French 17 FRENCH 17

1999 Number 47


ASSAF, FRANCIS (Georgia). Bk., Topique de la fiction narrative en prose pour l'année 1715 (interim title): on narrative topoi in French prose fiction published in the year 1715. Crit.ed., Antoine Houdar de la Motte's Discours sur Homère (1714). Arts., Pour une épistème lexicologique de l'esprit au XVIIe siècle: on the lexicology of the word "esprit" and its derivatives in 17th century dictionaries and other sources; L'Illusion comique: le voir et le savoir: on the modes of knowledge in Corneille's comedy. Papers, Le réalisme de l'irréel dans Le Gascon extravagant (provisional title), for conference "Le réalisme en question", U. de Bourgogne, 1/29/00; Voyageurs européens dans le Levant au XVIIe siècle: d'Arvieux, Thévenot, della Valle et le regard sur/de l'Autre, for CIR-17 conference in Bari.

BAKER, SUSAN READ (U. Florida). Intellectual biography of Robert Challe.

BURCHELL, EILEEN (Marymount C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

CHARBONNEAU, FREDERIC (McGill). Bk., Critique et apologie de la bonne chère dans la littérature française (1650–1770): fruit de recherches postdoctorales au Centre d'étude de la langue et de la littérature (CELLF) des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles a l'U. Paris-Sorbonne. Trois parties: (1) éditions, citations et commentaires de textes antiques sur la table, la gourmandise, la frugalité, (2) présentation de livres de cuisine de l'Age classique, (3) analyse la représentation du mangeur dans différents textes comiques, satiriques, burlesques et polémiques.

CIR 17. Colloque "Les Méditerrannées du XVIIe siècle," at Bari, April 13–15. Contact Prof. Giovanni Dotoli, Instituto di Lingua e Letteratura francese, Faculta di Lingue, Universita Bari, via Garruba 6, I-70121 Bari. Tel.: 0039 080 71 74 41/37. Fax: 0039 080 571 75 33 e-mail: <>.

GANIM, RUSSELL (Nebraska-Lincoln). Contrib. Ed, French 17.

GUTWIRTH, MARCEL (CUNY Grad School). Mme de Sévigné est-elle "classique"? Repenser le classicisme à partir d'une oeuvre qui se situe en marge de sa définition.

HINDS, LEONARD D. (Indiana). Bk., Narrative Trans-formations: The Death and Birth of Literature in Honoré d'Urfé's L'Astrée and Charles Sorel's Le Berger Extravagant (proposed to press). Crit. ed., l'Abbé François le Mothe le Vayer, et al., Le Parasite mormon, histoire comique. Arts in progress: Mme Deshoulières's GensTric (1680); "Honni soit qui mal y pense" II: Accusations, Witnessing, and Skepticism in Le parasite mormon; Friendship as the Foundation of Love in Madeleine de Scudéry's Histoire de Sapho (Proposal accepted, to appear in the Journal of Homosexuality and in a collection by the Haworth Press, in 2001; Curing the Anxiety of Influence: Don Quijote and Le Berger extravagant (for Early Modern French Studies, VII, in 2001). Arts. accepted: "Honni soit qui mal y pense" I: Avowals, Accusations, and Witnessing in the Trial of Théophile de Viau, in PFSCL, 2001; From Emblem to Portrait: Early Modern Notices of Selfhood in Novels by Honoré d'Urfé and Charles Sorel, in Glasgow Emblem Studies (U.K.), 2000.

HOFFMANN, KATHERYN (U. Hawaii-Manoa). Bks.: Transl., Masturbation: A History, by J. Stengers & A. Van Neck (St. Martin's Press, 2000); Phantasms of the Feminine: Strange Bodies and Monstrous Narrations in European Literature, medicine and the Press (the female body in witchcraft trials, early-modern medicine, fairy tales and fantastic literature, psychoanalytic discourse). Arts., other forthcoming: Les femmes auteurs de contes de fées: Dans les discours de la féerie, in Histoire des littératures de langues européennes — XVIIe siècle (John Benjamins); The Strange Desires of Married Women, for Dalhousie French Studies. Flying through Classicism's Night: The Witch in Myth and Religion (NASSCFL '99); It: Narrating Solitary Pleasures in the Eighteenth Century (MLA '99); A Fantasy at the Borders of Life and Death (Kentucky FL Conf. 2000).

