YFS Yale French Studies*
  Yale Review*
YWMLS Year's Work in Modern Language Studies*
ZFSL Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur
  Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
ZRP Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie*


ADAMS, DAVID. Book Illustration, Taxes and Propaganda: the Fermiers-Généraux edition of La Fontaine's Contes et Nouvelles en vers of 1762. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 2006.

Review: D. Williams in FS 62.1 (2008), 77–8. This book should be read by those interested in La Fontaine, the history of the book and seventeenth- and eighteenth-century book illustration. Adam's "luminous interpretative study" contains detailed reproductions of the 1762 edition as well as those of earlier illustrated editions in 1732 and 1745 by Romeyn de Hooghe and Nicolas Cochin, respectively. Appealing to the generalist and specialist alike, this edition offers interesting and unexpected insights in the "aesthetic, moral, political and social mentality of mid-eighteenth-century France."

ADAMS, DAVID & ADRIAN ARMSTRONG, eds. Print and Power in France and England, 1500–1800. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006.

Review: P. Bromilow in MLR 103.1 (2008), 857–58. "In addition to the obvious potential for a comparative approach between France and England, this book opens up the engagement of a wide range of printed matter such as poetry, the Bible, pamphlets, academic writing, illustrated books, memoirs, and newspapers with four major themes: reading and control, progaganda and institutional power, publishing and intellectual elites, and clientism and faction."
Review: n.a. in FMLS 43 (2007), 480. This cohesive collection particularly as concerns techniques and rhetoric, is wide-ranging geographically, chronologically, and in the diversity of its subjects, all of which are related to print and power ("publishing, pamphlet politics, literary criticism, self-censorship, official costume, Protestant translations of the Bible [etc.]"). Includes a "useful and even-handed survey of the theoretical and historical terrain of. . .'power' and 'discourse'."

ASSAF, FRANCIS. "Pour une térato-lexicologie du XVIe siècle." S Fr 151 (2007), 32–41.

Examines a multitude of early modern texts, from Francion and Ambroise Paré's Des monstres et prodiges to letters and journals recounting observed "monstruosités," but focuses on key seventeenth-century dictionaries, leading Assaf to conclude that "la sémiotique et la lexicologie du monstre effectuent. . . un cheminement comparable à celui de tout autre savoir scientifique. Nous constatons une évolution à la fois du concept même du monstre et [d'] un développement intellectuel" (37, 38). Appendix contains extracts of monstrous births taken from accounts in le Journal des Sçavans from 1665 to 1707 and includes eyewitness records by noted physicians, for example, Joseph Guichard Duverney, "chirugien et anatomiste au Jardin du Roi."

AYRES-BENNETT, WENDY. Sociolinguistic Variation in Seventeenth-Century France: Methodology and Case Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004.

Review: A. E. Duggan in PFSCL XXXV (69), 749–752: Highlights the difficulty of the enterprise, i.e. the reconstruction of "non-standard usage and the spoken language of seventeenth-century France in order to account for linguistic variation according to socioeconomic status, register and style, and gender." Concludes that the study provides "important insights into how we might approach the representation of spoken French and linguistic variation in written texts, and in this regard [the] book can be of very practical use to scholars and students of seventeenth-century literature."

BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANÇAISE (XVIe–XXe siècles). Ed., Erec Ferey and collaborators. Paris: PUF, for the Société d'histoire de la littérature de la France,

supported by the CNRS and CNL."Année 2006" issued as RHL, vol. 107 "Hors série," 2007. Seventeenth-century section, pp. 85–134. Authors listed alphabetically by period. General indexes of names (pp. 603–700), titles (pp. 701–733), and subjects (by century, then alphabetical, pp. 735–780). Formerly also published as no. 3 of RHL. Now issued apart from journal, and with single pagination only. References stop at 2 April 2006; items received later will appear in next year's edition. Continues the well-known "Rancoeur Bibliography."


BLANCHARD, J.-V. L'Optique du discours au XVIIe sièvle: De la rhétorique des jésuites au style de la raison moderne. Québec: Presses Universitaires de Laval, 2005.

Review: H. Phillips in FS 62.3: 335. Overall this work receives a warm reception from the reviewer who notes its erudition and dense argument. "This book is not for the faint-hearted," he states. While at times fascinating, the study spends much energy in explanations, meaning that "the end [Descartes, Pascal] is rather rushed." Those interested in Descartes, Pascal, and Jesuit rhetoric will find compelling material here.

BREDNICH, ROLF WILHELM et al. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung. Vol. 11. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2003–2004.

Review: A. Gier in Archiv 244 (2007), 150–155: Welcome continuation of this major project, volume eleven includes articles on types of narratives, various narrative traditions of particular countries, and interdisciplinary perspectives. Gier's review includes comments on numerous entries. Seventeenth-century scholars will appreciate in particular the section on discourses or récits de voyage.

CIVARDI, JEAN-MARC. "Jean de Rotrou: Venceslas, Antigone, Le Véritable saint Genest." IL 59.3 (2007), 40–46:

A detailed bibliography on Rotrou's life, career, works, editions of his plays, selected topics, and esthetics.

COMBETTES, BERNARD & ANNIE KUYUMCUYAN. "La formation des modalisateurs en français: le cas des locutions formées sur vérité" LF 156 (2007), 76–92.

Discusses adverbials in en/à la vérité, which, they say, differs from other adverbials with a seemingly parallel construction. More specifically, examines how en/à la vérité develops in the 15th to 17th centuries.

CUMMINGS, ROBERT. "Recent Studies in English Translation, c.1520–c.1590." English Literary Renaissance 37 (2007), 274–316.

Despite the dates in the title of Cummings' review of research in translation, some entries in this annotated bibliography extend to 1660 and beyond, including the five-volume Oxford History of Literary Translation. Sections include: 1) General Studies which incorporates encyclopedias, bibliographies, collections and theoretical studies, 2) Special Topics, which includes language teaching and learning as well as tropes, women writers and communities, 3) Translations from Latin and Greek, 4) Studies of Translation from Modern Vernacular (French scholars will appreciate section A here which reviews translations from the French and includes Théophile de Viau as well as notable Renaissance authors) and 5) The State of Criticism, calling for "the publication of material from manuscript collections" (311).


Titles of biennial printed volumes vary; last cited paper vol. was no. 24 (1997–1998), compiled by Meryl Tyers. Separate seventeenth-century section, pp. 48–49. Alphabetic classification of projects covers all centuries, pp. 73–139. Index to Researchers, pp. 140–149.

CURRENT RESEARCH IN FRENCH STUDIES AT UNIVERSITIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND. Published by the Society for French Studies (<>); Internet version by Intexta Web Services. Editor: David Jones

<>. On home page, click on "17th Century" section. Other addresses: <> or web (direct link to seventeenth century site), [Information as of 2006.]

DESROSIERS, MYLENE & ROXANNE ROY. "Eléments de bibliographie." OeC 32.1 (2007), 99–124.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. "Sans prétendre aucunement à l'exhaustivité, il nous a semblé utile de présenter aux lecteurs une bibliographie des principaux travaux de Marc Fumaroli afin de rendre compte à la fois de la diversité et de l'importance de son oeuvre. Faute d'espace, nous n'avons pas retenu les ouvrages qui ont été traduits ni les rééditions, et sans doute les écrits consacrés à l'art de même que les contributions de M. Fumaroli aux différents quotidiens ou hebdomadaires français et étrangers mériteraient d'être complétés. . ."

LE FRANÇAIS CLASSIQUE. 1500–1650. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut National de la Langue Française, Centre d'Études Lexicologiques et Lexicographiques des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, 8). Paris: Champion, 2004.

Review: H. Symeonidis in Archiv 244 (2007), 438–440: Focuses on regional characteristics of the early modern French language as it brings together a team of excellent specialists to produce systematic lexicographic research notable here for both its qualitative and quantitative results.

FRENCH REVIEW. "Dissertations in Progress," ed. Gisèle Loriot-Raymer. FR 81.2 (2007), 442–451.

Seventeenth-century entries, pp. 444–445 (in progress); p. 450 (defended, 2006–2007). The 44th annual listing of French and Francophone titles. Literary titles classified by century, then by subject. Cross-referenced according to a numbering system. Intended as a supplement to previous editions.

JACQUENTIN-GAUDET, ALBERTE, ed. Joannes Serreius [Jean Serrier]: Grammaire française (1623). Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: G. Siouffi in FS 61.4 (2007), 510–11. This reedition of Serreius' work is "precious." "On peut," says the reviewer, "y voir l'un des derniers témoins de l'attachement au latin qui gouvernait la description des langues à usage pédagogique en Europe."

JOURDE, MICHEL & JEAN-CHARLES MONFERRAN, eds. Le Lexique métalittéraire français (XVIe–XVIIe siècles). Genève: Droz, 2006.

Review: M. Clément in BHR 69.3 (2007), 820–21: "De l'importance de repérer ce que nommer veut dire, tel est le sujet de ce recueil. Il ne s'agit pas ici d'un lexique comme le titre pourrait le laisser penser (pauvre lexique de douze entrées!) mais d'une réflexion à partir de douze cas précis sur ce que suppose une élaboration lexicale à un moment donnée." Les analyses du volume "s'emploient tantôt à montrer à l'oeuvre un 'processus de constitution du genre'. . .; tantôt à débusquer les raisons d'un échec de dénomination: 'translations' pour qualifier la métaphore ou 'diastole' pour qualifier la diérèse; tantôt à redéfinir ce que nous croyons connu, comme 'composition' chez Peletier, 'éloquence' chez Guez de Balzac, 'comique chez Des Autels, 'essai' chez certains poètes comme Mage de Fiefmélin ou "Vie" chez Colletet, mots tellement évidents qu'on les lit sans en comprendre les enjeux."

KERN, THOMAS, ed. French Illuminated Manuscripts (ninth to eighteenth century). Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2007.

Review: L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 70.1 (2008), 177: Paperback illustrated in color and presented by the museum's curator of manuscripts. "Most are religious pictures from psalters, bibles, sacramentaries. . ."

KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. by Astrid Klapp-Lehrmann. Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 2007.

Band XLIV "1006": Seventeenth-century section, pp. 333–395. Begun in 1956.


MAGNANINI. SUZANNE. "Postulated Routes from Naples to Paris: The Printer Antonio Bulifon and Giambattista Basile's Fairy Tales in Seventeenth-Century France." Marvels & Tales 21.1 (2007), 78–92.

(Abstract:) "A vast network of correspondence linking French and Italian intellectuals in the seventeenth century reveals three distinct routes by which Giambattista Basile's Lo cunto de li cunti could have arrived in France in the 1680s. Each route begins with Antonio Bulifon (1649–1707), a French printer working in Naples, who printed an edition of Basile's fairy tales in 1674. In the first scenario, the Benedictine monk and renowned scholar Jean Mabillon purchases a copy of Lo cunto while visiting Bulifon's bookshop during his book-buying mission for Louis XIV in 1685. In the second, Mabillon orders the other copies of Lo cunto after his return to Paris in 1686. In the third, Bulifon carries the tales to France himself when he returns to conduct business in 1687. Many other plausible routes of transmission still remain to be investigated."

MERCIER, ALAIN. Le Tombeau de la mélancolie. Littérature et facétie sous Louis XIII. Avec une bibliographie des éditions facétieuses parues de 1610 à 1643. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 392: Truly impressive treatment of the topic, along with "un'enorme quantità di testi identificati e analizzati." Volume I includes a study of the facétie in the medieval and Renaissance eras as well as the early seventeenth-century, analyses of specific aspects of the genre, authors, actors and history. Volume II contains "una straordinaria bibliografia critica" of all the texts that Mercier has recorded from 1610–1643 (over 1500 texts!) and a short conclusion. Of great importance in itself as well as rich and suggestive for future studies.
Review: Ch. Mazouer in RHLF 107.4 (962–963), This study can be seen as a monumental critical bibliography of the facetious editions that appeared between 1610–1643 in which Mercier also turns into a "historien des mœurs, des mentalités et de la littérature." Parts III and IV are more literary in nature. They present a typology of "litterérature facétieuse" and discuss particular authors.

MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL. "Doctoral Degrees Granted in Foreign Languages in the United States: 2006," ed. David P. Benseler. MLJ 91.3 (Fall 2007), 446–461.

French section, pp. 452–453. Begun in 1926. This year's listing is delayed due to the death of Dr. Benseler, who had edited this documentation for 30 years; see In Memoriam note in vol. 92.3 (Fall 08), p.430. A comprehensive tribute will be published in vol. 92.4 (Winter 08). "Doctoral Degrees 2007" article to appear ON-LINE ONLY, about the same time as the Winter number, but not in hard copy. See the MLJ website,

NIDERST, ALAIN. "Sur la circulation des livres et des spectacles en Europe." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 17–27.

Sets out to answer the question: "comment se faisait au XVIIe siècle la circulation des livres et des spectacles d'un pays à l'autre? Comment le poète rouennais a-t-il pu connaître ce qui se jouait et s'imprimait à Rome ou à Madrid, et comment ses tragédies ont-elles pu inspirer les poètes d'Amsterdam ou de Vienne?"


(Nw title: PERIODICALS ARCHIVE ONLINE and PERIODICALS INDEX ONLINE). In collaboration with ARTFL, provides complete text of many important journals. Access http://pao or For non-subscribers, access may require going through library "electronic resources." For new databases, "click one of the buttons at the bottom to continue on to the new homepage." See also YEAR'S WORK (infra).

RABER, KAREN. "Recent Ecocritical Studies of English Renaissance Literature." ELR 37 (2007), 151–71.

Although the focus of Raber's critical bibliography is on English literature, an important number of entries will be of interest to seventeenth-century French scholars, for example Marjorie Garber's article on Poussin. The inclusion of early examples of ecocriticism is relevant as it demonstrates the longstanding character of the field. Helpful definition of ecocriticism and reference to the website of the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE). Includes 1) Background Studies, 2) General Studies, 3) Studies of Individual Topics, 4) Studies of Individual Writers and a short section on the State of Criticism. Raber notes that "after nearly two decades of prominence for nineteenth- and twentieth-century critical studies, ecocritical treatments of texts from earlier periods are beginning to accumulate, generating a new and provocative direction for early modern studies generally, and adding historical nuance to ecocritical theory and argument for the twenty-first century" (167–68).

ROBERTS, WILLIAM, D. "Research in Progress." French 17 Bibliography, no. 55 (2007), pp. 169–186.

SABA, GUIDO. Bibliographie des écrivains français. Théophile de Viau. Paris: Memini, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 697 (2007), 4: "Collection de haute érudition, destinée aux spécialistes d'un auteur donné. . . On doit à un savant italien, Guido Saba, une bibliographie qui fera date, sur Théophile de Viau, poète baroque et maudit, victime de son franc-parler, de ses imprudences et, sans doute, bouc émissaire qui paya pour une école littéraire entière."

SCOTT, PAUL. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. 68 (2006). London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2008.

Seventeenth-century section, pp. 158–212. Brief summaries combined at times with short commentaries of recently published works in French studies in the seventeenth century. Works are organized by theme and author into five categories: General, Poetry, Drama, Prose, and Thought. Begun in 1929. Volumes from 1930 to 1994 available in full text online through Periodicals Archive Online. See also YEAR'S WORK IN MODERN LANGUAGE STUDIES.

TURCAN, ISABELLE. "Le 'prosateur,' de Gilles Ménage à Jean-Paul Sartre: le mot et l'idée." TL 20 (2007), 41–59.

Important for its contribution to linguistics, literary criticism, lexicography and to the "univers culturel des passions littéraires, linguistiques et socioculturelles" (59). Thorough and highly instructive, Turcan's analysis cites numerous dictionaries from those of Ménage, Richelet, Furetière and others from the seventeenth-century to the Trésor de la langue française (en ligne sur The interested reader learns not only that orateur served the concept until Ménage borrowed prosateur from the Italian, but that in doing so he as well as other neologizers encountered serious opposition such as that of Vaugelas and le Père Bouhours (including, for example: "sans un verbe proser, pas de prosateur" 48). We learn from this highly readable article that for Bescherelle, "Bossuet fut le premier prosateur" (W. von Wartburg would give that honor to Calvin!) and that prosatrice finally found its way into Napoléon Landais' 19th c. dictionary.


VOLPILHAC-AUGER, CATHERINE,sous la dir. de. D'une Antiquité l'autre: la littérature antique classique dans les bibliothèques du XVe au XIXe siècle. Lyon: Ecole normale supérieure Lettres et sciences humaines, 2006.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 684 (2006), 41–42: ". . .quatorze contributions au colloque organisé à Lyon en 2003 par l'Institut d'histoire du livre. Si les approches sont variées, toutes convergent vers le sujet général. Avec l'Antiquité classique, il s'agit d'examiner une tradition fondatrice des études littéraires, un système d'éducation et de pensée qui est venu à se confondre avec la culture elle-même." Voir l'article de P. Hourcade sur la bibliothèque de Saint-Simon.

YEARS WORK IN MODERN LANGUAGE STUDIES (Hardbound edition). Leeds: Maney Publishing for the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA), 2007.

Vol. 68, "2006," "French Studies: The Seventeenth Century," pp.158–212. By Paul Scott (Kansas). Brief summaries of books and articles on seventeenth-century period. Works divided into five categories: General, Poetry, Drama, Prose, and Thought. Begun in 1929.


Online full text coverage for 1929–1994, available on the Internet from PCI (Periodicals Full Text). Ann Arbor, MI: Bell & Howell, c. 2001- . Subscriber access: . Select Browse, and double click "Literature," then scroll down to YWMLS, and click on vol. no., up to 56 (1994), for Table of Contents. A wider Author Search, and e-mail recovery available. Some patience advised.


AGAPIOU, NATALIA. Endymion au carrefour: La fortune littéraire et artistique du mythe d'Endymion à l'aube de l'ère moderne, Ikonographische Repertorien zur Rezeption des antiken Mythos in Europa 4. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2005.

Review: P. Hunt in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 983–85: Highly recommended as "an insightful new study by a gifted linguist and sensitive literary imagist" who is also praised for her "sleuthing" efforts through an extensive corpus, both artistic and literary (984). A useful guide for future studies. seventeenth-century specialists will appreciate the inclusion of Poussin and Galileo. Index, illustrations, bibliography.

APPELBAUM, ROBERT. Aguecheek's Beef, Belch's Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections: Literature, Culture, and Food among the Early Moderns. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006.

Review: J Purnis in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 1038–39: Wide-ranging geographically and chronologically, Appelbaum's volume "deftly synthesizes myriad critical perspectives in his interpretation of the 'semiotics of food and feeding' (216) in an impressive range of textual material-including drama prose fiction, epic, travel writing, medical documents, and cookbooks-from a number of European nations and ranging from the classical period to the eighteenth century" (1038). Recommended to scholars as well as to the general reader, Appelbaum's study not only treats allusions to food in literature, but also the influence of publication on diet and eating as a cultural practice, utopian dining and myth, the colonial experiment, among other subjects.

BAES, CHRISTIAN. "Prendre l'argent plutôt que le sang: la contribution de guerre au XVIIe siècle." RBPH 85.3–4 (2007), 663–684.

"De nos jours synonyme d'impôt, la contribution est une taxe de guerre spécifique au XVIIe siècle, dont la nature comme le mode de perception changent graduellement tout au long de la période. La documentation ici rassemblée permet d'esquisser une périodisation en trois temps qui transforme cette taxe aléatoire en un impôt collectif systématique."

BARILLY-LEGUY, MARTINE. "Le livre de mes anciens grands-pères." Le livre de raison d'une famille mancelle du Grand Siècle (1567–1675). Rennes: PUR, 2006.

Review: I. Robin-Romero in DSS 239 (2008), 368–369: "Cette très belle source, éditée de façon rigoureuse dans une première partie de l'ouvrage, nous fait entrer dans la chronique d'une famille mancelle racontée par Jehan, Julian, Julien et enfin Charles Bodreau. Pour mieux comprendre la trame des existences, pour restituer la famille dans son environnement urbain, social et culturel, un patient travail de collecte dans les archives manuscrites et imprimées était nécessaire." In great detail, the author outlines over the course of six chapters, "la lignée, l'éducation, l'amitié conjugale, la mort chez les Bodreau, puis la sédentarité, les peurs du temps, la religion et leur insertion dans la cité et le royaume."

BÉLIN, CHRISTIAN, ed. La méditation au XVIIe siècle: rhétorique, art, spiritualité. Paris, Champion, 2006.

Review: V. Kapp, PFSCL XXXV (69), 752–755: Reviewer applauds the publication of this volume which he sees as complementary to Bélin's La Conversation intérieure (2002), while developing analyses of the links between la méditation and music, drama and the novel.

BENOIT, MARCELLE. Les événements musicaux sous le règne de Louis XIV. Chronologie. Paris: Picard, 2004. "La vie musicale en France sous les Rois Bourbons," n. 33.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 151 (2007), 173: Inventory, year by year, from 1644 to 1715, of all the musical events in France; also includes various indications such as dates of the birth and death of the musicians, their works, critical works relating to the music of the time, music of the church, the academy, the role of music and general history and, for each year, one or more texts concerning music is reproduced. A bibliography accompanies the chronology.

BERCHTOLD, JACQUES & MARIE-MADELEINE FRAGONARD, eds. La Mémoire des guerres de religion. La concurrence des genres historiques (XVI–XVIIIe siècles). Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: E. Herdman in MLR 103.2 (2008), 533–34: "The fifteen articles in this volume explore the historiographical genres employed to evoke the wars between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries; a further volume studying the nineteenth century is envisaged. Marie-Madeleine Fragonard's excellent methodological introduction raises historiographical questions such as the blurring of traditionally literary and historical genres, the quest for authenticity and the position of the historian, and the challenges to historiography in different historical contexts. The chronologically arranged articles combine explorations of individual genres and specific case studies: contextual readings are often employed and elisions with each historian's contemporary political concerns frequently emerge."
Review: A. Mellet in BHR 69.3 (2007), 828–31: "Cet ouvrage réunit les actes du premier colloque de l'équipe Formes et idées de la Renaissance aux Lumières (Université de Paris III). Il est constitué de quinze articles consacrés à la représentation des guerres de religion françaises dans différents genres littéraires entre 1560 et 1780. Comme l'indique M.-M. Fragonard dans un beau texte introductif, trois problématiques majeures se croisent dans ces études: celle de la nature de l'actualisation d'un passé conflictuel, celle de la constitution d'une méthode historique et de l'utilisation de textes anciens, enfin celle de la circulation des références au passé à travers plusieurs genres historiographiques."
Review: N. Salliot in DSS 238 (2008), 178–180: "Les quinze contributions et leur présentation (par M.-M. Fragonard) s'attachent à l'écriture de l'histoire des guerres de Religion du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. Classées par ordre chronologique, elles posent le problème de la relation mémorielle à un passé plus ou moins proche, traumatisant, parfois occulté, délicat à appréhender et toujours soumis au risque d'une vision partiale ou parcellaire, mais dont le souvenir, retravaillé par les formes qui le diffusent, demeure essentiel pour la réflexion politique et religieuse, et ce jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle."

BLIN, ARNAUD. 1648, la paix de Westphalie ou la naissance de l'Europe politique moderne. Brussels: Complexe, 2006.

Review: CHOICE. Mentioned in Choice 45 (2007) as a Significant European Scholarly Title for 2006.

BLOCKER, DEBORAH & ELIE HADDAD. "Protections et statut d'auteur à l'époque moderne: Formes et enjeux des pratiques de patronage dans la querelle du Cid (1637)". FHS 31.3 (2008), 381–416.

Les auteurs analysent "le rôle des écrits dans les échanges sociaux et sur la manière dont les compétences de certains scripteurs sont mobilisées dans l'espace social". En prenant comme exemple Le Cid de Corneille, les auteurs expliquent que "l'interrogation sur le patronage des gens de lettres invite en réalité à repenser l'ensemble de nos conceptions du fait "littéraire" à l'époque moderne."

BRITNELL, JENNIFER & ANN MOSS, eds. Female Saints and Sinners-Saintes et Mondaines (France 1450–1650). Durham: U of Durham, 2002.

Review: C. Magnien-Simonin in BHR 69.3 (2007), 798–99: "Actes d'un colloque qui a eu lieu à l'Université de Durham en septembre 2000, ce volume soigné, de fort bonne tenue, regroupe quinze articles in utraque lingua, sept en anglais et huit en français de chercheurs américains, britanniques et français." Voir, entre autres, la contribution de Séverine Génieys qui "définit l'héroïne de Madeleine de Scudéry par sa générosite."

BROOKS, JEANICE. "Music as Erotic Magic in a Renaissance Romance." Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1207–1256.

Highly informative study focuses on the musical writings of alchemist/philosopher Jacques Gohory who adapted several volumes of Amadis de Gaule. Although the focus of the article is the Renaissance (Gohory died in 1575), the pages on "romance reading" and musical adaptations include considerations on the practice of Henri IV and his rejected wife in using romance and music therapeutically. Brooks' analysis of a letter of Malherbe reveals a certain "urgency" and possible "belief in song [on the part of Henri IV] as both erotic cure and potential charm" (1249). Excellent and lengthy bibliography.

CARRIER, HUBERT. Le labyrinthe de l'Etat. Essai sur le débat politique en France au temps de la Fronde (1648–1653). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.

Review: P. Ronzeaud in DSS 240 (2008), 559–562: In this product of extraordinary research, the author "a voulu emblématiser la complexité de l'espace politique et l'opacité des cheminements de carrière ou de pensée contemporains, mais il a, ainsi, presque décrit par antiphrase son propre ouvrage, d'une composition et d'une méthode lumineusement claires, et qui réussit le tour de force de rendre, pour le lecteur, quasiment simples les éléments, les enjeux et les issues des débats politiques, théoriques et pratiques, inscrits dans l'immense corpus des Mazarinades."

CARROLL, STUART. Blood and Violence in Early Modern France. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006.

Review: P. Solon in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 570–71: Judged "a book that must be read" though some readers may not be persuaded that "such an elusive concept as vindicatory violence is a satisfactory diagnostic device" (571). Both specific incidents and collective examples of violence are analyzed across four centuries. As Carroll examines this "vindicatory violence," he documents it by exploiting "trial records, pardon papers, and family records as well as traditional narrative sources. . . [and assembling] the materials into databases allowing reconstruction of narratives of dispute" (S. 571). Helpful illustrations, tables, maps, index and bibliography.

CHORPENNING, JOSEPH F., ed. Emblemata Sacra: Emblem Books from the Maurits Sabbe Library, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Philadelphia: St. Joseph's UP, 2006.

Review: D. Russell in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 252–254: Praiseworthy both for its high quality reproduction and clear and knowledgeable commentary, Chorpenning's edited volume is "the catalogue of the exhibition of Catholic emblem books originally mounted in conjunction with the Emblemata Sacra conference in Leuven in January 2005" and "developed and published in conjunction with the exhibition's venue at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia" (2006). Catalogue commentary on some 70 emblem books and manuscripts (from the U of Leuven's library) is provided by Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé, Ralph Dekoninck and Mark van Vaeck. Thematically arranged, the exhibit and catalogue demonstrate numerous and fascinating insights into meditation and the use of motifs, the execution of emblems, especially in Jesuit colleges and printing practices.

CLARK, HENRY C. Compass of Society: Commerce and Absolutism in Old-Regime France. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007.

Review: L. Rollo in Choice 45 (2007), 695: A history of the concept of commerce. Organized in three sections: the seventeenth century, the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution. Clark's "description of old regime France as a "low trust" society fractured by modernizing forces (absolutism and capitalism) is persuasive" (695). Highly recommended by reviewer.

CONSTANT, JEAN-MARIE. "Le rôle pionnier de Marc Fumaroli dans l'histoire du XVIIe siècle." OeC 32.1 (2007), 73–84.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. "J'ai choisi, de façon très subjective, des publications, qui ont eu une très grande influence sur les travaux que j'ai pu mener. Le premier ouvrage, que j'ai rencontré, est la publication des Mémoires d'Henri Campion, qui sont suivis par les Entretiens d'histoire, de politique et de morale. Je vais m'attarder à montrer l'importance de ce livre, pour la connaissance de cette première moitié du XVIIe siècle, que j'oserai qualifier de baroque, par rapport à la deuxième période qui a suivi, à qui toutes les qualités du classicisme du règne de Louis XIV sont attribuées. . . je me pencherai ensuite sur le séminaire du Collège de France, qui a été consacré à Marie de Médicis. Cette reine est pousuivie par une légende noire, qu'elle est loin de mériter. Ce beau livre consacré à une Reine qui a été une mécène et a joué un rôle important, me paraît être aussi une oeuvre entièrement pionnière."

DAGEN, JEAN & PHILIPPE ROGER, eds. Un siècle de deux cents ans? Les XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles: continuités et disconuités. Paris: Desjonquières, 2004.

Review: E. Koch in FS 61.4 (2007), 509–10. This, in the reviewer's words, is an "important volume that will... open important lines of interrogation in scholarship on the relations of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries." Notably, this collection of essays about literature, history and the arts succeeds in overcoming the teleological historicism that has defined so much literature about this period.

DARMON, JEAN-CHARLES and GEORGES MOLINIÉ, eds. Libertinage et politique au temps de la monarchie absolue. Littératures classiques 55 (été 2005).

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 596: This number of LC explores connections between "libertinage" and "politique" and is arranged in sections as follows: "Thématiques et enjeux spécifiques de la critique libertine: entre conformisme apparent et subversion radicale," and "Modalités et effets de l'art d'écrire libertin: d'un genre à l'autre, d'un siècle à l'autre." Also includes introductions by Darmon and Molinié and an Annexe with a text of Gassendi.

DEKONINCK, RALPH. Ad imaginem. Status, fonctions et usages de l'image dans la littérature spirituelle jésuite du XVIIe siècle. Geneva: Droz, 2005.

Review: G.A. Bailey in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 254–256: Highly praiseworthy and erudite, Dekonnick's new study provides "the most thorough survey of seventeenth-century Jesuit print culture in existence" and includes "illustrated gospels, meditative images, emblem books, spiritual exercises and virtual pilgrimages." Particularly instructive for its demonstration of the "complicated mechanics of [Jesuit] spiritual and meditative processes,. . . education and missionary work." Divided into two sections, an exploration of theory ("the theology of the visible," "the principle of logos made image," "the world [as] a book,. . . as a mirror,. . . [and] as a work of art or theater with God as the artist-choreographer") and a demonstration of practice ("how images in Antwerp between 1585 and 1640 were used to inspire and guide meditation"). Found impressive as it "rallies together the forces of theology, anthropology and image theory," Dekonnick's volume is essential to future studies of the genre.
Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 151 (2007), 170: Praised as a "splendido libro," Dekoninck's masterful volume is organized in two parts as a "défense" and an "illustration" of the image. The "défense" is an ample "philosophie des images" and the work as a whole the result of a vast and erudite inquiry which establishes the unifying thread of a Jesuit theory "qui au lieu de penser l'image comme une réalité en soi l'envisage du point de vue des différentes formes de relation que l'on peut entretenir avec elle."

FAVREAU, MARC. "Entre croyance et art d'une élite: la religion chrétienne et sa pratique à l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture au XVIIe siècle (1648–1715)." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, Biblio 17 175 (2008), 319–336.

Looks at religious practices among members of the Royal Academy, through a number of archival documents. He remarks the absence of religious items within the academy's walls, as well as tolerance and unity among artists from different religions. He concludes by noting a banalization of religion in the eighteenth century.

FRANGENBERG, THOMAS & ROBERT WILLIAMS, eds. The Beholder: The Experience of Art in Early Modern Europe. Histories of Vision 4. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006.

Review: M. B. Hall in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1387–89: "Beholder" is the key term in these ten essays' theoretical underpinnings as their authors "provide insight into the way a piece would have been viewed by its own culture" (1388). Wide-ranging as it treats artistic expressions from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, along with letters exchanged with patrons, drawings, pamphlets by painters, etc. Reviewer is surprised by "the absence [here]. . . of a study of artist's technique and working practice" (1389), while appreciating studies of portraiture, still-life and a "daring" and "productive" application of psychoanalysis to Botticelli's nudes (1389).

GAMBELLI, DELIA & LETIZIA NORCI CAGIONO, eds. Le Théâtre en musique et son double (1600–1762). Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: J. Gilroy in FR 81 (2008), 581–82: Assembles the proceedings of a conference in 2000 on Lully, opera parodies, and the French Academy of Music. The work includes treatment of the origins of opera in Italy, its arrival and development in France, and its gradual adaptation to a French public. Several papers which address parodies of opera and of Lully chart a means by which opera moved toward heightened naturalness and realism.

GARAPON, JEAN, ed. Armées, guerre et société dans la France du XVIIe siècle. Actes du VIIIe Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, Nantes, 18–20 mars, 2004. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2006.

Review: C. Rolla in S Fr 153 (2007), 647–648: These acts present the scholarship of twenty specialists and define a rich, multifaceted picture of war, not limited to literature, but including perspectives from all forms of the beaux arts. Presented in homage to Wolfgang Leiner, honorary president of CIR 17 (see Cecilia Rizza's "In memoriam"), the volume is organized in six sections as follows: "Guerres et sociétés," "Visions chrétiennes," "La guerre dans la fiction," "Guerre et existence," "La guerre et le théâtre musicale," "La glorification de la guerre."

GORRIS, ROSANNA,dir. Les Montagnes de l'esprit. Imaginaire et histoire de la montagne à la Renaissance. Actes du Colloque International, Saint-Vincent, 22–23 november 2002. Aosta: Musumeci Editore, 2005.

Review: S. Arena in BHR 68.3 (2006), 620–22: Volume pluridisciplinaire en quatre parties: la première partie "est consacrée à la métaphore de la montée comme élévation intérieure, élan de l'âme vers Dieu et parcours personnel vers la connaissance et la purification"; la deuxième section est consacrée "à la représentation des montagnes dans les oeuvres artistiques et littéraires"; dans la troisième partie, "les montagnes de la Renaissance sont explorées sur la base des oeuvres des cosmographes et des progrès de la cartographie"; le volume "s'achève sur une quatrième partie de nature historique."

GRAFTON, ANTHONY. What Was History? The Art of History in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge UP, 2007.

Review: M. L. Colish in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1293–95: Praiseworthy both for "illuminating the rise, development, and supersession of ars historica" and for calling for more breadth as well as nuance in our understanding of Renaissance humanism (1294–95). Time period covered is from 1550–1700. Grafton traces, explores, and illustrates "successive stages" of debates on reading history while offering helpful analyses of both well-known figures such as Jean Bodin (1530–96) and numerous lesser known ones which merit appreciation. Found "erudite and engagingly written" (1294). Illustrations and bibliography.

GUERCI, LUCIANO, "Barruel, Bossuet e la democrazia nel 1789." S Fr 149 (2006), 319–332.

Impressively detailed and argued exposition of Jesuit Augustin Barruel's thought. Guerci develops the relationship between the latter's arguments (for example, the "thèse royale") and Bossuet's writings, notably his Politique tirée des propres paroles de l'Écriture sainte. If Barruel does not always acknowledge Bossuet (in the former's development of the concept of the king as a "père commun", for example), Guerci carefully demonstrates the clear reliance even in implicit references. Valuable article for several disciplines, especially religion, political science and government, for the reception of Bossuet and the proper understanding of Barruel.

HAAR, JAMES, ed. European Music 1520–1640. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music 5. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2006.

Review: B. J. Blackburn in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1391–92: Addressing both scholars and students, this volume contains "conceptual essays" (such as "Renaissance Humanism and Music" and "The Concept of the Baroque") as well as "narrative chapters" with genres subsumed under countries (France is included, but the reviewer gives no details). Index is judged "disappointing" with important omissions; the lack of illustrations is found "surprising" (1392).

HARRIS, JOSEPH. Hidden Agendas: Cross-Dressing in Seventeenth-Century France. Tubingen: Narr, 2005.

Review: J. Prest in MLR 103.3 (2008), 853: "Therein lies one of the many asymmetries that abound in Harris's fascinating study: if cross-dressing can be neatly defined as a form of inversion—that is, the adoption by an individual of clothing generally thought to belong to the opposite biological sex—then this must immediately be qualified by the crucial fact that male-to-female and female-to-male cross-dressing are perceived to work very differently, in life as in literature. A second asymmetry is to be found in the fact that the frequency with which cross-dressing features in seventeenth-century French literature far outweighs its occurrence in real life. This disparity indicates, among other things, that the phenomenon was a source of considerable interest for the contemporary reading public."

HEYWOOD, COLIN. Growing up in France: from the ancien régime to the Third Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Review: R. Spickermann in Choice 45 (2008), 1406: A history of changing notions of childhood which avoids over-reliance on top-down source materials and which turns instead to diaries and autobiographies. Describes a gradual shift in perceptions of children—a construction of them as inherently sinful is shown to give way to views which posit children's need for love and guidance. A useful contribution to the field; recommended by the reviewer.

HYDE, ELIZABETH. Cultivated Power: Flowers, Culture, and Politics in the Reign of Louis XIV. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.

Review: B. Hamon-Porter in FR 81 (2008), 1283–84: Tracing the representation and cultural meaning of flowers from their association with women and "nature unchecked and uncivilized" to their association with men, civilization, and culture, Hyde underscores the significance of this shift by documenting Louis XIV's interest in flowers and their use in his self-glorification. Considering issues such as how much space in the Versailles gardens was actually devoted to flowers, whether flowers were concentrated in the primarily public or more private areas of the estate, and how the cultivation of flowers fit into a Colbertian economy of homegrown (rather than imported) luxuries, Hyde lends considerable scope to her project. Her study "joins a growing number of works exposing the intricate way in which power used nature to further its reach" (1283).

KAPP, VOLKER. "Paris et Rome, capitales de la République européenne des Lettres dans l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli." OeC 32.1 (2007), 9–24.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré "à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. "On pourrait ériger la problématique qui nous occupe ici en fil d'Ariane de l'oeuvre de Fumaroli puisque ce brillant professeur d'université dresse dans sa thèse L'âge de l'éloquence. Rhétorique et 'res literaria' de la Renaissance au seuil de l'époque classique (1980) un panorama de l'art oratoire pour mettre en évidence que ses métamorphoses depuis l'Antiquité greco-romaine jusqu'au seuil du Grand Siècle français sont liées à l'émergence de la République des Lettres et au déplacement de sa capitale de Rome à Paris, déplacement qui correspond à un glissement de la sphère cléricale vers les cercles laïcs et mondains." Kapp se propose d'étudier "quatre facettes de ce concept: 1. son impact sur la vision du classicisme français; 2. son importance pour caractériser l'identité française; 3. les liens entre la République des Lettres et l'histoire de la rhétorique; 4. le statut du concept de la République des Lettres.

KAVANAGH, THOMAS. Dice, Cards, Wheels: A Different History of French Culture. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.

Review: J. Hayes in MLQ 68 (2007), 575–78: Gambling, a subject addressed in some of Kavanagh's earlier work on the Enlightenment, is examined here through analysis of literary and filmic representations extending from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Kavanagh approaches games of chance as sources of insight into French society's understanding of itself, its tensions, and its preoccupations. A chapter on Pascal may be of particular interest for dix-septièmistes, though the reviewer notes that "the chapter. . . leaves something to be desired because of its very abstraction. Indeed, in Kavanagh's reading, Pascal's gambler is a historical anomaly. . . he remains worlds away from the carnality of medieval dicing bodies, yet Pascal's skepticism of our capacity to understand the world rendered him unacceptable to the heralds of the philosophical Enlightenment" (576).

KERN, THOMAS, ed. French Illuminated Manuscripts (Ninth to Eighteenth century). Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2007.

Review: L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 70.1 (2008), 177: Paperback illustrated in color and presented by the museum's curator of manuscripts. "Most are religious pictures from psalters, bibles, sacramentaries. . ."

LANINI, KARINE. Dire la vanité à l'âge classique: paradoxes d'un discours. Paris, Champion, 2006.

Review: O. Ranum, PFSCL XXXV (69), 768–772: Very favorable review. "Lanini's book reaches far deeper than [a defense of modernity], by exploring fundamentally new, more intense notions of vanitas that she characterises as 'laïque' because the human condition that is elucidated is trans-historical and beyond the boundary of religions." Author is "not only a formidable close reader of many different genres [. . .], she is illuminating in her prose analysis of still-life and vanité paintings. Her command of the literature on Western attitudes toward death is very strong, and her writing about Pascal, Bossuet, Lenclos, Sévigné, Claesz, Champaigne and Stoskopff inspires awe."

LANOE, CATHERINE. La Poudre et le fard. Une histoire des cosmétiques de la Renaissance aux Lumières. Seyssel, France: Champ Vallon, 2008.

Review: V. Milliot in QL 975 (du 1er au 15 Septembre 2008), 21: 《  Le livre de Catherine Lanoé montre comment le visage constitue à la fois un outil symbolique qui permet l'agrégation à un groupe (...) comme la construction d'identités individuelles de plus en plus diversifiées, lorsque les soins du corps et les plaisirs de l'intimité deviennent choses mieux partagées dans la société des Lumières. Le grand intérêt de ce nouveau volet de l'histoire des apparences et des sensibilités est son croisement avec une histoire de l'innovation et des façons de produire ce que l'on consomme, comme avec une histoire de la diffusion sociale des biens de consommation.  》

LECOQ, ANNE-MARIE. "'Séduisant, passionnant, agaçant'. Marc Fumaroli chez les historiens de l'art (surtout français)." OeC 32.1 (2007), 91–98.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. "C'est sous l'égide d'André Chastel qu'eut lieu, en 1986, la première intrusion publique de Marc Fumaroli dans le domaine de l'histoire de l'art: il le fit inviter à Rome pour le colloque international sur Les Carrache et les décors profanes, et c'est là sans doute que beaucoup d'historiens de l'art non Italiens apprirent l'existence d'un poète nommé [Giambattista] Marino, grâce à une communication sur 'La Galeria de Marino et la galerie Farnèse'. . ." En 1988, "la copieuse 'introduction' au catalogue de l'exposition de La peinture française du XVIIe siècle dans les collections américaines au Grand Palais à Paris fit l'effet d'un coup de canon par la nouveauté du point de vue et la force entraînante de l'expression. L'audace des Musées nationaux, qui avaient mis en vedette un étranger au sérail, se révélait payante et en 1989, Pierre Rosenberg et Jean-Pierre Cuzin confièrent à Marc Fumaroli le 36e 'Dossier du Département des peintures' du Louvre, autour de L'inspiration du poète de Poussin."

MAUND, KARI and PHIL NANSON. The Four Musketeers: The True Story of d'Artagnan, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Stroud: Tempus, 2005.

Review: R. Petit-Rasselle in FR 81 (2008), 601: While the reviewer regrets the work's tendency to conjecture and its lack focus on the subject announced in the title—namely, historical treatment of the figures behind Dumas' characters—she praises its pedagogic usefulness as a work that brings d'Artagnan and his friends to life. The reviewer also praises the chapters which address d'Artagnan and the background surrounding the early modern musketeer corps.

MCKENNA, Antony. "Yearning for the Homeland: Pierre Bayle and the Huguenot Refugees." AJFS 44.3: 207–220.

Examines the plight of Huguenot refugees in the United Provinces after the Revolation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, whose situation serves as a test case for the sense of national identity—both of belonging and betrayal—of those expelled from their homeland. This context brings new light to the battle between Bayle and Jurieu and helps clarify apparent contradictions in Bayle's religious philosophy.

MILLER, NAOMI & NAOMI YAVNEH, eds. Sibling Relations and Gender in the Early Modern World: Sisters, Brothers and Others. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006.

Review: G. Benadusi in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1402–1404: Judged "interesting" and "stimulating," the volume draws on specialists from a wide variety of disciplines as it examines the neglected "bonds between brothers and sisters" and demonstrates "that [those relationships] shaped family life, gender relations, women's roles, literary narrative, theater, and the dynastic strategies of European rulers, ultimately defining Renaissance society and culture" (1403). France is included in the wide geographical range of the 17 essays which are organized in the following sections: "Divine Devotion," "Ties That Bind," and "Drawing the Line" (competition and collaboration). Gender, royal politics and religion come to the fore in essays that focus on Henri IV and his sister Catherine.

MOLLENAUER, LYNN WOOD. Strange Revelations: Magic, Poison, and Sacrilege in Louis XIV's France. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007.

Review: M. Kashuba in FR 81 (2008), 797–98: A clever, readable, and yet erudite work on the famed "Affaire des Poisons," an episode in which women and priests were accused of disseminating poison. Mollenauer contextualizes the episode by discussing "why magic and poison became so important at this time" (798). She also considers cultural representations, such as figurations of Medea, which depicted poison-bearing women like those evoked in the Affaire. Despite the sensational aspect of her material, Mollenauer shows herself a scrupulous and reliable researcher. The book is highly praised by the reviewer.
Review: C. Weiss in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1344–46: This well-researched and "wickedly fascinating study" of the Affair of the Poisons is recommended for both students and general readers (1345) and is a praiseworthy addition to Penn State's series "Magic in History." Mollenauer has documented her study from archives, police and court records, letters (notably, Mme de Sévigné's), memoirs and more. Chapters are organized as follows: "Investigating the Affair of the Poisons," "Medea and the Marquise [Brinvilliers], "The Criminal Magical Underworld of Paris," "The Renegade Priests of Paris and the Amatory Mass," and "The Magic of Mistresses at the Court of Louis XIV."

MONTER, WILLIAM. A Bewitched Duchy. Lorraine and its dukes, 1477–1736. Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: A. Cullière in BHR 70.2 (2008), 532–36: ". . .vouloir mêler les faits politiques et le phénomène de sorcelleire [sic], c'est inévitablement créer des liens de cause à effet. On ne saurait nier que des circonstances ou des événements se précisent parfois à la lumière d'un certain environnement socioculturel, mais comment comprendre deux cent cinquante ans de politique lorraine à partir d'un phénomène qui fut plutôt limité dans le temps mais non dans l'espace ?"

MOREAU, ISABELLE & GREGOIRE HOLTZ. 'Parler librement': la liberté de la parole au tournant du XVIe et du XVIIe siècles. Lyon: ENS Editions, 2005.

Review: H. Roberts in FS 61.4 (2007), 508–9. This positive review notes that while this edition is not a comprehensive review of freedom of speech at the turn of the 17th century, it nonetheless offers some intriguing analyses that leave the door open for future research. Those researching La Mothe Le Vayer, Théophile Viau, Guiaume Reboul, Antoine Fuzy and Vincent Leblanc will find some interesing approaches here.

MORGAN, LUKE. Nature as Model: Salomon de Caus and Early Seventeenth-Century Landscape Design. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2006.

Review: T. L. Ehrlich in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 961–62: Judged "lucid and convincing," Morgan's examination demonstrates the centrality of de Caus's designs and treatises "to the dissemination throughout Europe of late sixteenth-century Italian garden motifs" (961). Includes chapters on 1) the historiography of De Caus scholarship, 2) his biography, 3) and 4) "the major contributions of De Caus as an hydraulic engineer and landscape designer in the courtly circles of Brussels, London and Paris," and 5) "the relationship between what De Caus read, what he wrote and what he built" (962). Morgan argues that theory and practice are strongly intertwined in De Caus and "debunks enticing myths. . . promulgated by such writers as Francis Yates, Umberto Eco and Simon Schama" (962). Recommended both to specialists in the history of landscapes and to cultural historians. Index, illustrations, bibliography.

