2005 Number 53
AATF. Future conventions: 2006 (Milwaukee); 2007 (Baton Rouge); 2008 (Belgium). Contact Jane Abrate, Executive Director (Southern Illinois U.). Tel. 618.453.5731, <abrate@siu.edu>, http://aatf.utsa.edu.
ASSAF, FRANCIS (U. Georgia-Athens). (1) Crit. eds.: Antoine Houdar de La Motte's Discours sur Homère and his Iliade (1714). Joint crit. ed., Anthoine's Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Louis XIII and of the Anthoine brothers' (the previous's sons) Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Louis XIV. (2) Arts. (submitted): "L'Illusion comique: le voir et le savoir," on the epistemological schemes in Corneille's 1636 comedy. "Les retrouvailles dans Gil Blas." "Essai d'une térato-lexicologie du XVIIe siècle." "Alain-René Lesage," dictionary entry, The Dictionary of Literary Biography, Columbia, S.C., Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc. (3) Book reviews: Two book reviews, one on the "commensaux" (domestic servants in noble houses) in the 17th c., the other on a new ed. of the Antoine Galland translation of The Arabian Nights. (4) Dissertation advisor: Michelle L. Brown, "An Anthropology of Death in Corneille's Tragedies."
BEASLEY, FAITH E. (Dartmouth). (1). Bk.: Salons, History, and the Making of Seventeenth-Century France: Mastering Memory (for fall 2005, Ashgate Publishing Co.). (2) The NASSCFL Acta for Dartmouth, edited with Kathleen Wine, which will be out this fall. (3) Ed. of an Options for Teaching volume for the MLA on Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century French women writers.
BIRBERICK, ANNE L. (Northern Illinois U.). See EMF. <annie@niu.edu>
BOLDUC, BENOIT (Toronto). (1) La pastorale dramatique en France: laboratoire de l'invention. (2) Corpus des entrées solennelles dans les villes françaises à la Renaissance: Henri II et François II (one of a twelve volume series edited by the Groupe de Recherche sur les Entrées Solennelles), Paris, Champion, 2006. (3) Dissertation advisor: Lenore Morra, "Racine et l'expérience tragique à la fin du XVIIe siècle et au début du XVIIIe siècle (France et Angleterre)" (expected date of completion 2007).
BURCHELL, EILEEN (Marymount C. of Fordham U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
CAMPION, EDMUND J. (Tennessee-Knoxville). Crit. ed.: Quinault's Pausanias (with William Brooks); publ. by Droz, Geneva, 2004.
CARLIN, CLAIRE (U. Victoria, Canada). (1) Forthcoming bk.: Imagining Contagion in Early Modern Europe, ed. C. Carlin, fall 2005 from Palgrave, Macmillan. [Volume contains contributions from NASSCFL members Dominique Bertrand, Hélène Cazes, Frédéric Charbonneau and Michel Fournier.] (2) Arts. in press: "Perfect History: Love and Marriage in Early Modern Pedagogy" in The Art of Instruction: Education, Pedagogy, and Literature in 17th-Century France, ed. Anne M. Birberick, EMF/Rookwood Press. Art. on Jeanne de Cambry's Traité de la réforme du mariage in Convent Voices in Early Modern France, ed. T. Carr, EMF/Rookwood Press.
CARR, TOM (Nebraska-Lincoln). Co-Organizer, NASSCFL Annual Conference 2007. <tcarr@unlserve.unl.edu>.
C17, CAHIERS DU DIX-SEPTIEME. Journal accessible exclusively on-line in HTML format, beginning with vol. VIII.1. Contact Francis Assaf, 706.542.3164 or <cahiers@arches.uga.edu> or John Boitano, Chapman C., <jboitano@chapman.edu>.
CIR 17. President: Cecilia Rizza (via Lagustena, 16/10, 16131 Genova, ITALY, tel. 010.522.1076). Membership now $30 (instead of previously announced $24), to Treasurer: Volker Schröder, French & Italian, Princeton U., Princeton, NJ 08544. Tel.: 609.258.1171, fax: 609.258.4535, email: <volkers@princeton.edu>.
