2006 Number 54
BADIOU-MONFERRAN, CLAIRE. Les Conjunctions de coordination ou "l'art de lier ses pensées" chez La Bruyère. Paris: Champion, 2000.
Review: E. Stark in RF 117 (2005): 355–59: Highly useful for both scholars of 17th c. linguistics and 17th c, literature, Badiou-Monferran's substantial work is organized into two main sections: "Du caractère des conjonctions de coordination; étude linguistique" and "Les conjonctions de coordination dans Les caractères. Ãtudes stylistique et littéraire". Individual chapters treat fascinating themes, such as form and sense, ethical and spiritual horizons, etc. Bibliography, annexes.
BADIOU-MONFERRAN, CLAIRE. "Psychomécanique et évolution du signifiant: le cas du coordonnant négatif à l'aube du français moderne." Langue française 147 (2005), 84–97.
Seeks a psychomechanical explanation for the change from "ne" to "ni" in cases of negative coordinating, a change which became definitive in the seventeenth century. Concludes that factors other than psychomechanics are also present.
BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANCAISE (XVIe–XXe siècle). Eric Ferey, ed. Paris, PUF, for the Société d'histoire littéraire de la France,
supported by CNRS and CNL. "Année 2004" issued as RHL "Hors série," vol. 105, 2005. 17th c. section, pp. 80–132. Authors listed alphabetically by period; general indexes of authors, titles, subjects, pp. 579–737. Formerly issued as no. 3 of RHL (separate pagination). Now apart from journal, and with single pagination only. Continues the well-known "Rancoeur Bibliography."
BURY, EMMANUEL, ed. Tous vos gens à Latin: le latin, langue savante, langue mondaine (XIVe–XVIIe siècle). Genève: Droz, 2005.
Review: n.a. in BCLF 678 (2006), 36–37: Actes d'un colloque à l'Ecole normale supérieure (octobre 2000): "Ce volume offre sans conteste un point très utile sur le rôle du latin dans la formation, la transmission et la diffusion des savoirs entre le Moyen Age et l'époque moderne."
CASTIGLIONI MINISCHETTI , VITO, GIOVANNI DOTOLI & ROGER MUSNIK. Bibliographie du voyage français en Italie du moyen âge à 1914. Fasano: Schena, 2002.
Review: F. Estelmann in RF 117 (2005): 359–62: Welcome descriptive bibliography will be of important use to scholars of travel literature. Repertoire is comprehensive; organization is according to periods.
CHATELAIN, JEAN-MARC. "Formes et enjeux de l'illustration dans le livre d'apparat au XVIIe siècle." CAEIF 57 (2005), 75–98.
Tracing the history and characteristics of "l'art du livre d'apparat dans la France du XVIIe siècle," identifying the tendency to "faire du livre autre chose que ce qu'il est naturellement et, en ce sens, à le constituer en une sorte de simulacre: simulacre de peinture, simulacre d'architecture, simulacre de sculpture."
CHEVALIER, JEAN-CLAUDE. Histoire de la syntaxe: naissance de la notion de complément dans la grammaire française (1530–1750). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006.
Review: n. a. in BCLF 683 (2006), 39–40: "Le point nodal de l'ouvrage est le passage d'une conception statique de l'analyse grammaticale du français, analyse fondée sur la notion de rection et de régime du nom (directement héritée de l'Antiquité greco-latine), à une conception dynamique, dans laquelle l'élément pris en compte n'est plus le couple non-régime, mais la structure de la proposition elle-même."
CIVIL, PIERRE & DANIELLE BOILLET, eds. L'Actualité et sa mise en écriture aux XVe – XVIe et XVIIe siècles: Espagne, Italie, France et Portugal. Paris: Presse de la Sorbonne nouvelle, 2006.
Review: n.a. in BCLF 681 (2006), 111–12: Actes d'un colloque tenu à Paris en octobre 2000: "Les batailles de cette époque-nullement pacifiques-donnaient naissance à de longues chroniques rimées ou en prose et l'imprimerie leur assurait une diffusion inconnue jusqu'alors. Il est intéressant d'étudier, à travers des exemples choisis, la tension qui existait entre les événements d'une période donnée et leur transcription dans l'ordre de l'écrit."