NEWMAN, KAREN. Cultural Capitals: Early Modern London and Paris. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2007.

Review: T. Hill in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1435–37: Praiseworthy as a "handsomely produced volume [and]. . . a true work of cultural history" wide-ranging and purposefully interdisciplinary" (1436). Benefitting from theoretical insights of Lefebvre, Foucault, de Certeau and others, Newman focuses on "everyday urban life" in this "cornucopia" (1436). Index, illustrations, maps.
Review: R. Rosbottom in FR 81 (2008), 602–03: Attempting to show how certain characteristics of modern cities were anticipated in early modern ones, Newman "compellingly. . . leads us through a catalog of the daily lives of urban residents between 1550–1600" (602). She argues that obstacles of urban planning confronted during the Industrial Revolution had in fact already been addressed by previous generations. Newman also examines the figurative and actual use of urban space in these two cities. Praising the work as both witty and scholarly, the reviewer expresses a wish for more discussion of how/whether modern urban planners were aware of early modern ones.

O'MALLEY, JOHN W., S.J. & GAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY, eds. The Jesuits and the Arts (1540–1773). Philadelphia: St. Joseph's UP, 2005.

Review: J. G. Harper in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 622–24: Welcome translation and expansion of the 2003 Ignazio et l'Arte dei Gesuiti and includes numerous illustrations, an index, and a bibliography. Illuminates the Jesuit education mission and its relation to the arts and is a valuable resource, recommended for students, teachers and scholars. The reader will be impressed with the analyses of a "rich variety of Jesuit styles" (18), the evolution from "austerity" to "increasing embellishment," the "patron-architect triangle" (623) and consideration of "the religious dramas of the Jesuits [which] moved in tandem with the tragedies staged in the secular theater" (231). The second half of the volume concerns the Jesuit arts beyond Europe, notably in Latin America, Asia and North America.

O'MALLEY, JOHN W., S.J., GAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY, STEVEN J. HARRIS, & T. FRANK KENNEDY, S.J., eds. The Jesuits II: Culture, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540–1773. With CD-ROM. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2006.

Review: T. Worcester, S.J. in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 621–22: Welcome second volume on the subject is the fruit of a 2002 conference at Boston College (the first volume was published at Toronto in 2000, the proceedings of a 1997 conference). Thirty-seven essays follow O'Malley's excellent introduction and "illuminate the complexity of successes and failures of the Society of Jesus" (621). Kennedy's presentation of a Jesuit opera on the passion of Christ complete with DVD of a 2002 performance rounds out the volume which includes topics as diverse as Jesuit schools, their funding and upward social mobility, translations, the roles of art and music and much more. Worcester calls for nineteenth- and twentieth-century specialists to be inspired by these studies and to devote their attention to "the relatively neglected field of the history of the post-1814 restored Society of Jesus" (622). Index, illustrations, tables.

PALISCA, CLAUDE V. Music and Ideas in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Ed. Thomas E. Mathiesen. Studies in the History of Music Theory and Literature 1. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2006.

Review: J. Haar in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 973–74: This posthumously published book, edited by Mathiesen, focuses on the broad period of the early modern as it evaluates the preservation of tradition and novelty. Includes chapters on musical change and intellectual history, cosmology, rhetorical language, scientific discovery, ancient and modern styles and genres. Appendices, illustrations, tables, bibliography. Recommended as a "sumula" of Palisca's remarkable scholarly oeuvre and as a possible textbook for a seminar (974).

PEREZ, STANIS. "Regards endeuillés: la mort et le corps d'Anne d'Autriche en perspective." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 643–656.

Examines two distinct re-constructions of the queen regent's final illness and suffering, firstly in the discourse of the oraisons funèbres and secondly in Madame de Motteville's memoirs. Demonstrates how "les clercs lui ont attribué un corps glorieux car souffrant, [tandis que] Motteville a opté pour un corps meurtri car vaniteux."

PETTO, CHRISTINE MARIE. When France was King of Cartography: The Patronage and Production of Maps in Early Modern France. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007.

Review: J. Lauersdorf in FR 81 (2008), 1281–82: The first in an announced series of books entitled Toposophia, Petto's work addresses the socio-political situations which brought early modern French maps into being, considering the particular stakes involved in their creation. Petto discusses how maps were used to glorify the king, how changing social conditions influenced the science and exactitude of maps, and how maps were published, commercialized, and handled in terms of intellectual property rights. Praised by the reviewer.

PINKARD, SUSAN. A Revolution in Taste: The Rise of French Cuisine, 1650–1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Review: C. Weber in NYT Book Review (Nov 30, 2008), 14(L). This book "explores the striking technical, material and philosophical shifts that profoundly altered French cooking between the second half of the seventeenth century and the revolution of 1789," according to this very positive review. Pinkard's argument is "lucidly argued and carefully researched."

POIRSON, MARTIAL. "Une modernité inachevée: quand l'intérêt entre en scène." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 723–745.

Analysis of how comedy "s'affranchissant de la morale, se situe à l'avant-garde du discours économique." Focuses on twenty-seven plays, mainly from the last decades of the seventeenth century and early decades of the eighteenth century.

POTTER, MARK. Coalitions and Local Politics in Seventeenth-Century France. FHS 31.1 (Winter 2008), 29–49.

The author takes examples from Provence and Burgundy to show how coalitions can be used to better understand the history of provincial estates in the seventeenth century. By "coalitions" the author means "networks of individuals, usually from across different corporate, privileged, or professional standings, who shared common political objectives."

PREST, JULIA. Theatre Under Louis XIV: Cross-Casting and the Performance of Gender in Drama, Ballet, and Opera. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Review: M. Greenberg in FS 62.3 (2008), 336. The reviewer praises Prest's knowledge of music and musicology and the richness this brings to her work and a "good chapter on 'gender ambiguity.'" The reviewer seems disappointed and perhaps a little chastising, though, that Prest did not explore the gender-bending terrain à la Judith Butler, noting that Prest seems "unimpressed" by this line of thinking. "Perhaps this was not her intention," he writes, praising her all the same for a "well-informed but traditional discussion."
Review: CHOICE. Highlighted by Choice 45 (2008) as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2007.

RABB, THEODORE K. The Last Days of the Renaissance and the March to Modernity. New York: The Perseus Book Group, 2006.

Review: D. Rutherford in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 503–504: Rabb's effort to identify distinctive unities and to analyze these coherences focuses on the end of the Renaissance when it "dissolved into the Age of Revolution" (xxii). His objectives include the book serving "not as a summary for [his] contemporaries, but as a template of European history for a new generation" (xvi) and attracting a general readership as well as a scholarly one. Instructive study includes the following among numerous "unities" or "coherences": "the appearance and growth of gunpowder warfare, the increasing centralization of power, the expansion of bureaucracies, the domestication of the aristocracy, overseas conquests and immigration, and the rise of capitalism, all coinciding with the cultural and intellectual admiration for antiquity."

RECHNIEWSKI, ELIZABETH. "Imagining the Nation in Early Modern France." AJFS 44.3: 185–194.

Introduction to this volume devoted to the question, one product of an Australian Research Council project entitled "Communications and National Identity in Early Modern France" begun in 2002, filling a gap in scholarship. Provides an overview of the project's and volume's diverse approaches, underlining historical shifts taking place in late seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and the importance of looking at these questions across genres.

RIZZA, CECILIA. "Marc Fumaroli et l'Italie: un rapport de culture, de collaboration et d'amitié." OeC 32.1 (2007), 25–37.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. Rizza met en perspective le rôle que "l'Italie, sa culture, ses écrivains, ses artistes occupent dans l'élaboration de la pensée de Marc Fumaroli."

ROSENBERG, PIERRE & KEITH CHRISTIANSEN, eds. Poussin and Nature: Arcadian Visions. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.

Review: F. Robinson in Choice 45 (2008), 2142: A catalogue for an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum, the volume provides an excellent introduction to Poussin via discussion of his landscapes. Particular attention is given to Poussin's use of source material and his ties with other artists. Praised for its lack of jargon. Recommended by the reviewer.

SALMON, XAVIER. Pomp and Power: French Drawings from Versailles. London: The Trustees of the Wallace Collection, 2007.

Review: W. Wallace in Choice 45 (2007), 622: A volume which accompanied a British exhibition of drawings from Versailles. The exhibit was grouped into "Portraits," "Versailles and Its Environs," and "History." Although perhaps most relevant for drawing connoisseurs, this work is elegant and contains excellent reproductions.

SANKEY, Margaret. "Nationalism and Identity in Seventeenth-Century France: the Abbé Paulmier and the Terres australes. AJFS 44.3: 195–206.

Identifies proto-nationalistic discourse and the breaking down of the alliance between Church and State much earlier than Anderson's hypothesis of the late eighteenth century through an analysis of Abbé Paulmier's writings. Explores how Paulmier "interweaves his vision of the French nation, seen as a land of destiny . . . with his self-representation as an individual, simultaneously French and Other, at odds with both Chruch and State."

SARMANT, THIERRY, sous la dir. de, avec la collab. deGuillaume Lasconjarias,Benjamin Mercier,Emmanuel Pénicaut. . . [et al.]. Les Ministères de la guerre 1570–1792: histoire et dictionnaire biographique. Paris: Belin, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 697 (2007), 96–97: "Cet ouvrage, qui inclut de nombreuses références à des documents ainsi qu'à une très riche bibliographie, rendra d'éminents services, non seulement aux historiens, mais à tous les curieux d'histoire militaire. Il constitue une importante contribution à l'histoire de la croissance de l'Etat."

SHENNAN, J.H. The Bourbons: The History of a Dynasty. London: Hambledon Continuum, 2007.

Review: D. Baxter in Choice 45 (2008), 1229: A succinct yet erudite overview of the Bourbon dynasty. Shennan unites his analysis by examining the conflict the Bourbons faced between proprietorial and custodial notions of kingship. Suggests the Bourbons ultimately floundered because they failed to adapt to the latter model. Also examines the influence of royal personalities. Recommended.

SIMON, ROBIN. Hogarth, France and British Art: The Rise of the Arts in 18th-Century Britain. London: Paul Holberton Publishing, 2007.

Review: D. Bindman in Burlington 1261 (2008), 262–63. More on the eighteenth century, but does go back to the seventeenth century to trace French influences on works by Hogarth, which is notable because Hogarth was known for his "anti-Gallicism." While Bindman finds some claims of influence "a little unpersuasive," the volume is overall "a wealth of surprising and fascinating information."

SMITH, KENNETH OWEN. "Sébastien de Brossard, the Galant Air, and French Hegemony in Strasbourg during the Nine Years War." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 92–105.

Argues that "Brossard's songs contributed to the goal of establishing and maintaining galant civility and good taste as legitimate criteria for membership in France's emerging aristocratic class [. . .] Regardless of his conscious intentions, by promoting the air and other forms of galant culture in Strasbourg, Brossard directly supported the crown's concurrent attempts to subjugate the city to French cultural domination."

SOLL, JACOB. The Antiquary and the Information State: Colbert's Archives, Secret Histories, and the Affair of the Régale, 1663–1682. FHS 31.1 (Winter 2008), 3–28.

The author shows how Colbert and his ecclesiastical antiquarian archivists built a state administrative apparatus. Their "mixture of administrative, financial, and ecclesiastical learned culture developed into a state science of information-handling techniques necessary for collecting, filing, and retrieving up-to-date information in a massive state-policy archive to be used for rapid political response."

TONOLO, SOPHIE. Diverstissement et profondeur-L'épître en vers et la société mondaine en France de Tristan à Boileau. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2005.

Review: Frédéric Briot in RSH 282.4 (2006), 203–204: Important contribution to understanding an often neglected genre, "l'épitre," associated most prominently with Boileau. Examining both published and unpublished epistles, Tonolo extends the corpus, providing copious bibliography. The author first examines the literary difficulties of the epistle and the institutional and social roles it played. Next she performs an archeology of the genre, highlighting sources and influences, and then studies problems of composition and meter, a "poétique du déplacement." The reviewer praises a section devoted to Madame Deshoulières in particular. The second part examines the genre as "une poésie de l'action et de la vie," emphasizing its political, social, edificatory qualities. It is also a method of sociability, recounting travels, meals and walks. It is a poetic form where the sensual, the visual, the spontaneous have their place. It is also a poetry of exposition, manipulation and camouflage, of self-knowledge and contruction of self. This study richly illustrates that the mondain genres need to be taken seriously, and help us tounderstand seventeenth-century poetry and society better.

VAN ORDEN, KATE. Music, Discipline, and Arms in Early Modern France. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2004.

Review: L.R.N. Ashley in BHR 68.3 (2006), 692: The author "takes a highly original tack as she examines the musical education of the elite and the way that it connects to sociodynamics in France that are usually explained in terms of economics and politics, not the arts."

VERDI, PAUL. "Poussin and Nature." Burlington 1261 (2008), 284–45.

A review of the exhibition "Poussin and Nature," which is apparently one of the few to focus on Poussin's landscapes, though the reviewer laments that this was not made the sole focus. Instead, nature is explored as a theme across all Poussin's works, which "is likely to bewilder the general public" even as it interests scholars. Catalog by Pierre Rosenberg et al. available through the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

VERMEERSCH, GRIET. Oorlog, steden en staatsvorming. De grenssteden Gorinchem en Doesburg tijdens de geboorte-eeuw van de Republiek (1570–1680). Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2006.

Review: W. Steurs in RBPH 85.3–4 (2007), 970–71: "Fruit d'une dissertation doctorale, le livre de Griet Vermeersch apporte un éclairage fin et précis sur la naissance d'une nation." Selon l'auteur, "la Hollande échappa à l'invasion [de Louis XIV en 1672] et reprit le dessus. Elle se fit la banquière de toutes les coalitions contre le roi de France, de la guerre de Hollande à celle de la Succession d'Espagne. Par son action financière et diplomatique, elle contribua à briser, après celles de l'Espagne, les prétentions françaises à l'hégémonie européenne."

WINN, COLETTE H., ed. Veufs, veuves et veuvage dans la France d'Ancien régime. Actes du colloque de Poitiers (11–12 juin 1998). Paris: Champion, 2003.

Review: I. Brouard-Arends in IL 59.4 (2007), 57–58. The title is somehow misleading, as most of the contributions concentrate on the female figure, e.g., the widow, while only one article, by F. Villemur, addresses the widower [ i.e., whether music may be able to sooth the widower]. The Acts are comprised of four parts: "La loi et ses pratiques," "Tableaux de groupes," "Portraits de veuves," and "L'expression du deuil." Questions in the foreground of individual essays are those of the emancipation of the widow, life in the convent, remarriage, as well as political, artistic, and familial roles.

WRIGHT, CHRISTOPHER. Poussin: paintings: a catalogue raisonné. New York: Hippocrene Books, 2007.

Review: F. Robinson in CHOICE 45 (2008), 1150: A second edition of Wright's original (1985) volume. Wright now takes stock of newly discovered Poussins, and revisions in the dating of his works. The volume is praised for its 200+ color reproductions. The text focuses on establishing the chronology of Poussin's work. Not recommended as an introduction to Poussin.

WYGANT, AMY. "Introduction: The Witching Hour." FMLS 43.4 (2007), 329–336.

Wygant's introductory essay to this issue (which she edited) both asks and answers numerous important questions and makes abundantly clear that witchcraft is "multi-factorial, with roots plunging deep into the mental structures of early modern people [and. . .] provides a particularly sensitive touchstone for historical understanding" (335).

YIM, Denise. "'Le gout de la nation': the Influence of Women in Forming French and Foreign Taste." AJFS 44.3: 221–237.

Traces the importance of the salons and the women who held them in defining manners and taste on a European level, serving as "the public face of France." Emphasis on this phenomenon in the eighteenth century.

ZOBERMAN, PIERRE. "A Modest Proposal for Queering the Past: A Queer Princess with a Space of Her Own." FLS 34 (2007), 35–49.

Author explores "the possibility that queer may not refer exclusively, or even primarily, to sexuality (at least homosexuality), but rather, to the calling into question of traditional, heteronormative definitions of gender roles in various historical contexts." In the first part, he focuses on the figure of Monsieur, Louis XIV's brother who can be called "gay" but not "queer" in that he did not threaten the (heteronormative) order. He then turns to La Princesse de Clèves to reveal in the ending a queer dénouement.

ZOBERMAN, PIERRE. "Représentation de l'écrivain et identités sexuelles." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 77–91.

"[Une] mise en évidence des enjeux et mécanismes idéologiques de la construction du Grand Siècle par une révision (normative) des rôles sociaux et culturels des hommes et des femmes."

ZUFFI, STEFANO. European Art of the Seventeenth Century. Trans. byAnthony Shugar. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2006.

Review: L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 69.3 (2007), 732: Highly recommended paperback, "an Italian production from Mondadoro, this time from Stefano Zuffi (a noted art historian from Milan), translated by Anthony Shugar, in the Art through the Centuries series" covers sixty artists and "gives us information on major cities' holdings, tapestries, statuary, architecture, gardens and fountains, art theory, etc."


ARNOLD, MATTHIEU, éd. Annoncer l'Evangile (XV–XVIIe siècles). Permanence et mutations de la prédication. Actes du colloque international de Strasbourg (20–22 novembre 2003). Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2006.

Review: M. Engammare in BHR 69.3. (2007), 763–70: "Si, entre le moyen âge et le XVIe siècle, la prédication a connu une 'mutation décisive', ce ne fut pas une 'révolution copernicienne'. Le colloque et ce livre visaient donc 'à explorer, principalement dans l'espace germanique, la permanence et les mutations de la prédication dans les quatre principaux domaines du champ d'étude de l'homilétique: 1) les sources, 2) les formes, 3) les thèmes et les lieux théologiques, et 4) la réception. Chacun de ces quatre domaines d'études est lui-même exploré de façon chronologique, du XV au XVIIe siècle' (p. 9)." Voir la contribution qui traite de l'influcence d'Augustin sur Bossuet.

AUCANTE, VINCENT. La philosophie médicale de Descartes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2006.

Review: J. E. H. Smith in Isis 98 (September 2007), 623–625. Makes a powerful case for the importance of medicine in Descartes's work (the author estimates that approximately 20% of the work deals with medicine). Fascinating and authoritative, Aucante's work makes the case that "Descartes's medicine is both incomplete and exemplary."

BATES, A.W. Emblematic Monsters: Unnatural Conceptions and Deformed Births in Early Modern Europe. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005.

Review: S. Brown Clark in Isis 98 (December 2007), 830–831. Expands and challenges the claims of Park and Daston, with particular attention to the overlap of popular and scientific writing. Pays special attention to monsters in emblems, showing their influence throughout the seventeenth century. The book includes a helpful catalog of recorded European monsters of the period.

BERCHTOLD, JACQUES & MARIE-MADELEINE FRAGONARD, éds. La Mémoire des guerres de religion. La concurrence des genres historiques (XVI–XVIIIe siècles). Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: E. Herdman in MLR 103.2 (2008), 533–34: "The fifteen articles in this volume explore the historiographical genres employed to evoke the wars between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries; a further volume studying the nineteenth century is envisaged. Marie-Madeleine Fragonard's excellent methodological introduction raises historiographical questions such as the blurring of traditionally literary and historical genres, the quest for authenticity and the position of the historian, and the challenges to historiography in different historical contexts. The chronologically arranged articles combine explorations of individual genres and specific case studies: contextual readings are often employed and elisions with each historian's contemporary political concerns frequently emerge."
Review: A. Mellet in BHR 69.3 (2007), 828–31: "Cet ouvrage réunit les actes du premier colloque de l'équipe Formes et idées de la Renaissance aux Lumières (Université de Paris III). Il est constitué de quinze articles consacrés à la représentation des guerres de religion françaises dans différents genres littéraires entre 1560 et 1780. Comme l'indique M.-M. Fragonard dans un beau texte introductif, trois problématiques majeures se croisent dans ces études: celle de la nature de l'actualisation d'un passé conflictuel, celle de la constitution d'une méthode historique et de l'utilisation de textes anciens, enfin celle de la circulation des références au passé à travers plusieurs genres historiographiques."
Review: N. Salliot in DSS 238 (2008), 178–180: "Les quinze contributions et leur présentation (par M.-M. Fragonard) s'attachent à l'écriture de l'histoire des guerres de Religion du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. Classées par ordre chronologique, elles posent le problème de la relation mémorielle à un passé plus ou moins proche, traumatisant, parfois occulté, délicat à appréhender et toujours soumis au risque d'une vision partiale ou parcellaire, mais dont le souvenir, retravaillé par les formes qui le diffusent, demeure essentiel pour la réflexion politique et religieuse, et ce jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle."

BERGIN, JOSEPH. "L'essor du confesseur du roi au XVIIe siècle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. 111–125.

Commenting on Saint-Simon's fascination with the power of the king's confessor under the reign of Louis XIV, Bergin notes that this power was relatively new, and he analyzes how the confessor's in old régime France evolved over time. Henri IV selected a Jesuit confessor at the same time the Jesuits themselves were trying to figure out rules for how best to manage this challenging role. Under Louis XIII, there was much uncertainty surrounding the confessor's role, given Richelieu's tight hold over who would receive what major ecclesiastical positions, as well as the creation of a "conseil du conscience" for the king, of which he would be the sole member. When Père Annat became Louis XIV's confessor, the situation stabilized and the confessor's role better defined. Bergin ends by noting that at first confessors were chosen for their preaching skills, but that under Louis XIV, confessors were chosen for their theology and bureaucratic ability, leaving their preaching for the king's ear alone.

BINET, ANA MARIA. " 'Rhétorique de cour' et sermons d'église: quelques exemples dans l'œuvre du P. Antonio Vieira, jésuite portugais (1608–1697)." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. 155–164.

Binet discusses the Jesuit Antonio Vieira, who served as royal preacher to King Jean IV of Portugal; his intellectually rigorous sermons attracted a large Court following, despite his criticisms of the loose morals of the Court. Binet asks if Vieira can be considered a courtier as well; after all, he preached on politics as well as on morals and religion. The answer seems to be no, for Binet analyzes a sermon in which Vieira suggests that only the Jesuit order can truly perform the evangelistic mission—a public appeal to the King to let him leave Court and return to Brazil to sow God's word. Once in Brazil, Vieira exchanged the theater of Baroque churches and correspondingly rich oratory for the popular theater of preaching the colonists, whom he criticized for their violence towards the indigenous peoples—violence that would turn against him, causing him to flee back to Portugal.

BLANCHARD, J.-V. L'Optique du discours au XVIIe sièvle: De la rhétorique des jésuites au style de la raison moderne. Québec: Presses Universitaires de Laval, 2005.

Review H. Phillips in FS 62.3: 335. Overall this work receives a warm reception from the reviewer who notes its erudition and dense argument. "This book is not for the faint-hearted," he states. While at times fascinating, the study spends much energy in explanations, meaning that "the end [Descartes, Pascal] is rather rushed." Those interested in Descartes, Pascal, and Jesuit rhetoric will find compelling material here.

BOURGEOIS, CHRISTOPHE. Théologies poétiques de l'âge baroque: La Muse chrétienne (1570–1630). Lumière classique 69. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: D. Clifford in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1350–52: Judged "a book for scholars written by a scholar," Bourgeois' 852-page tome, originally a thesis, is highly informative and thorough as it examines "poetic theologies," and demonstrates and analyzes "the interpenetration of the poetic and the theological." Reexamines "the coming together of interior asceticism and spectacular language as it reconsiders the very meaning of "baroque" and the multiple expressions of "la muse chrétienne": "sermon, poem, personal meditation, dogmatic discourse, sacred hermeneutics and moral exhortation" (1351–52).
Review: L. Marsh in SCN (2007), 239–242: "Bourgeois has set an enormous agenda in a volume that is more important as a resource for French devotional poetry of the period than as a work that answers convincingly the question of how the baroque aesthetic is expressed in that literature, if indeed it is."
Review: V. Kapp, PFSCL XXXV (69), 755–760. "[Ce livre] explore un domaine peu connu avec une érudition admirable and une grande sensibilité littéraire dont la finesse de ses analyses témoigne abondamment."

BROOKE, JOHN & IAN MACLEAN, eds. Heterodoxy in Early Modern Science and Religion. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.

Review: I. A. Kelter in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1411–1412: Well-known scholars in the history of science, MacLean and Brooke have edited a volume containing "a series of thoughtful and insightful studies" demonstrating the complexity of relationships between religion and science. Helpful examination of terms by MacLean precedes the chronological arrangement of essays the focus of which is the seventeenth-century Includes the iconoclastic demonstration by Margaret Osler that Gassendi "was not an early modern free-thinking libertine;" she "argues that this. . . legend begins with. . . René Pintard" (1412).

BRUCKER, NICOLAS, éd. La Conversion. Expérience spirituelle, expression littéraire. Berne: Peter Lang, 2005.

Review: G. Banderier in RBPH 85.3–4 (2007), 939–40: ". . .un récit de conversion est une mise en mots d'une expérience singulière, donnée à lire à travers l'opacité du langage. . . et l'on devine que, bien souvent, les mots sont restés en deçà de ce que le converti a vraiment éprouvé. Sur ces questions, les actes du colloque organisé à Metz en juin 2003 sont d'une grande richesse. Des contributions reviennent sur les 'figures imposées' que sont les conversions de saint Paul et de Constantin; d'autres portent sur les Temps Modernes et des grandes lignes de faille que furent les guerres de religion (dont on peut considérer qu'elles trouvèrent leur prolongement avec la Révocation de l'Edit de Nantes) et la Révolution française."

BURNETT, AMY N. Teaching the Reformation: Ministers and Their Message in Basel, 1529–1629. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006.

Review: J. Mallinson in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 938–40: Admirable for its attention to detail, yet "broad enough to be relevant to diverse scholars" (938). Burnett's work makes "three significant contributions toward a scholarly understanding of this process of transmitting the Reformation": 1) on the transformation of traditions rather than their eradication, 2) on the geographical region itself and its confessional transition and 3) on Ramism, its influence on education as well as on homiletics (939). Praiseworthy for its "copious research into neglected documents," Burnett's work includes tables, graphs, illustrations, an appendix, a map and a bibliography.

CLARKE, DESMOND M. Descartes: A Biography. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Review: G. Hatfield in Isis 99.1 (2008), 177–178. Well-researched and balanced, with attention paid to Descartes' philosophy and Descartes the man. Casts doubt on the view of Descartes as a conservative Catholic.

COOPER, ALIX. Inventing the Indigenous: Local Knowledge and Natural History in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Review: A. Wakefield in Isis 98 (December 2007) 833–834. While the book concentrates mainly on Germany and England, it makes the fascinating case that the Columbian encounter led Europeans to classify and describe local flora, "thereby reflecting on what it meant to be local and what it meant to be foreign, simultaneously representing themselves and their fears about strange new worlds."

DARMON, JEAN-CHARLES and GEORGES MOLINIÉ, eds. Libertinage et politique au temps de la monarchie absolue. Littératures classiques 55 (été 2005).

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 596: This number of LC explores connections between "libertinage" and "politique" and is arranged in sections as follows: "Thématiques et enjeux spécifiques de la critique libertine: entre conformisme apparent et subversion radicale," and "Modalités et effets de l'art d'écrire libertin: d'un genre à l'autre, d'un siècle à l'autre." Also includes introductions by Darmon and Molinié and an Annexe with a text of Gassendi.

DEKONINCK, RALPH. Ad imaginem. Status, fonctions et usages de l'image dans la littérature spirituelle jésuite du XVIIe siècle. Geneva: Droz, 2005.

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 151 (2007), 170: Praised as a "splendido libro," Dekoninck's masterful volume is organized in two parts as a "défense" and an "illustration" of the image. The "défense" is an ample "philosophie des images" and the work as a whole the result of a vast and erudite inquiry which establishes the unifying thread of a Jesuit theory "qui au lieu de penser l'image comme une réalité en soi l'envisage du point de vue des différentes formes de relation que l'on peut entretenir avec elle."

DINET, DOMINIQUE. "La religion des gens de justice en Bourgogne et en Champagne au XVIIe siècle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. 275–288.

By cross-reading a number of various sources, the author is able to present the state of religion of the parliamentary elite of Burgundy and Champagne. These dévots are attaining a state of heaven on earth by sending 20 to 25% of their children to religious institutions, by contributing monetarily, and by establishing new buildings for various religious institutions.

DUFOURCET-HAKIM, MARIE-BERNADETTE. "Musique sacrée pour le roi en France et en Espagne au XVIIe siècle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. 165–181.

The author provides a detailed comparative analysis of sacred music at the 17th-century Spanish and French courts. She discusses the royal chapels, the categories of liturgical music played there, how the chapel musicians were selected and organized, their social status and pay, the musical repertoire (plainchant, polyphonic music, instruments, etc.), the role of instrumental ensembles, and the vernacular repertoire. The resulting picture, she concludes, shows more complexity and less binary opposition between the two royal houses than one might think.

EICHEL-LOJKINE, PATRICIA & CLAUDIE MARTIN-ULRICH, eds. De bonne vie s'ensuit bonne mort: Récits de mort, récits de vie en Europe (XVe–XVIIe siècle). Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance européenne, 53. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: B. Renner in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1431–32: Organized in three sections: "Narration, argumentation et organisation de la matière historique," "La 'thanatographie,' récit et interprétation de la mort," and "Présence de la mort dans l'autobiographie," the volume brings together successfully 18 essays reflecting a remarkable interdisciplinarity and focuses on the "dialogical relationship" (9) between life and death. Funeral orations, verse epistles, popular biographies of Protestant ministers (by Julien Goeury), press reports, autobiographical texts as exempla, as well as other genres are skillfully examined in this diverse and rich collection.

FAVREAU, MARC. "Entre croyance et art d'une élite: la religion chrétienne et sa pratique à l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture au XVIIe siècle (1648–1715)." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 319–336.

Looks at religious practices among members of the Royal Academy, through a number of archival documents. He remarks the absence of religious items within the academy's walls, as well as tolerance and unity among artists from different religions. He concludes by noting a banalisation of religion in the eighteenth century.

FERREIRO, LARRIE D. Ships and Science: The Birth of Naval Architecture in the Scientific Revolution, 1600–1800. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2007.

Review: D. McGee in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 991–92: McGee finds Ferreiro's study both misleading and disappointing as it focuses more on naval science than on "naval architecture" and treats 1670–1800, not the early -mid-seventeenth-century According to McGee, the term "naval architecture" existed much earlier than Ferreiro claims and "before European savants begin to develop scientific theories concerning the behavior of ships" (991). McGee also would have preferred a chronological organization of the treatment of naval science and its development (rather than a topical one) since the scientists "were working on all three branches of theory at the same time" (991).

FLORE AU PARADIS. EMBLEMATIQUE ET VIE RELIGIEUSE AUX XVIe ET XVIIe SIECLES. Glasgow: U of Glasgow, Glasgow Emblem Studies, vol. 9, 2004.

Review: A. Gendre in BHR 68.3 (2006), 618–20: ". . .ce nouveau volume sur les emblèmes nous offre des études sur différents aspects du langage des fleurs et des plantes à la Renaissance et au temps de la Contre-Réforme. C'est un ouvrage de qualité."

FRIEDMAN, RUSSELL L. & LAUGE O. NIELSEN, eds. The Medieval Heritage in Early Modern Metaphysics and Modal Theory, 1400–1700. The New Synthese Historical Library 53. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.

Review: L. Nauta in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 942–43: Praiseworthy for its "focus on modalities and modal logic" and its collection of several fine studies on the scholastic legacy and the "notion of possibility and impossibility, contingency and necessity" (942). Argues convincingly that "we should treat the period 1400–1700 as a whole without a sharp break between the later Middle Ages. . . and the Renaissance and early modern period" (942). Index, bibliography.

GELDHOF, JORIS. "Pascal's Double Mistake or, the Desirability of Sound Metaphysics." DownR 445 (2008), 235–246.

The author explores why Pascal apparently escapes anti-ontotheologian criticism — "in this paper, I want to argue that Pascal indeed made mistakes, and that, in doing so, he did not escape from the processes that modern thought initiated and still pursues. Therefore, the reasons why Pascal is spared the criticism of the anti-ontotheologians are as telling as undeserved. All the more so are the reasons why Pascal is wholeheartedly welcomed by those who attempt to reconsider and revalue relgion in our age." The author concludes that, "what we need is not more of Pascal, but sound metaphysics."

GOUVERNEUR, SOPHIE. Prudence et subversion libertines. La critique de la raison d'État chez François de La Mothe Le Vayer, Gabriel Naudé et Samuel Sorbière. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: Frédéric Briot in RSH 282.4 (2006), 204–206: Gouverneur's introduction retraces the notion of libertin, proposing a clear and stable definition that 1. libertine thought must have a subversive goal in relationship to dominiant norms and that 2. this goal is achieved by subverting the discourse of the other in a non confrontational way. Focusing on prudence, then, proves to be a fruitful approach to analyzing libertine discourse, and this highly analytical and rigorous study debunks the argument that libertine thinkers were subservient to the state, examining "une politique prudentielle, une éthique prudentielle" and "une esthétique prudentielle." The author shows how libertine authors turn "prudence politique" against the political power itself and analyzes "l'esthétique prudentielle," examining hidden narrative strategies and modes of publication. Gouverneur makes careful distinctions and draws compelling parallels between her chosen authors. Excellent bibliography.
Review: G. Lana in S Fr 151 (2007), 172–173: Gouverneur proposes to relate general philosophical research on the notion of "prudence" with research in the history of philosophy and particularly French "libertinage" of the seventeenth-century Gouverneur's philosophical reevaluation of the libertine writers demonstrates that their thought, though not systematic, is coherent, and that the dissimulation rather than operating like a simple hypocrisy, is instead philosophically essential to their theory and practice. Prudence is examined in three aspects: political, ethical and aesthetic and the volume is organized in two sections: "Des philosophes au service du pouvoir?" and "Dénouer la servitude." Biographical and rich bibliographical sections, an index of names and a detailed table des matières completes this useful study.

GRABILL, STEPHEN J. Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2006.

Review: D. B. Gallagher in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 940–41: Wide-ranging analysis is already considered by many scholars to be "a turning point in the history of Renaissance philosophical and theological ideas on the natural law tradition and its contemporary relevance" (940). Organized into three sections, Grabill's work focuses first on Karl Barth, then on "the complex story of how rationalism and the Enlightenment remolded Protestant theology into natural theology and the subsequent effects such a theology had on natural law theory," and finally "a synthetic narrative that summarizes the author's more detailed study of [essential early modern] primary sources" (941).

GRÉGOIRE, VINCENT. "L'interprétation du tremblement de terre de 1663 en Nouvelle-France d'après les écrits des missionnaires." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 64–76.

Aims to examine "pourquoi ce séisme est essentiellement représenté comme une punition divine (et une manifestation du Diable) frappant les trafiquants d'eau-de-vie et les Amérindiens qui en sont devenus dépendants [. . .]. Enfin, cette 'divine surprise' (d'un point de vue religieux) aura-t-elle des effets durables, ou ne coïncide-t-elle pas paradoxalement avec la fin de 'l'Église de la mission' et l'influence prépondérante des religieux sur la petite colonie — une colonie prise directement en charge, à partir de 1663, par l'autorité royale?"

GUERCI, LUCIANO, "Barruel, Bossuet e la democrazia nel 1789." S Fr 149 (2006), 319–332.

Impressively detailed and argued exposition of Jesuit Augustin Barruel's thought. Guerci develops the relationship between the latter's arguments (for example, the "thèse royale") and Bossuet's writings, notably his Politique tirée des propres paroles de l'Écriture sainte. If Barruel does not always acknowledge Bossuet (in the former's development of the concept of the king as a "père commun", for example), Guerci carefully demonstrates the clear reliance even in implicit references. Valuable article for several disciplines, especially religion, political science and government, for the reception of Bossuet and the proper understanding of Barruel.

JACOVIDES, MICHAEL. "How is Descartes' Argument Against Scepticism Better Than Putnam's?" PhQ 57 (September 2007), 593–612.

Jacovides argues that Descartes' arguments for the existence of God in the Third Meditation are better than their reputation suggests, and that they resemble (more than has previously been noted, including by Putnam himself) Putnam's arguments that since thought has a causal condition, we are not brains in vats, and the external world exists.

JANSE, WIM and BARBARA PITKIN, eds. The Formation of Clerical and Confessional Identities in Early Modern Europe. Dutch Review of Church History 85. Leiden: Brill, 2006.

Review: M. Laven in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 937–38: Twenty-four essays demonstrate the diversity of early modern reform "so shifting that no confessional map of Europe could ever accurately represent them" (937). Rich case-studies, some based convincingly on material culture address numerous aspects of identities, but Laven would have appreciated more attention to the reception of ideas and impact.

JONES, MATTHEW L. The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution: Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the Cultivation of Virtue. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006.

Review: J. Cottingham in Isis 98 (September 2007), 632–633. Cottingham characterizes the book's scholarship as "formidable," saying that Jones successfully (especially in the cases of Pascal and Leibniz) demonstrates that these thinkers' philosophies were not isolated academic exercises, but rather aimed at pointing out the link between science and ethics.
Review: K. Smith in Ren Q 60.2 (2007),643–44: Principally negative review disagrees with the positive assessments on the book's back cover by Daston and Gaukroger who term the work, respectively, as a "tour de force, offering a fundamental reassessment of what drives early modern philosophical thought" (644). Instead, Smith claims that Jones argues for the obvious and fails to connect his interesting and clear discussions (for example of the quadrature of the circle) to the cultivation of virtue.

JULLIEN, VINCENT. Philosophie naturelle et géométrie au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006.

Review: C. Lüthy in Isis 99 (March 2008), 183–184. A fascinating book that centers on the debates and intellectual differences between Descartes and Roberval, vindicating, in part, the latter. Includes a chapter that analyzes in great and persuasive detail Newton and Leibniz's theories of light, showing how such debates shaped science and metaphysics. The reviewer is puzzled by the author's decision to attack Kuhn (and defend Dhombres) in the introduction and first chapter, and advises readers to begin reading at Chapter 2.

KAHN, DIDIER. Alchimie et paracelcisme en France (1567–1625). Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: F. Fassina in S Fr 153 (2007), 646–647: Wide-ranging thèse breaks frontiers as it embraces the history of alchemy, literary history and general history. Seventeenth-century scholars will be particularly interested in parts three and four, which focus developments in the latter sixteenth and early seventeenth-century Important for cultural history as it traces and analyzes the diffusion of alchemy and paracelsism through France and Europe.
Review: P. Zambelli in BHR 70.2 (2008), 486–90: First of three volumes based on the author's 1998 thesis directed by Marc Fumaroli at the University of Paris IV Sorbonne: 《 la période qui va de 1567 à 1625 possède une forte cohésion. En 1567, cinq ouvrages publiés simultanément diffusent en français aussi bien qu'en latin, de Paris, de Lyon, de Strasbourg et d'Anvers, de grand [sic] textes alchimiques et, pour la première fois, en France, les doctrines de Paracelse. C'est l'illustration même du 《  renouveau paracelsien  》 à l'échelle de la France. 》
Review: n.a. in BCLF 695 (2007), 37: ". . .le premier volet d'une vaste trilogie s'attachant à présenter un peu plus d'un demi-siècle d'histoire culturelle et des idées à travers la réception française de ces deux courants, du milieu du XVIe siècle au début du XVIIe siècle. . ."

KAPP, VOLKER. "L'archéologie biblique et l'instruction des élites: Les Mœurs des Israélites et des chrétiens de Claude Fleury." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 83–92.

Kapp argues that modern-day theologians have misunderstood the literary importance of Claude Fleury, a major figure in the religious instruction of seventeenth-century elites. He focuses on Fleury's Mœurs des Israélites et des chrétiens, examining how the work favorably compares ancient Hebrew society to the society of ancient Greece and Egypt, which can be seen as provocative to both the Ancients and the Moderns. Ultimately, Fleury's project consists of retelling the story of ancient Israel and the early Christian era in such a way that he captures elite readers' imagination and instructs them at the same time.

KOPPISCH, MICHAEL S.. "In God's Kitchen: Food and Devotion in François de Sales's Introduction à la vie dévote." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 529–541.

Examines the role of culinary and gastronomic imagery in de Sales' devotional work.

LANDRY, JEAN-PIERRE, ED. Le Temps des beaux sermons. Genève: Droz, 2006.

Review: P. Chaduc in DSS 238 (2008), 167–168: Acts of a colloquium at Lyon "sur l'éloquence religieuse au XVIIe siècle nourrissent un projet ambitieux et permettent de nuancer bien des idées reçues. Outre la variété des genres convoqués (oraisons funèbres, sermons, panégyriques) et des auteurs abordés (Bossuet, saint François de Sales, Fénelon mais aussi Bourdaloue, Mascaron, Du Perron, Le Faucheur), ce recueil confronte des approches critiques différentes contribuant à dresser un panorama complet et riche des débats et des différentes pratiques de la prédication au lendemain de la Réforme."

LAURENTI, JEAN-NOEL. Valeurs morales et religieuses sur la scène musique (1663–1737). Geneva: Droz, 2002.

Review: D.A. Thomas in SCN (2007), 47–50: Although the reviewer disagrees with some of the limitations imposed on this study, he nevertheless reviews it favourably accepting his "focus not on the aesthetic qualities of the tragédie en musique or its political or social functions during the Ancien Régime, but rather on the moral, philosophical, even theological meanings explored on the lyric stage."

LE GALL, JEAN-MARIE. Le Mythe de Saint Denis entre Renaissance et Révolution. Seyssel: Champ Vallon, 2007.

Review: B. Petey-Girard in BHR 69.3 (2007), 750–54: "Cette étude ne se réduit pas à l'examen de la tradition d'éditions, de traductions et de lectures interprétatives du corpus dionysien, mais prend en compte 'l'omniprésence fugace' de Denis au cours de trois siècles d'histoire française, interroge les causes de la réquisition de sa figure au gré de l'évolution des mentalités et en fonction des différents milieux qui en usent, sans oublier de parcourir les lieux de mémoire parisiens qui s'y ratttachent."

LEINKAUF, THOMAS & KARIN HARTBECKE, eds. Der Naturbegriff in der Frühen Neuzeit: Semantische Perspektiven zwischen 1500 und 1700. Frühe Neuzeit, 110. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 2005.

Review: F. Krämer in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 989–91: Leinkauf's introduction reminds us that in the early modern period "no clear dividing line had yet been drawn between the natural sciences and the humanities" (989). It is in keeping with this multi-dimensional character that "the volume includes essays on the meanings of nature not only in the more obvious areas of the history of science and philosophy, but also in religious-theological, magical-alchemical, and literary contexts, and in the context of music theory" (990). French seventeenth-century specialists will appreciate Gábor Boros's essays "Dieu ou la nature: Die Umkehrung des cartesischen Naturbegriffs im Spätwerk Descartes." Broad in scope, the volume's essays are insightful as they analyze published and unpublished texts. Krämer would have preferred some attempt at "synthesizing" and/or "cross-referencing" of the essays (990).

LE MAO, CAROLINE. "Entre vocation et devoir social: l'appel de Dieu dans le milieu parlementaire bordelais au temps de Louis XIV." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 289–301.

Studies the parliamentary milieu of Bordeaux in order to understand the motivations of their children to enter religious institutions. She finds that it is seldom motivated by parents' desire to get rid of them, but rather due to the way of life offered in convents, the family reunions it implies, the lack of societal intrusion and the perspective of important clerical positions, along with true vocation.

LEWIS, JOHN. Galileo in France. Berne: Peter Lang, 2006.

Review: L.R.N. Ashley in BHR 69.3 (2007), 741: ". . .Descartes and lesser lights, some of them remaining devout sons of the Roman Catholic Church, discussed the impact of the trial of Galileo on faith and science, and, for a long, time, as John Lewis (Queen's, Belfast) shows, the effect of Copernican and Galilean ideas on French philosophy and scientific research was profound."

LOPEZ, DENIS & ERIC SUIRE. "Conclusions." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 409–418.

After presenting up-to-date research about religious questions, the authors point out the new interest in research about the religion of the elites, and the interdisciplinary approaches taken in the domain and presented at the conference. The authors conclude by coming back to the seventeenth century and stating the Grand Siècle closes with less of a need to dramatize the expression of faith.

LOPEZ, DENIS. "L'éducation religieuse des princes au XVIIe siècle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 15–35.

Lopez analyzes, from a literary perspective, the religious education of Louis XIII, Louis XIV, and the Grand Dauphin as attested by catechisms and other pedagogical materials. With Louis XIII, Héroard stresses the need to adapt religious education to the child's needs, with the ultimate (unrealized) goal of making the prince a theologian. Louis XIV's religious education was similar to that of his father's, with the notable exception of his mother Anne d'Autriche's personal role in her young son's religious instruction. The author examines how, unlike his father and grandfather, the Grand Dauphin's religious education focused primarily on reading the Bible itself.

LORIMER, EMMA. "Huguenot General Assemblies in France, 1579–1622: 'Public Opinion', Pamphlets and Political Memory." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 52–63.

Concludes: "Pamphlets written against Huguenot general assemblies were able to have an effect on a broad public by using the burlesque, by adopting a populist tone, and later by employing biblical and theological references. Ultimately, they gained credibility by reference to and sometimes direct quotation of the assembly records."

MARSHALL, PETER & ALEXANDRA M. WALSHAM, eds. Angels in the Early Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.

Review: L. Smoller in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1409–1411: Remarkable for its cohesive quality, this volume of essays should also stimulate future studies on the subject. Including the continent as well as England, Ireland and the New World, the essays demonstrate the great diversity of thought on angels, both between Catholics and Protestants, as well as within each communion. Several essays affirm that "the new mechanical philosophy of the seventeenth century. . . did not cause a disenchantment of the angelic world" (1410). Index and illustrations.

MELLINGHOFF-BOURGERIE, VIVIANE. "L'Écrivain au service des âmes: tradition et avatars de l'épistolarité spirituelle." TL 21 (2008), 117–130.

Marked by careful attention to appropriate terminology ("épître spirituelle" ou "lettre spirituelle" or as André Ravier has suggested "lettres d'amitié spirituelle"—these terms are preferable to the anachronistic "lettres de direction" which became prevalent in the second half of the 19th c.) and by sensitivity to different communions, Mellinghoff-Bourgerie's article refers to a significant corpus in the early modern, including Calvin, Briçonnet, Fénelon and François de Sales. Mellinghoff-Bourgerie demonstrates that to establish confidence, the "pastors" reiterate the sincerity of their friendship with their correspondents, balance authority and friendship and "sans avoir en commun le même credo, [adoptent] la même attitude envers le destinataire qu'ils [désirent] mener à Dieu" (130).

MINVIELLE, STÉPHANE. "Familles et religion: la place des clercs dans les élites bordelaises de la fin du XVIIe siècle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 303–318.