CLARKE, JAN (Durham). (1) Bk.: The Hôtel Guénégaud Theatre in Paris (1673–1680). Volume 3: The Demise of the Machine Play. Book to be submitted summer 2005. (2) Bk.: The History of Theatre in France (with David Whitton); to be submitted December 2005. (3) Work on collaborative project Les Femmes et le theater sous l'Ancien Régime. (4) Bk. on the infrastructure of performance in 17th-century France. (5) Ed. of the two Registres de La Thorillière. (6) Ed. of Thomas Corneille, L'Inconnu. (7) Various articles on the design of the Guénégaud theatre, backstage and front-of-house staff, Pierre Corneille repertory, etc. (8) Dissertation advisor: Laetitia Vedrenne, on representations of Dido in 16th- and 17th-century French tragedy; due to be completed in October 2005.
COMETES. Revue des Littératures d'Ancien Régime. Much information; covers 16th-18th c. publications, events, programs. North American Correspondent: Volker Schröder. Site uses very small font and much red ink. http://www.comètes.org.
CONROY, DERVAL (University College Dublin). Derval Conroy and Johnnie Gratton, eds., L'Œil écrit. Études sur des rapports entre texte et image, 1800–1940 (Geneva: Slatkine, 2005). Derval Conroy et Johnnie Gratton, 'Introduction', in Derval Conroy and Johnnie Gratton, eds., L'Œil écrit. Études sur des rapports entre texte et image, 1800–1940 (Geneva: Slatkine, 2005), pp. xv–xxii. Articles: 'Reines, invraisemblables rois ? Reines vierges et épouses célibataires dans le théâtre du XVIIe siècle : le cas d'Elisabeth, de Nitocris et de Pulchérie', in L'Invraisemblance du Pouvoir. Mises en scéne de la souveraineté au XVIIe siècle, sous la direction de Jean-Vincent Blanchard et Hélène Visentin (Schena/Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2005), pp. 89–122; Bio-bibliographical entry on Catherine Bernard to SIEFAR online dictionary (Société international d'études sur la femme de l'ancien régime) http://www.siefar.org/DictionnaireSIEFAR/SFBernard.html (March 2005). In progress: Bk. "Ruling Women: Gender, Government and Sovereignty in Seventeenth-Century France". Bk: "Strategies of the Image: The Iconography of Women in Seventeenth-Century Book Illustration". Contrib. ed. French 17. <derval.conroy@ucd.ie>
CORNEILLE (MOUVEMENT). Corneille Quadricentennial, 1606–2006. Centre International Pierre Corneille, organized in 1982. Colloques. Hôtel des Sociétés Savantes, 190, rue Beauvoisine, 7600 Rouen. Présidente: Myriam Maître (U. Rouen). <myriam.maitre@caramail.com>.
COWART, GEORGIA (Case Western Reserve). Bk. manuscript: The Triumph of Pleasure: Louis XIV and the Festive Arts.
DAUGE-ROTH, KATHERINE (Bowdoin College). Forthcoming: "Textual Performance: Imprinting the Criminal Body," in Intersections, Faith Beasley and Kathryn Wine, eds. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2005; "Ventriloquism and the Voice of Authority: Nuns, Demons, and Exorcists in Early Seventeenth-Century France," in Early Modern Convent Voices: The World and the Cloister, Thomas M. Carr, Jr., ed. EMF 11 (2005); "Crossing Lines, Encouraging Ownership: Teaching the Occult Early Modern," in CdDS 10 (2005); Forthcoming: "Femmes lunatiques: Women and the Moon in Early Modern France," Dalhousie French Studies 71 (2005). In preparation: "Impressionable Women: Demon Marks and Divine Stigmata in Early Modern France;" "The Shape and Form of Writing: Pastoral Graffiti in Early Seventeenth-Century France;" Bk. Signing the Body in Early Modern France, an interdisciplinary examination of the body as a literally inscribed, marked, and imprinted object in the early modern period (chs. on "superstitious" and "magical" writing practices; devotional self-inscription and stigmata, branding the criminal body, and tattooing by Jerusalem pilgrims and native American peoples). 2005 President and Conference Organizer, SE17 Annual Conference. Contrib. Ed., French 17.
DENNIS-BAY, LAURA (Cumberland C.). Contrib. ed., French 17.
DUCHENE, ROGER (U. de Provence). See WEB17. [174, rue Abbé de l'Epée, 13005 Marseille, email: <rd.web17@free.fr>.
DUTTON, DIANE (Queen's U., Canada). In progress: (1) Bk., Plaidoirie, predication et theater. (2) Crit. ed. of a selection of lawyer's pleadings of the Ancien Régime for famous cases. (3) Crit. ed. of a selection of sermons of the Ancien Régime. (4) Essay on the famous court cases of the Université de Paris against the Jesuits (16th & 17th centuries), together with a crit. ed. and collection of pleading of all parties in all the law suits.