COMBETTES, BERNARD, ed. Evolution et variation en français préclassique. Ãtudes de syntaxe. Paris; Champion, 2003.
Review: A. Lodge in RF 117 (2005): 386–87: While Lodge praises the "substantial" and "generally worthwhile studies bearing on texts drawn from a rather neglected period in the history of French" (387), he wishes for "overall conclusions" about the "reality of 'pre-classical French'" (387). Focuses on linguistic elements such as the use of the full stop, the conjunction et, structure of the VP, relative pronouns, and 'non-attached expressions'" (387).
Titles of biennial printed volumes vary; last cited paper vol. was no. 24, (1997–98), compiled by Meryl Tyers. Separate French 17th C. section, p. 48–49. Alphabetical project classification covers all centuries, pp. 73–139. Index to Researchers, pp. 140–149.
(<sfs.ac.uk>). Internet version by Intexta Web Services; David Jones, Editor (<david.h.jones@st-johns.oxford.ac.uk>). On home page click on "17th Century" section. http://www.sfs.intexta.net/crsearch.asp. Other addresses: <currentresearch@sfs.ac.uk> or Web (17th C. directly): http://solinux.brookes.ac.uk/sfs/crlist.php3?target=4.
DAHMEN, WOLFGANG, GÃNTER HOLTUS, JOHANNES KRAMER, MICHAEL METZELTIN, WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD & OTTO WINKELMANN, eds. "Gebrauchsgrammatik" und "Gelehrte Grammatik". Französische Sprachlehre und Grammatikographie zwischen Maas und Rhein vom 16. bis 19 Jahrhundert. Romanistisches Kolloquium XV. Tübingen: Narr, 2001.
Review: G. HaÃler in RF 117 (2005): 517–18. Collection of essays drawn from the October 1998 colloque at the U. of Göttingen. Focus is on the 16th and 17 centuries. The volume is organized in three sections: "Standard und Variation in der Grammatikographie," "Fragen der Terminologie und der Unterrichtsmethodik" and "Rezeption [und] Entwicklungen." 17th c. scholars will find much of interest, for example Christian Schmitt's study on Vaugelas and Christina Ossenkop's examination of norms and realities relating to the passé simple and the passé composé in 17th c. French.
FRENCH REVIEW. "Dissertations in Progress," Gisèle Loriot-Raymer, ed. FR 79, no. 2 (2005), 477–487.
17th c. entries, p. 480 (in progress), p. 485 (defended 2004–05). Is the 42nd annual listing of French and Francophone titles. Cross-referenced, classified by century; intended as a supplement to previous editions.
HAÃLER, GERDA, ed. Texte und Institutionen in der Geschichte der französischen Sprache. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, 2001.
Review: C. Polzin-Haumann in RF 117 (2005): 100–01: This wide-ranging examination of texts and institutions in the history of the French language includes essays on subjects from the Middle Ages to the present. 17th c. specialists will particularly appreciate the examination of style and the defense of language chez Dominique Bouhours as well as an essay on the conception of the lettre in missionary grammars.
JACQUETIN-GAUDET, ALBERTE, trad. & ed. Joannes Serreius [Jean Serrier], Grammaire française (1623). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2005.
Review: n. a. in BCLF 683 (2006), 37–38: "Cette rédition reproduit anastatiquement un exemplaire de l'édition de 1623, considéré comme le dernier état du texte avant la mort de son auteur. A la suite du reprint, est donnée la traduction de l'ouvrage, accompagnée de nombreuses notes infrapaginales qui explicitent le texte ou signalent les emprunts et les parallèles chez les prédécesseurs de Serreius."
JEANDILLOU, JEAN-FRANÃOIS. "Est-ce que de Baal le zèle vous transporte? Aspects de la métaposition dans l'alexandrin classique." Poétique 145 (2006), 83–97.
Taking Racine's Athalie as a sample corpus of classical alexandrines, Jeandillou examines the movement of prepositional phrases as they relate to metrical constraints. The article takes as its starting point a distinction between alexandrines with hemistiches that can be reversed and still be grammatically accurate, such as "Du pillage du temple / épargnez-moi l'horreur," in which the placement of the prepositional phrase constitutes a stylistic choice and attempt at emphasis, and, on the contrary, alexandrines in which the placement of the prepositional phrase is determined by grammar, such as the 'irreversible' "Remets-lui le bandeau / dont tu couvris ses yeux."
