French 17 FRENCH 17

1994 Number 42


AYRES BENNETT, WENDY. "Negative Evidence: Or Another Look at the Non Use of Negative Ne in Seventeenth Century French." FS 48 (January 1994), 63–85.

Rekindles without conclusive resolution the old debate of whether the non use of the negative ne is a modern phenomenon or in fact "inherently present in the language of all ages."

CHARTIER, ROGER. The Order of Books. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1994.

Review: Patrick Henry in P&L 18 (1994), 418–20: "In three short essays, C. studies the methods used to regulate and order the growing number of texts in France during the period that runs from the end of the Middle Ages through the eighteenth century, from early handwritten books to later printed volumes. Always central to his project, however, is the impact of this early modern history of the book on the modern world: the invention of the author, the dream of a universal library (real or imagined), and the new definition of the book that created an indissoluble connection between an object, a text, and an author. Most interestingly," in H.'s view, "he simultaneously examines the production and regulation of meaning by material forms and the rebellious act of reading that often subverts the strictures imposed on it." Definitions of "author" found in dictionaries by Furetière (1690) and by Richelet (1680) are compared with those found in late 16th century Bibliothèques. H. calls this work by C. "an important study for critical theory in general and for the cultural history of the book in particular."

DECLERCQ, GILLES. "Boileau Huet: la querelle du Fiat lux," in Pierre Daniel Huet (1630–1721). Actes du colloque de Caen (November 12–13, 1993). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 83 (1994), 237–262.

D. shows that especially as a philologist H. is a modern: "Des Anciens dont il est trop vite qualifié comme l'évident représentant, il faut plutôt dire, au sens hégélien du terme, qu'il les accomplit, ouvrant la voie à la raison critique sur les ruines de l'ère de l'éloquence."

DESGRAVES, LOUIS. L'Aquitaine aux XVIe–XVIIIe siècles. Institutions et culture. Bordeaux: Fédération historique du Sud-Ouest, 1992.

Review: M. Lurton in RFHL 80–81 (1993), 385–386: This work studies the history of printing in the province of Guyenne: most printers were established in Bordeaux and, during the 17th century, were as active as their Parisian and Lyonnais competitors. According to the reviewer, this publication "offre aux spécialistes et au public cultivé une synthèse très neuve sur l'histoire du livre et de la culture en Aquitaine tout au long des trois siècles de l'histoire moderne".

FOOT, MIRJAM M. Studies in the History of Bookbinding. Hampshire, Eng.: Scolar, 1993.

Review: E. A. Swaim in Choice 31 (1994), 1280: "The British Library's expert on binding decoration here collects dozens of her articles ... on the history of bookbinding and related subjects .... Although F. emphasizes hand binding, mostly before 1800, . . . her coverage ranges from the 15th through the 20th centuries, from specific bindings and binders and collectors to broader topics like bookbinders' price lists of the 17th and 18th centuries .... F.'s scholarship reveals ..., as she notes, bookbinding as a mirror of the history of the book and of society at large."

GOSSART, JANINE. "Catalogue de l'exposition Pierre Daniel Huet (1630–1721)," in Pierre Daniel Huet (1630–1721). Actes du colloque de Caen (November 12–13, 1993). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 83 (1994), 267–276.

HELLER, LANE M., and THERESE GOYET. Bibliographie Blaise Pascal (1960–1969). Clermont Ferrand: Adosa et CIBP, 1989.

Review: A. McKenna in PFSCL 31 (1994), 256: The first installment (volumes for the 70's and 80's are planned) of an effort aimed at filling the gap that precedes the computerized bibliographies. An excellent research instrument for a decade rich in historical readings of Pascal.

JENNY, JEAN. "Marasme d'une imprimerie berruyère au milieu du XVIIe siècle. Jean Chaudière." RFHL 78–79 (l993), 53–87.

Most 16th and 17th-century printers established in the Berry province were impoverished artisans whose production remained quite limited. The career of the Bourges printer Jean Chaudière (1615–1662) is typical: he could only publish "arrêts", "ordonnances" and "lettres pastorales" while making almost no profits.

JUBERT, GERARD. Ordonnances enregistrées au Parlement de Paris sous le règne de Henri IV. Inventaire analytique des registres Xia 8640 à 8646. Paris: Archives Nationales, 1993.

Review: J.-C. Tillier in RHLF 80–81 (1993), 386–387: ". . . cet ouvrage mérite d'être signalé pour les services qu'il pourra rendre aux spécialistes de l'histoire du livre. Il constitue un précieux instrument" because it will enable scholars to have easy access to any previously hard to find "ordonnances enregistrées sous le règne de Henri IV".

KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. by Astrid Klapp Lehrmann. Vol. 31 (1993). Frankfurt: V. Klosterman, 1994.

MERCER, ALAIN. La Littérature facétieuse sous Louis XIII (1610–1643): Une bibliographie critique. Geneva: Droz, 1991.

Review: Neil Kenny in FS 47.3 (July 1993): A "valuable research tool" which describes relatively unknown texts. "Not totally reliable."

NARDIS, LUIGI DE, ed. Regole della traduzione. Testi inediti di Port Royal e del "Cercle" di Miramion. Napoli: Bibliopolis, 1991.

Review: I. Landy Houillon in PFSCL 21 (1994), 577–578: The role played by Port Royal as a translation center: the cultural importance of the French language, comparative linguistics,translation and neo classical esthetics, the fidelity of translation, translation as a pedagogical exercise, and the apologetic issues involved in translation. A highly valuable study.

