CFP: European Studies Conference, University of Nebraska-Omaha. Due date: 18 May 2016

41st European Studies Conference


October 6-8, 2016


University of Nebraska-Omaha

Omaha, Nebraska





The 41st European Studies Conference, which will be held at the University of Nebraska-Omaha on October 7-8, 2016, welcomes papers on European topics in all disciplines. Founded in 1975, our interdisciplinary conference has drawn participants from colleges and universities in the United States and from abroad. Areas of interest have been: art, anthropology, history, literature, current issues and future prospects in cultural, political, social, economic, or military areas; education, business, international affairs, religion, foreign languages, philosophy, information sciences and technology, public administration, urban affairs, public health, music, geography, theater, and film.


Please send an abstract of approximately 250 words to: European Studies Conference, Department of Foreign Languages ASH 301, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182-0192. We encourage submission via e-mail: include your name, full address, institution affiliation, day telephone, fax and email address with the proposal.


Junior faculty and advanced graduate students are particularly encouraged to participate.

Graduate students are invited to apply for Award for the Best Graduate Student Paper in the amount of $250.


Deadline to submit an abstract for presentation is May 18, 2016.



More information:



Fax: (402) 554-3445. Tel: (402) 554-4840.