Studies the marginal status of ecclesiastics among their families, looking at sources such as baptism and marriage certificates, and wills. He realizes that members of a family that have chosen the clerical path end up having very few links with their family, in terms of their participation in religious celebrations (baptism, marriage), and of their share in filial inheritance. The author concludes that they become outcasts once they enter the orders.

MORAN, BRUCE T. Distilling Knowledge: Alchemy, Chemistry, and the Scientific Revolution. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.

Reviewed by N. Clulee in Isis 98 (September 2007), 634–635. "A thorough and judicious guide to the rethinking of the venerable Scientific Revolution." Among other things, the book links the experimentalism, supposedly new, of the Scientific Revolution, to long-standing practices in alchemy.

MORGAIN, STEPHANE-MARIE & FRANÇOISE HILDESHEIMER, eds. Armand Jean Du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu. Œuvres théologiques: Tome 1: Traité de la perfection du chrétien. Paris: Champion, 2002.

Review: H. Michon in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 963–964. Richelieu's theological work, although not very well known, was intended for publication. The two authors hereby render this neglected aspect of his career accessible to the general public and allow us to understand this great political figure. The Traité de la perfection du Chrétien is preceded by L'Instruction du chrétien.

NEWMAN, WILLIAM R. Atoms and Alchemy: Chymistry [sic] and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific Revolution. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006.

Review: N. H. Clulee in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 997–98: Praiseworthy as "the latest and most decisive contribution to establish the critical role that early modern alchemy-chemistry, or chymistry, played in the transformation of natural philosophy" (997). Newman's study may also be considered a "methodological manifesto" as it asserts and demonstrates "the value of the close reading of original primary texts, the need to attend to the philosophy part of natural philosophy, and the existence of important continuities between medieval and early modern natural philosophy" (998).

O'MALLEY, JOHN W., S.J. & GAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY, eds. The Jesuits and the Arts (1540–1773). Philadelphia: St. Joseph's UP, 2005.

Review: J. G. Harper in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 622–24: Welcome translation and expansion of the 2003 Ignazio et l'Arte dei Gesuiti and includes numerous illustrations, an index, and a bibliography. Illuminates the Jesuit education mission and its relation to the arts and is a valuable resource, recommended for students, teachers and scholars. The reader will be impressed with the analyses of a "rich variety of Jesuit styles" (18), the evolution from "austerity" to "increasing embellishment," the "patron-architect triangle" (623) and consideration of "the religious dramas of the Jesuits [which] moved in tandem with the tragedies staged in the secular theater" (231). The second half of the volume concerns the Jesuit arts beyond Europe, notably in Latin America, Asia and North America.

O'MALLEY, JOHN W., S.J., GAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY, STEVEN J. HARRIS, & T. FRANK KENNEDY, S.J., eds. The Jesuits II: Culture, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540–1773. With CD-ROM. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2006.

Review: T. Worcester, S.J. in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 621–22: Welcome second volume on the subject is the fruit of a 2002 conference at Boston College (the first volume was published at Toronto in 2000, the proceedings of a 1997 conference). Thirty-seven essays follow O'Malley's excellent introduction and "illuminate the complexity of successes and failures of the Society of Jesus" (621). Kennedy's presentation of a Jesuit opera on the passion of Christ complete with DVD of a 2002 performance rounds out the volume which includes topics as diverse as Jesuit schools, their funding and upward social mobility, translations, the roles of art and music and much more. Worcester calls for 19th and 20th c. specialists to be inspired by these studies and to devote their attention to "the relatively neglected field of the history of the post-1814 restored Society of Jesus" (622). Index, illustrations, tables.

PAPASOGLI, BENEDETTA. "L'ange illettré et la 《  science des saints  》." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 212–222.

Explains how the elites find the sublime through random encounters with illiterate simple people. Offers three examples: Surin and a mystic young man during a trip, Abbé de Rance and an illiterate poor shepherd, and Mme Guyon and a crazy Parisian wanderer. Their simplicity is considered as a form of elevation of thoughts.

PAPASOGLI, BENEDETTA. "Entre méditation et contemplation: la voix dans l'écriture spirituelle au XVIIe siècle" TL 21 (2008), 147–158.

Papasogli responds in this pertinent and multi-faceted article to the question: "Qu'est-ce. . . que la voix dans l'écriture spirituelle si ce n'est le secret de l'écrivain et la trace vivante d'une spiritualité personnelle?" (147). Papasogli demonstrates that in the seventeenth-century, "la thématique de la voix a contribué à enrichir et à nuancer la représentation des deux modes ou des deux tempi de la vie intérieur, méditation et contemplation" (148). Papasogli gives particular attention to the metaphor and to the emblematic or the "symbolisme de la voix" (153), but also to dialogue and other linguistic and literary forms as she interrogates key texts of major authors such as Pascal and François de Sales but also those of François Malaval and le Père Crasset.

PARK, KATHARINE & LORRAINE DASTON, eds. The Cambridge History of Science. Vol. 3, Early Modern Science. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.

Review: J. Shackelford in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 986–89: Focusing on Europe from 1490 to 1730, this volume contains a "mosaic of overlapping studies [and. . . provides] a rich critical apparatus of expansive, meticulous footnotes that document recent scholarship" (987). Organized into sections of "philosophical histories, studies of the people and sites producing new knowledge, disciplinary histories, and essays on how changes in natural knowledge were contextualized in other aspects of culture [such as. . .] art, religion and literature," the volume includes as well an "excellent introduction"(987). Seventeenth-century scholars will particularly appreciate the essays on Cartesian thought and Gassendian atomism.

PICCO, DOMINIQUE. " 《  Tourner doucement le premier usage de leur raison à connaître Dieu  》, ou l'instruction religieuse des filles de bonnes maisons dans la France du XVIIe siècle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 37–52.

Picco, a historian, analyzes Fénelon's Traité de l'éducation des filles (1687), in order to answer the question of which predominates: the elite nature of the work's destined public, or its gendered aspect. The author points out that Fénelon often speaks from practical experience, and, like Madame de Maintenon, thinks that the amount of instruction given should be proportional to the girl's social rank or situation in life. The conclusion is that Fénelon talks more about children in general than he does about girls in particular; moreover, particular emphasis is placed on the mother's role and duties in a child's religious education.

PIERRE, BENOIST. La Bure et le sceptre: la congrégation des Feuillants dans l'affirmation des Etats et des pouvoirs princiers (vers 1560-vers 1660). Paris: Sorbonne, 2006.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 684 (2006), 104–05: "La monographie de B. Pierre étudie cette congrégation dans ses rapports avec l'évolution politique du royaume de France."

PIERRE, BENOIST. "L'Éminence grise et l'Éminence rouge. La religion du Père Joseph et le service d'État." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 95–110.

Benoist Pierre discusses Père Joseph's social status as "un noble déclassé" and its role in his choosing the religious life; his mystical, Christ-centered spirituality; and how his spirituality influenced the role he played in Court politics, such as a possible crusade against the Ottoman empire. The failure of this last to come to fruition did not prevent Père Joseph from close to Richelieu, and using his diplomatic talents in the cardinal's service and the king's. What set Père Joseph apart was his desire to use his political role in order to fulfill God's plans for the king as the eldest son of the Church.

RABB, THEODORE K. The Last Days of the Renaissance and the March to Modernity. New York: The Perseus Book Group, 2006.

Review: D. Rutherford in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 503–504: Rabb's effort to identify distinctive unities and to analyze these coherences focuses on the end of the Renaissance when it "dissolved into the Age of Revolution" (xxii). His objectives include the book serving "not as a summary for [his] contemporaries, but as a template of European history for a new generation" (xvi) and attracting a general readership as well as a scholarly one. Instructive study includes the following among numerous "unities" or "coherences": "the appearance and growth of gunpowder warfare, the increasing centralization of power, the expansion of bureaucracies, the domestication of the aristocracy, overseas conquests and immigration, and the rise of capitalism, all coinciding with the cultural and intellectual admiration for antiquity" (reviewer 530).

RUTHERFORD, DONALD, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.

Review: L. Nauta in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1422–24: Praiseworthy for its embracing of diverse perspectives and encouragement of argument and discussion, Rutherford's edited volume includes authoritative studies on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with emphasis on the seventeenth. Valuable both for the demonstration of the "immense vitality and innovation of early modern philosophy" and for "a state-of-the-art picture of current scholarship" (1423). Index, illustrations, short biographies and bibliography.

SCHOLAR, RICHARD. The 'Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi' in Early Modern Europe: Encounters with a Certain Something. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.

Review: D. M. Posner in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 192–194: Found both "cheerful" and "exhaustive," Scholar's work focusing on French sources, "embrac[es the term's] inarticulability even while exploring nearly every corner of its territory." The word history extends from Cicero's nescio quid through the seventeenth-century "where the term and its entourage really live." Certain theoretical underpinnings and interpretations are judged less persuasive than others, but Posner generally applauds both cultural contexts and analyses of lesser-known authors and texts as well as figures such as Corneille, Descartes and Pascal.

SEIDENGART, JEAN. Dieu, l'univers, et la sphère infinie: Penser l'infinité cosmique à l'aube de la science classique. Paris: Albin Michel, 2006.

Review: A. Davenport in Isis 98 (June 2007), 393–394. Examines the migration of the infinite from God to the universe, with special attention to Giordano Bruno. Descartes, Gassendi, Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal, Spinoza, and Leibniz are also discussed. Immensely readable; the author also shows sensitivity to the powerful emotions evoked by the infinite.

SHAPIRO, LISA, ed. & trans. The correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2007.

Review: R. Lee in CHOICE 45 (2007), 483–84: Shapiro helps make apparent Elisabeth's status as "an accomplished and honest philosopher" in her own right (484), discouraging those who would use her correspondence solely as a source of further insight into Descartes. The volume contains an extensive bibliography; useful for scholars as for undergraduates.

SZULAKOWSKA, URSZULA. The Sacrificial Body and the Day of Doom: Alchemy and Apocalyptic Discourse in the Protestant Reformation. Leiden: Brill, 2006.

Review: T. Nummedal in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 998–1000: Important for its attention to and analysis of a body of early modern literature which "constructed a complicated rhetoric out of a blend of alchemy, Paracelsian theosophy, Hermeticism and Christian Kabbalah" (999). Arguing as her title suggests, that the images and texts are best understood "in the context of a radical apocalyptic Reformation theology," Szulakowska goes on to identify clusters of themes and connections, providing over 50 images for which she gives rich and detailed analyses (999). Nummedal would have preferred less detail and fewer generalizations but recognizes the importance of the images and arguments presented.

TILLIETTE, XAVIER. Philosophies eucharistiques de Descartes à Blondel. Paris: Le Cerf, 2006.

Review: M. Adam in RPFE 198.2 (2008), 260–261: L'auteur examine le mystère de foi eucharistique au centre de la réflexion théologique dans ce livre basé sur un cours de théologie des années 1980 à l'Université grégorienne de Rome et à l'Institut catholique de Paris. Il commence par Descartes, évoque Desgabets, Bossuet et Malebranche. " L'auteur rappelle la spiritualité pascalienne puis, à travers Bayle et Jurieu, les remous concernant l'eucharistie dans les milieux protestant... " L'auteur apporte ensuite des approches mal connues de la métaphysique allemande et finit avec des auteurs plus récents comme Maurice Blondel.

TOLLET, DANIEL. "Les autorités religieuses et la conversion au XVIIe siècle dans la République polono-lituanienne." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 395–408.

Looks at the religious history of the Polish-Lithuanian republic and shows that the conversion from Lutheran to Catholic faith in Poland was the result of Jesuit schools for the elite, but ultimately the conversion was the result of a political obligation within the creation of a nation-state endangered by surrounding nations of other religions.

VUILLEMIN, JEAN-CLAUDE. "Baroque: le mot et la chose." OeC 32.2 (2007), 13–21.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. "Le 'baroque' est la forme visible des interrogations de cette époque en proie à une extraordinaire mutation du savoir, prise entre des certitudes passées qui se délitent et un avenir imprévisible ouvert sur tous les possibles. Marqueur épistémologique, le 'baroque' — mon baroque — relève de la sorte beaucoup moins de l'esthétique que de la philosophie. Ainsi, si l'on est en droit d'affirmer le baroquisme du théâtre de Rotrou, et de l'ensemble de l'époque de Louis XIII, c'est beaucoup moins du fait de sa stylistique, de sa thématique, ou encore de son ambiguïté, qu'à cause des profondes affinités que cette dramaturgie entretient avec l'une des prémisses essentielles de la science moderne pour laquelle voir ne rime plus avec savoir."

WIEL, VÉRONIQUE. "Condition chrétienne, condition mondaine: les Conversations chrétiennes de Nicolas Malebranche." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 71–82.

Wiel tackles the apparent discord between the "condition chrétienne" and the "condition mondaine" that is the subject of Malebranche's Conversations chrétiennes from three standpoints: how the two intersect, oppose each other, and finally, how they co-exist. She analyzes the importance of the genre of conversation and how Malebranche is able to manipulate it in order to transmit Christian philosophy to an elite reading public not prepared or willing to digest theological treatistes.

WITTHAUS, JAN-HENRIK. Fernrohr und Rhetorik. Strategien des Evidenz von Fontenelle bis La Bruyère. (Neues Forum für allegemeine und vergleichenede Literaturwissenschaft, vol. 28). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2005.

Review: H. Merkl in Archiv 244 (2007), 447–449: New, however eclectic perspectives, prevail in this interesting dissertation. Methodological influences from Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, and Luhmann, among others. Focusing on astronomy and optics, but also examining theological, philosophical and anthropological points, the first part treats Galileo and Descartes, the second Borel, Fontenelle, Huygens, Pascal and La Bruyère.

ZAISER, RAINER. "Le pli: Deleuze et le baroque." OeC 32.2 (2007), 155–70.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. "Le pli est donc un concept transhistorique du baroque, concept disposé à élargir son répertoire de traits pertinents à condition que l'on puisse attribuer ces derniers au paradigme spécifique des divergences, des dissonances et des polyvalences. . . Cette élasticité du concept de baroque n'est pas seulement utile à l'analyse des manifestations du néobaroque, mais elle l'est aussi à l'étude du baroque du XVIIe siècle dont l'abondance des formes risque toujours de dépasser le cadre de quelques caractéristiques bien définies. Il ne reste qu'à préciser où sont les plis baroques dans les oeuvres littéraires. La théorie de Deleuze, si souvent citée qu'elle soit, attend encore son application dans ce domaine."


AGAPIOU, NATALIA. Endymion au carrefour: La fortune littéraire et artistique du mythe d'Endymion à l'aube de l'ère moderne, Ikonographische Repertorien zur Rezeption des antiken Mythos in Europa 4. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2005.

Review: P. Hunt in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 983–85: Highly recommended as "an insightful new study by a gifted linguist and sensitive literary imagist" who is also praised for her "sleuthing" efforts through an extensive corpus, both artistic and literary (984). A useful guide for future studies. seventeenth-century specialists will appreciate the inclusion of Poussin and Galileo. Index, illustrations, bibliography.

AMATUZZI, ANTONELLA & PAOLA CIFARELLI, presentazione di LIONELLO SOZZI, eds. Favola, mito ed altri saggi di letteratura e filologia in onore di Gianni Mombello. Franco-Italica, 23–24, 2003.

Review: C. Musio in S Fr 151 (2007), 171–172: This volume of the journal, in honor of Mombello, contains some thirty essays, organized in three sections: "Entre fable et mythe," "l'Art d'écrire au Moyen Age et au XVIe siècle" and "Portraits réels et imaginaires" (171). Seventeenth-century scholars will find at least eleven of the essays of significant interest including Cecilia Rizza's "Entre mythe et fable. Petite histoire des deux mots au XVIIe siècle" (111–123). Rich and varied, the volume includes linguistic, narrative, poetic, biographical and cultural studies.

ASSAF, FRANCIS. "Ecriture de la violence dans les histoires comiques." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 565–571.

"La violence définit pour une grande part l'épistémè baroque dans les histoires comiques. Elle illustre de façon catégorique le schème disséminatoire, montrant qu'alors même qu'elle est douce et charmante, l'existence est fragmentaire, contradictoire, absurde, odieuse même. Faite de mots sur le papier, la violence dans les histoires comiques n'en prétend pas moins à une réalité que n'hésite pas à condamner le texte lors même qu'il la conforte."

ASSAF, FRANCIS. "Francion: écriture moderne, écriture baroque." OeC 32.2 (2007), 81–107.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. L'auteur se propose d'examiner le Francion, la structure et l'imaginaire du récit, et "constate une 'dynamique disséminatoire' qui synthétise les contraires et qui détermine la polysémie du texte."

BALLARD, MICHEL. De Cicéron à Benjamin: traducteurs, traductions, réflexions. Villeneuve-d'Ascq: PU du Septentrion, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 695 (2007), 35–36: "Au XVIIe siècle, on invente la traductologie, ainsi que l'expression 'belles infidèles' (qu'on doit à Gilles Ménage) qualifiant les traductions qui prennent toute leur liberté face à l'original pour se conformer au goût de la société qui les reçoit." On trouve cet essai "très utile par son approche chronologique et sa volonté de passer au crible tous les grands textes écrits sur la traduction. Il ne faut pas y chercher cependant d'apport théorique nouveau, ni de perspectives soutenues vers des horizons extra-européens."

BARBAFIERI, CARINE. Astrée et Céladon. La galanterie dans le théâtre tragique de la France classique (1634–1702), Rennes: PUR, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 151 (2007), 434–435: Barbafieri's very interesting and suggestive study is organized in three parts, the first focusing on "la constitution d'un mythe critique," the second analyzing "la tentation galante" —in particular "les charmes de la douceur," the third treating "le dilemme de la tragédie" as it examines in confrontation "l'idéale galante" and "l'idéale tragique" (434). Barbafieri analyzes both critical and dramatic texts as well as identifies a tragic model which is "adeguatamente definito e precisato" (435). Rich bibliography.

BEASLEY, FAITH E. Mastering Memory: Salons, History, and the Creation of Seventeenth-Century France. Aldershot, VT: Ashgate, 2006.

Review: S. O'Hara in SCN (2007), 19–22: "In this thought-provoking study, noted feminist critic Faith Beasley argues that literary history has misread and suppressed the major role women writers and thinkers played in seventeenth-century French salon culture. Indeed, this willful misreading and suppression became the foundation upon which to build the officially accepted view of French literary history — and consequently, French cultural identity."

BELIN, CHRISTIAN. "Enquête sur le plaisir spirituel au XVIIe siècle." TL 21 (2008), 131–145.

Wide-ranging investigation convincingly demonstrates the very real and extensive quality of spiritual pleasure. From Pascal who had used Tertullian's formula in one of his letters to Charlotte de Roannez, "on ne quitte les plaisirs [de ce monde] que pour d'autres plus grands" (132) to others who like le P. Le Moyne noted the dangers of excessive severity as well as the "dimension ludique ou divertissante" of devotion (139), Belin traces both in conceptualization and practice the essential nature of "plaisir" and underscores its Augustinian quality ("grâce" is described "sous les traits d'une 'delectatis victrix,'" for example, and "l'amour de Dieu se communique [in Augustinian theology] sous la forme d'un plaisir inédit et inouï" (144).

BERCHTOLD, JACQUES & MARIE-MADELEINE FRAGONARD, éds. La Mémoire des guerres de religion. La concurrence des genres historiques (XVI–XVIIIe siècles). Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: E. Herdman in MLR 103.2 (2008), 533–34: "The fifteen articles in this volume explore the historiographical genres employed to evoke the wars between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries; a further volume studying the nineteenth century is envisaged. Marie-Madeleine Fragonard's excellent methodological introduction raises historiographical questions such as the blurring of traditionally literary and historical genres, the quest for authenticity and the position of the historian, and the challenges to historiography in different historical contexts. The chronologically arranged articles combine explorations of individual genres and specific case studies: contextual readings are often employed and elisions with each historian's contemporary political concerns frequently emerge."
Review: A. Mellet in BHR 69.3 (2007), 828–31: "Cet ouvrage réunit les actes du premier colloque de l'équipe Formes et idées de la Renaissance aux Lumières (Université de Paris III). Il est constitué de quinze articles consacrés à la représentation des guerres de religion françaises dans différents genres littéraires entre 1560 et 1780. Comme l'indique M.-M. Fragonard dans un beau texte introductif, trois problématiques majeures se croisent dans ces études: celle de la nature de l'actualisation d'un passé conflictuel, celle de la constitution d'une méthode historique et de l'utilisation de textes anciens, enfin celle de la circulation des références au passé à travers plusieurs genres historiographiques."
Review: N. Salliot in DSS 238 (2008), 178–180: "Les quinze contributions et leur présentation (par M.-M. Fragonard) s'attachent à l'écriture de l'histoire des guerres de Religion du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. Classées par ordre chronologique, elles posent le problème de la relation mémorielle à un passé plus ou moins proche, traumatisant, parfois occulté, délicat à appréhender et toujours soumis au risque d'une vision partiale ou parcellaire, mais dont le souvenir, retravaillé par les formes qui le diffusent, demeure essentiel pour la réflexion politique et religieuse, et ce jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle."

BERREGARD, SANDRINE. "La Comédie en France dans les années 1630: des auteurs en quête de légitimité." S Fr 151 (2007), 107–116.

Berregard closely examines paratexts or "péritextes" of authors, focusing not only on contributions to theory but also on tensions between theory and practice. The heterogeneity of these texts is made evident here as is the desire on the part of authors to rehabilitate a devalorized genre and demonstrate its independence. The corpus considered here includes texts by Pierre Corneille, Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, Mairet and Rotrou but Berregard makes reference as well to late 1sixteenth-century texts such as those of Nicot and Laudun d'Aigaliers. Precepts dictated "par les Anciens" are not blindly applied and authors wish to establish comedy as a respectable genre. Views on rules may vary but all concede that the supreme rule is that of pleasing the public. Berregard demonstrates that the theory found in these "péritextes" does not always reflect the reality of the plays themselves (Corneille's use of Matamore in l'Illusion comique despite his claim in l'examen of Mélite to renounce the characters of the commedia dell'arte). Even at the end of the century the tensions and diversity remain apparent; Furetière's dictionary defines the genre generally by its form, its agreeable events represented and characters "de médiocre consition," but also includes the link to the farce or to the facétie.

BIET, CHRISTIAN & CHRISTOPHE TRIAU, avec postf.Emmanuel Wallon. Qu'est-ce que le théâtre? Paris: Gallimard, 2006.

Review: BCLF 684 (2007), 51–52: ". . .dans une étude extrêmement intéressante de L'Illusion comique de Corneille, les auteurs montrent comment le dramaturge lui-même prenait acte de l'illusion née de la perspective et jouait 'des points de vue multiples' qui en naissaient. 'Point de vue' est ici un terme essentiel. Christian Biet et Christophe Triau ont en effet choisi d'étudier le théâtre sous un angle bien particulier: celui de la réception."

BLANCHARD, JEAN-VINCENT & HELENE VISENTIN. L'Invraisemblance du pouvoir: mises en scène de la souveraineté au XVIIe siècle. Brindisi: Schena, 2005.

Review: H. Phillips in FS 61.4 (2007), 511–12. The review of this collection of essays is mixed. While some of the authors (Biet, Lyons, Louvat-Molozay) live up to the promise of the title, others fail completely. The best essays recognize that the real discussion is not vraisemblable vs. invraisemblable, but the intersection of language and power.

BODE, CHRISTOPH. Der Roman. Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Francke, 2005.

Review: M. Löschnigg in Archiv 244 (2007), 340–341: Bode's investigation does not present the novel in its totality but rather focuses on theoretical aspects of the genre and narrative categories. Includes discussion of differences between "histoire" and "discours" and wide-ranging examples from European and American literature. Reviewer appreciates Bode's work here and his earlier (2001) study of the lyric and hopes that he will do a similar work on drama.

BONTEA, ADRIANA. "George Dandin ou les Plaisirs du désenchantement." CdDS 11.2 (2007), 1–26.

This article studies spectacles in the seventeenth century as meaningful intrinsic parts of the plays. The author looks at the description of place, décor, architecture, music, and dance, and the festivities of the Fête de Versailles on July 18, 1668. She then turns to George Dandin as the pinnacle of these festivities. Art rivaled with nature and became the object of historical knowledge.

BOURGEOIS, CHRISTOPHE. "Figures du sens: pour une poésie et spiritualité." TL 21 (2008), 81–95.

Compelling interrogation of the spiritual dimension of "l'art poétique" explores the rapport between "le sens figuré" of poets and "le sens spirituel" of interpreters of the bible. Examples drawn from poets from 1550–1630 (Hopil, Favre, La Ceppède, among others) illustrate Bourgeois' examination of poetic exegesis ("corps et esprit, lettre et esprit") while pertinent references to Church Fathers and theologians (Origen, Aquinas, and notably St. Augustine) guide his investigation into "Théologies de la figure: res, verba, signa (89)."

BOURGEOIS, CHRISTOPHE. Théologies poétiques de l'âge baroque: La Muse chrétienne (1570–1630). Lumière classique 69. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: D. Clifford in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1350–52: Judged "a book for scholars written by a scholar," Bourgeois' 852-page tome, originally a thesis, is highly informative and thorough as it examines "poetic theologies," and demonstrates and analyzes "the interpenetration of the poetic and the theological." Reexamines "the coming together of interior asceticism and spectacular language as it reconsiders the very meaning of "baroque" and the multiple expressions of "la muse chrétienne": "sermon, poem, personal meditation, dogmatic discourse, sacred hermeneutics and moral exhortation" (1351–52).
Review: L. Marsh in SCN (2007), 239–242: "Bourgeois has set an enormous agenda in a volume that is more important as a resource for French devotional poetry of the period than as a work that answers convincingly the question of how the baroque aesthetic is expressed in that literature, if indeed it is."
Review: V. Kapp, PFSCL XXXV (69), 755–760. "[Ce livre] explore un domaine peu connu avec une érudition admirable and une grande sensibilité littéraire dont la finesse de ses analyses témoigne abondamment."

BOURQUI, CLAUDE. "La fable du fabuliste: Ésope, du Grand Cyrus à La Fontaine." TL 20 (2007), 303–319.

This contribution to TL's section "Du choix d'un genre: A la Reconnaissance de l'écrivain," provides a close analysis of Ésope as a "personnage" who has, in Le Grand Cyrus, not only a decisive role in the intrigue but also an elaborate development as character. Ésope along with other authors such as Sapho, Anacréon, etc. are shown to incarnate "les valeurs scudériennes dans le domaine de la création littéraire" (305). Further affinities are noted between Ésope and Sarasin, especially for example in "dialogues de raillerie" (311). Bourqui also tackles the thorny point concerning La Fontaine's choice of Planude's "Vie" as he responds to the question: "Pourquoi ne pas se fonder sur des sources plus crédibles, que procuraient les progrès de la philologie et de la science historique?" (317).

BRAY, BERNARD. Epistoliers de l'âge classique. L'art de la correspondance chez Mme de Sévigné et quelques prédécesseurs, contemporains et héritiers. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2007.

Review: C. Lignereux in DSS 238 (2008), 180–181: "En choisissant de rassembler une quarantaine d'articles parus entre 1959 et 2003, Bernard Bray facilite grandement l'accès à des travaux qui, pour les plus anciens, furent pionniers, à une époque où l'épistolaire — son histoire, sa théorie, sa génétique — était loin de constituer un objet d'étude autonome."

BREDNICH, ROLF WILHELM et al. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung. Vol. 11. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2003–2004.

Review: A. Gier in Archiv 244 (2007), 150–155: Welcome continuation of this major project, volume eleven includes articles on types of narratives, various narrative traditions of particular countries, and interdisciplinary perspectives. Gier's review includes comments on numerous entries. seventeenth-century scholars will appreciate in particular the section on discourses or récits de voyage.

BRUNEL, MAGALI. "L'évolution de la pratique des stances théâtrales: un chemin de traverse du baroque vers le classicisme." OeC 32.2 (2007), 121–34.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. "Nous nous appuierons. . . sur la production cornélienne, particulièrement représentative de cette pratique, puisque Corneille reste de loin le dramaturge qui a le plus inséré de stances, et ce, dans tous les genres théâtraux. Pous envisager l'évolution de leur intégration, nous proposons d'élargir notre corpus aux quatre seuls textes qui utilisent celles-ci après 1660, c'est-à-dire d'une part deux pièces de Corneille, La Toison d'Or et Psyché, et d'autre part, la première tragédie racinienne, La Thébaïde ou les frères ennemis, ainsi qu'une comédie de Montfleury, La femme juge et partie."

CAMPBELL, JULIE D. Literary Circles and Gender in Early Modern Europe: A Cross-Cultural Approach. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006.

Review: P. Phillippy in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 633–34: Valuable for several disciplines, especially for gender and cross-cultural studies as well as intertextual criticism, Campbell's work explores "the relationships between literary circles in early modern Italy, France, and England, and texts by the men and women who frequented them" (633). Treating the early modern querelle des femmes as both a literary and social phenomenon, she "reenergizes this familiar touchstone" (633). French scholars will be interested in her exploration of Claude-Catherine du Cleremont, Duchesse de Retz and the testimony of her contemporaries as to her writing.

CERRETINI, ANNE-MARIE &VERONIQUE ZAERCHER,sous la dir. de. Dialogue et Intertextualité, Europe XVI–XVII. Sarreguemines: U de Nancy II, 2005.

Review: E. Kushner in BHR 70.2 (2008), 490–93: 《  Pourquoi associer dialogue et intertextualité? D'emblée on songe à l'extraordinaire essor du genre dialogique au XVIe siècle et à ses modèles platoniciens, cicéroniens, lucianiques. . .. Le rapport des textes nouveaux à ces modèles anciens est caractérisé par la double volonté de les imiter mais aussi de se distancier par rapport à eux. Il en résulte une tension créatrice qui à elle seule suffirait largement à justifier un travail soutenu d'observation du comportement intertextuel et dialogique.  》 Voir l'article de Claire Cazanave qui 《  montre comment, le dialogue ayant perdu sa popularité au début du XVIIe siècle, Pellisson remet à l'honneur les dialogues de Sarrasin, mais pour leur utilité mondaine plutôt que philosophique.  》

CHARTIER, ROGER. Inscription and Erasure: Literature and Written Culture from the Eleventh to the Eighteenth Century. Trans. ByArthur Goldhammer. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania, 2007.

Review: A. Lloret in MLN 122.4 (2007), 928–32: "Inscription and Erasure dispute the long-standing division between the interpretation of texts and the description of the material supports and social-historical environments in which texts appeared and circulated. Throughout the eight chapters that constitute this book—some of them had already been published—Chartier examines from a middle-ground between a socio-historical study of graphic culture and the hermeneutics of the poetical text 'the manifold relationship between inscription and erasure between the durable record and the ephemeral text, by studying the way in which writing was made literature by certain works belonging to various genres and composed in various times and places' (vi)." Chapter 5 treats Cyrano de Bergerac's States and Empires of the Moon (1657) and States and Empires of the Sun (1662).

CHOISY, FRANÇOIS-TIMOLÉON DE et al. The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville. Trans.Steven Rendall.Intro.Joan DeJean. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2004.

Review: Caroline Jumel in Marvels & Tales 21.1 (2007), 160–62. Jumel praises this edition as useful to students of French literature, gender studies and fairy tale studies. Jumel takes some issue with the translation in spots, but finds DeJean's introduction strong, and the tale's treatment of cross-dressing and "so-called unconventional marriages" still relevant today. Also notes that this is the first edition to address the question of the tale's authorship and genealogy by attributing it to three separate authors: de Choisy, L'Héritier and Perrault.

CHOMETY, PHILIPPE. 《 Philosopher en langage des dieux. 》 La Poésie d'idées en France au siècle de Louis XIV. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006.

Review: W. Gershuny in SCN (2007), 250–252: In looking at didactic and scientific poetry, the author successfully broaches a scarcely studied topic. "Examining the works of poets ranging from the great to the forgotten, from La Fontaine to Magnon, Chevalier, and Vion Dalibray, Chométy displays both vast erudition and scrupulous methodological rigor in calling attention to a rich and fascinating literary corpus, the understanding of which is revealed in the multiple tensions and paradoxes embodied therein."

CHRISTOUT, MARIE-FRANÇOIS. Le ballet de cour de Louis XIV. 1643–1672. Mises en scène Paris: Picard, 2005. "La vie musicale en France sous les rois Bourbons", n. 34.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 151 (2007), 173: Useful analysis of the ballet de cour from a period in which the précieux and the fantastic were prevalent to the triumph of ostentation in the ballet of 1660–1672. Theory (Michel de Pure, C.-F. Ménestrier, d'Aubignac) and diverse components of the ballet (music, dance, costume, mise en scène) are investigated in Christout's study which includes interesting annexes, a rich bibliography and illustrations.

CIVARDI, JEAN-MARC. "Du secret tragique au silence harpocratique: Polymestor et Sigalion." DSS 238 (2008), 19–26.

Described by Anne Piéjus as "une réflexion liminaire sur l'allégorie jésuite et sur les origines de ce Sigalion," Civardi provides crucial background for a selection of related articles while allowing us to understand "comment, selon les voeux de l'auteur de la tragédie, la figure du secret reliait indirectement le ballet à l'épisode tragique de Polymestor sacrifiant son fils Déiphile[.]"

CIVARDI, JEAN-MARC. La Querelle du Cid (1637–1638). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.

Review: M. Bombart in DSS 240 (2008), 562–563: A particularly strong study "qui rassemble le corpus des pièces polémiques publiées autour du Cid et en propose une étude d'ensemble. La première partie du livre, après un état de la question et un bilan critique des travaux consacrés à la Querelle, constitue une étude générale de la polémique en trois temps." The first presents all the relevant context, the second, "une série d'études transversales isolant les 《 enjeux 》 de la Querelle," and the third, a modern analysis of its critical consequences over time.

CONESA, GABRIEL & VERONIQUE STERNBERG, eds. Le salon et la scène: comédie et mondanité au XVIIe siècle. Littératures classiques, no. 58 (printemps 2006).

Review: C. Musio in S Fr 151 (2007), 436–437: These essays are the fruit of the Colloque de Valenciennes, May 15–16, 2002, organized by the Centre d'Analyse du Message Littéraire et Artistique de l'Université de Valenciennes and le Centre de Recherches sur la Transmission des Modèles Littéraires et Esthétiques de l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. The volume is organized in the following sections: "Le salon à l'épreuve de la scène", "La scène à l'école des salons?" "Oui, toujours des marquis"; les mondains ou l'invention des types modernes" and "Jeux et enjeux de la représentation comique." Musio's review offers concise remarks on each contribution.

CONROY, DERVAL. "Des noeuds que l'amour ne rompt point'? Sisters and Friendship in Seventeenth-Century French Tragedy and Tragi-comedy." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 603–624.

"Leaving the more common representation of sisters as jealous rivals aside — the 'simplified, conventionalised' representations of female relationships which Woolf bemoaned — the aim of this article is to examine a number of other models of sisterhood and of female friendship with which the dramatists provide us, and hence to analyse how [blood] sisterhood is configured [in early modern tragedy and tragi-comedy]." Focus is on four plays which feature sisters: Thomas Corneille's Ariane (1672), Rotrou's Antigone (1639), Du Ryer's Berenice (1645) and Boyer's La Sœur généreuse (1647).

CONSTANT, JEAN-MARIE. La folle liberté des baroques (1600–1661). Paris: Perrin, 2007.

Review: A. Roullet in DSS 239 (2008), 370: In looking at the first half of the century, the author asserts that the political history "se confond avec l'histoire culturelle, en faisant le choix de lier dès qu'il le peut aux grandes oeuvres littéraires ou artistiques le déroulement des événements marquants de l'époque baroque."

COROPCEANU, LILIA. "Faber suae fortunae: Subject's Self-Constitution in French Novelistic Narrative (Lafayette, Marivaux, Stendhal)." DAI 68/08 (2008),

Starting point is Michel Foucault's definition of ethics in order to study the shifts regarding modes of subjectivation that occur between the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries. The chapter on Lafayette examines the paradoxical self that emerges in the novel as "the result of a unique process of self-creation, based on a code of values that are radically different from the ones accepted in the courtly milieu."

COUTON, MARIE, ISABELLE FRENANDES, CHRISTIAN JEREMIE, & MONIQUE VENAUT, éds. Emprunt, plagiat, réécriture aux XVe, XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Actes des journées d'étude organisées par le Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Réforme et le Contre-Réforme les 15 novembre 2003, 12 juin 2004, 5 et 6 novembre 2004. Clermont-Ferrand: PU Blaise Pascal, 2006.

Review: C. Skenazi in BHR 69.3 (2007), 776–78: "Sans prétendre à l'exhaustivité, un projet de ce type entend avant tout stimuler le dialogue entre spécialistes de la période abordée. On regrettera à cet effet l'absence de toute réflexion théorique sur des phénomènes qui ont pourtant suscité de nombreux travaux critiques. A l'absence de toute discussion sur le concept d'imitation et sur les façons dont les auteurs du XVe au XVIIe siècles envisageaient les procédés rhétoriques qui lui sont apparentés, s'ajoute le manque de précision: des termes tels qu''emprunt' et 'réécriture' qui se trouvent au centre de tous les articles rassemblés dans ce volume, ne font l'objet ni de définitions ni d'analyses dans une perspective historique."

DALLA VALLE, DANIELA & MONICA PAVESIO, eds. Due storie inglesi, due miti europei: Maria Stuarda e il conte di Essex sulle scene teatrali. Atti del Convegno di studi comparati, Università degli Studi di Torino, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, 19–20 maggio 2005. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007.

Review: C. Musio in S Fr 153 (2007), 646–647: These proceedings focus on the myth of two historical persons, the count of Essex and Marie Stuart, as well as on analogies and the circulation of European theatre. The volume is wide-ranging, the time period stretching from the first tragedies relating to the two myths and concluding with 20th c. texts and the literature examined coming from diverse countries (England, Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Russia). Musio's review focuses on the essays dealing with French authors and their plays (Antoine de Montchrestien, Charles Regnauld, Thomas Corneille and Claude Boyer.

DARMON, JEAN-CHARLES and GEORGES MOLINIÉ, eds. Libertinage et politique au temps de la monarchie absolue. Littératures classiques 55 (été 2005).

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 596: This number of LC explores connections between "libertinage" and "politique" and is arranged in sections as follows: "Thématiques et enjeux spécifiques de la critique libertine: entre conformisme apparent et subversion radicale," and "Modalités et effets de l'art d'écrire libertin: d'un genre à l'autre, d'un siècle à l'autre." Also includes introductions by Darmon and Molinié and an Annexe with a text of Gassendi.

DAUVOIS, NATHALIE & JEAN-PHILIPPE GROSPEVRIN. Songes et songeurs (XIIIe–XVIIIe siècle). Saint-Nicolas, Québec: Les Presses de l'Université de Laval, 2003.

Review: P.J. Carvalho Da Silva in DSS 239 (2008), 363–364: The culmination of a seminar at Toulouse from 1998 to 2000 on 《 Idées, thèmes et formes, 1550–1789 》. "Le but commun [...] est de montrer la richesse et la complexité des conceptions tout ensemble esthétiques, morales, politiques, philosophiques qui se dégagent de l'analyse des formes poétiques du songe du Moyen Âge aux Lumières." This volume is deemed a little too short to cover such a large period.

DE CAPITANI, PATRIZIA. Du spectaculaire à l'intime. Un siècle de commedia erudita en Italie et en France (début du XVIe siècle-milieu du XVIIe siècle). Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: M. Kramer in BHR 68.3, 634–36: Voir les trois parties du volume qui "s'occupent des trois facettes de la commedia erudita: comédie romanesque, comédie d'intrigue, comédie sérieuse et sentimentale, avec des juxtapositions de textes français et italiens. . . Ici, on trouve à la fois une véritable mine d'information concrète, factuelle, concernant la création de certaines comédies françaises de Bourgeois, La Taille, Larivey, Rotrou et d'autres auteurs français, et une analyse attentive de tous les aspects possibles des ouvrages examinés."

DERAMAIX, MARC & GINETTE VAGENHEIM, eds. L'Italie et la France dans l'Europe latine du XIVe au XVIIe siècle: Influence, émulation, traduction. Rouen: U de Rouen, 2006.

Review: D. Gilman in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1434–35: Despite reservations concerning thematic focus and some features of its critical apparatus, Gilman finds that the volume's essays "draw important attention to neglected texts and propose exciting possibilities for research in the défense of Latin and Neo-Latin texts and the illustration of their Renaissance representations" (1435). Included are treatments of Nicolas Caussin's homilies (Sophie Conte) and of Gabriel Naudé and libertinage (Laurence Boulègue).

DICKSON, JESSE. "L'après-midi théâtral sous Louis XIV: effacement et retour du corps." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 625–642.

Analyzes the representation of the corporeal, in the double-billing of tragedy and farce, "[qui] mettait en scène la relation pour ainsi dire schizophrène qu'a le théâtre classique avec le corps."

XVIIe siècle (226) January 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 388: Wide-ranging, this issue includes analyses of two "journées d'études" ("Chasse et foret au XVIIe siècle," Château de Compiègne, April 26, 2003 and another at the département de philosophie de l'U de Nancy 2 in 2003) and focuses on romance, poetry and philosophy. A study in the varia section analyzes an aspect of superstition and magic in the late seventeenth-century

XVIIe siècle (227) May 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 388: Issue includes analyses of theatre (including one on Molière as personnage-seventeenth-century through 20th c.), culture oratoire, Télémaque, epistolary discoveries, Louis XIV's power, Retz and P. de la Chaise.

XVIIe siècle (228) June 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 388: After a "ricordo" of Wolfgang Leiner, this number includes articles on the actuality of the "classics," dialogue as a genre, the Pensées, the "champ de bataille des belles lettres," as well as several historical analyses.

XVIIe siècle (229) October 2005.

Review: D. Dalle Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 388: Includes the proceedings of the "Journée d'étude" dedicated to the study of "Réalités et représentation des batailles dans les guerres du sud-est de l'Europe au XVIIe siècle" held at Vincennes on February 18, 2005 as well as analyses focusing on theatre, politics and philosophy.

DUGGAN, ANNE E. Salonnières, Furies, and Fairies: The Politics of Gender and Cultural Change in Absolutist France. Newark, DE: U of Delaware P, 2005.

Review: L. C. Seifert in E Cr 47 (2007), 107–108: Judged "a major contribution to work on seventeenth-century French women writers, the salon, the novel, and fairy tales" Duggan's work analyzes "how early modern writers interpreted and reacted to historical change" (108). The choice of focus (Scudéry in chapters 2 and 3 and d'Aulnoy in chapters 5 and 6) permits considerable discovery of contrasting socio- political perspectives. Another chapter examines the seeming anatagonism between Boileau and Perrault regarding their delegitimzation of 'mondain' women, concluding that, "contrary to many recent critics there is a fundamental agreement between the two antagonists." Although Seifert is not totally convinced, he believes that Duggan's discussion of oppositions between Perrault and d'Aulnoy is "a productive starting point for future exploration" (107).

DUMORA, FLORENCE. L'Oeuvre nocturne. Songe et représentation au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 597: Focus is on French culture although the expressed intent is to demonstrate tensions between two maxims: a European one, "la vita è sogno" and a French [Cartesian] one "penso, dunque sono." The volume is organized in two sections: 1) "Discours sur le songe. Le sens, l'expérience, l'image" and 2) "Récits de songes." Texts of authors examined are highly diverse, from those of Sorel to Bossuet among some six others. Copious notes and a rich bibliography.
Review: E. Keller-Rahbé in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 967–968. So far the most stimulating and the most coherent study dealing with the dream motif in the seventeenth century, according to the reviewer. Dumora shows that dreams were present throughout the century while her inquiry adopts a variety of perspectives (stylistic, topical, etc). The structure is twofold: "discours sur le songe" and the "récit de songes," both of which are equally dense and complex. The "dream" motif has been seized in its multiple appearances, as "songe-fable, songe éveillé, songe de vocation ou de conversion, songe-anamorphose, songe amoureux, songe-éloge funèbre, songe parnassien. . .."

EICHEL-LOJKINE, PATRICIA & CLAUDIE MARTIN-ULRICH, eds. De bonne vie s'ensuit bonne mort: Récits de mort, récits de vie en Europe (XVe–XVIIe siècle). Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance européenne, 53. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: B. Renner in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1431–32: Organized in three sections: "Narration, argumentation et organisation de la matière historique," "La 'thanatographie,' récit et interprétation de la mort," and "Présence de la mort dans l'autobiographie," the volume brings together successfully 18 essays reflecting a remarkable interdisciplinarity and focuses on the "dialogical relationship" (9) between life and death. Funeral orations, verse epistles, popular biographies of Protestant ministers (by Julien Goeury), press reports, autobiographical texts as exemplums, as well as other genres are skillfully examined in this diverse and rich collection.

FERRAND, NATAHLIE, ed. Locus in fabula—La topique de l'espace dans les fictions française d'Ancien Régime. Éditions Peeters, Louvain-Paris, 2004.

Review: Frédéric Briot in RSH 282.4 (2006), 201–202: Actes of the XVe colloque de la Société Internationale de la Topique Romanesque, held in Paris in 2001, consisting of 44 conference papers on seven major themes: ouvertures; des lieux et des genres; dépaysements (espaces d'Europe et d'ailleurs); mobilités (lieux de passage, lieux en mouvement); espaces naturels, espaces urbains, espaces d'artifice; quand les lieux parlent; sociologie et techniques. Rich collection with multiple responses and original contributions to the questions posed for the period of the Ancien Régime.

FERRER, VERONIQUE & ANNE MANTERO, eds., introduction byMICHEL JEANNERET. Les Paraphrases bibliques aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, 《 Actes du Colloque de Bordeaux des 22, 23 et 24 septembre 2004 》. Geneva: Droz (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, no. CDXV), 2006.

Review: P. Baillargeon in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 945–46: Praiseworthy for its coherence and its important contribution to the field of the history of the book as well as to the understanding and expression of the genre [see in particular, Jean-Michel de Noailly's presentation of the Bibliographie des psaumes imprimés en vers français, which includes over 3000 editions and nearly 1700 Psalters published between 1525 and 1900]. Arranged in four sections, the essays focus on 1) paraphrase and biblical exegesis, 2) various forms of paraphrase (poetry, prose, tragedy), 3) paraphrases of the Psalms, evolution of the genre and 4) the musical paraphrase (including both seventeenth-century Catholic ones as well as Protestant compositions). Should definitely encourage future studies. Index, illustrations, tables, bibliography.
Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 151 (2007), 432–433: Two of the greatest specialists of intertextuality regarding the Bible and literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth century present these essays of rich and varied perspectives (religious and literary, historical, musical, etc.), treating several genres (translations, exegesis, sermons, poetry) and techniques. This collection "di straordinara ricchezza e profondità" is indispensable for its contribution to numerous and important aspects of the culture of the early modern and is organized in the following sections: "Paraphrase et exégèse", "Paraphrase et littérature", "La paraphrase de psaume", "Paraphrase et musique"(432).

FERREYROLLES, GERARD, ed. La Polémique au XVIIe siècle. Littératures classiques, no. 59 (été 2006).