JUNOD, SAMUEL, FLORIAN PREISIG & FREDERIC TINGUELY, éds. La Littérature engagée aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Etudes en l'honneur de Gérard Defaux (1937–2004). MLN 120.1 Italian Supplement Issue (2005).
Review : C. Skenazi in BHR 67.2 (2005), 771–73 : Dix essais tous d'étudiants de Defaux. Les éditeurs 《 notent la nature anachronique du terme et de la notion sartrienne d'engagement durant la période envisagée et précisent les conditions socio-politiques qui déterminent l'action d'un écrivain de ce temps : le système du mécénat, le rôle du libraire-imprimeur, l'absence de sphère publique.  》 Voir les contributions de D. Brancher qui examine 《 la façon dont le tempérament caractérise la personnalité styliqtique d'auteurs du début du dix-septième siècle  》 et d'A. Clerc 《 sur l'ambiguïté comme forme d'engagement dans les genres pastoral et utopique.  》
KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literatur-wissenschaft. Ed. by Astrid Klapp-Lehrmann. Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 2005,
Band 42 "2004." Begun in 1956; 17th c. section, pp. 332–400.
KOLBOOM, INGO, THOMAS KOTSCHI & EDWARD REICHEL, eds. Handbuch Französisch. Sprache-Literatur-Kultur-Gesellschaft. Für Studium, Lehre, Praxis. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2002.
Review: B. Kuhn in RF 117 (2005): 75–79: Recommended, if at times judged perfunctory, this compendium focuses less on literary history than on linguistics and scholarship relating to culture and the nation.
LACHAUX-LEFEBVRE, DANY. Le Discours dans le spectacle en musique de 1661 à 1686. Des comédies de divertissements de Molière aux tragédies lyriques de Quinault. Tübingen: Narr, 2002.
Review: H. Schneider in RF 117 (2005): 105–06: Both literary and linguistic perspectives inform Lachaux-Lefebvre's study which examines, in comparison, Molière's "comédies de divertissements" (with singing and dancing) with Quinault's "tragédies en musique." Methodological orientation follows Leo Spitzer and includes three sections: 1) "Un discours spectaculaire bref, et l'inventio rhétorique", 2) "Un discours spectaculaire amoureux et les dispositio et elocutio rhétoriques" (the most extensive section), and 3) didascalies and implicit qualities.
LEBSANFT, FRANZ & MARTIN-DIETRICH GLEÃGEN, eds. Historische Semantik in den romanischen Sprachen. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004.
Review: F. Rainer in RF 117 (2005): 502–504: Selected proceedings of the 2001 Munich colloque of German Romance scholars includes studies on etymology, lexicology, philology and semantics. The stimulating volume is recommended for all Romance scholars interested in historical semantics. Rainer adds his own short complementary bibliography.
LEVORATO, ALESSANDRA. Language and Gender in the Fairy Tale Tradition: A Linguistic Analysis of Old and New Story Telling. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Review: J. Jorgensen in Marvels & Tales 19.2 (2005), 316–319: Uses linguistic strategies to examine the diverse ideologies present in twelve different versions of Little Red Riding Hood, including an earlier French oral variation.
LODGE, R. ANTHONY. A Sociolinguistic History of Parisian French. Cabridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Review: J.-G. Mboudjeke in DFS 72 (2005), 149–151: "Attempting to come up with a sociolinguistic history of Parisian French is undoubtedly a remarkable achievement. As the end product stands, there is no gainsaying that it is a masterpiece. For one thing, it sheds new light on a neglected aspect of the history of Parisian French, namely its colloquial form. For another, it shows how this spoken language gradually shifted to the standard written and spoken French of today. Furthermore, it stretches from the eleventh to the twentieth centuries... Also it correlates changes in the socio-demographic configuration of Paris with changes in the French language, thus departing from the traditional approaches to language changes."
LORIOT-RAYMER, GISELE, ed. "Dissertations in Progress." See FRENCH REVIEW.
MABER, RICHARD G. Publishing in the Republic of Letters. The Menage-Grævius-Wetstein Correspondence, 1679–1692. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2005.
