2002 Number 50
ADAMS, ALISON, STEPHEN RAWLES, & ALISON SAUNDERS. A Bibliography of French Emblem Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Vol. I. Genève: Droz, 1999.
Review: J. Britnell in MLR 97.2 (2002), 423–24: First of two volumes arranged alphabetically by author (A – K) and chronologically by edition; second volume to be published with indexes and a supplement. "The publication of Volume II will complete a hugely valuable tool of research, indispensable to all scholars concerned with emblems, and indeed of immense use to anyone interested in early-modern printing."
ALBRECHT, JÖRN. Literarische Übersetzung. Geschichte-Theorie-Kulturelle Wirkung. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 1998.
Review: W. Pöckl in RF 113 (2001), 233–235: This welcome and indispensable volume on literary translation, its history, theory and cultural influence complements previous studies such as those by Wolfgang Pöckl and the contributors to Literarische Übersetzung (1990), Henri van Hoof's Histoire de la traduction en Occident (1991), Paul Chavy's Traducteurs d'autrefois (1988), Mary Snell-Hornby et al.'s Handbuch Translation (1998) and Mona Baker's edited Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (1998).
ARVEILLER, RAYMOND. Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia), édités par Max Pfister. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999.
Review: R. Kiesler in ZRP 118 (2002), 89–92: Highly praised as an indispensable work for all scholars interested in Oriental elements as well as for diachronic lexicographers. This important tool contributes numerous new examples from hundreds of new sources. Although many of the orientalisms came into French in the 16th c., others, such as "couscous" was in its present form since 1637 (A. 339).
BENSELER, DAVID P. & MOORE, SUZANNE S. "Doctoral Degrees Granted in Foreign Languages in the United States: 2001." MLJ 86, no. 3 (2002), 423–439; French section, 429–431.
Cites dissertations (and directors) first by discipline, then by institution, then by author, with all periods intermixed. These listings began in 1926.
COLOMBAT, BERNARD. La Grammaire latine en France à la Renaissance et à l'Age classique. Théories et pédagogie. Grenoble: ELLUG, 1999.
Review: G. Holtus in ZRP 116 (2000), 799–800: Welcome and valuable work not only for Latinists but also for Romance scholars. Considers themes as crucial and diverse as tradition, function, motivation of author, public, influences, presentation, reception, etc. (799). Colombat demonstrates a triple development with regard to modification of theories, especially concerning syntax, modification of acquisition conditions and comparison with French grammar.
Titles of printed volumes vary; last cited paper vol. was 24 (1997–98). See BIBLIOGRAPHY, v.48 (2000): Part I: TYERS, MERYL.
Internet version by Intexta Web Services. For home page see: http://www.sfs.intexta.net/crsearch.asp. 17th C. section: Contact: <currentresearch@sfs.ac.uk> or http://solinux .brookes.ac.uk/sfs/crlist.php3?target=4.
GOES, JAN. L'adjectif. Entre nom et verbe. Paris/Bruxelles: Duculot, 1999.
Review: T. Tinnefeld in ZRP 117 (2001), 687–689: Praiseworthy for its contribution of several new aspects to the study of the adjective, Goes's work will be highly useful to future scholarship. Goes indicates progress in the field as well as deficits and desiderata. Important and comprehensive, Goes's monograph includes consideration of the Greek and Latin tradition, the grammar of Port-Royal and present-day manuals.
GROVE, LAURENCE and DANIEL RUSSELL. The French Emblem. Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Genève: Droz, 2000.
Review: J.-C. Margolin in BHR 63.3 (2001), 653–54: ". . .les auteurs proposent une organisation en cinq points de leur bibliographie, correspondant aux cinq chapitres de l'ouvrage: 1) Instruments de recherche; 2) Etudes générales; 3) Précurseurs des emblèmes français; 4) Auteurs des emblèmes français; 5) Applications de l'emblématique." Appendice final qui "recense, par ordre chronologique, les listes des premières éditions des livres français d'emblèmes, jusqu'à l'extrême fin du XVIIIe siècle."
Review: J.-M. Massing in MLR 97.3 (2002), 704–05: "This rich and wide ranging bibliography of French emblematic studies. . . should provide a most solid basis for the next generations of scholars."
KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 38 (2000). Ed. by Astrid Klapp-Lehrman. Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 2001
(Begun in 1956). 17th c. section, pp. 273–331.
LORIOT-RAYMER, GISELE, ed. "Dissertations in Progress," FR 75 (2001), p. 432–448.
17th c. entries, p.437 (in progress), 444 (defended). 38th annual listing of French and Francophone titles: cross-referenced; is a supplement to previous editions.
LOSADO GOYA, JOSE MANUEL. Bibliographie critique de la littérature espagnole en France au XVIIe siècle. Présence et influence. Genève: Droz, 1999. Travaux du Grand Siècle, 9.
Review: G. Jucquois in LR 54 (2000), 189: Judged indispensable for 17th c. specialists and for modernists as well, the voluminous bibliography of nearly 700 pages includes, along with references to the Spanish section, notices of the French translations. Bibliographies of editions and of works are accompanied by contextual commentary on reception.
MARCHELLO-NIZIA, CHRISTIANE. Le Français en diachronie: douze siècles d'évolution. Paris: Gap (Editions Ophrys), 1999.
Review: M. Plouzeau in RLR 105 (2000), 227–229: Important contribution to the collection "L'essentiel français," it is remarkable because of its modernity (more than half its references were published after 1990) and its "alacrité" (the work is stimulating and highly readable). Reviewer would have appreciated a more complex glossary and a bibliography of texts.
MARTIN, HENRI-JEAN. Livre, pouvoirs et société à Paris au XVIIe siècle. 2 vols. Geneva: Droz, 1999 and La Naissance du livre moderne: Mise en page et mise en texte du livre français (XIVe-XVIIe siècles). Paris: Editions du Cercle de la Librarie, 2000.