Review: C. Musio in S Fr 151 (2007), 433–434: Focused on a key theme for the study of the seventeenth-century, this issue of LC is organized in three sections: "Les formes de la polémique", "Les normes de la polémique", and "Les champs de la polémique". Ferreyrolles also furnishes, as introduction, an essay defining polemic discourse and delineating its principal functions and characteristics; he also supplies "un'ultissima bibliografia" (434).
Review: C. Barbafieri, PFSCL XXXV (69), 762–766: "Un recueil d'articles de grande qualité' which proposes 'une réflexion véritablement stimulante."

FORD, PHILIP & PAUL WHITE, eds. Masculinities in Sixteenth-Century France. Proceedings of the Eighth French Renaissance Colloquium 5–7 July 2003. Cambridge: Cambridge French Colloquia, 2006.

Review: A. Klosowska in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 573–74: Praised for both its erudition and elegant writing, this edited collection demonstrates that "'the ambient [normative, heterosexual] masculinity' against which these different gender performances emerge, is often a matter of nostalgia (among others, for the chivalric knight)" (573). Focus is on authors who, for political, pedagogical or hermeneutical goals, "create or manipulate masculinity for a reason specific to their text" (573). Although as the title indicates, the study concentrates on the 16th c., studies do address some key seventeenth-century authors and figures: Cyrano, Théophile, and Tristan.

FURNO, MARTINE, ed. La collection Ad usum Delphini, vol. II. Grenoble: ELLUG, Université Stendhal, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 598–599: This second and last volume (the first was edited by Catherine Volpilhac-Auger in 2000) is welcome as it treats some 39 authors in notices, which include biographical material as well as analyses. Praiseworthy for the "interessante prospettiva" it opens on the early modern.

GAMBELLI, DELIA & LETIZIA NORCI CAGIONO, eds. Le Théâtre en musique et son double (1600–1762). Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: J. Gilroy in FR 81 (2008), 581–82: Assembles the proceedings of a conference in 2000 on Lully, opera parodies, and the French Academy of Music. The work includes treatment of the origins of opera in Italy, its arrival and development in France, and its gradual adaptation to a French public. Several papers which address parodies of opera and of Lully chart a means by which opera moved toward heightened naturalness and realism.

GARAPON, JEAN, ed. Armées, guerre et société dans la France du XVIIe siècle. Actes du VIIIe Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, Nantes, 18–20 mars, 2004. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2006.

Review: C. Rolla in S Fr 153 (2007), 647–648: These acts present the scholarship of twenty specialists and define a rich, multifaceted picture of war, not limited to literature, but including perspectives from all forms of the beaux arts. Presented in homage to Wolfgang Leiner, honorary president of CIR 17 (see Cecilia Rizza's "In memoriam"), the volume is organized in six sections as follows: "Guerres et sociétés," "Visions chrétiennes," "La guerre dans la fiction," "Guerre et existence," "La guerre et le théâtre musicale," "La glorification de la guerre."

GARCIA-HERNANDEZ, BENJAMIN. Gemelos y sosias. La comedia de doble en Plato, Shakespeare y Molière. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2001.

Review: A. Teulade in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 663–665. This study's nature is typological: "elle dégage les éléments topiques des comédies dans lesquelles la question du double est centrale. Une première partie, introductive, est consacrée à l'évocation des structures linguistiques et littéraires du double, en distinguant le cas des jumeaux, doubles naturels et authentiques, de celui des sosies, doubles artificiels. Ces deux cas sont opposés à celui du double fonctionnel, personnage jouant le même rôle qu'un autre, mais ne présentant pas de similitude physique avec lui." The author provides us with ample examples: starting with Plato, she later turns to Shakespeare and discusses Molière, as well. A synthesis concludes this study.

GELY, VERONIQUE. L'Invention d'un mythe: Psyché. Allégorie et fiction du siècle de Platon au temps de La Fontaine. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: P. White in FS 62.1 (2008), 78–9. This dithyrambic review praises Gély for a readable, erudite and thorough survey of the figure of Psyché from the Greeks to La Fontaine. Gély is "a sharp reader," who provides lucid translations from Spanish, Latin, and Greek. Beyond being a systematic survey, this work contains an "extremely thought-provoking analysis" of a variety of texts. Gély's book is "essential reading" for "anyone interested in the 'invention' of myth."

GETHNER, PERRY. "Divine Right versus Divine Judgement in Two Early French Biblical Tragedies." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 469–476.

Examines the strategies by which Montchrestien's David (1601) and Du Ryer's Saül (1642) "managed to strike a sufficient balance between orthodoxy and subversion to have made them palatable to troupes and audiences."

GETHNER, PERRY. "The Endymion Myth in Early French Opera." CdDS 11.2 (2007), 71–82.

An in-depth analysis of the Endymion myth within the operatic genre during the second half of the seventeenth century in order to show why this story was so popular, the individual adaptations of the myth, and how these works contributed to the development of early French opera. Gethner also attaches himself to the question why, within the dramatic genres of pastoral and tragedy, all adaptations were part of the rubric of pastorales héroïques rather than tragedy. He argues that an idealized fantasy of love without the identification of class difference lent itself to happy court celebrations.

GHEERAERT, TONY, ed. Perrault, Fénelon, Mailly, Préchac, Choisy et anonymes. Contes merveilleux. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: A. Génetiot in DSS 238 (2008), 176–178: "Dans ce quatrième volume de la 《 Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées 》, Tony Gheeraert réunit uniquement des conteurs masculins qui écrivent pour les dames sur des thèmes galants, dans une sorte de 《 seconde préciosité 》.[...] Les conteurs masculins rassemblés ici explorent ainsi les caractéristiques et les frontières du genre dans des oeuvres-laboratoires, au carrefour d'esthétiques multiples qui témoignent des contradictions de la féerie 《 fin de siècle 》 entre jeu galant et pédagogie morale, panégyrique et pastiche, folklore populaire et exotisme."
Review: E. Keller-Rahbé in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 968–969. This is the fourth volume of the "Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées" and privileges anonymous and lesser-known storytellers. It is richly annotated and documented.

GIMARET, ANTOINETTE. "Poésie et militantisme: la poésie de la Passion et les élites au début du 17e siècle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 185–197.

Gimaret analyzes and compares the religious poetry and politics of two members of the southern noblesse de robe, Gabrielle de Coignard in Toulouse and the magistrate Jean de la Ceppède from Aix-en-Provence. Both poets reject the pagan Muse in favor of establishing their identity as Christian poets, a move linked to the historical context of the Counter-Reformation, especially in the South of France. Their status as members of the noblesse de robe provided both with the education and spiritual formation necessary to their poetry, which they both saw in turn as participating in the larger sphere of the Counter Reformation. Gimaret concludes by discussing the potential conflicts between both poets' religious ideals and their civic duties.

GIORGI, GIORGETTI. "Les théoriciens italiens et les remarques de Corneille sur le roman et sur les différences entre le théâtre et le roman." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 73–83.

Examination of Corneille's remarks concerning the novel in his second Discours and examination of possible reasons (primarily his rhetorical education) as to why he preferred the dramatic medium.

GIORGI, GIORGETTO. Romanzo e poetiche del romanzo nel Seicento francese. Roma: Bulzoni, 2005.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 153 (2007), 650–651: This volume gathers a series of Giorgi's previously published studies, updates, and provides us with "un panorama esteso e dettagliato delle poetiche romanzesche del Seicento francese" (650). Wide-ranging, with perspectives and analyses relating to theory and practice, Giorgi reminds the reader of classical sources, Italian writers, French theorists such as Huet and Chapelain, as well as writers (who are often theorists as well) such as Sorel, Madeleine de Scudéry, Madame de Lafayette and Fénelon.

GIPPER, ANDREAS. Wundebare Wissenschaft. Literarische Strategien naturwissenschaftlicher Vulgarisierung in Frankreich. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2002.

Review: A. Keilhauer in Archiv 244 (2007), 222–224: Praiseworthy exploration of the vulgarization of scholarly knowledge in France in the early modern. Wide-ranging and well-documented examination fills an important lacuna. Seventeenth-century scholars will appreciate in particular sections on Cyrano, the vraisemblable, the bienséances, honnêteté, etc.

GOMEZ-GERAUD, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Le crépuscule du Grand Voyage. Les récits des pélerins à Jérusalem (1458–1612). Paris: Champion, 1999.

Review: B. Méniel in RHLF 108.1 (2008), 207–209. Gomez-Geraud's study deals with 58 written accounts and 92 manuscripts that describe the spatial and spiritual dimensions of pilgrimage in the Renaissance. The author divides her book into four parts: part one focuses on the history of religion and the spiritual value attributed to pilgrimage. The second part examines the history of published editions during the sixteenth century up to 1610. The last two parts are more literary in nature. For they discuss topics, themes, and recurrent structures within those narratives, as well as the diverse nature of those books.

GORRIS, ROSANNA,dir. Les Montagnes de l'esprit. Imaginaire et histoire de la montagne à la Renaissance. Actes du Colloque International, Saint-Vincent, 22–23 november 2002. Aosta: Musumeci Editore, 2005.

Review: S. Arena in BHR 68.3 (2006), 620–22: Volume pluridisciplinaire en quatre parties: la première partie "est consacrée à la métaphore de la montée comme élévation intérieure, élan de l'âme vers Dieu et parcours personnel vers la connaissance et la purification"; la deuxième section est consacrée "à la représentation des montagnes dans les oeuvres artistiques et littéraires"; dans la troisième partie, "les montagnes de la Renaissance sont explorées sur la base des oeuvres des cosmographes et des progrès de la cartographie"; le volume "s'achève sur une quatrième partie de nature historique."

GOUJON, JEAN-PAUL. Anthologie de la poésie érotique. Paris: Fayard, 2004.

Review: M. Delon in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 632–633. The most monumental and original study so far devoted to erotic poetry in verse-form, but that also pays tribute to other forms (refrains, drinking songs, etc.). The sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century are identified as key periods that deserve our attention, for erotic poetry was flourishing. Preceding the anthology is a substantial essay, entitled: "Une histoire de la poésie érotique française." The reviewer points out that the author's choice of poems is predominantly masculine and deliberately misogynist and that not all readers will be inclined to share his point of view.

GOULET, ANNE-MADELEINE. Poésie, musique et sociabilité au XVIIè siècle. Les Livres d'airs de différents auteurs publiés chez Ballard de 1658–1694. Paris: Champion, 2004.

Review: L. Naudex in RHLF 108.2 (2008), 451–452. This study, an outgrowth of a dissertation, is divided into three excellent parts: a history of editions, a study on the rhetorical and poetical nature of the texts, as well as a historical, social, and literary analysis. "Le processus méthodologique est celui de l'enquête: animée par le scrupule et une exigence de précision scientifique, l'auteur multiplie les pièces à conviction avant de proposer des conclusions." Goulet provides us with "masses" of documentation. Her study is sometimes difficult to access; but overall, it is an indispensable study.

GOUPILLAUD, LUDIVINE. De l'or de Virgile aux ors de Versailles Métamorphoses de l'épopée dans la seconde moitié du XVIIè siècle en France. Geneva: Droz, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006) 389: Judged rich and fascinating, Goupillaud's welcome treatment of the epic includes sections on 1) "Les héritiers [of Virgil], 2) "Les fils prodigues," focusing on the French epic and 3) "Les affranchis" or the shipwreck of the epic [the epic in crisis].
Review: V. Schröder in MLR 103.2 (2008), 535–36: 《  What this book provides, then, is not a systematic account of seventeenth-century readings and rewritings of the Aeneid (Scarron's Virgile travesti, for example, although listed in the bibliography, is never discussed), but rather a rich and stimulating mosaic of case studies illustrating various ways in which the omnipresent Virgilian model informs French classical literature and culture."
Review: J.-C. Ternaux in IL 59.2 (2007), 57–59: The author looks at the importance of Virgil's Aeneid in the seventeenth century and its role for the intellectual and moral formation of the subject. She moreover studies generic transformations of the Aeneid, linking them to linguistic, historical, social, and political factors. Reviewer approves of this study, which offers a great synthesis and combines thorough research with convincing arguments.

GRAFTON, ANTHONY. What Was History? The Art of History in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge UP, 2007.

Review: M. L. Colish in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1293–95: Praiseworthy both for "illuminating the rise, development, and supersession of ars historica" and for calling for more breadth as well as nuance in our understanding of Renaissance humanism (1294–95). Time period covered is from 1550–1700. Grafton traces, explores, and illustrates "successive stages" of debates on reading history while offering helpful analyses of both well-known figures such as Jean Bodin (1530–96) and numerous lesser known ones which merit appreciation. Found "erudite and engagingly written" (1294). Illustrations and bibliography.

GREINER, FRANK. "La confrontation de l'histoire et du roman: Fancan, Sorel, Lenglet-Dufresnoy." DSS 239 (2008), 311–338.

Where seventeenth-century theatre was the battle ground for the great "querelles" of the day, Greiner suggests that the novel was not without controversy and he demonstrates that "le roman fut longtemps critiqué et évalué sur la base de sa controntation avec l'histoire," constituting a long standing "querelle" which he discusses with reference to Fancan, Sorel and Lenglet-Dufresnoy.

GRÉLÉ, DENIS D. "Relations économiques et rapports sociaux: établir une cohérence nationale au pays d'utopie." Neophil 91 (2007), 19–32.

Focusing on economy and politics, Grélé identifies and analyzes four archetypes at the base of many utopias of the Early Modern, in particular those of the seventeenth-century Grélé illustrates each archetype with an example: "société à esclaves" (Veiras), "société esclavagiste" (Fontenelle), "société républicaine" (Campanella) and "société monarchique" (Lesconvel).

GRIMM, JÜRGEN. Französische Klassik. Stuttgart, Weimer, Metzler, 2005.

Review: M. Chihaia, PFSCL XXXV (69), 766–768. '[Ouvrage] qui se situe au-delà de l'histoire de la littérature, dans une histoire des idées et des mœurs'. 'Une introduction stimulante qui propose aux étudiants assez de détails, de citations et de points de vue différents pour leur donner un accès privilégié à ce phénomène culturel unique qu'est le siècle 《  classique  》'.

GUILIANI, PIERRE. "Le sang classique entre histoire et littérature: hypothèses et propositions." DSS 239 (2008), 223–242.

"Au point de rencontre de la réalité historique — pour autant que celle-ci soit objectivement saisissable — et de la littérature, c'est à une représentation du sang que les classiques français nous introduisent, c'est-à-dire tout à la fois à une transformation et à une interprétation de ce que montrent la nature, les hommes et les événements."

HACHE, SOPHIE. La Langue du ciel. Le sublime en France au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2000.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 670–672. This study is divided into three parts: the first one deals with Guez de Balzac and looks at classicism under Louis XIII; the second one focuses on the relation between the sublime and the sacred, and the third one turns to Boileau and the era of Louis XIV. The author mentions a great number of artists and provides us with a very dense anthology. According to the reviewer there are, however, certain flaws despite the study's merit: "tous les écrivains mentionnés. . . sont mis dans le même sac et bénéficient tous d'un égal crédit. . . Certains, même, iront jusqu'à trouver répétitif à l'excès le recours aux trois registres d'écriture aristotéliciens."

HAQUETTE, JEAN-LOUIS & EMMANUELLE HENIN. La scène comme tableau. Poitiers: La Licorne, 2004.

Review: T. Karsenti in DSS 240 (2008), 563–565: A series of articles drawn from a colloquium at Paris VII dealing with "la profonde mutation qui, à partir du XVIe siècle, affecte progressivement le modèle scénographique européen avec la mise en place de la scène à l'italienne."

HERZEL, ROGER. "Theatre History and Seventeenth-Century France." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 3–16.

Very useful review of research carried out to date on C17 theatre history, the difficulties it has encountered as a discipline and the current trends being investigated.

HOWE, ALAIN. Écrivains de théâtre, 1600–1649. Documents du Minutier Central des notaires de Paris. Paris: Centre historique des Archives nationales, 2005.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 151 (2007), 172: This volume is a complement to Howe's 2000 Le Théâtre professionnel à Paris and gathers documents "grazie all'inventario realizzato da MADELAINE JURGENS, archivista che ha dedicato la propria vita all'archivio parigino" (172). The present volume focuses on acts relating to dramatists working in Paris from 1600–1649; Howe analyzes the acts and their larger meaning for the genre and for cultural history. Organized in two sections: "Notices et analyses" (173 acts such as marriage contracts, inventories of wealth, etc.) and "Documents transcrits" (the integral transcriptions of 24 particularly interesting documents). Includes introduction by Jean Mesnard, an analytical table, bibliography and index of names. Important for the educated public as well as for specialists.

ISSLER, ROLAND ALEXANDER. Metamorphosen des 'Raubs der Europa.' Der Mythos in der französischen Lyrik vom frühen 14. bis zum späten 19. Jahrhundert. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, 2006.

Review: F. Nies in RHLF 107.4 (959–960). Issler debunks Rémy Poignault's thesis: "l'histoire d'Europe ne constituerait pas 'un grand mythe littéraire' mais 'tout au plus un motif.'" To show us the opposite, he chooses about ten different examples (two from each century) that range from the 14th to the 19th centuries. In his study of myth in the seventeenth century, he turns to Tristan l'Hermite and Isaac de Benserade. Among the flaws of this study are certain errors in reading, as well as a disappointing conclusion. But the bibliography is of great value.

JEANNERET, JEAN. La Muse lascive: anthologie de la poésie érotique et pornographique française (1560–1660). Paris: José Corti, 2007.

Review: G. Peureux in MLR 103.2 (2008), 534–35: 《 . . .the volume includes a short but inspiring essay on early modern erotic and pornographic poetry in France (1560 to 1660). Michel Jeanneret sheds light on the origins of more than 1500 saucy poems, 'des proportions industrielles', he says (p. 19), taking up ideas from his latest book, Eros rebelle: littérature et dissidence à l'âge classique." Reviewer would have liked to see "an enquiry into the identity of the authors and publishers in question" that might have shed more light on "the social reality of this obscene phenomenon."
Review: n.a. in BCLF 695 (2007), 68–69: Ouvrage qui "forme le second volet d'un diptyque, l'autre étant La Muse sacrée: anthologie de la poésie française (1570–1630), et ainsi s'explique (à défaut de se justifier) l'opération qui consiste, avec cette Muse sacrée, à rééditer sans le dire un titre publié pour la première fois en 1972, Métamorphoses spirituelles: anthologie de la poésie religieuse française (1570–1630). Après l'appel à Dieu et l'élan mystique, Michel Jeanneret emmène son lecteur sur un autre versant des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, celui de la poésie dite 'satirique'. . . Les textes qu'il propose sont d'authentiques curiosités, au sens premier du mot, mais également sans l'acception que le terme reçoit en bibliophilie. Ils n'avaient plus été réimprimés depuis des décénnies."

JEANNERET, JEAN & JEAN STAROBINSKI, éds. L'Aventure baroque. Carouge-Genève: Suisse, 2006.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 684 (2006), 55–56: Présenté par Jeanneret et Starobinski, cet ouvrage en hommage à Jean Rousset comprend quatre études parues pour la première fois dans les années '40, '50, et '80, ainsi que des traductions en version bilingue longtemps inaccessibles. "C'est tout d'abord un choix de textes de Andreas Gryphius, poète protestant, humaniste et militant du XVIIe siècle, puis quelques extraits magnifiques du Voyageur chérubinique (1656) et de La Sainte Joie de l'âme (1657) d'Angelus Silesius."

JOURDE, MICHEL & JEAN-CHARLES MONFERRAN, éds. Le Lexique métalittéraire français (XVIe–XVIIe siècles). Cahiers d'Humanisme et Renaissance 77. Genève: Droz, 2006.

Review: M. Clément in BHR 69.3 (2007), 820–21: "De l'importance de repérer ce que nommer veut dire, tel est le sujet de ce recueil. Il ne s'agit pas ici d'un lexique comme le titre pourrait le laisser penser (pauvre lexique de douze entrées!) mais d'une réflexion à partir de douze cas précis sur ce que suppose une élaboration lexicale à un moment donnée." Les analyses du volume "s'emploient tantôt à montrer à l'oeuvre un 'processus de constitution du genre'. . .; tantôt à débusquer les raisons d'un échec de dénomination: 'translations' pour qualifier la métaphore ou 'diastole' pour qualifier la diérèse; tantôt à redéfinir ce que nous croyons connu, comme 'composition' chez Peletier, 'éloquence' chez Guez de Balzac, 'comique chez Des Autels, 'essai' chez certains poètes comme Mage de Fiefmélin ou "Vie" chez Colletet, mots tellement évidents qu'on les lit sans en comprendre les enjeux."
Review: M. Keller in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 923–24: Perspectives differ (from the synchronic to the diachronic) in these essays which "focus on 12 particular terminological issues" (924) and respond to questions such as the following: "What was the meaning of composition as a metapoetic term. . .? How did authors of early modern French travel narratives conceive of style nu and how did they practice it? Which conceptual changes did éloquence undergo during the seventeenth-century debate on rhetoric?" (923). Judged "an important contribution to the study of metaliterary discourse in early modern France [which also affords] precious insights into the animated debate about the delineation of literature as an object of critical inquiry" (924). seventeenth-century scholars will particularly appreciate essays on the semantics and evolution of terms such as personnage, acteur, essai, prosopopée, oraison directe, and éloquence. Bibliography, tables and a list of helpful online resources.

KAEMPFER, JEAN,SONYA FLOREY, &JEROME MEIZOZ,sous la dir. de. Formes de l'engagement littéraire (XVe–XXe siècles). Lausanne: Antipodes, 2006.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 696 (2007), 62–63: Recueil de dix-huit contributions d'un colloque organisé à l'université de Lausanne en 2005 à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de Sartre. Le volume est organisé en quatre parties: "L'archéologie de l'engagement"; "Les engagements paradoxaux"; "Politiques littéraires"; "L'engagement aujourd'hui." La première partie montre "comment, sous l'Ancien Régime, 'la responsabilité politique, la fonction de dévoilement, l'incitation à agir' sont déjà présentes chez les écrivains. . ."

KAPP, VOLKER. "Le concept de baroque face aux doctrines oratoires du XVIIe siècle en Europe." OeC 32.2 (2007), 23–35.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. "Pour conclure, il faut constater que l'univers de la rhétorique regroupe largement le champ du concept de baroque qu'il permet de préciser. Le terme de rhétorique baroque se révèle peu pertinent pour décrire véritablement les doctrines oratoires. Il devrait donc être explusé du domaine des études rhétoriques voire même de celui de la critique littéraire. La prise en considération de l'histoire de la rhétorique a toutefois modifié le concept de baroque sans le rendre superfu."

KATRITZKY, M. A. The Art of 'Commedia': A Study in the 'Commedia dell'arte' 1560–1620 with Special Reference to the Visual Records. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006.

Review: L. L. Carroll in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 180–181: Judged a "milestone in commedia dell'arte scholarship," Katritzky's extensive work (of over 600 pages) offers not only an important history of the commedia dell'arte but also "hundreds of visual images (many first identified by the author)." Although Carroll indicates a few "missed" opportunities, she praises Katritzky's work as "very important" as it uncovers a broader, richer and more innovative presence of the commedianti.

KRIEF, H. La Sapho des Lumières. Anthologie établie et présentée par H. Krief. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 2006.

Review: I. Brouard-Arends in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 970. A chronological anthology that starts with Madeleine de Scudéry and concludes with Mme de Staël-Holstein. Diverse genres are included and historical information completes the literary texts. Recurrent topics are discussed.

LA CHARITE, CLAUDE. L'âge de l'éloquence et l'angle mort de l'histoire littéraire de la Renaissance." OeC 32.1 (2007), 57–71.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. "C'est d'ailleurs à la lumière de ce paradigme rhétorique que je voudrais tenter d'esquisser ici la filiation intellectuelle entre Fumaroli et la recherche sur la littérature de la Renaissance depuis 1980. L'on s'interrogera d'abord sur les raisons qui ont fait qu'avant L'âge de l'éloquence l'histoire littéraire et la rhétorique étaient mutuellement exclusives, même lorqu'il était question de l'Ancien Régime. Il s'agira ensuite de voir en quoi L'âge de l'éloquence constitue une sorte de discours de la méthode, ce qui explique en partie la richesse et l'ampleur de sa postérité. Enfin, je voudrais suggérer que l'un des points nodaux des travaux sur la littérature de la Renaissance depuis L'âge de l'éloquence est l''art Rhetoricale', sorte de de fil d'Ariane dans l'histoire des litterae humaniores."

LAROQUE, FRANÇOIS. "Le Misanthrope au théâtre (Ménandre, Shakespeare, Molière, Hofmannsthal)." IL 59.4 (2007), 34–47.

This study envisages a comparison between misanthropic characters on stage throughout history. In part one, the author engages in detailed readings, starting with Aristophanes, and the reappearance of this "type" in Molière, Rousseau, Fabre d'Eglantine, Courteline, Eugène Labiche, Ferdinand Raimund, Alexander Griboïévov, and Anouilh, among others. Part two is comprised of a detailed bibliography on studies and anthologies dealing with particular aspects of misanthropy in theater, as well as the historical, social, and political contexts of the plays discussed. A detailed bibliography on Molière's misanthrope is included, as well.

LECOMTE, NATHALIE. "Messieurs les 《 Acteurs dansans 》: essai pour percer les secrets d'une distribution." DSS 238 (2008), 77–83.

A brief study of the dancers who appeared in Sigalion, drawing on various sources including handbills and reviews.

LEIBACHER-OUVRARD, LISE. "Divergences et Queeriosités: Ovide moralisé ou les mutations d'Iphis en garçon." FLS 34 (2007), 13–33.

Through a genealogical approach applied to fictional and theatrical adaptations of the fable of Iphis and Ianthe from the twelfth through the eighteenth century, the author examines the important role played by heteronormativity. The quiet homoeroticism of Ovid is replaced especially in the sixteenth century by a movement of heteronormative fixation.

LENTRICCHIA, FRANK & ANDREW DUBOIS, eds. Close Reading: The Reader. Durham & London: Duke UP, 2003.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 43 (2007), 96–97: Includes both a useful 40-page introduction (by Dubois) and 17 essays in two sections: "Formalism (Plus)" and "After Formalism." Continuity rather than the clash of critical schools is emphasized. Illustrative examples of critics include: John Crowe Ransom, Cleanth Brookes, Stanley Fish, Paul de Man, Frederic Jameson, Roland Barthes, Catherine Gallagher, Stephen Greenblatt, Eve Kosofksy Sedgwick and Homi Bhabha.

LIMA, ROBERT. Stages of Evil: Occultism in Western Theater and Drama. Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2005.

Review: n.a. in FMLS 43 (2007), 103: Judged highly useful and suggestive both for the synthesis it offers and its bibliography (of European and American Drama). Includes sections on the underworld, metamorphoses of gods, possession and exorcism, cauldron and cave. Found "both scholarly and highly readable."

LORIMER, EMMA. "Huguenot General Assemblies in France, 1579–1622: 'Public Opinion', Pamphlets and Political Memory." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 52–63.

Concludes: "Pamphlets written against Huguenot general assemblies were able to have an effect on a broad public by using the burlesque, by adopting a populist tone, and later by employing biblical and theological references. Ultimately, they gained credibility by reference to and sometimes direct quotation of the assembly records."

LUCCIONI, CARINE. "Les accents d'une nymphe plaintive: Echo, miroir du dire mélancolique dans la poésie de l'âge baroque (1580–1630)." DSS 239 (2008), 285–309.

Tracing the image of Echo throughout French baroque poetry, the author concludes that "la fable d'Écho définit le lyrisme baroque comme la plainte monotone, la monodie atone d'un poète réduit au vain ressassement du discours élégiaque, et traduit une profonde nostalgie du carmen poétique, qui allie chant et charme à travers les accents nombreux d'une voix forte et harmonieuse."

LYONS, JOHN D. Before Imagination: Embodied Thought from Montaigne to Rousseau. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2005.

Review: S.W. Farquhar in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1353–55: Wide-ranging and priaseworthy, Lyons' "brilliant study fills a lacuna in our knowledge of early modern views of the imagination" (1353). After an introduction which focuses on "classical theories of the imagination, emphasizing Stoic self-cultivation," Lyons presents analyses of the inner life in chapters on 1) Montaigne and the 16th c. Stoic revival, 2) François de Sales, 3) Pascal's skepticism as regards "will-directed imagination" (1354), 4) Mme de Sévigné and the philosophical dimension of the letters, 5) the novel, Mme de Scudéry's which developed imagination and Mme de Lafayette's which is found "anti-imaginative" (F. 1354), 6) Boileau and Fénélon and "an emphasis on negative and passive attributes" (F. 1355), and 7) Rousseau's Emile where sensibility is valued over the imagination.

MANTERO, ANNE. "'Le commencement d'une Rose'. Les objets de ce monde dans la poésie spirituelle française de la fin du XVIe siècle et du XVIIe." TL 21 (2008), 97–115.

Detailed and masterful investigation of "une sorte de noeud d'interactions par lequel les choix poétiques renvoient à des postulats religieux" (98). Mantero's "cartographie" is sketched out, demonstrating oppositions or "pôles" such as "la dénonciation des vanités" and "[des] suites assertives d'une célébration, ou des existences singulières, suspendues au vouloir providentiel, ou de l'ordre universel méthodiquement déduit" (98). The quotation in Mantero's title is from Jean de Bussières' ode "La Rose" and appropriately illustrates the mystery of "l'accroissement de la vie. . . propre à nourrir une 'description poëtique'" (98). The rich corpus explored here, including, among others, works by Zacharie de Vitré, Claude Hopil, Gabrielle de Cognard, Louis de Grenade, Laurent Drelincourt, Jean Auvray, Jean-Baptiste Chassignet and Martial de Brive, demonstrates that although God is both "omninominable" and "innominable," life's totality even in seemingly "menus événements" is perceived "dans la gravité d'une lumière spirituelle" (99, 115)."

MARCHAL-WEYL, CATHERINE. Le Tailleur et le fripier. Transformations des personnages de la comedia sur la scène française (1630–1660). Geneva: Droz, 2007.

Review: R. Racevskis in SCN (2007), 235–239: "Catherine Marchal-Weyl is right to say that studies of seventeenth-century French theater have underestimated the significance of the Spanish comedia for early modern æsthetics. Le Tailleur et le fripier accomplishes the significant scholarly task of correcting this tendency while providing a wealth of information,both about the comedias themselves [...] and about their adaptations by French playwrights."

MAZOUER, CHARLES. Le Théâtre français de l'Age classique. 1. Le premier XVIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 108.1 (2008), 211–212. This is a prolongation of two previous studies on theatre: the first one dealing with the Middle Ages, the second one with the Renaissance. In this volume, Mazouer describes the first part of the transitions within the seventeenth century. He plans to publish a second part on the latter seventeenth century. "Mazouer se refuse à 'problématiser la période qui va de 1610 à 1650 sous le signe unique du baroque.' Il sait combien l'évolution du théâtre à cette date se révèle infiniment plus complexe, mais aussi beaucoup plus riche." Reviewer acclaims this varied and complete study that discusses the various genres within early seventeenth-century theatre.
Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 153 (2007), 649: This exceptional publication is by one of the greatest specialists of the French theatre who continues here his remarkable publications in that area. Dalla Valle reminds us of his 2002 volume Le théâtre français de la Renaissance. The present study, judged "estremamente utile, ricco documentato" (649), is organized in two sections, the first on the period of Alexandre Hardy (1610–1628) (with six chapters on theatrical life, farce, tragicomedy, pastoral, new tragedy and a study on Hardy) and the second on the "premier classicisme" (including sections on Richelieu, Mairet, Scudéry, La Calprenède, Du Ryer, Tristan, Thomas Corneille, Claude Boyer and Rotrou). Rich bibliography and index of theatrical works cited.
Review: J.-Cl. Vuillemin, PFSCL XXXV (69), 772–778: Favorable review of this 'magistrale étude'. Provides an overview of its findings, particularly with regard to Hardy and Rotrou. Suggests a number of small corrections.
Review: S. Berrégard, Cahiers Tristan l'Hermite (2008), 79–85:

MELLINGHOFF-BOURGERIE, VIVIANE. "L'Écrivain au service des âmes: tradition et avatars de l'épistolarité spirituelle." TL 21 (2008), 117–130.

Marked by careful attention to appropriate terminology ("épître spirituelle" ou "lettre spirituelle" or as André Ravier has suggested "lettres d'amitié spirituelle"—these terms are preferable to the anachronistic "lettres de direction" which became prevalent in the second half of the 19th c.) and by sensitivity to different communions, Mellinghoff-Bourgerie's article refers to a significant corpus in the early modern, including Calvin, Briçonnet, Fénelon and François de Sales. Mellinghoff-Bourgerie demonstrates that to establish confidence, the "pastors" reiterate the sincerity of their friendship with their correspondents, balance authority and friendship and "sans avoir en commun le même credo, [adoptent] la même attitude envers le destinataire qu'ils [désirent] mener à Dieu" (130).

MERCIER, ALAIN. Le Tombeau de la mélancolie. Littérature et facétie sous Louis XIII. Avec une bibliographie des éditions facétieuses parues de 1610 à 1643. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 392: Truly impressive treatment of the topic, along with "un'enorme quantità di testi identificati e analizzati." Volume I includes a study of the facétie in the medieval and Renaissance eras as well as the early seventeenth-century, analyses of specific aspects of the genre, authors, actors and history. Volume II contains "una straordinaria bibliografia critica" of all the texts that Mercier has recorded from 1610–1643 (over 1500 texts!) and a short conclusion. Of great importance in itself as well as rich and suggestive for future studies.
Review: Ch. Mazouer in RHLF 107.4 (962–963). This study can be seen as a monumental critical bibliography of the facetious editions that appeared between 1610–1643 in which Mercier also turns into a "historien des mœurs, des mentalités et de la littérature." Parts III and IV are more literary in nature. They present a typology of "litterérature facétieuse" and discuss particular authors.
Review: C. Nédélec in DSS 238 (2008), 165–167: In an augmented version of his earlier work, "cette bibliographie occupe tout le tome II, tandis que le tome I offre une analyse de ce vaste corpus de 《 monologues, dialogues, énumérations, nouvelles, anecdotes, parodies, allégories ou pastiches destinés à faire rire ou sourire. 》"

MISTACCO, VICKI. Les Femmes et la tradition littéraire. Anthologie du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Première partie: XIIe–XVIIIe siècles. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2006.

Review: F. Orwat in DFS 83 (2008), 143–145: 《  Le premier tome [de cette anthologie], fort de 571 pages et étoffé de quatre chapitres en annexe conçus comme des lectures complémentaires sur la situation de la femme écrivain à un moment stratégique de l'histoire et comme un portrait de ses espoirs au moment de la Révolution, court du Moyen Âge au XVIIIe siècle.  》 Selon la critique, 《  V. Mistacco propose aux spécialistes comme aux non-spécialistes un instrument de travail qui ne manque pas d'atouts: ampleur des textes retenus, bibliographie sélective..., copieuses notices biographiques, introduction stimulante qui autorise la mise en perspective ou la relecture de maints textes connus, saisis à la lumière d'une problématique resserrée et féconde.  》

MONCOND'HUY, DOMINIQUE. Histoire de la littérature française du XVIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: M.-O. Sweetser in FR 81 (2008), 996–97: A useful, competent, and interesting introduction to seventeenth-century French literature and civilization. Contains a section on "literature and society" which addresses the Renaissance background to the era and its writings, the status of the French language in the era, and a certain amount of religious background. The second section, "univers littéraire," discusses particular writers and their contributions. A third section addresses literature and the arts. Recommended for university libraries and for those seeking an up-to-date understanding of the seventeenth century and its writings.

MORGAIN, STÉPHANE-MARIE. "Richelieu, un controversiste en quête d'unité: la rhétorique de la persuasion est-elle toujours efficace ?" In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 53–70.

From the standpoint of rhetoric, Morgain examines three key moments in Richelieu's career as a Catholic apologist: his speech to the close of the estates general of 1615; a 1617 treatise on the principles of the Catholic faith; and a posthumous work (1651) destined towards converting Huguenots. The author concludes that the relationship between reason and vraisemblance in this last work is of a pair with the rebirth of theater from 1630–1640, and that Richelieu wrote with this new cultural sensibility in mind.

MORIARTY, MICHAEL. Fallen Nature, Fallen Selves: Early Modern French Thought II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Review: T. Janke in SCN (2007), 242–246: In a sequel to Early Modern French Thought: The Age of Suspicion, "Moriarty aims to demonstrate that in the early modern period, French thinkers, including philosophers, theologians, poets, and playwrights, were developing what might be called a kind of proto-psychology — a study of human behavioral motivation with a pronounced focus on subjective interiority. He traces his theme from its roots in neo-Augustinian conceptions of original sin to the problematic nature of self-knowledge as explicated in the works of thinkers from Pascal to La Rochefoucauld."

MORTGAT-LONGUET, EMMANUELLE. Clio au Parnasse. Naissance de l'histoire littéraire française aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 153 (2007), 646: Guillaume Colletet is the focus of this study, especially part one, which places the birth of literary history in the sixteenth century. The second section examines the institution of French literary history in the seventeenth-century Important for understanding of the French "mythe classique." Rich bibliography.

MUNARI, SIMONA. "Teatro gesuita e tradizione pagana: due scenari di argomento polacco nella Francia di Mazarino." S Fr 150 (2006), 524–533.

Important article for its analysis of two plays, "La piété polonaise" ou "Venda Reine de Pologne" (1639) and "Vende, ou le Triomfe et le sacrifice de la chasteté"(1644). M. also considers the pedagogical activity of the Jesuits in France and in Poland, particularly as concerns languages, rhetoric, vraisemblance, moral edification, and the heroic dimension.

NAUDEIX, LAURA. "Le ballet de Sigalion: la tradition au service de la jeunesse." DSS 238 (2008), 41–55.

The author studies the choreographed sequences that took the stage between acts of Polymestor and she contends that "ce ballet n'est pourtant pas relié à la tragédie par un lien dramatique mais thématique, et constitue bien une oeuvre autonome, répondant à des critères de genre et d'esthétique spécifiques."

NEPOTE-DESMARRES, F, ed. Mythe et Histoire dans le théâtre classique. Hommage à Christian Delmas. Toulouse: Littératures classiques, 2002.

Review: G. Peureux in RHLF 108.1 (2008), 209–211. This book is comprised of fourteen contributions that offer new perspectives on Christian Delmas's study on the relation between theater, history, and myth. The contributions provide us both with a general discussion (dealing with the historical and social dimensions of theatre, its relation to myth); as well as a discussion of individual authors, among them Molière, d'Aubignac, du Ryer, Tristan l'Hermite, and Racine. According to the reviewer, this volume is indispensable to the scholar who studies seventeenth-century theatre and wants to keep up with recent research by French critics.

NIDERST, ALAIN. "Sur la circulation des livres et des spectacles en Europe." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 17–27.

Sets out to answer the question: "comment se faisait au XVIIe siècle la circulation des livres et des spectacles d'un pays à l'autre? Comment le poète rouennais a-t-il pu connaître ce qui se jouait et s'imprimait à Rome ou à Madrid, et comment ses tragédies ont-elles pu inspirer les poètes d'Amsterdam ou de Vienne?"

NOILLE-CLAUZADE, CHRISTINE. L'Éloquence du Sage. Platonisme et rhétorique dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2004.

Review: S. Lardon in S Fr 151 (2007), 436: Praiseworthy for its "développement rigoureux," its "cohérence" and "clarté," Noille-Clauzade's study contributes to the understanding of Plato's reception, influence and evolution during three stages of the second half of the seventeenth-century Thorough examination from the Renaissance renewal (including Europe as well as France) to the "recul doctrinal" and the influence of Saint Augustine, Noille-Clauzade's impressive volume also includes chapters on particular writers such as La Fontaine, La Bruyère and Fénelon (Télémaque). Bibliography and index of names.

NORMAN, BUFORD, ed. Formes et formations au dix-septième siècle. Actes du 37e congrès annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature. University of South Carolina, Columbia, 14–16 April, 2005. Biblio 17, vol. 168 (2006). Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2006.

Review: C. Musio in S Fr 151 (2007), 435–436: These selected essays focus on characteristic artistic and literary forms and formations (influence of authors and education of their public). After introductory essays by Norman and Elizabeth C. Goldsmith (the latter on women's voyages and letters), the volume is organized in seven sections: "Madame de Villedieu," "Héros face à eux-mêmes," "La tragédie en musique," "Stratégies narratives et poétiques," "Lyrisme et rhétorique," "Molière," "Sciènce et vérité" (435–436).

O'BRIEN. JOHN. "To the Ends of the Earth: Renaissance Journeys and Imagination's Sight." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 17–31.

Examination of the significance of the word échappée in a number of sixteenth-century texts. "From the fantastic, mythological journeys described by Ronsard and Aneau via the domestic settings of Marguerite de Navarre to the encounters of Léry and Montaigne with New World natives, the article analyzes the transformation of the space of exploration into the space of imaginative speculation, of risky engagement with the Other. Using the work of Quentin Skinner and Michel de Certeau, it proposes that we see échappée as providing an incremental narrative of a multi-layered phenomenon, a Skinnerian paradiastole opening out a series of re-descriptions of its own analytical endeavours."

Oeuvres et Critiques 32.1 (2007).

Ce numéro, L'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli, est présenté par Roxanne Roy et contient neuf contributions qui "s'articulent autour de quatre principaux volets" 1) l'influence italienne sur la France; 2) les études cornéliennes; 3) l'histoire, l'histoire littéraire et l'histoire de la rhétorique; 4) Chateaubriand mémorialiste et ami des arts." Voir les articles de M. Desrosiers/R. Roy (I); de J.-M Constant, A.-M. Lecoq, V. Kapp, et C. Rizza (II); de C. La Charité (IV); et de M.-O. Sweetser et C. Carlin (V- Corneille, Pierre).

Oeuvres et Critiques 32.2 (2007).

Ce numéro, La Question du baroque, est présenté par Dorothea Scholl et contient onze contributions organisées en trois parties: Concepts et significations; Ecriture et représentation; Entre modernité et postmodernité. Voir les articles de J.-C. Vuillemin et R. Zaiser (III); de F. Assaf, M. Brunel, V. Kapp, C. Rizza, D. Scholl, et A. Surgers (IV).

ORWAT, FLORENCE. L'Invention de la rêverie. Une conquête pacifique du Grand Siècle. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 960–961: Basing her observations on the etymology of the word "rêve" and, especially, "rêverie," the author makes the case that, starting from 1600, there has been a "revolution" in its significance. "La songerie, gagnant du terrain sur l'onirisme proprement dit, s'apprivoise, se civilise et conquiert progressivement ses lettres de noblesse." While the author makes use of a variety of examples, she sometimes leaves out the more universally well-known ones, which surprises the reviewer. Yet despite these lacunae, it is an intelligent, well-written, and meticulous that is also a pleasurable read.

PAIGE, NICHOLAS. "Proto-Aesthetics and the Theatrical Image." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 517–525.

Examination of seventeenth-century antitheatrical discourse in a wider context. Considers "its relation to earlier debates on idolatry and iconoclasm," and aims to "understand the place of the theater 'quarrel' in the history of Enlightenment aesthetic speculation."

PAPASOGLI, BENEDETTA. "Entre méditation et contemplation: la voix dans l'écriture spirituelle au XVIIe siècle" TL 21 (2008), 147–158.

Papasogli responds in this pertinent and multi-faceted article to the question: "Qu'est-ce. . . que la voix dans l'écriture spirituelle si ce n'est le secret de l'écrivain et la trace vivante d'une spiritualité personnelle?" (147). Papasogli demonstrates that in the seventeenth-century, "la thématique de la voix a contribué à enrichir et à nuancer la représentation des deux modes ou des deux tempi de la vie intérieur, méditation et contemplation" (148). Papasogli gives particular attention to the metaphor and to the emblematic or the "symbolisme de la voix" (153), but also to dialogue and other linguistic and literary forms as she interrogates key texts of major authors such as Pascal and François de Sales but also those of François Malaval and le Père Crasset.

PARSONS, JOTHAM. "Money and Merit in French Renaissance Comedy." Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 852–82.

"Renaissance" here includes the seventeenth-century, in particular Corneille's Mélite as well as other writings of his, notably his "Excuse à Ariste" which Parsons contends is "a self-promotional assessment of the author's own career" rather than "an apology for failing to produce other lyric poetry" (878). Other playwrights discussed are from the sixteenth century. Rich documentation and a three-page bibliography which includes works by numerous seventeenth-century scholars.

PAVIS, PATRICE. Vers une théorie de la pratique théâtrale: voix et images de la scène. Villeneuve-d'Ascq: PU du Septentrion, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 696 (2007), 60–61: 4e réedition augmentée d'un ouvrage publié en 1982. "Divisé en quatre parties, sur le geste, l'espace, la production et la réception, puis sur la théorie et la pratique des études théâtrales. . ."

PERLMUTTER, JENNIFER R. "Ana and Commemorative 'Truth'." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 707–721.

Analytical comparison of two ana published in 1666 and 1667 with two published later in 1693 and 1697. Comparison "reveals the development of a more crafted and literate form suggesting that compilers eventually reevaluated the markers of orality that had defined the genre."

PERLMUTTER, JENNIFER, ed. Relations and Relationships in Seventeenth-Century French Literature, Actes du 36e congrès annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature. Portland State U, 6–8 mai 2004. Biblio 17, 166. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2006.

Review: C. Musio in S Fr 151 (2007), 170: These selected proceedings underscore the diversity of seventeenth-century relations and relationships. After a tribute to Wolfgang Leiner by Buford Norman, the contributions focus on the relation between man and God, the relation of voyage as a forgotten genre, the playwright and the director, authority, Catholics and Protestants, books and illustrations, literary genres, travel relations, aesthetics and ethics, family matters and family messes.

PERRIN, JEAN-FRANÇOIS & PHILIP STEWART, eds. Du genre libertin au XVIIIe siècle. Actes du colloque international "La Littérature libertine au XVIIIe siècle: existe-t- il un genre libertin? Définition, typologie, limites chronologiques, corpus" (Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3, 26–28 septembre 2002). Paris: Desjonquères, 2004.

Review: V. Ponzetto in S Fr 150 (2006), 601–603: Highly useful for seventeenth-century scholars as well as eighteenth-century specialists, in particular for specialists of libertinage, as it treats the evolution of the genre and indeed responds to the question of the colloque: "Existe-t-il un genre libertin." After some elaboration of the term itself in the first section ("Définir"), two other sections treat "le genre libertin" and various models ("Modéliser), and the genre in relation to other genres such as the roman moral or parody. Includes an examination by Jean-Christophe Abramovici that focuses on an analysis of Pierre Bayle's "Éclaircissement sur les obscénités" (1701).

PIEJUS, ANNE. "Un spectacle collectif." DSS 238 (2008), 9–17.

Seeing Polymestor et Sigalion as a unified production, the author explores how, "[n]ourri d'une pédagogie éprouvée, fort d'une réflexion aboutie sur sa dramaturgie composite, les auteurs devaient aussi proposer un spectacle qui tînt compte des contraintes et des limites de leurs jeunes interprètes, satisfaisant ainsi aux exigences d'un projet pédagogique et d'une célébration scolaire."