KLEIN, NANCY D. (Independent Scholar). Bk., The Loves of Sundry Philosophers and Other Great Men, A Translation [and ed.] of Madame de Villedieu's Les Amours des Grands Hommes. Preface by Perry Gethner, Mellen Press. Arts., Feminine Views and Lifestyles in the Narratives of Mme de Villedieu, in A Labor of Love: Critical Reflections on the Writings of Mme de Villedieu, ed. Roxanne Lalande; Fables, in The feminist Encyclopedia of French Literature, ed. Eva Satori (Greenwood Publ.).

KOCH, EREC R. (Tulane). President, NASSCFL 2000 (see infra).

KRONEGGER, MARLIES (Michigan State). Arts., Poetic Inspiration and the Renewal of Life: Le Songe de Vaux, Gardens: The Relation of Man to Nature in Seventeenth Century Culture; Les sourires de Madame de Sévigné et la Provence reflétés dans sa correspondance, in Tricentennial Edition, Roger Duchêne, ed. Forthcoming: L'Esthétique d'Edgar Allen Poe, Cerisy-la-Salle, August 1–11, 1998; Intro. to a special issue on Le Baroque, in Littératures Classiques. Paper, The Plan of Life: 25 années d'Analecta Husserliana, Rome Nov. 30, 1998. Organizer, International Congress of Phenomenology, (1998). Vice President, World Phenomenology Institute; President, International Society for Phenomenology and Literature; for Aesthetics and Fine Arts.

KUIZENGA, DONNA (Vermont). Appearing: Les ruses du roman épistolaire sous l'Ancien Régime, in Les Topon de la ruse, ed. Elzbieta Grodek, Toronto: SATOR; Villedieu, Marie-Catherine Desjardins, in The Feminist Encyclopedia of French Literature, ed. Eva Martin Satori (Greenwood Press). Accepted/ In press: Cherchez l'artiste: Artistes et objets d'art dans l'oeuvre de Mme de Villedieu, in Oeuvres d'art et artistes dans la littérature française, eds. Denise Godwin & Thérèse Lassalle; Romancière a succès, succès de romancière. Mme de Villedieu et les topon, for Homo Narrativus, eds. Nathaliue Ferrand & Michèle Weil; with Francis Assaf, transl. of selections from Villedieu, for collection of works by early modern French women writers, eds. Colette Winn & Anne Larsen (Garland); The Play of Pleasure and the Pleasure of Play in the Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière, for collection of articles on Mme de Villedieu, ed. Roxanne Lalande (Fairleigh Dickenson UP). In progress: Bk., On Her Own: Masks and Gender in the Writings of Madame de Villedieu; art., Writing in Drag: Strategic Rewriting in the Early Epistolary Novel.

LEINER, WOLFGANG (U. Washington/ U. Tuebingen). Editor, PFSCL/ Biblio17; Editor Collection ELF; Editor, NASSCFL; Président, CIR 17.

MURATORE, M.J. (Missouri). Bk., Expirer au Féminin: Narratives of Female Dissolution in Neo-Classical French Texts [death or female elimination is used as a means to elucidate a theoretical problematic].

NASSCFL 2000. "Classical Unities: Place, Time, Action," Tulane University, New Orleans, April 13–16. Contact Erec R. Koch, NASSCFL President (2000), at Office of the Associate Dean, Tulane College, Robert C. Cudd Hall, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118–5698. Tel. (504) 865–5720. Fax (504) 862–9740, e-mail <>. Web site:

NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina). Trésorier, CIR 17 (cotisation $30).[Dept. of French & Classics, Univ. of S. Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208].

PETERS, JEFFREY N. Président, SE17 (1999).

PROBES, CHRISTINE M. (U. South Florida). Arts., La subversion au sein de la famille royale: Les Lettres frantaises de Madame Palatine, for SCFS; Dramatizing Renaissance History: The Role of Biblical and Theological Allusion in Pierre Matthieu's Guisade, accepted for 1999 or 2000 issue of Medievalia et Humanistica; L'entrelacement des sens et de la nature chez Jean-Baptiste Chasssignet, for. vol. publ. at Besançon; Le Jeu et la sagesse d'une princesse de la Renaissance: une enluminure de l'époque et les maximes de l'Heptameron, for Pratiques et usages des jeux et des jouets a travers les âges, vol. to be publ. at Montbrison, France; La Rhétorique des sens et la célébration des secrets de la nature chez Racine poète, to be publ. in Nice; Foxes, wolves, monkeys, stags, birds, and plants: Jean-Baptiste Chassignet's emblematic Sonnets franc-comtois, from SE17 Conference at Lexington; Correspondence as a Revealer of Ways of Knowing: Madame Palatine's Lettres françaises, submitted to C17. Paper (with Diane Turner), Images of Africans and African-Americans in Film, in revision for publ. Secretary, NASSCL. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

RACEVSKIS, ROLAND (Iowa). Bk., Time and Ways of Knowing under Louis XIV: Molière, Sévigné, Lafayette [will focus on representations of time in literary works. Close readings will be contextualized by a historical study of the science of time measurement in Early Modern Europe and particularly during the reign of Louis XIV. Art., Generational Transition in Andromaque [examines how characters refer to their ancestry while trying to forge independent identities. The argument accounts for the significance not only of the past but also of the future as a key time frame for this play (for Dalhousie French Studies)].

ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern). Forthcoming: Twenty Volumes of the Cahiers Maynard (1971–1999). A Descriptive Analysis, for CM 20 [résumés of 215 articles and notes, cross-references, reviews, indexes, c. 44 pp. Designed as a key to rich collection of recent Maynard scholarship esp. since 1974]; Arts., Boisrobert's and Saint-Amant's Pont-Neuf Poems, in C17; Perelle's Venes des plus beaux endroits de Versailles: How the engravings contribute, for C17; 17th C. Dissertations, for PFSCL.. Directeur, Cahiers Maynard. Contrib. Ed., French 17. Bibliographer, NASSCFL.

RUBIN, DAVID LEE (Virginia). Nearing completion: Bk., Re-fabulations: La Fontaine Rewriting/Rewritten — Essay on Textual Transfer. Paper, "Racine and the Disciplines of Inquiry" for the University of Salford conference on French classical theater. Lecture: Translating the Early Modern: Robert Lowell's Materialistic Phèdre invited by the Early Modern French Studies group, Oxford University. Projected: Book-length study, Against the Grain: French 'Classicism' and the Semantic of Modes. Recently publ: "Translation and Atavism: Rewriting La Fontaine" in Le Labyrinthe de Versailles, ed. Martine Debaisieux; Rewriting: a Heuristic Profile, French Forum, 24.1 (January, 1999), to be reprinted in Hypo-theses: NeoAristotelian Analysis. Editor, EMF: Studies in Early Modern France (annual), EMF Critiques, and Rookwood Texts (all three distributed in France by Librairie Honoré Champion).

SCHRODER, VOLKER (Princeton). Ed., Présences de Racine (Oeuvres &Critiques, 24.1). Bk., La tragédie du sang d'Auguste: politique et intertextualité dans Britannicus (Biblio 17, vol.119, in press). Situation des études raciniennes: histoire et littérature, in Actes du Colloque du Tricentenaire Racine (Champion). Review Editor, PFSCL.

SE17 1999 Conference. Nov. 11–13, at University of Kentucky, Lexington. Contact Jeffrey N. Peters, SE17 President, Dept. of French Lang. & Litt., Peterson Office Tower, U. Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506–0027. Phone (606) 2547–6747, Fax (606) 257–3743, e-mail <>. SE 17 Webpage:

STEINBERGER, DEBORAH B. (Delaware). Crit. ed., Françoise Pascal's Le Commerce du Parnasse (Exeter UP); transl. of selections from Le Commerce in Writings by PreRevolutionary Women (Garland Press, 2000). Art., The Difficult Birth of the Good Mother: Donneau de Visé's L'Embarras de Godard, ou l'Accouchée, in Natural Measures: Figuring Caregiving in the Early Modern period (Ashgate Publ., 2000)

SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE (Illinois-Chicago, Emerita). Recent: Dramaturgie et poétique de Racine de la Thébaïde à Bérénice, in Actes de Fordham, Francographies 1999 (no. 2, Special Nouvelle Série, 1–19). Mme de Maintenon, vue par Saint-Simon et Madame Palatine, in Albineana 10–11, 1999 (t.1 Autour de Françoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon), ed. Alain Niderst, pp. 133–46. Les femmes dans la vie et l'oeuvre de Racine, OeC 24.1 (1999), 193–213. In press: Corneille et Racine dramaturges, au-dela de la polémique et de la rivalité, in Actes du Colloque Corneille-Racine de Rouen, ed. Alain Niderst, in Biblio 17 (1999/ 2000). Les pierres et les mots: Du Bellay, Malherbe, Saint-Amant, in Tra Lit 12 (1999). In preparation: Vaux et son govt: l'exemplarité de La Fontaine, for Colloque International de Nancy, Nancy UP (2000?). The Art of Praise from Malherbe to La Fontaine, in Mélanges in honor of David Lee Rubin, ed. Anne L. Biberick&Russell Ganim (2000?). Avatars du couple chez Corneille, in Mélanges offerts a Madeleine Bertaud, ed. Luc Fraisse, Tra Lit 13 (2000).