EMBLEMS: 7th International Conference, "Emblems in the 21st Century: The Material and the Medium." Society for Emblem Studies, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 24–30 July 2005. Papers and panels treated all aspects of emblem studies, from early appearance in MSS. to digital emblematica. Traditional scholarship and emerging approaches blended.
EMF: Studies in Early Modern France and EMF Critiques. Publ. by Rookwood Press (see Rubin, David). Editors: Anne L. Birberick (Northern Illinois) and Russell J. Ganim (Nebraska–Lincoln). Website: http://www.unl.edu/EMF
FRENCH 17: AN ANNUAL DESCRIPTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FRENCH 17TH CENTURY STUDIES. Editor: Suzanne Toczyski. Team effort, begun in 1952, analyzes bks., arts., and occasional websites, covering the broad range of France culture of the period. In order to be as complete as possible, the Editor warmly encourages scholars to provide her or any Contributing Editor with reprints of arts., or information about their published research. Send these to: <suzanne.toczyski@sonoma.edu>
GANIM, RUSSELL J. (Nebraska–Lincoln). Co-Organizer, NASSCFL Annual Conference 2007. <rganim@unlnotes.unl.edu>
GETHNER, PERRY J. (Oklahoma State). Recent: Crit. ed. of Rotrou's La Pèlerine amoureuse in Volume 7 of the Théâtre complet (STFM). "Le Statut des personnages mineurs dans les livrets de Quinault" in Littératures classiques. "Les Pièces nouvelles de Graffigny: de la comédie sentimentale au drame" in Françoise de Graffigny, femme de letters, écriture et reception, ed. Jonathan Mallinson (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century). "Telling Apart the Works of Male and Female Playwrights" in Women in French Studies. "Love and Friendship: From Tirso to Desjardins" in PFSCL. In progress: editions of Rotrou's L'Heureux naufrage, Mairet's Chryséide et Arimand, Voltaire's Irène, Françoise Pascal's L'Amoureuse vaine et ridicule, Sainctonge's Griselde, and collaboration on a new edition of French women playwrights pre-1800 (coedited with Henriette Goldwyn and Aurore Evain).
HARRISON, HELEN (Morgan State U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
HEADRICK, ASHLEE S. (North Carolina-Chapel Hill). Dissertation: Images of Women Mentoring Women in French Literature 1650–1750. Considers works of fiction and theatre by Madeleine de Scudéry, Marivaux, and Françoise de Graffigny through the lens of women mentoring other women. Relationships between friends as well as between mothers and daughters are considered. The literary discussions - a chapter devoted to each of six works - are preceded by a detailed chapter providing historical background of women's lives in Ancien Régime France and a chapter framing the word mentoring in its origins in Homer's Odyssey and in its contemporary uses.
HENEIN, EGLAL (Tufts). See SATOR. <eglal.henein@tufts.edu>
JOHNS, DAVID H. Editor, Current Research in the U.K. (online version): 17th. C. section. <david.h.jones@st-johns.oxford.ac.uk>
KOCH, EREC (Tulane). Forthcoming: "Ethics, Death, and the Cartesian Body," PFSCL; "Body, Passion, Ethics: Descartes' Correspondence with Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia and the Passions de l'âme," SCFS; "Cartesian "Aesth/Ethics: The Correspondence with Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia," PFSCL; "Horace, Cinna and the End of War," PFSCL; "Sacred/Secular Rhetoric in Pascal's Lettres provinciales, PFSCL.
KOSTROUN, DANIELLA (Indiana U.-Purdue at Indianapolis). Bk. in progress: Undermining Obedience: Louis XIV and Port-Royal Nuns (forthcoming 2006, Columbia UP).
KUIZENGA, DONNA (Massachusetts-Boston). Forthcoming: "Madame de Villedieu Englished: les Traductions en anglais des ouvrages de Villedieu au XVIIe siècle," in Madame de Villedieu, romancière. Nouvelles perspectives de recherches. Etudes reunites par Edwige Keller-Rahbé, XI-XVII Littérature, Lyon: PUL, 2004, 145–160. "Traductions et trahisons: le sort de trois romans français en Angleterre," in D'une Ecriture à l'autre: Les Femmes et la tradution sous l'Ancien Régime. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, ed., Ottaway: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2004, 155–169. In press: "La Curiosité de Madame de Villedieu." to appear in La Curiosité au XVIIe Siècle, Emmanuèle Lesne-Jaffro, ed. "Espaces féminins? La topique des lieux dans les Nouvelles afriquaines et les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière de Mme de Villedieu" to appear in Locus in Fabula, Nathalie Ferrand, ed., Louvain, Editions Peeters. Bk. in progress: Strategic Rewriting in the Early Modern Novel. Crit. ed. in progress: Villedieu, Nouvelles afriquaines.