PAULTRE, ROGER. Les Images du Livres. Emblèmes et devises. Paris: Hermann. 1991.

Review: Anne Elisabeth Spica in DSS 182 (janv-mars 1994), 195–96: Meilleure étude de ce genre grâce à une analyse sensible et à l'excellent choix des exemples.

POULOUIN, CLAUDINE. "Pierre Daniel Huet, bibliographie chronologique," in Pierre Daniel Huet (1630–1721). Actes du colloque de Caen (November 12–13, 1993). PFSCL/BIBLIO 17, 83 (1994), 263–266.

RANCOEUR, RENE. Bibliographie de la littérature française (XVIe–XXe siècles). Année 1993. Paris: A. Colin, 1994.

17th c. section, pp. 46–79. Also issued as no. 3–4 of RHL 94 (1994), 334 pp.

RANUM, PATRICIA. Méthode de la prononciation latine dite 'vulgaire' ou 'à la française': Petite méthode à l'usage des chanteurs et des récitants d'après le manuscrit de Vom Jacques Le Clerc (vers 1665). Marseille: Actes SUD, 1991.

This text provides a clear phonetic guide for modern interpreters of French baroque liturgy in Latin.

RICKARD, PETER. The French Language in the Seventeenth Century: Contemporary Opinion in France. Cambridge: Brewer, 1992.

Review: C. Smith in MLR 89 (1994), 748–49: Substantial collection of texts grouped into seven parts: "The Antecedents of the French Language; Spelling and Pronunciation; Grammar; Lexicography; Usage; Stylistics; The Praise of the French Language. Impressive erudition of references.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM. Bibliography of North American Theses on Seventeenth Century French Literature (1993). PFSCL 31 (1994), 307–316.

A compilation both of completed theses and theses in progress listed by author and including a general category. Coverage corresponds to vol. 53 of DAI (7/92 6/93). Lists 106 active and recent items, of which 93 completed in literary and background areas.


1995 Research in Progress/ Dissertations listings are being compiled now. Send info. on French, Comp. Lit. and background to W.R., Fr. & It., Northwestern U., Evanston, IL: 60208

SGARD, JEAN, éd. Dictionnaire des Journaux (1600–1789). 2 vols. Paris/Oxford: Universitas/The Voltaire Foundation, 1991.

Review: M. Cook in MLR 89 (1994), 770–71: Dictionary serves as an "authoritative and reliable guide to the press during this important period." Excellent reference work. Reviewer hopes for extension beyond 1789. These "two superbly produced volumes" give information on 1,267 periodicals which existed at the time .

SINGER, ARMAND E. The Don Juan Theme: An Annotated Bibliography of Versions, Analogues, Uses and Adaptations. Morgantown: West Virginia UP, 1993.

Review: A. Owen Aldridge in SoAR 59.3 (1994), 109–111: "Access to almost anything one would need or want to know about any of the treatments of the theme or references to the personality of D. J. can be found in S.'s bibliography .... The present volume cannot strictly be called either a revision or an expansion [of S.'s earlier work on this subject]. Although it supplants its forerunner by greatly expanding the list of titles and versions in the direct line from Tirso de Molina's play, it abandons the category of criticism, both of individual works and of the theme in general. For this reason it would be a mistake to assume that the present publication renders the previous ones obsolete." "Probably no other bibliography of a literary theme in Western literature can compete with the present volume in detail, completeness, and accuracy."
Review: B. E. Brandt in Choice 31 (1994), 1104: "For more than 40 years, S. has gathered versions of the D. J. theme. His A Bibliography of the Don Juan Theme (1954) identified 1,370 versions .... A new edition (The Don Juan Theme, 1965) increased the total to 1,985 versions, and five supplements added 600 more. The present edition identifies some 3,300 D. J. versions from folklore, literature, music, art, puppet plays, movies, and television. There are sub sections on D. literary figures . . . or more generally, types such as viveurs and libertines. Works indebted to a particular version of D. J. are cross-referenced after their source. A final chronological listing of all the variants discussed adds greatly to the book's usefulness. The previous editions included critical works as well as versions of the D. J. theme. These would now have numbered 5,000 and are excluded for reasons of space. Hence, for secondary criticism, the 1965 edition and its supplements will still prove useful."

STENZEL, HARTMUT. "Gabriel Naudé et l'utopie d'une bibliothèque idéale." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 80 (1993), 103–115.

Essay on the loss of Mazarin's library during the Fronde and the librarian's distress: "Vision dépassant l'affection subjective, la réaction de Naudé implique une conception de la formation et du statut d'un savoir dont il conçoit la bibliothèque comme le lieu de mémoire par excellence." The destruction of the ideal library inaugurates a new form of knowledge.

TAVONI, MARIA GIOIA. La Biblioteca Communale di San Miniato: il fondo antico (secc. XV–XVIII). San Miniato: Comune di S. M., 1990.

Review: R. Darricau in RHLF 80–81 (l993), 383–384: The Library of San Miniato, founded in 1644 by the Affidati Academy of Arts and Sciences, contains rare French books from the 16th and 17th centuries.

WOOLDRIDGE, TERENCE RUSSON. Le grand dictionaire françois latin (1593–1628). Histoire, types, méthodes. Toronto: Paratexte, 1992.

Review: F. Hausmann in PFSCL 31 (1994), 304: A study of Robert Estienne's dictionary: "Peu à peu, les débuts de la lexicographie française émergent de la brume . . . ."

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