MLA 2017 Philadelphia: LLC 17th-Century French. Due date: 15 March 2016

MLA Philadelphia 2017

Call for Papers:  LLC 17th-Century French


Guaranteed Sessions:


Stories, both past and contemporary, of real-life characters; portraits, episodes, anecdotes,

and news as they relate to the general meaning and experience of a life; the intersection

of reality, fiction, and style.  300-word abstract by March 15; Jean-Vincent Blanchard



"Constructing Realities--Fiction and Meta-Fiction: relations between history/reality and

fictional worlds, quest for truth and its ﴾im﴿ possibilities in fiction, relationship between

truth/reality and power structures. 300-word abstracts by March 15; Valentina Denzel,"


Non-Guaranteed Session:  (subject to approval by the MLA program committee once the

panelists are chosen)

 “Translating the Seventeenth Century for/in the Twenty-First Century”

Problematics/boundaries of translating classical texts, impact of translations on the

construction and perceptions of classical culture; translating the ancien régime for today’s

public, including digital forms.  300-word abstracts by March 15 to