LALANDE, ROXANNE DECKER. Bk. translation and ed., Madame de Villedieu's Lettres et billets galants and Le Portefeuille [Love Letters and The Letter Case], to appear summer 2005, Fairleigh Dickinson UP. Art. on Villedieu's Le Portefeuille, forthcoming in PFSCL. Chapter on Molière's L'Ecole des femmes in the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to Molière, ed. by David Bradby.
LONGINO, MICHELE (Duke). Bk. in progress: Le récit de voyage en tant que genre et discours particulier, organisé autour des récits de voyage à l'âge classique; also in progress: "Marseilles-Constantinople: The Benefits of Discontent, 1650–1700."
MAZOUER, CHARLES. European Treasurer, CIR 17 (8, rue de la Chênaie, F-33170, Gradnigan).
McCLURE, ELLEN (Illinois-Chicago). Contrib. ed., French 17.
MILLER, MICHELLE L. (Michigan-Ann Arbor). Contrib. ed., French 17.
NASSCFL 2005. 37th Annual Conference, April 14–16, 2005, U. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. President Buford Norman. Email: <NormanB@gwm.sc.edu> NASSCFL dues: U.S. $20 to Perry Gethner, Canadian $30 to Claire Carlin (supra) [reductions for students, retirees, part-timers, untenured]. NASSCFL Teaching Award: contact Erec R. Koch, Office of the Associate Dean, Tulane U., New Orleans, LA 70018-5698 or <erkoch@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu>
NASSCFL 2006. Joint conference with Early Modern British and French societies, June 28–30 at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, UK. Contact: <NHammond@cai.cam.ac.uk> See also SCFS website: http://www.c17.org.uk/ NASSCFL Research in Progress 2006 due by June 1 to <w-roberts@northwestern.edu>
NASSCFL 2007. 39th Annual Conference, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Co-Organizers Russell Ganim & Tom Carr. Contact: <rganim@unlnotes.unl.edu>
NAUDEIX, LAURA (U. Catholique de l'Ouest (UCO), Angers, France). Arts.: (1) "The Choirs in the Opera: Concocting Common Sense" in Making Things Public — Atmospheres of Democracy, catalog of the exhibition of the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe, ed. by B. Latour and P. Weibel, ZKM-The MIT Press, Cambridge, March–August 2005. A brief survey of different possibilities to represent the operatic stage, a conception of the people and its participation to the action. These diverse attitudes are interpreted as a mirror of the relation between the public and the politic. (2) "La féerie sur la scène de l'Académie Royale de Musique (1673–1791)," in La Bibliothèque des Génies et des fées, dir. by Nadine Jasmin, éds. Honoré Champion, coll. Sources classiques, 2005–2006. Looking for ballets and operas which deal with fairies and magicians, an essay on definition and description of the poetical function of the fantasy on the lyrical stage. (3) "Eléments d'une poétique du ballet: les entrées de Sigalion et Polydore et Polymestor" in Polymestor et Sigalion: tragédie et ballet au collège Louis-le-Grand (1689). Analysis of the dramaturgy of a tragedy and a ballet written and performed by the Jesuit institution.
NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina). (1) Art.: "Truth and Beauty, Beauty and Truth: Is There a Classical French Esthetic?" for a Festschrift; (2) Database on opera performances during the reign of Louis XIV (with William Brooks). Section through 1687 scheduled to be online in April 2005: http://www.cmbv.com/fr/banq/fsbanq.htm. (3) Second ed. of Quinault's Livrets d'opéra, Toulouse, Littératures Classiques, 2005. French translation of Touched by the Graces: The Libretti of Philippe Quinault in the Context of French Classicism, Brussels, Mardaga, 2007. (4) Bk. on Racine and music. President, NASSCFL 2004–2006.
