2012 Number 60
BRAUN, GUIDO. "L’art de la paix au XVIIe siècle. L’état de la recherche et les éditions de sources récentes sur les congrès internationaux." DDS 254 (2012), 29-41.
Examines the renewal of studies of the history of international relations from a cultural perspective. Highlights German efforts to publish sources related to the Peace of Westphalia, particularly the Acta Pacis Westphalicae and new electronic editions of treaties published by the Institut für Europäische Geschichte.
COSKI, CHRISTOPHER. From Barbarism to Universality: Language and Identity in Early Modern France. South Carolina, 2011.
Review: C.E. Campbell in "CHOICE" (Apr. 2012). "Coski (French, Ohio Univ.) traces the development of French as an important language throughout Europe. He presents six works, dating from the 16th to the 18th centuries, that in some manner treat the role and importance of French." Of interest to dix-septièmistes will be his treatment of: Discours de la méthode by Descartes (1637) and Remarques sur la langue française of Vaugelas (1647).
KELLER-RAHBÃ, EDWIGE. Les arrières-boutiques de la littérature: auteurs et imprimeurs-libraires aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Toulouse: PU du Mirail, 2010.
Review: E.E. Thompson in FR 85.5 (2012), 952-953. A valuable introduction contributes to the general lack of studies on seventeenth-century printers. The collection of essays will interest dix-septièmistes working on Jean-Pierre Camus, Parnasse satyrique, the burlesque, and the historical novella. The collection is thoroughly scholarly with an excellent detailed bibliography.
KIRCHNER, THOMAS. "La recherche germanophone sur l’art français du XVIIe siècle." DSS 254 (2012), 43-50.
Praises the role of the Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art in facilitating the "internationalization" of art history, particularly exchanges between German and French researchers. Offers an overview of current research supported by the center.
MARZYS, ZYGMUNT. Remarques sur la langue françoise. Genève: Droz, 2009.
Review: L. Rescia in S Fr 163 (2011), 162. Praiseworthy critical edition of V. due to its excellent quality allows the reader the possibility to compare the text of the first edition of 1647 with manuscript 3105 of the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal. R. notes a particularly interesting variance concerning the famous formula of "bon usage" and praises the edition for its remarkable bibliography and index, the latter including proper nouns, themes, words and linguistic forms.
SCOTT, PAUL. Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies. 71 (2009). London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2011.
SOULARD, DELPHINE. "L’œuvre des premiers traducteurs français de John Locke: Jean Le Clerc, Pierre Coste et David Mazel." DSS 253 (2011), 739-62.
Examines how three French translators adapted the rhetoric, style, and content of Locke’s philosophical writings for a French audience.
STERNKE, RENÃ. "Les classicismes comme systèmes culturels de référence." DSS 254 (2012), 117-29.
This article charts how German critics and scholars have understood the concept of classicism from the 18th century to the present and explores the possibility of a "Berliner Klassik" or Berlin-centered Classicism in the late 18th- to early 19th century.
ZAISER, RAINER. "Autour de quelques méthodes de la recherche dix-septiémiste en Allemagne : le style de Spitzer, la mimésis d’Auerbach et l’anthropologie négative de Stierle." DSS 254 (2012), 7-27.
Noting that 17th-century literary studies continue to fall under the rubric of Romance philology in the German academy, the author examines the influence of Spitzer, Auerbach and Stierle on recent scholarship, suggesting that Auerbach’s and Stierle’s legacies have been the strongest.