A pen of one’s own:  The legacy of Women Letter-Writers in 17th-century France (2 March 2023)

Please join us for the fourth event of University College Dublin's 2022-2023 Crossing Cultures UCD@SLCL Seminar Series:                                                                                                                                                

A pen of one’s own: The legacy of Women Letter-Writers in 17th-century France

2 March 2023 @ 6:00 pm GMT/1:00 pm EST

Zoom link: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/65261392555?pwd=eUpGWVNQOU82WDA0SU1kd3J3OWcwQT09


Dr. Nathalie Freidel (Wilfrid Laurier University) 


Emma Gauthier-Mamaril (Université de Montréal)

followed by a Q &A conversation moderated by Dr. Janée Allsman (University College Dublin)

This event is free and open to all. The event will be conducted primarily in English, with interventions in French also welcome.

Dr. Freidel will discuss her recent book, Le Temps des “écriveuses". L'œuvre pionnière des épistolières au XVIIe siècle, which explores how through letter-writing, seventeenth-century women gained access to and influenced the cultural and literary scene that they were excluded from. It also examines how and to what ends these écriveuses constructed and extended their communication networks of family, friends, and wider circles of sociability.

Emma Gauthier-Mamaril and Dr. Freidel will also demonstrate their SSHRC-funded Épistolières-17 database of 17th-century women letter writers and answer questions about this exciting ongoing project.

Organised by: Janée Allsman, Katherine Calvert, Sara Delmedico,

Serena Laiena, Laëtitia Saint-Loubert, and Valeria Taddei

With special thanks to: The Irish Research Council, Marsh's Library, and University College Dublin's School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