PERLMUTTER, JENNIFER R. (Portland State). In progress: Arts.: "Education and the Nouvelles of the Mercure Galant," for The Art of Instruction: Education, Pedagogy, and Literature in 17th-Century France, ed. Anne Birberick; "Shades of Anonymity: Women and the Ana;" "Commemoration and the Ana Savants." Editor, Actes de Portland. President, NASSCFL 2004. [Box 751 (FLL), Portland State U., Portland, OR 97207-0751, tel. 503.725.8783, email <jrp@pdx.edu>
PHENOMENOLOGY. International Society for Phenomenology, Aesthetics, and the Fine Arts. 30th Annual Meeting, 24–25 May 2006, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Topic: "Historical and Contemporary Values as Reflected in Literature." Abstracts due January 1; full papers March 1, 2006. Registration fees $125 (includes the Fine Arts conference, below). Contact: Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, The World Phenomenology Institute, 1 Ivy Pointe Way, Hanover, NH 03755. See also: 56th Phenomenology Congress (Latvia), August 24–26. http://www.phenomenology.org
PHENOMENOLOGY. International Society for Phenomenology, Aesthetics, and the Fine Arts. 11th Annual Meeting, 26–27 May 2006, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Topic: "The Happy Choice: Measure or Excess." Abstracts due January 1; full papers March 1, 2006. Registration fees $125 (includes the Literature conference, above). Contact: Patricia Trutty-Coohill, 5 Loudon Lane North, Loudonville, NY 12211. Fax: 518.465.5111. http://www.phenomenology.org
POESIE 17e. La Poésie française du premier 17e siècle. 2nd ed., revised, updated and enlarged; ed. by David L. Rubin and Robert T. Corum, Rookwood Press, 2004. Paperback, 402 pages. ISBN 1-8863-6553-9. Prepared by an international team of specialists.
PREST, JULIA (Yale). Bk.: Theatre under Louis XIV: Cross-Casting and Women's Roles in Drama, Ballet and Opera. Completed; currently seeking publisher.
PROBES, CHRISTINE (U. of South Florida). (1) Recent bk. chapter: "'N'ois-tu pas soupirer Zéphire,' 'Goûtons mille douceurs': Une exploration de la profusion des sens dans la poésie de Tristan" in Actualités de Tristan, ed. Jacques Prévot, U. de Paris: Nanterre 2003 (for 2004), pp. 241–259; (2) Recent bk. chapter: "Des lectures au sein de la famille royale: la correspondance de Madame Palatine comme révélant des modes féminins de connaissance au XVIIe siècle" in Lectrices: La Littérature au miroir des femmes, eds. Marianne Camus et Françoise Rétif, Dijon: Eds. Universitaires de Dijon, Coll. Ecritures, 2004, pp.43–52. (3) Art. in press: "Avez-vous senti Dassoucy? Pour une rhétorique des sens chez l'Empereur du Burlesque," pp.27–42 in vol ccurrently in press in France edited by Dominique Bertrand of the Université Blaise Pascal at Clermont-Ferrand; (4) Art. in press: "Les Sonnets franc-comtois de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet: la representation du 'premier lecteur' et la persuasion du lecteur ideal," pp.189–210 of volume currently in press in France and ed. by Anne Mantero of the Université of Besançon. (5) Co-edited section of refereed volume for Biblio 17; wrote 4-page introduction. Section titled, "Beaux Arts et belles lettres: Comment peut-on parler de littérature et d'esthétique au dix-septième siècle?" will contain three essays plus one short response. These papers have been selected and edited from a panel at the MLA that consisted of eight participants; in press, series editor Wolfgang Leiner. (6) Accepted, pending slight revisions: Bk. chapter for volume edited by Anne Birberick; 30-page chapter, "The Prince and the Subject at the Intersection of Emblematic Poetry and Art: Moral and Pragmatic Reflection in Jean-Baptiste Chassignet's poetry and Pierre de Loysi's Engravings," has received a positive reader's report; final revisions due by May; (7) Bk. chapter for volume edited by Sara Deats and Robert Logan. Oral acceptance, awaiting editor's written acceptance. First delivered at the Fifth International Marlowe Conference at Cambridge, England; 25-page chapter is entitled, "Rhetorical Strategies for a locus terribilis: Senses, Signs, Symbols and Theological Allusion in Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris." (8) Invited participation, currently with selection committee: art. of 21 pages, invited and in hands of editor Kanaté Dahouda; essay was first given as part of a session he organized at the international CIEF conference in Belgium; article is entitled, "La Mémoire et l'identité transmises par la femme antillaise: stratégies littérarires et cinématographiques." (9) Submitted: "Hope Kindled by a Cinema in the Service of the People? Women and the Marginalized in Recent Francophone African Films." 23-page article submitted in 2004. (10) Round-Table Presentation on Bossuet's Oraison funèbre de Henriette d'Angleterre, which may or may not become an article. (11) Art. in progress: "Bossuet, poète lyrique?" on Bossuet's little-known lyric poetry, for a presentation and anticipated article. (12) "Engraving, sonnet, devise: Harmony or Disharmony at the Intersection of Emblematic Art and Poetry in the Sonnets franc-comptois?," accepted for a presentation at an international conference (see presentations, below) and an anticipated article. (13) "Becoming Global in the Early Modern: A Case of the Emblematic in Francophonie" for a conference in 2005. (14) Panel organization for NASSCFL Conference, Portland: two sessions with eight papers on "Relating to Authority" — the first on "Religion, Government, Belles-Lettres," the second on "Theatre." (15) Executive Board and Secretary of NASSCFL; CIR 17 Executive Counciol; MLA Chair for 2005 of the XVIIe Executive Section. Contrib. Ed., French 17.