PIEJUS, ANNE & CHRISTINE BAYLE. "Le ballet de Sigalion, des sources à la création." DSS 238 (2008), 85–93.

As part of a colloquium on Sigalion et le secret, the authors discuss the problem of choreography drawing on various sources to try and determine what the progression of dance moves may have been. This is made all the more important for the wider study of the ballets of this time given that Sigalion "demeure l'un des rares ballets du collège dont on ait conservé une partition, certes lacunaire, mais néanmoins utilisable."

PIGEAUD, JACKIE, ed. Les grâces. Littératures classiques, no. 60 (2006).

Review: E. Hénin, PFSCL XXXV (69), 781–784. Favorable review which provides a brief overview of each of the articles in this collective volume. Laments the lack of "une cohérence globale" but acknowledges this is "preuve, s'il en est, du caractère insaississable de la grâce."

PIOFFET, MARIE-CHRISTINE. "Voyages au royaume des lettres: Vers la cartographie d'un lieu commun." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 106–121.

Examines "les mutations de l'Empire des Lettres depuis Furetière jusqu'à Fontenelle en passant par les œuvres satiriques de Charles Sorel et de Gabriel Guéret" focusing on "les visées satiriques de la métaphore du Parnasse et de ses avatars" which are thrown into relief.

POIRSON, MARTIAL. "Une modernité inachevée: quand l'intérêt entre en scène." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 723–745.

Analysis of how comedy "s'affranchissant de la morale, se situe à l'avant-garde du discours économique." Focuses on twenty-seven plays, mainly from the last decades of the seventeenth century and early decades of the eighteenth century.

PREDA, ALESSANDRA. Ilarità e tristezza. Percorsi francesi del Candelaio di Giordano Bruno (1582–1665). Milano: Università degli studi. Pubbliczaioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia CCL, 2007.

Review: A. Tripet in BHR 70.2 (2008), 504–06: 《  On voit qu'à partir de la comédie atypique du Candelaio, les thèmes et les formes de la liberté trouvèrent en France de 1582 à 1665, une sorte de caisse de résonance, des appuis, des stimulations, des échos. Alessandra Preda le montre avec précision et avec une connaissance approfondie et transfrontalière de ce qu'il faut bien appeler une des formes innombrables qu'a pu prendre le rayonnement européen de Giordano Bruno.  》

PREST, JULIA. Theatre under Louis XIV: Cross-Casting and the Performance of Gender in Drama, Ballet, and Opera. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Review: M. Greenberg in FS 62.3 (2008), 336. The reviewer praises Prest's knowledge of music and musicology and the richness this brings to her work and a "good chapter on 'gender ambiguity.'" The reviewer seems disappointed and perhaps a little chastising, though, that Prest did not explore the gender-bending terrain à la Judith Butler, noting that Prest seems "unimpressed" by this line of thinking. "Perhaps this was not her intention," he writes, praising her all the same for a "well-informed but traditional discussion."
Review: CHOICE. Highlighted by Choice 45 (2008) as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2007.

PREVOT, JACQUES, éd. avec la collaboration deLAURE JESTAZ etHELENE OSTROWIECKI-BAH. Les libertins au XVIIe siècle, II. Paris: Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 2004.

Review: C. Rizza in S Fr 149 (2006), 392: Welcome second volume is of great interest and includes not only authors such as La Mothe le Vayer, Saint-Evremond, Bayle, and Fontenelle, but also Bussy-Rabutin and others. The ambiguity (or evolution during the century) of the notion of libertinage is clear, centering on the refusal of tradition in a variety of contexts (from love to the religious or political). The notices are particularly useful and the edition is remarkable for its methodological rigor and critical documentation—yet it is highly accessible to the non-specialist as it presents perspectives of seventeenth-century French culture.

PRIGENT, MICHEL,dir. Histoire de la France littéraire. Tome I: Naissances, renaissances (Moyen-Âge-XVIe siècle), dir. Frank Lestringant and Michel Zink. Tome II: Classicismes (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècle), dir. Jean-Charles Darmont and Michel Delon. Tome III: Modernités (XIXe–XXe siècle), dir. Patrick Berthier and Michel Jarrety. Paris: PUF, Quadrige, 2006.

Review: P. France in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 629–632. Volume one is probably the most novel one, as it incorporates new knowledge into the analysis of the relation between continuity and rupture from Antiquity to "modern" culture. Volume two, rather short, insists on the unity of the period discussed, and most of the authors are merely alluded to, if at all. The third volume, however, places the writers in the foreground while the cultural history only adopts a secondary place. Author points to the disparity of the three volumes, which share very little resemblance, and to the larger problem of structure, which reveals omission, lack of coordination, disproportions, and ruptures. Yet the reader can still profit from this study.

RACAULT, MICHEL, éd., avec la collab. deThéodore E. D. Braun,Pierre Purger, etErik Leborgne. Voyages badins, burlesques et parodiques du XVIIIe siècle. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l'université de Saint-Etienne, 2005.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 684 (2006), 67–68: "La plupart des textes réunis en ce volume appartiennent à une catégorie intermédiaire entre les récits (certes plus ou moins arrangés) de voyages authentiques et les constructions utopiques, nombreuses aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Campanella, Cyrano de Bergerac, Swift, Tiphaigne de La Roche, Foigny . . .). Cet ouvrage offre au lecteur de découvrir plusieurs textes rares et injustement méconnus, faisant pour la plupart alterner les vers et la prose."

RAYNARD, SOPHIE. "New Poetics versus Old Print: Fairy Tales, Animal Fables, and the Gaulois Past." Marvels & Tales 21.1 (2007), 93–106.

(Abstract:) "Marie-Jeanne Lhéritier's dedications and frame-tale discussions show her carefully crafting moral fairy tale texts as part of the Moderns' cultural agenda. Despite the degree to which her thinking, and to a certain extent, that of Mme d'Aulnoy, overlapped with that of the Abbé de Villiers, he excoriated all fairy tales except those of Charles Perrault. Underlying all three authors' arguments is a sense of fairy tales as literary texts rather than as cultural patrimony."

REGUIG-NAYA, DELPHINE. Le Corps des idées. Pensées et poétiques du langage dans l'augustinisme de Port-Royal. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal, Mme de La Fayette, Racine. Paris: Champion, 2007. Lumières classiques.

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 153 (2007), 651: Judged a volume "di dimensioni importanti e che fa il giro di una problematica davvero complessa" (651). Focus is on the second generation of Port-Royal and its productive influence on culture as Reguig-Naya takes generally accepted lieux communs relating to Port-Royal and amplifies, deepens and at times overturns them. The reviewer singles out for special praise the chapters on Pascal and La Fayette.

RIZZA, CECILIA. "Les études sur le baroque dans la revue Studi francesi." OeC 32.2 (2007), 37–44.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. L'auteur se propose d'explorer "la place que les études sur le Baroque littéraire français occupent dans Studi francesi et parcourir le chemin suivi par la critique au cours des cinquante dernières années."

ROBERT, RAYMONDE, ed. Contes: Mademoiselle L'Héritier, Mademoiselle Bernard, Mademoiselle de La Force, Madame Durand, and Madame d'Auneuil. Vol. 2. Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: T. A. Jordan in Marvels & Tales 21.1 (2007), 154–57. As part of a series, La Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées, Raymonde Robert presents extensive background to the period and context for each text presented that is invaluable to the new student of seventeenth-century French fairy tales. Jordan praises equally volumes 1 and 2 of this new series. Volume contains biographies of the conteuses, literary and social background, and newly edited tales.

ROBERTS, HUGH. " La tête de Bruscambille et les métaphores mentales au début du dix-septième siècle." RHLF 107.3 (2007), 541–557.

Bruscambille's "Prologue de la teste," spoken at L'Hôtel de Bourgogne, is the focus of this study, as the author intends to show us 1) the relation between scientific and bawdy language; 2) the attempt to ascribe a mental experience to a physical reality. He describes the anatomical language of the prologue, its place in the history of anatomy, and its mental metaphors. As an annex, the author attaches the full "Prologue de la teste."

ROHOU, JEAN. Le Classicisme (1660–1700). Collection "Didact français," Rennes: Presses Universitaires, 2004.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 150 (2006), 598: Rohou's republished work (the first appeared with Hachette in 1996) proposes a global vision rather than describing authors and works. Includes helpful definition of the term "classicisme" and examines models, genesis and evolution of the concept during Louis XIV's reign. The application of classical principles to key genres is made and an analysis is brought to the "visione pessimista di un uomo egocentrico" (598). Useful, selective bibliography.

ROLLA, CHIARA, ed. L'Apologie du Roman. A la recherche d'un statut du roman dans la France de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle. Rome: Aracne, 2006.

Review: C. Rizza in S Fr 151 (2007), 434: This anthology includes some sixty paratexts arranged chronologically from those of d'Urfé's Astrée to Sorel's Polyandre. Each text is accompanied by a brief biography of the author and an indication of his/her principal narrative works. Rolla furnishes an impressive critical introduction with theoretical documentation from Aristotle's Poetics to recent exegetes and tackles important problems such as vraisemblance and the balance between divertissement and moral necessity. Ample bibliography.

ROUKHOMOVSKY, BERNARD, ed. L'Optique des moralistes. Actes du colloque international de Grenoble, Université Stendhal, 27–29 mars 2003. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: B. Teyssandier in DSS 239 (2008), 377–380: The agenda of this colloquium was to elucidate the unique relationship "que la science optique et le discours moral ont entretenu durant plus de deux siècles." The editor ably weaves together 25 articles from this rich and diverse meeting of scholars.
Review: Z. Zalloua in FR 81 (2008), 773–74: "Roukhomovsky conceives of optics as structuring the moralist's inquiry" (774); in this sense, La Fontaine, La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyère, Pascal, Scudéry, Bossuet, and others can be thought to "educate or reform the perspective of the reader—that is, to transform the reader into an observer/judge of human behavior and merit" (774).

RUBELLIN, FRANCOISE, ed. Théâtre de la Foire, anthologie de pièces inédites (1712–1736). Montpellier: Espaces 34, 2005.

Review: A. Sakhnovskaia in RHLF 108.1 (2008), 214–215. This study, dedicated to David Trott, attempts to shed new light on the théâtre de la foire through a discussion of a variety of authors, genres, structures, and forms. The preface briefly turns to the history of the théâtre de la foire and provides us with new information, based on the prologues and manuscripts. The well-documented notes and information on the authors are also useful, as is the index on vaudevilles.

SAUNDERS, ALISON & PETER DAVIDSON, éds. Visual Words and Verbal Pictures. Essays in Honour of Michael Bath. Glasgow: Glasgow Emblem Studies, 2005.

Review: R. Stawarz-Luginbuhl in BHR 68.3 (2006), 612–17: "Ce volume de mélanges offerts à Michael Bath, professeur honoraire de l'Université de Strathclyde (Glasgow, Ecosse), réunit les contributions de onze spécialistes issus d'horizons divers ainsi qu'une mise au point bio-bibliographique de la carrière du dédicataire." Voir l'article d'Alison Adams, "une relecture des travaux de Josèph Jacquiot consacrés à la seconde édition de l'Histoire du Roi Louis le Grand de Claude-François Ménestrier. Partant d'une analyse minitieuse du texte, elle parvient à démontrer sans difficulté que cette édition émane d'un milieu proche de Guillaume III. C'est l'huguenot Nicolas Chevalier, contraint à l'exil 1n 1685, auteur d'une Histoire de Guillaume III (1692) et par ailleurs contrefacteur notoire, qui porrait être à l'origine de ce faux."

SCHOLL, DOROTHEA. "Introduction: Repenser le baroque." OeC 32.2 (2007), 3–9.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. Dans la première partie, "le baroque est repensé sous l'aspect de ses conceptualisations"; dans la deuxième partie, "le baroque est repensé à la lumière des écritures et modes de représentation caractéristiques du XVIIe siècle baroque en France"; dans la troisième partie, "le baroque est repensé à la lumière de sa réception dans la modernité et la postmodernité."

SCHOLL, DOROTHEA. "Baroque, arabesque, grotesque." OeC 32.2 (2007), 45–77.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. L'auteur se propose "de réviser le baroque à la lumière du grotesque et de l'arabesque pour examiner ces trois concepts en général dans leur valeur heuristique. Je voudrais le faire en tenant compte des oeuvres autant que des critiques. D'abord j'essayerai d'éclaircir ces trois notions à partir de la réception romantique du baroque, pour ensuite me tourner vers l'époque dite baroque elle-même afin de voir le rôle que les catégories de grotesque et d'arabesque jouent dans la création et la réception d'une esthétique baroque."

SERMAIN, JEAN-PAUL. Le conte de fées. Du classicisme aux Lumières. Paris: Desjonquères, 2005.

Review: P. Perazzolo in S Fr 150 (2006), 600–601: Impressive examination of the genre, Sermain's critical work takes into account several authors as well as any declarations they may have made, their choices (thematic, stylistic, etc.). The transformation of the genre is evident as the interested reader follows Sermain's investigation which is organized in three parts: 1) "Les ambitions des conteurs", 2) "Le conteur et son public" and 3) "Poétique de l'imaginaire."

SPICA, ANNE-ELISABETH, éd. Discours et enjeux de la Vanité. Littératures classiques 56 (automne 2005).

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 596–596: This issue includes contributions from the colloque "Discours et enjeux de la Vanité en Europe, de la Contre-Réforme à l'aube des Lumières" (Metz, 1999) and is organized in four sections: "Définir une absence", "Vanité et Société", "spectacles de la Vanité" and "Rhétorique et poétique." The volume also includes a rich essay by Spica: "La Vanité dans tous ses états."

STIKER-METRAL, CHARLES-OLIVIER. Narcisse contrarié. L'amour-propre dans le discours moral en France (1650–1715). Lumière classiques. Paris: Champion, 2007.

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 153 (2007), 652: Stiker-Metral understands and explores "l'amour-propre" as a theme and a form, an object of reflection contributing to a vision of the world. This rich and interesting study includes sections on the "archeology" of "l'amour-propre", its systems, its valorization (for example chez Malebranche), its hermeneutics, its rhetoric and its reception.

SURGERS, ANNE. "Du théâtre au Théâtre du Monde: fragmentation et bigarrure. Contribution à une définition de l'espace de la représentation baroque." OeC 32.2 (2007), 109–120.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. "Nous nous appuierons ici sur une analyse des outils, du vocabulaire et de la grammaire mis en oeuvre pour construire le décor et l'espace de la représentation. Après avoir donné quelques précisions sémantiques préliminaires, nous partirons, dans un premier temps, d'un cas particulier: le décor et le lieu de la représentation théâtrale en France dans la première partie du XVIIe siècle. Dans un deuxième temps, nous verrons que les composants du décor et du lieu théâtral baroques se retrouvent dans d'autres spectacles, au-delà des apparentes disparités. Enfin nous proposerons quelques pistes d'interprétation, qui contribueront à éclairer le rôle et la fonction de la scénographie et du visible baroques."

TATEO, FRANCESCO. "Le forme del 'comico' nella letteratura umanistica." Archiv 244 (2007), 287–296.

Tateo helpfully reminds us of classical origins and understandings of the term "comique" before tracing its evolution in the early modern. Although the focus is on Italian authors such as Giovanni Pontano and Castiglione, Tateo's study offers useful perspectives for French aesthetics and oratory.

TRIPET, ARNAUD. Ecrivez-moi de Rome. . . Le mythe romain au fil du temps. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: A. Dufour in BHR 68.3 (2006), 639–40: "C'est plutôt une oeuvre littéraire, méditation d'un Romain d'adoption, qui va d'un texte à l'autre en nous livrant ses impressions d'historien éclairé, en même temps que d'un enthousiaste de la Ville éternelle. Tous les textes sont cités dans les meilleures éditions, éclairés par ce qu'en ont dit les meilleurs critiques. . ." La partie consacrée à Sponde ouvre "une nouvelle présence de Rome chez les poètes français, qui atteindra ses sommets chez Corneille et Racine: les 'ressources d'héroïsme'."
Review: W. J. Kennedy in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 160–161: Praised for its "fresh insights, arresting comparisons,. . . illuminating close readings [and] sometimes provocative view," Tripet's wide-ranging study of literary representations of Rome from antiquity to the present includes analyses of Horace, Cinna, Polyeucte, Britannicus and Bérénice.

VAN DELFT, LOUIS. Les spectateurs de la vie. Généalogie du regard moraliste. Les Presses de l'U. de Laval, 2005.

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 151 (2007), 169–170: Praiseworthy addition to his numerous investigations on the moralists and generally to serious scholarship on the genre," Van Delft here "studia la visione dei moralisti in rapporto con l'ottica del loro tempo" (169). Themes, style and form are examined in Montaigne, La Rochefoucauld and La Bruyère as Van Delft focuses on "teatro e ottica, economia e anatomia, memoria e fragmmento" (170). Papasogli singles out for special praise the chapter on La Rochefoucauld which she says "ha valore di un manifesto" (170).

VAN DELFT, LOUIS. Les Moralistes: une apologie. Paris: Gallimard, 2008.

Review: R. Tobin in L'Esprit Créateur 48.3 (2008), 130–131: "While the first four chapters cover familiar ground. . .they have been enriched. . .[by] contributions from different fields of inquiry and from different countries," thereby making them "models of interdisciplinarity." The conclusion offers "a plea for the modernity of the 200 years of the moraliste tradition" where Van Delft "notes the trace of the moralists in neuroscience, anthropology, the social sciences, phenomenology, and rhetoric." This book offers "the sum and the synthesis of his (Van Delft's) reflections on the moralists"and represents a capstone in the distinguished critic's career.

VERNET, THOMAS. "《  Le divertissement ne sçauroit manquer de plaire 》. Conditions d'exécution et réception de Sigalion ou le secret." DSS 238 (2008), 95–105.

While others have studied the specifics of the music and dance of Sigalion, Vernet places it in a wider context and studies its performance and reception within and beyond the Jesuit lycée Louis-le-Grand.

VERVACKE, SABRINA, ERIC VAN DER SCHUEREN e& THIERRY BELLEGUIC. Les songes de Clio. Fiction et Histoire sous l'Ancien Régime. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2006.

Review: M.-C. Pioffet in UTQ 77.1 (Winter 2008), 615–617: Trente et une contributions forment les Actes du colloque de Québec tenu en octobre 2003. 《  On aura compris que ces enquêtes et les autres qu'on trouvera dans ce recueil nous ont captivée. Traiter de la poétique de l'Histoire et de ses multiples ramifications génériques sur une période aussi diversifée était en soi une gageure. Sabrina Vervacke, Éric Van der Schueren et Thierry Belleguic l'ont relevée en nous proposant cette savoureuse lecture plurielle. Ce voyage onirique, à travers l'imaginaire historique de l'Ancien Régime, nous rappelle à quel point les frontières entre réalité et Histoire sont ténues. Sur les pistes de ces 'archivistes' de la littérature, le passé devient un songe délectable qu'on prend plaisir à voir renaître.  》

VIALLETON, JEAN-YVES. Poésie dramatique et prose du monde. Le comportement des personnages dans la tragédie en France au XVIIe siècle. Lumière classique 52. Paris: Champion, 2004.

Review: M.-F. Hilgar in FR 81 (2008), 579–80: A detailed reference work which repertories how characters in classical French tragedy behave. Vialleton provides meticulous categories and subcategories; as an example, the reviewer discusses the volume's treatment of "agenouillement," which considers and categorizes everything from Chimène's prosternation before the king to Andromaque's kneeling before Pyrrhus to George Dandin's submission to the wife who cuckolds him. The volume draws on some 225 plays as well as other period writings.
Review: Ch. Mazouer in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 665–667. "L'objet de cet important travail devrait s'imposer au jour: analyser les mœurs des personnages de la tragédie, c'est-à-dire leur comportement, leur savoir-vivre, leur conduite dans le rapport social, leur manière de se conduire dans leur commerce avec autrui. . . J.-Y. Vialleton s'appuie sur les manuels de civilité et autres textes qui touchent aux comportements des hommes dans le monde." The study is divided into three parts, each of which reveals great erudition and only contains minor flaws, according to the reviewer.

ZAISER, RAINER, ed. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, vol. XXXII, n. 63, 2005.

Review: C. Rolla in S Fr 149 (2006), 388–389: This first issue of PFSCL to be directed by Rainer Zaiser opens with an affectionate and nostalgic two-page "In memoriam Wolfgang Leiner" and is wide-ranging, with articles on topics as diverse as the following: influences of antiquity, medicine and literature, l'honnêteté, theatre, opera and ballet. The issue also includes the rich proceedings of the Salford Conference of 2003 on "Seventeenth Century Drama: Texts, Pre-text, Para-Text, Intertext, Hypertext."

ZIMMERMANN, MARGARETE. Salon der Autorinnen: Französische 'dames de lettres' vom Mittelalter bis zum 17. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2005.

Review: E. J. Benkov in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 194–196: Appreciated as "an invaluable tool to access French women writers from the medieval and early modern periods." Provides a "contextualization" of some 30 women, some familiar and others less so, "within a history of women and writing" as well as feminist criticism. Judged a "sophisticated assessment" which "debunks myths and revalorizes writers unjustly overlooked," Zimmermann's astute and highly useful volume includes numerous images, an appendix with quotations in the original languages and an extensive bibliography.

ZOBERMAN, PIERRE. "Représentation de l'écrivain et identités sexuelles." SCFS, 30.1 (2008), 77–91.

"[Une] mise en évidence des enjeux et mécanismes idéologiques de la construction du Grand Siècle par une révision (normative) des rôles sociaux et culturels des hommes et des femmes."



BRILLAUD, JEROME. "La Jouissance de le vérité ou le plaisir tragique selon le Chancelier d'Aguesseau." FS 62.2 (2008), 150–61.

Brillaud's article carefully explores the context in which the Chancellier d'Aguesseau's Remarques on tragedy appear. He begins his article by noting that tragique was not, during the seventeenth century, a noun, but rather only an adjectif. This serves as a reminder that our ancestors thought quite differently and that we should still look for what tragic theater "cherche à nous dire" (151). Offering a discussion of d'Aguesseau's contemporaries such as Fontenelle and Dubos, Brillaud rightfully spends a good deal of time contextualizing words and ideas necessary to understanding the discussion of truth, illusion, pleasure and tragedy at the time. D'Aguesseau, interestingly, is fascinated by theater and yet "peu enclin à croire en [sa] fonction morale" (155). In opposing Aristotle, the playwright follows directly in the footsteps of Descartes all the while calling on Saint Augustine's concept of distanciation to explain his theories. In so doing, d'Aguesseau finds himself between the "mathematical" Fontenelle and the more Aristotelian Dubos. Brillaud navigates the subtleties inherent in any such discussion and avoids over-generalization with aplomb.


GUERN, MICHELE. Pascal et Arnauld. Paris: Champion, 2003.

Review: H. Michon in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 667–668. Study narrates the inedited friendship between Pascal and Arnauld, a friendship between two "personnalités" but also between the philosophy and theology of the era. A chronological part traces back the life of Pascal and his encounter with Arnauld. The author also attaches herself to describe the "opposition" between the two thinkers through a detailed study of their work and proposes her own answer to explain their divergence in thought.



LEMOINE, MATHIEU. "《  De pietate et religione, quid dicam ?  》 Enquête sur les sentiments religieux du maréchal de Bassompierre." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 339–350.

Reexamines Bassompierre's trial, his memoirs, and literary and historical traditions to seek the truth about his enigmatic life with regard to religion. Lemoine's conclusions are that nothing in Bassompierre's life or his texts can prove any of his reputation as a libertine and a Protestant.

LEMOINE, MATHIEU. "Dupleix, Aristarque et Philotime: une polémique à trois voix ou comment le maréchal de Bassompierre conçoit le métier d'historien." DSS 239 (2008), 195–221.

A close analysis of an important "querelle" between Dupleix and Bassompierre as to the role and method of the historian and the place of historiography. "La querelle qui [les] opposa est loin d'être une pure querelle décontexualisée d'érudits sur la conception que l'un et l'autre se font du métier d'historien. Bien au contraire, en ce premier XVIIe siècle, l'écriture de l'histoire devient un enjeu à double titre: tout d'abord parce que le métier d'historien est un métier en devenir, qui se théorise et formalise à coups de traités ou de querelles comme celle-ci, mais aussi parce que l'histoire a été instrumentalisée par le cardinal de Richelieu à son profit."


BOST, HUBERT. Pierre Bayle. Paris: Fayard, 2006.

Review: CHOICE. Mentioned in Choice 45 (2007) as a Significant European Scholarly Title for 2006.

LABROUSSE, ELISABETH, ANTHONY MCKENNA, LAURENCE BERGON, HUBERT BOST, WIEP VAN BUNGEN, EDWARD JAMES, ANNE LEROUX, CAROLINE VERDIER, eds. Correspondance de Pierre Bayle, Vol. 4, janvier 1684-juillet 1684. Lettres 242–308. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2005.

Review: F. Piva in S Fr 150 (2006), 605: This very welcome 4th volume of Bayle's correspondence is indispensable given a renewed interest in Bayle from multiple perspectives. This noteworthy edition due to its precise analyses, serious and careful documentation, permits a deeper understanding of Bayle along with that of the intellectual revolution of the times.

WHELAN, RUTH. "Le sourire du sage: représentations de l'écrivain dans la Critique générale de l'"Histoire du calvinisme" de Mr Maimbourg (1682) de Pierre Bayle." TL 20 (2007), 399–409.

Attentive examination of Bayle's controversial book which is representative of the genre: "Dans ce dialogisme universel [that of the writer as dialoguing reader], il n'est guère de genre littéraire plus discursif que le livre de controverse" (399). Focuses successively on "le jeu du préfacier. . . l'effacement apparent de l'écrivain intratextuel" (401), "l'écrivain intratexuel [qui] prend lui-même la parole" (401) in the second edition, "la figure du Père Maimbourg. . . présenté. . . sous des traits beaucoup moins flatteurs" (402), "les lecteurs complices du je-écrivain" (403) and the letter-writer as pedagogue and inspirer of laughter or "le sourire du sage" (405). Convincingly demonstrates that Bayle, following Pascal, develops a polemic which "laisse de côté l'invective pour devenir dialogue, échange intellectuel, relation," a highly political strategy "qui a pour but de rendre complice d'un écrivain protestant un lectorat majoritairement catholique" (407, 408).


LEGAULT, MARIANNE. "Iphis & Iante: traumatisme de l'incomplétude lesbienne au Grand Siècle." DFS 81 (2007), 83–93.

Legault fait une analyse de la comédie d'Isaac de Benserade, Iphis et Iante (1634), basée sur une fable des Métamorphoses d'Ovide et qui, selon Legault, 《  s'inscrit pleinement dans ce schéma de travestissement servant à exploiter le thème de l'érotisme entre femmes.  》



BUTTERWORTH, EMILY. "Subject to Dispute: Constructions of the Author in François Béroalde de Verville's Palais des curieux (1612)." Fr F 32.3 (2007), 23–37.

Explores Béroalde de Verville's Le Palais des curieux focusing on the following: subjective viewpoint and the authorial persona, disguise and doubling, obscure objects of desire and "steganographie" or hidden writing and the role of the reader. Butterworth demonstrates how Béroalde de Verville "manipulates the authorial persona to produce "a relationship between author, text and reader that often appears as a kind of game" (23).

MOREAU, HELENE & ANDRE TOURNON, éds, avec la collab. deJean-Luc Ristori. François Béroalde de Verville. Le Moyen de Parvenir. Vol. I: Transcription, notes et index; Vol. 2: Fascimile. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.

Review: D. Brancher in BHR 69.3 (2007), 818–20: ". . .une édition indispensable. Elle renouvelle, selon les mêmes principes éditoriaux, celle qu'ils [Moreau, Tournon] avaient proposée en 1984, désormais épuisée. L'apparat critique se trouve enrichi, en fin de volume, de commentaires révélant des intertextes majeurs, d'un répertoire thématique et d'un Index nominum, tout en précisant certaines données telles la date de la plus ancienne édition connue (probablement 1616) et celle de la mort de Verville (1626)."
Review: B. Méniel in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 656–657. "Le premier tome fournit une transcription qui tient compte des apports d'une longue tradition d'édition du texte, en modernisant l'orthographe et la typographie. En particulier, le texte est segmenté en paragraphes." Author adds notes, an index nominum, and a thematic repertoire.
Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 150 (2006), 597: Volume I of this welcome edition includes, in addition to a rich critical apparatus, a short biography of Béroalde de Verville, a bibliography, a thematic repertory and indices. Volume II reproduces Béroalde de Verville's edition in facsimile; this is particularly helpful as the previous one (1984) is "introuvable."

RENAUD, MICHEL, éd. Le Moyen de parvenir. By Béroalde de Verville. Intro. ByMichel Jeanneret. Paris: Gallimard, 2006.

Review: R. C. Tomlinson in MLR 103.1 (2008), 229: "What this welcome new edition offers is a scholarly but compact and orthographically modernized text, equipped with explanatory notes, index of proper names, bibliography, and page-by-page glossary." Very helpful introduction by Jeanneret.


TRONC, DOMINIQUE, ed. Jacques Bertot: directeur mystique. Toulouse: Editions du Carmel, 2005.

Review: R. Parish in FS 61.4 (2007), 512–13. Those with an interest in rhetoric, spirituality—in particular Quietism—or in Madame Guyon will find this collection of texts useful. "The presentation is clear and informative, the editing meticulous..." There are a good number of appendices. A very positive review.


LEIBACHER-OUVRARD, LISE. "Visions coloniales et spectres barbares: Le Zombi (1697) guadeloupéen de Pierre Corneille Blessebois." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 501–514.

"Ce libelle facétieux importe avant tout pour ses fictions, et ce que leurs tensions entre dire et ne pas dire, voire dédire et inter-dire, révèlent de son inscription, rebelle mais ambiguë, dans la 《  dynamique impériale  》 [saïdienne] de son temps. La présence des Amérindiens et des Africains [. . .] a beau y être évanescente; elle hante bien la reprise ironique, au discours missionnaire entre autres, de la fiction du 《  Barbare imaginaire  》 qui soutiendra la colonisation pendant longtemps, et par laquelle Blessebois se distancie de l'《  illusion coloniale  》 tout en y participant."





L'Écriture de l'histoire chez Bossuet. Bulletin de l'association "Les amis de Bossuet", n. 33, 2006.

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 151 (2007), These actes represent a "journée d'études" undertaken by "Les Amis de Bossuet" and the "Centre d'étude de la langue et de la littérature française des XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles" (Paris IV) and consider the relationship of Bossuet with history—rhetorical and poetic perspectives. Peter Bayley's "ouverture" and Gérard Ferreyrolles's conclusion frame the essays, which treat aspects of Bossuet's writings and activities relating to Protestantism, to judgment and a "pedagogy of life." Two comparative essays focus on Bossuet and Fénelon and Bossuet and Voltaire.
Review: T. Verjans in DSS 238 (2008), 170–172: Acts of a colloquium at the Sorbonne on Bossuet's writing of history. "En accordant une place de choix à l'Histoire des variations," this volume "n'en témoigne pas moins des enjeux épistémologiques qu'il est possible d'associer à l'oeuvre de l'évêque de Meaux, tout en ouvrant pour l'étude de l'historiographie classique de nouvelles perspectives."

MACE, STEPHANE. Bossuet. Dijon: L'Echelle de Jacob, 2004.

Review: T. Verjans in DSS 238 (2008), 169–170: A selection of articles artfully chosen "à témoigner de la revitalisation des études consacrées à l'évêque de Meaux, et insufflées par la date anniversaire du tricentenaire de son décès."

REGENT-SUSINI, ANNE. "'Voix devant la Parole': Bossuet et la rhétorique de l'autorité." IL 59.2 (2007), 48–51.

Studies the rhetoric of authority in Bossuet to show that there is not one posture of authority but that we can discover in his works multiple postures of authority (as priest, bishop, erudite, professor, etc.,) and the way the "I" appears/disappears in his discourse. Author examines Bossuet's specific markers of enunciation and concludes that his discourse is at times even authoritarian.

SPICA, ANNE-ELISABETH, éd. Bossuet à Metz (1652–1659), les années de formation et leurs prolongements. Actes du colloque international de Metz (21–22 mai 2004). Pieterlen, Suisse: Peter Lang, 2006.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 684 (2006), 64: Volume dont les contributions organisées en quatre parties se concentrent sur la période messine du prédicateur; à l'occasion du tricentenaire de sa mort.





GUTIERREZ-LAFFOND, AURORE. "Les débuts de Claude Boyer: Des affaires diocésaines d'Albi à une carrière d'auteur dramatique à Paris." RHLF 108.1 (2008), 37–50.

Detailed study on the biography and reception history of Claude Boyer's early works and life. Particular emphasis is given to Boyer's debuts in Paris and to his role within the diocese of Albi.


VENESOEN, CONSTANT, ed. Madame de Brégy. La Reflexion de la Lune sur les hommes (1654). Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 153 (2007), 649: This welcome new edition includes a preface illuminating the author in the context of preciosity as well as in relation to her own classical culture. Judged "indubbiamente interessante nella storia del moralismo secentesco" (649).




ROBERTS, HUGH. " La tête de Bruscambille et les métaphores mentales au début du dix-septième siècle." RHLF 107.3 (2007), 541–557.

Bruscambille's "Prologue de la teste," spoken at L'Hôtel de Bourgogne, is the focus of this study, as the author intends to show us 1) the relation between scientific and bawdy language; 2) the attempt to ascribe a mental experience to a physical reality. He describes the anatomical language of the prologue, its place in the history of anatomy, and its mental metaphors. As an annex, the author attaches the full "Prologue de la teste."


CREMIERE, CEDRICE. Buffon. Oeuvres. Pref. Michel Delon. Paris: Gallimard, 2007.

Review: F. Gevrey in RHLF 108.2 (2008), 453–454: This Bibliothèque de la Pléiade edition aims at a large audience and offers insight into the life, works, and the reception history of that writer. Points discussed are Buffon's style, the cultural and historical background of his writing, his election to the Académie Française, and his general ideas. The twenty-first century reader is surprised by the ethological dimension of Buffon's descriptions.





MORGAN, LUKE. Nature as Model: Salomon de Caus and Early Seventeenth-Century Landscape Design. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2006.

Review: T. L. Ehrlich in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 961–62: Judged "lucid and convincing," Morgan's examination demonstrates the centrality of de Caus's designs and treatises "to the dissemination throughout Europe of late sixteenth-century Italian garden motifs" (961). Includes chapters on 1) the historiography of De Caus scholarship, 2) his biography, 3) and 4) "the major contributions of De Caus as an hydraulic engineer and landscape designer in the courtly circles of Brussels, London and Paris," and 5) "the relationship between what De Caus read, what he wrote and what he built" (962). Morgan argues that theory and practice are strongly intertwined in De Caus and "debunks enticing myths. . . promulgated by such writers as Francis Yates, Umberto Eco and Simon Schama" (962). Recommended both to specialists in the history of landscapes and to cultural historians. Index, illustrations, bibliography


MAZOUER, CHARLES. "La Cour sainte du P. Caussin: de la cour au théâtre." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. 141–153.

Mazouer takes on Caussin's hefty Cour sainte by analyzing its use of exempla, and in turn, how Tristan L'Hermite modified some of these exempla in his plays. While the Cour sainte was in part aimed at an elite Court readership who would set moral examples for the people, the work clearly had an influence on other types of readers, such as Tristan L'Hermite. Mazouer analyzes the disconnect between the exempla in Caussin's work and in Tristan's Mariane, La Mort de Sénèque, and La Mort de Chrispe. He concludes by explaining how this disconnect stems from the genre differences inherent to moral exemplum and tragedy.


ARTIGAS-MENANT, GENEVIEVE. "Spiritualité contre religion chez Robert Challe." TL 21 (2008), 173–189.

Masterful essay, interrogating Challe's numerous and varied works, discovers and defines key "évidences intérieures qui constituent sa spiritualité personnelle et en même temps la source de son effervescence critique" (185). Artigas-Menant finds Challe's "exigeante spiritualité" as evident in a journal written on a ship during military hostilities as in novels, memoirs, the Continuation de Don Quichotte and the Difficultés sur la religion. Convincingly demonstrates how Challe, who had in his youth read extensively and cited Saint Augustine, Saint Bernard, Idiota, Thomas à Kempis, Fra Paolo Sarpi, among others, continues as author his dialogue with them (173, 189).



BRAY, BERNARD, ed. Jean Chapelain, Les Lettres authentiques à Nicolas Heinsius (1649–1672), Une amitié érudite entre France et Hollande. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 390: Rich and interesting edition of letters discovered by Bray at the University of Leyde which testify to "un amicizia erudita tra Francia e Olanda in un momento di particolare interesse" (390). Rich introduction and precise annotation.

HUNTER, ALFRED C., éd., avec introd., rév. des textes et notes parAnne Duprat. Jean Chapelain. Opuscules critiques. Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 695 (2007), 92093: "Opuscules critiques, excellente anthologie colligée par Alfred C. Hunter, et publiée en 1936 à la Société des textes français modernes, procurait un accès aisé à des textes dispersés. La présente réédition est donc bienvenue, d'autant plus qu'il ne s'agit d'une simple réimpression à l'identique. Les textes de Chapelain [1595–1673] sont précédés d'une copieuse introduction due à Anne Duprat, qui met à jour nos connaissances sur l'homme et le rôle qu'il sut jouer."


VISENTIN, HELENE, ed. La Descente d'Orphée aux Enfers. Tragédie (1639). Presses Universitaires de Rennes: Collection "texts rares", 2004.

Review: M. Bombard in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 662–663. Visentin follows the 1648 re-edition of La Descente d'Orphée and presents a bibliographical description of the different editions of the work, as well as an annex on the Orpheus myth. Visentin moreover contextualizes the play and discusses questions that are related to its staging. Reviewer adds a few critical remarks and points in particular to the incoherence concerning notes and dates.
Review: E. Olivari in S Fr 149 (2006), 390: Visentin's welcome edition is based on the 1648 publication of de Chapoton and includes a table of versions of the Orphée myth dramatized and published in seventeenth-century France, an extract of the first French dramatic work featuring Orphée, l'Arimène (1597), the review from the "Gazette de France" of the famous Orfeo (1647), and the "Dessin," the libretto of de Chapoton's 1648 representation. The edition also includes chapters on de Chapoton's life, the fortunes of the Orphée myth in both Italian and French literature of the Renaissance and the seventeenth-century, and the mise en scène of de Chapoton's work.




RENDALL, STEVEN,trans. Choisy, L'Héritier, Perrault. The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2004.

Review: C. Jumel in M&T (2007), 160–163: "The publication in 2004 of the French text Histoire de la Marquise-Marquis de Banneville and its English translation, The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville, is another worthy contribution to the MLA Series Texts and Translations that has made accessible many early modern texts for the college classroom. This text and its translation will not only be useful to scholars and students of French literature, but will appeal as well to those in gender studies and fairy-tale studies." Of particular note is the assertion that this story was a collective effort by the three listed authors above rather than exclusively Choisy's as previously thought. Jumel takes some issue with the translation in spots, but finds DeJean's introduction strong, and the tale's treatment of cross-dressing and "so-called unconventional marriages" still relevant today.




SOLL, JACOB. The Antiquary and the Information State: Colbert's Archives, Secret Histories, and the Affair of the Régale, 1663–1682. FHS 31.1 (Winter 2008), 3–28.

The author shows how Colbert and his ecclesiastical antiquarian archivists built a state administrative apparatus. Their "mixture of administrative, financial, and ecclesiastical learned culture developed into a state science of information-handling techniques necessary for collecting, filing, and retrieving up-to-date information in a massive state-policy archive to be used for rapid political response."


DEMEILLIEZ, MARIE. "Les airs instrumentaux de Pascal Collasse." DSS 238 (2008), 57–75.

A very close study of the music and choreography of Sigalion including many images of the instrumental arrangements — of particular interest to scholars of seventeenth-century music.


MORTGAT-LONGUET, EMMANUELLE. Clio au Parnasse. Naissance de l'histoire littéraire française aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 153 (2007), 646: Guillaume Colletet is the focus of this study, especially part one, which places the birth of literary history in the 16th c. The second section examines the institution of French literary history in the seventeenth-century Important for understanding of the French "mythe classique." Rich bibliography.


ALBANESE, RALPH. "Corneille as a Cultural Icon in France from the Third Republic to Today." YFS 113 (2008), 97–114.

"As a foundational reference for French cultural identity, Cornelian tragedy served as a vehicle for the moral and ideological values of the Third Republic. . . In order to assess the formative value of Corneille's theater during this period and beyond, it will be necessary to demonstrate how his heroic discourse constituted a matrix for the political modalities of modern France. More specifically, by teaching Corneille's plays, republican schooling succeeded in creating a political mindset affecting generations of French men and women throughout the twentieth century."

BECKER, DANIÈLE. "Persée et Andromède de Lope de Vega à Calderón de la Barca, et de Corneille à Lully (1613–1682)." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008) 225–233.

Examination of the four treatments of the Persée and Andromède tale, set in the political context of the French and Spanish courts.

BLOCKER, DEBORAH & ELIE HADDAD. "Protections et statut d'auteur à l'époque moderne: Formes et enjeux des pratiques de patronage dans la querelle du Cid (1637)". FHS 31.3 (summer 2008), 381–416.

Les auteurs analysent "le rôle des écrits dans les échanges sociaux et sur la manière dont les compétences de certains scripteurs sont mobilisées dans l'espace social". En prenant comme exemple Le Cid de Corneille, les auteurs expliquent que "l'interrogation sur le patronage des gens de lettres invite en réalité à repenser l'ensemble de nos conceptions du fait "littéraire" à l'époque moderne."

BRAIDER, CHRISTOPHER. "The Witch from Colchis: Corneille's Médée, Chimène's Le Cid, and the Invention of Classical Genius." MLQ 69 (2008), 315–37.

Suggests that the energetic, autonomous heroines Chimène and Médée function for Corneille as muses, not as Others. More specifically, they help define and embody a specifically Cornelian genius, in particular, the "transcendent principle of creative Cornelian will" (340).

BURY, EMMANUEL. "Corneille et la République des lettres européennes." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008) 237–249.

Sets out to examine "dans quelle mesure le poète dramatique a suscité l'intérêt des citoyens de la République des Lettres, savants et érudits que la génération des 《  nouveaux doctes  》 à laquelle Corneille appartenait, avait contribué peu à peu à mettre à l'écart du discours critique."

CARLIN, CLAIRE. "Marc Fumaroli et la dramaturgie cornélienne." OeC 32.1 (2007), 49–56.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré "à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. "L'influence de Marc Fumaroli sur la critique cornélienne des 35 dernières années est à la fois rétrospective et axée sur l'actualité et l'avenir des développements dans le domaine. Il cite dans Héros et orateurs la plupart d'entre les travaux les plus importants publiés jusqu'en 1991, ce qui s'avère extrêmement utile dans la mesure où M. Fumaroli enrichit les contributions de ses collègues en les situant par rapport à la mouvance jésuite et les débats philosophiques, théologiques et esthétiques dont il a pleinement révélé la pertinence pour le théâtre cornélien."

CHAUVEAU, JEAN-PIERRE. "De Corneille à Mozart à travers Métastase: une rencontre imaginaire à cent cinquante ans de distance, ou de Cinna (1641) à La Clémence de Titus (1791)." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 387–398.

Examination of points of convergence (in themes and treatment of character) between Corneille's play and Mozart's opera, for which Pietro Metastasio wrote the libretto.

CIVARDI, JEAN-MARC. La Querelle du Cid (1637–1638). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.

Review: M. Bombart in DSS 240 (2008), 562–563: A particularly strong study "qui rassemble le corpus des pièces polémiques publiées autour du Cid et en propose une étude d'ensemble. La première partie du livre, après un état de la question et un bilan critique des travaux consacrés à la Querelle, constitue une étude générale de la polémique en trois temps." The first presents all the relevant context, the second, "une série d'études transversales isolant les 《 enjeux 》 de la Querelle," and the third, a modern analysis of its critical consequences over time.

CLERICI-BALMAS, NERINA. "Giuseppe Baretti traducteur de Corneille." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 311–321.

Overview of the four volumes of Baretti's translation of twenty of Corneille's tragedies, published between 1747–1748.

COUDERC, CHRISTOPHE. "Corneille réécrit Lope de Vega: de Amar sin saber a quién à La suite du menteur." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 131–142.

Analysis of the adaptation of the Lope de Vega play by Corneille, focusing particularly on the changes to the valet character, Cliton.

DIDIER. BEATRICE. "Les tragédies de Pierre Corneille à l'Opéra (XVIIIe – XIXe siècle)." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 403–410.

Brief examination of the fates of Horace, Polyeucte, and Le Cid in nineteenth-century French opera, and brief examination of the types of transformations Corneille's plays underwent.

DOGLIO MAZZOCCHI, MARIANGELA. "Corneille et Alfieri: de la mythologie de l'histoire au volontarisme, en tant qu'esthétique et anthropologie." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 323–333.

Examination of heroism in Corneille, and a comparative analysis of heroism in the eighteenth-century Italian poet Vittorio Alfieri.

DOSMOND, SIMONE. "Clitandre, drame élisabéthain?" PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 191–198.

Examines the resonances of Elizabethan drama in Corneille's Clitandre.

DUMAS, CATHERINE. "Corneille, Le Cid et l'Espagne: des paradoxes après un 《  coup de maître  》." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 251–261.

"Au cours de cette enquête, nous examinerons quels aspects de l'œuvre de Corneille ont été transmis et soulignés, quelles pièces ont fait l'objet de traductions, et dans quelle mesure le dramaturge a pu être à son tour proposé comme 《  modèle  》 aux auteurs espagnols."

DUPRAT, ANNE. "L'art et le précepte: Corneille et l'aristotélisme européen." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 33–43.

Analysis of Corneille's dramatic theory in light of the principles upheld by Heinsius, Castelvetro et al.

EKSTEIN, NINA. Corneille's Irony. Charlottesville: Rookwood Press, 2007.

Review: M. Douguet in Fabula ( Citing the project as potentially "paradoxal," this review describes the book's plan in detail: an introduction that defines irony (based on Hutcheon); two major sections dedicated to evident irony and possible irony, for both of which Ekstein offers a developed typology. Extensive use of examples from throughout Corneille's oeuvre, while each chapter concludes with a more in-depth study of one play. Types of irony studied include: dramatic irony; verbal irony; situational irony; Ekstein studies as well "signs of irony," including repetition, exaggeration; incongruities; contradictions; and gaps ("écarts"). Ekstein also associates irony to Corneille's practice of surprise and the sublime. Douguet concludes, "L'ouvrage de Nina Ekstein est traversé, on le voit, par des questions fondamentales d'interprétation du texte littéraire, et théâtral en particulier. Il permet d'en cerner les enjeux et les conditions en même temps qu'il propose une étude exemplifiée de la notion d'ironie. Enfin, comprendre l'importance de l'interprétation dans le théâtre de Corneille, comprendre la place qu'y occupe l'ironie est une manière stimulante d'aborder les problématiques propres à son oeuvre."