TOBIN, RONALD W. (California-Santa Barbara). Tarte à la crème: commedia e gastronomia nel teatro di Molière (Rome, Bulzoni, 1999). Arts., Harpagon et la malnutrition, in Micromégas (1999/ 2000); Civilité et commensalité dans le Misanthrope; La poétique du lieu dans Phèdre, in Actes du Colloque Racine de Nice (1999/ 2000). President, NASSCFL (1999). Editor, Acta of colloquium on Racine et/ou le classicisme, for PFSCL (2000). Vice-Président, Société Racine.

TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE (Sonoma State). Papers: Teaching Phèdre. Desire and the Phenomenology of Action, NASSCFL-Santa Barbara (1999); L'interdit and l'entredit: The Complex Functioning of Curiosity in Célinte, SE 17, Lexington. Forthcoming: Performative Tension: Parabolic Resistance in the Pensées, in C17; Reviews of J. Lyons, The Tragedy of Origins, and Roméo Arbour, Les femmes et les métiers du livre, C17. Contrib. Ed., French17.

VAN DELFT, LOUIS (Paris X-Nanterre). Recent: Arts., Morale, anthropologie, anatomie, in Actes du Colloque "La Morale des moralistes"(1994), Klincksieck, 1999, pp. 123–37; Caractère et style, in Caractères et passions au XVIIe siècle, Actes de la journée d'étude de Dijon (1996), Eds. Universitaires de Dijon, Bourgogne UP, XCIV (1998) 13–32; La mémoire du théâtre; dans Les Caractères, in "Inventaire, lecture, invention," Mélanges Beugnot, U. Montréal, coll. Paragraphes(1999), 293–301; Du théâtre du monde à l'anatomie [table ronde sur la MS 1 de La Rochefoucauld], Biblio 17, no. 111 (1998), 57–63; La Rochefoucauld en perspective, revue Op.cit.,11 (1998), 83–92; La Rochefoucauld et l'"anatomie de tous les replis de coeur," Littératures classiques, 35 (1999), 37–62; Le mal du théâtre. Lettre d'un habitant de la Ferté-sous-Jouarre," Commentaire, 84 ((hiver 1998–99), 1107–11; Au lecteur, in "Les moralistes, Nouvelles tendances de la recherche," DSS, 202 (1999),3–8; La question du fragment [avec B. Roukhomovsky], ibid., 157–67. Forthcoming: La Bruyère en son tricentenaire: le caractère du moraliste, in Mémoires de l'Accademie dei Pericolanti (Messina); Le modèle anatomique de la forme brève, in "Les formes brèves," dir., A. Mantéro, Besançon UP; Les formes brèves, chapt.du vol. II de l'Histoire de la France littéraire (PUF); Racine et le plaisir, in Actes du colloque Racine de Dublin (1999); Actualité de Racine?, in Commentaire, 88 (hiver 2000–2001.

VEDVIK, J.D. (Colorado State, Emeritus). Editor, French 17: An Annual Descriptive Bibliography of French 17th C. Studies. No. 47 (1999). [Available from JDV, 6612 Wildflower Rd., Fort Collins, CO 80526 <>].

WILLIAMS, CHARLES G. (Ohio State). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

ARNAUD, VANESSA HEROLD (UCLA). Contrib. Ed., French 17; In progress: "Gossip as a Social Force in Seventeenth-Century French Culture" (Dissertation); Editor, Paroles Gelées (vol. 17.2, 1999) "Le Corps et l'Esprit in French Cultural Production."

MELZER, SARA (UCLA). In progress: Bk., Colonialism and Classicism: Assimilating the Barbarian 'Other' in 17th Century France; Forthcoming: "Le Paradigme du Nouveau Monde dans Le Dictionnaire Universel de Furetière"(Dix-Septième Siècle); Bk., From the Royal to the Republican Body: Incorporating the Political in 17th and 18th Century France, co-edited with Kathryn Norberg (Berkeley: U of California P, 1998); Conf., "Assimilating the Barbarian: The Problematic of the French Imperialist Ambition," SE-17, Lexington, 11/99; "Le colonialisme et le classicisme: L'histoire oubliée de la politique d'assimilation," Sorbonne, Paris IV, 5/99; "The Forgotten Story of the Sun King's Colonial Politics in the New World," Key Note Lecture at U of Miami Conference on Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Studies, 2/99. Part VI—RESEARCH IN PROGRESS

William Roberts Part VI Research in Progress

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