RACEVSKIS, ROLAND (U. Iowa). In progress 2005–2006: "Soft Domination: Voluntary Servitude in Corneille and Racine." [Essay explores issues of subjective collaboration with power in Corneille's Sertorius and Racine's Alexandre le Grand and Britannicus.] Forthcoming: "La Thébaïde de Racine, des seuils du pouvoir aux limites de l'existence." [Analyzes the conceptual construction of spaces surrounding the throne to which Polynice and Etéocle attempt to gain access, in La Thébaïde.] For AJFS, 2005. President and Organizer of SE17 (2006) Conference.
REPERTOIRE INTERNATIONAL DES DIX-SEPTIEMISTES. New 2004 ed. available from CIR 17. Price for North American members: US$ 24; send checks or inquiries to Volker Schröder (see above under CIR 17), or order direct (24 euros) from Charles Mazouer, 8, rue de la Chênaie, 33170 Gradignan, France. Checks to "CIR 17."
RIGGS, LARRY W. (Butler). Bk.: Molière and Modernity: Absent Mothers and Masculine Births. EMF Critiques. Charlottesville: Rookwood Press, 2005. Critique on Molière's response to modernity.
ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern). Recent: "Part VI: Research in Progress 2004," French 17, vol.52 (2004), 217–227. Paper: "Reality vs. Illusion in 17th C. Parisian Engravings," International Phenomenology Conference (ISPAFA), Harvard, 5/14/04. "Bibliography of North American Theses 2003–2004" in PFSCL, vol.XXII, no. 62 (2005), 317–330. Forthcoming: Arts.: "Perelle's Topographical Albums: Problems and Solutions" for Actes de Portland, 2005. "The 'Front de Seine' in 1630–1660," and "Perelle's Veües des Plus Beaux Endroits de Versailles." CdDS Paper: "Political Symbolism in the Porte St. Antoine," Phenomenology Conference, Harvard, 5/05. Bibliographer, NASSCFL. Directeur, Cahiers Maynard. Contrib. Ed., French 17.
RUBIN, DAVID L. (Virginia, Emeritus). Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Rookwood Press. See also EMF and POESIE 17e (supra). <administrator@rookwoodpress.com>
SADR, TABITHA SPAGNOLO (Duke). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
SATOR 05. XIXe Colloque annuel. Clermont-Ferrand. Summer 2005. Topic: "Mémoires d'Europe: topographie de la rencontre dans le roman européen." Contact: Jean-Pierre Dubost, <jpdubost@gmx.fr> Website: http://www.satorbase.org
SATOR 06. XXe Colloque annuel. U. of Montréal. 1–4 June 2006. Topic: "Le corps Romanesque: images et visages topiques sous l'Ancien Régime." Proposals relating to five "problématiques" (le corps glorieux, libertin, sensible, meurtri, représenté ou en représentation) are due by January 15, 2006. Contact: Monique Moser-Verrey, <monique.moser@montreal.ca> See also website: http://www.satorbase.org
SATOR 07. XXIe Colloque annuel. Université Denis Diderot, Paris VII. July 2007. Topic: "Le Mariage dans la littérature narrative avant 1800." Marriage as outcome / refusal / novel. Organized by Françoise Lavocat, <françoise.lavocat@wanadoo.fr> See also website: http://www.satorbase.org
SCFS. See Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies.