FRANCO, BERNARD. "Corneille et les romantiques allemands: modèle classique et contre-modèle espagnol." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 353–360.

Examination of the ambivalent reception of Corneille by German Romantics: "la réception de Corneille dans le romantisme allemand a pu faire apparaître une frontière du classicisme, et conduire à l'envisager soit comme représentant de la dramaturgie classique, soit comme expression française d'une dramaturgie espagnole au travers du Cid." Argues that this ambivalence can be traced to an ambivalence in the very definition of the Cornelian model.

GAROFALO, ELENA. "Corneille et la Jérusalem délivrée." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 101–113.

"Loin de discuter l'importance de la Querelle du Cid marquant les premiers pas vers l'émulation des Discours et des Dialogues du Tasse, je voudrais montrer que le lien entre Corneille et le Tasse est aussi fondé sur l'imitation pratique de quelques épisodes de la Jérusalem délivrée. Je vais donc circonscrire mon étude aux débats concernant la justice que l'on trouve, et dans Le Cid, Horace et Cinna, et dans les chants V et II du poème italien."

GEORGES, ANDRE. "L'amour de Pauline pour Polyeucte." S Fr 152 (2007), 253–266.

Retraces the great diversity of interpretations regarding Pauline and her love for Polyeucte (or Sévère), from the abbé de Pure to actresses of the 18th and 19th c. and early 20th c. critics. Georges' detailed essays focuses on Corneille's play but offers complementary support from other texts such as l'Astrée, the Maximes of La Rochefoucauld, François de Sales's Introduction à la vie dévote, De arte amandi of André Le Chapelain, among others—to show "que Pauline aima Polyeucte, mais que son amour pour lui prend de plus en plus de possession d'elle au cours de l'action, de sorte qu'à la fin de celle-ci, il est plus fort, plus profond, plus intense, plus pur qu'au début" (254).

GIORGI, GIORGETTI. "Les théoriciens italiens et les remarques de Corneille sur le roman et sur les différences entre le théâtre et le roman." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 73–83.

Examination of Corneille's remarks concerning the novel in his second Discours and examination of possible reasons (primarily his rhetorical education) as to why he preferred the dramatic medium.

GIRAUD, YVES. "Un admirateur de Corneille dans l'Allemagne baroque: Andreas Gryphius et son Horribilicribrifax." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 295–309.

Overview of Gryphius' work and examination of resonances of a French and Cornelian influence.

HÉNIN, EMMANUELLE. "Corneille et Castelvetro: une lecture polémique des portraits de la Poétique." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008) 45–65.

"Si Corneille est redevable à Castelvetro, c'est moins parce qu'il lui reprend certaines idées précises (sur le primat de la structure, ou du plaisir) que par sa position face à ses contemporains: en porte-à-faux pour ses positions théoriques, frondeur dans le concert des autorités établies, il livre finalement la quintessence de l'esprit aristotélicien. L'originalité de Corneille théoricien, tant de fois souligné, ne serait-elle pas d'avoir imité l'originalité de Castelvetro ?"

IBBETT, KATHERINE. "Heroes and History's Remainders: The Restes of Pierre Corneille." MLQ 69 (2008), 347–66.

A meditation on things left behind in Corneille: aged characters, overlooked actions, and the late plays themselves, "material that persists awkwardly past its prime" (350). Ibbett suggests that "[t]he reste provides a more troubling perspective on the grandiose heroism with which Corneille is too often associated. In attending to the language of the remainder, we see how he reworks history so as to reflect on the relation between the merely grandiose and the enduring presence that accompanies it and extends its promise" (364).

LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS. "Contacts de Corneille avec le théâtre anglais." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 175–185.

Examines the potential influence on Corneille of three English plays: Beaumont and Fletcher's Thierry et Théodoret, the comedy The Coronation by the same authors, and Philip Massinger's Le Rénégat.

LE ROUX, M. Performance review of Pierre Corneille, Le Cid. Mise en scène d'Alain Ollivier. Théâtre Gérard Philipe de Saint-Denis. Du 15 octobre au 15 novembre 2007. Tournée nationale jusqu'en février 2008. QL 956 (du 1er au 15 novembre 2007), 26:

La critique trouve que A. Ollivier met en scène la pièce 《  avec une radicalité artistique exempte de toute démagogie  》. Par exemple, 《  l'époque Louis XIII est évoquée... par les seuls costumes de Florence Sadaune. Les étoffes magnifiées par les superbes éclairages de Marie-Christine Soma, les postures subtilement inspirées de l'art baroque, donnent à de nombreuses scènes la beauté de tableaux vivants, inscrits sur la matérialité du bois, animés par la célébration de la langue et la parfaite maîtrise de l'alexandrin  》.

MAMCZARZ, IRÈNE. "L'adaptation polonaise du Cid de Pierre Corneille par Jean André Morsztyn et sa représentation à la cour royale (1662)." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 279–288.

Examines the diverse ways in which the Polish Baroque poet Morstyn adapted Le Cid, demonstrating how the adaptation reveals "une créativité originale. Le poète invente des expressions nuancées, introduit des néologismes destinés à enrichir la langue polonaise. Il introduit quelques changements stylistiques toute en restant fidèle à la pensée et au sens du chef-d'œuvre cornélien."

MARCHAL-WEYL, CATHERINE. "Corneille et la comedia: la comédie cornélienne à l'épreuve du modèle espagnol." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 119–129.

Analysis of the points of convergence between Corneille's understanding of drama as "illusion comique" and the Golden Age Spanish aesthetic which is "régie par une semblable liberté raisonnée dans l'art de représenter le réel."

MESNARD, JEAN. "Conclusion: Corneille l'Européen." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 429–451.

Closing paper of the 'Corneille et l'Europe' conference held in Paris in 2006. Broad overview of some of the principal concerns raised during the conference, and of Corneille's heritage throughout Europe as a whole.

MINEL, EMMANUEL. "Opéras haendeliens et tragédies de Corneille: à propos de Pertharite/Rodelinda, Théodore/Theodora, La mort de Pompée/Julio Cesare. L'opéra comme repreneur de l'idéalisme pastoral subsistant au cœur de la tragédie cornélienne." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 363–386.

Examination of the adaptation of Pertharite to Rodelinda, and a comparison between Théodore/Theodora and La mort de Pompée/Julio Cesare, although the librettos for these latter two operas were not directly inspired by Corneille's plays.

NIDERST, ALAIN. Pierre Corneille. Paris: Fayard, 2006.

Review: M.-O. Sweetser in FR 81 (2008), 775–76: A very solid and complete work addressing Corneille's life and literary production, the immediate reception of his work, and his continual desire for literary experimentation and novelty. Niderst also makes good use of fellow scholars' contributions, in particular those of Georges Couton and Marc Fumaroli. Heartily recommended for university libraries, teachers, and persons fond of theater.

PICCIOLA, LILIANE. "Corneille et l'esprit de Gracián, une dramaturgie de la pointe." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008) 159–169.

A reading of Corneille's drama in the light of the work of Spanish Jesuit Gracián, Le Héros (1637).

RIZZA, CELILIA. "A propos d'une récente mise en scène de L'Illusion comique." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 427–434.

Account of the production of L'Illusion comique in 2005 at Le Teatro stabile di Genova, and the very favourable reaction to it.

SAWECKA, HALINA. "De Corneille à Pirandello ou le théâtre du point de vue de l'imaginaire." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008) 417–425.

Examination of the dynamic between author / actor / spectator in Corneille, through an analysis of L'Illusion comique. Highlights points of convergence with Pirandello.

SCHMIDT, MARIE-FRANCE. "Le thème de l'amitié, sa mise en situation dramatique et son évolution des Noces aux deux maris de Lope de Vega à La Suite du Menteur de Corneille." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008) 143–151.

Analysis of theme of friendship. Argues that "Si la véritable amitié mutuelle subsiste dans La Suite du Menteur par égard pour Lope de Vega, elle perd une partie de sa réciprocité dans la Place Royale en même temps que son statut de thème privilégié."

SOARE, ANTOINE. "La tragédie morale de l'action: de l'Orazia aux Tegeaten en passant par Horace". PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 209–223.

Analysis of Corneille's Horace, situated within a trajectory of moral drama from Pietro Aretino's Orazia (1596) to Die Tegeaten (1769) by Swiss dramatist Johann Bodmer.

SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE. "Marc Fumaroli, interprète de Corneille, dramaturge et poète de l'humanisme chrétien." OeC 32.1 (2007), 39–47.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et critiques présenté par Roxanne Roy et consacré à l'oeuvre de Marc Fumaroli. "Ce rapide survol de l'immense panorama établi avec science, intelligence critique et enthousiasme pour son sujet par Marc Fumaroli a révélé aux lecteurs et amateurs de théâtre des dernières décennies un nouveau Corneille redécouvert et vivifié par une enquête approfondie et érudite sur la formation du poète, sur l'héritage commun et les rapports culturels et spirituels entre Rome et Paris."

VALENTIN, JEAN-MARIE and LAURE GAUTHIER, eds. Pierre Corneille de l'Allemagne: l'œuvre dramatique de Pierre Corneille dans le monde germanique (XVIIe–XIXe siècles). Paris, Editions Desjonquères, 2007.

Review: A. Niderst, PFSCL XXXV (69), 784–785. "Un fort volume comprenant vingt-trois articles qui semblent embrasser le sujet de manière exhaustive."

VALENTIN, JEAN-MARIE. "Lessing, critique de Corneille: de Rodogune à la théorie de la catharsis." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 339–351.

Analysis of the critical reception of Corneille by Aristotelian Gotthold Ephraim Lessing in the 1760s.

VIEGAS DOS SANTOS, ANA CLARA. "La fortune de Corneille au Portugal ou les répercussions de la querelle du Cid." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 267–277.

Examination of the eighteenth-century Portuguese querelle du Cid based on a number of texts by Francisco Paulo de Portugal e Castro and Alexandre de Gusmão.

ZAISER, RAINER. "Corneille héritier de Trissino: Sophonisbe et la naissance de la tragédie moderne." PFSCL XXXV, 68 (2008), 89–102.

Analysis of Trissino's Sofonisba (1524), Mairet's Sophonisbe (1634) and the influence of the Italian play on Corneille.


PAVESIO, MONICA, ed. Thomas Corneille. Les engagements du hasard. Rome: Aracne, 2006.

Review: D. Cecchetti in S Fr 151 (2007), 438: Welcome critical edition of Thomas Corneille's first theatrical work is lauded for its careful and precise documentation, its introduction focusing on préciosité, sources, stylistic unity, intertextuality, and reception of the play. Reviewer argues for an eventual critical edition of Thomas Corneille's entire corpus.

PREST, JULIA. "Silencing the Supernatural: La Devineresse and the Affair of the Poisons." FMLS 43.4 (2007), 397–409.

Focusing on the pièce d'actualité, Th. Corneille and Donneau de Visé's comedy, Prest attentively examines in addition accounts of related and illuminating contemporary events such as Madame de Sévigné's letters and the Mercure galant (edited by Th. Corneille and Donneau de Visé). Perspicacious in its demonstration of the play's ambiguity, public anxiety and efforts to dispel the same.

PREST, JULIA, ed. Thomas Corneille et Jean Donneau de Visé. La Devineresse ou les faux enchantements. Londres: MHRA, 2007.

Review: B. Höfer in DFS 83 (2008), 145–146: "Cette édition procurée par Julia Prest a le mérite de rendre accessible aux chercheurs et étudiants la comédie peu connue de Thomas Corneille et Jean Donneau de Visé, La Devineresse ou les faux enchantements, tout en éclaircissant le contexte théâtral et historique. Prest offre une étude de la pièce, de son contexte et des questions reliées à la condition de la femme au dix-septième siècle. Elle étudie en détail la relation ambiguë et paradoxale entre le contexte historique qu'on appelle 'L'Affaire des Poisons' [...] et la pièce qui, elle, minimise les événements de l'époque et offre 《  une version rassurante aussi bien pour le public que pour le gouvernement.  》



DARMON, JEAN-CHARLES, ed. Cyrano de Bergerac, La Mort d'Agrippine. Fougères: Encre marine, 2005.

Review: J.-M. Civardi in IL 59.1 (2007), 52–53. Reviewer welcomes this new edition of Cyrano de Bergerac's La Mort d'Agrippine and approves of its useful and ample introduction, the incorporation of two letters, and the choice of bibliographical references, even if he expresses a minor dissatisfaction with the introduction. Cyrano's confrontation with Corneille is left out, which the reviewer deplores. He wishes that the author had commented at least on the frontispiece.

HARRY, PATRICIA, ALAIN MOTHU & PHILIPPE SELLIER, eds. Dissidents, excentriques et marginaux de l'Age classique. Autour de Cyrano de Bergerac. Bouquet offert à Madeleine Alcover. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 153 (2007), 649–650: This volume of twenty-five articles is offered to a great Cyrano specialist, Madeleine Alcover, on the occasion of her retirement. Praiseworthy both by the quantity of thematics included and the rich perspectives and analyses; the collection is organized in the following sections: "Explorateurs des marges," "Monstres et sorciers," "Marges du langage," "Figures libertines," and "Comprendre Cyrano" (650).



BERTRAND, DOMINIQUE, ed. Avez-vous lu Dassoucy? Actes du colloque international du CERHAC, Clermont-Ferrand, 25–26 juin 2004. Clermont-Ferrand: P U Blaise Pascal, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 390–391: Judged particularly interesting and innovative, this collection of wide-ranging and numerous articles is as well a reevaluation of Dassoucy. These refereed proceedings of an international conference are organized in sections focusing on 1) the poetic and burlesque works, 2) autobiographical narratives, and 3) the rereading and rewriting of the Aventures. Annexes of biographical and bibliographical nature as well as a works cited section complement the pertinent analyses.


BABY, HELENE, ed. Abbé d'Aubignac. La Pratique du théâtre. Paris: Champion, 2001.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 661–662. Hélène Baby rectifies, modernizes, and adds to Pierre Martino's earlier edition on d'Aubignac's Pratique. She presents to her readers a captivating introduction that elegantly summarizes the seventeenth-century author's career and major works. The detailed notes that run throughout the main text are, however, almost too abundant, according to the reviewer, and so are the frequent observations following the text, even if they offer a large number of new ideas.

BANDERIER, GILLES, ed. François Hédelin, Abbé d'Aubignac. Des satyres brutes, monstres et démons, 1627. Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2003.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 660–661. Pays tribute to the introduction written by Gilles Banderier and its rich documentation of Hédelin's early career, the controversies of his time, and the eloquence of speech of this future abbot.

BOURQUE, BERNARD. "Abbé d'Aubignac et les trois unités: théorie et pratique." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 589–601.

Examines the extent to which d'Aubignac largely fails to adhere to his own theoretical dramaturgical precepts in his three prose tragedies, La Pucelle d'Orléans (1642), La Cyminde (1642) and Zénobie (1647).

BOURQUE, BERNARD. "L'Adaptation de l'histoire dans la tragédie: théorie et pratique chez d'Aubignac." CdDS 11.2 (2007), 83–99.

The author starts out by examining d'Aubignac's doctrine of vraisemblance before turning to the application of that theory in the three historical tragedies. A particular emphasis is placed on the dénouements of Zénobie and La Pucelle d'Orléans where the theorist's own rules are not applied completely. Bourque argues that d'Aubignac does not fully fulfill the requirements of his own theory of vraisemblance.

BOURQUE, B. J. "La Notion dramatique de personnage: théorie et pratique chez d'Aubignac." EFL 44 (Nov. 2007), 37–49.

L'auteur fait l'analyse des sept observations faites sur la notion dramaturgique de personnage par d'Aubignac dans sa Pratique du théâtre et les compare avec sa pratique dans ses trois pièces en prose. Il constate 《  que les théories de notre auteur furent, en grande partie, le fruit de sa courte carrière de dramaturge, ses prescriptions exigeantes de la théâtralité provenant d'une évolution dans sa pensée.  》


SCHRENCK, GILBERT (ed.). Autour de l'Histoire universelle d'Agrippa d'Aubigné, Mélanges à la mémoire d'André Thierry.

Review: F. Higman in FS 62.1 (2008), 75–6. This "stimulating volume for d'Aubigné students," joins together seven articles by Thierry and and nine by former students, friends and colleagues. While some of the pieces are hommages or only partly connected to the title of the book, many others take a critical look at d'Aubigné's Histoire universelle and at historiography in general.


JASMIN, NADINE, ed. Madame d'Aulnoy: Contes des Fées, suivis des Contes nouveaux ou Les Fées à la Mode. Vol. 1. Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: T. A. Jordan in Marvels & Tales 21.1 (2007), 153–57. As part of a series, La Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées, Jasmin and co-editor Raymonde Robert present extensive background to the period and context for each text presented that is invaluable to the new student of seventeenth-century French fairy tales. Part of a series eventually to include 20 volumes. Also contains a biography of Madame d'Aulnoy, and various ways of categorizing and analyzing tales.

TRINQUET, CHARLOTTE. "On the Literary Origins of Folkloric Fairy Tales: A Comparison between Madame d'Aulnoy's Finette Cendron and Frank Bourisaw's Belle Finette." M&T 21 (2007), 34–49.

(abstract) "Mme d'Aulnoy's Finette Cendron underlies an American oral telling, Belle Finette. Since no trace of the tale in this form exists in French oral tradition, the author speculates that still-undocumented chapbooks together with motifs familiar from other Western European fairy tales provided the raw material for its Missouri teller."




FRANCHETTI, ANNA LIA. L'ombre discourante de Marie de Gournay. Études Montaignistes 45. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: C. Clark-Evans in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 586–87: Marie de Gournay's Stoic ethics and aesthetics are the focus of Franchetti's volume which is organized in two sections: "Theatre of Writing" and "Discursive Romance and Discourse of Reason." Franchetti's thematically organized study contributes to the establishment of de Gournay's literary reputation as it demonstrates the development of her own writing and "her insistence on connecting social and aesthetic criticism" (586). Judged "a model. . . of how to approach the literary, historical and cultural significance of early modern writings in wider perspective," Franchetti's analysis applies Saussurian theories to de Gournay as she examines her "commitment to writing that retains the power and symbolic value of individual style" (587). Index and bibliography.



SCHOLZ WILLIAMS, GERHILD, ed. and trans. On the Inconstancy of Witches: Pierre de Lancre's Tableau de l'inconstance des mauvais anges et demons (1612). Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 307. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006.

Review: E. Whitney in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1405–1406: First translation into English of this "length, lurid, and sensationalized account of Satanic practices among the population of the. . . Basque region of France" (1405). Includes detailed descriptions of food, legal questions, lycanthropy, along with parallel observations of geography, economy, and customs. Reflections on the magistrate, whose investigation was charged by Henri IV, includes personal comments and pornographic presentations. Although the reviewer would have appreciated a less literal translation, the volume is praised for making the text more widely accessible and is recommended to both students and scholars. Thoughtful introduction and useful bibliography.


AUCANTE, VINCENT. La philosophie médicale de Descartes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2006.

Review: J. E. H. Smith in Isis 98 (September 2007), 623–625. Makes a powerful case for the importance of medicine in Descartes's work (the author estimates that approximately 20% of the work deals with medicine). Fascinating and authoritative, Aucante's work makes the case that "Descartes's medicine is both incomplete and exemplary."

BROWN, DEBORAH J. Descartes and the Passionate Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.

Review: L. Nauta in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1422–24: The self as agent "embodied and striving toward virtue" is the orientation of Brown's study which demonstrates the unity of Descartes' Passions of the Soul as well as key expressions such as "is referred to" (for Descartes "the passions. . . are 'referred' to the soul itself" (1427). Chapters also treat the roles of love, chance, fate, and générosité. Index, tables, and bibliography.

CLARKE, DESMOND M. Descartes: A Biography. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Review: G. Hatfield in Isis 99.1 (2008), 177–178. Well-researched and balanced, with attention paid to Descartes' philosophy and Descartes the man. Casts doubt on the view of Descartes as a conservative Catholic.

DAVENPORT, ANNE ASHLEY. Descartes's Theory of Action. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 142. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2006.

Review: D. Des Chene in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1426–28: Concentrating on "the philosophy of praxis" (1427), D. examines usefully agency and freedom and "places Descartes' theory into the context of the French school of spirituality" (1426). The self thus is seen as cooperating with God's will. Index and bibliography.
Review: P. Machamer in Isis 99 (March 2008), 178–179. One of the best books dealing with Descartes's religious convictions. Discusses the relation of the ego to the idea of God's infinity. Some reservations concerning the author's style and her discussion of divine infinity, but particularly convincing in its reading of the Meditations.

HALLYN, FERNAND. Descartes: dissimulation et ironie. Genève: Droz, 2006.

Review: G. Lana in S Fr 151 (2007), 173: Important and clear essay illuminates the complexity of Descartes' writing or as Hallyn explains "C'est la manière dont le langage donne accès au sens à travers une rhétorique, avec ses motivations dans la mission que Descartes s'assigne et dans le contexte où il le poursuit, qui constituera l'objet de cette enquête" (8). After an introduction on the general practice of dissimulation, at court and here, in philosophical and scientific discourse, the study is organized in two parts: "Parcours: les vicissitudes de l'art de la prudence" and "Analyses." The second section is structured according to types of discourse (physical, metaphysical, polemic). Includes a rich bibliography.
Review: n.a. in BCLF 697 (2007), 708: Etude sur les stratégies d'écriture de Descartes servant à contourner les multiples sources de censure. Hallyn "retrace avec minutie les différentes strates de cette prudence dans la diffusion de sa pensée, en convoquant les textes publiés et en les confrontant à la correspondance et aux notes de Descartes sur un même thème. Il montre ainsi combien cette stratégie est constamment adaptée aux circonstances et aux publics."

JACOVIDES, MICHAEL. "How is Descartes' Argument Against Scepticism Better Than Putnam's?" PhQ 57 (September 2007), 593–612.

Jacovides argues that Descartes' arguments for the existence of God in the Third Meditation are better than their reputation suggests, and that they resemble (more than has previously been noted, including by Putnam himself) Putnam's arguments that since thought has a causal condition, we are not brains in vats, and the external world exists.

JONES, MATTHEW L. The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution: Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the Cultivation of Virtue. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006.

Review: J. Cottingham in Isis 98 (September 2007), 632–633. Cottingham characterizes the book's scholarship as "formidable," saying that Jones successfully (especially in the cases of Pascal and Leibniz) demonstrates that these thinkers' philosophies were not isolated academic exercises, but rather aimed at pointing out the link between science and ethics.
Review: K. Smith in Ren Q 60.2 (2007),643–44: Principally negative review disagrees with the positive assessments on the book's back cover by Daston and Gaukroger who term the work, respectively, as a "tour de force, offering a fundamental reassessment of what drives early modern philosophical thought" (644). Instead, Smith claims that Jones argues for the obvious and fails to connect his interesting and clear discussions (for example of the quadrature of the circle) to the cultivation of virtue.

KAMBOUCHNER, DENIS. "L'art d'écrire des classiques et la tâche de l'historien: Sur un exemple tiré de Descartes." RPL 106 (2008), 90–105.

Focusing on a 1647 letter from Descartes to Chanut on the subject of love, the author considers the importance of a Cartesian rhetoric in light of the theories of Leo Strauss on "l'art d'écrire". He finds the exercise particularly interesting because Strauss himself did not dwell on Descartes and because the Cartesian model has been greatly studied since Strauss' own work on the art of writing first appeared.

WATSON, RICHARD. Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of René Descartes. Boston: David R. Godine, 2002.

Review: G. Hatfield in Isis 99 (March 2008), 177–178. Unlike Clarke, among others, Watson takes Descartes' theology seriously, rather than as a pragmatic foundation for his physics. Carefully researched, with some new details regarding Descartes' relationship to the mother of his daughter.




CHAINEAUX, CLAIRE, ed. Jean Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, Théâtre complet (1636–1643). Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 391: Collection of all the theatrical production of Desmarets (seven works ranging from comedy to tragicomedy to heroic comedy). The volume's general introduction treats Desmarets, his esthetics, his theatre, posterity, as well as his work as editor and Richelieu's "politica culturale." Introductions specific to the plays focus on their creation, genres, characters, manuscripts, etc. An iconographic study by Catherine Guillot, as well as tables, a lexique and a bibliography round out this indispensable volume.


DE SMET, INGRID A. R. Thuanus: The Making of Jacques-Auguste de Thou (1553–1617). Genève: Droz, 2006.

Review: N. Kenny in FS 62.2 (2008), 212–13. Thou was a crucial figure in the Wars of Religion. A Catholic with Protestant friends, he helped negotiate the Edict of Nantes. This "outstanding study" brings together a biography and wide-ranging investigation of de Thou's writings regarding history, poetry, chronicles and his private life. De Smet's strength, the reviewer observes, is moving between de Thou's many genres of writings on any given subject while presenting the material in an engaging and appropriate manner that does not decontextualize his works. De Smet's work goes beyond many of the sources she quotes and offers a "gripping portrait not just of one individual but of numerous others in troubled, violent times."
Review: P.-A. Mellet in BHR 70.1 (2008), 267–70: L'auteur "apporte finalement un nouveau regard sur Jacques-Auguste de Thou, dans la mesure où toute sa vie professionnelle et personnelle (poétique, juridique, amicale, conjugale, etc.) est considérée comme la réalisation d'un plan d'auto-promotion individuelle. Cette approche (la biographie comme expression de l'ambition) se distingue de celles qui appréhendent les familles dans leur ensemble, comme Philippe Hamon qui estime que la carrière de Jacques-Auguste marque le zénith d'un lignage robin influent, avant 'la chute de la maison de Thou' (p. 271, p. 278). C'est cette approche qui constitue l'originalité du livre d'Ingrid De Smet."
Review: C. Weiss in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 582–83: Judged an "exceptional work on de Thou's life and identity," De Smet's study includes "genealogies of his family, a useful index, thorough bibliography, [and] list of illustrations" (583). De Smet's examination of the highly influential, if often maligned, luminary of the early modern is an engaging, thematically arranged intellectual biography. Chapters focus on his poetry, his relationships, the women in his writing and his life, his scholarship (the Historia and his Memoires) and "role as a political voice at this moment in French history" (582). De Smet's analysis on de Thou's role at court and among church officials is particularly enlightening.



PREST, JULIA. "Silencing the Supernatural: La Devineresse and the Affair of the Poisons." FMLS 43.4 (2007), 397–409.

Focusing on the pièce d'actualité, Th. Corneille and Donneau de Visé's comedy, Prest attentively examines in addition accounts of related and illuminating contemporary events such as Madame de Sévigné's letters and the Mercure galant (edited by Th. Corneille and Donneau de Visé). Perspicacious in its demonstration of the play's ambiguity, public anxiety and efforts to dispel the same.

PREST, JULIA, ed. Thomas Corneille et Jean Donneau de Visé. La Devineresse ou les faux enchantements. Londres: MHRA, 2007.

Review: B. Höfer in DFS 83 (2008), 145–146: "Cette édition procurée par Julia Prest a le mérite de rendre accessible aux chercheurs et étudiants la comédie peu connue de Thomas Corneille et Jean Donneau de Visé, La Devineresse ou les faux enchantements, tout en éclaircissant le contexte théâtral et historique. Prest offre une étude de la pièce, de son contexte et des questions reliées à la condition de la femme au dix-septième siècle. Elle étudie en détail la relation ambiguë et paradoxale entre le contexte historique qu'on appelle 'L'Affaire des Poisons' [...] et la pièce qui, elle, minimise les événements de l'époque et offre 《  une version rassurante aussi bien pour le public que pour le gouvernement.  》



  • See Part V:  Mayerne ~ Trevor-Roper, H.



LEMOINE, MATHIEU. "Dupleix, Aristarque et Philotime: une polémique à trois voix ou comment le maréchal de Bassompierre conçoit le métier d'historien." DSS 239 (2008), 195–221.

A close analysis of an important "querelle" between Dupleix and Bassompierre as to the role and method of the historian and the place of historiography. "La querelle qui [les] opposa est loin d'être une pure querelle décontexualisée d'érudits sur la conception que l'un et l'autre se font du métier d'historien. Bien au contraire, en ce premier XVIIe siècle, l'écriture de l'histoire devient un enjeu à double titre: tout d'abord parce que le métier d'historien est un métier en devenir, qui se théorise et formalise à coups de traités ou de querelles comme celle-ci, mais aussi parce que l'histoire a été instrumentalisée par le cardinal de Richelieu à son profit."


DAUSSY, H. et V. FERRER, éds. Servir Dieu, le Roi et l'Etat. Philippe Duplessis-Mornay (1549–1623). Actes du colloque de Saumur (13–15 mai 2004). Albineana, Cahiers d'Aubigné 18. Niort, 2006.

Review: A. Minerbi Belgrado in BHR 70.1 (2008), 270–73: ". . .les différentes communications contenues dans ce volume visent à replacer le personnage de Duplessis-Mornay dans le cadre de son époque. . . et elles le font d'une manière presque toujours éfficace et convaincante. Si on voulait tout de même exprimer une réserve, on pourrait peut-être regretter qu'il manque une perspective sur l'avenir, au moins pour ce qui est de la production théologique et controversiste de Duplessis-Mornay."

POTON, DIDIER. Duplessis-Mornay. Le 《 pape des huguenots 》. Paris: Perrin, 2006.

Review: N. Le Roux in DSS 239 (2008), 372–373: Positively reviewed, this is a thorough biography of "l'un des grands acteurs du temps des troubles de religion."


WOLFE, KATHRYN WILLIS. "The Kinship among Men of the Republic of Letters: Christophe Dupuy and the Familial Paradigm for Scholarly Exchange." CdDS 11.2 (2007), 59–70.

The Dupuy brothers' correspondence and library are discussed to show how their gatherings and writings contributed to place them at the pinnacle of the intellectual life in Paris. Wolfe studies their letters, which address concerns of domestic nature but also discuss the political events of their times. She comments on their relation with their long-standing friend Naudé, as well as their disgraced cousin De Thou.

WOLFE, KATHRYN WILLIS & PHILLIP J., eds. Humanisme et politique. Lettres romaines de Christophe Dupuy à ses frères (1650–1654). Vol. III. Tübingen: Gunter Narr (Biblio 17, 160), 2005.

Review: A Amatuzzi in S Fr 150 (2006), 598: Praiseworthy third volume of 82 letters of Dupuy from the Fonds Dupuy ms. 732 (BNF) and representing January 1650-January 1654. Reveals Dupuy's thoughts and those of his brothers during the tumultuous years of the Fronde. Amatuzzi writes appreciatively of the bibliography and the notes, the latter particularly helpful on political and cultural points.



GETHNER, PERRY. "Divine Right versus Divine Judgement in Two Early French Biblical Tragedies." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 469–476.

Examines the strategies by which Montchrestien's David (1601) and Du Ryer's Saül (1642) "managed to strike a sufficient balance between orthodoxy and subversion to have made them palatable to troupes and audiences."


WHITE, MICHELINE. "The Dedication and Prayers from Anne Gawdy Jenkinson's Translation of Guillaume Du Vair's Meditations upon The Lamentations of Ieremy [with text]." ELR 37 (2007), 34–46.

Focus is on an early-seventeenth-century English translation of two of Du Vair's devotional treatises. White points out that Jenkinson "overcomes educational and cultural barriers to engage in the vital work of translation, and she offers a provocative discussion of her status as a female translator in the dedication." Jenkinson's work is notable since it imports "a work from Catholic France into Protestant England" (36). Although White has had to work without a definitive edition of Du Vair's treatises, she has compared the translations with extant French editions and concludes that the translation "reveals additions, omissions, and adjustments that appear to have been motivated by confessional concerns" (37–38).





LE BRUN, JACQUES, BRUNO NEVEU AND IRENEE NOYE. Correspondance de Fénelon, vol. xviii, Suppléments et corrections. Geneva: Droz, 2007.

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 153 (2007), 654: Praiseworthy concluding volume of the monumental collection begun in 1972. Papasogli draws particular attention to the universal resonance of this corpus of spiritual letters which demonstrates "la sottile variazione psicologica e spirituale con cui Fénelon accompagna la storia di un'anima" (654).

SECHET D'ANGLADE, BRIGITTE. "La stratégie de la citation dans Le Gnostique de Saint Clément d'Alexandrie." DSS 239 (2008), 261–272.

The author discusses Fénelon's complex use of reference and citation in his Gnostique where "[il] va puiser dans l'arsenal de citations qu'il a savamment et judicieusement sélectionnées, traduites et accumulées, autant d'armes offensives et défensives à la fois qui lui serviront à déployer toute une stratégie textuelle qui force l'admiration par sa puissance et sa subtilité."




KOPPISCH, MICHAEL S. "In God's Kitchen: Food and Devotion in François de Sales's Introduction à la vie dévote." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 529–541.

Examines the role of culinary and gastronomic imagery in de Sales's devotional work.

STOPP, ELISABETH. Adrien Gambart's Emblem Book: The Life of St. François de Sales in Symbols. Philadelphia: St. Joseph's UP, 2006.

Review: D. Russell in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 252–254: Welcomed and praiseworthy, Stopp's new edition of Gambart's Vie symbolique du bienheureux François de Sales includes Stopp's own essay relating Gambart's book to the tradition of Salesian spirituality and a second essay by well-known emblem scholar Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé who considers Gambart's work in the larger "context of seventeenth-century sacred emblematics." Russell's review gives helpful details on presentation and indicates the omission in this edition of Gambart's unillustrated meditations.


ROY-GABRIEL, MARINE. Le Parnasse et le Palais: L'Œuvre de Furetière et la genèse du premier dictionnaire encyclopédique en langue française. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: W. Ayres-Bennett in FS 62.3 (2008), 334–35. According to this enthusiastic review, Roy-Gabriel rehabilitates Furetière's mixed legacy by "demonstrating how the dictionary is rooted in its age," displaying a "normative stance." The book does a good job covering the many genres which attracted Furetière and developing the ties that bind them together.



BLACKWELL, RICHARD J. Behind the Scenes at Galileo's Trial. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 2006.

Review: W. R. Laird in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 1001–1003: Welcome volume which includes translations "of relevant extracts from the Jesuits' Ratio studiorum, the letters of the Jesuit General Claudio Aquaviva on adherence to Aristotle and Aquinas, and the opening chapter of [Christopher] Scheiner's Prodromus" (1003). Judged a "new, intriguing glimpse behind the scenes," Blackwell's study includes a useful critical apparatus: index, bibliography as well as appendices.


STOPP, ELISABETH. Adrien Gambart's Emblem Book: The Life of St. François de Sales in Symbols. Philadelphia: St. Joseph's UP, 2006.

Review: D. Russell in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 252–254: Welcomed and praiseworthy, Stopp's new edition of Gambart's Vie symbolique du bienheureux François de Sales includes Stopp's own essay relating Gambart's book to the tradition of Salesian spirituality and a second essay by well-known emblem scholar Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé who considers Gambart's work in the larger "context of seventeenth-century sacred emblematics." Russell's review gives helpful details on presentation and indicates the omission in this edition of Gambart's unillustrated meditations.



FISHER, SAUL. Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy and Science: Atomism for Empiricists. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005.

Review: T. Castelão-Lawless in Isis 98 (June 2007), 385–386. Through his analysis of the shortcomings and contradictions of Gassendi's scientific theories, Fisher demonstrates that Gassendi's theories about hypotheses, observation, proof, causation, and ontology were unprecedented and contributed greatly to the philosophy of science. Although readers without a substantial background in the philosophy of science may find the work frustrating, the reviewer views the work as "thorough and convincing," indeed, indispensable.
Review: E. James in FS 62.1 (2008), 76–7. Fisher's work on the "epistemological and scientific element in Gassendi's thought and the relation between his empiricism and atomism" is an "exhaustive study," according to this positive review. Fisher pays close attention and "his commentary is close and acute." Those looking for a reading of Gassendi that is both contextual and contemporary will not be dissapointed by this "important contribution" to the field.

LOLORDO, ANTONIA. Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Review: S. Gaukroger in Isis 98 (December 2007), 837–838. Works with the content of Gassendi's natural philosophy. Gaukroger praises the author's approach as detailed and thoughtful, and an ideal place to look for comparisons of Gassendi's views with those of Descartes, Hobbes, and Boyle. Calls it "the standard treatment for some time to come."

TAUSSIG, SYLVIE. Pierre Gassendi (1592–1655). Introduction à la vie savante. Turnhout: Brepols, 2003.

Review: A. Pelletier in DSS 239 (2008), 373–375: "Ce volume n'est pas une biographie intellectuelle de Pierre Gassendi, mais une introduction aux Lettres latines qui l'accompagnent, et dont l'A. propose la première traduction française depuis leur publication dans le sixième et dernier volume de l'édition posthume des Opera omnia en 1658."


LACARDE, VÉRONIQUE. "Être protestant: un antidote aux passions gasconnes ? Le cas du maréchal Jean de Gassion (1609–1647)." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 351–367.

Looks at Gassion's life in order to understand in what way Protestantism is determinant in his actions. While she asserts that Gassion was a faithful Calvinist for himself, his actions were more guided by the prospect of money, military ethics and own conception of heroism than by his religion.


PIOFFET, MARIE-CHRISTINE. "L'alchimie du paysage dans l'œuvre romanesque de Marin Le Roy de Gomberville." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 543–564.

Examines the symbolic significance of imaginary, idealized places in Gomberville's work, suggesting "une lecture mystique, voire hermétique."





LEONIDE, SANDRINE, ed. Alexandre Hardy. Alceste ou La Fidélité (1624). Toulouse: Société de Littératures classiques, 2004.

Review: Ch. Mazouer in RHLF 107.4 (961–962), A modernized, correct reproduction of the text from 1624 with ample annotations and a useful glossary. The bibliography needs amendment. The 40-page long introduction presents major questions and topics.




WILKIN, REBECCA. "Renaissance Historiography and Novel Anthropology in Pierre-Daniel Huet's 'De l'Origine des romans' (1660)." S Fr 150 (2006), 466–477.

This intriguing and particularly well-documented article argues that Huet's work is "at the same time both and neither [a plea for the novel or a justification of history], depending on how one reads the treatise" (468). Wilkin analyzes the "three storylines that compete for the reader's attention" (468) and considers Huet's debt to La Popelinière and Bodin, terming Huet's work "a hybrid of La Popelinière's four stages of historiography and Bodin's 'histoire humaine et incertaine et confuse' [which] delivers a mixed message: the French novel represents the apotheosis of civility, but spells the apocalypse of civilization, for the primacy of fiction over history heralds a return to original ignorance" (473). Wilkin's essay includes pertinent discussion on vraisemblance, several women authors and concludes that Huet's work is "resolutely ambivalent" as it "assigns two incommensurable origins—the distant past and human nature—to the novel [and] poses as an example of unimpeachable history all the while deploying conventions that supposedly distinguish novels from history" (476).



BARBAFIERI, CARINE & LAURA NAUDEIX. "Polymestor à l'épreuve du secret: l'efficacité du regard." DSS 238 (2008), 27–39.

In the absence of an actual text for P. de Jouvancy's Polymestor, the authors attempt to understand "des choix dramaturgiques, et de les interroger pour tenter de proposer une interprétation de l'oeuvre. Quand le poème dramatique lui-même fait défaut, il semble qu'il y ait malgré tout une légitimité pour le critique à examiner le programme, pourvu qu'il ne se départisse pas d'une prudence certaine dans ses interprétations."



PARISH, RICHARD, ed. Jean de la Bruyère: Dialogues posthumes sur le quiétisme (1699). Grenoble: Jérôme Million (2005).

Review: E. Gilby in FS 61.4 (2007), 514. This very positive review lauds Parish for resurrecting these satirical vulgarizations of the debates surrounding Quietism. The preface, the état présent of research on the subject, and, of course, the often burlesque imagery of the text itself make for, according to the reviewer, an appealing whole. Those interested in the parodies of Pascal, Mme Guyon and Bossuet might also find this work interesting.





FASTRUP, ANNE. "Maîtrise esthétique de la passion féminine. Fonctionnement topique du pavillon dans la Princesse de Clèves." RevR 42.2 (2007), 297–314.

"Nous soutiendrons dans cette analyse que le pavillon et les scènes du pavillon doivent se lire comme des mises en scène topographiques de négociations politiques et sexuelles sur la relation entre la passion, le sexe et le pouvoir. Plus précisément, il s'agira de montrer que l'auteure cherche avec 'ce pavillon' à interroger comment la femme—la partie faible, exposée et dénuée de pouvoir de ce jeu érotique-peut accéder à une passion érotique sans pour autant être la victime de la nature infidèle et inconstante d'une telle relation."

GREGG, MELANIE E., ed. Madame de Lafayette. La Princesse de Clèves. Newark, Delaware: Molière & co., 2006.

Review: B. Höfer in DFS 80 (2007), 175–176: "Melanie E. Gregg's critical edition of Madame de Lafayette's La Princesse de Clèves, based on the 1678 Paris edition of the work, has been designed specifically to provide non-native speakers of French with the 'historical and linguistic background' (xi) they will need for a first reading of the novel. Her edition includes an introduction, explanatory notes, historical background information, appendix including contemporary reactions to the novel, and complete glossary. Gregg's goal in providing such tools is to leave 'the task of interpretive analyses entirely up to the reader' (xi)."

O'KEEFFE, CHARLES. "The Princess, Dido, Diana: Lunar Glimpses in La Princesse de Clèves." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 671–685.

An intertextual reading of Lafayette's novel in light of the story of Virgil's Dido.

PAIGE, NICHOLAS D., ed. and trans. Marie-Madeleine Lafayette. Zayde: A Spanish Romance. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006.

Review: F. E. Beasley in Fr F 32.3 (2007), 155–156: Completely praiseworthy for its lucidity, readability and elegance, Paige's translation makes more widely available "this original and intriguing work. . . to be incorporated into history and literature courses as well as women's and genre studies courses." Beasley singles out for praise Paige's explanations of lexical choices and his introduction which provides "an excellent overview of the novel's context."
Review: N. Hester in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 893–96: Appreciative review of Paige's "lively introduction [which] takes the reader into the rapidly evolving world of seventeenth-century French literary prose and convincingly argues that Zayde is both a relic of a faded genre and an innovative pastiche of romance" (895). Paige's translation is found "superb" and "judicious"; Hester singles out for praise his translations of litotes and his notes, in particular key terms such as "inclination, esprit, and humeur" (895). Welcoming as well two other translations (from Italian works) and from the "Other Voice" series, Hester remarks that "the quality, breadth, depth and accessibility of these volumes may well result in these works having a wider audience in the Anglo-American university context than in their countries and languages of origin" (896).

PHILLIPS, JOHN. "Mme de Chartres' Role in the Princesse de Clèves." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 687–705.

Argues that her mother's influence on the princess is "possibly misleading and harmful." "Her educational plan, her interventions to help, and her establishment of her daughter in the 'wrong' marriage show that she is not in sufficient control of herself nor her daughter, not sufficiently knowledgeable about virtue or marriage, and not sufficiently knowledgeable about how the Court functions, creating an impossible situation for the daughter." Useful bibliography.

RAMBAUD, ISABELLE. La princesse de Clèves et son château. Etrepilly: Les Presses du Village, 2006.

Review: N. Cazauran in BHR 69.3 (2007), 8200–21: "C'est plutôt avec la dernière partie-'Coulommiers et la princesse de Clèves: fiction et réalités'-qu'elle apporte du neuf: l'héroïne ne doit pas être identifiée, mais les lecteurs du XVIIe siècle pouvaient se souvenir confusément de plusieurs duchesses de Clèves, de leurs 'amours profanes' comme de leur 'renoncement au monde'; surtout, c'est la maison de Coulommiers, où la princesse se retire deux fois, qui se liait aisément pour eux à une image réelle, celle du château 'neuf' que Catherine de Gonzague de Clèves, première duchesse de Longueville, commença à faire bâtir vers 1612."


ADAMS, DAVID. Book Illustration, Taxes and Propaganda: the Fermiers-Généraux edition of La Fontaine's Contes et Nouvelles en vers of 1762. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 2006.

Review: D. Williams in FS 62.1 (2008), 77–8. This book should be read by those interested in La Fontaine, the history of the book and seventeenth and eighteenth-century book illustration. Adam's "luminous interpretative study" contains detailed reproductions of the 1762 edition as well as those of earlier illustrated editions in 1732 and 1745 by Romeyn de Hooghe and Nicolas Cochin, respectively. Appealing to the generalist and specialist alike, this edition offers interesting and unexpected insights in the "aesthetic, moral, political and social mentality of mid-eighteenth-century France."

SHAPIRO, NORMAN,trans. Jean de La Fontaine. The Complete Fables of Jean de la Fontaine. Tr. Norman R. Shapiro. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2007.

Review: C. Campbell in Choice 45 (2008), 1165: Non-literal verse translations which attempt to convey the fables' original spirit. The volume includes an introduction on the history of fables, extensive notes, and beautiful illustrations.

SOZZI, LIONELLO. Un inquieto sorriso. Lettura di cinque favole di La Fontaine. Pisa: Pacomo, 2004.

Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 153 (2007), 652–653: Rescia praises this study as she notes its organization according to a series of oxymorons: "leggerezza e profondità, gaieté e malinconia, illusione e realità" (652). Sozzi focuses on La Fontaine's ambiguity, especially as concerns his ethical-moral message. The rich introduction includes a useful biographical profile, a treatment of La Fontaine's reception and a selected bibliography. Chapters are devoted to five fables: "Les animaux malades de la peste", "Le paysan du Danube", "La laitière et le pot au lait", "Les compagnons d'Ulysse", and two other related fables from V, 8 and XII, 17.

SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE. "Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon: un conte subversif ?" PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 489–499.

Argues that La Fontaine's Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon can be read as "un conte de fées implicitement tourné vers un humanisme moderne suggérant les droits de l'individu," and hence "se révèle [. . .] comme un conte philosophique avant la lettre."



CHERVET, CYRIL. "Lectures du sonnet de Molière à La Mothe Le Vayer: Pour une juste évaluation de la 'tonalité' de leur relation." RHLF 107.4 (2007), 865–885.

Scholars have often overlooked that a sonnet bearing the title "À M. La Mothe le Vayer sur la mort de son fils" closes Molière's Oeuvres complètes. The author attaches himself to study the two authors' (literary) relation and proposes "proximité amicable," in order to describe their relationship.


  • See Part V:  Huet ~ Wilkin, R.



PLAZENET, LAURENCE, ed. La Rochefoucauld: Réflexions ou Sentences et Maximes morales et Réflexions diverses. Paris: Champion Classiques, 2005.

Review: J.-P. van Eslande in IL 59.1 (2007), 54–55. According to the reviewer, this edition is of remarkable quality and offers a complete dossier, discussing the successive state of each maxim, from its first appearance in the manuscript up to its final form. Other informative reading is very well chosen and the introduction offers a general insight into key issues, influences on La Rochefoucauld, and the reception history. Overall, the reviewer approves of this well-documented edition that comes with a useful critical dossier.

STACK, EDWARD,trans. La Rochefoucaud. Maximes. A New English Translation. New York: Vantage Press, 2005.