Review: G. Banderier in PFSCL XXXIII, 64 (2006), 300–302. "Chacune des soixante-dix lettres est éditée avec le plus grand soin, en mentionnant les ratures, les ajouts interlinéaires ou marginaux. Un résumé succinct, en anglais, accompagne chaque missive, les notes bien conçues éclairent les allusions." Reviewer impressed with the quality of the edition.
Review: L. Cruz in SCN 63 (2005), 180–182: The author examines a very specific correspondence on the editing and publication for French consumption of Ménage's Diogenes Laertius by Dutch printer Henrik Wetstein. The reviewer finds that "the letters, reprinted in their original French, constitue a valuable case study which sheds considerable light on the inter-workings of the Dutch publishing trade as well as the social and professional milieu of prominent European scholars on the eve of the Enlightenment." At the same time, however, the reviewer feels the narrow focus on a single book limits its "wider applicability."
PAGANI-NAUDET, CENDRINE. Histoire d'un procédé de style: La dislocation (XIIe–XVIIe siècles). Presses Universitaires de la Faculté des Lettres de Toulon, Babeliana, 7. Paris: Champion, 2005.
Review: Hoffmann, G. in Ren Q 58 (2005): 1341–42: "Dislocation" is not as we might think "a marker of spoken language" nor are examples "analyzable as purely grammatical phenomena." Pagani-Naudet makes it clear that dislocation "depends on context, historically defined" (1341). Praised as "a model for combining literary analysis with more rigid linguistic inquiry…[which] opens up rich new possibilities for the study of stylistic history" (1342). Index, bibliography.
(Periodicals Contents Index; now Periodicals Archive Online). In collaboration with ARTFL, provides complete text. of many important journals. Access http://pcift.chadwyck.com/; For non-subscribers, access may require going through Library "electronic resources." See YEAR'S WORK (infra).
ROBERTS, WILLIAM, ed. "Research in Progress." French 17 Bibliography, no. 53 (2005), pp.177–188.
UTHER, HANS JÃRG. The Types of International Folktales: A Classification and Bibliography. Based on the system of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 2004.
Review: Lee Haring in Marvels & Tales 20.1 (2006), 103–105: Haring notes, "Uther has brought the catalog up to date. His admirable work, already nicknamed ATU, transforms the folktale catalog. […] A typical entry summarizes the tale's general shape, gives facts 'about the tale's age, place of origin, the extent of its tradition, or other distinctive features' (13), and lists the most important bibliographical sources." Work's only drawback is that it is limited geographically to primarily European tales.
YAGUELLO, MARINA. Les Langues imaginaires: mythes, utopies, fantasmes, chimères et fonctions linguistiques. Nouv. éd. rev. et augm. Paris: Seuil, 2006.
Review: n. a. in BCLF 683 (2006), 37: "On trouvera ici donc une présentation panoramique des réflexions que le sujet du langage et des langues est susceptible de susciter. Comme espace-temps, tout d'abord à travers la première partie, 'Du mythe à l'utopie', puis la deuxième, 'Au fil du temps (XVIIe – XX siècle)'. La troisième partie entre le Marrisme et les glossolalies spirites et religieuses donne au lecteur le loisir de déambuler entre 'Les deux pôles du fantasme linguistique'. Enfin, la quatrième partie prend la défense et propose une illustration cardinale des langues naturelles et du bel air qu'elles savent prendre au regard des langues artificielles tel l'espéranto, que l'auteur préfère désigner comme langues internationales auxiliaires."
YWMLS. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. Leeds, Maney Publishing for Modern Humanities Humanities Research Association, 2006.
Hardbound vol. 66 (2004). II."French Studies: John Tretheway, "The Seventeenth Century," pp. 116–160. Analytic: brief summaries combined at times with short commentaries of recently published works in French studies in the 17th century. Authors listed alphabetically according to the following five categories: General, Poetry, Drama, Prose, Thought. Begun in 1929.
Online full text coverage for 1930–1994, available on Internet from PCI (Periodicals Full Text). Ann Arbor, MI, Bell & Howell, c2001. Subscriber access: http://pao.chadwyck.com. Select "Browse," and double click "Literature;" then scroll down to YWMLS, and click on vol. no., up to 56 (1994), for Table of Contents. A wider Author Search, and e-mail recovery available. Some patience advised.