SCHRODER, VOLKER (Princeton). Forthcoming: Crit. ed. (with Alicia Montoya) of Marie-Anne Barbier, Cornélie, mère des Gracques (tragedy, 1703), série de rééditions de Littératures classiques, 2005; "D'Ariste à Z. . .: sur quelques clés de Boileau," in Littératures classiques 54, "Lectures à clé," ed. Mathilde Bombart and Marc Escola, spring 2005. In progress: ed. of Mme Deshoulières (poésies choisies); arts. on Boileau, L'Héritier, Deshoulières; bk. on slander, libel and satire in 17th-c. France. North American Treasurer, CIR 17; North American Correspondent, Comètes (see above).
SE 17 (2005). Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth-Century Studies, 24th Annual Conference, October 6–8, 2005, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. Sessions were: Women and Theatre; Transvestisms and Travesties; Toxins and Intoxicants; Enigmas and Mysteries; New France; Knowledge and Science; and Teaching the 17th Century. Conference highlights included a lobster bake, an exhibit of 17th-century maps and texts, a concert of North American francophone music, and a sightseeing cruise. Contact Katherine Dauge-Roth, current SE17 President and Conference Organizer. Tel. 207.725.3915, email <kdauge@bowdoin.edu>
SE 17 (2006). Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth-Century Studies, 25th Annual Conference, October 12–14, 2005, University of Iowa. Panel topics: Hell and Paradise / L'enfer et le paradis; Disease and Contagion / La maladie et la contagion; Body and Soul / Le corps et l'âme; Myths, Tales and Legends / Les mythes, les contes et les légendes; Natural Disasters / Les désastres naturels; Female Friendships / L'amitié des femmes; Teaching the 17th Century / Enseigner le 17e siècle. Contact: Roland Racevskis, Director of Graduate Studies, French & Italian, U. Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 52242-1409. Tel: 319.335.3567. Email: <roland-racevskis@iowa.edu>
SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, THE. Editor, Richard Maber. Journal covers all aspects of the 17th c. Encourages period study so as to transcend national and disciplinary boundaries. Vol. XVIII.1 (April 2003). Also accessible on-line. Two issues per year. Website: http://mupmcc.ac.uk See MABER (supra).
SHAPIRO, STEPHEN (Holy Cross). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.) / SFS (2005). 46th Annual Conference. U. of Leeds, 4–6 July 2005. Diana Knight, President. Email <conference@sfs.ac.uk> SFS Homepage: http://www.sfs.ac.uk/ Society's journal: French Studies.
SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.) / SFS (2006). 47th Annual Conference. St. Andrews University, 3–5 July 2006. Abstracts of papers for panel sessions were due by September 16, 2005. Contact: Dr. Nigel Harkness, email <conference@sfs.ac.uk> SFS Homepage: http://www.sfs.ac.uk/ Society's journal: French Studies.
SOCIETY FOR SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.) / SCFS (2005). Annual conference, 15–17 September 2005 at Exeter University, U.K. Theme: "Panglossia: Conversations, Gossip and the Voice in Early Modern France."
SOCIETY FOR SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.) / SCFS (2006). Joint conference with the British, French and North American Early Modern Societies, 28–30 June 2006, St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, U.K. Proposals were due by September 5, 2005. Contact: Dr. Nicholas Hammond, <NHammond@cai.cam.ac.uk> or website: http://www.c17.org.uk Society's journal: Seventeenth-Century French Studies.
SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE (Illinois-Chicago). Recent: Bk., Parcours lafontainien: d'Adonis au Livre XII des Fables. Biblio 17, vol. 150, Tübingen. Art., "Des dieux et des déesses dans l'imaginaire de La Fontaine," in Le Fablier, no. 16 (2005), 73–81, ed. Patrick Dandrey. Art., "Présence d'une pensée esthétique au XVIIe siècle," PFSCL, XXXII, no.62 (2005), 51–61. Bk. reviews in FR and PFSCL. In progress: "Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon: vision et esthétique nouvelles," pour les Mélanges offerts à Roger Marchal, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2006 ou 2007. "In Memoriam Wolfgang leiner," pour French 17, 2005, ed. Suzanne Toczyski. "Marc Fumaroli, interprète de Corneille, dramaturge et poète de l'humanisme chrétien," dans Oeuvres et Critiques 2007.
