Exhibition: "Nicolas Poussin’s Extreme Unction"

Submitted by StarraPriestaf on 7 October 2015 at 8:40 am

When: 18 Sep 2015 to 13 Dec 2015

Where: Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archeology, University of Oxford

Overview: A recently loaned masterpiece by Nicolas Poussin, one of the most celebrated artists of the 17th century, is on display in our Baroque Art gallery.

In a scene from early Christian times, a dying man is anointed with oil by a priest, surrounded by members of his family and household. Representing the sacrament of Extreme Unction, the painting belongs to an innovative series of the Seven Sacraments commissioned in the late 1630s by Cassiano dal Pozzo.

Extreme Unction was acquired by the Fitzwilliam Museum in 2012 through HM Government’s Acceptance in Lieu scheme, with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Art Fund and numerous charities and public donations.

For more information: http://www.ashmolean.org/exhibitions/details/?exh=121