Review: D.J. Culpin in SCN (2007), 252–255: In this uncluttered translation, prefaced by the usual context, "two questions arise: which text is being offered? and, how well is it translated?" The reviewer finds the answers largely unsatisfactory and so recommends Tancocks translation from 1959 to be of more use.


HONER, ELS, ed. Anne de La Roche-Guilhen. Histoire des favorites, contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable sous plusieurs règnes (1697). Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, collection "La cite des dames" no. 3, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 599: Welcome modern edition of this historical nouvelle, first published in 1697. Honer's introduction focuses on the author and work. The volume includes a short bibliography and glossary.
Review: E. Keller-Rahbé in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 969. "Dédiée aux écrits de femmes de l'Ancien Régime, La Cité des Dames se veut une collection de livres de poche facilitant l'accès à des textes importants, notamment du point de vue de l'histoire littéraire. Avec l'Histoire des favorites, cet objectif est pleinement atteint, tant il est vrai que ce recueil de dix nouvelles (en deux parties inégales avec préfaces) présentant des biographies galantes d'illustres 'femmes aimées,' de l'Antiquité au XVIè siècle, fut l'un des best-sellers de la fin du XVIIe siècle." The text is based on the original edition of 1697. Few historical annotations accompany the text. Yet those are precise.





BELIN, CHRISTIAN. "L'austérité en procès: la propagande dévote du Père Le Moyne." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 224–235.

Reexamines the position of "La dévotion aisée" taken by Le Moyne in order to reevaluate the problematic of devotion as an instrument of the elite's religious practices. Transforming devotion in Habitus, Le Moyne demystifies devotion in order to make it acceptable and lovable.



THIERRY, ERIC. Marc Lescarbot (vers 1570–1641). Un homme de plume au service de la Nouvelle France. Paris: Champion, 2001.

Review: S. Requemora-Gros in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 657–659. This is the first study dedicated entirely to Marc Lescarbot. It is mostly a biography that aims at a historical objective: "faire découvrir un 'pionnier de la colonisation française de l'Amérique,' un des pères fondateurs de l'histoire du Québec." Chronologically structured, it is divided into nine chapters. Overall a work of great erudition that has been built on the study of numerous manuscripts, inedited archives, and that offers great precision.



SERROY, JEAN, ed. Littérature et peinture au temps de Le Sueur, Actes du Colloque organisé par le musée de Grenoble et l'Université Stendhal, 12–13 mai 2000. Grenoble: Musée de Grenoble (Diffusion Ellug), 2003.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 149 (2006), 391: This rich interdisciplinary volume with introduction by Alain Mérot records the first exposition devoted to Le Sueur and the colloque documenting the same. The work is organized in three sections, each with related illustrations: 1) "Théories littéraires et picturales," 2) "Écrits sur l'art, écrits d'artistes" and 3) "Formes littéraires et picturales."


RENDALL, STEVEN,trans. Choisy, L'Héritier, Perrault. The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2004.

Review: C. Jumel in M&T (2007), 160–163: "The publication in 2004 of the French text Histoire de la Marquise-Marquis de Banneville and its English translation, The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville, is another worthy contribution to the MLA Series Texts and Translations that has made accessible many early modern texts for the college classroom. This text and its translation will not only be useful to scholars and students of French literature, but will appeal as well to those in gender studies and fairy-tale studies." Of particular note is the assertion that this story was a collective effort by the three listed authors above rather than exclusively Choisy's as previously thought. Jumel takes some issue with the translation in spots, but finds DeJean's introduction strong, and the tale's treatment of cross-dressing and "so-called unconventional marriages" still relevant today.



MCCLURE, ELLEN. Sunspots and the Sun King: Sovereignty and Mediation in Seventeenth-Century France. Champaign: U of Illinois P, 2006.

Review: C. Weiss in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 189–191: Praised for its "exhaustive erudition and keen perspicacity," McClure's study includes skillful analyses of early theoreticians of divine right, political and intellectual developments, the Mémoires of Louis XIV, his diplomats and their roles, and the "connection of sovereign power with theater." The latter, including insightful analyses of Andromaque and Surena, are judged the book's "most original. . . part."


  • See Part II:  Sarmant, T., sous la de. de & collaborateurs


GAMBELLI, DELIA & LETIZIA NORCI CAGIONO, eds. Le Théâtre en musique et son double (1600–1762). Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: J. Gilroy in FR 81 (2008), 581–82: Assembles the proceedings of a conference in 2000 on Lully, opera parodies, and the French Academy of Music. The work includes treatment of the origins of opera in Italy, its arrival and development in France, and its gradual adaptation to a French public. Several papers which address parodies of opera and of Lully chart a means by which opera moved toward heightened naturalness and realism.


SMITH, WILLIAM. "Dom Jean Mabillon, 1632–1707, 'Most Learned and humble of men' — Part I." DownR 442 (2008), 1–20.

Divided into two parts, published in successive numbers of this journal, the author presents a history of Mabillon as philosopher, historiographer and theologian to whom both French and English intellectual history owe much.

SMITH, WILLIAM. "Dom Jean Mabillon, 1632–1707, 'Most Learned and humble of men' — Part II." DownR 443 (2008), 79–100.

In this second part of an article discussing Mabillon's life, times and contribution to theological and intellectual history, the author concentrates on Mabillon's celebrated "Traité des études monastiques" among other texts.





  • See Part V:  Bayle ~ Whelan, R.


DUVERGÉ, CHRISTINE. "Madame de Maintenon's Image in Patricia Mazuy's Saint-Cyr: Teaching History through Film." FR 81 (2007), 302–10.

The article outlines an approach to teaching advanced undergraduates about early modern women's education through the writings of Madame de Maintenon and through Mazuy's film, Saint-Cyr. Duvergé suggests introducing students de Maintenon's writing on girls' education, discussing these, and then inviting students to see how their sense of de Maintenon's warmth and maternity holds up against Mazuy's portrayal of her as dictatorial and manipulative. While the exercise is thus primarily one of contrast, Duvergé notes that Mazuy's film nonetheless introduces students to relevant historical context such as social norms, period dress, and the power of the French language.




WIEL, VERONIQUE. Ecriture et philosophie chez Malebranche. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.

Review: O. Dubouclez in DSS 239 (2008), 375–376: With thorough analysis, the author brings together the unique style and philosophy of Malebranche. "Si la première partie de l'ouvrage revient sur la critique malebranchiste de l'écriture [...] la second partie donne une première expression de ce détournement sous la figure d'une 《 rhétorique de l'ébranlement 》."



  • See Part V:  Mazarin ~ Bertière, S.


VERCIANI, LAURA. Marie de l'Incarnation. Esperienza mistica e scrittura di sé. Firenze: Alinea Editrice, 2004.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 150 (2006), 597–598: Admirable treatment of Marie de l'Incarnation's writings, focusing on three areas, her relationship with her son Claude whom she abandoned to enter the convent, the question of identity and her spiritual calling. Verciani mentions linguistic particularities and in an appendix indicates Claude's editorial corrections to his mother's work. Detailed bibliography.




TREVOR-ROPER, HUGH. Europe's Physician: The Various Life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne. New Haven: Yale UP, 2006.

Review: L. Kassell in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 996–97: This posthumous publication is a highly informative biography, charting medical disputes and political intrigues, and offers as well an engaging, witty read. Trevor-Roper traces Mayerne's life from his birth in Geneva (1573), his studies in Montpellier, and his practice in Paris with "the royal physicians Joseph du Chesne (Quercetanus) and Jean Ribit, sieur de la Rivière, forming a Huguenot and Hermetic triumvirate who defended chemical medicine against the jealous orthodoxy of the Paris Medical Faculty" (for religious reasons Mayerne moved to England and became the chief royal physician there) (996).


BERTIERE, SIMONE. Mazarin: le maître du jeu. Paris: Fallois, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 697 (2007), 97: "Mais sans doute le plus beau chapitre du livre est-il celui qui montre Mazarin unissant ses efforts à ceux d'Anne d'Autriche et réussissant à convaincre son filleul de ne pas se laisser dominer par son amour pour Marie Mancini et d'épouser l'Infante d'Espagne, conformément au traité. Mazarin a ainsi donné Louis XIV à la France."




ROUDAUT, FRANÇOIS, ed. Jean (c. 1525–1570) et Josias (c. 1560–1626) Mercier: L'amour de la philologie à la Renaissance et au début de l'âge classique. Actes du Colloque d'Uzès (2 et 3 mars 2001), Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: M. L. Kuntz in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 578–80: Mercier, father and son, both notable humanists and philologues, are the subject of these ten essays and the avant-propos. Praised for its consistent "detailed analysis," the volume is important to scholars of Renaissance Hebraic studies, humanism and manuscript studies. For the seventeenth-century, Roger Zuber's study, "Le livre de famille de Josias Mercier," is particularly valuable, as are two others: "Josias Mercier, éditeur de Darès le Phrygien" (Louis Faivre d'Arcier) and "Josiah Mercier, commentateur des Annales de Tacite"(Olivier Devillers).



BONTEA, ADRIANA. "George Dandin ou les Plaisirs du désenchantement." CdDS 11.2 (2007), 1–26.

This article studies spectacles in the seventeenth century as meaningful intrinsic parts of the plays. The author looks at the description of place, décor, architecture, music, and dance, and the festivities of the Fête de Versailles on July 18, 1668. She then turns to George Dandin as the pinnacle of these festivities. Art rivaled with nature and became the object of historical knowledge.

BRADBY, DAVID and ANDREW CALDER, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Molière. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.

Review: R.W. Tobin in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 926–27: Highly appreciative assessment of this volume whose intended reader is the general literate public. The rich panoply of essays by remarkably authoritative critics and whose subjects range from topics on Molière's life, material conditions, genres, stagecraft, textual analysis, among others, also provides varied theoretical approaches (sociocriticism and feminism, for example). Tobin concludes that "the highest compliment that one can pay this well-written, appropriately illustrated book is that it spurs us on to revisit Molière" (927).

BROWN, HILARY. "Johanna Eleonora Petersen and the Reception of Molière in Germany." FMLS 43.1 (2007), 69–80.

Groundbreaking study of the often neglected or dismissed first important German edition of Molière. (1694). Carefully examines arguments on the identity of the translator, the quality of the translated text and its reception. Careful, fascinating and well-documented.

CHAPOUTOT, JOHANN. "Civilité et guerre civile: pour une lecture politique du Misanthrope de Molière." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 657–670.

Political reading of Le Misanthrope. "Il appert que le dramaturge, pensionné par le Roi, fait œuvre politique en livrant au rire du public l'exact contretype du sujet souhaité et fabriqué par la monarchie absolue. A travers Alceste, l'atrabilaire bourru et colérique, c'est bien de la Fronde que l'on rit, et c'est le spectre de la guerre civile et de la colère royale que l'on exorcise."

CHERVET, CYRIL. "Lectures du sonnet de Molière à La Mothe Le Vayer: Pour une juste évaluation de la 'tonalité' de leur relation." RHLF 107.4 (2007), 865–885.

Scholars have often overlooked that a sonnet bearing the title "À M. La Mothe le Vayer sur la mort de son fils" closes Molière's Oeuvres complètes. The author attaches himself to study the two authors' (literary) relation and proposes "proximité amicable," in order to describe their relationship.

CLARKE, JAN. "From the Palais-Royal to the Guénégaud: Life after Molière." CdDS 11.2 (2007), 27–41.

Starting with the competitive relationship between Molière, and Lully, the author examines the moment when "things began to go wrong" for Molière and follows Molière's career up to his death. Clarke then turns to discuss the difficult situation of the Palais-Royal troupe which had to prove that it was still in a position to perform, which struggled with performance rights, money, the search for a new theatre and had to fight for the occupation of the Guénégaud theatre. Clarke mentions the energy and vigor with which Molière's troupe fought back to impose itself once more.

DANDREY, PATRICK. "Molière auto-portraitiste: du masque au visage." TL 20 (2007), 107–119.

Perspicacious essay reminds us of both the idealized portrait of Molière "en César" by Mignard, the portrait of Molière "en habit de Sganarelle" engraved by Simonin and the portrait of Molière as Arnolphe among the other farceurs. Dandrey provides textual counterpoints, both in Molière's critics and the playwright's own response in L'Impromptu de Versailles ("l'image diffractée: un enjeu poétique"), La Critique de l'École des Femmes, Le Misanthrope ("l'image dédoublée: un enjeu étique") and Le Malade imaginaire ("l'image anamorphotique: un enjeu esthétique"). Dandrey sees the latter as operating a kind of synthesis of the two formes of the autoportrait as it offers a "portrait de soi en demi-teinte, diffracté et en porte-à-faux" (117).

FINN, THOMAS P. Molière's Spanish Connection: Seventeenth-Century Spanish Theatrical Influence on Imaginary Identity in Molière. New York: Peter Lang (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures 81), 2001.

Review: n.a. in FMLS 43 (2007), 320: Focusing on Les Précieuses ridicules, l'École des maris, L'École des femmes, La Princesse d'Élide, Le Misanthrope, Dom Juan and Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, Finn examines them along with their Spanish counterparts, comparing not only plots but also characters, conflicts, projections of identities and receptions. Complements other evidence of Molière's "Spanish connection."

LE ROUX, M. Performance review of Molière, Dom Juan. Mise en scène par Yann-Joël Colin. Théâtre Gérard-Philipe de Saint Denis jusqu'au 11 octobre 2008. QL 977 (du 1er au 15 Octobre 2008), 27:

Après une description assez détaillée de la mise en scène le critique résume: 《  Cette mise en scène composite, par son jeu fréquent avec la salle, ses appels récurrent au public, vise à produire un spectacle populaire et manifestement y parvient, au détriment parfois d'une très grande pièce, méconnue ou inconnue pour une partie des spectateurs. "

LE ROUX, M. Performance review of Molière, L'École des femmes. Mise en scène de Jean-Pierre Vincent. Théâtre national de l'Odéon. Du 24 janvier au 29 mars 2008. Tournée en France: janvier-février 2009. QL 964 (du 1er au 15 mars 2008), 26:

Selon la critique, Jean-Pierre Vincent a souhaité renouer avec une conception de la virtualité comique du personnage d'Arnolphe comme Molière l'a décrit. Vincent 《  rompt ainsi avec une tradition de lectures et d'interprétations qui assombrit la pièce et voit déjà en Arnolphe un Alceste, qui correspond à une tendance dominante par rapport au répertoire comique. [...] En son ami Daniel Auteuil, Jean-Pierre Vincent a trouvé l'interprète idéal du rôle ainsi conçu.  》

LE ROUX, M. Performance review of Molière, Tartuffe. Mise en scène par Stéphane Braunschweig au Théâtre national de l'Odéon jusqu'au 25 octobre 2008. Tournée nationale jusqu'en décembre 2008. QL 977 (du 1er au 15 Octobre 2008), 27:

Le critique explique la pratique de l'actualisation de Braunschweig 《  comme manière de 'défendre le geste de la mise en scène', de rendre visible 'le geste de venir parler avec un texte d'époque à des spectateurs d'aujourd'hui'  》 et il décrit cette pratique dans la mise en scène de Tartuffe. Ensuite, le critique explique que 《  Stéphane Braunschweig ne dissocie pas son travail de metteur en scène de celui de scénographe, destiné dans 'un cadre non naturaliste' à révéler 'l'intériorité des personnages', qui s'impose parfois visuellement au risque de la redondance.  》

MAZOUER, CHARLES. Molière et ses comédies-ballets Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 153 (2007), 653–654: Pavesio notes that Mazouer has renewed here his 1993 essay on Molière's comédies-ballets updating the bibliography, in particular with regard to recent studies on the genre itself. Emphasis is on the union of the three arts (theatre, dance and music) and Mazouer hopes as indeed does the reviewer to see representations of Molière's comédies-ballets with intermèdes and original ornaments.
Review: n.a. in BCLF 695 (2007), 61–2: Réedition de l'ouvrage de Mazouer, "une étude essentielle qui, augmentée d'une postface et d'une bibliographie complémentaire, est de nouveau disponible. . ." Mazouer se proposait en 1993 "d'envisager les comédies-ballets de Molière 'selon une vision unifiée, oecuménique, où chaque art-la comédie, la musique et la danse-sera[it] pris au sérieux et examiné conjointement aux autres pour sa contribution au spectacle unique et au sense de celui-ci' (p. 17)."

MCBRIDE, ROBERT. Molière et son premier Tartuffe: genèse et évolution d'une pièce à scandale. University of Durham, 2005.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 668–669. A new and refined discussion of the premier Tartuffe, in which the author engages in a fine analysis of the characters of Mariane, Elmire, and Cléante. "De cette revue se dégage l'idée originale et féconde que cette comédie de l'hypocrisie aurait pu commencer par être conçue comme une farce et finir par s'infléchir vers le drame." McBride also makes an interesting comparison between Tartuffe and Garaby de La Luzerne's satire against Les Pharisiens du temps pour le dévot hypocrite.
Review: D. Harrison in FR 81 (2008), 580–81: Organized in three parts, the work posits how the original 1664 Tartuffe likely appeared, how Tartuffe as a character related to religious controversies of the day, and how the play evolved from 1664 to 1669. Although McBride does not draw on any new documents to arrive at his conclusions, the reviewer admires the concise, informative contextualization of the play's religious background. Recommended for undergraduates, graduate students, and dedicated Molière scholars.

MCKENNA, ANTONY. Molière dramaturge libertin. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 669–670. While the title may seem a bit anachronistic and defiant, this study delivers a fine and nuanced analysis of different plays in order show Molière's belief in tolerance. Molière attacks in particular Jesuitism and Jansenism but remains faithful to the "dévots de cœur," adopting a position between the religious rigor of Jansenism and the "lax" practices of the Jesuits. He adds, however, that Molière "se transforme en adversaire déterminé du christianisme contre lequel il milite." McKenna's work has two particularly innovative chapters: one on medicine and theology; the other one discussing Molière and philosophy. In Amphitryon, the denunciation of medical imposture serves the purpose to condemn religious imposture. The last chapter is devoted to the "honnête homme dans le théâtre de Molière" and his relation to the "libertin," with a renewed focus on the playwright's anti-Christian "philosophy."
Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 149 (2006), 389–390: Provides a rich critical apparatus including not only a bibliography of works cited and an index of names but also a bibliographical appendix on Epicurus and Epicureanism in France from the Renaissance through the Grand Siècle. McKenna demonstrates the extensiveness of Molière's libertinage, notably the audacious ideas, codified language, rhetorical strategies (especially irony) and the complicity between author and reader/spectator. Convincingly presents Molière as a master of the art of dissimulation.

MOURAD, FRANÇOIS-MARIE. "Mesure et démesure dans Dom Juan." IL 59.1 (2007), 27–29.

Identifies both traits (mesure and demésure) in Dom Juan's behavior, thinking, and character through concrete textual examples. Argues that this comedy merits to be placed alongside the corpus of Molières's "moralistic" plays.

RIGGS, LARRY. Molière and Modernity: Absent Mothers and Masculine Births. Charlottesville, Virginia: Rookwood Press, 2005.

Review: J. Prest in HFrance: Calling this work "an anti-canonical account of one of France's most canonical authors," with a "commitment to plurivocality," Prest notes that "Riggs offers something new that is to be considered alongside all that has already been written about Molière." The book is "an intensely personal reading that reflects Riggs' own broad interests in literature, philosophy, and critical theories" that is "ultimately, about man and society." Prest speaks very positively about Riggs' readings of Dom Juan, L'école des femmes, L'Avare, Le Misanthrope, and Les Femmes savantes. Citing possible criticisms (anachronism of the approach, overstatement, taking comedy too seriously), Prest nevertheless concludes that "For all its idiosyncrasies, though, this is a bold and intelligent study: there is no doubt that Riggs has succeeded in his aim to provide an 'interesting and fruitful' reading of Molière. And much more besides."

SERVIN, MICHELINE B. "Tartuffe, Toller, des clasiques et des modernes." Temps modernes 649 (avril-juin 2008), 332–366.

Servin presents Stéphane Braunschweig's presentation of Molière's Tartuffe at the Théâtre national de Strasbourg in the beginning of this review of several recent plays (332–337). Hails Braunschweig's highly original and modernized mise en scène as a triumph of the TNS, providing careful scene by scene summary and commentary.

SMITH, GRETCHEN ELIZABETH. The Performance of Male Nobility in Molière's Comédies-Ballets: Staging the Courtier. Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2005.

Review: J.M. Smith in SCN (2007), 230–232: "The book casts new light on a performance genre whose structure and dynamics are conveyed only incompletely by extant sources, it highlights Molière's clever manipulation of the social stereotypes, and it analyzes these subjects in light of the critical first decade of Louis XIV's personal rule, when the royal court was being reconfigured as a site of representation and negotiation."

SOMMOVIGO, BARBARA, ed. De Molière à Marivaux, édition électronique. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2006.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 153 (2007), 654: Sommovigo and her collaborators have produced a CD-Rom with the principal French plays from the fruitful second half of the seventeenth-century century. Reviewer explains the system required in order to install the CD-Rom. This electronic edition is accompanied by an electronic glossary, book and manual. It is possible to interrogate a single text or a series of texts.

TOURRETTE, ERIC. "Le secret d'Agnès." IL 59.2 (2007), 33–37.

Undertaking the question of le naturel considered as ethos, the author focuses on its three attributes: simplicity, awkwardness ("maladresse") and spontaneity through a detailed analysis of Agnès's character. The question addressed is whether that female character is a "naturelle" in her speech, acts, and thinking, and thus exemplifies an esthetic and cultural ideal.


GARRIGUES, VÉRONIQUE. "Le comte, le cardinal et le libertin: la mauvaise réputation d'Adrien de Monluc." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 369–379.

Retraces the life and religion of the Comte de Monluc. While he has been labeled as libertine, there is little proof that he was, and it seems to have been only a way for Richelieu to evince him from politics. In conclusion, the author characterizes his religion as an "entre-deux," between Catholic reform and devout mysticism.


GETHNER, PERRY. "Divine Right versus Divine Judgement in Two Early French Biblical Tragedies." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 469–476.

Examines the strategies by which Montchrestien's David (1601) and Du Ryer's Saül (1642) "managed to strike a sufficient balance between orthodoxy and subversion to have made them palatable to troupes and audiences."



GARAPON, JEAN. La culture d'une princesse. Ecriture et autoportrait dans l'oeuvre de la Grande Mademoiselle (1627–1693). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2003.

Review: C.O. Stiker-Metral in DSS 238 (2008), 174–175: Reviewer finds this an important contribution to scholarship on the works of Mademoiselle in its examination of how they serve, like the Mémoires, as a reflection "d'une sensibilité, d'un goût, d'une conscience de soi[.]"

GARAPON, JEAN. "La religion de la Grande Mademoiselle, de la simple piété à l'inquiétude spirituelle." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer, and Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700), en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. 127–139.

Garapon traces how the Grande Mademoiselle's attitude towards religion developed over her lifetime, from her childhood frustration at mindlessly repeating Latin prayers without understanding them, and her falling asleep during long services, to her sense of the importance of religion in her dynastic heritage, her frequent contact with the Carmelite convent on the rue Saint-Jacques, and her charity work. Towards the end of her life, however, her shock at the death of those close to her, as well as her problems with Lauzun, forced her to think harder about her spiritual outlook, to the point that she wrote two short religious works. Garapon is particularly interested in analyzing the authenticity of her spirituality and the different forms in which it took shape.

QUILLIET, BERNARD, ed. Anne de Montpensier. Mémoires de la Grande Mademoiselle. Paris: Mercure de France, 2008.

Review: E. Pieiller in QL 976 (du 16 au 30 septembre 2008), 26: 《  Mademoiselle n'est pas Saint-Simon. Elle est bien moins perfide, et bien moins ample. Mais ses Mémoires, dont ce recueil propose des extraits, ont le charme entraînant de la vitalité propre à l'époque des Mousquetaire, un élan, une intrépidité qui évoquent Retz et Corneille, pur bonheur. (...) Mademoiselle se bat, pour ses idées, pour son goût, pour son homme, elle est flamboyante et naïve, elle est entière et effervescente, elle est, pour reprendre un terme du temps, formidablement généreuse, et c'est là ce qui attache, car c'est tout l'esprit d'une époque qui s'énonce ici...  》



PATARD, GENEVIÈVE, ed. Madame de Murat: Contes. Edition critique. Bibliothèque des génies et des fées. Vol. 3. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006.

Review: U. Heidmann in Marvels & Tales 21.2 (2007), 280–83. Une nouvelle édition contenant des contes et d'autres écrits, y compris une lettre de dédicace de l'auteure. Heidmann souligne plusieurs problèmes avec l'édition. Pour ne citer que les plus importants: elle trouve la définition du conte insuffisante, les décisions en ce qui concerne l'édition déroutantes et la bibliographie incomplète. Ceci dit, l'œuvre présente aussi plusieurs textes peu connus et intéressants à découvrir. Au lecteur éventuel d'évaluer les pours et les contres.




AYME, OLIVIA. "《  J'aurai bientôt 'un petite religion apart moy'  》: la préservation de l'identité religieuse chez une convertie, Madame Palatine ." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 381–393.

Looks at Madame Palatine's correspondence to understand her religious beliefs. While specifying that despite her conversion, Madame still retained some Protestant practices, the author concludes that her original religion was one of tolerance aiming to reunite "honnêtes gens" across Europe and across the three religions. This freedom of conscience in a way announces the Enlightenment.



BEHRENS, RUDOLPH, ANDREAS GIPPER, VIVIANE MELLINGHOFF-BOURGERIE (dir.). Croisements d'anthropologie. Pascals Pensées im Geflecht der anthropologien. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2005.

Review: T. M. Harrington in RPFE 198.3 (2008), 381–383: 《  Le présent volume réunit les actes d'un colloque qui a eu lieu en mars 2002 à la Herzog August Bibliothek de Wolfenbüttel et dont le but était d'évaluer les multiples rapports discursifs que les Pensées entretiennent avec d'autres textes antérieurs et postérieurs. (...) Cet ouvrage, fort stimulant dans son ensemble, confirmera de nombreux lecteurs dans le sentiment que la réflexion scientifique, anthropologique et apologétique de Pascal forme un bloc indissociable et que ce sont les spécialistes historiens et praticiens de méthodes éprouvées qui continueront, à travers le monde et à travers les âges, à mettre au jour les profondes richesses de son œuvre magnifique.  》

GELDHOF, JORIS. "Pascal's Double Mistake or, the Desirability of Sound Metaphysics." DownR 445 (2008), 235–246.

The author explores why Pascal apparently escapes anti-ontotheologian criticism — "in this paper, I want to argue that Pascal indeed made mistakes, and that, in doing so, he did not escape from the processes that modern thought initiated and still pursues. Therefore, the reasons why Pascal is spared the criticism of the anti-ontotheologians are as telling as undeserved. All the more so are the reasons why Pascal is wholeheartedly welcomed by those who attempt to reconsider and revalue relgion in our age." The author concludes that, "what we need is not more of Pascal, but sound metaphysics."

GRASSET, BERNARD M.-J. "Le sens Pascalien du mot esprit et les trois ordres." RPFE 135.1 (2008), 3–30.

L'auteur examine les Pensées pour préciser la signification du mot esprit dans son acceptation spirituelle par rapport à la signification qu'il a dans l'expression "ordre de l'esprit ." Il en déduit que "dans la notion d'esprit cordial, jaillie d'une lecture ardente de l'Ecriture, se situe le principal apport de Pascal à l'histoire de la pensée de l'esprit."

GUERN, MICHELE. Pascal et Arnauld. Paris: Champion, 2003.

Review: H. Michon in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 667–668. Study narrates the inedited friendship between Pascal and Arnauld, a friendship between two "personnalités" but also between the philosophy and theology of the era. A chronological part traces back the life of Pascal and his encounter with Arnauld. The author also attaches herself to describe the "opposition" between the two thinkers through a detailed study of their work and proposes her own answer to explain their divergence in thought.

JONES, MATTHEW L. The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution: Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the Cultivation of Virtue. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006.

Review: J. Cottingham in Isis 98 (September 2007), 632–633. Cottingham characterizes the book's scholarship as "formidable," saying that Jones successfully (especially in the cases of Pascal and Leibniz) demonstrates that these thinkers' philosophies were not isolated academic exercises, but rather aimed at pointing out the link between science and ethics.
Review: K. Smith in Ren Q 60.2 (2007), 643–44: Principally negative review disagrees with the positive assessments on the book's back cover by Daston and Gaukroger who term the work, respectively, as a "tour de force, offering a fundamental reassessment of what drives early modern philosophical thought" (644). Instead, Smith claims that Jones argues for the obvious and fails to connect his interesting and clear discussions (for example of the quadrature of the circle) to the cultivation of virtue.

JORDAN, JEFF. Pascal's Wager: Pragmatic Arguments and Belief in God. Oxford University Press, 2006.

Review: P. Bartha. PhQ 58 (July 2008), 571–574. Jordan proposes replacing the canonical interpretation of the wager, based on the possibility of infinite reward, with a Jamesian interpretation based instead on finite utilities, and arguing that religious belief accords higher utility than atheism whether or not God exists. Bartha finds that the argument is both targeted to a narrow audience (philosophers of religion and decision theorists) and relies on unacceptable refinements to decision theory. He concludes that the canonical interpretation remains the most convincing, even though it raises several contradictions and objections.

NATOLI, CHARLES. Fire in the Dark: Essays on Pascal's Pensées and Provinciales. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press, 2005.

Review: S. Natan in FR 81 (2008), 777–78: Among three essays devoted to the Pensées, Natoli's best piece discusses Pascal's notion of "preuve"; two other essays discuss the philosopher's "notion du Dieu caché, alors que le dernier article s'attarde sur le fameux texte du 'Mémorial'" (778). The volume's work on Les Provinciales is most interesting in its discussion of Pascal's attitudes toward tradition and innovation, framed in an essay on "révélation" and "révolution" (778). The reviewer regrets the volume's lack of transitions between essays, and a failure to define certain terms. Evoking an unevenness of quality among the volume's eight essays, the reviewer praises the work's solid grounding in classical letters and philosophy.

SHIOKAWA, TETSUYA. "Le temps et l'éternité selon Pascal." DSS 239 (2008), 273–283.

"《 Peut-on vivre au présent? 》 Telle est la question que nous nous proposons de traiter dans le contexte de la pensée religieuse de l'âge classique français, et cela en suivant au plus près les réflexions de Pascal sur le temps et l'éternité. Disons tout de suite que l'éternité elle-même ne fait pas explicitement l'objet des méditations pascaliennes sur le temps. Mais on verra que la nostalgie de l'éternité les pénètre et les sous-tend, d'une façon qui met en relief la singularité du présent dans l'expérience de la temporalité."

THIROUIN, LAURENT. "Pascal et la superstition." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 237–256.

Explains Pascal's argument that credulity and incredulity are equally dangerous for faith, because the former leads to superstition through a blind submission to formalities, while the latter denies Christian humility by lack of submission. In order to avoid superstition, the real Christian has to balance submission with reason.


KING, MARGARET L. & ALBERT RABIL, JR., eds. Teaching Other Voices: Women and Religion in early Modern Europe. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2007.

Review: V. L. Mondelli in Ren Q 60.4 (2007), 1399–1401: This teaching volume complements the rich series "The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe" as it commemorates the 10th anniversary of the first volume's publication. Wide-ranging and diverse, this study suggests "multidisciplinary teaching modules," presents "a concise overview of religious history," and introduces a multitude of surviving texts by women from 1350 to 1750, from trial records to letters, autobiographies and various forms of other literature. seventeenth-century scholars and students will appreciate in particular John J. Conley's "Convent and Doctrine. Teaching Jacqueline Pascal." Helpful appendix of teaching materials.


SANKEY, MARGARET, ed. L'Abbé Jean Paulmier. Mémoires touchant l'établissement d'une mission chrétienne dans le troisème monde. Paris: Champion, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 153 (2007), 650: Ground-breaking first re-publication since the seventeenth-century of Paulmier's text which is important for the history of Europe and suggestive for utopian imaginaries. Sankey's introduction is ample, focusing on Paulmier's life, his relations with La Terra australis, and a description of the Mémoires (manuscript and edition). Annexes.
Review: A. Frisch in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 946–48: Noteworthy as the first edition of Paulmier's Mémoires since the seventeenth-century and as a "rich and revealing picture of the early stages of the French colonial enterprise, caught between an evangelizing mission that inevitably involved Rome, and commercial and political initiatives that manifested a more overtly nationalistic posture" (947). Includes a "detailed and informative preface" touching on geographical knowledge of southern lands and over twenty helpful maps.



RENDALL, STEVEN,trans. Choisy, L'Héritier, Perrault. The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2004.

Review: C. Jumel in M&T (2007), 160–163: "The publication in 2004 of the French text Histoire de la Marquise-Marquis de Banneville and its English translation, The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville, is another worthy contribution to the MLA Series Texts and Translations that has made accessible many early modern texts for the college classroom. This text and its translation will not only be useful to scholars and students of French literature, but will appeal as well to those in gender studies and fairy-tale studies." Of particular note is the assertion that this story was a collective effort by the three listed authors above rather than exclusively Choisy's as previously thought. Jumel takes some issue with the translation in spots, but finds DeJean's introduction strong, and the tale's treatment of cross-dressing and "so-called unconventional marriages" still relevant today.

HEIDMANN, UTE. "La Barbe bleue palimpseste. Comment Perrault recourt à Virgile, Scarron, et Apulée en réponse à Boileau." POETIQUE 154 (2008), 161–82.

Rethinks Perrault's stance as a defender of the Moderns by making a detailed case for his use of classical intertexts in "La Barbe bleue." Heidmann points to similarities between Dido and the fairy tale's heroine, as well as between Barbe bleue and a blue-bearded, key-wielding Roman sea god depicted in Apuleius' Metamorphoses. The article concludes that Perrault defied Boileau in his approach to classical source material, as well as in his handling of gender.



HIPP, ELISABETH. Nicolas Poussin: "Die Pest von Asdod". Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2005.

Review: C. Dempsey in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 250–252: Judged "absorbing" and "exhaustive," Hipp's 400+ page study of "The Plague at Ashdod" takes into account numerous points of view and historical events, biblical sources, artistic antecedents, intertextuality, medicine and a contemporary plague. Highly interdisciplinary, with illustrations and bibliography.

ROSENBERG, PIERRE & KEITH CHRISTIANSEN, eds. Poussin and nature: Arcadian visions. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.

Review: F. Robinson in Choice 45 (2008), 2142: A catalogue for an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum, the volume provides an excellent introduction to Poussin via discussion of his landscapes. Particular attention is given to Poussin's use of source material and his ties with other artists. Praised for its lack of jargon. Recommended by the reviewer.

UNGLAUB, JONATHAN W. Poussin and the Poetics of Painting: Pictorial Narrative and the Legacy of Tasso. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.

Review: C. Dempsey in Ren Q 60.1 (2007), 250–252: This 1999 dissertation has been successfully revised and is a "welcome addition" to scholarship on both painting and poetics. Not limited to Tasso's poetics, Unglaub delves into Marino and the Tasso-Ariosto debates. Particularly skillful is Unglaub's demonstration of the utility of intertextuality for Poussin's work.

VERDI, PAUL. "Poussin and Nature." Burlington 1261 (2008), 284–45.

A review of the exhibition "Poussin and Nature," which is apparently one of the few to focus on Poussin's landscapes, though the reviewer laments that this was not made the sole focus. Instead, nature is explored as a theme across all Poussin's works, which "is likely to bewilder the general public" even as it interests scholars. Catalog by Pierre Rosenberg et al. available through the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

WRIGHT, CHRISTOPHER. Poussin. Paintings: A Catalogue Raisonné. New York: Hippocrene Books, 2007.

Review: F. Robinson in CHOICE 45 (2008), 1150: A second edition of Wright's original (1985) volume. Wright now takes stock of newly discovered Poussins, and revisions in the dating of his works. The volume is praised for its 200+ color reproductions. The text focuses on establishing the chronology of Poussin's work. Not recommended as an introduction to Poussin.



LEIBACHER-OUVRARD, LISE & DANIEL MAHER, eds. Michel de Pure. Epigone, Histoire du siècle futur. Québec: Presses de l'Universite Laval, 2005.

Review: N. Grande in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 966. The two editors introduce us to a little-known work that is, however, very interesting for various reasons. Epigone can be placed in the literary and social context of "préciosité," "galanterie," and "coquetterie." Published the same year as the Précieuses ridicules, it can be seen as a parody of the roman héroïque. "Outre sa satire de la préciosité, Epigone met aussi en cause le Romanesque traditionnel en imaginant, pour la première fois selon les préfaciers, une utopie qui est aussi une uchronie."


CAMPION, EDMUND J. (ed.). Philippe Quinault: Pausanias, tragédie (1668). Geneva: Droz, 2004.

Review: A. Howe in FS 62.2 (2008), 213–14. This study, which "carefully reproduces the text of the one seventeenth-century edition to have appeared in France," could have had a more thoughtful modernization of the 1669 edition. This "useful edition" of an "hitherto inaccessible work" nonetheless contains an "informative" and detailed introduction by William Brooks which makes it worthwhile.


CRONK, NICOLAS & ALAIN VIALA, eds. La Réception de Racine à l'âge classique: de la scène au monument. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2005.

Review: R. Bochenek Franczakowa in S Fr 150 (2006), 600: "Reception" is interpreted broadly including reading, commentary, representation, teaching and edition. Rich and diverse collection of essays illustrates Viala's remark that "Racine est un bel exemple, avec une belle continuité historique jusqu'à nos jours, de réceptions différentes, constrastées, contradictoires et polémiques" (81). The volume is organized in four sections: "Les espaces de la réception de Racine à l'âge classique," "Aspects de la réception critique," "Métamorphoses créatrices," and "De l'âge classique à la seconde modernité."

FORESTIER, GEORGES. Jean Racine. Paris: Gallimard, coll. NRF, Biographies, 2006.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHLF 108.1 (2008), Despite the sobriety of the title of this study, the overall work is excellent and complex, as it offers a varied and detailed portrait of that great playwright. Forestier manages to capture the various biographical traits in a magnificent way, and his major innovation is to show the connections between Racine's life and works. Forestier also skillfully broaches the question of Racine's relation with La Fontaine. No details are omitted in this revealing inquiry into Racine's life.
Review: C. Musio in S Fr 153 (2007), 653: Forestier's rich dossier in this welcome edition includes a chronology of Racine's life, a notice on the genesis of the play, reflections on les bienséances, notes on the text and a bibliography.
Review: H. Phillips in MLR 103.2 (2008), 536–37: "Having provided one monument to Racinian scholarship with his 'Pléiade' edition of the tragedian's collected works, Georges Forestier now comes along with another one in the form of Racine's biography. Overall, it is a fundamentally dispassionate but powerfully argued work which discreetly engages with past biographers." Forestier's work "reads at times like a compendium of literary debates and dramatic principles in which all aspects of Racine's career, understood as driven by vocation rather than ambition, are fully contextualized with detailed information on his relation with fellow playwrights, troupes, and the word of culture generally."
Review: R.W. Tobin in E Cr 47 (2007), 109–110: Praiseworthy biography is judged "passionnante" and essential both for Racinian studies and for a broader cultural understanding of the seventeenth-century Unlike Raymond Picard's 1956 biography (which, Tobin reminds us, was inspired by sociology, existentialism and "marxisme lite"), Forestier's is informed by more recent methods and research, notably "sur la civilité et la critique génétique" (109). For Forestier, Racine learned his eloquence and grace chez les Jansenists and later "a raffiné ces leçons chrétiennes en s'inspirant de la conduite des courtisans" (109). The biography succeeds point by point in Forestier's aim to "démythifier Racine" thanks to abundant and meticulous documentation. This magisterial treatment will prove highly useful to the educated general reader as well as to the specialist.

MARTIN, ISABELLE & ROBERT ELBAZ, eds. Jean Racine et l'Orient. Actes d'un colloque international tenu à l'Université de Haïfa, 14–16 avril 1999. Tübingen: Narr, 2003.

Review: V. Schröder in IL 59.4 (2007), 56–57. The 14 contributions mostly focus each on one particular play, among them Bérénice, Mithridate, Bajazet, Iphigénie, Esther, and Athalie. Reviewer classifies the conference proceedings as somehow heterogeneous and unequal, but also as stimulating and enriching, as they open up new a new way to study Racine and offer a new orientation.

PROBES, CHRISTINE MCCALL. "Dieu créateur et protecteur: lyrisme et spiritualité dans l'oeuvre poétique de Racine." TL 21 (2008), 159–171.

Focusing on Racine's non-dramatique poetry (odes, poésies latines, hymnes, etc.) as well as on the poetic expression of the choirs in Esther and Athalie, Probes explores the imagery of two key themes: nature and love. God's creation and Christ's sacrifice invites a personal response, for Racine, "étude, méditation, écriture": "Muse, c'est à ce doux Sauveur/ Que je dois consacrer mon coeur,/ Mes travaux et mes veilles" (Ode II). With special attention to "le sensoriel," Probes interrogates this corpus, indicating the multi-faceted transmission to Racine of the "concepts insignes qui. . . imprègnent ce lyrisme, la perception de Dieu créateur et protecteur ainsi que la réponse d'amour dans le coeur de l'homme" and situating his aesthetics in the great spiritual movements of the century, notably Augustinism (171).

RACEVSKIS, ROLAND. Tragic passages: Racine's art of the threshold. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2007.

Review: C. Kerr in CHOICE 45 (2008), 1543: Racevskis explains Racinian characters' tendency to "fail to do what they intend. . . and to leave unsaid what they intend to say" as an effect of Racine's focus on in-betweenness. "In this theoretically informed and insightful study. . . Racevskis draws from Heidegger and Derrida's conceptualization of the threshold to highlight what he considers a unique aspect of Racine's dramatic art: his sustained focus on questions of world limits and the difficulty of crossing borders" (1543). Recommended by the reviewer.

SAYER, JOHN. Jean Racine. Life and Legend. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

Review: J. Harris in FS 62.1, (2008), 79–80. This biography, in spite of being the first in English in over 50 years, receives a tepid welcome from the reviewer. While there is "ample reference to Racine's reception by English writers and audiences," the book suffers from superficiality. Many plays and styles are referenced, but Sayer injects few actual examples of his subject matter. The book "'does not... shed new light on Racine'" and, unlike the playwright, fails to turn "unoriginal sources" into "something striking."
Review: S. Natan in DFS 80 (2007), 177–178: 《  La biographie de John Sayer se compose de treize chapitres qui évoquent de manière chronologique la vie de Racine de sa naissance jusqu'après sa mort. (...) Somme toute, le lecteur possède des sentiments mitigés à propos de cet ouvrage: qualité incontestable de quelques chapitres, passages intéressants dans la plupart du livre (avec une majorité de pages qui s'éloignent du sujet), un style agréable, et la capacité de l'auteur à nous entraîner avec plaisir dans la Cour de France et de ses intrigues. Malheureusement, le livre n'atteint pas la qualité des nombreuses biographies en langue française qui existent à ce jour sur Racine et les différents aspects de sa vie, notamment celle de Jean Rohou.

SZUSZKIN, MARC. L'espace tragique dans le théâtre de Racine. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 151 (2007), 438–439: Focusing on an often neglected aspect of theatre criticism and in Racinian scholarship as well, the problematics of space, Szuszkin, explores intersections of space and action. From physical space to the entrances of personnages, to political space, passionate space, to "mise à mort," Szuszkin leads us through several key plays, with particular attention to Bajazet. Innovative and interesting.

TOBIN, RONALD W. "Le Secret dans les tragédies de Racine." RHLF 107.3 (2007), 887–902.

Studies the motive of the secret, as an important phenomenon in seventeenth-century society at the dawn of modernity, via Racine's plays. Tobin shows how secrets are omnipresent and significant throughout Racine's plays and turns to their meaning, as well as the differences and similarities among them.





DELON, JACQUES, ed. Cardinal de Retz. Oeuvres complètes. Avec introduction, notices, lexique des termes de rhétorique, bibliographie, reproductions de manuscrits, index des noms de personne. Vols. I–IV. Paris: Champion, "Sources classiques", 2005.

Review: B. Papasogli in S Fr 151 (2007), 173–174: Welcome edition of Retz, these volumes demonstrate that "tutti gli scritti di Retz sono necessari a ridefinire la posizione del nostro autore al crocevia dei generi letterari, e al cuore della secentesca età dell'eloquenza" (174). The edition is organized as follows: Vol. I: "Oeuvres oratoires, politiques et religieuses," II: "Discours philosophiques, controverses avec Desgabets sur le cartésianisme", III–IV: "Correspondance." The whole is notably "rinnovato rispetto all'edizione ottocentesca [Les Grands Écrivains de la France] grazie alle ricerche erudite e fortunate che hanno permesso a Jacques Delon di fare 'trouvailles' importanti o di avvalersi di progressi della filologia e della critica" (174).

TSIMBIDY, MYRIAM. Le Cardinal de Retz polémiste. Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2005.

Review: Frédéric Briot in RSH 282.4 (2006), 202–203: Rich, precise, and well documented reworking of a doctoral thesis that brings essential insights to Retz studies. The work is original in not limiting itself to the Mémoires but looks at earlier texts attributable to Retz. Tsimbidy exams Retz's Fronde pamphlets, defining this corpus through careful analysis, enlarging it significantly. Next, she applies this method to the lettres épiscopales, redefining this corpus as a direct confrontation with Mazarin. Last, Tsimbidy reads the Mémoires not as an autobiography or a historical text but as an attack, the culmination of Retz's earlier pamphlets and letters. Briot highlights her demonstration of Retz's rewriting of the Journal du Parlement. Her rereading of the Mémoires and their critical reception is stimulating and insightful, a precious resource.

VANCE, SYLVIA P. The Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz. Tübingen: Gunter Narr (Biblio 17, 158), 2005.

Review: A. Amatuzzi in S Fr 150 (2006), 598: Vance reveals the great complexity of Retz's work. Adopting Genette's methodology concerning chronological time and textual space, Vance's analysis is organized accordingly revealing key historical themes. Two appendices and an exhaustive bibliography complement the volume.


  • See Part V:  Mayerne ~ Trevor-Roper, H.



MORGAIN, STEPHANE-MARIE & FRANÇOISE HILDESHEIMER, eds. Armand Jean Du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu. Œuvres théologiques: Tome 1: Traité de la perfection du chrétien. Paris: Champion, 2002.

Review: H. Michon in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 963–964. Richelieu's theological work, although not very well known, was intended for publication. The two authors hereby render this neglected aspect of his career accessible to the general public and allow us to understand this great political figure. The Traité de la perfection du Chrétien is preceded by L'Instruction du chrétien.




CIVARDI, JEAN-MARC. "Jean de Rotrou: Venceslas, Antigone, Le Véritable saint Genest." IL 59.3 (2007), 40–46:

A detailed bibliography on Rotrou's life, career, works, editions of his plays, selected topics, and esthetics.

CIVARDI, JEAN-MARC. "Rotrou et l'Antiquité." IL 59.3 (2007), 3–10.

Studies characters and themes in Rotrou's theatre, as related to Antiquity and mythology, and discusses the question whether he should be classified as a baroque author or a classical writer. Author perceives Rotrou within a movement in the seventeenth century, from tragedy to "tragédie à machines" and opera, "où l'Antiquité et la mythologie sont utilisées pour le clinquant, le dépaysement et le spectaculaire avant tout." A detailed bibliography is included.