TOBIN, RONALD (U. California, Santa Barbara). Recent: Lead article in the October 2003 Orbis Litterarum on "Andromaque's Choice;" also, "The Commensality of Book Reviewing" in The Journal of Scholarly Publishing. In press: "L'Hospitalité dans le théâtre de Molière" in Molière hier et aujourd'hui. "Les Aventures de Dassoucy, ou l'odyssée d'un gosier" in Avez-vous lu Dassoucy? "Le Secret de Phèdre" for the new journal Cahiers de Littérature Française. "In Memoriam Wolfgang Leiner" to appear in the Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France. Current projects: a long article on "Le Secret chez Racine," and a book on "L'Hospitalité au 17e siècle."
TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE. Art. in progress: "Navigating the Seas of Alterity: Jean-Baptiste Labat's Voyages aux îles." Paper: "Libation Exploration: Caribbean Cocktails, or, What Jean-Baptiste Labat's Recipes Reveal about the Colonial Space in Fin-de-siècle Martinique," SE17, Bowdoin College, 2005. Weekly: Bay Area Francophile List, on-line, http://www.sonoma.edu/users/t/toczyski/BAFLHomepage.shtml. Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Sonoma State University. Editor, French 17: An Annual Descriptive Bibliography of French Seventeenth-Century Studies. Contact: Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Sonoma State University, 1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Tel.: 707.664.4177.
TUCKER, HOLLY (Vanderbilt). Guest Editor: "Reframing the Early French Fairy Tale," Marvels & Tales (forthcoming 2005). Co-Editor: Fairy Tales: Orality and Origins (in preparation with Ruth B. Bottigheimer, Elizabeth Harries, Sophie Raynaud, Suzanna Magnanni, Christine Jones). MSS in preparation: Graftings: Masculinity and Sexuality in Early Modern France.
VOS-CAMY, JOLENE (Calvin C.). Art. in progress: "L'influence dévote dans Les Malheures de l'amour de Catherine Bernard." Art.: "French Film Christianly: Cédric Klapisch's Un Air de famille" in Journal of Christianity and Foreign Languages 6 (Spring 2005): 36–47. "Les Folies du Roman comique," in Cahiers du dix-septième siècle (forthcoming). Contrib. ed., French 17.
VUILLEMIN, JEAN-CLAUDE (Pennsylvania State). Forthcoming: (1) "L'oeil de Galilée pour les yeux de Chimène: épistémologie du regard et la Querelle du Cid" (for Poétique). (2) "Tonner contre la tyrannie du verbe: spectacles baroques et discours classiques?" for Baroque/s et maniérisme/s littéraires: tonner contre? Institut Epistémè, Paris-3, June 2005. (3) "Jeux de théâtre et enjeux du regard" for Rotrou, une figure majeure du théâtre baroque européen, Centre du Centre d'Etudes sur la Renaissance, Tours, June 2005. (4) "Jean Rotrou, La Belle Alphrède" (crit. ed. for Théâtre complet de Rotrou, dir. G. Forestier, Paris, SDTF-Les Belles Lettres). (5) Bk., L'Amour du Baroque. Pertinence épistémologique d'un concept esthétique.
WALLIS, ANDREW (Whittier C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.
WEB 17. Ed. by Roger Duchêne (U. de Provence) is a website for those interested in 17th C. Invites additions & corrections, information about correspondence, books, articles, literary CDs, and other items of particular interest to Web readers. Announces colloquia in Europe. Editor requests suggestions for the annual Prix Web 17 prizes. http://web17.free.fr/. Contact R. Duchêne at 174, rue abbé de l'Epée, 13005 Marseille, or <rd.web17@free.fr>
ZAISER, RAINER (Köln). Art.: "Don Quichotte à la française: L'Histoire comique de Francion de Charles Sorel et le déclin du monde héroïco-chevaleresque à l'aube de l'âge moderne," in PFSCL, Vol. XXXII, No. 62 (2005), pp. 143–163. Paper: "La mise en abyme au XVIIe siècle: Récit spéculaire et métanarration dans les romans de Sorel, de Scarron et de Furetière," NASSCFL Conference in Columbia, SC, 14–16 april 2005. Editor: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature (PFSCL) Biblio 17, Œuvres et critiques. Director, CIR 17 Conférence de Kiel. : Romanisches Seminar, Universität Kiel, Leibnitzstrasse 10, D-24098, Germany. <rzaiser@gmx.de>
Willliam Roberts/ Northwestern