Review: J. DeJean in FrF 26 (2001), 112–113: Welcomes this re-edition of Martin's 1969 study with new preface by Roger Chartier: "should be required reading for all early modernists" (112). Also finds that La Naissance "provides a brilliant demonstration of the problem of the book as object." Martin and a team of scholars examine "all the visual factors indispensable to the format of the modern book" (113). Includes over 700 illustrations, both beautiful and informative.
MICHON, JACQUES & JEAN-YVES MOLLIER, eds. Les mutations du livre et de l'édition dans le monde, du XVIIe siècle à l'an 2000. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2001.
Review: D. McKitterick in TLS 5153 (Jan 4 2002), 26: A collection of 46 essays that treat the book in an international perspective. One section explores the publication of different types of literature, while another asks more formal, organizational questions. The editors identify three main publishing models: British, German and French. A "successful collection" designed to raise questions.
MONTADON, ALAIN, éd. Bibliographie des traités de savoir-vivre en Europe du Moyen-Age à nos jours. Clermont-Ferrand: Association des Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 1995. 2 vols.
Review: V. Kapp in RF 113 (2001), 278–279: Chronologically arranged, this bibliography is impressive by its breadth and the importance of items included for questions concerning education, ethics, theology and politics. Montadon circumscribes the material included as follows: "tout texte dans lequel les considérations concernant les interactions sociales sont premières" (vol. 1, viii). Kapp supplies several 17th c. omissions but praises the whole as meritorious, copious and highly informative. Montadon's enterprise demonstrates "l'extraordinaire fécondité du genre littéraire compris sous le terme générique de traité de savoir-vivre" (vii) and its significance for the whole of culture. Twelve essays treat the theme from the Middle Ages to the present; 17th c. specialists will particularly appreciate E. Bury's "A la recherche d'une synthèse française de la civilité: l'honnêteté et ses sources."
RANCOEUR, RENE. Bibliographie de la littérature française (XVIe-XXe siècle).
[Continued by FEREY, ERIC and FORT, SILVAIN]. Année 2001 not yet issued as of this printing.
RANKE, KURT et al. Enzyklopädie des Marchens. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, vol. 8 and 9, 1995/96, 1997.
Review: A. Gier in Archiv 237 (2000), 154–158: Highly admirable for its consistency (the project's first publication was in 1975), these volumes begin with entries in "M" and the focus has evolved from a Eurocentrism to a more inclusive perspective (an Orientalist has participated since 1986). Pertinent essays such as the one entitled "Märchen" (fairies) or the one on "Literatur und Volkserzählung" (Literature and the Folknarrative) complete these indispensable volumes. Gier offers a far-ranging commentary reminding the reader of Rousseau's view on La Fontaine's fables, for example.
ROBERTS, WILLIAM, ed. "Research in Progress." French 17 Bibliography, no. 49 (2001), Part VI, 162–175.
ROVEDA, LYNDIA. "Bernard Lamy, une poétique de l'origine du langage." DSS 214 (2002), 137–153.
An in-depth analysis of the theories outlined in Lamy's much-reprinted La Rhétorique ou l'Art de parler (1675). Convinced of the "rapport extraordinaire entre la pensée et la parole qui la traduit," Lamy's investigation into the origins of thought and word "joue un triple rôle didactique (apprendre les langues), esthétique (pouvoir juger de leur beauté), et philosophique, voire psychologique (mieux nous connaître nous-mêmes)."
SIDER, SANDRA. "New Resources for Emblem Studies." RenQ 54 (2001), 1574–1580.
Highly useful review article of excellent, recently published resources, including two bibliographies: Alison Adams et al.'s 1999 Bibliography of French Emblem Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, vol. I (Droz) and Laurence Grove and Daniel Russell's 2000 The French Emblem: Bibliography of Secondary Sources (Droz). At least three other volumes reviewed pertain to French and have "ramifications beyond emblematics" (1576). Hans J. Böker and Peter M. Daly's 1999 edition, The Emblem and Architecture: Studies in Applied Emblematics from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries (Brepols), Peter M. Daly's 1998 Literature in the Light of the Emblem. . . (Toronto UP) and Peter M. Daly and John Manning's 1999 edition, Aspects of Renaissance and Baroque Symbol Theory, 1500–1700 (AMS). Sider praises the U of Glasgow, AMS and Droz in particular as "having distinguished themselves as leaders in books about emblems," recommends highly the Glasgow Internet site: www.emblems.arts.gla.ac.uk/ as well as that of the newsletter of the International Society for Emblem Studies, "superbly edited by Alison Adams," accessed by adding SES to the above web address (1575).
THELEN, UDO. Sprachliche Variation und ihre Beschreibung. Zur Markierungspraxis in der französischen Sprachlehre und Grammatikographie zwischen Maas und Rhein vom 16. Bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999.
Review: J. Kramer in ZRP 118 (2002), 120–122: Mixed review calls for more completeness but finds profit in this well written and rich study on the history of French in Germanic territories from the Mass to the Rhein. Kramer hopes for wider considerations embracing Germany in its entirety and Austria as well.
TRETHEWAY, JOHN & SHORT, J.P., eds. Years Work in Modern Language Studies, v.61 (1999). London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2000.
17th c. section, pp. 119–150. Brief summaries of books and articles on 17th c. period. Works divided into five categories: General, Poetry, Drama, Prose, and Thought.
YEARS WORK IN MODERN LANGUAGE STUDIES. Online version, available on Internet from PCI Full Text [electronic resource] (coverage 1930–). Ann Arbor, MI: Bell & Howell, c2001–. Access: http://pcift.chadwyck.com.