The Literary Encyclopedia

Volume, French Writing and Culture of the Seventeenth Century

Dr. Heather Kirk (Brescia University College), 
Dr. Kathrina LaPorta (NYU),
Dr. Polly T. Mangerson (DePaul University),
Dr. Allison Stedman (UNC Charlotte), 

The Literary Encyclopedia ( is seeking qualified writers to enhance its coverage of seventeenth-century French literature and culture. The present call for contributions specifically targets the “People” section of the volume, and the editors are soliciting biographical articles about well-known writers, artists, and thinkers of the period. The list below is not comprehensive or final, and new proposals of writers / works / context essays that are not currently listed in our database are also welcome. However, we will prioritize articles on writers frequently studied in university courses.

All offers of contribution should come accompanied by an up-to-date CV and, in the case of doctoral students who wish to offer a contribution, also a short writing sample or letter of endorsement from their major professor. The overwhelming majority (about 90%) of our contributors are academic scholars, while the remaining percentage is made up of highly endorsed doctoral students and independent researchers.  As all articles are written in English, native or near-native writing proficiency is required.

The Literary Encyclopedia aims to deliver a global understanding of world literatures and cultures within an adaptable and responsive digital platform that is ethically conceived, minimalist, but packing great functionality. All our articles are solicited by invitation from specialist scholars in higher education institutions all over the world, refereed and approved by subject editors in our Editorial Board. The LE is thus uniquely selective, reliable and authoritative. Its online format allows for rapid publication and frequent updating of articles; its integrated digital resources (author life-chronologies, customizable timelines, thematic or course-oriented bookshelves, related article clusters, critical bibliographies) respond dynamically to teaching and learning demands.

More detailed information on the Encyclopedia – including its publishing model, editorial policies, specific information for authors etc. – can be found on its homepage at  We hope that you will join us in this enterprise. If you wish to contribute, please contact the volume editor(s) listed above, or the managing editor, Dr. Cristina Sandru (

Please email Heather Kirk and Polly Mangerson by November 1, 2022 to express interest in publishing an entry on one of the attached topics. Individual deadlines for article submissions will be arranged with the editors. Once one article has been successfully published, contributors may request to write additional articles or to propose additional topics. “People” entries are typically 2,000-2,500 words.

PEOPLE – Volume
1.    Bayle, Pierre 
2.    Bernard, Catherine
3.    Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas
4.    Charpentier, Marc-Antoine
5.    Corneille, Thomas
6.    D’Urfé, Honoré
7.    Furetière, Antoine
8.    Gassendi, Pierre
9.    Hardy, Alexandre
10.    La Bruyère, Jean de
11.    L’Hermite, Tristan
12.    Lully, Jean-Baptiste
13.    Rotrou, Jean
14.    Scarron, Paul
15.    Vivonne, Catherine de (Marquise de Rambouillet