PASQUIER, PIERRE, ed. Le théâtre de Rotrou. Littératures classiques, no. 63 (2007).

Review: L. Hochgeschwender, PFSCL XXXV (69), 778–781. "Par la mise en perspective unanime de la singularité de Rotrou ce recueil d'articles de spécialistes renommés offre en effet une nouvelle image de l'œuvre de Rotrou et il trouvera sa place parmi les ouvrages de référence sur Rotrou."

ROBERT, YANN. "De la moralité des tragédies: le Saint Genest de Rotrou et la Querelle du théâtre." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 573–588.

Analysis of the ambivalence inherent in Rotrou's play. Author concludes: "La singularité de la pièce de Rotrou provient [du] rapport paradoxal à la théâtralité, dont elle est à la fois une condamnation et un éloge au nom d'une même idéologie chrétienne: Rotrou soutient en définitive un théâtre sur la scène dans l'espoir de mettre fin au théâtre dans la salle."


SCHORDERET, ALAIN. "Saint-Amant, poète de l'hermétisme grotesque et du jeu." Études françaises 44.1 (2008), 121–45.

Works with the theme of what the author calls "l'hermétisme grotesque du jeu" in Saint-Amant, placing him in the tradition of Rutebeuf and Rabelais.

ZAISER, RAINER. "La modernité de Saint-Amant: une lecture métapoétique de l'ode La Solitude." PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), 477–488.

Sets out to demonstrate that it is "dans [la] coexistence d'éléments divers et contraires que réside la modernité du programme poétique de Saint-Amant, et ceci d'autant plus que ce programme est exposé, dans les derniers vers de son poème, par le je lyrique dans un discours métapoétique."



GARIDEL, DELPHINE DE. Poétique de Saint-Simon. Cours et détours du récit historique dans les Mémoires. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2005.

Review: J. Nollez in DSS 238 (2008), 172–173: As an augmented version of the author's doctoral thesis, this work "s'inscrit dans la continuité du renouveau des études saint-simoniennes," wherein she successfully presents "un travail d'ensemble sur la narration dans les Mémoires de Saint-Simon."

SOLLERS, PHILIPPE. "Furieux Saint-Simon." Infini 103 (2008), 6–8.

Reflects on Saint-Simon as a razor-sharp wit who wrote quickly and delivered crushing, perfectly phrased descriptions of his contemporaries.


GENETIOT, ALAIN. "Le Parnasse satirique de Sarasin ou l'invention de l'auteur-honnête-homme." TL 20 (2007), 269–286.

Insightful essays traces the invention of "l'auteur-honnête homme" through the "témoin privilégié" of the formative years of "le statut de l'écrivain" (269). Génetiot leads the reader masterfully through Sarasin's production, in particular four works of satirical fiction "qui construisent la représentation de l'espace littéraire en pleine transformation" (270), thus furnishing "un modèle idéal de bon auteur" characterized as: "le repoussoir du pédant parasite," and "le refus de l'afféterie déraisonnable" (270, 275). Citing Ménage and Pellisson, Génetiot convincingly demonstrates that "le génie universel de Sarasin propose. . . en lui-même la synthèse harmonieuse du savoir solide du docte en évitant simultanément la misanthropie du savant austère et la frivolité vaine du mondain, dans un juste tempérament qui se révèle par l'enjouement de la conversation civile" (285).


LEPLATRE, OLIVIER. "'Foy d'autheur,' Ichnographie de l'écrivain comique (autour du Roman comique de Scarron). TL 20 (2007), 287–301.

Reminding us of Bakhtin's perspectives on the principal object and originality of the "genre romanesque" as "l'homme qui parle et sa parole" (289), Leplatre illustrates the relations of the writer with himself, his function and his acts. Taking Scarron's Roquebrune as an example among others (but also finding that Sorel and Furetière provide examples of "doubles et troubles d'identité"), Leplatre demonstrates amply the "processus pleinement ironique qui inscrit la critique du roman à l'intérieur du roman, dans un personnage transformé en matériau d'un imaginaire qui lui est contraire et qui pour rire le dénature" (290, 291). Insisting on the paradoxical quality of Scarron's "auteur-narrateur exhibitionniste," Leplatre paints a vision of the writer "en Protée" (294–296) and concludes that Sarasin's "l'écrivain comique" is "sans visage, sans nom,. . . dépourvu d'identité stable: il est un jeu. Il est le jeu intempestif des signes, suspendus au gai savoir d'une littérature consciente de soi et sans souci de fondation de l'écriture autrement que par elle-même" (301).

VOS-CAMY, JOLENE. "Les Folies du Roman comique: le caractère burlesque et Romanesque de Ragotin et Destin." CdDS 11.2 (2007), 43–57.

Examines changes of tone in the first and second parts of Scarron's novel through a close study of the characters of Ragotin and Destin. While Ragotin's burlesque adventures keep increasing throughout the novel, Destin's extravagances are modified and attenuated in order to adopt a Romanesque tone. Overall, Scarron creates a dynamics of laughter and love.


BOURQUI, CLAUDE & ALEXANDRE GREEN, eds. Madeleine et Georges de Scudéry. Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus. Paris: Flammarion, 2005.

Review: N. Grande in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 964–965. Study presents excerpts of this masterpiece and is completed by an Internet site ( The latter reproduces the text in its integrality and adds numerous study tools. This new edition reveals coherence, is preceded by a great general introduction on the Grand Cyrus while each excerpt is annotated in itself. A selective bibliography is also included.


BOURQUI, CLAUDE & ALEXANDRE GREEN, eds. Madeleine et Georges de Scudéry. Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus. Paris: Flammarion, 2005.

Review: N. Grande in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 964–965. Study presents excerpts of this masterpiece and is completed by an Internet site ( The latter reproduces the text in its integrality and adds numerous study tools. This new edition reveals coherence, is preceded by a great general introduction on the Grand Cyrus while each excerpt is annotated in itself. A selective bibliography is also included.

MORLET-CHANTALAT, CHANTAL, ed. Madeleine de Scudéry. Clélie. Histoire romaine, cinquième et dernière partie 1660. Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: N. Grande in RHLF 107.4 (2007), 965–966. This is the last part of the five-volume edition that Honoré Champion re-edited, and it is preceded by an introduction that underlines the general problematic of the fifth part of the novel. This edition has ample notes, annotations, and references that make it easy for the reader to find a particular episode of the novel. "L'introduction de la cinquième partie met en évidence l'évolution de la pratique créatrice de la romancière, et en particulier comment le développement des descriptions de châteaux, de jardins, et la multiplication des portraits amènent une réflexion sur les rapports entre littérature et peinture."


JACQUENTIN-GAUDET, ALBERTE (ed.). Joannes Serreius [Jean Serrier]: Grammaire française (1623). Paris: Champion, 2005.

Review: G. Siouffi in FS 61.4 (2007), 510–11. This reedition of Serreius' work is "precious." "On peut," says the reviewer, "y voir l'un des derniers témoins de l'attachement au latin qui gouvernait la description des langues à usage pédagogique en Europe."


GUTWIRTH, MARCEL. Madame de Sévigné, classique à son insu. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 2004.

Review: M. Hawcroft in MLR 101.3 (2008), 854: 《  This is an elegant and suggestive piece of impressionistic criticism, the work of an author who has read widely in seventeenth-century French literature, with great appreciation, and with a desire to share his enthusiasm.  》 Seven chapters, each focusing on a particular theme: "pleasure, health, tears, court, rigour/liberty, models, the natural; and in each Gutwirth typically begins by giving examples, of how Pascal, Boileau, La Fontaine, Bossuet, Racine, and Molière deal with the theme before then exploring its relevance to Sévigné."
Review: M.-O. Sweetser in FR 81 (2008), 776–77: Provides an excellent overview of Sévigné's personality as discerned through her letters. Gutwirth also situates Sévigné vis-à-vis other major writers of French classicism, particularly as concerns the notion and project of pleasurable writing. Additionally, Gutwirth's work brings out Sévigné's signature gaiety.

LIGNEREUX, CÉCILE. "Imaginaire augustinien et tendresse maternelle dans les lettres de Mme de Sévigné." In Lopez, Denis, Charles Mazouer & Eric Suire, eds. La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Biblio 17, Volume 175. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 258–271.

Examines the Augustinian intertextuality in Sévigné's letters to her daughter from a new point of view: by using a stylistic and rhetorical approach, Lignereux shows that Sévigné uses the theological themes of idolatry, human weakness and Providence to express the singularity of her love for her daughter.




ASSAF, FRANCIS. "Francion: écriture moderne, écriture baroque." OeC 32.2 (2007), 81–107.

Contribution au numéro d'Oeuvres et Critiques présenté par Dorothea Scholl et consacré à "la valeur exploratrice de la notion" du baroque. L'auteur se propose d'examiner le Francion, la structure et l'imaginaire du récit, et "constate une 'dynamique disséminatoire' qui synthétise les contraires et qui détermine la polysémie du texte."

DALLA VALLE, DANIELA, ed. Charles Sorel, Les Nouvelles choisies. Où se trouvent divers incidents d'Amour et de Fortune. Paris: Champion, coll. "Sources classiques," 2005.

Review: F. D'Angelo in S Fr 150 (2006), 561–563: This welcome inaugural volume of Champion's reedition of Sorel's major works is supremely solid in Dalla Valle's critical apparatus which includes an introduction addressing among other subjects linguistic modifications, the title, libertine dimensions and variants. Two previously unpublished texts are found in the volume as well: "Les amours hors de saison" and "Les respects nuisibles." Copious and perceptive annotations throughout.

DEBAISIEUX, MARTINE. Charles Sorel. Description de l'île de Portraiture et de la ville des Portraits (1659). Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2006.

Review: V. Schröder in SCN (2007), 233–235: The reviewer describes this as a "superb edition" that "ensures perfect readability by modernizing the spelling and punctuation, adding paragraph breaks, and inserting section titles based on the marginalia of the original. She provides the reader with a comprehensive array of relevant background information and concise analysis: the text is framed by a 35-page introduction, 136 footnotes, eight illustrations, as well as a 50-page annex of annotated excerpts from the 1659 portrait collections and, especially, from six of Sorel's novels."

LEPAPE, PIERRE. La disparition de Sorel. Paris: Grasset, 2006.

Review: A.E. Spica in DSS 238 (2008), 175–176: Judged somewhat uneven by the reviewer, Lepape's work is directed at non-specialists in an effort to rehabilitate this "auteur inclassable," but is nevertheless somewhat lacking in documentary citations and relevant context.


ETIENNE, R. Jacob Spon. Voyage d'Italie de Dalmatie, de Grève et du Levant, 1678. Paris: Champion, 2004.

Review: S. Requemora-Gros in RHLF 107.3 (2007), 659–660. First critical edition of Jacob Spon's Voyage that was published in Lyon in 1678. A short introduction serves the purpose to introduce the historical and biographical context. Combined efforts of H. Duchêne, F.L. Lucarelli, and A. Rabot. Additional material (such as an index of place names, a lexical index, and a bibliography) is very helpful.



GOUJON, PATRICK. "Le Père Surin et les élites urbaines." In La Religion des élites au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700) en partenariat avec le Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et contemporaine, Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, 30 novembre-2 décembre 2006. Eds. Denis Lopez, Charles Mazouer, Eric Suire. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, Biblio 17 175 (2008), 199–210.

Argues that for Surin, spiritual perfection is not linked to rank in church or in society, but depends on an interior disposition. However, society is the place of verification where the secret interior work of grace and abnegation is exposed.


BACKUS, IRENA,sous la dir. de. Théodore de Bèze (1509–1605). Genève: Droz, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 697 (2007), 56: ". . .les actes d'un colloque international tenu à Genève en 2005 à l'occasion des quatre cents ans de sa mort, permettent de faire le point sur les recherches en cours, en témoignant de leur diversité. . . Les trente-cinq contributions qu'il recèle sont ainsi distribuées en quatre sections dont la dissociation matérielle n'empêche pas une confrontation intellectuelle très enrichissante." 1) "Bèze dans l'histoire de son temps"; 2) "Théologie, exégèse et philologie"; 3) "Littérature"; 4) "Droit et politique."


SABA, GUIDO. Bibliographie des écrivains français. Théophile de Viau. Paris: Memini, 2007.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 697 (2007), 4: "Collection de haute érudition, destinée aux spécialistes d'un auteur donné. . . On doit à un savant italien, Guido Saba, une bibliographie qui fera date, sur Théophile de Viau, poète baroque et maudit, victime de son franc-parler, de ses imprudences et, sans doute, bouc émissaire qui paya pour une école littéraire entière."


LABORIE, JEAN-CLAUDE & FRANK LESTINGANT, eds. André Thevet. Histoire d'Andre Thevet Angoumoisin, Cosmographe du Roy, de deuz voyages pay luy faits aux Indes Australes et Occidentales. Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 416. Geneva: Droz, 2006.

Review: A. Frisch in Ren Q 60.3 (2007), 946–48: Thevet's focus is Brazil and his work is seen by the editors as "un texte monstre" due to its borrowings of Thevet's other works. After an acknowledgment of their debt "to the groundbreaking work of Suzanne Lussagnet, the editors sum up the perspective of current scholarship on Thevet" (948). Highly useful and extensive notes, indices, appendices, reproductions of engravings, bibliography, glossaries [one of the Tupi vocabulary and another of Thevet's language itself].



BERREGARD, SANDRINE. "Diversité et unité dans Le Page disgracié de Tristan L'Hermite." IL 59.4 (2007), 14–18.

This article sheds new light on generic categories and on the originality of Tristan's work with focus on esthetic questions. The author fully discusses the discontinuity, the diversity, and the unfinished character of Le Page disgracié. Attention is also placed on the figure of the melancholic narrator.

BERREGARD, SANDRINE. Tristan l'Hermite, "héritier" et "précurseur." Imitation et innovation dans la carrière de Tristan l'Hermite. Tübingen: Narr, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 151 (2007), 435: Although since the late 19th c. Tristan has been richly studied, Berregard's work is the first dedicated to the entirety of the multifaceted Tristan and his theatre, poetry and prose. Berregard's volume is organized two sections: "La critique face à Tristan" and the second analyzes Tristan's position between tradition and innovation, as the subtitle of the work suggests (435). Berregard underscores the thematic of melancholy chez Tristan, affirming his singularity and innovative quality. Annexes and rich bibliography (though Dalla Valle does supply one crucial entry which was omitted).
Review: S. Tonolo in IL 59.1 (2007), 53–54: Instead of a monograph on Tristan, we encounter a historical and sociological work that studies the figure of the writer in the light of tradition and modernity. Reviewer welcomes this study, which reestablishes the veritable image of the writer within the context and the demands of his times. However, the reviewer finds fault with the binary structure of this study, which often gives the impression of compilation and re-edition. But overall, she praises the "archeological" quality of Berregard's work.

CHAUVEAU, JEAN-PIERRE, ed. Cahiers Tristan L'Hermite, revue annuelle publiée par l'Association des 《  Amis de Tristan l'Hermite  》, XXVVIII, 2006.

Review: M.-O. Sweetser: PFSCL XXXV (69), 760–762. "La mémoire de Jacques Morel a été bien servie par ses collègues et amis. L'œuvre de Tristan aussi, son époque et les circonstances dans lesquelles elle a été créée. Les lecteurs apprécieront la richesse et la ferveur tristanienne de cet hommage collectif."

CHAUVEAU, JEAN-PIERRE. "Une figure du poète au XVIIe siècle: Tristan L'Hermite (1601–1655). TL 20 (2007), 89–105.

Chauveau is quick to specify that he has no desire to make Tristan "une figure exemplaire" and that, while Tristan "n'est qu'un poète parmi d'autres," he is indeed representative of the conditions of the writer in the first half of the seventeenth-century Chauveau's masterful article provides a survey of the stages of Tristan's life, the character and reception of his diverse works, his numerous dédicataires and successive patrons, and his trials and tribulations reflected in his Lettres Mêlées as in his Épîtres. Richly documented, Chauveau's study provides an account of Tristan's reception from his day to our own, reminding us as well of other useful contributions on the subject, such as that of Amédée Carriat's "La Fortune de Tristan" and the volume Actualités de Tristan commemorating the 400th anniversary of the poet's birth.





KELLER-RAHBÉ, EDWIDGE, ed. Madame de Villedieu. Les Galanteries grenadines. Saint-Étienne: P de l'U de Saint-Étienne, 2006.

Review: D. Dalla Valle in S Fr 150 (2006), 599: Welcome re-publication—the first in modern times—includes a substantial introduction on the author and her work, annotations, annexes, and a bibliography that, while extensive, is missing important and relevant Italian language criticism. Reviewer supplies two particularly important ones.

KELLER-RAHBE, EDWIDGE, ed. Madame de Villedieu romancière: nouvelles perspectives de recherche. Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2004.

Review: C. Nedelec in FS 61.4 (2007), 513–14. This review, outlining the varied contributions, paints a positive picture of the scholarly work in this collection of articles from varied authors such as Faith Beasley, Donna Kuizenga, René Démoris, and Roxanne Lalande. The reviewer suggests that the volume will be of use to those with an interest in Mme de Villedieu herself, her writing, or the "roman" more generally.


MUNARI, SIMONA, ed. Charles Vion d'Alibray. Le Soliman, Tragi-comédie. Rome: Aracne, 2004.

Review: M. Pavesio in S Fr 153 (2007), 649: This critical edition compares Vion d'Alibray's work (the first French version) with its Italian sources and with the second French translation, Jean Mairet's Le grand dernier Solyman. Includes a brief bibliography.



AATF. Future conventions: 2009 (San Jose, CA, July 2–5); 2010 (Philadelphia, PA); 2011 (Montréal, Québec). Contact Jayne Abrate, Executive Director (Southern Illinois U.) Tel. (618) 453–5731.

ASSAF, FRANCIS (Georgia). Bk., Literary biography of Antoine Houdar de La Motte (1672–1731). Champion has expressed interest. Crit. eds., Joint critical edition of Antoine's Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Louis XIII and of the Antoine brothers' (sons of the precedent) Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Louis XIV. Publisher to be determined later. Art., "La violence dans les histoires comiques." Forthcoming in PFSCL. Research papers: "Lexicographie de la cuisine et de l'alimentation," and "Digérer au Grand siècle: Anciens vs. Modernes," read at the 37th annual conference, NASSCFL, April 24–26, at Lafayette College.. "Amadis de Grèce ou la mise en fiction du pouvoir royal," read at the 2008 Annual conference of SCFS, Dublin, Ireland. Other items submitted or accepted: "Première journée: voir, dire et savoir." Forthcoming in the Festschrift for Jean Serroy (Univ. Stendhal-Grenoble III). "Le corps souffrant: la maladie au Grand siècle;" submitted for the 2008 SE17 conference in Saskatoon, Canada.

BOITANO, JOHN (Chapman U.). Editor 2003–2006, Cahiers du Dix-Septième (C17) .


BURCHELL, EILEEN (Fordham). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

CAHIERS DU DIX-SEPTIEME (CdDS). Journal accessible exclusively on-line at, in HTML and PDF format, beginning with vol. VIII,1. Editor, Stephen Fleck Associate Editor, Rose Pruiksma, For now, personal subscriptions ($25) & institutional ones ($50) go to SE17 Secretary Katherine DAUGE-ROTH. Hard copies of submissions to Steve FLECK. Book Review Editor, Andrew WALLIS (all whom see infra). Membership in SE17 includes individual subscription, institutional subscription.

CARR, THOMAS M, Jr. (Nebraska-Lincoln). Guest Ed., volume 11 of EMF: Studies in Early Modern France. The Cloister and the World: Early Modern Convent Voices. Long-term project: History of writing and publishing by Ancien Régime nuns. Co-President NASSCFL 2007 Conference.


CIR 17. CENTRE INTRNATIONAL DE RENCONTRES. President: Cecilia Rizza. [via Lagustena 16/10, 16131 Genova, ITALY. Tel. 010 5221076]. (Xe) biennial Colloque, "L'Ile au XVIIe siècle: réalités et imaginaire," was held at Ajaccio and Corte, CORSICA, April 3–5. 2008. The Répertoire international des dix-septiémistes is still available. Annual Membership $30 also from Treasurer; checks payable to "Volker Schröder /CIR 17," Dept. of French and Italian, 303 East Pyne, Princeton NJ 08544–5264. Colleagues [still] paid up for 2005 & 2006 will receive a free copy of the Actes de Kiel: L'Art du Spectacle au XVIIe siècle. Members who will be "en règle" for both 2007 and 2008 can expect to receive a free copy of the Actes d'Ajaccio-Corti.

CLARK/CESAR SYMPOSIUM. "Visions de la Scène: théatre, art et représentations en France, 1600–1800." Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, September 11–13, 2008. Papers were due 10/31/07. Online CESAR image bank is source of 3500 images on Ancien Régime and Revolutionary theater, and should lead to interdisciplinary projects on art and theater. Contact: Dr. Mark Ledbury, Associate Director of the Research and Academic Program. <>.

CONROY, DERVAL. (University College, Dublin). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

DAUGE-ROTH, KATHERINE (Bowdoin C.). Secretary, SE 17. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

DIGITAL WORKSHOP (U. Nebraska-Lincoln). 2nd annual workshop, October 5 & 6, 2007. To enable the best early career scholars in the field of digital humanities to present their work for evaluation, improvement, showcasing. Contact Katherine L. Walker, Dir., UNL Center for Digital Research, 319 Love Library, UNL, Lincoln, NE 67588–4100.

DENNIS-BAY, LAURA (Cumberland C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.


DUCHENE, JACQUELINE (MME. ROGER) (Académie des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Marseille). Discours de Réception: "Jeanne de Chantal." Chevalier dans l'ordre des Arts et Lettres. (1) Bk., François de Grignan. Marseille, Eds. Jeanne Laffitte, 2008, 175 pp., huit illustrations. <> (2) Earlier bks, chez Fayard: Francois de Grignan, ou le mal d'amour, couronné par l'Académie Française 1985, 332 pp. ISBN 2–213–015289–5. Bussy-Rabutin. Prix de culture bourguignonne, réédit, 2008, 437 pp. ISBN 978–2–213–02845–3. Henriette d'Angleterre, duchesse d'Orléans, prix de l'O.C.B., 1996, 464 pp. ISBN 2–213–59413–9. (3) Earlier bks., chez Lattès: La Dame de Vaugirard. 1997, 240 pp. ISBN 2–7096–1813–3. Mademoiselle, duchesse de Montpensier. 1999, 239 pp. ISBN 2–7096–1963–6. Madame l'étrangère, la princesse Palatine. 2001, 285 pp. ISBN 2–7096–2202–5. Place Royale, couronné par l'Académie française. 2003, 221 pp. ISBN 2–213–59413–9. La Femme du Roi-Soleil. 2005, 300 pp. Tous coûtent entre 18 et 22 euros.

DUGGAN, ANNE E. (Wayne State U.). Arts., (1) "Women Subdued: the Abjectification and Purification of Female Characters in Perrault's Tales," Romanic Review (May 2008). Forthcoming. (2) [Catholic Reformation discourse in Perrault; connections with Jean-Pierre Camus; fairy tales]. (3) Translation of "The Jealous Princess" by Jean- Pierre Camus for Marvels & Tales 22.2 (anticipated Fall 2008). [Relation of Camus's tragic story to Perrault's "La belle au bois dormant"]. (4) "Adults at Play." Remapping the Humanities: Identity, Community, Memory, (Post)Modernity. Ed. Mary Garrett, Heidi Gottfried, and Sandra VanBurkleo. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2008. 202–18. [On Madeleine de Scudéry's Samedis; salon as game space; development of skills relevant to system of patronage]. (5) In Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Ed. Donald Haase. 3 vols. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2007. ["Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine d'" 1:79–81, "Bachelier, Anne" 1:94–95, "Contes de fées" 1:233, "Edmund Dulac" 1:280–81, "French Tales" (with Patricia Hannon; Medieval, 19th and 20th Century) 1:379–88, "Galland, Antoine" 2:397–98, "Gautier, Théophile" 2:400, "Hamilton, Anthony" 2:436–37, "Khemir, Nacer" 2:533, "Maeterlinck, Maurice" 2:595–96, "Mardrus, Joseph Charles" 2:604–05, "Méliès, Georges" 2:614–15, "Peau d'âne" 2:733–34, "Perrault, Charles" 2:738–40, "Popeye the Sailor" 2:757–58, "Pourrat, Henri" 2:767. (6) "Le Temps de l'Hérésie: l'ancienneté du protestantisme chez Jean-Pierre Camus," Tempus in fabula. Topoï de la temporalité narrative dans la fiction d'Ancien Régime. PU Laval Laval, 2006, 175–83. (7) "The Virgin and the Whore: Images of the Catholic Church and Protestant Heresy in Camus," Relations and Relationships in Seventeenth-Century Literature, Actes du 36e congrès de la NASSCFL. Ed. Jennifer Perlmutter. Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006. 133–141. Associate Ed., Marvels & Tales, Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies.

DURHAM CENTRE FOR FRENCH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY STUDIES. 11th Annual Conference, Theme: "Public Spheres and Private Spaces," Durham Castle, UK, July 16–17, 2008. Director, Richard Maber. Interdisciplinary program.

DUTTON, DIANE (Brock U., CA). Scheduled to chair the SE17 section "Stereotypes and Misconceptions," Oct. 23–28 at the Saskatchewan Meeting, she died on Oct. 31. After taking a law degree, she had completed her dissertation "Rhétorique et politique du plaidoyer de l'âge classiue: Olivier Patru, Antoine Le Maistre, Claude Gaultier," in 2003. Her Directors were Max Vernet (Queen's U.) and Christian Biet (Paris X). "Ceux qui l'ont connue ont sûrement apprécié comme moi ses qualities intellectuelles, sa chaleur humaine et son charme. Nous la regretterons très longtemps" (Francis Assaf).

FLECK, STEPHEN (California State). Editor, CIR 17. Send hard copies for submissions to S.F. c/o Romance, German, Russian Langs & Lits, California State-Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Rd., Long Beach, CA 90840–2405. . (Website:

FRENCH 17 ONLINE (Currently 1995–2005, with 2006 to be added soon). Now available to subscribers at (for information on how to subscribe). or contact Stephen Shapiro, College of the Holy Cross, 1 College Street, Box 67A, Worcester, MA. 01610

GALLICA 2. New trial version of the Bibliothèque Nationale catalogue online permits a full text consultation of certain texts, with cross-reference links.. For access, detailed list of subjects, titles, etc., see

GANIM, RUSSELL (Nebraska-Lincoln). President, NASSCFL 2007. [Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588–0315]. Fax: (402) 472–0327. Phone: Dept. Office (402) 472–3745.

GETHNER, PERRY (Oklahoma State). Arts., "Didactic Strategies in French Comedy." in "The Art of Instruction: Education, Pedagogy, and Literature in 17th-Century France", ed. Anne Birberick. Amsterdam: Rodopi. "Stratégies de publication et notions de carrière chez les femmes dramaturges sous le règne du Roi Soleil." In "Le Parnasse du théâtre: Les recueils d'oeuvres complètes de théâtre au XVIIe siècle", ed. Georges Forestier, EdricCaldicott and Claude Bourqui. Paris: Presses de l'U. de Paris Sorbonne. Editions include plays by Mairet, Françoise Pascal and Deshoulières to appear in 2008; plays by Rotrou, Sainctonge and Durand, forthcoming; a novel by Murat (in collaboration with Allison Stedman) in progress. I am a co-editor of a 5-volume anthology of French women playwrights to be published by Presses de l'U. de Saint-Etienne, of which the first volume has already appeared. See NASSCFL DUES.

GOLDSTEIN, CLAIRE (Miami U. of Ohio). The Sun King's Comets (1664 and 1680), Vision and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France. I consider two closely watched comet sightings at the end of the seventeenth century in France as a locus to study new kinds of gazes, gazes rapidly transforming with the popular accessibility of telescopes and optical treatises, rationalist philosophy and new prose genres. Comets provided an opportunity for individuals to articulate their understanding of "the order of things" — what may be observed and interpreted and thus assimilated into a coherent vision of the universe, and what remains extraordinary and mystified. Comets also enact a variety of theories regarding the circulation of bodies in space. These theories reveal shifting conceptions of the body politic, class and gender relations, and divine and monarchical power. I study the many different kinds of discourses (treatises, plays, court ballets, journalistic nouvelles, poetry, and sermons) occasioned by the two comets that coincided with decisive moments of the Sun King's reign. The matrix of ideas these readings reveal illuminates changing mentalités and provides a new way of contextualizing the emergence of new prose genres in this period, including Lafayette's psychological novel, that are structured by new modes of visuality.


GOODMAN, ELISE. (U. Cincinnati). Bk., The Cultivated Woman. Portraiture in Seventeenth-Century France. Biblio 17, No. 176 . Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. ISBN 978–3–8233–6374–3. "Treats the neglected portraiture in its wider cultural, intellectual, literary and social contexts."

GREGOIRE, VINCENT (Berry C.). My research has been focusing, the last few years, on missionaries (Jesuits and Ursulines) within the context of the colonization of New France (between 1610 and 1680). Sources have been the Relations published in France by the Jesuits, as well and the correspondances (particularly the one written by Marie [Guyart] de l'Incarnation).

GRIMAS (Groupe de Recherche Interdiscipilinaire sur la Musique et les Arts du Spectacle). Seminars for 2007–2008 were held on 12/7,1/19, 2/16, 3/14, 5/24, 6/13–14, at the Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris. For further information, consult

HARRISON, HELEN (Morgan State U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

HOEFER, BERNADETTE (The Ohio State University). Contrib. Ed., French 17.


KENNEDY, THERESA VARNEY (Mary Washington). Annotated crit. ed., François Pascal's Agathophile martyr, tragi-comédie (1655). Tübingen, Gunter Narr/ Bibio 17, 177. ISBN 978 3 8233–6416–0.

KOCH, EREC RUSSELL (Tennessee-Knoxville). Bk., The Aesthetic Body: Sensibility, Passion, and Corporality in Seventeenth-Century France . U. of Delaware Press, 2008. $75. ISBN 978–0–87413–010–2. Interdisciplinary study traces the radical changes that occurred in the understanding of the biological body and of human incarnation beginning in the first third of the seventeenth century. It is the first to examine the importance of that new corporeality in the determination of sensibility and passion in French culture of the seventeenth century. This study analyzes the development and deployment of the aesthetic body—that is, in its full etymological sense, a body whose principal function is the generation of affectivity—through an opening chapter on physiology to chapters on four major senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch). The study traces the intervention of the aesthetic body in representative cultural discourses: ethics, theatrical spectacle, rhetoric, artistic and moral judgment of "taste," and sociopolitical anthropology. Arts.: "Rhetorical perfection: Sound, Aurality, and Rhetoric from Marin Mersenne's Harmonie universelle to Bernard Lamy's"La Rhétorique, ou l'Art de parler. EMF: Studies in Early Modern France, 12 [forthcoming]. "Corps et (esth)étique cartésiens." Actes du colloque "Dialogue avec la critique dix-septiémiste américaine." Presses universitaires de la Sorbonne Nouvelle [forthcoming]. Dissertation Director: See: Adrien, H.M.


LEIDEN CONFERENCE. "Early Modern Medievalisms: the Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production. University of Leiden, Netherlands, 21–23 August, 2008. A volume of selected papers is scheduled to appear in 2009. Contact: Alicia C. Montoya.

LONGINO, MICHELE (Duke). Paper: "Jean Thévenot: ethnographe des îles du Levant." "L'Ile au XVIIe siècle: réalités et imaginaire." Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le 17e siècle. Ajaccio: University of Corsica, April 2008.

MABER, RICHARD G. (Durham). Bk., Through All the Compass of the Notes: Essays in Early Modern Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in Honour of Richard G. Maber. Festschrift, ed. with introduction by Paul Scott. For 2008. Secretary. SSCFS.

McCLURE, ELLEN (Illinois-Chicago). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

MILLER, MICHELLE L. (Michigan-Ann Arbor). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

MUSIC. Jean Duron, ed. Bk., Regards sur la musique en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Publications du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles,. 4 vols., 2007. Inter-disciplinary survey of the four periods Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XV.

NASSCFL 08. 40th Annual Conference, Lafayette College was held on April 24–26, 2008. Roxanne Lalande, Présidente; Jorge Torres, Co-Organizer ( Guest Speakers: Faith Beasley, Erec Koch, Ronald Tobin. Sessions on: Le goût; Nourriture et médicine; L'Art culinaire; Poisons, drogues et aphrodisiaques; Festins et famine; Appétits et désirs; L'Art de la table (la nature morte); Nourritures célestes; L'imaginaire du vin; La Fayette à Lafayette; Cannibalisme; Nature — nourriture — maternité. For further information, contact RL, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Pardee Hall 409, Lafayette C., Easton, PA 18042.

NASSCFL 09. 41st Annual Conference, 21–23 May 2009, New York University. New York. Co-organized by Henriette Goldwyn and Benoît Bolduc. Theme: "Concordia Discors," (the idea that converging conflicts may paradoxically result in an overall harmony). email: phone: (212) 998–7625 fax: (212) 995–4667.

NASSCFL DUES. The United States and Canadian dues are now $20 for tenured faculty and $10 for untenured faculty, emeriti, part-time, and graduate students. Membership required for those presenting papers. Make checks payable to NASSCFL, and send them, as appropriate (USD/ CAD), to Perry GETHNER, Dept. of Foreign Languages, 309 Gunderson, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078–1054. Phone: 405–744–9535. OR to his Canadian counterpart, Claire CARLIN, Office of the Dean of Humanities, University of Victoria, PO Box 3045 STN CSC, Victoria, BC V8W 3P4, CANADA.

O'HARA, STEPHANIE (U. Massachusetts-Dartmouth). (1) Translation of Louise Bourgeois: Various Observations Concerning Sterility, Miscarriages, Fertility, Birthing, and Diseases of Women and Newborn Children (1626 edi.). To be published by the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies at the U. of Toronto, in The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series. (2) Book MS., Poison Onstage and Offstage in Early Modern France. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

OSLO CONFERENCE. 《  Corps souffrants, sanglants et macabres. Représentations de la violence faite aux corps dans les lettres et les arts visuels en Europe, XVIe–XVIIe siècles  》. Oslo, June 12–14,



PREYAT, FABRICE. Bk., Le Petit Concile de Bossuet et la christianisation de moeurs et des pratiques littéraires sous Louis XIV. Ars Rhetorica 17 (series on rhetorical themes, ed. by Volker Kapp and others). ISBN 978–38258 8716–2.

PROBES, CHRISTINE (U. of South Florida). Grant: pending, "Taste, Literature and the Arts," applied to the France Florida Foundation for the Arts. Speakers' award applied for at request from the Miami Consulate, pending. Presentations: "La Représentation emblématique de la femme à l'entrecroisement de l'art et de la poésie: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc-comtois" for the IXe Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, March 16–18, 2006 at Kiel, Germany. In press for CIR 17 volume, editor Rainer Zaiser. "Modernisation des Écritures: Becoming Global in the Early Modern, A Case of Modernity in French Emblematics" for the international conference on "Modernités" held June 28–30, 2006 at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, organized by the following five international societies: The British Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies, La Société d'Études du XVIIe Siècle, CMR, La Société d'Étude du XVIe Siècle (France), NASSCFL (US and Canada). In press for volume edited by William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser. "Devotional Poetry as a 'miroir du prince,'" at the annual MLA Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 27–30, 2006. Session of four speakers organized at the annual MLA Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 27–30, 2006: "Le Grand Siècle: Le divin, le moderne, le subversif et l'ambigu." "The Emblematic Power and diversity of the 'Incidental' Woman: The Sonnets franc-comtois", for the annual convention of the Renaissance Society of America, Miami, FL, March 22–24, 2007. Organizing session with William Brooks for the conference of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, May 10–12, 2007, at Lincoln, Nebraska: "Madame Palatine and Louis XIV: From Innocence and Happiness to Eavesdropping and Embarrassment: Portrait of Madame Palatine by Mignard, 1680–1681 and letter to Louis XIV of May 24, 1685. "In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Pascal's Lettres Provinciales: 'l'Amour de Dieu', Rhetorical Strategies of the Controversy" for 2007 MLA, session chair Erec Koch. Conference: organizing with Humanities Institute and Philosophy Department, USF, conference in Fall 2007 on "Pascal, His Times and Influence: In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of the Lettres Provinciales." Publications: Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 54, 2006 and No. 55, 2007. (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). Edited Section of Refereed Journal

PFSCL, XXXIIII (2007), "Le Grand Siècle: le divin, le moderne, le subversif et l'ambigu". MLA session of 4 papers I organized and am presently refereeing it with a committee. Expected date of publication is Fall 2007. Articles and Chapters in Books "Rhetorical Strategies for a locus terribilis: Senses, Signs, Symbols and Theological Allusion in Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris," accepted for refereed volume edited by Robert Logan and Sara Deats, in press with Ashgate for 2007. "The Prince and the Subject at the Intersection of Emblematic Poetry and Art: Moral and Pragmatic Reflections," accepted for refereed volume, edited by Anne Birberick, The Art of Instruction: Education, Pedagogy and Literature in Seventeenth-Century France, in press with Rodopi for 2007. "Bossuet, poète lyrique? Deux lectures," with Mary Rowan, for refereed volume, editor Buford Norman, Formes et formations au dix-septième siècle, Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2006, 210–223. "La Mémoire et l'identité transmises par la femme antillaise: stratégies littéraires et cinématographiques" accepted for refereed volume edited by Kanaté Dahouda, in press for 2007. "Engraving, Sonnet, Devise: Harmony or Disharmony at the Intersection of Emblematic Art in the Sonnets franc-comtois", accepted for Emblematica vol. 16 for 2007, Mara Wade, editor. "Becoming Global in the Early Modern: A Case of Modernity in French Emblematics," accepted and in press at Oxford, England, for refereed volume edited by William Brooks, for 2007. "La Représentation emblématique de la femme à l'entrecroisement de l'art et de la poésie: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc-comtois," accepted for publication in refereed volume, Rainer Zaiser, editor, for 2007. "La Perception de Dieu créateur et protecteur chez Jean Racine: des continuités d'un lyrisme à travers des genres," accepted for 2007 refereed volume of Travaux de Littérature, editor Olivier Millet.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern). Arts. (1) "Further Manuscripts of Saint- Amant, in Souvenir 2007. Hommage à Roger Duchêne. Internet publication: (with possibility of print version). (2) "Saint-Amant and the Caroline Monarchs: Unknown Manuscripts," in Theatre, Fiction, and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century, William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser, eds. Oxford et al.: Peter Lang, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 267–285. (3) "Research in Progress 2007," French 17, vol. 55 (2007), Part VI, pp. 169–186. (4) "Political Symbolism in the Saint Antoine Gate, 1585–1672," Analecta Husserliana, ed. A.T. Tymieniecka, vol. XCVI, pp. 291–304, 2008. (5) "Pierre Mignard. Madame Palatine and her Children," for publication in the Acts of Nebraska, 4 pp./ single space, 2008(?). Officier des Palmes Académiques; Bibliographer, NASSCFL; Directeur, CM; Contrib. Ed., French 17.

ROYE, JOCELYN. La Figure du Pédant. Droz. ISBN 978–2–600–01147–1.

RUBIN, DAVID LEE (Virginia, Emeritus). Publisher, Rookwood Press (EMF: Studies in Early Modern France, EMF Critiques, Rookwood Texts, Rookwood Reprints. Busy teaching (Argumentation, Great Books), editing (poetry at The Virginia Quarterly Review), mentoring fellowship applicants (at the Center for Undergraduate Excellence), and working with Ann and Russ on fthe Press.

SATOR. XXIIe Colloque International. "Geographiae imaginariae: dresser le cadastre des mondes inconnus dans la fiction narrative de l'Ancien Régime," York University, Canada, 24–26 September, 2008. Contact: Marie-Christine PIOFFET.

SCHRÖDER, VOLKER (Princeton). North American Treasurer, CIR 17. See CIR 17.

SCOTT, PAUL (Kansas). "French Studies: The Seventeenth Century." In Years Work in Modern Language Studies, vol. 68 "2006," pp.158–212. See also MABER, RICHARD.

SE17 (Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth-Century Studies). 27th annual Conference, U. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon (Canada), took place on 23–25 October, 2008. Sessions on: Les hommes et les machines, L'erreur, Les stéréotypes et les méprises, La création du siècle classique, Le corps et ses formes, L'humour, Enseigner le XVIIe siècle. Activités en marge du colloque; Conférence de Daniel Mesguich sur la mise en scène des pièces du XVIIe siècle; Mise en scène du Favory, de Madame de Villedieu; Concert de musique du XVIIe siècle.

SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, THE. Editor, Richard Maber. Journal covers all aspects of the 17th. Encourages period study so as to transcend national and disciplinary boundaries. Vol. XVIII,1 (April 2003). Also accessible online; Two issues per year. website: See MABER; SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES.

SHAPIRO, STEPHEN A. (Holy Cross). Editor, French 17. [Dept. of Modern Languages, C. of the Holy Cross, 1 College Street, Box 67A, Worcester, MA 01610. Phone (508) 797–5867. ].

SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES (SFS). 49th Annual Conference was held at U. of Liverpool, June 30-July 2, 2008. 50TH Annual Conference to be at U. of Oxford, June 29-July 1, 2009. Society's journal: French Studies. SEE home page:

SOCIETY FOR SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH STUDIES. Secretary: Richard Maber (Durham). . Society's journal: Seventeenth-Century French Studies (SCFS). 2009 Conference not yet posted. Consult home page See SSCFS.

SPAGNOLO SADR, TABITHA (University of Lethbridge) Contrib. Ed., French 17.

SSCFS. 14th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 11–13, 2008. Interdisci-pinary theme: "Power and Perspective." Organizer, Professor Noel Peacock, Marshall Chair of French, University of Glasgow, GLASGOW, U.K. G12 8QL. Tel. 0141 330 4589 (Direct) Fax: 0131 330 4234. Mail to

SWEETSER.MARIE-ODILE (Illinois-Chicago, Emerita). Art., "'Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon': un conte subversif?," to appear in PFSCL, no.69, vol. XXXV (Summer 2008), with other papers of the MLA session presented at the Philadelphia Meeting, 2006. Recently published: "Marc Fumaroli, interprète de Corneille, dramaturge et poète de l'humanisme chrétien," Oeuvres et Critiques, XXXII, 1, 2007, Marc Fumaroli, Rayonnement d'une oeuvre. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 43–47.

TOBIN, RONALD W. (California-Santa Barbara). Review of Van Delft's Les Moralistes. Dissertation Director: see Mathieu, Francis.

TOCZYSKI. SUZANNE C., (Sonoma State U.). Arts.: (1) "Navigating the Seas of Alterity: Jean-Baptiste Labat's Voyage aux Iles," in PFSCL; (2) "Chimène, or the Scandal of the Feminine Word," reprinted in Literature Criticism, 1400–1800 (v.135) of Literature Criticism, ed. Larry Trudeau, Thomson Gale, May 2007. (3) "Rodrigue's Balancing Act," under revision for the Actes de Lincoln. (4) For NASSCFL 2008: "《 Voilà bien des documents de cuisine pour un missionnaire apostolique 》: Jean-Baptiste Labat and the Buccaneer Barbecue." Former Editor, French 17. Contact:

TORRES, JORGE (Lafayette C.). Co-Organizer, NASSCFL 08.

TRINQUET, CHARLOTTE (U of Central Florida). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

VAN DELFT, LOUIS (U. Paris X-Nanterre)). Bk., Les Moralistes. Une apologie. Folio Essais inédit, 2008. ISBN 978–2–07–030958–0. Sees related manifestations in France, England, Spain, and Germany. Interview by Jean Birnbaum in Le Monde, August 1, 2008. Review by R.W. Tobin in l'Esprit Créáteur, vol. 48, no. 3, pp.130–31. For further recent publications, please consult author's website:

VEDVIK, JERRY D. (Colorado State). Editor Emeritus, French 17.

VOS-CAMY. JOLENE (Calvin C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

WALLIS, ANDREW (Whittier C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

WILKIN, REBECCA M. (Pacific Lutheran U.) Bk., Women, Imagination, and the Search for Truth in Modern French. Ashgate, 2008. ISBN 978–0–7546–6138–2.

WOSHINSKY, BARBARA (U. Miami). (1) Bk., Representations of Convent Spaces in Early Modern France. MS. under review; publication tentatively 2009. (2) Research on "Dissonant Denouements" in Classical Literature: works (mostly dramatic) where ending jars with preceding action and audience expectations. (3) Dissertation Adviser: see Buliguina, M.

ZAISER, RAINER (U. Kiel). Arts: "Corneille héritier de Trissino: Sophonisbe et la naissance de la tragédie moderne", in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Vol. XXXV, No. 68 (2008), pp. 89–102; "Le pli: Deleuze et le baroque", in Œuvres et Critiques, XXXII, 2 (2007), La question du baroque. Coordonnatrice Dorothea Scholl; In Press: "La modernité de Saint-Amant: Une lecture métapoétique de l'ode La solitude", in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, XXXV, No. 69 (2008), pp. Ed. Bks: Theatre, fiction, and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century/Le théâtre, le roman et la poésie à l'âge classique. Edited by William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser. Oxford: Peter Lang; Religion, Ethics, and History in the French Long Seventeenth Century/La religion, la morale et l'histoire à l'âge classique. Edited by William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser; L'âge de la représentation: L'art du spectacle au XVIIe siècle. Actes du IXe Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle. Édités par Rainer Zaiser. Tübingen: Narr (Biblio 17); Recent paper: "La pointe au coeur de l'esthétique baroque", Journée d'étude sur "La pointe à l'épreuve des genres. Une pratique d'écriture et de pensée dans l'Europe de la Renaissance et de l'âge classique", sous la direction de Michèle Rosellini, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyon, vendredi 21 mars 2008; Editor: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Biblio 17, Œuvres et Critiques, Etudes littéraires françaises. Dissertation Director: SEE Jakobs, Béatrice; Krüger, Annika. DISSERTATIONS 2008 Adrien, H. Maxford. Les Fables de La Fontaine et la pédagogie. (E.R. Koch, Tulane, 2007) [completed]. Bulyguina, Marina. Irony and thought (Montaigne, Descartes, Pascal). (B. Woshinsky, U. Miami, completion projected for 2010). Davis, Jenny L. The Bible at Port Royal before Lemaître de Sacy. (D. Judovitz, Emory, 07). Krüger, Annika. Anthropologie négative et vision tragique: Constantes de la pensée dans le théâtre de Racine et de Sartre (R. Zaiser, U. Kiel). Jakobs, Béatrice. Poétique et rhétorique de la conversion au XVIIe siècle (thèse d'habilitation, R. Zaiser, U. Kiel). Mathieu, Francis. Alchimie rhétorique et morale: l'exemplarité dans le roman classique et des Lumières. (R.W. Tobin , U. California-Santa Barbara, Spring 2007). Welch, Ellen. INA (J. De Jean, Pennslyvania).

William Roberts

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